Nobody should get hated on just for being themselves, you've been nothing but kind to me and the other community members so we'll have your … moreback here if anything. Just stay cool kid and ignore the trolls, don't stress about it and just keep doing what you're doing.
i rly used 2 h8 u but not anymore. i do find u kinda annoying but i rly like how you're positive and happy go lucky all the time.
keep rockin girl, ur hips dont lie
I got my very own hate thread! Yay! A special thanks to mah bro Lingvort.
Famous? Who, me?
Well, you totes got the wrong person there.
But. yeah, i'm Azlyn, without the "famous" part
Hi there! Seen ya on the forums. You seem like a cool dude. Nice to meet you!
I got my very own hate thread! Yay! A special thanks to mah bro Lingvort.
This is simply the best thread ever just because of this.
Thank youuuu!
(?) Azlyn will remember you protected her.
That reference, i got.
And, thanks. It means a lot more coming from you. Just so you know, i am truly sorry for the way i acted. I learned a lot from you.
I think they only moved it to the general chat, right.
That means a lot to me, guys, thank you!
Is this a thing, now?
Don't worry, Azlyn. You and me are bros and all of us are in this together.
Yay for bromance!
Do you have steam, Azlyn? Wanna be steam friends? If so, my username is King Giraffehat and I have Kenny as my avatar.
Yeah, but i forgot the details to the one with da games, and my new one is, like, a desert. But i friended ya.
Even though someone really hates me, I'm the only one being downvoted in this singing section
I gave you all mah upvotes for being you
Ah, so you'reee the famous Azlyn, Hello
Famous? Who, me?
Well, you totes got the wrong person there.
But. yeah, i'm Azlyn, without the "famous" part
Hi there! Seen ya on the forums. You seem like a cool dude. Nice to meet you!
why thank, you seem very cool yourself
. Nice to meet you too (are paths don't often cross on the forums much)
Next meta: Get an own hate thread
You and your trolls again lol
XD i just noticed this, can't stop laughing now.
I know :P
Are you more active on the TWD or TWAU part of the forums?
I'm the second one, the badass looking dude :P
Wat de foq
TWD, not been on TWAU in a while
Cool, see ya around?
(?) LeeTheProfessional will remember that Azlyn will remember that he protected her.
No prob!
It's because the mods are being appreciated too!
I only have a few posts to my name but I love you all already.
Awww, that's so sweet
See ya around the forums, then?
I'm pretty sure they sunk it, but at least they didn't close it.
I'm giving you my thumbs up for you not to be attacked by dislikers
Yeah. I guess this thread has run its course, anyway.
The 12 trolls, there's one for each zodiac sign. I'm gemini, so i'm the second cool lookin' dude.
NOOO damn you i was about to say that lol.