Omar Taylor
"Are you sure you can do this?" Omar asked, looking at the blood dripping down her face.
"No. But it's the only chance we … morehave." Eva said.
"I will meet you at the rally point alright?" Omar said.
"Don't count on it. Only wait about ten minutes." Eva said. "When I get to the edge of the road I'll jump into the trees. Pray to God they follow me." Omar looked at the papers in his hands.
"You're pretty sure about this." Omar said.
"Yes. I am." Eva said, as she reached in her shirt an pulled out her dog tags. "Just in case." She said handing them to Omar.
"Eva, I can't." Omar said.
"Look, there's a pretty fucking high chance you won't find my body. So at least this way you will remember my name." Eva said. "We don't have time when I start running, get the truck rolling." She said as she wiped some blood out of her eye. She turned her back to Omar and took a breath, then took off in a mad dash across the street. … [view original content]
Omar Taylor
"Are you sure you can do this?" Omar asked, looking at the blood dripping down her face.
"No. But it's the only chance we … morehave." Eva said.
"I will meet you at the rally point alright?" Omar said.
"Don't count on it. Only wait about ten minutes." Eva said. "When I get to the edge of the road I'll jump into the trees. Pray to God they follow me." Omar looked at the papers in his hands.
"You're pretty sure about this." Omar said.
"Yes. I am." Eva said, as she reached in her shirt an pulled out her dog tags. "Just in case." She said handing them to Omar.
"Eva, I can't." Omar said.
"Look, there's a pretty fucking high chance you won't find my body. So at least this way you will remember my name." Eva said. "We don't have time when I start running, get the truck rolling." She said as she wiped some blood out of her eye. She turned her back to Omar and took a breath, then took off in a mad dash across the street. … [view original content]
"You know what we have to do. Infected are infected." Omar said in a serious tone.
"I understand that more than I would like to admit." Peter said.
"Let's get these two inside." Omar said as he motioned towards the hospital. A nearby solider saw what had happened and walked over.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"He's infected. You know what to do." Omar said.
"Yes sir." The solider responded. Omar and Peter walked off towards the hospital.
"How the fuck could something like this happen?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea. This area has been cleaned inside and out for the virus, and Hank never left the area." Omar said as he walked up to the hospital door and two nurses opened them.
"Someone get me a stretcher!" A nurse yelled. A few moments later the area was flooded with doctors and nurses who took the two injured away on stretchers. "What happened to them?" The nurse asked.
"Infected attack." Omar said,
"Here? In the hospital?" The nurse asked.
"No, they were on a run outside the area." Omar lied. The nurse nodded her head and ran off following the group.
"Why did you lie to her?" Peter said in a hushed tone.
"Because the truth would only scare them. What happened out there stays there. At least for now." Omar said.
"Okay, I won't tell anyone." Peter said. A new nurse came walking down the hallway.
"They are in the ICU right now, if you wish to see them." She said politely. Omar nodded to her and turned to Peter.
"I have to go in there." Peter said.
"I understand." Omar said. "But I hope you understand I have to get back to work." He said, and noticed Peter giving him a sour look.
"I don't get you. You can't even take one minute to think about what just happened?" Peter said.
"What just happened out there might be something new to you, but to me it's an all to familiar occurrence. What I do out there is to stop that from happening again." Omar said."I can't let anyone else die because of my fuck ups."
"So you think you could have done something to stop this?" Peter asked.
"No. I mean yes. There had to be a way. The virus doesn't just pop up at will." Omar said.
"You can't control the virus. People have tried, and people have died." Peter said.
"Maybe so, but I didn't have to let Eva go. I didn't have to let her get killed. She looked to me for approval, And I fucking gave it to her!" Omar said, then he turned his back to Peter and looked out the window watching the dark clouds form above. "I didn't have to get my family killed." Omar said. Peter stayed silent, Omar could tell he was looking for words that he couldn't find. "A storm's coming. I have to get to work." Omar said as he threw the door open and walked outside with the distant roar of thunder.
Peter Oswald
Peter watched as Omar threw the door open and walked out. He tired to stop him but knew it was no use. Peter knew all to well what it was like to lose someone. Eventually Peter turned away and walked down the hallway towards the ICU. It was mostly empty, meaning there either wasn't many injured or all the injured were dead. He saw a man in there who looked familiar, he was the one that they had pulled from the crash earlier. He was sitting in a chair next to a young woman who was laying in the bed. Peter walked up to him and the man looked up.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"Your name is Marcus, isn't it?" Peter asked.
"Yes, and you are?" He asked.
"I'm Peter. My group was the one that pulled you guys from the wreck." Peter said. He saw Marcus look at him.
"So your the one that saved my life?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know about 'saved'." Peter said.
"Well, you sure as hell gave me another day to keep her safe." Marcus said.
"Who is she?" Peter asked.
"My sister. Her name is Samantha." Marcus said.
"What happened to her? I mean, why was she on a stretcher when we found her?" Peter asked.
"You want the whole story or the short story?" Marcus asked.
"Give it to me." Peter replied.
"Alright, we came form this ship called the Olympus. We were forced o dock at an island just off the coast after all hell broke loose. We thought we were the only ones, but there were these 'bandits'. I made the mistake of making a deal with them to get one of our people back. In the end they killed three or more of our people and stabbed her in the chest. We kinda stole a helicopter from a hospital to get over here and we crashed it. Which brings us to now." Marcus said. "So, what's your story?" Marcus asked.
"Nothing really. I was living off prayer with my nephew when we ran into her at a bar." Peter began, motioning to Mariza who was in a bed nearby. "We were mostly nomadic, just moving place to place taking everything we could. Then we watched a helicopter come down. Which brings us to now." Peter said.
"What happened to her?" Marcus asked looking over at Mariza.
[Tell him the truth]
Thomas Green
"Why won't you just tell us?" The man asked.
"I told you again and again for days that I didn't know what they were planning." Thomas said.
"And yet you came here with them." He said.
"They were part of my group." Thomas said.
"And they left you behind?" He asked.
"I didn't want any part of it." Thomas said.
"So you knew they were going to steal the helicopter?" He asked. Thomas sighed.
"Yes. I knew." Thomas said.
"Finally, Why wouldn't you just say that?" He asked. Thomas stayed silent. The door suddenly flew open.
"Sir, scouts spotted a vehicle moving this way. With multiple people following it." A new man said.
"Are they part of your group?" The first man asked.
"How the hell would I know?" Thomas asked.
"Fucking hell. Come with me." The man said as he stood up. Thomas stood up to and waled out of the room. He was lead down the stairwell to the bottom floor and out the door. "How far out are they?"
"Only one minute." The other man responded.
"Look, Thomas. When they get here, you will tell them to surrender and give us everything they have or we will kill you all." The man said.
"With what? Rocks and wooden spears?" Thomas asked.
"Yes, what you think you got something better?" The man asked.
"No, we only have pebbles." Thomas said as he noticed a vehicle turning into the parking lot and stopping. The door opened and the first friendly face he'd seen in days stepped out. Mary, then he saw Eli and the Gonzales family. Thomas took a step forward but was stopped when two guards locked their spears together.
"Now, Thomas. Tell them what we want." The man said.
"Thomas, whats up with the freaks of nature people?" Mary asked.
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
[tell them to attack]
Rodger Navy
He watched the storm clouds gather in the distance, over the mainland. But the heat from up on the roof was almost unbearable. It was impossible to escape from the sun.
"Pass me some of the water." Alice asked. She turned and saw Katheryn, Rodger and Angelica going through their packs.
"I don't have any left." Rodger said.
"Me neither." Katheryn said.
"I have just a little left." Angelica said as she pulled out an almost empty water bottle.
"That's all we have left? I'm thirsty to!" Katheryn said.
"Hey, I asked first!" Alice said.
"I need it to!" Angelica said.
"Don't you even get in this." Alice said to her.
"But it's my water." Angelica said.
"If you haven't noticed, I don't give a shit. Now hand it over." Alice demanded.
"No fucking way." Angelica said.
"We don't have any food. None at all.." Katheryn said as she threw a pack to the ground.
"This is your fault!" Angelica yelled at Alice.
"How is this my fault?" Alice yelled.
"Don't pretend like I didn't see you eating out of my pack last night." Angelica said.
"Just give me the fucking water!" Alice yelled, reaching for the bottle but Angelica pushed back.
"Back the fuck off." Angelica yelled.
"Shut the fuck up!" Rodger yelled breaking into the conversation. "Arguing will only kill you faster." He said.
"What do you think we should do with the water?" Katheryn asked.
I don't see any reason to lie to him. Marcus is not someone who quickly panics.
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
I debated about this and was very torn about it. On the one hand, giving up everything is hard. On the other hand, the Martinez family has very young kids with them. Fighting back would put them at danger the most and I think that's not worth it.
[Lottery it off]
Sounds like the best choice and the one that causes the least conflict. Just drinking it himself or throwing it over the edge could bring the rest of the group against him.
Omar Taylor
"You know what we have to do. Infected are infected." Omar said in a serious tone.
"I understand that more than I would li… moreke to admit." Peter said.
"Let's get these two inside." Omar said as he motioned towards the hospital. A nearby solider saw what had happened and walked over.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"He's infected. You know what to do." Omar said.
"Yes sir." The solider responded. Omar and Peter walked off towards the hospital.
"How the fuck could something like this happen?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea. This area has been cleaned inside and out for the virus, and Hank never left the area." Omar said as he walked up to the hospital door and two nurses opened them.
"Someone get me a stretcher!" A nurse yelled. A few moments later the area was flooded with doctors and nurses who took the two injured away on stretchers. "What happened to them?" The nurse asked.
"Infected attack." Omar said,
… [view original content]
Omar Taylor
"You know what we have to do. Infected are infected." Omar said in a serious tone.
"I understand that more than I would li… moreke to admit." Peter said.
"Let's get these two inside." Omar said as he motioned towards the hospital. A nearby solider saw what had happened and walked over.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"He's infected. You know what to do." Omar said.
"Yes sir." The solider responded. Omar and Peter walked off towards the hospital.
"How the fuck could something like this happen?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea. This area has been cleaned inside and out for the virus, and Hank never left the area." Omar said as he walked up to the hospital door and two nurses opened them.
"Someone get me a stretcher!" A nurse yelled. A few moments later the area was flooded with doctors and nurses who took the two injured away on stretchers. "What happened to them?" The nurse asked.
"Infected attack." Omar said,
… [view original content]
Omar Taylor
"You know what we have to do. Infected are infected." Omar said in a serious tone.
"I understand that more than I would li… moreke to admit." Peter said.
"Let's get these two inside." Omar said as he motioned towards the hospital. A nearby solider saw what had happened and walked over.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"He's infected. You know what to do." Omar said.
"Yes sir." The solider responded. Omar and Peter walked off towards the hospital.
"How the fuck could something like this happen?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea. This area has been cleaned inside and out for the virus, and Hank never left the area." Omar said as he walked up to the hospital door and two nurses opened them.
"Someone get me a stretcher!" A nurse yelled. A few moments later the area was flooded with doctors and nurses who took the two injured away on stretchers. "What happened to them?" The nurse asked.
"Infected attack." Omar said,
… [view original content]
Omar Taylor
"You know what we have to do. Infected are infected." Omar said in a serious tone.
"I understand that more than I would li… moreke to admit." Peter said.
"Let's get these two inside." Omar said as he motioned towards the hospital. A nearby solider saw what had happened and walked over.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"He's infected. You know what to do." Omar said.
"Yes sir." The solider responded. Omar and Peter walked off towards the hospital.
"How the fuck could something like this happen?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea. This area has been cleaned inside and out for the virus, and Hank never left the area." Omar said as he walked up to the hospital door and two nurses opened them.
"Someone get me a stretcher!" A nurse yelled. A few moments later the area was flooded with doctors and nurses who took the two injured away on stretchers. "What happened to them?" The nurse asked.
"Infected attack." Omar said,
… [view original content]
"What will it be, Rodger?" Angelica asked. Rodger eyes the bottle and extended his hand.
"Give it here." He said.
"Why?" Angelica asked.
"You asked me to get involved, now I'm getting involved. Give it here." Rodger said.
"We can trust him." Katheryn said. Angelica reluctantly handed the water bottle to Rodger. But instead of rationing off the remaining water or doing something to that extent, he unscrewed the cap.
"What are you doing?" Alice asked. Rodger didn't respond as he lifted the bottle to his lips and chugged what was left, leaving nothing.
"You mother fucker!" Angelica yelled and rushed forward. Rodger stood to meet her.
"What are you going to do about it, captain?" Rodger asked. Alice could see the anger appear on Angelica's face. Angelica suddenly pushed Rodger and caught him off guard, he stumbled a few steps back before regaining his footing.
"I'm fucking through with you bastards! Ever since you fucking showed up on my ship you started marching around like you owned the place!" Angelica yelled at him.
"Back the fuck off." Rodger said, pushing Angelica away from him. "It was your fucking choice to call in the navy, and it was your choice on your ship that got all of my people killed. All of them!" Rodger yelled.
"I'm not the one who killed them! I'm not the one who caused this shitshow to happen!" Angelica asked.
"You know what I think?" Rodger said as he eyed up Angelica. "I think your a miserable excuse for a captain. It was your incompetence that got those people killed. They looked to you for guidance and you led them to a slaughter. Your no better then the dead." Rodger said. Angelica's eye slightly twitched.
"You don't get to say that." She said quietly. "What I've done. What I'll do. You think I'm happy people died? People I was trying to protect!" Angelica yelled.
"Calm the fuck down!" Alice said as she walked forward and placed a hand on Angelica's shoulder in an attempt to stop the fight.
"Get the fuck off of me!" Angelica yelled as she slapped Alice in the face. Alice stumbled backward a little holding her cheek.
"Already trying to make more enemies?" Rodger asked in cynical tone.
"Fuck you!" Angelica yelled as she rushed forward and tackled Rodger, straight off the edge of the roof. Alice watched in horror as the two went over the edge. Alice rushed to the edge just in time to see both of them get engulfed by the surrounding infected. Both of them screaming for help as they were slowly mutilated. Alice backed away from the edge speechless.
"Rodger..." She said. It was all she could muster. She heard crying and turned around to see Katheryn sitting against the wall with her head in her knees sobbing.
"Stop fucking crying damnit!" Alice snapped at her, but it only seemed to make her cry more. Alice sank to the ground feeling defeated, tired, thirsty, and hungry. "There's no way to survive this, is there?" Alice asked no one in particular as she continued to stare at the distant storm clouds. She could hear the rolls of thunder and see the flashes of lightning, only if that storm would turn and come this way. Water, they would have water. Just thinking of water reminded her how bad her skin burnt from the sun and her mouth felt like sandpaper, her eyes stung from the dryness.
"Were going to die. Aren't we?" Katheryn asked, no longer being able to cry. Alice stared a little longer before answering.
"Yes." She said. "We're going to die."
"Why... Why did it have to come to this? Just a few weeks ago I was having the time of my life working on the ship... And now..." Katheryn said as she trailed off. After a brief silence Alice let out a small laugh. "What's so funny?" She asked. Alice ran her fingers through her short red hair.
"Nothing, just thought it was a little humorous that I was able to survive pirates on the ocean and then be able to survive this..." Alice said as she lifted her hand and motioned around. "Just to die on a roof because I have no water."
"You fought pirates?" Katheryn asked. Alice rolled up her sleeve and revealed a scar on her right arm.
"Sure as hell did." Alice said.
"What do you think will happen when we die?" Katheryn asked.
"I wish I knew." Alice answered.
Thomas Green
"Guys, these.... People were here at the hospital before we got here. Marcus did some things to really piss them off. Now they want our stuff, or they'll take our lives." Thomas said as he looked towards his group. He saw the defeat in their eyes. They'd come to far just to get cut down.
"Quickly now. Place your bags on the ground, and drop your weapons, or we'll kill the girl." The man spoke.
"What girl?" Mary asked. The man motioned to some of his guards and they dissapeared inside the hospital. When they returned they were dragging Angela with them.
"Her." He said, as the guards sat her down in the parking lot. To Thomas's surprise she looked up.
"What the hell is going on here? Wh-what happened?" She asked.
"Angela? Your alive?" Thomas said.
"Who the hell are you?" Angela asked Thomas.
"I'm Thomas, from the Olympus." Thomas said.
"The hell is the Olympus?" Angela asked.
"Enough of the small talk, hand over everything or we kill her. Then we kill all of you." The man said as a guard positioned his spear above Angela's heart.
"What are they doing?" Angela asked.
"Guys, give them everything. Now." Thomas said. Mary looked around and sighed. She dropped her bag and threw her pistol to the ground. Everyone else followed suit until everything was gone. Some of the hospital group collected the bags.
"Now go, before I change my mind." The man said.
"Get in the car. Let's go." Thomas said.
"Leave the car." The man said.
"Are you fucking serious?" Thomas asked. The man cracked a smile.
"The name's Chief Dollie. It's a pleasure to do business with you." He said.
"Who the fuck are you people? And who the hell were they?" Angela asked.
"Look, I can't explain this. You woke up from a coma i the middle of the apocalypse with no recollection of your former life. Do you even know your own name?" Thomas asked her. She was silent for a moment and shook her head,
"No. I don't know my name." She said.
"It's Angelica. But trust me, now's not the time for life stories. We need to get back to the warehouse and get what's left of the supplies." Thomas said.
"Thomas, that was what was left of the supplies. There's nothing left at the warehouse." Mary said.
"We are so fucking screwed." Lucas said.
"Where do we go now? We have nothing left." Daniel said.
"Where did Marcus go? He would know what to do." Eli said.
"He.. He crossed over." Thomas said.
"He's dead?" Lucas asked in shock.
"No. No, fuck no. He crossed over to the mainland. He's at a hospital over there with Samantha." Thomas said, clarifying his statement.
"Should we go over?" Mary asked.
"We still have a boat." Lucas said.
"Please tell me, does anyone here know how to pilot a damn ship?" Thomas asked.
"Angelica does." Daniel said. "She was the captain of the ship."
"I know, I know. Where is she?" Thomas asked.
"She went into the city to find Alice. They didn't come back before we left though." Patrica said.
"Alice, why'd they have to go find her?" Thomas asked.
"After you left infected swarmed the place. She led them away so we could get out." Patrica said.
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
Holy shit, Roger and Angelica That was a shock. I mean, I suspected that drinking it or throwing it away would result in hard consequences and, let's be honest, that was a pretty jerkish move by Roger. But I never thought Angelica could snap like that. Damn it...
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
I think they might be the only chance left for Alice and Katheryn.
Alice Erwin
"What will it be, Rodger?" Angelica asked. Rodger eyes the bottle and extended his hand.
"Give it here." He said.
"Why?… more" Angelica asked.
"You asked me to get involved, now I'm getting involved. Give it here." Rodger said.
"We can trust him." Katheryn said. Angelica reluctantly handed the water bottle to Rodger. But instead of rationing off the remaining water or doing something to that extent, he unscrewed the cap.
"What are you doing?" Alice asked. Rodger didn't respond as he lifted the bottle to his lips and chugged what was left, leaving nothing.
"You mother fucker!" Angelica yelled and rushed forward. Rodger stood to meet her.
"What are you going to do about it, captain?" Rodger asked. Alice could see the anger appear on Angelica's face. Angelica suddenly pushed Rodger and caught him off guard, he stumbled a few steps back before regaining his footing.
"I'm fucking through with you bastards! Ever sin… [view original content]
Alice Erwin
"What will it be, Rodger?" Angelica asked. Rodger eyes the bottle and extended his hand.
"Give it here." He said.
"Why?… more" Angelica asked.
"You asked me to get involved, now I'm getting involved. Give it here." Rodger said.
"We can trust him." Katheryn said. Angelica reluctantly handed the water bottle to Rodger. But instead of rationing off the remaining water or doing something to that extent, he unscrewed the cap.
"What are you doing?" Alice asked. Rodger didn't respond as he lifted the bottle to his lips and chugged what was left, leaving nothing.
"You mother fucker!" Angelica yelled and rushed forward. Rodger stood to meet her.
"What are you going to do about it, captain?" Rodger asked. Alice could see the anger appear on Angelica's face. Angelica suddenly pushed Rodger and caught him off guard, he stumbled a few steps back before regaining his footing.
"I'm fucking through with you bastards! Ever sin… [view original content]
Actually, the only choice that wouldn't have resulted in a death would have been to throw it over the edge. If you would've chosen to lottery it, Alice would've won it and Kathryn would've pushed her over the edge in an attempt to take the water. So drinking the water was the worst possible choice this time.
Holy shit, Roger and Angelica That was a shock. I mean, I suspected that drinking it or throwing it away would result in hard consequences … moreand, let's be honest, that was a pretty jerkish move by Roger. But I never thought Angelica could snap like that. Damn it...
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
I think they might be the only chance left for Alice and Katheryn.
Alice Erwin
"What will it be, Rodger?" Angelica asked. Rodger eyes the bottle and extended his hand.
"Give it here." He said.
"Why?… more" Angelica asked.
"You asked me to get involved, now I'm getting involved. Give it here." Rodger said.
"We can trust him." Katheryn said. Angelica reluctantly handed the water bottle to Rodger. But instead of rationing off the remaining water or doing something to that extent, he unscrewed the cap.
"What are you doing?" Alice asked. Rodger didn't respond as he lifted the bottle to his lips and chugged what was left, leaving nothing.
"You mother fucker!" Angelica yelled and rushed forward. Rodger stood to meet her.
"What are you going to do about it, captain?" Rodger asked. Alice could see the anger appear on Angelica's face. Angelica suddenly pushed Rodger and caught him off guard, he stumbled a few steps back before regaining his footing.
"I'm fucking through with you bastards! Ever sin… [view original content]
Alice Erwin
"What will it be, Rodger?" Angelica asked. Rodger eyes the bottle and extended his hand.
"Give it here." He said.
"Why?… more" Angelica asked.
"You asked me to get involved, now I'm getting involved. Give it here." Rodger said.
"We can trust him." Katheryn said. Angelica reluctantly handed the water bottle to Rodger. But instead of rationing off the remaining water or doing something to that extent, he unscrewed the cap.
"What are you doing?" Alice asked. Rodger didn't respond as he lifted the bottle to his lips and chugged what was left, leaving nothing.
"You mother fucker!" Angelica yelled and rushed forward. Rodger stood to meet her.
"What are you going to do about it, captain?" Rodger asked. Alice could see the anger appear on Angelica's face. Angelica suddenly pushed Rodger and caught him off guard, he stumbled a few steps back before regaining his footing.
"I'm fucking through with you bastards! Ever sin… [view original content]
Alice lay on her back staring into the sky, hand in hand with Katheryn.
"Do you think anyone will find us?" Katheryn asked, her voice rough.
"No. I don't." Alice answered honestly. She heard Katheryn attempt to laugh, but couldn't.
"Thanks for being so positive." Katheryn said
"Just being truthful." Alice said.
"I know. I know." Katheryn said.
Peter Oswald
"He, He was infected. Hank was. He started to come at me, but she got in the way." Peter said.
"Took a heeluva beating out of it." Marcus said. "Wait. Did you say someone was infected?" He asked.
"Yes. Inside the area. He was infected." Peter said.
"What are they doing with him?" Marcus asked.
"They.... They're going to kill him." Peter said.
"Damn. But it's the right call." Marcus said.
"I don't even know what's right anymore." Peter sighed.
"I know the feeling." Marcus said.
"How long has she been like this?" Peter asked as he looked to Samantha.
"I don't know. A few days at least." Marcus said.
"I hope she gets better soon." Peter said.
"I do to." Marcus said. "I have to go back to work. I guess I'll see you later." He said as he rose from the chair and walked out of the ICU. Peter walked over to Mariza, who had multiple bruises and lacerations. Her face was swollen and her right eye was bruised shut.
"Why'd you do it?" Peter asked her.
"I.. I't was coming for you." Mariza answered.
"You didn't have to get in between us." Peter said.
"I just... Didn't want to be useless anymore." Mariza said.
"Mariza, why would you ever think you were useless?" Peter asked.
"Ever since we met, all I've done is get you and Dylan in danger. You always said how all I did was bring trouble." She said.
"I never meant any of that, I was just angry." Peter said.
"That's just it. I made you angry, I always have, and that's all I do." Mariza said. "Maybe I should just leave. Go someplace where I can't get anyone hurt."
"What? Mariza, you're part of the group. We're a family. We have to stay together." Peter said.
"Your only saying that." She said.
"No. I mean it. We need you here. No, I want you here." Peter said.
"You don't mean that." Mariza said.
"I do." Peter said. He saw her gaze drift off to the left.
"Peter, she's moving." Mariza said.
"What? Who?" Peter asked turning around. He saw the girl, Samantha, slightly moving in her bed.
"She's alive!" Mariza said. "You have to go get her brother or a doctor, or someone!"
"Yeah, I'll find someone." Peter said as he rushed off. But who was he going to get first?
[Get Marcus first]
[Get a doctor first]
[Get the closest person first]
Italo Buonatesta
"They went into the town and never came back, we have to find them. They could be alive." Thomas said.
"Then let's go. It's not far from here." Mary said. As she led the group away towards the town.
"This looks bad." Italo said as he examined the Cadillac.
"Or it could be good, maybe." Lucas said.
"Yes, because an abandoned car that belonged to us is always a good sign." Santiago said.
"Lucas, stay back here with the kids. The rest of us are going in. If we aren't back in thirty minutes, assume the worst. Angela should probably stay back to. Patricia, you can stay to." Thomas said.
"Sound fine to me. I get to stay back and watch kids while you run into a creepy ass ghost town." Lucas said.
"Pretty much. Let's go." Italo said as he walked towards the town.
"You know what I don't like?" Mary said.
"What's that?" Thomas asked.
"The fact that we're walking straight into a possibly hostile area unarmed." She responded.
"Over there, we could get some weapons in there." Italo said pointing out a kitchen store.
"Meat cleavers. Fun." Thomas said.
"Italo, what the hell are you wearing?" Mary asked.
"I found it." Italo said. "I think I like it." He said.
"Take the damn hat off. We can come back for it later." Thomas said. Italo took off the chefs hat and placed it back on the shelf. "Did you even find any weapons?"
"Oh, yeah. Of course I did." Italo said brandishing his new knife.
"Good then let's get moving. Any ideas of where to search first?" Thomas asked.
"If we could get up to the roof we could see everything." Mary said.
"Good idea. We just need to find a way to the roof." Italo said.
"There's a hardware store across the road. They're bound to have a ladder." Thomas said.
"Good." Mary said as she walked out of the kitchen store and crossed the road, with the other two right behind her.
"Check that alleyway." Thomas told Italo. Italo nodded and drew his knife walking down the alley. When he rounded the corner her jumped back. A whole cluster of infected were just standing in the alley, some looking up at the roof. Italo slowly backed away back into the street.
"Anything?" Thomas asked. Italo Instantly hushed him. He closed the gate that led to the alley and pulled on it, luckily it was locked.
"There's a shit ton of infected back there. Some of them were looking at the roof, something's got to be up there." Italo said.
"I found a ladder." Mary said as she walked out of the hardware store with a ladder. She placed it on the ground and leaned it against the building.
"I'll go up first." Italo volunteered. he grabbed hold of the ladder and climbed as fast as he could. One he was up he quickly turned around to Thomas.
"Get up here. I found them." Italo said as he approached the two women. They were both laying on their backs, facing the sky. Holding each other's hands.
"Holy shit, are they alive?" Italo asked.
"Let me see. Get out of the way." Thomas said as he rushed up to them. He quickly checked for a pulse. "They're alive. But not for long. They need water. Quickly." Thomas said.
"All the water we had we were forced to surrender." Italo said.
"Mother fucker." Mary said.
"Wait, the kitchen store. It has to have water in it." Thomas said.
"What are we waiting for then? Let's go." Italo said as he picked up Alice and began carrying her. She was surprisingly light. He carefully climbed down the ladder, which is an extremely awkward process when carrying someone. Then he rushed back across the road into the kitchen store.
"Over there, down an isle." Thomas said. Italo rushed down the isle and then saw it. One case of water bottles ripped open. Mary picked it up and pulled out it's remaining contents. Only three small bottles.
"That won't be enough." Italo said.
"No it won't but it might keep them alive a little longer." Thomas said.
"Give me one of those bottles." Italo said.
"No, you can't give water to someone who is unconscious. You'd make them choke to death." Thomas said.
"Then what do we do?" Italo asked.
"Normally the way to do it would be IV, but we have no supplies. So I have no clue." Thomas said.
"What would it take to make an IV?" Mary asked.
"A needle and some tubing of some sort might work." Thomas said. "Put them on the ground. Right there." Thomas said. Italo placed Alice on the floor and stood up.
"What can I do?" Italo asked.
"Watch them." Thomas said. Italo looked at Alice, she looked bad. Katheryn though, almost looked worse. Italo heard a weak coughing and looked back at Alice, her eyes were weakly opened.
"Thomas she's awake!" Italo said.
"Good, then try to get her to drink now." Thomas said as he handed him a bottle of water Italo lifted Alice off the ground a little and supported her head lifting the water to her lips.
"Alice, drink something." Italo said. He noticed Alice was drinking the water. "She's drinking it!" Italo exclaimed happily. Soon the entire bottle was gone and Alice pulled away gasping.
"Italo." She said weakly.
"Yeah, just relax okay. We got you now." Italo said.
"They-They're dead... Angelica and Rodger. J-Just dead." Alice said.
"It's okay. It's fine, you're safe now. Just lay back and relax." Italo said. Mary suddenly returned with something in her hands.
"Will this work?" She asked. Thomas looked it over and nodded
"I need you to attach the tubing to the needle. Then hand me a water bottle." Thomas said. "Shit, quickly. I think I'm losing her."
"She's going to be fine right?" Alice asked.
"Yes. She'll be fine." Italo said.
"Any time now Mary!" Thomas shouted. He placed his fingers on her neck to check a pulse and his expression went stone solid. "Shit. Kat!" He yelled as he began giving her CPR.
"What happened?" Italo asked.
"She quit breathing! I couldn't find a pulse." Thomas said as he continued.
"Kat! No!" Alice yelled as she tried to get up but Italo held her back.
"Alice, I need you to calm down." Italo said as he hugged her tightly. After a small struggle she buried her face into his chest. Italo watched as Thomas tried to get a pulse back. He could see the fear on Mary's face. He could hear the sobs of Alice.
"God Damnit! Breath!" Thomas yelled at Katheryn, then he gave up and laid his head on her chest in defeat. "I- I can't.. She's gone." He said as he stood up and walked over to Mary, who quickly hugged him. Italo could feel Alice's grip tightening around him.
"What do we do now?" Italo asked as he blackly stared at Katheryn.
"I. We. You should... Fuck." Thomas sighed as he tried to compose himself.
"Thomas, you did all you could. There was no saving her." Mary said,
"I could've done more." Thomas said.
"No you could've now come sit down." Mary said. Thomas sighed. Italo stared at Katheryn and noticed something,
Whoohoo, Sammy is alive! It seems like she's even starting to wake up. That's awesome And I'm similarly relieved that Katheryn and Alice got saved just in time. That was a close call for all three of them.
[Get a doctor first]
As much as I can't wait to see Marcus' reaction to the good news, Sammy is clearly still in need of medical help. In her condition, a doctor should be the first person to see her. Besides, there are probably plenty of doctors around, while Marcus is currently overseeing the training in a different part of the hospital. In the time Peter needs to get to him, he could probably get half a dozen doctors for Sammy. Medical attention is just more important right now.
Alice Erwin
Alice lay on her back staring into the sky, hand in hand with Katheryn.
"Do you think anyone will find us?" Katheryn asked… more, her voice rough.
"No. I don't." Alice answered honestly. She heard Katheryn attempt to laugh, but couldn't.
"Thanks for being so positive." Katheryn said
"Just being truthful." Alice said.
"I know. I know." Katheryn said.
Peter Oswald
"He, He was infected. Hank was. He started to come at me, but she got in the way." Peter said.
"Took a heeluva beating out of it." Marcus said. "Wait. Did you say someone was infected?" He asked.
"Yes. Inside the area. He was infected." Peter said.
"What are they doing with him?" Marcus asked.
"They.... They're going to kill him." Peter said.
"Damn. But it's the right call." Marcus said.
"I don't even know what's right anymore." Peter sighed.
"I know the feeling." Marcus said.
"How long has she been like this?" Peter asked as he … [view original content]
Whoohoo, Sammy is alive! It seems like she's even starting to wake up. That's awesome And I'm similarly relieved that Katheryn and Alice go… moret saved just in time. That was a close call for all three of them.
[Get a doctor first]
As much as I can't wait to see Marcus' reaction to the good news, Sammy is clearly still in need of medical help. In her condition, a doctor should be the first person to see her. Besides, there are probably plenty of doctors around, while Marcus is currently overseeing the training in a different part of the hospital. In the time Peter needs to get to him, he could probably get half a dozen doctors for Sammy. Medical attention is just more important right now.
Alice Erwin
Alice lay on her back staring into the sky, hand in hand with Katheryn.
"Do you think anyone will find us?" Katheryn asked… more, her voice rough.
"No. I don't." Alice answered honestly. She heard Katheryn attempt to laugh, but couldn't.
"Thanks for being so positive." Katheryn said
"Just being truthful." Alice said.
"I know. I know." Katheryn said.
Peter Oswald
"He, He was infected. Hank was. He started to come at me, but she got in the way." Peter said.
"Took a heeluva beating out of it." Marcus said. "Wait. Did you say someone was infected?" He asked.
"Yes. Inside the area. He was infected." Peter said.
"What are they doing with him?" Marcus asked.
"They.... They're going to kill him." Peter said.
"Damn. But it's the right call." Marcus said.
"I don't even know what's right anymore." Peter sighed.
"I know the feeling." Marcus said.
"How long has she been like this?" Peter asked as he … [view original content]
Alice Erwin
Alice lay on her back staring into the sky, hand in hand with Katheryn.
"Do you think anyone will find us?" Katheryn asked… more, her voice rough.
"No. I don't." Alice answered honestly. She heard Katheryn attempt to laugh, but couldn't.
"Thanks for being so positive." Katheryn said
"Just being truthful." Alice said.
"I know. I know." Katheryn said.
Peter Oswald
"He, He was infected. Hank was. He started to come at me, but she got in the way." Peter said.
"Took a heeluva beating out of it." Marcus said. "Wait. Did you say someone was infected?" He asked.
"Yes. Inside the area. He was infected." Peter said.
"What are they doing with him?" Marcus asked.
"They.... They're going to kill him." Peter said.
"Damn. But it's the right call." Marcus said.
"I don't even know what's right anymore." Peter sighed.
"I know the feeling." Marcus said.
"How long has she been like this?" Peter asked as he … [view original content]
Alice Erwin
Alice lay on her back staring into the sky, hand in hand with Katheryn.
"Do you think anyone will find us?" Katheryn asked… more, her voice rough.
"No. I don't." Alice answered honestly. She heard Katheryn attempt to laugh, but couldn't.
"Thanks for being so positive." Katheryn said
"Just being truthful." Alice said.
"I know. I know." Katheryn said.
Peter Oswald
"He, He was infected. Hank was. He started to come at me, but she got in the way." Peter said.
"Took a heeluva beating out of it." Marcus said. "Wait. Did you say someone was infected?" He asked.
"Yes. Inside the area. He was infected." Peter said.
"What are they doing with him?" Marcus asked.
"They.... They're going to kill him." Peter said.
"Damn. But it's the right call." Marcus said.
"I don't even know what's right anymore." Peter sighed.
"I know the feeling." Marcus said.
"How long has she been like this?" Peter asked as he … [view original content]
Peter looked around the room and was surprised to find no one inside, not even a doctor. He quickly rushed out of the room and into the lobby where he saw a group of doctors standing around laughing.
"What's the matter? Looks like you've ran a marathon." A doctor said.
"She's awake. The girl form the helicopter crash." Peter said.
"Are you joking?" Another doctor said.
"Looks like you owe me your desert tonight Peterson." A third doctor said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You were making bets on whether she was going to live or not?" Peter said angrily.
"Hey, what you want me to do?" One of the doctors sarcastically asked.
"Do your damn job dumbass!" Peter yelled at him, he saw the doctor shrink back a little.
"Yeah, sure..." He said as he quickly walked off towards the ICU. Peter rubbed his forehead and sighed. He walked through the lobby towards the front door. As he pushed the door open a woman stopped him.
"I wouldn't go out there right now, This fucking weather is insane. Can't see three feet in front of you in the rain, and then there's the wind." She said.
"You'd think this was the apocalypse." Peter said. The woman laughed as she pushed the door open and walked out. "I thought you told me not to go out." Peter said.
"I don't have a choice. I got work to do." The woman said as she dissipated into the rain. Peter turned and walked back towards the ICU. Once inside he was a group of doctors standing around her and talking. Peter walked over to Mariza's bed.
"How's it looking?" Peter asked.
"I can't tell. I can only hear every few words they say. But I think it sounds hopeful." Mariza said.
"At least one thing is going right." Peter said.
"One's better than none." Mariza said.
"I guess so." Peter said.
"Sir, can I talk with you in private?" One of the doctors said as he walked up to Peter.
"Yeah, sure." Peter said as he walked with the doctor. "How's she looking?"
"Better than expected. In the sense that she's even alive. Are you related to her in any way?" The doctor asked.
"No, I just pulled her out of the crash. Her brother is around here somewhere." Peter said.
"Do you have any idea where he'd be?" The doctor asked.
"Not a clue." Peter said. "Wait, that's him over there." Peter said, pointing out a man walking down the hallway. Peter walked with the doctor and intercepted him.
"Marcus Bishop is it?" The doctor asked.
"Yes. What's the problem?" Marcus asked.
"I need to speak with you about your sister's condition." The doctor said.
"Is she alright? She sin't dead is she?" Marcus asked.
"No. She's perfectly fine. She just woke up." The doctor said.
"Then get out of my way, I have to see her." Marcus said as he pushed past the doctor.
"Mr. Bishop, wait. I have some results that you need to hear." The doctor said.
"What is it?" Marcus asked. The doctor fumbled with a clipboard and looked it over, beginning to read.
"Marcus, mostly because of the helicopter crash, your sister is blinded in her right eye. She only has limited use of her right arm, which might deteriorate in time. But there seems to be some good news." The doctor said.
"What is it?" Marcus asked.
"The baby seems perfectly healthy."
Italo Buonatesta
"She's breathing..." Italo spoke.
"Holy shit!" Thomas said as he jumped up and ran over to her. "Italo, go get the others! Hurry!" Thomas said. "Mary go with him. I work best alone." He said. Mary stood and nodded to Thomas then walked over to Italo.
"Let's go." She said, and the two walked out into the street and towards the edge of the town.
"I thought she was gone." Italo said.
"Me too. I can't believe we even found them." Mary said.
"Even though Rodger and Angelica are dead." Italo said.
"We came to find the captain only to find her dead." Mary said.
"Maybe one of them knows something about captaining a boat?" Italo asked.
"I doubt it. Even if they did, they aren't in any condition to do anything." Mary said. "There they are." Mary said pointing towards a Cadillac. Italo noticed Lucas waving at them telling them to go back.
"He's telling us to go back." Italo said as he stopped.
"What? Why?" Mary asked as she continued to walk forward. Suddenly there was a loud bang and Mary fell to the ground holding her throat as blood seeped through her hands.
"Mary!" Italo exclaimed as he rushed forwards and grabbed her.
"Get up." A man with Scottish accent said from behind him. "The bitch got what she deserved."
"Awright. I'm sure ya know the drill. Gimme all yer stuff." The man said, as he waved a rifle around.
"Fuck you! We don't have anything!" Lucas yelled at him.
"Lads, keep em occupied. I'm gonna have a talk with this one." He said as he picked Lucas up and dragged him off.
"No! You can't take him!" Patricia yelled.
"Lady, I suggest you shut up." One of the other men said.
"What is he going to do to him?" Italo demanded.
"The boss doesn't like anyone mouthing off. He'll probably just kill him." The man said. Just then Italo heard a gunshot.
"Fuck!" Italo yelled, but then there was two more gunshots and the guards fell to the ground. When Italo looked up he saw Lucas walking back towards them with another man.
"Is everyone alright?" the man asked. "I've been trying to find you guys forever. I guess I showed up just in time." He said.
What, what, what... what? That caught me off guard, in a very positive way But it also opens the question, who is the father? Does she even know? I mean, she certainly does not know that she is pregnant. Since I'm not sure if she had any opportunity during her stay aboard the Olympus and afterwards, it probably happened shortly before she went on that journey. Very shortly, as a small and slim girl like her would probably show visible signs of pregnancy early into it. How long has it been since the apocalypse started? Anyway, while it's definitely not the best time to get pregnant, it's nonetheless wonderful
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
I think it could be the best to tell him the bad news first. It's especially sad for Mary, as she wouldn't have been in danger if Thomas wouldn't have sent her away with Italo. By the way, I'm glad that Philip is alive. If he knows how to captain a ship, this could help the remaining group in escaping from the island.
Peter Oswald
Peter looked around the room and was surprised to find no one inside, not even a doctor. He quickly rushed out of the room a… morend into the lobby where he saw a group of doctors standing around laughing.
"What's the matter? Looks like you've ran a marathon." A doctor said.
"She's awake. The girl form the helicopter crash." Peter said.
"Are you joking?" Another doctor said.
"Looks like you owe me your desert tonight Peterson." A third doctor said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You were making bets on whether she was going to live or not?" Peter said angrily.
"Hey, what you want me to do?" One of the doctors sarcastically asked.
"Do your damn job dumbass!" Peter yelled at him, he saw the doctor shrink back a little.
"Yeah, sure..." He said as he quickly walked off towards the ICU. Peter rubbed his forehead and sighed. He walked through the lobby towards the front door. As he pushed the door open a woman stopp… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
Peter looked around the room and was surprised to find no one inside, not even a doctor. He quickly rushed out of the room a… morend into the lobby where he saw a group of doctors standing around laughing.
"What's the matter? Looks like you've ran a marathon." A doctor said.
"She's awake. The girl form the helicopter crash." Peter said.
"Are you joking?" Another doctor said.
"Looks like you owe me your desert tonight Peterson." A third doctor said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You were making bets on whether she was going to live or not?" Peter said angrily.
"Hey, what you want me to do?" One of the doctors sarcastically asked.
"Do your damn job dumbass!" Peter yelled at him, he saw the doctor shrink back a little.
"Yeah, sure..." He said as he quickly walked off towards the ICU. Peter rubbed his forehead and sighed. He walked through the lobby towards the front door. As he pushed the door open a woman stopp… [view original content]
"The baby seems perfectly healthy."
What, what, what... what? That caught me off guard, in a very positive way But it also opens th… moree question, who is the father? Does she even know? I mean, she certainly does not know that she is pregnant. Since I'm not sure if she had any opportunity during her stay aboard the Olympus and afterwards, it probably happened shortly before she went on that journey. Very shortly, as a small and slim girl like her would probably show visible signs of pregnancy early into it. How long has it been since the apocalypse started? Anyway, while it's definitely not the best time to get pregnant, it's nonetheless wonderful
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
I think it could be the best to tell him the bad news first. It's especially sad for Mary, as she wouldn't have been in danger if Thomas wouldn't have sent her away with Italo. By the way, I'm glad that Philip is alive. If he knows how to captain a ship, this could help the remaining group in escaping from the island.
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
Sorry, it's been a reallly really really really frickin' busy week for me, I haven't been around because of that.
So Samantha has been pregnant the whole time? That is great and I am even more happy now that Marcus and co. overcame all the trouble to save her life.
Peter Oswald
Peter looked around the room and was surprised to find no one inside, not even a doctor. He quickly rushed out of the room a… morend into the lobby where he saw a group of doctors standing around laughing.
"What's the matter? Looks like you've ran a marathon." A doctor said.
"She's awake. The girl form the helicopter crash." Peter said.
"Are you joking?" Another doctor said.
"Looks like you owe me your desert tonight Peterson." A third doctor said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You were making bets on whether she was going to live or not?" Peter said angrily.
"Hey, what you want me to do?" One of the doctors sarcastically asked.
"Do your damn job dumbass!" Peter yelled at him, he saw the doctor shrink back a little.
"Yeah, sure..." He said as he quickly walked off towards the ICU. Peter rubbed his forehead and sighed. He walked through the lobby towards the front door. As he pushed the door open a woman stopp… [view original content]
So, @maxbear29 has made a new story. He is very anxious to get to writing, but is in desperate need of more characters. I would be a great kindness if you would check it out, I have a feeling it's going to be good.
Italo got past his initial shock and decided to speak.
"Mary, Angelica and Rodger are dead." Italo said.
"No 'Welcome back' huh?" Philip said.
"You don't seem to shook up about it." Italo said.
"Yeah, well if you recall. Before I really had time to make friends, I kinda disappeared." Philip said.
"Wait, My mom is dead?" Eli butted in.
"Oh shit..." Italo mumbled.
"Go ahead, I got this one." Patrica whispered. Italo nodded to her as he stood up.
"I guess we should go get Thomas and Kat then." Italo said. The group stood with him and they began to walk back towards the town leaving Patrica and Eli alone.
"I'm confused. Who are you?" Angela asked looking at Philip.
"It's Philip. Forgot about me that quickly, huh?" Philip joked.
"Cut her some slack Philip. She can't even remember her name." Italo said.
"No, you said it was Angela. I remember that." Angela said. "I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is happening and why I'm even with you people." She said.
"Trust me, We'll tell stories later. But now we need to get out of here." Italo said.
"And where is here?" Angelica asked.
"Some small island off the coast of Georgia, we're trying to get back over." Italo said as he approached the door and opened it.
"Mary, I think I'm going to need your help. Her vitals keep dropping." Thomas said. Then he looked up at the group. "Mary?"
"Mary's dead Thomas. He was shot by some damn bandits." Italo said. Thomas' face dropped.
"We need to get moving." Thomas said.
"What about Kat?" Philip asked.
"Do one of you have any water on you?" Thomas asked.
"No. We were robbed if you remember." Lucas said.
"Then she's done for. The best thing we can do now is kill her, so she doesn't have to suffer anymore." Thomas said.
"But what about the IV? Didn't that help at all?" Italo said.
"I fucked up, okay? Once you guys left... I gave what was left of the water to Alice. Kat didn't get any." Thomas said.
"You fucking hung her out to dry and left her? What the hell man? I thought you were a fucking doctor!" Italo yelled at him.
"And from a medical standpoint, Alice had the greatest chance of survival. I couldn't waste the supplied on her." Thomas said.
"So that's all she is to you? A waste?" Italo asked.
"No... I just. What are you going to do? Kill me?" Thomas asked, as he changed his tone.
"No. We don't kill our own. Unlike you." Italo sneered. Thomas hung his head.
"Someone get Alice. We're leaving." Italo said.
"And where are we going?" Thomas asked.
"to find Marcus. He's the only one that can help us." Italo said.
"Alright. Then I guess we should hurry. What about Kat then?" Philip asked.
[Kill her]
[Leave her]
[Bring her]
Peter Oswald
"Wait... What did you just say?" Marcus asked the doctor. The doctor gave a puzzled look.
"i said that the baby was very healthy. It's almost a miracle it wasn't hurt in all of this." The doctor said. This only seemed to make Marcus more confused. "So I'm going to guess you didn't know?" The doctor asked.
"No... No, I had no idea." Marcus said.
"It was only off a hunch that we found the pregnancy." The doctor explained.
"How late in the pregnancy is she?" Marcus asked.
"Around one month." The doctor said.
"One month..." Marcus whispered to himself. "I need to talk to her." He said.
"Yes, of course." The doctor said as he motioned Marcus towards the ICU. Peter followed Marcus in and stood beside him next to Samantha.
"Sam... You had me so worried." Marcus said.
"The doctor already told me... It's been like a week." Samantha said.
"Five days." Marcus corrected.
"So you did it, huh? Got us over to the mainland?" Samantha asked.
"Of course. I couldn't have taken the chance of staying over there." Marcus said.
"Where's everyone else?" Samantha asked.
"They're coming. I promise." Marcus said.
"Oh." Samantha said.
"Why didn't you tell me Sam?" Marcus asked.
"Tell you what?" Samantha asked.
"Tell me you were pregnant." Marcus said. Samantha's eyes widened.
"I-I'm pregnant?" She asked.
"Wait, You didn't know?" Marcus asked.
"No! I had no idea. I didn't know what the doctors were talking about when they said I was having a baby." Samantha said.
"When could this have happened?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know, I never had sex with anyone! I swear!" Samantha said.
"The doctor said it was about a month ago." Marcus said. "Did anything happen around a month ago? Maybe to much to drink on the ship?" Marcus asked.
"No. I never drank on the ship." She said as she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. "Holy shit." She said.
"What is it?" Marcus asked.
"About a month ago is when I was kidnapped off the ship and woke up in a warehouse..." She said. "There was a man. He said his name was Alex. Alex Richards... You don't think He..." Her voice trailed off.
"Where is he now?" Marcus demanded.
"He's dead, I think." Samantha said.
"God Damnit." Marcus said. "Sam, Try to get some sleep. I'll figure this out." He said. "Peter, I need to talk to you." Peter nodded and walked out to the hallway.
"What is it?" Peter asked.
"What the fuck do you think? Some mother fucker raped my sister and he may or may not still be alive." Marcus said.
"What do you want me to do?" Peter asked.
"Ask around. See if anyone knows a Alex Richards." Marcus said.
"Alex Richards? What do you know about him?" A voice asked. Peter turned and saw the doctor they'd pulled out of the crash.
"I don't know anything. And that's my problem." Marcus said. "What do you know about him Richards?"
"He was my son." Doctor Richards responded.
"Where is he now?" Peter demanded.
"I don't know! Last I heard, He'd stolen all his mother's money and..." Richards trailed off.
"What?" Peter asked.
"Mother of all fucks. My son was on that ship. The Olympus... Jake Kutcher was on that ship." Richards said.
"Woah, hold on there, why are you bringing Jake into this conversation? He's another problem entirely." Marcus said.
"Because, My son was very messed up. He saw himself as Jake's personal bodyguard. He would do anything to protect Jake." Richards said.
"Even rape my sister!" Marcus yelled at him.
"I'm sure he's more than capable than that." Richards said.
"Where is he." Peter demanded.
"If I fucking knew I'd kill him myself." Richards said.
"Den oi suppose yer shud luk naw further." A surprisingly Irish accent butted in. Peter turned and saw a woman standing nearby she was soaking wet. She had soldiers on either side of her with their guns ready. " De name's Catiline. an' Alex is our leader." She said.
"Take her to interrogation. Find out everything she knows. And don't hold back, we know what these people can do." Omar said as he emerged from behind.
"Don't worry, oi promise ter tell yer everythin'." The woman said.
"Sure thing sweet heart." Omar said. "Lock her up, and keep her under close watch." He said to the soldiers as they marched her away.
"They're comin'! the-morra at dawn!" She yelled as she was taken away. One of the guards punched her in the jaw and she shut up.
"How was that?" Marcus asked.
"One of the tree huggers. We found her snooping around the front gate, she actually came to us and surrendered." Omar said.
"Why would she do that?" Peter asked.
"No clue, she was going on about something. But I couldn't understand her." Omar said. "Oh, and Marcus. Since it seems like the person you're looking for is working with them, I'll let you talk with her. I'll give you twenty minutes if you want it." He said a she walked off. Marcus turned to Peter.
Oh shit, poor Sammy... I was hoping the unexpected pregnancy would have a different explanation, but I was afraid it would be exactly this. However, while the source of it is without a doubt horrible, there's still the possibility that something good can come out of this in the end if she decides to keep it.
I was surprised by Richards being Alex' father though, I did not see it coming. As for Alex probably being alive... I was hoping that Kevin had killed him, but well, there's still Marcus or even better, Sammy herself left to finish what he started.
Italo Buonatesta
Italo got past his initial shock and decided to speak.
"Mary, Angelica and Rodger are dead." Italo said.
"No 'Welc… moreome back' huh?" Philip said.
"You don't seem to shook up about it." Italo said.
"Yeah, well if you recall. Before I really had time to make friends, I kinda disappeared." Philip said.
"Wait, My mom is dead?" Eli butted in.
"Oh shit..." Italo mumbled.
"Go ahead, I got this one." Patrica whispered. Italo nodded to her as he stood up.
"I guess we should go get Thomas and Kat then." Italo said. The group stood with him and they began to walk back towards the town leaving Patrica and Eli alone.
"I'm confused. Who are you?" Angela asked looking at Philip.
"It's Philip. Forgot about me that quickly, huh?" Philip joked.
"Cut her some slack Philip. She can't even remember her name." Italo said.
"No, you said it was Angela. I remember that." Angela said. "I'm still trying to figure out… [view original content]
Italo Buonatesta
Italo got past his initial shock and decided to speak.
"Mary, Angelica and Rodger are dead." Italo said.
"No 'Welc… moreome back' huh?" Philip said.
"You don't seem to shook up about it." Italo said.
"Yeah, well if you recall. Before I really had time to make friends, I kinda disappeared." Philip said.
"Wait, My mom is dead?" Eli butted in.
"Oh shit..." Italo mumbled.
"Go ahead, I got this one." Patrica whispered. Italo nodded to her as he stood up.
"I guess we should go get Thomas and Kat then." Italo said. The group stood with him and they began to walk back towards the town leaving Patrica and Eli alone.
"I'm confused. Who are you?" Angela asked looking at Philip.
"It's Philip. Forgot about me that quickly, huh?" Philip joked.
"Cut her some slack Philip. She can't even remember her name." Italo said.
"No, you said it was Angela. I remember that." Angela said. "I'm still trying to figure out… [view original content]
Italo Buonatesta
Italo got past his initial shock and decided to speak.
"Mary, Angelica and Rodger are dead." Italo said.
"No 'Welc… moreome back' huh?" Philip said.
"You don't seem to shook up about it." Italo said.
"Yeah, well if you recall. Before I really had time to make friends, I kinda disappeared." Philip said.
"Wait, My mom is dead?" Eli butted in.
"Oh shit..." Italo mumbled.
"Go ahead, I got this one." Patrica whispered. Italo nodded to her as he stood up.
"I guess we should go get Thomas and Kat then." Italo said. The group stood with him and they began to walk back towards the town leaving Patrica and Eli alone.
"I'm confused. Who are you?" Angela asked looking at Philip.
"It's Philip. Forgot about me that quickly, huh?" Philip joked.
"Cut her some slack Philip. She can't even remember her name." Italo said.
"No, you said it was Angela. I remember that." Angela said. "I'm still trying to figure out… [view original content]
Italo Buonatesta
Italo got past his initial shock and decided to speak.
"Mary, Angelica and Rodger are dead." Italo said.
"No 'Welc… moreome back' huh?" Philip said.
"You don't seem to shook up about it." Italo said.
"Yeah, well if you recall. Before I really had time to make friends, I kinda disappeared." Philip said.
"Wait, My mom is dead?" Eli butted in.
"Oh shit..." Italo mumbled.
"Go ahead, I got this one." Patrica whispered. Italo nodded to her as he stood up.
"I guess we should go get Thomas and Kat then." Italo said. The group stood with him and they began to walk back towards the town leaving Patrica and Eli alone.
"I'm confused. Who are you?" Angela asked looking at Philip.
"It's Philip. Forgot about me that quickly, huh?" Philip joked.
"Cut her some slack Philip. She can't even remember her name." Italo said.
"No, you said it was Angela. I remember that." Angela said. "I'm still trying to figure out… [view original content]
"No. No, there's still a chance. We have to bring her with us." Italo said.
"I'm not sure who she is, but I'm not for killing innocent people." Angela said. "So, I say she comes with us."
"Then It's settled. She comes." Lucas said.
Fifteen minutes later
"Santiago, hurry up and get on the boat!" Lucas yelled.
"I'm coming! Just give me a second." Santiago said.
"What are you even doing?" Lucas asked.
"I couldn't leave him behind." Santiago said as he rounded the corner with a cat in his arms.
"A cat? A fucking cat?" Lucas said. "Get on the boat." He said.
"Watch your language, Santiago get on the boat." Patrica said. Lucas grumbled unhappily as Santiago boarded the boat. A small tugboat. A name was written on the side, though now due to neglect and lack of care it was beginning to fade, though still legible. The Pioneer. What a fitting name for the circumstances.
"Everyone on?" Philip asked. Italo looked around and gave a thumbs up counting everyone.
"Were good!" Thomas said.
"Alright, here we go." Philip said. The Pioneer lurched forward. Italo turned to nearest person who happened to be Lucas.
"What do you think we'll find once we get over there?" Italo asked.
"No clue. But i'm already sea sick." Lucas said. Italo let out a small laugh then looked back around the ship. It was only him, Lucas, Santiago, and Angela on the deck. All the rest were inside. Santiago was standing near the front of the boat eagerly looking strait ahead towards the Georgia coastline, while Angela was sitting in the back with her hand folded in her lap, staring intently at the ground.
[Stay where you are]
[Talk with Santiago]
[Talk with Angela]
Peter Oswald
"Go on and talk to her. See what she knows about this guy." Peter said. Marcus nodded and walked off. Omar appeared next to him and walked with him. Peter turned and walked the other way, into the ICU.
"Peter?" Mariza asked in a hushed tone. Peter walked over to her.
"What?" Peter asked.
"What's going on? Why was Marcus so pissed?" She asked.
"Um. It's... Complicated. I don't think you want to know." Peter said.
"I want to know." Mariza said. Peter looked around and then back to Mariza.
"Okay." He said.
Marcus Bishop
"Why are you coming with me?" Marcus asked.
"Don't act surprised. Were not stupid enough to let a pissed off Marcus Bishop into a room alone with someone connected to what just happened." Omar said.
"Fair enough. But just so we're clear, this Alex guy, He's mine when we get our hands on him." Marcus said.
"Understood." Omar said as he opened a door and stepped in. Marcus followed him in. Catiline was chained to a chair in the room, the left side of her face was already bruised.
"Yer guys really nu 'oy ter trate a lady." She said.
"Shut up. You talk when I tell you to." Marcus jeered.
"Got it." She said.
"Where the hell is he? Alex. Where is he?" Marcus asked.
"At our camp. aboyt tree kilometers west av 'ere." She answered. "'e'll be in de center av de camp. surrounded by guards."
"Why are you even telling us this? How do we know this isn't some trick or some shit?" Omar butted in.
"Cos oi 'ate dem as much as yer." She said looking at the ground. "They tuk me son." She she said.
"This guy is fucking nuts." Marcus said. "What's his deal?"
"He tinks 'e's immune ter de virus." She said. "'imself an' 'is kids."
"His kids?" Omar asked.
"He 'as dozens av dem." She said. "Yer sister wasn't de only wan." She said.
"Omar?" Marcus asked.
"You said something about them coming tomorrow. What was that about?" Omar asked.
"They're attackin'. they want ter take de girl." She said.
"My sister?" Marcus asked.
"Aye." Catiline said.
"You've got to stop them. Tell us how we can stop them." Marcus said.
"Kill dem." She said. "'tis de only way."
"Are you sure there's no other way?" Marcus asked.
"Not unless yer want ter gie up yer sister." Catiline said.
"Not happening." Marcus said.
"Unchain me. let me fight." She said. "Please. oi nu more aboyt dem than yer." Marcus looked uncomfortable over to Omar. Omar motioned towards the door and the two walked out into the hallway.
"If I have to listen to that accent for one more minute I'm going to kill someone." Omar said. "Now she wants to fight for us." He said in a mocking tone. "I don't trust her one bit. She was with them."
"But you heard what they did to her. Her son." Marcus said.
"This Alex guy. He needs to be stopped, and that's for sure. What happens with our Irish 'friend' in there is another problem." Omar said. "I know you and value your opinion. What do you think? Give her a chance and let her fight or keep her locked away? Maybe we can get something useful out of her if we let her out?" Omar said.
So, Santiago remembered to take Sammy's cat with him Or perhaps it's his cat now... or their cat? Anyway, I like the cat
[Keep her locked up]
I don't trust her one bit. Aside from the fact that she seems fishy as hell, I can imagine what she plans. Alex wants to get his hands on Sammy, Catiline wants her son back. If they free her, she has the perfect chance to abduct Sammy while everyone else is busy fighting Alex and his creeps, to trade her for her son. And well, that is not going to happen on my watch.
By the way, this part proved once again what a fucking bastard Alex is. I mean, raping an unconscious and blinded girl is already a special kind of evil, but repeating this process god knows how often... I bet even Jake Kutcher would be very, very disappointed with him.
Italo Buonatesta
"No. No, there's still a chance. We have to bring her with us." Italo said.
"I'm not sure who she is, but I'm not for… more killing innocent people." Angela said. "So, I say she comes with us."
"Then It's settled. She comes." Lucas said.
Fifteen minutes later
"Santiago, hurry up and get on the boat!" Lucas yelled.
"I'm coming! Just give me a second." Santiago said.
"What are you even doing?" Lucas asked.
"I couldn't leave him behind." Santiago said as he rounded the corner with a cat in his arms.
"A cat? A fucking cat?" Lucas said. "Get on the boat." He said.
"Watch your language, Santiago get on the boat." Patrica said. Lucas grumbled unhappily as Santiago boarded the boat. A small tugboat. A name was written on the side, though now due to neglect and lack of care it was beginning to fade, though still legible. The Pioneer. What a fitting name for the circumstances.
"Everyone on?" Philip asked. Ita… [view original content]
Italo Buonatesta
"No. No, there's still a chance. We have to bring her with us." Italo said.
"I'm not sure who she is, but I'm not for… more killing innocent people." Angela said. "So, I say she comes with us."
"Then It's settled. She comes." Lucas said.
Fifteen minutes later
"Santiago, hurry up and get on the boat!" Lucas yelled.
"I'm coming! Just give me a second." Santiago said.
"What are you even doing?" Lucas asked.
"I couldn't leave him behind." Santiago said as he rounded the corner with a cat in his arms.
"A cat? A fucking cat?" Lucas said. "Get on the boat." He said.
"Watch your language, Santiago get on the boat." Patrica said. Lucas grumbled unhappily as Santiago boarded the boat. A small tugboat. A name was written on the side, though now due to neglect and lack of care it was beginning to fade, though still legible. The Pioneer. What a fitting name for the circumstances.
"Everyone on?" Philip asked. Ita… [view original content]
Italo Buonatesta
"No. No, there's still a chance. We have to bring her with us." Italo said.
"I'm not sure who she is, but I'm not for… more killing innocent people." Angela said. "So, I say she comes with us."
"Then It's settled. She comes." Lucas said.
Fifteen minutes later
"Santiago, hurry up and get on the boat!" Lucas yelled.
"I'm coming! Just give me a second." Santiago said.
"What are you even doing?" Lucas asked.
"I couldn't leave him behind." Santiago said as he rounded the corner with a cat in his arms.
"A cat? A fucking cat?" Lucas said. "Get on the boat." He said.
"Watch your language, Santiago get on the boat." Patrica said. Lucas grumbled unhappily as Santiago boarded the boat. A small tugboat. A name was written on the side, though now due to neglect and lack of care it was beginning to fade, though still legible. The Pioneer. What a fitting name for the circumstances.
"Everyone on?" Philip asked. Ita… [view original content]
Italo Buonatesta
"No. No, there's still a chance. We have to bring her with us." Italo said.
"I'm not sure who she is, but I'm not for… more killing innocent people." Angela said. "So, I say she comes with us."
"Then It's settled. She comes." Lucas said.
Fifteen minutes later
"Santiago, hurry up and get on the boat!" Lucas yelled.
"I'm coming! Just give me a second." Santiago said.
"What are you even doing?" Lucas asked.
"I couldn't leave him behind." Santiago said as he rounded the corner with a cat in his arms.
"A cat? A fucking cat?" Lucas said. "Get on the boat." He said.
"Watch your language, Santiago get on the boat." Patrica said. Lucas grumbled unhappily as Santiago boarded the boat. A small tugboat. A name was written on the side, though now due to neglect and lack of care it was beginning to fade, though still legible. The Pioneer. What a fitting name for the circumstances.
"Everyone on?" Philip asked. Ita… [view original content]
Italo looked around and stood up. He walked towards the front of the ship and stood next to Santiago.
"I noticed you remembered the cat." Italo said.
"Yeah, I just thought Samantha might want it when she gets better." Santiago said.
"That's a nice thought." Italo said.
"What do you think it'll be like over there? On land?" Santiago asked.
"I don't know. It might just be like the island. Or maybe it might be better somehow." Italo said.
"I'd like to believe it will be better." Santiago said. Italo cracked a smile.
"Maybe. Who knows?" Italo said.
"That's what makes it so much better." Santiago said. "Do you think she'll ever remember anything?" He asked, looking back to Angela. Italo looked back to see her slowly nodding to something Lucas was saying.
"I don't know. Right now, I think not knowing if you have a family out there somewhere might just be a blessing. I know my family is out there across the ocean somewhere." Italo said.
"Where do you think you're parents are right now?" Santiago asked.
"They're uh. They died when I was like eight. I lived with my grandparents." Italo said.
"Oh." Santiago said.
"Hey, Italo!" A voice called from the cabin. Italo looked back and saw Philip hanging out the door. "We'll hit land in a few minutes. Get ready!" He said. Italo gave him a thumbs up.
"Here we go." Italo said.
Marcus Bishop
"No. Keep her and her stupid accent locked in here. I don't trust her. I don't like her. Someone showing up out of the blue, telling us they worked with the enemy, and now saying they want to fight for us? I don't believe a word." Marcus said.
"You bring up a good point. I'll keep the door sealed and have a man guarding it." Omar said. "And Marcus."
"Yeah?" Marcus asked.
"We're going to catch this guy. We're going to make him pay, one way or another." Omar said.
"I think we'll get our chance soon enough. She said they were coming tomorrow." Marcus said.
"You think we can trust that information?" Omar asked.
"I don't know. But it wouldn't hurt to have the place on heightened security anyways." Marcus said.
"Alright." Omar said. "We should probably see what needs done outside still." Omar said.
"Good thinking." Marcus said as he followed Omar out into the main lobby and outside into the pouring rain.
"You think this rain will ever let up?" Omar asked.
"Let me just check the Doppler radar." Marcus said sarcastically.
"Ha Ha. Very funny." Omar said.
"Actually, the rain has let up some." Marcus noted.
"Yeah. But not enough. If they attack in this weather, we won't see them until their right up on us." Omar said.
"But that means they won't see us." Marcus said.
"Hopefully you're right." Omar said.
"Omar! Over here!" A solider called. Omar led Marcus into a makeshift tent to keep the rain out. A few of the higher officers were gathered around a map of the hospital.
"What is it?" Omar asked.
"We'll, normally we would come to Hank for this kind of stuff. But dead people don't give much advise, so we came to you." One said. "Anyway, we're at an impasse here. The sheet metal Omar brought was enough to fortify the perimeter. Now we only have a little left and we were wondering if it would be better to reinforce some of the weaker spots on the perimeter, or add to the interior defense." He asked.
"I'd say Reinforce the wall." Omar said.
"Great, now we have a damn tie." A woman said. "What about you?" She asked pointing to Marcus. Marcus stood confused.
"You want me to choose? I'm sure there's a lot more qualified people out there." Marcus said.
"I don't care. She asked you. What's your choice?" A man asked.
"Uh..." Marcus said.
[Reinforce the wall]
[Add to interior defenses]
Peter Oswald
"Holy shit..." Mariza said once Peter was done explaining what had happened. "I just can't believe someone would do that to someone like her."
"It's a fucked up world. With a lot of fucked up people." Peter said.
"But still... How is she handling it?" She asked.
"I don't know. I would imagine it hit her hard." Peter said.
"I hope she turns out fine. It can't be easy." She said.
"I know it can't." Peter said. "But, How are you feeling?" Peter asked.
"Like I just got hit by a semi. But the doctors said nothing was broken... Other than my nose." Mariza said. "I should be able to get out of here soon. Hopefully."
"I hope you get out of here soon too." Peter said. "From what I heard, you're the military's new crack shot." He said.
"Possibly." Mariza smiled.
"Uncle Peter!" A voice called from the doorway. Peter turned around and saw Dylan. "I just heard what happened. Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine Dylan." Peter said. "But only because of Mariza."
"I know, I was told everything." Dylan said as he walked closer. He stopped next to Mariza. "I want to thank you so much Mariza. That was a very brave thing, what you did. And I definitely owe you one." He said.
"You don't owe me any-" She began but was cut off when Dylan wrapped her in a hug. Mariza gave in after a few awkward moments of shock.
"Thank you." Dylan said as he stood back up. "Peter, they wanted to see you outside." Dylan said.
"Alright. Better not keep them waiting then." Peter said. "I'll talk to you later Mariza."
"Hopefully next time, I won't be in a hospital bed." She responded. Peter laughed as he turned and walked away.
"What do they want?" He asked.
"Not really sure. But they wanted everyone who was an able fighter to show up." Dylan said.
"Well. That could be very good, or very bad." Peter said.
[We have to kill him.]
[We have to kill him.]
Omar Taylor
"You know what we have to do. Infected are infected." Omar said in a serious tone.
"I understand that more than I would like to admit." Peter said.
"Let's get these two inside." Omar said as he motioned towards the hospital. A nearby solider saw what had happened and walked over.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"He's infected. You know what to do." Omar said.
"Yes sir." The solider responded. Omar and Peter walked off towards the hospital.
"How the fuck could something like this happen?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea. This area has been cleaned inside and out for the virus, and Hank never left the area." Omar said as he walked up to the hospital door and two nurses opened them.
"Someone get me a stretcher!" A nurse yelled. A few moments later the area was flooded with doctors and nurses who took the two injured away on stretchers. "What happened to them?" The nurse asked.
"Infected attack." Omar said,
"Here? In the hospital?" The nurse asked.
"No, they were on a run outside the area." Omar lied. The nurse nodded her head and ran off following the group.
"Why did you lie to her?" Peter said in a hushed tone.
"Because the truth would only scare them. What happened out there stays there. At least for now." Omar said.
"Okay, I won't tell anyone." Peter said. A new nurse came walking down the hallway.
"They are in the ICU right now, if you wish to see them." She said politely. Omar nodded to her and turned to Peter.
"I have to go in there." Peter said.
"I understand." Omar said. "But I hope you understand I have to get back to work." He said, and noticed Peter giving him a sour look.
"I don't get you. You can't even take one minute to think about what just happened?" Peter said.
"What just happened out there might be something new to you, but to me it's an all to familiar occurrence. What I do out there is to stop that from happening again." Omar said."I can't let anyone else die because of my fuck ups."
"So you think you could have done something to stop this?" Peter asked.
"No. I mean yes. There had to be a way. The virus doesn't just pop up at will." Omar said.
"You can't control the virus. People have tried, and people have died." Peter said.
"Maybe so, but I didn't have to let Eva go. I didn't have to let her get killed. She looked to me for approval, And I fucking gave it to her!" Omar said, then he turned his back to Peter and looked out the window watching the dark clouds form above. "I didn't have to get my family killed." Omar said. Peter stayed silent, Omar could tell he was looking for words that he couldn't find. "A storm's coming. I have to get to work." Omar said as he threw the door open and walked outside with the distant roar of thunder.
Peter Oswald
Peter watched as Omar threw the door open and walked out. He tired to stop him but knew it was no use. Peter knew all to well what it was like to lose someone. Eventually Peter turned away and walked down the hallway towards the ICU. It was mostly empty, meaning there either wasn't many injured or all the injured were dead. He saw a man in there who looked familiar, he was the one that they had pulled from the crash earlier. He was sitting in a chair next to a young woman who was laying in the bed. Peter walked up to him and the man looked up.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"Your name is Marcus, isn't it?" Peter asked.
"Yes, and you are?" He asked.
"I'm Peter. My group was the one that pulled you guys from the wreck." Peter said. He saw Marcus look at him.
"So your the one that saved my life?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know about 'saved'." Peter said.
"Well, you sure as hell gave me another day to keep her safe." Marcus said.
"Who is she?" Peter asked.
"My sister. Her name is Samantha." Marcus said.
"What happened to her? I mean, why was she on a stretcher when we found her?" Peter asked.
"You want the whole story or the short story?" Marcus asked.
"Give it to me." Peter replied.
"Alright, we came form this ship called the Olympus. We were forced o dock at an island just off the coast after all hell broke loose. We thought we were the only ones, but there were these 'bandits'. I made the mistake of making a deal with them to get one of our people back. In the end they killed three or more of our people and stabbed her in the chest. We kinda stole a helicopter from a hospital to get over here and we crashed it. Which brings us to now." Marcus said. "So, what's your story?" Marcus asked.
"Nothing really. I was living off prayer with my nephew when we ran into her at a bar." Peter began, motioning to Mariza who was in a bed nearby. "We were mostly nomadic, just moving place to place taking everything we could. Then we watched a helicopter come down. Which brings us to now." Peter said.
"What happened to her?" Marcus asked looking over at Mariza.
[Tell him the truth]
Thomas Green
"Why won't you just tell us?" The man asked.
"I told you again and again for days that I didn't know what they were planning." Thomas said.
"And yet you came here with them." He said.
"They were part of my group." Thomas said.
"And they left you behind?" He asked.
"I didn't want any part of it." Thomas said.
"So you knew they were going to steal the helicopter?" He asked. Thomas sighed.
"Yes. I knew." Thomas said.
"Finally, Why wouldn't you just say that?" He asked. Thomas stayed silent. The door suddenly flew open.
"Sir, scouts spotted a vehicle moving this way. With multiple people following it." A new man said.
"Are they part of your group?" The first man asked.
"How the hell would I know?" Thomas asked.
"Fucking hell. Come with me." The man said as he stood up. Thomas stood up to and waled out of the room. He was lead down the stairwell to the bottom floor and out the door. "How far out are they?"
"Only one minute." The other man responded.
"Look, Thomas. When they get here, you will tell them to surrender and give us everything they have or we will kill you all." The man said.
"With what? Rocks and wooden spears?" Thomas asked.
"Yes, what you think you got something better?" The man asked.
"No, we only have pebbles." Thomas said as he noticed a vehicle turning into the parking lot and stopping. The door opened and the first friendly face he'd seen in days stepped out. Mary, then he saw Eli and the Gonzales family. Thomas took a step forward but was stopped when two guards locked their spears together.
"Now, Thomas. Tell them what we want." The man said.
"Thomas, whats up with the freaks of nature people?" Mary asked.
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
[tell them to attack]
Rodger Navy
He watched the storm clouds gather in the distance, over the mainland. But the heat from up on the roof was almost unbearable. It was impossible to escape from the sun.
"Pass me some of the water." Alice asked. She turned and saw Katheryn, Rodger and Angelica going through their packs.
"I don't have any left." Rodger said.
"Me neither." Katheryn said.
"I have just a little left." Angelica said as she pulled out an almost empty water bottle.
"That's all we have left? I'm thirsty to!" Katheryn said.
"Hey, I asked first!" Alice said.
"I need it to!" Angelica said.
"Don't you even get in this." Alice said to her.
"But it's my water." Angelica said.
"If you haven't noticed, I don't give a shit. Now hand it over." Alice demanded.
"No fucking way." Angelica said.
"We don't have any food. None at all.." Katheryn said as she threw a pack to the ground.
"This is your fault!" Angelica yelled at Alice.
"How is this my fault?" Alice yelled.
"Don't pretend like I didn't see you eating out of my pack last night." Angelica said.
"Just give me the fucking water!" Alice yelled, reaching for the bottle but Angelica pushed back.
"Back the fuck off." Angelica yelled.
"Shut the fuck up!" Rodger yelled breaking into the conversation. "Arguing will only kill you faster." He said.
"What do you think we should do with the water?" Katheryn asked.
"You want me to get involved?" Rodger asked.
"Yes." Angelica said,
[Take the bottle and drink it]
[Take the bottle and throw it over the edge]
[Lottery it off]
[Tell him the truth]
I don't see any reason to lie to him. Marcus is not someone who quickly panics.
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
I debated about this and was very torn about it. On the one hand, giving up everything is hard. On the other hand, the Martinez family has very young kids with them. Fighting back would put them at danger the most and I think that's not worth it.
[Lottery it off]
Sounds like the best choice and the one that causes the least conflict. Just drinking it himself or throwing it over the edge could bring the rest of the group against him.
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
[Take the bottle and throw it over the edge]
[Tell him the truth]
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
[Take the bottle and drink it] He is the only one unwounded if I remember correctly, so he needs the strength the most
[Tell him the truth]
[tell them to surrender and give up everything.]
[Take the bottle and drink it]
Alice Erwin
"What will it be, Rodger?" Angelica asked. Rodger eyes the bottle and extended his hand.
"Give it here." He said.
"Why?" Angelica asked.
"You asked me to get involved, now I'm getting involved. Give it here." Rodger said.
"We can trust him." Katheryn said. Angelica reluctantly handed the water bottle to Rodger. But instead of rationing off the remaining water or doing something to that extent, he unscrewed the cap.
"What are you doing?" Alice asked. Rodger didn't respond as he lifted the bottle to his lips and chugged what was left, leaving nothing.
"You mother fucker!" Angelica yelled and rushed forward. Rodger stood to meet her.
"What are you going to do about it, captain?" Rodger asked. Alice could see the anger appear on Angelica's face. Angelica suddenly pushed Rodger and caught him off guard, he stumbled a few steps back before regaining his footing.
"I'm fucking through with you bastards! Ever since you fucking showed up on my ship you started marching around like you owned the place!" Angelica yelled at him.
"Back the fuck off." Rodger said, pushing Angelica away from him. "It was your fucking choice to call in the navy, and it was your choice on your ship that got all of my people killed. All of them!" Rodger yelled.
"I'm not the one who killed them! I'm not the one who caused this shitshow to happen!" Angelica asked.
"You know what I think?" Rodger said as he eyed up Angelica. "I think your a miserable excuse for a captain. It was your incompetence that got those people killed. They looked to you for guidance and you led them to a slaughter. Your no better then the dead." Rodger said. Angelica's eye slightly twitched.
"You don't get to say that." She said quietly. "What I've done. What I'll do. You think I'm happy people died? People I was trying to protect!" Angelica yelled.
"Calm the fuck down!" Alice said as she walked forward and placed a hand on Angelica's shoulder in an attempt to stop the fight.
"Get the fuck off of me!" Angelica yelled as she slapped Alice in the face. Alice stumbled backward a little holding her cheek.
"Already trying to make more enemies?" Rodger asked in cynical tone.
"Fuck you!" Angelica yelled as she rushed forward and tackled Rodger, straight off the edge of the roof. Alice watched in horror as the two went over the edge. Alice rushed to the edge just in time to see both of them get engulfed by the surrounding infected. Both of them screaming for help as they were slowly mutilated. Alice backed away from the edge speechless.
"Rodger..." She said. It was all she could muster. She heard crying and turned around to see Katheryn sitting against the wall with her head in her knees sobbing.
"Stop fucking crying damnit!" Alice snapped at her, but it only seemed to make her cry more. Alice sank to the ground feeling defeated, tired, thirsty, and hungry. "There's no way to survive this, is there?" Alice asked no one in particular as she continued to stare at the distant storm clouds. She could hear the rolls of thunder and see the flashes of lightning, only if that storm would turn and come this way. Water, they would have water. Just thinking of water reminded her how bad her skin burnt from the sun and her mouth felt like sandpaper, her eyes stung from the dryness.
"Were going to die. Aren't we?" Katheryn asked, no longer being able to cry. Alice stared a little longer before answering.
"Yes." She said. "We're going to die."
"Why... Why did it have to come to this? Just a few weeks ago I was having the time of my life working on the ship... And now..." Katheryn said as she trailed off. After a brief silence Alice let out a small laugh. "What's so funny?" She asked. Alice ran her fingers through her short red hair.
"Nothing, just thought it was a little humorous that I was able to survive pirates on the ocean and then be able to survive this..." Alice said as she lifted her hand and motioned around. "Just to die on a roof because I have no water."
"You fought pirates?" Katheryn asked. Alice rolled up her sleeve and revealed a scar on her right arm.
"Sure as hell did." Alice said.
"What do you think will happen when we die?" Katheryn asked.
"I wish I knew." Alice answered.
Thomas Green
"Guys, these.... People were here at the hospital before we got here. Marcus did some things to really piss them off. Now they want our stuff, or they'll take our lives." Thomas said as he looked towards his group. He saw the defeat in their eyes. They'd come to far just to get cut down.
"Quickly now. Place your bags on the ground, and drop your weapons, or we'll kill the girl." The man spoke.
"What girl?" Mary asked. The man motioned to some of his guards and they dissapeared inside the hospital. When they returned they were dragging Angela with them.
"Her." He said, as the guards sat her down in the parking lot. To Thomas's surprise she looked up.
"What the hell is going on here? Wh-what happened?" She asked.
"Angela? Your alive?" Thomas said.
"Who the hell are you?" Angela asked Thomas.
"I'm Thomas, from the Olympus." Thomas said.
"The hell is the Olympus?" Angela asked.
"Enough of the small talk, hand over everything or we kill her. Then we kill all of you." The man said as a guard positioned his spear above Angela's heart.
"What are they doing?" Angela asked.
"Guys, give them everything. Now." Thomas said. Mary looked around and sighed. She dropped her bag and threw her pistol to the ground. Everyone else followed suit until everything was gone. Some of the hospital group collected the bags.
"Now go, before I change my mind." The man said.
"Get in the car. Let's go." Thomas said.
"Leave the car." The man said.
"Are you fucking serious?" Thomas asked. The man cracked a smile.
"The name's Chief Dollie. It's a pleasure to do business with you." He said.
"Who the fuck are you people? And who the hell were they?" Angela asked.
"Look, I can't explain this. You woke up from a coma i the middle of the apocalypse with no recollection of your former life. Do you even know your own name?" Thomas asked her. She was silent for a moment and shook her head,
"No. I don't know my name." She said.
"It's Angelica. But trust me, now's not the time for life stories. We need to get back to the warehouse and get what's left of the supplies." Thomas said.
"Thomas, that was what was left of the supplies. There's nothing left at the warehouse." Mary said.
"We are so fucking screwed." Lucas said.
"Where do we go now? We have nothing left." Daniel said.
"Where did Marcus go? He would know what to do." Eli said.
"He.. He crossed over." Thomas said.
"He's dead?" Lucas asked in shock.
"No. No, fuck no. He crossed over to the mainland. He's at a hospital over there with Samantha." Thomas said, clarifying his statement.
"Should we go over?" Mary asked.
"We still have a boat." Lucas said.
"Please tell me, does anyone here know how to pilot a damn ship?" Thomas asked.
"Angelica does." Daniel said. "She was the captain of the ship."
"I know, I know. Where is she?" Thomas asked.
"She went into the city to find Alice. They didn't come back before we left though." Patrica said.
"Alice, why'd they have to go find her?" Thomas asked.
"After you left infected swarmed the place. She led them away so we could get out." Patrica said.
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
[Try to pilot the ship on your own]
Holy shit, Roger and Angelica
That was a shock. I mean, I suspected that drinking it or throwing it away would result in hard consequences and, let's be honest, that was a pretty jerkish move by Roger. But I never thought Angelica could snap like that. Damn it...
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
I think they might be the only chance left for Alice and Katheryn.
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
Actually, the only choice that wouldn't have resulted in a death would have been to throw it over the edge. If you would've chosen to lottery it, Alice would've won it and Kathryn would've pushed her over the edge in an attempt to take the water. So drinking the water was the worst possible choice this time.
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
[Go into the city to find the missing search party]
Alice Erwin
Alice lay on her back staring into the sky, hand in hand with Katheryn.
"Do you think anyone will find us?" Katheryn asked, her voice rough.
"No. I don't." Alice answered honestly. She heard Katheryn attempt to laugh, but couldn't.
"Thanks for being so positive." Katheryn said
"Just being truthful." Alice said.
"I know. I know." Katheryn said.
Peter Oswald
"He, He was infected. Hank was. He started to come at me, but she got in the way." Peter said.
"Took a heeluva beating out of it." Marcus said. "Wait. Did you say someone was infected?" He asked.
"Yes. Inside the area. He was infected." Peter said.
"What are they doing with him?" Marcus asked.
"They.... They're going to kill him." Peter said.
"Damn. But it's the right call." Marcus said.
"I don't even know what's right anymore." Peter sighed.
"I know the feeling." Marcus said.
"How long has she been like this?" Peter asked as he looked to Samantha.
"I don't know. A few days at least." Marcus said.
"I hope she gets better soon." Peter said.
"I do to." Marcus said. "I have to go back to work. I guess I'll see you later." He said as he rose from the chair and walked out of the ICU. Peter walked over to Mariza, who had multiple bruises and lacerations. Her face was swollen and her right eye was bruised shut.
"Why'd you do it?" Peter asked her.
"I.. I't was coming for you." Mariza answered.
"You didn't have to get in between us." Peter said.
"I just... Didn't want to be useless anymore." Mariza said.
"Mariza, why would you ever think you were useless?" Peter asked.
"Ever since we met, all I've done is get you and Dylan in danger. You always said how all I did was bring trouble." She said.
"I never meant any of that, I was just angry." Peter said.
"That's just it. I made you angry, I always have, and that's all I do." Mariza said. "Maybe I should just leave. Go someplace where I can't get anyone hurt."
"What? Mariza, you're part of the group. We're a family. We have to stay together." Peter said.
"Your only saying that." She said.
"No. I mean it. We need you here. No, I want you here." Peter said.
"You don't mean that." Mariza said.
"I do." Peter said. He saw her gaze drift off to the left.
"Peter, she's moving." Mariza said.
"What? Who?" Peter asked turning around. He saw the girl, Samantha, slightly moving in her bed.
"She's alive!" Mariza said. "You have to go get her brother or a doctor, or someone!"
"Yeah, I'll find someone." Peter said as he rushed off. But who was he going to get first?
[Get Marcus first]
[Get a doctor first]
[Get the closest person first]
Italo Buonatesta
"They went into the town and never came back, we have to find them. They could be alive." Thomas said.
"Then let's go. It's not far from here." Mary said. As she led the group away towards the town.
"This looks bad." Italo said as he examined the Cadillac.
"Or it could be good, maybe." Lucas said.
"Yes, because an abandoned car that belonged to us is always a good sign." Santiago said.
"Lucas, stay back here with the kids. The rest of us are going in. If we aren't back in thirty minutes, assume the worst. Angela should probably stay back to. Patricia, you can stay to." Thomas said.
"Sound fine to me. I get to stay back and watch kids while you run into a creepy ass ghost town." Lucas said.
"Pretty much. Let's go." Italo said as he walked towards the town.
"You know what I don't like?" Mary said.
"What's that?" Thomas asked.
"The fact that we're walking straight into a possibly hostile area unarmed." She responded.
"Over there, we could get some weapons in there." Italo said pointing out a kitchen store.
"Meat cleavers. Fun." Thomas said.
"Italo, what the hell are you wearing?" Mary asked.
"I found it." Italo said. "I think I like it." He said.
"Take the damn hat off. We can come back for it later." Thomas said. Italo took off the chefs hat and placed it back on the shelf. "Did you even find any weapons?"
"Oh, yeah. Of course I did." Italo said brandishing his new knife.
"Good then let's get moving. Any ideas of where to search first?" Thomas asked.
"If we could get up to the roof we could see everything." Mary said.
"Good idea. We just need to find a way to the roof." Italo said.
"There's a hardware store across the road. They're bound to have a ladder." Thomas said.
"Good." Mary said as she walked out of the kitchen store and crossed the road, with the other two right behind her.
"Check that alleyway." Thomas told Italo. Italo nodded and drew his knife walking down the alley. When he rounded the corner her jumped back. A whole cluster of infected were just standing in the alley, some looking up at the roof. Italo slowly backed away back into the street.
"Anything?" Thomas asked. Italo Instantly hushed him. He closed the gate that led to the alley and pulled on it, luckily it was locked.
"There's a shit ton of infected back there. Some of them were looking at the roof, something's got to be up there." Italo said.
"I found a ladder." Mary said as she walked out of the hardware store with a ladder. She placed it on the ground and leaned it against the building.
"I'll go up first." Italo volunteered. he grabbed hold of the ladder and climbed as fast as he could. One he was up he quickly turned around to Thomas.
"Get up here. I found them." Italo said as he approached the two women. They were both laying on their backs, facing the sky. Holding each other's hands.
"Holy shit, are they alive?" Italo asked.
"Let me see. Get out of the way." Thomas said as he rushed up to them. He quickly checked for a pulse. "They're alive. But not for long. They need water. Quickly." Thomas said.
"All the water we had we were forced to surrender." Italo said.
"Mother fucker." Mary said.
"Wait, the kitchen store. It has to have water in it." Thomas said.
"What are we waiting for then? Let's go." Italo said as he picked up Alice and began carrying her. She was surprisingly light. He carefully climbed down the ladder, which is an extremely awkward process when carrying someone. Then he rushed back across the road into the kitchen store.
"Over there, down an isle." Thomas said. Italo rushed down the isle and then saw it. One case of water bottles ripped open. Mary picked it up and pulled out it's remaining contents. Only three small bottles.
"That won't be enough." Italo said.
"No it won't but it might keep them alive a little longer." Thomas said.
"Give me one of those bottles." Italo said.
"No, you can't give water to someone who is unconscious. You'd make them choke to death." Thomas said.
"Then what do we do?" Italo asked.
"Normally the way to do it would be IV, but we have no supplies. So I have no clue." Thomas said.
"What would it take to make an IV?" Mary asked.
"A needle and some tubing of some sort might work." Thomas said. "Put them on the ground. Right there." Thomas said. Italo placed Alice on the floor and stood up.
"What can I do?" Italo asked.
"Watch them." Thomas said. Italo looked at Alice, she looked bad. Katheryn though, almost looked worse. Italo heard a weak coughing and looked back at Alice, her eyes were weakly opened.
"Thomas she's awake!" Italo said.
"Good, then try to get her to drink now." Thomas said as he handed him a bottle of water Italo lifted Alice off the ground a little and supported her head lifting the water to her lips.
"Alice, drink something." Italo said. He noticed Alice was drinking the water. "She's drinking it!" Italo exclaimed happily. Soon the entire bottle was gone and Alice pulled away gasping.
"Italo." She said weakly.
"Yeah, just relax okay. We got you now." Italo said.
"They-They're dead... Angelica and Rodger. J-Just dead." Alice said.
"It's okay. It's fine, you're safe now. Just lay back and relax." Italo said. Mary suddenly returned with something in her hands.
"Will this work?" She asked. Thomas looked it over and nodded
"I need you to attach the tubing to the needle. Then hand me a water bottle." Thomas said. "Shit, quickly. I think I'm losing her."
"She's going to be fine right?" Alice asked.
"Yes. She'll be fine." Italo said.
"Any time now Mary!" Thomas shouted. He placed his fingers on her neck to check a pulse and his expression went stone solid. "Shit. Kat!" He yelled as he began giving her CPR.
"What happened?" Italo asked.
"She quit breathing! I couldn't find a pulse." Thomas said as he continued.
"Kat! No!" Alice yelled as she tried to get up but Italo held her back.
"Alice, I need you to calm down." Italo said as he hugged her tightly. After a small struggle she buried her face into his chest. Italo watched as Thomas tried to get a pulse back. He could see the fear on Mary's face. He could hear the sobs of Alice.
"God Damnit! Breath!" Thomas yelled at Katheryn, then he gave up and laid his head on her chest in defeat. "I- I can't.. She's gone." He said as he stood up and walked over to Mary, who quickly hugged him. Italo could feel Alice's grip tightening around him.
"What do we do now?" Italo asked as he blackly stared at Katheryn.
"I. We. You should... Fuck." Thomas sighed as he tried to compose himself.
"Thomas, you did all you could. There was no saving her." Mary said,
"I could've done more." Thomas said.
"No you could've now come sit down." Mary said. Thomas sighed. Italo stared at Katheryn and noticed something,
"Thomas...." He said.
"What?" Thomas said harshly.
"She's breathing."
Whoohoo, Sammy is alive! It seems like she's even starting to wake up. That's awesome
And I'm similarly relieved that Katheryn and Alice got saved just in time. That was a close call for all three of them.
[Get a doctor first]
As much as I can't wait to see Marcus' reaction to the good news, Sammy is clearly still in need of medical help. In her condition, a doctor should be the first person to see her. Besides, there are probably plenty of doctors around, while Marcus is currently overseeing the training in a different part of the hospital. In the time Peter needs to get to him, he could probably get half a dozen doctors for Sammy. Medical attention is just more important right now.
Just to let you know, they aren't out of the woods yet. So to speak.
[Get Marcus first]
[Get a doctor first] The doctor is the most important out of these options. Perhaps Peter can get Marcus after he got a doctor for Samantha.
[Get the closest person first]
So, I made a new story for those interested.
Peter Oswald
Peter looked around the room and was surprised to find no one inside, not even a doctor. He quickly rushed out of the room and into the lobby where he saw a group of doctors standing around laughing.
"What's the matter? Looks like you've ran a marathon." A doctor said.
"She's awake. The girl form the helicopter crash." Peter said.
"Are you joking?" Another doctor said.
"Looks like you owe me your desert tonight Peterson." A third doctor said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You were making bets on whether she was going to live or not?" Peter said angrily.
"Hey, what you want me to do?" One of the doctors sarcastically asked.
"Do your damn job dumbass!" Peter yelled at him, he saw the doctor shrink back a little.
"Yeah, sure..." He said as he quickly walked off towards the ICU. Peter rubbed his forehead and sighed. He walked through the lobby towards the front door. As he pushed the door open a woman stopped him.
"I wouldn't go out there right now, This fucking weather is insane. Can't see three feet in front of you in the rain, and then there's the wind." She said.
"You'd think this was the apocalypse." Peter said. The woman laughed as she pushed the door open and walked out. "I thought you told me not to go out." Peter said.
"I don't have a choice. I got work to do." The woman said as she dissipated into the rain. Peter turned and walked back towards the ICU. Once inside he was a group of doctors standing around her and talking. Peter walked over to Mariza's bed.
"How's it looking?" Peter asked.
"I can't tell. I can only hear every few words they say. But I think it sounds hopeful." Mariza said.
"At least one thing is going right." Peter said.
"One's better than none." Mariza said.
"I guess so." Peter said.
"Sir, can I talk with you in private?" One of the doctors said as he walked up to Peter.
"Yeah, sure." Peter said as he walked with the doctor. "How's she looking?"
"Better than expected. In the sense that she's even alive. Are you related to her in any way?" The doctor asked.
"No, I just pulled her out of the crash. Her brother is around here somewhere." Peter said.
"Do you have any idea where he'd be?" The doctor asked.
"Not a clue." Peter said. "Wait, that's him over there." Peter said, pointing out a man walking down the hallway. Peter walked with the doctor and intercepted him.
"Marcus Bishop is it?" The doctor asked.
"Yes. What's the problem?" Marcus asked.
"I need to speak with you about your sister's condition." The doctor said.
"Is she alright? She sin't dead is she?" Marcus asked.
"No. She's perfectly fine. She just woke up." The doctor said.
"Then get out of my way, I have to see her." Marcus said as he pushed past the doctor.
"Mr. Bishop, wait. I have some results that you need to hear." The doctor said.
"What is it?" Marcus asked. The doctor fumbled with a clipboard and looked it over, beginning to read.
"Marcus, mostly because of the helicopter crash, your sister is blinded in her right eye. She only has limited use of her right arm, which might deteriorate in time. But there seems to be some good news." The doctor said.
"What is it?" Marcus asked.
"The baby seems perfectly healthy."
Italo Buonatesta
"She's breathing..." Italo spoke.
"Holy shit!" Thomas said as he jumped up and ran over to her. "Italo, go get the others! Hurry!" Thomas said. "Mary go with him. I work best alone." He said. Mary stood and nodded to Thomas then walked over to Italo.
"Let's go." She said, and the two walked out into the street and towards the edge of the town.
"I thought she was gone." Italo said.
"Me too. I can't believe we even found them." Mary said.
"Even though Rodger and Angelica are dead." Italo said.
"We came to find the captain only to find her dead." Mary said.
"Maybe one of them knows something about captaining a boat?" Italo asked.
"I doubt it. Even if they did, they aren't in any condition to do anything." Mary said. "There they are." Mary said pointing towards a Cadillac. Italo noticed Lucas waving at them telling them to go back.
"He's telling us to go back." Italo said as he stopped.
"What? Why?" Mary asked as she continued to walk forward. Suddenly there was a loud bang and Mary fell to the ground holding her throat as blood seeped through her hands.
"Mary!" Italo exclaimed as he rushed forwards and grabbed her.
"Get up." A man with Scottish accent said from behind him. "The bitch got what she deserved."
"Awright. I'm sure ya know the drill. Gimme all yer stuff." The man said, as he waved a rifle around.
"Fuck you! We don't have anything!" Lucas yelled at him.
"Lads, keep em occupied. I'm gonna have a talk with this one." He said as he picked Lucas up and dragged him off.
"No! You can't take him!" Patricia yelled.
"Lady, I suggest you shut up." One of the other men said.
"What is he going to do to him?" Italo demanded.
"The boss doesn't like anyone mouthing off. He'll probably just kill him." The man said. Just then Italo heard a gunshot.
"Fuck!" Italo yelled, but then there was two more gunshots and the guards fell to the ground. When Italo looked up he saw Lucas walking back towards them with another man.
"Is everyone alright?" the man asked. "I've been trying to find you guys forever. I guess I showed up just in time." He said.
"Philip? Is that you?" Italo asked.
"Sure as hell is." He answered.
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
[I thought you were dead!]
[Welcome back.]
[You know how to captain a ship right?]
What, what, what... what? That caught me off guard, in a very positive way
But it also opens the question, who is the father? Does she even know? I mean, she certainly does not know that she is pregnant. Since I'm not sure if she had any opportunity during her stay aboard the Olympus and afterwards, it probably happened shortly before she went on that journey. Very shortly, as a small and slim girl like her would probably show visible signs of pregnancy early into it. How long has it been since the apocalypse started? Anyway, while it's definitely not the best time to get pregnant, it's nonetheless wonderful 
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
I think it could be the best to tell him the bad news first. It's especially sad for Mary, as she wouldn't have been in danger if Thomas wouldn't have sent her away with Italo. By the way, I'm glad that Philip is alive. If he knows how to captain a ship, this could help the remaining group in escaping from the island.
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
Sorry, it's been a reallly really really really frickin' busy week for me, I haven't been around because of that.
Have you ever asked yourself, "Do I want to know?"
It fine man. I understand, glad to have you back.
I don't know. Maybe? I'm certainly curious, but nervous at the same time.
That's the spirit!
[Mary, Angelica, and Rodger are dead.]
So Samantha has been pregnant the whole time? That is great and I am even more happy now that Marcus and co. overcame all the trouble to save her life.
So, @maxbear29 has made a new story. He is very anxious to get to writing, but is in desperate need of more characters. I would be a great kindness if you would check it out, I have a feeling it's going to be good.
Italo Buonatesta
Italo got past his initial shock and decided to speak.
"Mary, Angelica and Rodger are dead." Italo said.
"No 'Welcome back' huh?" Philip said.
"You don't seem to shook up about it." Italo said.
"Yeah, well if you recall. Before I really had time to make friends, I kinda disappeared." Philip said.
"Wait, My mom is dead?" Eli butted in.
"Oh shit..." Italo mumbled.
"Go ahead, I got this one." Patrica whispered. Italo nodded to her as he stood up.
"I guess we should go get Thomas and Kat then." Italo said. The group stood with him and they began to walk back towards the town leaving Patrica and Eli alone.
"I'm confused. Who are you?" Angela asked looking at Philip.
"It's Philip. Forgot about me that quickly, huh?" Philip joked.
"Cut her some slack Philip. She can't even remember her name." Italo said.
"No, you said it was Angela. I remember that." Angela said. "I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is happening and why I'm even with you people." She said.
"Trust me, We'll tell stories later. But now we need to get out of here." Italo said.
"And where is here?" Angelica asked.
"Some small island off the coast of Georgia, we're trying to get back over." Italo said as he approached the door and opened it.
"Mary, I think I'm going to need your help. Her vitals keep dropping." Thomas said. Then he looked up at the group. "Mary?"
"Mary's dead Thomas. He was shot by some damn bandits." Italo said. Thomas' face dropped.
"We need to get moving." Thomas said.
"What about Kat?" Philip asked.
"Do one of you have any water on you?" Thomas asked.
"No. We were robbed if you remember." Lucas said.
"Then she's done for. The best thing we can do now is kill her, so she doesn't have to suffer anymore." Thomas said.
"But what about the IV? Didn't that help at all?" Italo said.
"I fucked up, okay? Once you guys left... I gave what was left of the water to Alice. Kat didn't get any." Thomas said.
"You fucking hung her out to dry and left her? What the hell man? I thought you were a fucking doctor!" Italo yelled at him.
"And from a medical standpoint, Alice had the greatest chance of survival. I couldn't waste the supplied on her." Thomas said.
"So that's all she is to you? A waste?" Italo asked.
"No... I just. What are you going to do? Kill me?" Thomas asked, as he changed his tone.
"No. We don't kill our own. Unlike you." Italo sneered. Thomas hung his head.
"Someone get Alice. We're leaving." Italo said.
"And where are we going?" Thomas asked.
"to find Marcus. He's the only one that can help us." Italo said.
"Alright. Then I guess we should hurry. What about Kat then?" Philip asked.
[Kill her]
[Leave her]
[Bring her]
Peter Oswald
"Wait... What did you just say?" Marcus asked the doctor. The doctor gave a puzzled look.
"i said that the baby was very healthy. It's almost a miracle it wasn't hurt in all of this." The doctor said. This only seemed to make Marcus more confused. "So I'm going to guess you didn't know?" The doctor asked.
"No... No, I had no idea." Marcus said.
"It was only off a hunch that we found the pregnancy." The doctor explained.
"How late in the pregnancy is she?" Marcus asked.
"Around one month." The doctor said.
"One month..." Marcus whispered to himself. "I need to talk to her." He said.
"Yes, of course." The doctor said as he motioned Marcus towards the ICU. Peter followed Marcus in and stood beside him next to Samantha.
"Sam... You had me so worried." Marcus said.
"The doctor already told me... It's been like a week." Samantha said.
"Five days." Marcus corrected.
"So you did it, huh? Got us over to the mainland?" Samantha asked.
"Of course. I couldn't have taken the chance of staying over there." Marcus said.
"Where's everyone else?" Samantha asked.
"They're coming. I promise." Marcus said.
"Oh." Samantha said.
"Why didn't you tell me Sam?" Marcus asked.
"Tell you what?" Samantha asked.
"Tell me you were pregnant." Marcus said. Samantha's eyes widened.
"I-I'm pregnant?" She asked.
"Wait, You didn't know?" Marcus asked.
"No! I had no idea. I didn't know what the doctors were talking about when they said I was having a baby." Samantha said.
"When could this have happened?" Marcus asked.
"I don't know, I never had sex with anyone! I swear!" Samantha said.
"The doctor said it was about a month ago." Marcus said. "Did anything happen around a month ago? Maybe to much to drink on the ship?" Marcus asked.
"No. I never drank on the ship." She said as she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. "Holy shit." She said.
"What is it?" Marcus asked.
"About a month ago is when I was kidnapped off the ship and woke up in a warehouse..." She said. "There was a man. He said his name was Alex. Alex Richards... You don't think He..." Her voice trailed off.
"Where is he now?" Marcus demanded.
"He's dead, I think." Samantha said.
"God Damnit." Marcus said. "Sam, Try to get some sleep. I'll figure this out." He said. "Peter, I need to talk to you." Peter nodded and walked out to the hallway.
"What is it?" Peter asked.
"What the fuck do you think? Some mother fucker raped my sister and he may or may not still be alive." Marcus said.
"What do you want me to do?" Peter asked.
"Ask around. See if anyone knows a Alex Richards." Marcus said.
"Alex Richards? What do you know about him?" A voice asked. Peter turned and saw the doctor they'd pulled out of the crash.
"I don't know anything. And that's my problem." Marcus said. "What do you know about him Richards?"
"He was my son." Doctor Richards responded.
"Where is he now?" Peter demanded.
"I don't know! Last I heard, He'd stolen all his mother's money and..." Richards trailed off.
"What?" Peter asked.
"Mother of all fucks. My son was on that ship. The Olympus... Jake Kutcher was on that ship." Richards said.
"Woah, hold on there, why are you bringing Jake into this conversation? He's another problem entirely." Marcus said.
"Because, My son was very messed up. He saw himself as Jake's personal bodyguard. He would do anything to protect Jake." Richards said.
"Even rape my sister!" Marcus yelled at him.
"I'm sure he's more than capable than that." Richards said.
"Where is he." Peter demanded.
"If I fucking knew I'd kill him myself." Richards said.
"Den oi suppose yer shud luk naw further." A surprisingly Irish accent butted in. Peter turned and saw a woman standing nearby she was soaking wet. She had soldiers on either side of her with their guns ready. " De name's Catiline. an' Alex is our leader." She said.
"Take her to interrogation. Find out everything she knows. And don't hold back, we know what these people can do." Omar said as he emerged from behind.
"Don't worry, oi promise ter tell yer everythin'." The woman said.
"Sure thing sweet heart." Omar said. "Lock her up, and keep her under close watch." He said to the soldiers as they marched her away.
"They're comin'! the-morra at dawn!" She yelled as she was taken away. One of the guards punched her in the jaw and she shut up.
"How was that?" Marcus asked.
"One of the tree huggers. We found her snooping around the front gate, she actually came to us and surrendered." Omar said.
"Why would she do that?" Peter asked.
"No clue, she was going on about something. But I couldn't understand her." Omar said. "Oh, and Marcus. Since it seems like the person you're looking for is working with them, I'll let you talk with her. I'll give you twenty minutes if you want it." He said a she walked off. Marcus turned to Peter.
"Do you think I should?" Marcus asked.
[Tell Marcus to talk with Catiline]
[Tell Marcus to drop it and look somewhere else]
[Bring her]
I like Katheryn and would like to try saving her.
[Tell Marcus to talk with Catiline]
Oh shit, poor Sammy... I was hoping the unexpected pregnancy would have a different explanation, but I was afraid it would be exactly this. However, while the source of it is without a doubt horrible, there's still the possibility that something good can come out of this in the end if she decides to keep it.
I was surprised by Richards being Alex' father though, I did not see it coming. As for Alex probably being alive... I was hoping that Kevin had killed him, but well, there's still Marcus or even better, Sammy herself left to finish what he started.
[Bring her]
[Tell Marcus to talk with Catiline]
So Samantha was raped? Ouch, that sucks for her. I hope the baby will make her happy but I still feel sorry for her.
[Bring her]
[Tell Marcus to talk with Catiline]
[Kill her]
[Tell Marcus to talk with Catiline]
Italo Buonatesta
"No. No, there's still a chance. We have to bring her with us." Italo said.
"I'm not sure who she is, but I'm not for killing innocent people." Angela said. "So, I say she comes with us."
"Then It's settled. She comes." Lucas said.
Fifteen minutes later
"Santiago, hurry up and get on the boat!" Lucas yelled.
"I'm coming! Just give me a second." Santiago said.
"What are you even doing?" Lucas asked.
"I couldn't leave him behind." Santiago said as he rounded the corner with a cat in his arms.
"A cat? A fucking cat?" Lucas said. "Get on the boat." He said.
"Watch your language, Santiago get on the boat." Patrica said. Lucas grumbled unhappily as Santiago boarded the boat. A small tugboat. A name was written on the side, though now due to neglect and lack of care it was beginning to fade, though still legible. The Pioneer. What a fitting name for the circumstances.
"Everyone on?" Philip asked. Italo looked around and gave a thumbs up counting everyone.
"Were good!" Thomas said.
"Alright, here we go." Philip said. The Pioneer lurched forward. Italo turned to nearest person who happened to be Lucas.
"What do you think we'll find once we get over there?" Italo asked.
"No clue. But i'm already sea sick." Lucas said. Italo let out a small laugh then looked back around the ship. It was only him, Lucas, Santiago, and Angela on the deck. All the rest were inside. Santiago was standing near the front of the boat eagerly looking strait ahead towards the Georgia coastline, while Angela was sitting in the back with her hand folded in her lap, staring intently at the ground.
[Stay where you are]
[Talk with Santiago]
[Talk with Angela]
Peter Oswald
"Go on and talk to her. See what she knows about this guy." Peter said. Marcus nodded and walked off. Omar appeared next to him and walked with him. Peter turned and walked the other way, into the ICU.
"Peter?" Mariza asked in a hushed tone. Peter walked over to her.
"What?" Peter asked.
"What's going on? Why was Marcus so pissed?" She asked.
"Um. It's... Complicated. I don't think you want to know." Peter said.
"I want to know." Mariza said. Peter looked around and then back to Mariza.
"Okay." He said.
Marcus Bishop
"Why are you coming with me?" Marcus asked.
"Don't act surprised. Were not stupid enough to let a pissed off Marcus Bishop into a room alone with someone connected to what just happened." Omar said.
"Fair enough. But just so we're clear, this Alex guy, He's mine when we get our hands on him." Marcus said.
"Understood." Omar said as he opened a door and stepped in. Marcus followed him in. Catiline was chained to a chair in the room, the left side of her face was already bruised.
"Yer guys really nu 'oy ter trate a lady." She said.
"Shut up. You talk when I tell you to." Marcus jeered.
"Got it." She said.
"Where the hell is he? Alex. Where is he?" Marcus asked.
"At our camp. aboyt tree kilometers west av 'ere." She answered. "'e'll be in de center av de camp. surrounded by guards."
"Why are you even telling us this? How do we know this isn't some trick or some shit?" Omar butted in.
"Cos oi 'ate dem as much as yer." She said looking at the ground. "They tuk me son." She she said.
"This guy is fucking nuts." Marcus said. "What's his deal?"
"He tinks 'e's immune ter de virus." She said. "'imself an' 'is kids."
"His kids?" Omar asked.
"He 'as dozens av dem." She said. "Yer sister wasn't de only wan." She said.
"Omar?" Marcus asked.
"You said something about them coming tomorrow. What was that about?" Omar asked.
"They're attackin'. they want ter take de girl." She said.
"My sister?" Marcus asked.
"Aye." Catiline said.
"You've got to stop them. Tell us how we can stop them." Marcus said.
"Kill dem." She said. "'tis de only way."
"Are you sure there's no other way?" Marcus asked.
"Not unless yer want ter gie up yer sister." Catiline said.
"Not happening." Marcus said.
"Unchain me. let me fight." She said. "Please. oi nu more aboyt dem than yer." Marcus looked uncomfortable over to Omar. Omar motioned towards the door and the two walked out into the hallway.
"If I have to listen to that accent for one more minute I'm going to kill someone." Omar said. "Now she wants to fight for us." He said in a mocking tone. "I don't trust her one bit. She was with them."
"But you heard what they did to her. Her son." Marcus said.
"This Alex guy. He needs to be stopped, and that's for sure. What happens with our Irish 'friend' in there is another problem." Omar said. "I know you and value your opinion. What do you think? Give her a chance and let her fight or keep her locked away? Maybe we can get something useful out of her if we let her out?" Omar said.
[Let Catiline fight]
[Keep her locked up]
[Talk with Santiago]
So, Santiago remembered to take Sammy's cat with him
Or perhaps it's his cat now... or their cat? Anyway, I like the cat 
[Keep her locked up]
I don't trust her one bit. Aside from the fact that she seems fishy as hell, I can imagine what she plans. Alex wants to get his hands on Sammy, Catiline wants her son back. If they free her, she has the perfect chance to abduct Sammy while everyone else is busy fighting Alex and his creeps, to trade her for her son. And well, that is not going to happen on my watch.
By the way, this part proved once again what a fucking bastard Alex is. I mean, raping an unconscious and blinded girl is already a special kind of evil, but repeating this process god knows how often... I bet even Jake Kutcher would be very, very disappointed with him.
[Talk with Santiago]
[Keep her locked up]
[Talk with Santiago]
[Keep her locked up]
[Talk with Santiago]
[Keep her locked up]
Maybe she can prove herself later if she really has good intentions.
Italo Buonatesta
Italo looked around and stood up. He walked towards the front of the ship and stood next to Santiago.
"I noticed you remembered the cat." Italo said.
"Yeah, I just thought Samantha might want it when she gets better." Santiago said.
"That's a nice thought." Italo said.
"What do you think it'll be like over there? On land?" Santiago asked.
"I don't know. It might just be like the island. Or maybe it might be better somehow." Italo said.
"I'd like to believe it will be better." Santiago said. Italo cracked a smile.
"Maybe. Who knows?" Italo said.
"That's what makes it so much better." Santiago said. "Do you think she'll ever remember anything?" He asked, looking back to Angela. Italo looked back to see her slowly nodding to something Lucas was saying.
"I don't know. Right now, I think not knowing if you have a family out there somewhere might just be a blessing. I know my family is out there across the ocean somewhere." Italo said.
"Where do you think you're parents are right now?" Santiago asked.
"They're uh. They died when I was like eight. I lived with my grandparents." Italo said.
"Oh." Santiago said.
"Hey, Italo!" A voice called from the cabin. Italo looked back and saw Philip hanging out the door. "We'll hit land in a few minutes. Get ready!" He said. Italo gave him a thumbs up.
"Here we go." Italo said.
Marcus Bishop
"No. Keep her and her stupid accent locked in here. I don't trust her. I don't like her. Someone showing up out of the blue, telling us they worked with the enemy, and now saying they want to fight for us? I don't believe a word." Marcus said.
"You bring up a good point. I'll keep the door sealed and have a man guarding it." Omar said. "And Marcus."
"Yeah?" Marcus asked.
"We're going to catch this guy. We're going to make him pay, one way or another." Omar said.
"I think we'll get our chance soon enough. She said they were coming tomorrow." Marcus said.
"You think we can trust that information?" Omar asked.
"I don't know. But it wouldn't hurt to have the place on heightened security anyways." Marcus said.
"Alright." Omar said. "We should probably see what needs done outside still." Omar said.
"Good thinking." Marcus said as he followed Omar out into the main lobby and outside into the pouring rain.
"You think this rain will ever let up?" Omar asked.
"Let me just check the Doppler radar." Marcus said sarcastically.
"Ha Ha. Very funny." Omar said.
"Actually, the rain has let up some." Marcus noted.
"Yeah. But not enough. If they attack in this weather, we won't see them until their right up on us." Omar said.
"But that means they won't see us." Marcus said.
"Hopefully you're right." Omar said.
"Omar! Over here!" A solider called. Omar led Marcus into a makeshift tent to keep the rain out. A few of the higher officers were gathered around a map of the hospital.
"What is it?" Omar asked.
"We'll, normally we would come to Hank for this kind of stuff. But dead people don't give much advise, so we came to you." One said. "Anyway, we're at an impasse here. The sheet metal Omar brought was enough to fortify the perimeter. Now we only have a little left and we were wondering if it would be better to reinforce some of the weaker spots on the perimeter, or add to the interior defense." He asked.
"I'd say Reinforce the wall." Omar said.
"Great, now we have a damn tie." A woman said. "What about you?" She asked pointing to Marcus. Marcus stood confused.
"You want me to choose? I'm sure there's a lot more qualified people out there." Marcus said.
"I don't care. She asked you. What's your choice?" A man asked.
"Uh..." Marcus said.
[Reinforce the wall]
[Add to interior defenses]
Peter Oswald
"Holy shit..." Mariza said once Peter was done explaining what had happened. "I just can't believe someone would do that to someone like her."
"It's a fucked up world. With a lot of fucked up people." Peter said.
"But still... How is she handling it?" She asked.
"I don't know. I would imagine it hit her hard." Peter said.
"I hope she turns out fine. It can't be easy." She said.
"I know it can't." Peter said. "But, How are you feeling?" Peter asked.
"Like I just got hit by a semi. But the doctors said nothing was broken... Other than my nose." Mariza said. "I should be able to get out of here soon. Hopefully."
"I hope you get out of here soon too." Peter said. "From what I heard, you're the military's new crack shot." He said.
"Possibly." Mariza smiled.
"Uncle Peter!" A voice called from the doorway. Peter turned around and saw Dylan. "I just heard what happened. Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine Dylan." Peter said. "But only because of Mariza."
"I know, I was told everything." Dylan said as he walked closer. He stopped next to Mariza. "I want to thank you so much Mariza. That was a very brave thing, what you did. And I definitely owe you one." He said.
"You don't owe me any-" She began but was cut off when Dylan wrapped her in a hug. Mariza gave in after a few awkward moments of shock.
"Thank you." Dylan said as he stood back up. "Peter, they wanted to see you outside." Dylan said.
"Alright. Better not keep them waiting then." Peter said. "I'll talk to you later Mariza."
"Hopefully next time, I won't be in a hospital bed." She responded. Peter laughed as he turned and walked away.
"What do they want?" He asked.
"Not really sure. But they wanted everyone who was an able fighter to show up." Dylan said.
"Well. That could be very good, or very bad." Peter said.
"I'm hoping for one over the other." Dylan said.