Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • This is one way of showing that Clem will never forget about Ben. Clem always considered him a good friend.

    Spooch posted: »

    The thing is, the ones on the backpack look bigger.

  • Poor Clem :(. Both of her friends in season one died :(.

    This is one way of showing that Clem will never forget about Ben. Clem always considered him a good friend.

  • She had Duck as a friend too, although its understandable that she was often annoyed by him xD

    Spooch posted: »

    Poor Clem . Both of her friends in season one died .

  • That's what I meant by both. Duck and Ben. They both died, not to mention almost all of the people that she met, her father figure, and her real parents.

    She had Duck as a friend too, although its understandable that she was often annoyed by him xD

    If you look at the picture with Brenda and her husband Terry, before you go upstairs, the conversation with Brenda changes when you try to save Katjaa.

    "Terry wouldn't have wanted that his dairy is a human slaughter house."
    If Lee doesn't look at the picture he says "It doesn't have to be this way."

    If you look at Andy's and Danny's trophies Lee will say something along the line of "Y'all were obviously smart, what happen?"
    Alt text

  • Holy shit, my mind is officially blown right now.

    If you look closely, there's a zombie in every episode!

  • Alt text

    Isn't that cute?

    fallandir posted: »

    Clementine drew a picture of Lee in S1 EP4, after he buried zombie boy.

  • I don't know if this has been mentioned or not but if you choose silence or wait for time to run out when Reggie asks you if Sarah is going to be okay in S2E3 (in the greenhouse) he will say "If you don't have an opinion, you should just say so... instead of making people wait for an answer. Just shake your head or nod."

  • Haha, Reggie, what a guy...

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    I don't know if this has been mentioned or not but if you choose silence or wait for time to run out when Reggie asks you if Sarah is going

  • If only Ben comes with you to save Clementine and you decide to chop your arm off, Ben says he can't do it because he will probably pass out midway causing you to have to cut off your own arm :P and Ben to pass out while watching :P

  • in S2E1, when eating with Luke in the Cabin, if you tell him about Lee, Clem usually says "his name was Lee he taught me how to survive, he taught me how to shoot a gun" however in season 1, if you specifically told Clem to find a group she says "his name was Lee he taught me how to survive, he told me to find a group"

  • In the bathroom of 201, even if you wash your face with the water, you still can try with the bathroom washers.
    If you try to burn Lee photo in 201, you will be blocked from the screams of Christa.
    If you die while escaping from Wilston (The guy who died by walkers and that hurted Christa), the guy that asked for water at the end of the episode will say to "kill her and go", this COULD mean two things.
    1) Christa died
    2) Christa escaped

  • its hurt, not hurted and wait what with the last thing? how can that happen if dying will be non-cannon?

    Shumisha posted: »

    In the bathroom of 201, even if you wash your face with the water, you still can try with the bathroom washers. If you try to burn Lee phot

  • Fixed it my bad :P

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Yeah but he wrote S2E2 that's why i was asking cause i though it could be the shed where you get to if you choose to save Nick.

  • May I say that I love this thread? I do :)

  • Maybe they mean that it could be a hint towards Christa's fate or something? But... They don't say anything about Christa, so we dunno.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    its hurt, not hurted and wait what with the last thing? how can that happen if dying will be non-cannon?

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    When loading the magazines with Bonnie in the armory, if you look on the counter next to Bonnie, you can see Walter/Matthews knife, I guess Carver decided to take it

  • edited July 2014

    That board game kinda looks like Risk.

    Nick's sorta known for taking risks such as shooting Matthew and distracting the walkers (if you save him in episode 1), so take that as you will.

    skoothz posted: »

    Some more stuff about Nick, because I love that stupid kid. Here's a "things I noticed about Nick" masterpost. The logo on his shirt is f

  • sadly its kinda dead now, i post half the stuff on here nowadays

    May I say that I love this thread? I do

  • You're both wrong, they're fucking autonomous and mobile! Miniature alien warships from space, shrunk and disguised utilizing superior technology! Forget the zombie apocalypse, it's the sticker apocalypse that's gonna take over the world!

    Spooch posted: »

    The thing is, the ones on the backpack look bigger.

  • I always try to make sure I notice those. Even though they're not gamechanging, they do make the scene more significant and memorable, and up the tragedy factor.

    DID YOU KNOW? If you look at the picture with Brenda and her husband Terry, before you go upstairs, the conversation with Brenda changes wh

  • She's very perceptive. Nothing gets by her, and I'm glad that was the case here. What I thought was kinda funny is she even remembered to add the raised eyebrow!

    fallandir posted: »

    Isn't that cute?

  • There is a hint in that scene to show that Christa did in fact die in my opinion.

    If you throw a rock: Christa runs, you hear a struggle and a gunshot.

    If you stay hidden: Christa is stabbed, you don't hear a struggle but you still hear a gunshot.

    That leads me to believe Christa was executed off-screen.

    Maybe they mean that it could be a hint towards Christa's fate or something? But... They don't say anything about Christa, so we dunno.

  • edited July 2014

    hey hey hey I just noticed something while watching a let's play literally less than 5 minutes ago

    You know how in E1 of S1 they have to find a way to get the pills for Larry? Well, when Lee is about to enter the office, you can see 'ALIVE INSIDE' written on the door.

    Guess what music starts playing when you enter the room ( )

  • Y were u banned?

    Yes i know one...Kenny has a godlike beard now, instead of a divine Mustache! Many people seem to forget that!

  • But Lee didn't get shot in the neck then get eaten by walkers in a walker infested parking lot.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Yeah but then they both die shortly after saying that

  • Kenny Luke?kluke?kluke confirmed for season 3!!!jk.

    Kenny_Luke posted: »

    thanks man!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I appreciate your participation.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    sadly its kinda dead now, i post half the stuff on here nowadays

  • He was spamming the Kenny confirmed for season 2! GIF.

    Y were u banned?

  • edited July 2014

    When Reggie asks you your name in s2e3 and you say "..." Sarita will tell him she (clementine) has just had a hard couple days.

    In S2E1 you can go to Sarah's room twice, the second time you can ask her where to sew your arm.

  • Really? This one about Sarah I didn't know.

    Cool, I will try later.

    Carley123 posted: »

    When Reggie asks you your name in s2e3 and you say "..." Sarita will tell him she (clementine) has just had a hard couple days. In S2E1 you can go to Sarah's room twice, the second time you can ask her where to sew your arm.

  • I wish Clem would draw again. Her drawings were always so cute ;-;

    fallandir posted: »

    Isn't that cute?

  • ...Mother of God....

    Hbh128 posted: »

    You're both wrong, they're fucking autonomous and mobile! Miniature alien warships from space, shrunk and disguised utilizing superior technology! Forget the zombie apocalypse, it's the sticker apocalypse that's gonna take over the world!

  • Yeah it's pretty interesting, I was surprised to be able to do that when I replayed it the 2nd time

    Morloki posted: »

    Really? This one about Sarah I didn't know. Cool, I will try later.

  • Really? What does she say?

    Carley123 posted: »

    When Reggie asks you your name in s2e3 and you say "..." Sarita will tell him she (clementine) has just had a hard couple days. In S2E1 you can go to Sarah's room twice, the second time you can ask her where to sew your arm.

  • You sure notice a lot of random stuff

    Kennysucks posted: »

    sadly its kinda dead now, i post half the stuff on here nowadays

  • Yep, but I think she'll open only if you did pinkie swear.

    Carley123 posted: »

    When Reggie asks you your name in s2e3 and you say "..." Sarita will tell him she (clementine) has just had a hard couple days. In S2E1 you can go to Sarah's room twice, the second time you can ask her where to sew your arm.

  • If Lee admits to having no clue about barbering, Clem will then say she'll look like a boy. Lee will respond with "but think about how much safer you'll be", which prompts Clem to say she'd rather be dead.

    USMC1786 posted: »

    Edit: She only says it through certain dialogue options

  • Winston and the water bandit have that conversation right before shooting Clem. So yeah it's non-canon, but she's alive to hear it.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    its hurt, not hurted and wait what with the last thing? how can that happen if dying will be non-cannon?

  • (?) dojo32161 appreciates your participation.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I appreciate your participation.

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