The only way I can see either Rodrik or Asher surviving this is if they do season 2 with a different family. If they continue with the Forresters, the remaining brother will be killed off in season 2 (If he doesn't die in episode 6).
I actually don't know what to do yet when I play; this choice quite literally left me in tears.
But since I watched Asher's sacrifice I'd love to see Rodrik's.
I hope Telltale proves us wrong and treats these determinants well, though.
Spared Birdsong, because again that's not who I am. I'm just glad it's worked out so far. :v
Told Tyrion the truth because he already knew, no point lying to him. Plus I like him.
Imprisoned the traitor, because see the first two. Shame on me for not learning why mercy will not work in GoT. OTL
Left Asher behind, because Rodrick is the lord of House Forrester, and I could see Asher being a brave person like this. Plus I wasn't going to waste Rodrick's life after he cheated death once.
* Didn't try to stab Ramsey, that's not who I am.
* Spared Birdsong, because again that's not who I am. I'm just glad it's worked out so fa… morer. :v
* Told Tyrion the truth because he already knew, no point lying to him. Plus I like him.
* Imprisoned the traitor, because see the first two. Shame on me for not learning why mercy will not work in GoT. OTL
* Left Asher behind, because Rodrick is the lord of House Forrester, and I could see Asher being a brave person like this. Plus I wasn't going to waste Rodrick's life after he cheated death once.
I killed Bloodsong. (I figured it was the 'rules' and the only way to get respect)
I told Tyrion the truth. (He knew anyway. Besides I like him and have a hard time lying to him)
I executed Royland. (I was not shocked he was the traitor)
I had Rodrik stay behind. (Asher may be the only one that the 'sellswords' will listen to, plus he is in a bit better physical shape to fight, plus it seemed like a heroic sort of thing Rodrik would do).
I tried to stab Ramsay (I admit:it was VERY stupid)
I killed Bloodsong (had to earn the respect of pit fighters)
I didnt tell Tyrion that Cersei sent me (if the guard wasnt listening to our conversation,i would have picked a different choice)
I didnt kill the traitor (I thought he (Royland in my game) would tell me something useful)
I had Rodrik stay behind (too long to explain)
what? are you delusional? seriously man youre so fucked up i feel bad for you, what are you talking about
cant even stand behind by your own unbelievably stupid words, i dont even bother reading most of your massages now, everytime i did i felt like im losing iq points
lol im not going to read all of this bullshit, f off, you pathetic moron kid. talking about face palms, you actually thinks talking english has anything to do with how smart you are. holy shit you cant be older then 16, grow the fuck up
no, i just realised youre so stupid and if you couldnt figure out what i said you dont worth explaining. and you do realise the most of the world dosent speaks english? im pretty sure you cant form 1 sentance in my languige, every single thing you said was so stupid and didnt made sense i recomend you hit your head in the wall for while it might make you smarted because you cant get dumber then what you allready are
i would kill both in my playthrough, but royland was badly written and out of charcter for him. and if we allready talking about common sens… moree, common sesne should tell you that bloodsong very unlikely to join you and might even try to kill you, and also that 1 man wouldnt change the tide of a fight and common sense in video games should tell you that a small decision like this wouldnt change the results of the final fight.
who the f do you think you are talking like this? you dont know me,
do you talk like this to random people in real life too or just when you hidden behind the keyboard and screen? pff youre a sad, im not really suprised someone spineless like you is in a posture to type, because thats probably your only way to feel good about yourself
oh and btw most people didnt killed the traitor so i guess nearly everyone is spineless and lack common sense by your "logic"
Eh, think that ending has ruined this series for me. The endless shitting all over the Forresters is just fucking comical at this point. I d… moreon't find any particularly interesting drama in just piling on misery for them in every single episode. It's just constant "OH SO YOU THINK YOU'VE DONE GOOD? NAH, GUESS AGAIN, HERE - ONE OF THESE CHARACTERS YOU LIKE HAS TO DIE BECAUSE REASONS."
It's just shit and forced and a complete parody of itself at this point. I get that Game of Thrones is this dark series where nobody is safe but it's just getting silly the degree to which they've gone out of their way to make sure that every episode just leaves the Forrester's worse off, like the Whitehill's have to be this unstoppable force somehow able to mastermind the unraveling of the Forrester's and execute each move with almost 100% success rate across the board.
Gregor, dead. Gared's family, dead. Ethan, dead. Ryon, snatched. Whitehill's delivering n… [view original content]
In reply to Krmpr1:
genius point 10/10 ign youre so smart
what? are you delusional? seriously man youre so fucked up i feel bad… more for you, what are you talking about
cant even stand behind by your own unbelievably stupid words, i dont even bother reading most of your massages now, everytime i did i felt like im losing iq points
lol im not going to read all of this bullshit, f off, you pathetic moron kid. talking about face palms, you actually thinks talking english has anything to do with how smart you are. holy shit you cant be older then 16, grow the fuck up
no, i just realised youre so stupid and if you couldnt figure out what i said you dont worth explaining. and you do realise the most of the world dosent speaks english? im pretty sure you cant form 1 sentance in my languige, every single thing you said was so stupid and didnt made sense i recomend you hit your head in the wall for while it might make you … [view original content]
In reply to Krmpr1:
genius point 10/10 ign youre so smart
what? are you delusional? seriously man youre so fucked up i feel bad… more for you, what are you talking about
cant even stand behind by your own unbelievably stupid words, i dont even bother reading most of your massages now, everytime i did i felt like im losing iq points
lol im not going to read all of this bullshit, f off, you pathetic moron kid. talking about face palms, you actually thinks talking english has anything to do with how smart you are. holy shit you cant be older then 16, grow the fuck up
no, i just realised youre so stupid and if you couldnt figure out what i said you dont worth explaining. and you do realise the most of the world dosent speaks english? im pretty sure you cant form 1 sentance in my languige, every single thing you said was so stupid and didnt made sense i recomend you hit your head in the wall for while it might make you … [view original content]
Didn't try to stab Ramsay - it would be very stupid to attempt that, plus he has plot armor.
Spared Bloodsong - he seemed really cool and I could use someone with his ability, even though I maimed him.
Told Tyrion the truth - probably a really bad idea, but I love Tyrion and wasn't gonna lie to him like that. My Mira is honest.
Spared Royland - I desperately wanted to kill him, especially since he just kept calling me weak and insulting me, but he might be useful later on.
Left Asher behind - I don't really have a reason for choosing Asher to sacrifice himself, I just felt that it Rodrik deserves some vengeance next episode.
1: One does not simply refuse an offer to stab Ramsay f-in Snow
2: I came to get the best warriors, didn't intend to reduce their numbers just yet.
3: Come on, Cersei is even dumber here than in the series... Tyrion either tells me something because he is beyond caring or lies no matter what you do, was obvious long before entering his cell.
4: If I interrogate the guy I will be able to get the best outcome I said, it will be fun I said.
Note to self: Have to rewind just to horribly butcher the traitor.
5: As much I like Rodrik, I didn't get Asher cross the sea after 4 long episodes to get killed in the port... Besides... R already died once, here's hoping for some Daniel Jacksoning. (not gonna happen.)
There is something I don't understand. How did Ramsay capture Arthur? Because Arthur was with me at Highpoint. And after that Royland and other elite guards were with him. How the hell did he capture him???
Didn't stab Ramsey, that just seemed like a catastrophically stupid thing to try and do. I don't know what happens if you try to, but just a guess here: you can't actually stab him and do any sort of everlasting damage..
Spared Bloodsong, he seemed like a bit of a cunt but a decent fighter, I'd rather have him alive.
Told Tyrion the truth, he already knows what's up, no point in lying to the guy. Though the conversations that were going on with the Lannister guard RIGHT THERE was hilarious.
Didn't stab Ramsay - I'm not that naive, Ramsay always likes to toy with people.
Killed Bloodsong - he was a cocky little shit and Asher needed to prove himself.
Tried lying but ended up telling the truth to Tyrion - Tyrion's smart, I kind of figured he would have found out if I lied and I already know from the show/books that no one is going to speak for him (I was kind of hoping Cersei would force Mira to be one of the many to speak against Tyrion at the trial).
Executed Royland - I promised Mira and he had it coming (I really thought it would be Ortengryn, especially after Gwyn said the youngest of House Whitehill went to the citadel).
Left Asher - I like Asher, but Rodrik is a better leader and he's got something good going with Elaena. The troops will support Rodrik because plot (doesn't really matter since there's only 4 of them left anyway) and Ironrath can't suffer another fallen leader this soon after losing Ethan.
The only way I can see either Rodrik or Asher surviving this is if they do season 2 with a different family. If they continue with the Forresters, the remaining brother will be killed off in season 2 (If he doesn't die in episode 6).
I didn't try to stab Ramsay.
I showed mercy to Bloodsong.
I told Tyrion that Cersei sent me.
I spared Royland.
I had Asher stay behind.
My choices:
That ending though ;-;
Didn't stab Ramsay (because I don't even know)
Killed Bloodsong (for the respect of the other soldiers)
Lied to Tyrion (but maybe I should have told him the truth? I don't think it matters)
Killed Royland (bc I'm not breaking my promise to Talia plus he deserved it)
Rodrick stayed behind (something along the lines of "a captain never goes down without his ship"?...he's the lord and he was protecting his family)
Asher's face in that picture is literally killing me! Poor little Asher
Why do you only have 4 choices?
I tried to stab Ramsay. (It was worth a shot)
I killed Bloodsong. (I figured it was the 'rules' and the only way to get respect)
I told Tyrion the truth. (He knew anyway. Besides I like him and have a hard time lying to him)
I executed Royland. (I was not shocked he was the traitor)
I had Rodrik stay behind. (Asher may be the only one that the 'sellswords' will listen to, plus he is in a bit better physical shape to fight, plus it seemed like a heroic sort of thing Rodrik would do).
Indeed man.
Not QUUIITE the level of Lee's death in TWD, but pretty damn close. If I wasn't shocked with grief, I'd have sobbed.
I tried to stab Ramsay (I admit:it was VERY stupid)
I killed Bloodsong (had to earn the respect of pit fighters)
I didnt tell Tyrion that Cersei sent me (if the guard wasnt listening to our conversation,i would have picked a different choice)
I didnt kill the traitor (I thought he (Royland in my game) would tell me something useful)
I had Rodrik stay behind (too long to explain)
Why is the Birdsong choice missing from your list? oAo
Oh what? wow okay thats weird, I killed him
In reply to Krmpr1:
Oh, the irony. It's okay bb gurl, I got you.
You Sir, just made my day.
I guess it's fucked up for some reason
The one that's missing is the Bloodsong one, I killed him.
@WinterfellCantGetUp: Flag him pal, eventually he will be banned.
~ Didn't try to stab Ramsay
~ Spared Bloodsong
~ Didn't tell Tyrion the truth
~ Spared Royland
~ Left Rodrik behind
1: One does not simply refuse an offer to stab Ramsay f-in Snow
2: I came to get the best warriors, didn't intend to reduce their numbers just yet.
3: Come on, Cersei is even dumber here than in the series... Tyrion either tells me something because he is beyond caring or lies no matter what you do, was obvious long before entering his cell.
4: If I interrogate the guy I will be able to get the best outcome I said, it will be fun I said.

Note to self: Have to rewind just to horribly butcher the traitor.
5: As much I like Rodrik, I didn't get Asher cross the sea after 4 long episodes to get killed in the port... Besides... R already died once, here's hoping for some Daniel Jacksoning. (not gonna happen.)
HAHAHA, god damn kid. youre following me? youre even sader then i thought. thanks for the laught
The Bloodsong choice not showing up happened to me too. Seems like a potential glitch that happens when you choose to kill him
There is something I don't understand. How did Ramsay capture Arthur? Because Arthur was with me at Highpoint. And after that Royland and other elite guards were with him. How the hell did he capture him???
Tried to cut Ramsey (failed)
Didn't kill Bloodsong
Told Tyrion the truth (because I like him)
Killed Ser Royland
I left Rodrik behind.
I'm doing a second play through now, so I'll have both. I was shattered when I had to choose between them both!
-Attempted to stab Ramsey.
-Spared Bloodsong
-Did not tell Tyrion the truth
-Killed the traitor
-Left Rodrik behind.
I didn't care about choosing between the brothers nearly so much as losing the Beast immediately upon reaching Westeros. LAME!!!
Did not stab Ramsay
Spared Bloodsong
Didn't tell him the truth
Spared Duncan (the traitor)
Left Rodrik behind
WHY telltale??!
WHY are you like director's and writer of the series???!!!
WHY always a good man has to die??
Didn't stab Ramsey, that just seemed like a catastrophically stupid thing to try and do. I don't know what happens if you try to, but just a guess here: you can't actually stab him and do any sort of everlasting damage..
Spared Bloodsong, he seemed like a bit of a cunt but a decent fighter, I'd rather have him alive.
Told Tyrion the truth, he already knows what's up, no point in lying to the guy. Though the conversations that were going on with the Lannister guard RIGHT THERE was hilarious.
Spared Duncan, kind of regret it.
Left Rodrik behind.
I tried to stab Ramsay.
Killed Bloodsong.
Told Tyrion that Cersei sent me.
Killed Duncan.
Rodrik stayed behind.