If there was ever to be a suggestion to end all suggestions it would be Star Wars. I say this as an observation not a request cause I believe that there are two things that would survive a nuclear blast George Lucas and the Star Wars franchise. For the entirety of my life I have seen Star Wars evolve into the cartel it is today and if there was any money to be made on tangent story lines its a near perfect move to do it on Star Wars.
Here is my list of games I would love to see TT make. Some of these others have said but are great ideas for games.
Blade Runner (similar to Neruomancer)
The X-Files.
Vampire The Masquerade
Wolf Among Us: Season 2
Hellblazer aka Constantine
Doctor Who ( this one just needs to happen!)
The Cal Lenandros book series.
Batman: Hush
Batman: The Long Halloween
I think the two Batman titles would be tough to do sense there is a set path the story goes, but if they did figure out a way. they would be pretty amazing.
Oh so many ;-)
Comics: Almost every Marvel or DC Comic (or Prequels) (my personal story-fav. would be: The Background-Story of the X-Men-Characters... maybe Mystique);
Series (fav -> less): Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, LOST, Sherlock, Heroes, True Detective, Vikings, Dexter, Orphan Black, The Blacklist, House of Cards, Arrow, Person of Interest, Bones, Veronica Mars, True Blood, NCIS .... (there are also many promising series upcoming);
Games: Mass Effect, GTA, Fallout, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Metro;
Almost every "franchise": Underworld, Resident Evil, Lord of the rings, Sin City, Star Wars;
Or any Quentin Tarantino Movie....
and at least: every Fable; and almost every Manga and Anime Series;
Even musicals/movies like Les Miserbles, Phantom of the opera,...;
TTG would even be able to give teen franchises like Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, ... an amazing story.
Or a complete new story.... And Sequels to their games: Wolf among us, The Walking Dead, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Law & Order, CSI;
I really think I would love (almost) every game of telltale-games. I love the concept and I'm obsessed with the storys.
There would be more than enough stuff....
My fav. would be: series, comic/manga or a "franchise"
I think for all my wishes they would need much more people. I would love more games from TTG. But better less and amazing - than many and sloppy. Even if I would love one episode every week from different games - I know it's not really their kind of thing ;-)
So um, just to throw this out there to you guys. Can you guys do me a solid and send an agent or whatever down to Astrobase go and hash out a Venture Brothers game with Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick? For years, they've said that they'd love to do a Venture Brothers game or comic, but no serious takers have ever approached them with it. Given that Warburton is in TPS and you guys had previously done work in universe on Poker Night 2, I really don't think they'd say no. Just give an intern like a duffel bag of cash (fives will do fine, if not singles) along with a plane ticket to atlanta and a google maps print out to williams street. Return trip optional, they could probably use a blood sacrifice. Seriously, they will probably say yes. I think you'd be the guys to get this off the runway, and then we will give you money for the game.
I like the idea of a TT Batman game. I think it would be better though if it were more of a detective game. So one that follows Gordon or one where you are Batman and do mainly detective stuff.
Breaking Bad-Obvious reasons.
Title-Telltale Games Breaking Bad: The Game
A game set in the Metro Universe-I think it has a perfect se… moretting, story and lore for Telltale.
Title-Metro: New Light or Metro: Lost Light
Title-Telltale Games Presents Firefly: The Game
Star Wars-I would love them to do a Han Solo, Bobba Fett or a original bounty hunter story.
Lord of the Rings-May be too similar to Game Of Thrones but so what?
Title-The Lord of the Rings: The Ancient Evil
Batman-This may sound ridiculous but you are a thug in a gang of your choice (Joker, Penguin, Two-Face or Black Mask) and they ask you to spy/kill/investigate things. You also learn what living as criminal is like in Gotham. Could have cool cameos from villians. Or they could go the route of a young James Gordon on the force.
Title-Gotham City (Not great with titles)
Mass E… [view original content]
Did I already made this suggestion? If so, just ignore the following suggestion:
Basically, it's a sci-fi film with humor. It would bring Telltale to its comedy roots while bringing us further into space than Pandora could bring us.
However, I also had this very strange idea which I don't know would ever work, but...
Epic Rap Battles of History: The Game
Yes, I have absolutely no idea how this could work.
Thread: @TT... Go Team Venture?
So um, just to throw this out there to you guys. Can you guys do me a solid and send an agent or whate… morever down to Astrobase go and hash out a Venture Brothers game with Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick? For years, they've said that they'd love to do a Venture Brothers game or comic, but no serious takers have ever approached them with it. Given that Warburton is in TPS and you guys had previously done work in universe on Poker Night 2, I really don't think they'd say no. Just give an intern like a duffel bag of cash (fives will do fine, if not singles) along with a plane ticket to atlanta and a google maps print out to williams street. Return trip optional, they could probably use a blood sacrifice. Seriously, they will probably say yes. I think you'd be the guys to get this off the runway, and then we will give you money for the game.
I really don't see a downside here.
It makes too much sense to ignore. Publick/Hammer need to extend the universe, and its hard for me to think of someone better than TT to get this off the runway. You could do two plotlines, ala TFBL, one as a monarch henchman, the others as VB. Or any other of a billion ways. The thought just occurred to me the other day and I realized "MY GOD WHY ISN'T THIS HAPPENING"?
Oh thank you somebody agrees! I love soldier war stories! WWI, WWII, Civil War, Vietnam! I love that stuff!
But you know what I'd love the most? A war game with two PC characters! If it was WWI, WWII, or Vietnam, I'd want either both characters to be soldiers on opposite sides, or one be a soldier and one his spouse/friend back in America.
But if it was the CIVIL War! Ooohh if it was that! I still think an INGENIOUS idea is to have to main characters. One on the Confederate side, and the other on the Union side. And they're brothers. I'd love that so much that I keep saying it everywhere I go!
EDIT: We need to keep this thread alive! It's one of the few things in the TTG Forum that should keep on!
Thread: A request to Telltale for near future when it comes to future establishments. No bash, just a wish.
I just finished Fargo, an amazing show! Great characters, scenes, acting, and ending! Then I thought to myself, what if Telltale made Fargo a Telltale Series. Now give me a chance to explain before you immediately head down to the comments area. Please. I want them to do something different.
Focusing on effective violence and real choices and consequences. The show featured four distinct main characters, each whose actions affected the lives of the other. The show's story concluded in one season with the next featuring a new story and completely different characters. The only link to these characters, somewhat, is a red scraper and a briefcase full of money. That's the only link.
Telltale should do something like this. Go in the style of Fargo and The Witcher and feature REAL consequences. The Witcher 2 featured a completely different 2nd and 3rd act just because of one choice. Make a game where you play both the antagonist and the protagonist. Like Fargo's The Sheriff vs. The Coward and have you play each and interact with both, where your choice would indirectly change the life of the other in a drastic way. Bringing one story per season would allow more freedom of choice for the writers without worrying about canon, something I'm worried about when it comes to Game of Thrones.
I want a game featuring a story where your actions from the second episode would result in an entirely different situation, opening, ending, and tone for its season finale. Like making a choice that would indirectly seal your or another's fate (like forgetting that one piece of evidence or accidentally directing danger or death to a CRUCIAL character resulting in the noticeable lack of absence...........and help) , but only showing up at the end so you won't be a sore loser and go back and change everything. Make an ending where it's an indefinite ending where EVERYTHING you do leads up to it. Not a choice A, B, or C. scenario. Something where you want to change what happens but the game tells you "No....you made your choice, you made your choice three episodes ago. Now deal with it."
Blade Runner? Never thought of that, then again, my idea of Fargo was merely an inspiration of how Telltale could evolve its games. I think Telltale will get to this stage soon though.
Oh yeah that'd be awesome! I could imagine being Georgia, and the Dad and one son go and fight for the Confederates, and the other son and the uncle go fight for the Union while the rest of the family stay on the farm. I could picture the Dad and Uncle dying later in the war and during Sherman's March to the Sea, the farm gets destroyed along with the family and the Confederate brother goes on a rage the next battle and gets his leg amputated or something, and then in the end the brothers meet, and depending on choices they can forgive or kill each other.
Oh thank you somebody agrees! I love soldier war stories! WWI, WWII, Civil War, Vietnam! I love that stuff!
But you know what I'd love th… moree most? A war game with two PC characters! If it was WWI, WWII, or Vietnam, I'd want either both characters to be soldiers on opposite sides, or one be a soldier and one his spouse/friend back in America.
But if it was the CIVIL War! Ooohh if it was that! I still think an INGENIOUS idea is to have to main characters. One on the Confederate side, and the other on the Union side. And they're brothers. I'd love that so much that I keep saying it everywhere I go!
EDIT: We need to keep this thread alive! It's one of the few things in the TTG Forum that should keep on!
I second Archer especially. a 2D art style game by Telltale hasn't been seen since Hector. And that game was batshit hilarious. Archer is a no brainer especially with it's witty characters (<3 Cheryl) and hilarious dialogue (Archer's voicemail).
Thread: What's next for Telltale? What do you think they should do next?
So, at the time I am writing this, TWD Episode 4: Amid the Ruins will be released shortly. Now that Telltale has finished The Wolf Among Us, they'll be moving onto Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. Now, after that, what should their next original project be? Personally I think Doctor Who, Silent Hill, James Bond, and Star Wars would be perfect choices. Now for my next suggestion, you need to hear me out. Planet of the Apes. Now, your probably thinking "What??!! Why!!??" Well, go see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and come back to me.... Anyway, what do you guys think?
I think their next project will be based on a show that aired on both Teletoon and Cartoon Network, and has a song in nearly every episode.
As for other projects I have in mind. Sam & Max and Homestar Runner crossover (other than Poker Night in the Inventory), a second season of SBCG4AP, and a 3rd Poker Night game (Bigby would be perfect as a contestant).
Thread: What's next for Telltale? What do you think they should do next?
So, at the time I am writing this, TWD Episode 4: Amid the Rui… morens will be released shortly. Now that Telltale has finished The Wolf Among Us, they'll be moving onto Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. Now, after that, what should their next original project be? Personally I think Doctor Who, Silent Hill, James Bond, and Star Wars would be perfect choices. Now for my next suggestion, you need to hear me out. Planet of the Apes. Now, your probably thinking "What??!! Why!!??" Well, go see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and come back to me.... Anyway, what do you guys think?
I was just thinking about this recently and think that many of Quentin Tarantino's films would work as a Telltale game. I have decided to try … moreand flesh out some of these ideas; here is the first:
The game is designed to be one episode and would be set before the events of 'Reservoir Dogs' and focus on the gangster, Joe Cabot, selecting members for the heist crew. He lays out 6 photographs, each featuring a member of the team: : Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown.
The player then decides which picture to choose and what order to play each segment - much like Walking Dead: 400 Days.
Each segment showcases a previous crime in which the pictured crew member was a part of - except for Mr.Orange's segment (no pun intended) which is exaggerated as it is completely fabricated - he is a cop after all. The game ends once all of the pictures have been selected and shows Joe leaving his building to meet the crew at a diner.
I think Dexter would be a great choice. It could be a prequel to the TV Series and you could be faced with choices which effect Dexter's Code and what be ethical and could possibly effect the people closest to him.
An episodic Sherlock Holmes based game
A game based on XCOM
An episodic Scooby-Doo game
Watchmen, X-Men, Justice League, PowerRangers, ThunderCats, etc...
Thread: A request to Telltale for near future when it comes to future establishments. No bash, just a wish.
I just finished Fargo, an a… moremazing show! Great characters, scenes, acting, and ending! Then I thought to myself, what if Telltale made Fargo a Telltale Series. Now give me a chance to explain before you immediately head down to the comments area. Please. I want them to do something different.
Focusing on effective violence and real choices and consequences. The show featured four distinct main characters, each whose actions affected the lives of the other. The show's story concluded in one season with the next featuring a new story and completely different characters. The only link to these characters, somewhat, is a red scraper and a briefcase full of money. That's the only link.
Telltale should do something like this. Go in the style of Fargo and The Witcher and feature REAL consequences. The Witcher 2 featured a completely … [view original content]
The best DC property that never gets used!
If there was ever to be a suggestion to end all suggestions it would be Star Wars. I say this as an observation not a request cause I believe that there are two things that would survive a nuclear blast George Lucas and the Star Wars franchise. For the entirety of my life I have seen Star Wars evolve into the cartel it is today and if there was any money to be made on tangent story lines its a near perfect move to do it on Star Wars.
Here is my list of games I would love to see TT make. Some of these others have said but are great ideas for games.
I think the two Batman titles would be tough to do sense there is a set path the story goes, but if they did figure out a way. they would be pretty amazing.
Oh so many ;-)
Comics: Almost every Marvel or DC Comic (or Prequels) (my personal story-fav. would be: The Background-Story of the X-Men-Characters... maybe Mystique);
Series (fav -> less): Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, LOST, Sherlock, Heroes, True Detective, Vikings, Dexter, Orphan Black, The Blacklist, House of Cards, Arrow, Person of Interest, Bones, Veronica Mars, True Blood, NCIS .... (there are also many promising series upcoming);
Games: Mass Effect, GTA, Fallout, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Metro;
Almost every "franchise": Underworld, Resident Evil, Lord of the rings, Sin City, Star Wars;
Or any Quentin Tarantino Movie....
and at least: every Fable; and almost every Manga and Anime Series;
Even musicals/movies like Les Miserbles, Phantom of the opera,...;
TTG would even be able to give teen franchises like Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, ... an amazing story.
Or a complete new story.... And Sequels to their games: Wolf among us, The Walking Dead, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Law & Order, CSI;
I really think I would love (almost) every game of telltale-games. I love the concept and I'm obsessed with the storys.
There would be more than enough stuff....
My fav. would be: series, comic/manga or a "franchise"
I think for all my wishes they would need much more people. I would love more games from TTG. But better less and amazing - than many and sloppy. Even if I would love one episode every week from different games - I know it's not really their kind of thing ;-)
Thread: Manifest Destiny game
Make it happen Telltale.
Tin Tin would be perfect!!!!!!! TellTale PLEASE!!!!!
If only Hergé was still alive.
Thread: @TT... Go Team Venture?
So um, just to throw this out there to you guys. Can you guys do me a solid and send an agent or whatever down to Astrobase go and hash out a Venture Brothers game with Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick? For years, they've said that they'd love to do a Venture Brothers game or comic, but no serious takers have ever approached them with it. Given that Warburton is in TPS and you guys had previously done work in universe on Poker Night 2, I really don't think they'd say no. Just give an intern like a duffel bag of cash (fives will do fine, if not singles) along with a plane ticket to atlanta and a google maps print out to williams street. Return trip optional, they could probably use a blood sacrifice. Seriously, they will probably say yes. I think you'd be the guys to get this off the runway, and then we will give you money for the game.
I really don't see a downside here.
I like the idea of a TT Batman game. I think it would be better though if it were more of a detective game. So one that follows Gordon or one where you are Batman and do mainly detective stuff.
True Blood game would be cool.
Did I already made this suggestion? If so, just ignore the following suggestion:
Basically, it's a sci-fi film with humor. It would bring Telltale to its comedy roots while bringing us further into space than Pandora could bring us.
However, I also had this very strange idea which I don't know would ever work, but...
Epic Rap Battles of History: The Game
Yes, I have absolutely no idea how this could work.
I would looove it if Telltale made a Venture Brothers game.
It makes too much sense to ignore. Publick/Hammer need to extend the universe, and its hard for me to think of someone better than TT to get this off the runway. You could do two plotlines, ala TFBL, one as a monarch henchman, the others as VB. Or any other of a billion ways. The thought just occurred to me the other day and I realized "MY GOD WHY ISN'T THIS HAPPENING"?
Thread: New Telltale games
What kind of games do you want to see Telltale make? I want to see -
Here are a few that I wouldn't mind seeing.
What about a historical themed game like WWI or WWII? Or something like the French Revolution?
Oh thank you somebody agrees! I love soldier war stories! WWI, WWII, Civil War, Vietnam! I love that stuff!
But you know what I'd love the most? A war game with two PC characters! If it was WWI, WWII, or Vietnam, I'd want either both characters to be soldiers on opposite sides, or one be a soldier and one his spouse/friend back in America.
But if it was the CIVIL War! Ooohh if it was that! I still think an INGENIOUS idea is to have to main characters. One on the Confederate side, and the other on the Union side. And they're brothers. I'd love that so much that I keep saying it everywhere I go!
EDIT: We need to keep this thread alive! It's one of the few things in the TTG Forum that should keep on!
Thread: A request to Telltale for near future when it comes to future establishments. No bash, just a wish.
I just finished Fargo, an amazing show! Great characters, scenes, acting, and ending! Then I thought to myself, what if Telltale made Fargo a Telltale Series. Now give me a chance to explain before you immediately head down to the comments area. Please. I want them to do something different.
Focusing on effective violence and real choices and consequences. The show featured four distinct main characters, each whose actions affected the lives of the other. The show's story concluded in one season with the next featuring a new story and completely different characters. The only link to these characters, somewhat, is a red scraper and a briefcase full of money. That's the only link.
Telltale should do something like this. Go in the style of Fargo and The Witcher and feature REAL consequences. The Witcher 2 featured a completely different 2nd and 3rd act just because of one choice. Make a game where you play both the antagonist and the protagonist. Like Fargo's The Sheriff vs. The Coward and have you play each and interact with both, where your choice would indirectly change the life of the other in a drastic way. Bringing one story per season would allow more freedom of choice for the writers without worrying about canon, something I'm worried about when it comes to Game of Thrones.
I want a game featuring a story where your actions from the second episode would result in an entirely different situation, opening, ending, and tone for its season finale. Like making a choice that would indirectly seal your or another's fate (like forgetting that one piece of evidence or accidentally directing danger or death to a CRUCIAL character resulting in the noticeable lack of absence...........and help) , but only showing up at the end so you won't be a sore loser and go back and change everything. Make an ending where it's an indefinite ending where EVERYTHING you do leads up to it. Not a choice A, B, or C. scenario. Something where you want to change what happens but the game tells you "No....you made your choice, you made your choice three episodes ago. Now deal with it."
What do you think guys?
That's exactly how I feel about Telltale doing a Blade Runner game.
Blade Runner? Never thought of that, then again, my idea of Fargo was merely an inspiration of how Telltale could evolve its games. I think Telltale will get to this stage soon though.
I really want to see Fargo now, it sounds very interesting!
It's a great show!
Thanks, I've been needing something to watch this summer. I'll check it out
I think Hellblazer might work.
Oh yeah that'd be awesome! I could imagine being Georgia, and the Dad and one son go and fight for the Confederates, and the other son and the uncle go fight for the Union while the rest of the family stay on the farm. I could picture the Dad and Uncle dying later in the war and during Sherman's March to the Sea, the farm gets destroyed along with the family and the Confederate brother goes on a rage the next battle and gets his leg amputated or something, and then in the end the brothers meet, and depending on choices they can forgive or kill each other.
If anyone other than me is familiar with the show Grojband, would it be awesome if Telltale Games makes an episodic game series based on said show?
If your not familiar with it, click on this link. http://www.watchcartoononline.com/anime/grojband
If Telltale Games were to adapt the old Lone Wolf series of gamebooks, they would basically be garnishing my wages for the next decade or so.
JAWS, x-files, ARCHER, indiana jones ....but seriously ARCHER NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!!!
TWDG Season 3 and TWAU season 2
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People season 2. 8 Bit Is enough ended in a cliffhanger.
I second Archer especially. a 2D art style game by Telltale hasn't been seen since Hector. And that game was batshit hilarious. Archer is a no brainer especially with it's witty characters (<3 Cheryl) and hilarious dialogue (Archer's voicemail).
Thread: What's next for Telltale? What do you think they should do next?
So, at the time I am writing this, TWD Episode 4: Amid the Ruins will be released shortly. Now that Telltale has finished The Wolf Among Us, they'll be moving onto Tales From the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. Now, after that, what should their next original project be? Personally I think Doctor Who, Silent Hill, James Bond, and Star Wars would be perfect choices. Now for my next suggestion, you need to hear me out. Planet of the Apes. Now, your probably thinking "What??!! Why!!??" Well, go see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and come back to me.... Anyway, what do you guys think?
Thread: Mered:What franchise should TellTale do a game on next?
I think they could do Breaking Bad or Star wars
What do you guys think?
I think their next project will be based on a show that aired on both Teletoon and Cartoon Network, and has a song in nearly every episode.
As for other projects I have in mind. Sam & Max and Homestar Runner crossover (other than Poker Night in the Inventory), a second season of SBCG4AP, and a 3rd Poker Night game (Bigby would be perfect as a contestant).
that is really cool
I think Dexter would be a great choice. It could be a prequel to the TV Series and you could be faced with choices which effect Dexter's Code and what be ethical and could possibly effect the people closest to him.
My ideas for Telltale Games:
An episodic Sherlock Holmes based game
A game based on XCOM
An episodic Scooby-Doo game
Watchmen, X-Men, Justice League, PowerRangers, ThunderCats, etc...
Also, think about True Detective, a Telltale series.