I just noticed we kill the guy who was sharpening his sword on the steps in episode 2. ALRIGHT! But 2 reasons why I didn't kill off Rodrik, One is he had the Forrester Sword, and 2 he hasn't made a baby with Eleana yet.
That's actually a good reason, I only did it because:
Blondy is my favorite, kinda similiar to me (especially the looks, and the beard), and Beskha! I'm sorry Elaena...
Rodrik (determinant)
Asher (determinant)
Lady Forrester
Ser Royland (determinant)
Duncan (determinant)
… moreCotter
Few of the pit fighters
Cersei (obviously)
Tyrion (obviously)
Ramsay (sadly)
Dead as of EP5:
Gared's parents
Ser Royland (determinant)
Duncan (determinant)
Asher (determinant)
Rodrik (determinant)
Finn (determinant)
Big Baldy
Unnamed wildlings
Unnamed white walkers
Few of the pit fighters
Arthur "Quiver" Glenmore
Can someone link me the walkthrough.
My choices would probably be-
Don't Stab Ramsay
Spare Bloodsong
Unsure about Tyrion
Spar… moree Royland
Leave Asher behind (I love Rodrik too much, sorry Ash)
Also, what are the circumstances of leaving the person behind?
I feel so empty inside after watching Episode 5 - whatever happens, House Forrester better remain the main house in Season 2.... I know whos… moree going to die now no matter who you leave behind... the choice will matter but the eventuality of the surviving character from the final choice dying is inevitable.... forget the Starks, forget the Lannisters, all I care about now is this minor third tier House located within the Wolfswood - the game better not deny me the opportunity to kill Gryff.
I thinks it determinant - whoever you choose to leave behind - Asher or Rodrik - one of them has to stay behind to allow the other to escape… more - whoever remains behind dies, fighting a garrison of Whitehill soldiers.... and there's Gryff with his smug face, knowing he's won - its either Rodrik or Asher who dies - whoever gets left behind.
When you have Duncan as the traitor and your going through he whole dialogue thin g with him and you ask him about the North grove what does he say, by all means I don't want to replay 4 episodes for 1 dialogue.
My Rodrik acted honorable and only struck him a few times - now I know I'll get nothing for that... why am I even surprised, honor gets you no where in the Game of Thrones (Eddard Stark).
I should have beaten his face into a mashed pulp....
Hmmm... she could... after Rodrik/Asher dies in the final episode, I'm just terrified of the idea of Ryon of all people inheriting it... I w… moreould prefer Talia over Ryon but further still I do prefer Mira over Talia if one of them had to become the next Lord, though logically it should be Ryon... after all the Forresters have been through I'd much prefer a mature and experienced member in his place.
One of them (Rodrik/Asher) dies in Episode 5 - knowing Telltale if they continue with the story of the Forresters in Season 2, then the next… more Lord would be either 1).Ryon, 2).Mira 3).Talia - because the surviving brother will have to die in the S1 finale - because either Asher or Rodrik survive Episode 5 - the next Season won't vary in its next characters based on this choice, its obvious now - if you sacrifice Asher, Rodrik will die in the next episode - sacrifice Rodrik (how could you... )then Asher will die in the next episode...
Good, I was worried Rodrik was getting nothing compared to Asher's emotional scene. My sentinel's Duncan so that's what I'd get. Thank you so much. I'm still heartbroken...
Haven't played yet, but these will be my choices:
Didn't try to stab Ramsey.(why would i? He's canon.)
Kill Bloodsong.(maybe I don't k… morenow who he is lol.)
Will tell Tyrion.(He's my bro bro)
Kill Royland.(No mercy for traitors)
Leave Rodrik behind. (Definitely not leaving Asher considering he is my favorite character and the only reason I am playing the game.)
but blondy didn't have much to do Scar-y needs revenge for his Scars. Either way they are both prob going to die. I hate to say this but If I have to kill Rodrik in episode 5 to let Asher survive the season I will.
As Malcom would Say Fire and Ice.... Huh? Iron from ice and Fire and blood, wait Fire and Ice.... Is Malcolm.... we all though that Jon snow was the Ice... ITS A LIE! MALCOM + DAENERYS = IMMORTALITY!!!!!
Right? Iron From Freakin Ice, but no 'I missed you'... Rod could finally be a warrior again, but I came along... So Ash has to prove himself to his family.
I tell you If Asher has to die just so Rodrik can survive the season screw my choice at least 1 Forrester will survive I don't care. Like if Rodrik dies Asher wont survive the season you know that kind of choice
He takes on all the whitehills and then he gets shot with a crossbow in the chest, and then he continues killing Whitehills until he gets an… more arrow in his throat.
Then a bunch of Whitehills grab onto his arms and then that big dude stabs Asher in the throat and throws him on the floor.
I cried so hard man..
I didn't try to stab Ramsay.
I kill Bloodsong.
I didn't tell Tyrion that Cersei sent me.
I executed Duncan.
I had Asher stay behind.
Crying like a bitch
I'm so torn right now, I have no idea who should stay behind Asher or Rodrick. I've always like Rodrick above every other playable character but now I don't know if I can deal with guilt of having Asher dead and Beskha losing him after the came all this way together
just wondering because, curiosity
Well if you want you can wait to have them both die by not choosing, wait can you do that? BRB! must check!
Actually, we don't (sadly). We just knock his ass to the floor, but hey, let's take what we can get
Your pissing off a woman either way
One question who told Asher about everything that happened? The Ravens are dead, and A Raven flying from the North to the south to say Ethan died?
And Scar-y is wherein his dad armor or a look alike
Erik (determinant)
Asher is the kill anyone who I don't like kinda guy I like the way he role but I love Rodrik a lot more
I wish I maimed him now
I didn't try to stab Ramsay.
I kill Bloodsong.
I didn't tell Tyrion that Cersei sent me.
I executed Duncan.
I had Asher stay behind.
Crying like a bitch
When you have Duncan as the traitor and your going through he whole dialogue thin g with him and you ask him about the North grove what does he say, by all means I don't want to replay 4 episodes for 1 dialogue.
IS there a stream with Gryff maimed on horseback?
Maybe he already did a baby in Elaena ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (They give us the option
See I saw it as I hit Gryff how many times he hit me
I haven't seen one. I would also like to know because I blinded him.
Why the fuck he needs chakalaka boom boom?!
I doubt that Ryon will survive the story.
you showed mercy to that jackie chan from the fighting pits but killed royland.
ps (sort of unrelated to the topic) but @winterfellcantgetup love the gif of robb stark
I love Rodrik and I love Beshka. Both sides loose someone and its really hard to pick a finite ending.
And Rodrik makes Asher Lord Asher before he fights
It does say Try
but blondy didn't have much to do Scar-y needs revenge for his Scars. Either way they are both prob going to die. I hate to say this but If I have to kill Rodrik in episode 5 to let Asher survive the season I will.
You start your swing but he punches you or kicks I don't remember which. Basically nothing, but he compliments you.
no matter what you do your gonna piss a woman off. Also Eleana just lost her brother
As Malcom would Say Fire and Ice.... Huh? Iron from ice and Fire and blood, wait Fire and Ice.... Is Malcolm.... we all though that Jon snow was the Ice... ITS A LIE! MALCOM + DAENERYS = IMMORTALITY!!!!!
you mean Ebbert?
I tell you If Asher has to die just so Rodrik can survive the season screw my choice at least 1 Forrester will survive I don't care. Like if Rodrik dies Asher wont survive the season you know that kind of choice
He was still alive after that as he looks up at Gryff, Minus the arrow to the throat he could live
I didn't cry when Lee died I shed 1 tear in another game just one when a man gave his little sister a flower.
anyone got footage of asher staying behind?
working on it right now but I can't post until tomorrow
someone uploaded the full episode already
The same way as asher.
The ending... I cri evrytiem.
I'm so torn right now, I have no idea who should stay behind Asher or Rodrick. I've always like Rodrick above every other playable character but now I don't know if I can deal with guilt of having Asher dead and Beskha losing him after the came all this way together
I headbutted the shit out of the Beast. Anyone else?
Edit: I see @NukemDukem did. Well done, bruh.