Peter Oswald
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
… more"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on t… [view original content]
[stay together]
I have to agree with LiquidChicagoTed, they are very close to finding Alice, if they find, its better they be together in… more order to go before something bad happens.
I would like to know how each character's fate, I still do not quite know what happened to Angela.
Peter Oswald
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
… more"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on t… [view original content]
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's agreeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the first to be able to react. He pulled his pistol out and fire off two rounds. Both Molly and the infected dropped to the ground.
"Molly? Are you alright?" Rodger asked as he rushed forward and threw the infected off of her. She was holding her side and crying.
"You-You shot me..." She whispered.
"You'll be fine... We- we'll get you back safe." Rodger said.
"No..." Molly whimpered.
"You're going to be fine, i missed any vital organs. Were going to find Alice and take you to the hospital, okay?" Angelica said. trying to reassure her.
"No!" Molly shouted. "You cant... You cant take me." She said.
"Why? You'll be fine." Rodger said.
"I was bit. damnit I was bit...." She said. "I don't want to turn... Please don't let me turn..." She cried. Angelica got closer to her looking for the bite.
"Where?" She asked. Molly pulled down her shirt collar to reveal a bite, on her shoulder.
"We cant cut it off. If it was an arm or a leg, maybe. But this is her shoulder." Rodger said.
"Dont let me turn!" She cried out again. Rodger took a deep breath and turned to Angelica.
"Look away." He instructed as he looked looked back at Molly.
"I'm sorry it came to this." Rodger said.
"Find her... Find Alice." Molly whimpered.
"We will. I promise." Rodger said as he raised his gun to her head.
"I don't want to die... I don't want to die..." Molly said, as tears began rolling down her cheeks. Rodger could barley contain his tears as his hands shook. His finger flinched and his arm recoiled. Molly fell dead in the street with blood pooling around her. Rodger wiped his forehead with his sleeve.
"We... We should get moving." He said.
"Katheryn." Is all Angelica could say. Rodger looked up and saw her laying, curled up in the street, gripping her shoulder. Rodger forced himself to get up and run over to her.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. You re-opened the wound." Rodger said. "Can you walk?" He asked.
"I-I'm fine... I can manage." She said.
"You dont have to be fine. I can help you." Rodger said.
"I said I'm fine." She said, pushing herself up with much effort.
"Hey!!!" A new voice yelled. Rodger looked around and saw nothing. "Hey!!!" It yelled again. Rodger looked up and saw a figure standing on a rooftop. He couldn't make out any features. "Infected are closing in on you! Get up here!" The figure yelled. Rodger looked back down the road and to his horror he saw a hoard of infected shambling their way.
"Shit move!" Rodger yelled.
"Were just going up on a roof with someone we dont know?" Angelica asked.
"We dont have a choice!" He said as he ran across the street with the others hot in pursuit. He bolted down the alleyway until he ran into a dead end.
"The ladder! Right there!" The figure yelled pointing out a ladder laying on the ground. Rodger quickly lifted it up and threw it against the wall, climbing upwards with Angelica right behind him and Katheryn behind her. Rodger launched himself over the wall and onto the roof and a second later Angelica was up too. Rodger looked back over the edge and saw Katheryn at the bottom of the ladder, struggling to climb. He saw infected begin to pour into the alley. He extended his hand as far as he could reach.
"Kat! Grab hold!" He yelled. Katheryn extended her arm as far as she could reach and her fingertips brushed his hand. Rodger leaned over farther until he could completely grab her hand, then he began pulling upward. The infected crashed into the ladder causing it to fall, Rodger almost lost his grip on Katheryn as her weight was no longer supported. An infected reached up and gripped her ankle, pulling her downwards. Rodger could feel himself losing strength but didn't let go. He pulled upward with all his strength and could feel himself gaining some ground, but not much.
"Shit! Rodger hold on, I'm coming!" Angelica yelled.
"Rodger!" Katheryn yelled. Rodger looked her in the eyes.
Rodger Navy
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's ag… morereeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the… [view original content]
Yeah, I guess the same thing happened to me too. I just posted 3 chapters in less than a week.
Btw, I just finished chapter 9, if you want to vote on that.
Rodger Navy
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's ag… morereeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the… [view original content]
Oh yes, it's back! That's awesome And that part was very intense!
[pull her up]
With Philip, John and Alice missing in action and Marcus and Sammy too far away and in absolutely no shape to help anyone, Katheryn is one of the last group members left who could be able to protect the group, as soon as her injuries are healed of course. Loosing her directly after loosing Molly would be a hard blow for the groups strength. Aside from that, Katheryn is cool and I like her a lot, so I'm giving it a try. I just hope that this won't cause the death of Rodger.
Rodger Navy
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's ag… morereeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the… [view original content]
Rodger Navy
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's ag… morereeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the… [view original content]
Oh yes, it's back! That's awesome And that part was very intense!
[pull her up]
With Philip, John and Alice missing in action and Mar… morecus and Sammy too far away and in absolutely no shape to help anyone, Katheryn is one of the last group members left who could be able to protect the group, as soon as her injuries are healed of course. Loosing her directly after loosing Molly would be a hard blow for the groups strength. Aside from that, Katheryn is cool and I like her a lot, so I'm giving it a try. I just hope that this won't cause the death of Rodger.
Rodger Navy
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's ag… morereeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the… [view original content]
Angelica crumpled onto the roof and began breathing heavily, trying to regain her breath.
"Kat! Grab hold!" She hear Rodger yell and she looked up. She saw Rodger lunging over the wall to grab hold of Katheryn's hand. He was struggling to pull her up as the infected attempted to pull her down.
"Shit! Rodger hold on. I'm coming!" She yelled as she forced herself up and ran to the edge to help. She grabbed Katheryn's other arm and began pulling up.
"Keep pulling!" Rodger yelled.
"Just let me go!" Katheryn yelled.
"I am not going to let you die!" Rodger yelled as he heaved upward with Angelica's help. Both of them pulling together at the same time were able to break the infected's grip and they hauled Katheryn back over the edge. The three of them fell to the roof recovering from what just happened. After a few moments of just sitting Katheryn engulfed Angelica and Rodger in a hug.
"You saved me."She said in a shaky voice.
"Hey, we protect our own. I won't let anything happen to you." Rodger said.
"I'd hate to break up the love fest over there, but would someone please tell me who the hell you people are?" A woman's voice asked. Angelica turned and faced her, then her jaw dropped.
"Rodger..." Angelica mumbled.
"What?" Rodger asked.
"Look." Angelica said. Rodger turned to face the woman and his eyes widened.
"Holy shit." He said. "Alice?" He asked. The woman's expression softened as a smile pulled at her lips.
"Rodger." She said.
"I knew you were alive. I knew it." Rodger said as he pushed himself off the ground and embraced her in a hug.
"How did you end up up here?" Angelica asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if i told you." Alice said.
"Nothing would surprise me after today." Angelica said.
"Alright, It was Jake Kutcher. I was cornered in the alleyway and he threw the ladder down to me." Alice said.
"Are you feeling okay?" Angelica asked.
"I told you you wouldn't believe me." Alice said.
"So what next?" Angelica asked.
"I've been trying to figure that out since I got stuck up here." Alice said.
"Kat, how's your arm feeling?" Rodger asked.
"Like hell froze over. But I think I'll be fine." Katheryn answered.
"Let me look at it anyways." Rodger said, moving over to Katheryn.
Omar Taylor
"Well, that went better than expected actually." Omar said.
"What were you expecting to happen?" Hank asked.
"Well, for one I expected everyone to refuse to take up arms. But now they're all out for blood." Omar said.
"That's just what we need. They have a purpose, they have motivation." Hank said.
"Just how I like them. Now comes the fun part." Omar said.
"What's that?" Hank asked.
"You get to take these civilians and put them through training with the already limited supplies we have." Omar said.
"Oh fun." Hank said.
"Take half of them out into the parking lot, put up some targets and teach them how to shoot. That's what's most important right now, if you have time do some hand-to-hand combat skills, with these woodland fuckers you never know how bloody it will get." Omar said.
"You got that right." Hank said as he walked away and worked on splitting up the group.
"Eva." Omar said.
"Yes." Eva answered.
"I want you to take the other half of this group to the weight room, they have one here in this hospital. Work on physical strength, bend them but don't break them. Not yet at least." Omar said.
"You seriously want me to work with a group? I can barely work with you." Eva said.
"You're going to have to find a way. I can't do this on my own." Omar said.
"Alright, alright. I'll do it. But what are you going to do?" Eva asked.
"Someone has to put up defenses." Omar said.
"Won't you need help with that?" Eva asked.
"I'll find someone." Omar said.
"Take Eva. I can help out in the weight room." A new voice said. Omar turned and saw Marcus leaning on crutches nearby.
"Marcus, you're in no shape to be even out of bed, much less try to train these people." Omar said.
"So you want to try and put up defenses around this place all on your own? Omar, I've seen your skill level in this kind of stuff and if I'm going to be honest, you suck. I'm hurt. Not dead, I can still help so stop trying to act like I'm a child. This is just telling people what to do, I won't even lift a finger." Marcus said.
Ah, a new part! Awesome The Angelica POV was great, seeing Alice and Roger reunited was sweet. Omar's PoV was great too, I'm very excited for this mainland storyline.
[Allow Marcus to oversee the training.]
I think after all they did for him and Samantha and Richards, Marcus feels indebted to these people and will probably try his best to help them in some way regardless if Omar allows him to oversee the training or not. And overseeing the training holds (theoretically) far less potential for him to get hurt than other activities, so it would be a good start to make him feel better and to help the military out in some way. Besides, this allows Omar to have some backup when putting up the defences.
Angelica Dawson
Angelica crumpled onto the roof and began breathing heavily, trying to regain her breath.
"Kat! Grab hold!" She hear R… moreodger yell and she looked up. She saw Rodger lunging over the wall to grab hold of Katheryn's hand. He was struggling to pull her up as the infected attempted to pull her down.
"Shit! Rodger hold on. I'm coming!" She yelled as she forced herself up and ran to the edge to help. She grabbed Katheryn's other arm and began pulling up.
"Keep pulling!" Rodger yelled.
"Just let me go!" Katheryn yelled.
"I am not going to let you die!" Rodger yelled as he heaved upward with Angelica's help. Both of them pulling together at the same time were able to break the infected's grip and they hauled Katheryn back over the edge. The three of them fell to the roof recovering from what just happened. After a few moments of just sitting Katheryn engulfed Angelica and Rodger in a hug.
"You saved me."She said in … [view original content]
Angelica Dawson
Angelica crumpled onto the roof and began breathing heavily, trying to regain her breath.
"Kat! Grab hold!" She hear R… moreodger yell and she looked up. She saw Rodger lunging over the wall to grab hold of Katheryn's hand. He was struggling to pull her up as the infected attempted to pull her down.
"Shit! Rodger hold on. I'm coming!" She yelled as she forced herself up and ran to the edge to help. She grabbed Katheryn's other arm and began pulling up.
"Keep pulling!" Rodger yelled.
"Just let me go!" Katheryn yelled.
"I am not going to let you die!" Rodger yelled as he heaved upward with Angelica's help. Both of them pulling together at the same time were able to break the infected's grip and they hauled Katheryn back over the edge. The three of them fell to the roof recovering from what just happened. After a few moments of just sitting Katheryn engulfed Angelica and Rodger in a hug.
"You saved me."She said in … [view original content]
Angelica Dawson
Angelica crumpled onto the roof and began breathing heavily, trying to regain her breath.
"Kat! Grab hold!" She hear R… moreodger yell and she looked up. She saw Rodger lunging over the wall to grab hold of Katheryn's hand. He was struggling to pull her up as the infected attempted to pull her down.
"Shit! Rodger hold on. I'm coming!" She yelled as she forced herself up and ran to the edge to help. She grabbed Katheryn's other arm and began pulling up.
"Keep pulling!" Rodger yelled.
"Just let me go!" Katheryn yelled.
"I am not going to let you die!" Rodger yelled as he heaved upward with Angelica's help. Both of them pulling together at the same time were able to break the infected's grip and they hauled Katheryn back over the edge. The three of them fell to the roof recovering from what just happened. After a few moments of just sitting Katheryn engulfed Angelica and Rodger in a hug.
"You saved me."She said in … [view original content]
Angelica Dawson
Angelica crumpled onto the roof and began breathing heavily, trying to regain her breath.
"Kat! Grab hold!" She hear R… moreodger yell and she looked up. She saw Rodger lunging over the wall to grab hold of Katheryn's hand. He was struggling to pull her up as the infected attempted to pull her down.
"Shit! Rodger hold on. I'm coming!" She yelled as she forced herself up and ran to the edge to help. She grabbed Katheryn's other arm and began pulling up.
"Keep pulling!" Rodger yelled.
"Just let me go!" Katheryn yelled.
"I am not going to let you die!" Rodger yelled as he heaved upward with Angelica's help. Both of them pulling together at the same time were able to break the infected's grip and they hauled Katheryn back over the edge. The three of them fell to the roof recovering from what just happened. After a few moments of just sitting Katheryn engulfed Angelica and Rodger in a hug.
"You saved me."She said in … [view original content]
"Fine, go train them. But I swear if you get yourself hurt I will chain you to your bed." Omar said.
"Right then." Marcus said as he walked off.
"So what's the story behind you two?" Eva asked.
"Me and Marcus were in the marines together. We were good friends before that to. I was kinda an ass when he left the military though, and now I feel bad about it. But what can you do?" Omar said.
"What we can do is start by fortifying the front wall and the parking lot." Eva said.
"So you don't even care? I mean, my story doesn't even interest you?" Omar asked.
"Nah, I'm more interested in locking this place down. It'll be like fort knox when I'm done with it." Eva said.
"So where do we start?" Omar asked.
"Let's get into some of those cars in the lot and push them around to make a wall around the front." Eva said. "We'll block off the entrances to make it harder for any vehicles to get in. And then we'll have to do something about all of these windows. I mean, look at this place. Full of glass, just welcoming a half-assed sniper to come in and pick us off. Maybe later we could take some of our heavy weaponry and put i ton the second or third floor so they could have a better view. Take a snipe up to the roof to provide cover." Eva said.
"You've had this planned for awhile, haven't you?" Omar asked.
"Oh, that' only the beginning. But let's get to work, those tree huggers won't wait for us." Eva said as she walked out the front door into the parking lot. "Jack pot." She said as she walked towards an ambulance. "This will make one heavy duty roadblock." She said as she opened the door and climbed in. "Omar, See if you can't get any other cars started and pull them around the perimeter of the lot, get them as close together as possible."
"On it." Omar said. Eva closed the door and started the engine. She pulled the ambulance up to the entrance and turned it to block as much space as possible before killing the engine. She then jumped out of the ambulance and walked back through the parking lot to find Omar, he was about to block off the other entrance when she stopped him.
"Wait, hold it." Eva said.
"what?" Omar asked.
"Don't block that exit yet." Eva said.
"Why?" Omar asked.
"You and me are going for a ride. Now move over. I'm driving." Eva said. Omar reluctantly switched over to the passenger seat of the car as Eva got into the drivers seat.
"Where are we going?" Omar asked.
"We won't be gone long. Promise. I just want to check something out." Eva said.
"Oh, another one of your wild goose chases?" Omar said.
"Shut up." Eva snapped back. After a few minutes of driving Eva spotted what she'd been looking for. A semi, stalled on the side of the road.
"Seriously? You want a semi?" Omar asked.
"No. I want what's inside it." Eva said.
"What's inside it?" Omar asked.
"No clue." Eva said.
"Thats great." Omar said as Eva pulled the car to a stop behind the semi.
"Whatever it is sure is a long ways from home." Eva said noticing the California licence plate. Eva opened the door and got out, walking up to the back of the trailer with Omar right behind her.
"So, before I open it, you want to take any guesses on what's inside?" Eva asked.
"I hope guns and ammo." Omar said.
"I doubt it." Eva said as she stepped up and flipped the latch pulling the door open.
"The hell is that?" Omar asked looking inside. Eva pulled out her flashlight and looked around for a moment.
"Sheet metal." She said.
"Sheet metal? So your telling me we came all the way out here for nothing?" Omar said.
"No. This is good. We can use this to our advantage. Set up barricades, block windows. There's a shit ton of it in here." Eva said.
"And it belongs to us." A voice said behind Eva. She turned around and saw a man standing with a rifle pointed at her.
"Who is this guy?" Omar asked.
"A God damned tree hugger." Eva said.
"How do you know?" Omar asked.
"The numbers on his arm, it's an identification code used by them." Eva said.
"What do we do?" Omar asked.
"On the count of three, I run left you run right. Regroup in front of the truck." Eva said.
"Step away from the truck, with your hands where I can see them." The man said.
"Three." Eva said, ignoring all the other numbers. She took off running and Omar did the same. The gunner was in complete disarray, but came to his senses and began to fire at Eva, completely missing.
Omar Taylor
Omar leaped into cover in front of the truck. He could hear gunfire but wasn't sure if it was aimed at him or Eva. He looked over and didn't see her, and his heart began to race, Did she get hit? But only seconds later she bolted around the corner and sank down in front of the truck.
"What do we do?" Omar asked.
"You were a fucking marine, don't you know anything?" Eva demanded.
"Yeah I know stuff." Omar replied.
"Sure. Can you drive this rig?" Eva asked.
"Yeah. I know how to." Omar said.
"Good, because I don't." Eva said. She peeked around the corner of the truck and looked around and suddenly a gunshot want off and she jerked back grabbing her head. "Fuck!" She yelled.
"Shit! What happened? Move your hands!" Omar said, pulling Eva's hands away from her head. Sure enough, she was bleeding from her head. "You weren't hit. It just skinned you thank God." Omar said.
"Fucking scared the shit out of me." Eva said. "But, there's more back there now. About six." She said.
"Damn it, we'll never get inside that truck with all of those tree huggers back there." Omar said.
"I have an idea." Eva said, pulling a small notebook out of her pocket. "This is everything I thought of. Detailed maps of the hospital and a few notes on where to put up barricaded and such." She said handing it to Omar. "I trust you can read." She said as Omar grabbed the notebook.
"Why are you giving this to me?" Omar asked.
"Look, when I distract them, get in the truck and go. Don't look back. If I survive I will meet you at a rally point three klicks west of the hospital." Eva said.
Eva Tanner
"Fine, go train them. But I swear if you get yourself hurt I will chain you to your bed." Omar said.
"Right then." Marcus s… moreaid as he walked off.
"So what's the story behind you two?" Eva asked.
"Me and Marcus were in the marines together. We were good friends before that to. I was kinda an ass when he left the military though, and now I feel bad about it. But what can you do?" Omar said.
"What we can do is start by fortifying the front wall and the parking lot." Eva said.
"So you don't even care? I mean, my story doesn't even interest you?" Omar asked.
"Nah, I'm more interested in locking this place down. It'll be like fort knox when I'm done with it." Eva said.
"So where do we start?" Omar asked.
"Let's get into some of those cars in the lot and push them around to make a wall around the front." Eva said. "We'll block off the entrances to make it harder for any vehicles to get in. And then we'll have to … [view original content]
Oh yes, I love it! This story started strong already and got only better from part to part. I especially love the tons of twists you put in and all the stuff that is happening, which really makes the story unpredictable and highly enjoyable.
Oh yes, I love it! This story started strong already and got only better from part to part. I especially love the tons of twists you put in and all the stuff that is happening, which really makes the story unpredictable and highly enjoyable.
Eva Tanner
"Fine, go train them. But I swear if you get yourself hurt I will chain you to your bed." Omar said.
"Right then." Marcus s… moreaid as he walked off.
"So what's the story behind you two?" Eva asked.
"Me and Marcus were in the marines together. We were good friends before that to. I was kinda an ass when he left the military though, and now I feel bad about it. But what can you do?" Omar said.
"What we can do is start by fortifying the front wall and the parking lot." Eva said.
"So you don't even care? I mean, my story doesn't even interest you?" Omar asked.
"Nah, I'm more interested in locking this place down. It'll be like fort knox when I'm done with it." Eva said.
"So where do we start?" Omar asked.
"Let's get into some of those cars in the lot and push them around to make a wall around the front." Eva said. "We'll block off the entrances to make it harder for any vehicles to get in. And then we'll have to … [view original content]
Yes the story is awesome! The characters and the way you write them is especially awesome and this is definitely one of my favourite stories in this forum!
Yes the story is awesome! The characters and the way you write them is especially awesome and this is definitely one of my favourite stories in this forum!
Eva Tanner
"Fine, go train them. But I swear if you get yourself hurt I will chain you to your bed." Omar said.
"Right then." Marcus s… moreaid as he walked off.
"So what's the story behind you two?" Eva asked.
"Me and Marcus were in the marines together. We were good friends before that to. I was kinda an ass when he left the military though, and now I feel bad about it. But what can you do?" Omar said.
"What we can do is start by fortifying the front wall and the parking lot." Eva said.
"So you don't even care? I mean, my story doesn't even interest you?" Omar asked.
"Nah, I'm more interested in locking this place down. It'll be like fort knox when I'm done with it." Eva said.
"So where do we start?" Omar asked.
"Let's get into some of those cars in the lot and push them around to make a wall around the front." Eva said. "We'll block off the entrances to make it harder for any vehicles to get in. And then we'll have to … [view original content]
Eva Tanner
"Fine, go train them. But I swear if you get yourself hurt I will chain you to your bed." Omar said.
"Right then." Marcus s… moreaid as he walked off.
"So what's the story behind you two?" Eva asked.
"Me and Marcus were in the marines together. We were good friends before that to. I was kinda an ass when he left the military though, and now I feel bad about it. But what can you do?" Omar said.
"What we can do is start by fortifying the front wall and the parking lot." Eva said.
"So you don't even care? I mean, my story doesn't even interest you?" Omar asked.
"Nah, I'm more interested in locking this place down. It'll be like fort knox when I'm done with it." Eva said.
"So where do we start?" Omar asked.
"Let's get into some of those cars in the lot and push them around to make a wall around the front." Eva said. "We'll block off the entrances to make it harder for any vehicles to get in. And then we'll have to … [view original content]
Hey guys, I don't know when the next time I'm will be able to get a new part up. I was at church all day today taking down the Independence day set and decorations, and I still have to go to drivers ed. Tomorrow I have the day off, but Wednesday I have to go back to church to help with the summer activities we put on for the younger kids. I hope you guys understand, and if I don't feel to tired when I get home tonight I might start on a new part.
"Are you sure you can do this?" Omar asked, looking at the blood dripping down her face.
"No. But it's the only chance we have." Eva said.
"I will meet you at the rally point alright?" Omar said.
"Don't count on it. Only wait about ten minutes." Eva said. "When I get to the edge of the road I'll jump into the trees. Pray to God they follow me." Omar looked at the papers in his hands.
"You're pretty sure about this." Omar said.
"Yes. I am." Eva said, as she reached in her shirt an pulled out her dog tags. "Just in case." She said handing them to Omar.
"Eva, I can't." Omar said.
"Look, there's a pretty fucking high chance you won't find my body. So at least this way you will remember my name." Eva said. "We don't have time when I start running, get the truck rolling." She said as she wiped some blood out of her eye. She turned her back to Omar and took a breath, then took off in a mad dash across the street. Omar wasted no time getting into the cab of the truck as he heard gunfire all over the place. He quickly started the truck and put it in gear, the eighteen wheeler reluctantly took off down the road slowly building speed. He head bullets dinging the cab and watched as the right side mirror was blown off. He looked back out into the woods but saw nothing.
"Come on. Come on." Omar said impatiently as he waited for Eva to show. It had already been twenty minutes and he was feeling pretty vulnerable sitting out in the open. He looked down at the tags he had clenched in his hand and sighed. Why had he let her run off like that? Every logical part of his brain was telling him she was dead, but a small part of him hoped that she was going to show.
"Omar!" He heard someone yell. He looked up, and scanned the area.
"Eva?" Omar questioned, but no one answered. "Eva?" He asked again. "Am I fucking hearing things?" He asked himself as he checked his watch. Now he'd been here for half an hour. His heart sank as he came to the realization that she wasn't coming. He glumly walked back to the truck and started the engine.
Hank Carver
"For fucks sake! Watch where your pointing that thing!" Hank yelled at the twenty-something that had carelessly pointed a gun at him. The kid quickly pointed the gun away.
"Sorry, I fucking suck with guns." The kid said.
"So I can tell." Hank said looking at the target that barely had any holes in it. "What exactly are you good at?"
"Well, I'm pretty fast." The kid said.
"Fast huh?" Hank said. "I have just the job for you then. Come on." Hank motioned the kid to walk with him. "Jazz, keep 'em in line. I got something else to take care of." Hank called to Jasmine, otherwise known as Jazz.
"Got it." Jazz responded.
"So what exactly do you want me to do?" The kid asked.
"Well first off, I need to know your name." Hank said.
"Dylan Oswald." The kid said.
"Well Dylan, you are now Johnny-on-the-spot with ammo. You understand?" Hank said.
"No. I don't think I understand." Dylan said.
"Here." Hank said opening the munitions locker. "Take as much as you can possibly carry, anyone who needs it gets it. No if ands or buts about it." He said. "And you won't even have to shoot a single bullet. Well, get to it." Hank said motioning the kid on. The kid took off running with multiple boxes of ammo in his arms. Hank then returned to the range where he was training the new recruits. "Anything happen while I was gone Jazz?" Hank asked.
"Her, there." Jasmine said, pointing out a woman with long brown hair who was aiming down the range with her rifle.
"What about her?" Hank asked.
"I haven't seen her miss a shot yet." Jasmine said.
"Who is she?" Hank asked.
"No clue, but I guess it's time to find out." Jasmine said as she began walking off towards the woman, Hank following. "So when is Omar and Eva going to be back?" She asked.
"No clue. They just took off without noticed. They'll be in deep shit if Sal finds out." Hank said.
"Screw Sal. I haven't seen him lift a finger to try and protect this place. And now he wan't us to stop with us trying to train the civilians." Jasmine said.
"Yeah Sal is kinda an asshole. I don't like him or trust him at all." Hank admitted as he walked up to the woman.
"Hey." Hank called to her. But she ignored him and continued to shoot.
"Put the gun down, we want to talk." Jasmine said, and this time the woman listened, she lowered the gun and placed it on the table, then turned to face them.
"What is it?" She asked.
"We just wanted to know who you were." Jasmine said.
"My name is Mariza Peron." She said.
"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Hank asked. Mariza glared at him.
"If you have to know, my ex- girlfriend was from Texas. She used to take me to the ranges all the time." Mariza said.
"So your..." Hank said.
"Don't." Mariza growled.
"You've got the best shot out of everyone here. I'm pleasantly surprised." Jasmine said.
"Thank you." Mariza said with a smile. "To be honest, I had no clue I could shoot like that either." She admitted.
"Well, I am actually very impressed. Do you think you could keep it up?" Jasmine asked.
"Maybe, but I'm not sure." Mariza asked.
"Here, I'll help you out a little. Line up the gun like your about to fire, but don't." Jasmine said. Mariza picked up the gun and aimed it down range. Jasmine looked her over for a moment. "Now take a shot." She said, and Mariza fired the gun, hitting the target near the center. "Pretty good, except I saw you flinch. And once more thing." Jasmine said as she approached Mariza and took her hand, moving it down the hand guard. "You were holding it to far back. Now, you footing is a little strange to. Try and spread your feet apart a little, and lean into the gun." Jasmine said as she patted Mariza's leg. "There now you look like a champ. Try shooting like that and I promise you'll be doing even better than before." Jasmine said.
"What the hell?" Hank said as he saw a large black semi truck with multiple bullet holes in it pull into the parking lot. "Jasmine, come with me." Hank said.
"Alright. I'll be right back." Jasmine said to Mariza.
"Alright." Mariza said. And Hank and Jasmine began walking off towards the truck.
"Sorry if I made you feel awkward back there." Jasmine said.
"Don't. You know how I feel about that kind of stuff and I'd rather not get in a huge argument about it. I didn't bring you with me because I didn't approve of your little romance session going on, I just wanted someone to have my back in case this idiot tries something." Hank said as he pulled his gun up and aimed at the truck.
"Come on out with your hands up!" Hank called. He saw the truck's door open, immediately followed by a set of hands.
"I'm friendly! It's Omar!" The driver called.
Omar Taylor
"Omar, what the hell are you doing?" Hank called as Omar got out of the truck and walked over to Hank.
"Eva spotted this rig awhile back. It's full of sheet metal. Good for stopping bullets." Omar said. "Then we could use the rig itself as a roadblock." He continued.
"Great." Hank said. "But where's Eva?" He asked.
"She, uh, had something to take care of. But it's okay, she gave me all of her plans and stuff. There right here in this notebook." Omar said, pulling a small notebook out of his pocket and handing it to Hank. Hank took it and looked over it.
"What the hell happened?" Hank asked. "it's covered in blood."
"We ran into some trouble okay? Spilled some blood but everything is okay." Omar said.
"What's this?" Jasmine asked snatching something out of Omar's hand.
"Give me those!" Omar yelled.
"Holy shit." Jasmine said.
"What is it?" Hank asked.
"Eva's dog tags. And there's blood on them." Jasmine said.
"Omar, what the hell happened." Hank demanded.
"We got trapped by some of those damn Tree huggers. Eva volunteered to distract them so I could get away with the rig." Omar said.
"So you just let our best fighter get herself killed?" Hank asked.
"We had no choice." Omar said.
"No choice? Your a fucking marine, there's always a better option than leaving someone behind!" Hank shouted.
"Hank, please calm down. He's a fucking wreak if you can't tell." Jasmine said.
"Shut your damn mouth you slut, I'll determine when he's had enough." Hank yelled at Jasmine. He then walked up to Omar pushing him against the truck. "I'm going to teach you a good fucking lesson you won't forget." Hank said as he reached back, but just before he could throw the punch Jasmine grabbed his arm and held him back.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jasmine yelled at him. Hank then turned on her, grabbing her by the throat and lifting her almost a foot off the ground.
"I don't like you. I don't like people like you. And I especially don't like that little whore your hitting on." Hank said as he looked back towards the shooting range. "Come to think of it, I'll just dig one hole for the both of you." He said as Jasmine gasped for air trying to kick free of his grip. Omar could see her face gaining a blueish hue. Omar quickly collected himself as he rushed forward and tackled Hank from behind.
"Cut it out man, this isn't you!" Hank yelled. And for the first time he caught a look at Hank's face. Discolored skin, extremely bright eyes that looked like LED's.
"This isn't me... This isn't me.." Hank quietly said as color returned to his face for a brief moment, but then dissipated again as Hank threw Omar off him like he was made of nothing. Omar noticed the woman named Mariza and the man named Peter rushing over.
"Stay back! He's infected!" Omar yelled but it was to late. Peter had already stepped to close, and Omar could see the infected Hank locking onto him, but just before he got to Peter Mariza stepped between them. Hank full on tackled her to the ground and pinned her, beginning to hit her repeatedly. Peter tried to step forward but received a well time punch to the gut that made him fall. Omar looked around for any help, Jasmine was still trying to regain her air, Peter was down for the count, Mariza was slowly being beaten to death. Then he spotted it. The bag with a green cross on it laying on the ground nearby. Omar pushed himself up and ran over to the bag taking out it's contents. With still shaking hands Omar rushed over to Hank and jabbed the needle into him neck, making sure to get out every last drop. Hank let out a horrifying yell as color returned to him and he fell to the ground.
"What the hell was that?" Peter asked.
"He... He somehow got infected I guess." Omar said.
"And that stuff you gave him?" Peter asked.
"It only slows down the virus it will still kill him, but at least we will be able to control it." Omar said.
"Holy shit, Mariza." Peter said, now noticing Mariza laying on the ground beaten to a bloody pulp. Omat picked her up in his arms.
"Peter, get Jazz and get her inside. Now." Omar ordered Peter. Peter complied by picking up Jasmine who was half conscious.
Well, Hank is infected after all and there is no chance to cure him. And where would they keep him? Probably in the infirmary, which is the same place a still heavily wounded Samantha is located. What if the virus takes control again? That means, for Sammy's sake they can't keep him alive.
Omar Taylor
"Are you sure you can do this?" Omar asked, looking at the blood dripping down her face.
"No. But it's the only chance we … morehave." Eva said.
"I will meet you at the rally point alright?" Omar said.
"Don't count on it. Only wait about ten minutes." Eva said. "When I get to the edge of the road I'll jump into the trees. Pray to God they follow me." Omar looked at the papers in his hands.
"You're pretty sure about this." Omar said.
"Yes. I am." Eva said, as she reached in her shirt an pulled out her dog tags. "Just in case." She said handing them to Omar.
"Eva, I can't." Omar said.
"Look, there's a pretty fucking high chance you won't find my body. So at least this way you will remember my name." Eva said. "We don't have time when I start running, get the truck rolling." She said as she wiped some blood out of her eye. She turned her back to Omar and took a breath, then took off in a mad dash across the street. … [view original content]
Omar Taylor
"Are you sure you can do this?" Omar asked, looking at the blood dripping down her face.
"No. But it's the only chance we … morehave." Eva said.
"I will meet you at the rally point alright?" Omar said.
"Don't count on it. Only wait about ten minutes." Eva said. "When I get to the edge of the road I'll jump into the trees. Pray to God they follow me." Omar looked at the papers in his hands.
"You're pretty sure about this." Omar said.
"Yes. I am." Eva said, as she reached in her shirt an pulled out her dog tags. "Just in case." She said handing them to Omar.
"Eva, I can't." Omar said.
"Look, there's a pretty fucking high chance you won't find my body. So at least this way you will remember my name." Eva said. "We don't have time when I start running, get the truck rolling." She said as she wiped some blood out of her eye. She turned her back to Omar and took a breath, then took off in a mad dash across the street. … [view original content]
[stay together]
Awesome part!
oh, Angela is still at the hospital with Thomas... I guess I didn't explain that..
[stay together]
Rodger Navy
"No, we need to stay together. Splitting up is suicide. we don't know whats in this town." Rodger said.
"I guess that's agreeable." Katheryn said as she looked into the town.
"Where do you suppose we start looking?" Molly asked.
"There." Rodger said, pointing in the direction of the town.
"No duh." Molly said, punching Rodgers shoulder.
"Lets get in there." Angelica said. The group began moving into the town, through the main street. As they walked they passed an alleyway that led behind a building. a loud crash was heard.
"Alice?" Katheryn asked as she approached the gate that led to the alleyway. No answer was received. "Alice?" She asked again as she pushed the gate open.
"Shit! No!" Molly yelled as she rushed up pushing Katheryn away from the gate. A moment later an infected burst through the gate, grappling onto Molly. She attempted to pull away, but it was to strong. "Help!" She yelled. Rodger was the first to be able to react. He pulled his pistol out and fire off two rounds. Both Molly and the infected dropped to the ground.
"Molly? Are you alright?" Rodger asked as he rushed forward and threw the infected off of her. She was holding her side and crying.
"You-You shot me..." She whispered.
"You'll be fine... We- we'll get you back safe." Rodger said.
"No..." Molly whimpered.
"You're going to be fine, i missed any vital organs. Were going to find Alice and take you to the hospital, okay?" Angelica said. trying to reassure her.
"No!" Molly shouted. "You cant... You cant take me." She said.
"Why? You'll be fine." Rodger said.
"I was bit. damnit I was bit...." She said. "I don't want to turn... Please don't let me turn..." She cried. Angelica got closer to her looking for the bite.
"Where?" She asked. Molly pulled down her shirt collar to reveal a bite, on her shoulder.
"We cant cut it off. If it was an arm or a leg, maybe. But this is her shoulder." Rodger said.
"Dont let me turn!" She cried out again. Rodger took a deep breath and turned to Angelica.
"Look away." He instructed as he looked looked back at Molly.
"I'm sorry it came to this." Rodger said.
"Find her... Find Alice." Molly whimpered.
"We will. I promise." Rodger said as he raised his gun to her head.
"I don't want to die... I don't want to die..." Molly said, as tears began rolling down her cheeks. Rodger could barley contain his tears as his hands shook. His finger flinched and his arm recoiled. Molly fell dead in the street with blood pooling around her. Rodger wiped his forehead with his sleeve.
"We... We should get moving." He said.
"Katheryn." Is all Angelica could say. Rodger looked up and saw her laying, curled up in the street, gripping her shoulder. Rodger forced himself to get up and run over to her.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. You re-opened the wound." Rodger said. "Can you walk?" He asked.
"I-I'm fine... I can manage." She said.
"You dont have to be fine. I can help you." Rodger said.
"I said I'm fine." She said, pushing herself up with much effort.
"Hey!!!" A new voice yelled. Rodger looked around and saw nothing. "Hey!!!" It yelled again. Rodger looked up and saw a figure standing on a rooftop. He couldn't make out any features. "Infected are closing in on you! Get up here!" The figure yelled. Rodger looked back down the road and to his horror he saw a hoard of infected shambling their way.
"Shit move!" Rodger yelled.
"Were just going up on a roof with someone we dont know?" Angelica asked.
"We dont have a choice!" He said as he ran across the street with the others hot in pursuit. He bolted down the alleyway until he ran into a dead end.
"The ladder! Right there!" The figure yelled pointing out a ladder laying on the ground. Rodger quickly lifted it up and threw it against the wall, climbing upwards with Angelica right behind him and Katheryn behind her. Rodger launched himself over the wall and onto the roof and a second later Angelica was up too. Rodger looked back over the edge and saw Katheryn at the bottom of the ladder, struggling to climb. He saw infected begin to pour into the alley. He extended his hand as far as he could reach.
"Kat! Grab hold!" He yelled. Katheryn extended her arm as far as she could reach and her fingertips brushed his hand. Rodger leaned over farther until he could completely grab her hand, then he began pulling upward. The infected crashed into the ladder causing it to fall, Rodger almost lost his grip on Katheryn as her weight was no longer supported. An infected reached up and gripped her ankle, pulling her downwards. Rodger could feel himself losing strength but didn't let go. He pulled upward with all his strength and could feel himself gaining some ground, but not much.
"Shit! Rodger hold on, I'm coming!" Angelica yelled.
"Rodger!" Katheryn yelled. Rodger looked her in the eyes.
"Just let go." She said.
[let go]
[pull her up]
[Pull her up]
Nice to see this one back again.
yeah, I've been stuck for a while on this one. I just got hit with inspiration though.
Yeah, I guess the same thing happened to me too. I just posted 3 chapters in less than a week.
Btw, I just finished chapter 9, if you want to vote on that.
thanks! i just read it!
@supersagig @NoHopeLeft @janitor @LiquidChicagoTed @TheUnkGuy It's back on!
Oh yes, it's back! That's awesome
And that part was very intense!
[pull her up]
With Philip, John and Alice missing in action and Marcus and Sammy too far away and in absolutely no shape to help anyone, Katheryn is one of the last group members left who could be able to protect the group, as soon as her injuries are healed of course. Loosing her directly after loosing Molly would be a hard blow for the groups strength. Aside from that, Katheryn is cool and I like her a lot, so I'm giving it a try. I just hope that this won't cause the death of Rodger.
[pull her up]
Great that this story is back
Yes! It is back! And thanks!
Its good to be back!
[pull her up]
Angelica Dawson
Angelica crumpled onto the roof and began breathing heavily, trying to regain her breath.
"Kat! Grab hold!" She hear Rodger yell and she looked up. She saw Rodger lunging over the wall to grab hold of Katheryn's hand. He was struggling to pull her up as the infected attempted to pull her down.
"Shit! Rodger hold on. I'm coming!" She yelled as she forced herself up and ran to the edge to help. She grabbed Katheryn's other arm and began pulling up.
"Keep pulling!" Rodger yelled.
"Just let me go!" Katheryn yelled.
"I am not going to let you die!" Rodger yelled as he heaved upward with Angelica's help. Both of them pulling together at the same time were able to break the infected's grip and they hauled Katheryn back over the edge. The three of them fell to the roof recovering from what just happened. After a few moments of just sitting Katheryn engulfed Angelica and Rodger in a hug.
"You saved me."She said in a shaky voice.
"Hey, we protect our own. I won't let anything happen to you." Rodger said.
"I'd hate to break up the love fest over there, but would someone please tell me who the hell you people are?" A woman's voice asked. Angelica turned and faced her, then her jaw dropped.
"Rodger..." Angelica mumbled.
"What?" Rodger asked.
"Look." Angelica said. Rodger turned to face the woman and his eyes widened.
"Holy shit." He said. "Alice?" He asked. The woman's expression softened as a smile pulled at her lips.
"Rodger." She said.
"I knew you were alive. I knew it." Rodger said as he pushed himself off the ground and embraced her in a hug.
"How did you end up up here?" Angelica asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if i told you." Alice said.
"Nothing would surprise me after today." Angelica said.
"Alright, It was Jake Kutcher. I was cornered in the alleyway and he threw the ladder down to me." Alice said.
"Are you feeling okay?" Angelica asked.
"I told you you wouldn't believe me." Alice said.
"So what next?" Angelica asked.
"I've been trying to figure that out since I got stuck up here." Alice said.
"Kat, how's your arm feeling?" Rodger asked.
"Like hell froze over. But I think I'll be fine." Katheryn answered.
"Let me look at it anyways." Rodger said, moving over to Katheryn.
Omar Taylor
"Well, that went better than expected actually." Omar said.
"What were you expecting to happen?" Hank asked.
"Well, for one I expected everyone to refuse to take up arms. But now they're all out for blood." Omar said.
"That's just what we need. They have a purpose, they have motivation." Hank said.
"Just how I like them. Now comes the fun part." Omar said.
"What's that?" Hank asked.
"You get to take these civilians and put them through training with the already limited supplies we have." Omar said.
"Oh fun." Hank said.
"Take half of them out into the parking lot, put up some targets and teach them how to shoot. That's what's most important right now, if you have time do some hand-to-hand combat skills, with these woodland fuckers you never know how bloody it will get." Omar said.
"You got that right." Hank said as he walked away and worked on splitting up the group.
"Eva." Omar said.
"Yes." Eva answered.
"I want you to take the other half of this group to the weight room, they have one here in this hospital. Work on physical strength, bend them but don't break them. Not yet at least." Omar said.
"You seriously want me to work with a group? I can barely work with you." Eva said.
"You're going to have to find a way. I can't do this on my own." Omar said.
"Alright, alright. I'll do it. But what are you going to do?" Eva asked.
"Someone has to put up defenses." Omar said.
"Won't you need help with that?" Eva asked.
"I'll find someone." Omar said.
"Take Eva. I can help out in the weight room." A new voice said. Omar turned and saw Marcus leaning on crutches nearby.
"Marcus, you're in no shape to be even out of bed, much less try to train these people." Omar said.
"So you want to try and put up defenses around this place all on your own? Omar, I've seen your skill level in this kind of stuff and if I'm going to be honest, you suck. I'm hurt. Not dead, I can still help so stop trying to act like I'm a child. This is just telling people what to do, I won't even lift a finger." Marcus said.
[Allow Marcus to oversee the training.]
[Don't allow Marcus to help]
Ah, a new part! Awesome
The Angelica POV was great, seeing Alice and Roger reunited was sweet. Omar's PoV was great too, I'm very excited for this mainland storyline.
[Allow Marcus to oversee the training.]
I think after all they did for him and Samantha and Richards, Marcus feels indebted to these people and will probably try his best to help them in some way regardless if Omar allows him to oversee the training or not. And overseeing the training holds (theoretically) far less potential for him to get hurt than other activities, so it would be a good start to make him feel better and to help the military out in some way. Besides, this allows Omar to have some backup when putting up the defences.
[Allow Marcus to oversee the training.]
[Allow Marcus to oversee the training.]
[Allow Marcus to oversee the training.]
Awesome part!
Eva Tanner
"Fine, go train them. But I swear if you get yourself hurt I will chain you to your bed." Omar said.
"Right then." Marcus said as he walked off.
"So what's the story behind you two?" Eva asked.
"Me and Marcus were in the marines together. We were good friends before that to. I was kinda an ass when he left the military though, and now I feel bad about it. But what can you do?" Omar said.
"What we can do is start by fortifying the front wall and the parking lot." Eva said.
"So you don't even care? I mean, my story doesn't even interest you?" Omar asked.
"Nah, I'm more interested in locking this place down. It'll be like fort knox when I'm done with it." Eva said.
"So where do we start?" Omar asked.
"Let's get into some of those cars in the lot and push them around to make a wall around the front." Eva said. "We'll block off the entrances to make it harder for any vehicles to get in. And then we'll have to do something about all of these windows. I mean, look at this place. Full of glass, just welcoming a half-assed sniper to come in and pick us off. Maybe later we could take some of our heavy weaponry and put i ton the second or third floor so they could have a better view. Take a snipe up to the roof to provide cover." Eva said.
"You've had this planned for awhile, haven't you?" Omar asked.
"Oh, that' only the beginning. But let's get to work, those tree huggers won't wait for us." Eva said as she walked out the front door into the parking lot. "Jack pot." She said as she walked towards an ambulance. "This will make one heavy duty roadblock." She said as she opened the door and climbed in. "Omar, See if you can't get any other cars started and pull them around the perimeter of the lot, get them as close together as possible."
"On it." Omar said. Eva closed the door and started the engine. She pulled the ambulance up to the entrance and turned it to block as much space as possible before killing the engine. She then jumped out of the ambulance and walked back through the parking lot to find Omar, he was about to block off the other entrance when she stopped him.
"Wait, hold it." Eva said.
"what?" Omar asked.
"Don't block that exit yet." Eva said.
"Why?" Omar asked.
"You and me are going for a ride. Now move over. I'm driving." Eva said. Omar reluctantly switched over to the passenger seat of the car as Eva got into the drivers seat.
"Where are we going?" Omar asked.
"We won't be gone long. Promise. I just want to check something out." Eva said.
"Oh, another one of your wild goose chases?" Omar said.
"Shut up." Eva snapped back. After a few minutes of driving Eva spotted what she'd been looking for. A semi, stalled on the side of the road.
"Seriously? You want a semi?" Omar asked.
"No. I want what's inside it." Eva said.
"What's inside it?" Omar asked.
"No clue." Eva said.
"Thats great." Omar said as Eva pulled the car to a stop behind the semi.
"Whatever it is sure is a long ways from home." Eva said noticing the California licence plate. Eva opened the door and got out, walking up to the back of the trailer with Omar right behind her.
"So, before I open it, you want to take any guesses on what's inside?" Eva asked.
"I hope guns and ammo." Omar said.
"I doubt it." Eva said as she stepped up and flipped the latch pulling the door open.
"The hell is that?" Omar asked looking inside. Eva pulled out her flashlight and looked around for a moment.
"Sheet metal." She said.
"Sheet metal? So your telling me we came all the way out here for nothing?" Omar said.
"No. This is good. We can use this to our advantage. Set up barricades, block windows. There's a shit ton of it in here." Eva said.
"And it belongs to us." A voice said behind Eva. She turned around and saw a man standing with a rifle pointed at her.
"Who is this guy?" Omar asked.
"A God damned tree hugger." Eva said.
"How do you know?" Omar asked.
"The numbers on his arm, it's an identification code used by them." Eva said.
"What do we do?" Omar asked.
"On the count of three, I run left you run right. Regroup in front of the truck." Eva said.
"Step away from the truck, with your hands where I can see them." The man said.
"Three." Eva said, ignoring all the other numbers. She took off running and Omar did the same. The gunner was in complete disarray, but came to his senses and began to fire at Eva, completely missing.
Omar Taylor
Omar leaped into cover in front of the truck. He could hear gunfire but wasn't sure if it was aimed at him or Eva. He looked over and didn't see her, and his heart began to race, Did she get hit? But only seconds later she bolted around the corner and sank down in front of the truck.
"What do we do?" Omar asked.
"You were a fucking marine, don't you know anything?" Eva demanded.
"Yeah I know stuff." Omar replied.
"Sure. Can you drive this rig?" Eva asked.
"Yeah. I know how to." Omar said.
"Good, because I don't." Eva said. She peeked around the corner of the truck and looked around and suddenly a gunshot want off and she jerked back grabbing her head. "Fuck!" She yelled.
"Shit! What happened? Move your hands!" Omar said, pulling Eva's hands away from her head. Sure enough, she was bleeding from her head. "You weren't hit. It just skinned you thank God." Omar said.
"Fucking scared the shit out of me." Eva said. "But, there's more back there now. About six." She said.
"Damn it, we'll never get inside that truck with all of those tree huggers back there." Omar said.
"I have an idea." Eva said, pulling a small notebook out of her pocket. "This is everything I thought of. Detailed maps of the hospital and a few notes on where to put up barricaded and such." She said handing it to Omar. "I trust you can read." She said as Omar grabbed the notebook.
"Why are you giving this to me?" Omar asked.
"Look, when I distract them, get in the truck and go. Don't look back. If I survive I will meet you at a rally point three klicks west of the hospital." Eva said.
[Let's do this]
[I'm not letting you do this.]
Hello? Anyone?
I'm here
[I'm not letting you do this.]
Eva is awesome and I don't want to risk her life here. There has to be another way.
So, you still liking this story?
Oh yes, I love it! This story started strong already and got only better from part to part. I especially love the tons of twists you put in and all the stuff that is happening, which really makes the story unpredictable and highly enjoyable.
Thank you! I try to keep it as unpredictable as possible, half the time I don't even know where it's going until I write it. XD
[Let's do this], I have trust in her that she can make it
Great part!
You liking the story so far? Any questions or comments?
Yes the story is awesome! The characters and the way you write them is especially awesome and this is definitely one of my favourite stories in this forum!
Thank you!!!
[Let's do this]
Hey Sagig, you liking the story so far? Any questions or comments?
[Let's do this]
Before you ask, I really like this story. Both of your stories are awesome :-]
thank you!
Hey guys, I don't know when the next time I'm will be able to get a new part up. I was at church all day today taking down the Independence day set and decorations, and I still have to go to drivers ed. Tomorrow I have the day off, but Wednesday I have to go back to church to help with the summer activities we put on for the younger kids. I hope you guys understand, and if I don't feel to tired when I get home tonight I might start on a new part.
Thanks for your understanding, Quality.
Omar Taylor
"Are you sure you can do this?" Omar asked, looking at the blood dripping down her face.
"No. But it's the only chance we have." Eva said.
"I will meet you at the rally point alright?" Omar said.
"Don't count on it. Only wait about ten minutes." Eva said. "When I get to the edge of the road I'll jump into the trees. Pray to God they follow me." Omar looked at the papers in his hands.
"You're pretty sure about this." Omar said.
"Yes. I am." Eva said, as she reached in her shirt an pulled out her dog tags. "Just in case." She said handing them to Omar.
"Eva, I can't." Omar said.
"Look, there's a pretty fucking high chance you won't find my body. So at least this way you will remember my name." Eva said. "We don't have time when I start running, get the truck rolling." She said as she wiped some blood out of her eye. She turned her back to Omar and took a breath, then took off in a mad dash across the street. Omar wasted no time getting into the cab of the truck as he heard gunfire all over the place. He quickly started the truck and put it in gear, the eighteen wheeler reluctantly took off down the road slowly building speed. He head bullets dinging the cab and watched as the right side mirror was blown off. He looked back out into the woods but saw nothing.
"Come on. Come on." Omar said impatiently as he waited for Eva to show. It had already been twenty minutes and he was feeling pretty vulnerable sitting out in the open. He looked down at the tags he had clenched in his hand and sighed. Why had he let her run off like that? Every logical part of his brain was telling him she was dead, but a small part of him hoped that she was going to show.
"Omar!" He heard someone yell. He looked up, and scanned the area.
"Eva?" Omar questioned, but no one answered. "Eva?" He asked again. "Am I fucking hearing things?" He asked himself as he checked his watch. Now he'd been here for half an hour. His heart sank as he came to the realization that she wasn't coming. He glumly walked back to the truck and started the engine.
Hank Carver
"For fucks sake! Watch where your pointing that thing!" Hank yelled at the twenty-something that had carelessly pointed a gun at him. The kid quickly pointed the gun away.
"Sorry, I fucking suck with guns." The kid said.
"So I can tell." Hank said looking at the target that barely had any holes in it. "What exactly are you good at?"
"Well, I'm pretty fast." The kid said.
"Fast huh?" Hank said. "I have just the job for you then. Come on." Hank motioned the kid to walk with him. "Jazz, keep 'em in line. I got something else to take care of." Hank called to Jasmine, otherwise known as Jazz.
"Got it." Jazz responded.
"So what exactly do you want me to do?" The kid asked.
"Well first off, I need to know your name." Hank said.
"Dylan Oswald." The kid said.
"Well Dylan, you are now Johnny-on-the-spot with ammo. You understand?" Hank said.
"No. I don't think I understand." Dylan said.
"Here." Hank said opening the munitions locker. "Take as much as you can possibly carry, anyone who needs it gets it. No if ands or buts about it." He said. "And you won't even have to shoot a single bullet. Well, get to it." Hank said motioning the kid on. The kid took off running with multiple boxes of ammo in his arms. Hank then returned to the range where he was training the new recruits. "Anything happen while I was gone Jazz?" Hank asked.
"Her, there." Jasmine said, pointing out a woman with long brown hair who was aiming down the range with her rifle.
"What about her?" Hank asked.
"I haven't seen her miss a shot yet." Jasmine said.
"Who is she?" Hank asked.
"No clue, but I guess it's time to find out." Jasmine said as she began walking off towards the woman, Hank following. "So when is Omar and Eva going to be back?" She asked.
"No clue. They just took off without noticed. They'll be in deep shit if Sal finds out." Hank said.
"Screw Sal. I haven't seen him lift a finger to try and protect this place. And now he wan't us to stop with us trying to train the civilians." Jasmine said.
"Yeah Sal is kinda an asshole. I don't like him or trust him at all." Hank admitted as he walked up to the woman.
"Hey." Hank called to her. But she ignored him and continued to shoot.
"Put the gun down, we want to talk." Jasmine said, and this time the woman listened, she lowered the gun and placed it on the table, then turned to face them.
"What is it?" She asked.
"We just wanted to know who you were." Jasmine said.
"My name is Mariza Peron." She said.
"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Hank asked. Mariza glared at him.
"If you have to know, my ex- girlfriend was from Texas. She used to take me to the ranges all the time." Mariza said.
"So your..." Hank said.
"Don't." Mariza growled.
"You've got the best shot out of everyone here. I'm pleasantly surprised." Jasmine said.
"Thank you." Mariza said with a smile. "To be honest, I had no clue I could shoot like that either." She admitted.
"Well, I am actually very impressed. Do you think you could keep it up?" Jasmine asked.
"Maybe, but I'm not sure." Mariza asked.
"Here, I'll help you out a little. Line up the gun like your about to fire, but don't." Jasmine said. Mariza picked up the gun and aimed it down range. Jasmine looked her over for a moment. "Now take a shot." She said, and Mariza fired the gun, hitting the target near the center. "Pretty good, except I saw you flinch. And once more thing." Jasmine said as she approached Mariza and took her hand, moving it down the hand guard. "You were holding it to far back. Now, you footing is a little strange to. Try and spread your feet apart a little, and lean into the gun." Jasmine said as she patted Mariza's leg. "There now you look like a champ. Try shooting like that and I promise you'll be doing even better than before." Jasmine said.
"What the hell?" Hank said as he saw a large black semi truck with multiple bullet holes in it pull into the parking lot. "Jasmine, come with me." Hank said.
"Alright. I'll be right back." Jasmine said to Mariza.
"Alright." Mariza said. And Hank and Jasmine began walking off towards the truck.
"Sorry if I made you feel awkward back there." Jasmine said.
"Don't. You know how I feel about that kind of stuff and I'd rather not get in a huge argument about it. I didn't bring you with me because I didn't approve of your little romance session going on, I just wanted someone to have my back in case this idiot tries something." Hank said as he pulled his gun up and aimed at the truck.
"Come on out with your hands up!" Hank called. He saw the truck's door open, immediately followed by a set of hands.
"I'm friendly! It's Omar!" The driver called.
Omar Taylor
"Omar, what the hell are you doing?" Hank called as Omar got out of the truck and walked over to Hank.
"Eva spotted this rig awhile back. It's full of sheet metal. Good for stopping bullets." Omar said. "Then we could use the rig itself as a roadblock." He continued.
"Great." Hank said. "But where's Eva?" He asked.
"She, uh, had something to take care of. But it's okay, she gave me all of her plans and stuff. There right here in this notebook." Omar said, pulling a small notebook out of his pocket and handing it to Hank. Hank took it and looked over it.
"What the hell happened?" Hank asked. "it's covered in blood."
"We ran into some trouble okay? Spilled some blood but everything is okay." Omar said.
"What's this?" Jasmine asked snatching something out of Omar's hand.
"Give me those!" Omar yelled.
"Holy shit." Jasmine said.
"What is it?" Hank asked.
"Eva's dog tags. And there's blood on them." Jasmine said.
"Omar, what the hell happened." Hank demanded.
"We got trapped by some of those damn Tree huggers. Eva volunteered to distract them so I could get away with the rig." Omar said.
"So you just let our best fighter get herself killed?" Hank asked.
"We had no choice." Omar said.
"No choice? Your a fucking marine, there's always a better option than leaving someone behind!" Hank shouted.
"Hank, please calm down. He's a fucking wreak if you can't tell." Jasmine said.
"Shut your damn mouth you slut, I'll determine when he's had enough." Hank yelled at Jasmine. He then walked up to Omar pushing him against the truck. "I'm going to teach you a good fucking lesson you won't forget." Hank said as he reached back, but just before he could throw the punch Jasmine grabbed his arm and held him back.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jasmine yelled at him. Hank then turned on her, grabbing her by the throat and lifting her almost a foot off the ground.
"I don't like you. I don't like people like you. And I especially don't like that little whore your hitting on." Hank said as he looked back towards the shooting range. "Come to think of it, I'll just dig one hole for the both of you." He said as Jasmine gasped for air trying to kick free of his grip. Omar could see her face gaining a blueish hue. Omar quickly collected himself as he rushed forward and tackled Hank from behind.
"Cut it out man, this isn't you!" Hank yelled. And for the first time he caught a look at Hank's face. Discolored skin, extremely bright eyes that looked like LED's.
"This isn't me... This isn't me.." Hank quietly said as color returned to his face for a brief moment, but then dissipated again as Hank threw Omar off him like he was made of nothing. Omar noticed the woman named Mariza and the man named Peter rushing over.
"Stay back! He's infected!" Omar yelled but it was to late. Peter had already stepped to close, and Omar could see the infected Hank locking onto him, but just before he got to Peter Mariza stepped between them. Hank full on tackled her to the ground and pinned her, beginning to hit her repeatedly. Peter tried to step forward but received a well time punch to the gut that made him fall. Omar looked around for any help, Jasmine was still trying to regain her air, Peter was down for the count, Mariza was slowly being beaten to death. Then he spotted it. The bag with a green cross on it laying on the ground nearby. Omar pushed himself up and ran over to the bag taking out it's contents. With still shaking hands Omar rushed over to Hank and jabbed the needle into him neck, making sure to get out every last drop. Hank let out a horrifying yell as color returned to him and he fell to the ground.
"What the hell was that?" Peter asked.
"He... He somehow got infected I guess." Omar said.
"And that stuff you gave him?" Peter asked.
"It only slows down the virus it will still kill him, but at least we will be able to control it." Omar said.
"Holy shit, Mariza." Peter said, now noticing Mariza laying on the ground beaten to a bloody pulp. Omat picked her up in his arms.
"Peter, get Jazz and get her inside. Now." Omar ordered Peter. Peter complied by picking up Jasmine who was half conscious.
"What about Hank?" Peter asked.
[We have to kill him.]
[We can keep him stable for as long as possible.]
[We have to kill him.]
Well, Hank is infected after all and there is no chance to cure him. And where would they keep him? Probably in the infirmary, which is the same place a still heavily wounded Samantha is located. What if the virus takes control again? That means, for Sammy's sake they can't keep him alive.
[We have to kill him.]
I agree with Liquid, keeping him alive could be dangerous for the others.