Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Alt text


  • edited July 2014


    I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi incinerating a man, and he almost killed a teenage boy. I couldn't stay there any longer. Tobi was definitely losing it now. I needed to think of a way to get rid of him, but how? Tobi has a lot of followers, but I'm sure there are some people who want him dead. I couldn't believe what I was thinking. I was really considering killing my best friend, but then again, he would probably kill me if he ever got the chance. The Tobi I knew was gone, this Tobi had become a monster. It was already dark out, and Guy hadn't returned yet."Come on, man. Where are you?" I said to myself.

    "Hey, CiD! What are you doing out here?" I heard a guard on the roof.

    I turned and looked up at him."Waiting for Guy. He was supposed to be back by now."

    "Well, get back inside. If I spot him, I'll let you know. Go put on your Spongebob pajamas, and get ready for bed."

    "I don't know, man. I don't feel like going back in there. I need some fresh air. They were my moms... they help me sleep at night."

    "Heh, whatever you say. What happened?"

    "Tobi... he uh... set some guy on fire."

    "Heh, damn. Oh well, one less mouth to feed, I guess. Just get back inside, man.This is why we're out here." He told me. I looked around and it seemed like a peaceful night. I was enjoying it and I didn't feel like going back inside. I was wondering why Guy was taking so long, but maybe he wasn't going to show up tonight...

    1) Stay outside and walk around.

    2) Go back inside.


    I made my way out of the medical station. I spotted Ever handing out food to the new group members. I walked up to them."Alright... which one of you shot me?" I asked them.

    "That would be me." A young male who was sitting by the wall spoke up.

    I looked over at the guy with the scar on his face."You fucking stink, man. After dinner, you'll be getting a shower."

    "What if I like smelling like this?" He smiled at me.

    "We can't have you walking around with that funk." I turned back at the young male."What's your name?"

    "Gary-Oak. My friends call me Gary Motherfucking Oak, but you can just call me Gary." He said to me calmly.

    "You're not going to kill him, are you?" A young lady spoke up.

    "Guetta, please. Don't get involved." Gary told her.

    "Where's Tobi?" I asked Ever.

    "Torture room at the moment. He said you can use it after he's done." She replied.

    "Excellent." I told her.

    "You're his right hand man, Emu. He seems to be... on edge. Have you realized how Tobi has been acting a bit... strange lately?" She asked me.

    "Yeah... I'm not going to deny that I have. We've been with him since day one, though. We can't just turn our backs on him, after everything he has provided for us."

    "I'm just wondering... if anything happens to him. Would you be able to take over? You would probably do a better job than him." Ever told me.

    "Really? I've never seen myself as a leader. I don't know, though. I certainly would do things differently..." I said.

    "Yeah... I'm sure any of us would."

    "Get these guys into their beds. I need to have a chat with Gary." I told Ever.

    "Gary... whatever he does, just stay strong." Another female told him.

    "Shiina. You guys don't have to worry about me. I already told you." He replied.

    "Alright, enough talking. Dinner is over, so get up and get ready for bed. Come on! You, smelly guy. You'll be taking a shower before going to sleep." Ever ordered them. They got up and Ever led the way.

    I turned to Gary."Alright, why in the fucking hell did you think it was a good idea to take a shot at me?!"

    "I wasn't aiming for you. I was trying to kill Tobi, but you got in the way right when I shot." He explained.

    "You tried to kill Tobi? Do you have any idea how bad that would be for all of us?!" I started to get angry.

    "Well, it seems to me that you would be better off. He just set some guy on fire because he lied to him."

    "What?! What are you..." I turned around and saw a dark spot on the floor."The fuck?"

    "He killed some guy named Shale."

    "Why did he? Shale is new..." I was confused and shocked.

    "Yeah. Seems to me that your leader isn't right in the head." Gary told me.

    I turned back to look at Gary."Well, Tobi does things for a reason. If getting rid of Shale was necessary... then so be it." I crossed my arms.

    "Tobi would have also killed a teenage boy. Shadow I believe his name was, poured gasoline all over the both of them and made Guilty choose which one to kill, and which one he should let live."

    "So what? Like I said... Tobi has his reasons."

    "Yeah? Well, it's only a matter of time before he has a reason to kill you." Gary told me.

    I got angry at him."Get up, maggot! I'm taking you to the torture room." I aimed my gun at him.

    "Do what you want, but I know this place won't last forever." He said to me as he was getting up.

    "We'll see about that. Now get moving!" I shouted at him and started taking him to the torture room...


    (?) Torture Guilty first.

    "Guilty! You're up." Tobi said to him with a sickening grin.

    "Tobi, no, please!" I pleaded.

    Guilty turned and put his hands on my shoulders."Valky... not now. Whatever he does, just don't interfere, alright?" He said to me.

    I was crying."No, Guilty! I can't let him do this!" I hugged him tightly.

    "I know, babe... just do what I said." I could hear his heart beating faster through his chest.

    I looked up at him."Are you... scared?"

    "I may or may not be. But I'm not going to let Tobi get the satisfaction of seeing me beg." He told me.

    "Shut the fuck up! Enough with this crap! Guilty, get your ass over here!" Tobi shouted.

    "Stay strong, Guilty..." Shadow told me.

    "Whatever happens... you guys need to stay strong as well. We'll get through this... all of us." Guilty told him.

    "Guilty..." AC said.

    "He'll be okay, AC. Just stay strong for him." Broken told her.

    "Tobi, torture me instead. I can't let you do this to my friends." Sardines spoke up.

    "Don't worry, Sardines. Your turn is coming." He said with a smile.

    "Sardines, don't make this any worse than it already is. All of you, just stay quiet." Guilty told us.

    "Guilty... you're making me wait. I don't like that." Tobi said to him.

    "I love you." I told him.

    "I love you..." He replied. He turned to look at Tobi."Alright, Tobi." He walked up to him."Go ahead. Prove to them how much of a monster you really are. Prove to your community how much of a great leader you are. Prove to them why a fucking psycho like you should run this place. Prove to them why Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy."

    "Hehehe. I like you, Guilty. Not afraid to say what you want. I hope you'll be able to take the pain." He told him with a smug look on his face.

    "Your beat down didn't stop me." Guilty replied.

    Tobi kept smiling. He then swung the hedge clippers and hit him in the face. Guilty went down."Tobi!" I shouted.

    Guilty turned to me."Shadow! Stop her!"

    Shadow quickly got in front of me and held me back."Don't, Valky! You'll only make it worse!" He told me.

    "LET GO OF ME!" I shouted.

    "Broken, help me!" Shadow told her.

    She got up and held me back as well."Stop this, Valky!"

    "Guilty!" I said.

    "Escape, huh? Is that what you fucking people want to do? Tell me how in the hell would you have done that? There would be no way for you guys to escape, you would end up dead before you even got too far." Tobi told us.

    "We're willing to take our chances, Tobi. We're sick and tired of being in this place." Guilty told him while holding his cheek. I could see blood coming out.

    Tobi kicked him in the ribs."You're real fucking stupid, Guilty. You really want to piss me off right now? I'm not in the mood."

    "You're going to kill me anyway. Might as well piss you off before I go, heh." Guilty said to him.

    Tobi gritted his teeth and grabbed Guilty's hand. He looked up at me."Valky... your little boyfriend here seems to not understand how good he has it here. What do you say, Valky. Shall we educate him?" He said to me.

    "Stop this, Tobi! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I was starting to get angry, but I still had tears coming out.

    "This world has gone to shit, and you're asking what's wrong with me? Haha, don't make me fucking laugh!" He looked back down at Guilty and put the hedge clippers on his fingers.

    "Tobi, Don't!" Sardines shouted.

    "Sardines!" Shadow said.

    "Stay back, guys!" Guilty told us. Tobi grinned. He proceeded to cut Guilty's pinky and ring finger off of his left hand."AUGH! Fuck!"

    Pur stepped in front and aimed his gun at us."Stay back!"

    "Tobi! Don't do this anymore!" I shouted.

    "Hahahaha! All of you will learn not to fuck up. An escape?! Are you fucking serious?!" He shouted. He took the clippers and stabbed Guilty in the thigh.

    "Motherfucker! Ugh..." Guilty shouted.

    Tobi repeatedly stabbed him in his thigh."How are you going to escape without a working leg?! Hahahaha!" Tobi had a sickening look on his face.

    "No! No! Stop!" I shouted.

    Tobi stood up and then kicked Guilty in the face. He then took the clippers and stabbed him in the shoulder."Look at me, Guilty! You're not fucking going anywhere! You hear me?! You better forget this little escape plan that you have going on! I've given you a lot of chances, but you keep fucking up. I see that you're not a weakling, I want to believe that you can become a good leader! I need people like you, but you keep pissing me off with your fucking dumb ideas!" He started choking Guilty and punching him in the ribs.

    Gustav came out of nowhere and saw what was going on."Tobi..."

    "What the fuck do you want, Gustav?! Don't you see I'm in the middle of something?!" Tobi replied.

    "Just checking up on you... making sure if you need anything."

    "For fucks sake! I don't like to be bothered... just wait outside until I'm done." Tobi told him.

    "You got it. Just one thing though."

    "What, Gustav?"

    "Do you really have to torture the females? Look at 'em. They're scared, Tobi."

    "What? Are you getting soft on me, Gustav?! What is this bullshit?!"

    "I uh... never mind. Just forget it. Ain't mean nothing by it." He said and then looked at Sardines."I'll be outside the door."

    "Good. Get the fuck out of my sight." Tobi told him. He looked back down at Guilty and punched him in the face. He stood up and walked over to his table. Tobi grabbed a chainsaw."Now... who's next?" He said...


    Salt was telling Pro where to drive to. We left around six in the evening, and it was already ten at night. Clayton was smoking near the window, while Puncake, WtW and Fan were just sitting in the back. I was looking at the drawing that CSB made earlier."Alright, make a left right here and park the vehicle somewhere they won't be able to see it." Salt said to Pro.

    Pro made the turn and then hid the car behind some tall bushes."Alright, guys. Keep your eyes open, stay close but not too close. Spread out and watch each other's backs." He told us.

    "I'll stay here with the car." Puncake told us.

    We got out of the car and started following Salt."Over here, guys. This is where the warehouse is." He told us.

    He led us down a small hill, and then we crouched down to get a view of the back of the warehouse."Holy shit. Pretty much the same from CSB's drawing." I said to them.

    "Look, the guards on the roof." Fan told us.

    "Yeah, and some more patrolling the perimeter." WtW replied.

    "They probably have a lot more inside. Seven against a whole army." Clayton said.

    "I don't see Sardines out there. Maybe they stopped working since it's late out. The thing is, she could be inside, but we don't know where exactly." Salt told us.

    "Yeah, and CSB mentioned security cameras. They'll spot us for sure, so we'll have to be quick." I told them.

    Pro stood up."Where are you going?" WtW asked him.

    "Just wait here, I'll go look around." He told us.

    "Uh... okay." Clayton replied.

    Pro walked away and we kept looking at the warehouse."Password, let me see those binoculars." Salt asked me.

    "Sure thing, man." I said and handed them to him.

    "Okay... they have a lot of vehicles parked around... hold on! Shit... I see the security cameras outside. They're not moving, think they still work?" Salt asked.

    "Probably, I can see some lights are still turned on outside. They probably have generators or something." I said to him.

    "Hmm, okay. We'll have to use their blind spots then." Salt replied.

    "Why not just shoot one?" Clayton suggested.

    "And risk getting noticed?" WtW said.

    "Well, it's just one... maybe they'll think it isn't working. Or we can just start shooting and get in and out of there without giving a fuck." Clayton told us.

    "I have a grenade." Fan said.

    "Cool your jets there, Rambo. We don't even know how many more they have inside, and plus there's innocent people, like Joe and Sardines in there." Salt replied.

    "Yeah... that's true." Fan said.

    "Go on!" We heard Pro's voice behind us.

    We turned and saw him aiming his M4 at a young girl."Who the hell is that?!" I asked.

    "Don't know. I heard something earlier and went to investigate. Found this girl hiding behind a tree with a knife. She tried to stab me, but I caught her in time." Pro explained.

    "Look, I'm just here to rescue my friends. I can tell that you guys are trying to do the same." She told us.

    "Then why did you try to stab our friend just now?" Fan asked her.

    "I thought he was one of the guards! I got startled and reacted, but he got me and disarmed me without breaking a sweat. When I saw the rest of you guys out here, I knew that you weren't part of that warehouse community." She turned to Pro."What were you? Military or something?"

    "Don't worry about it, kid. Look, what do you know about this "community" they have going on here?" Pro asked her.

    "I don't really know anything. I just got here. Some guy, a bearded man with a black dress shirt and gun holstered to his side, came up to my people and took them with him. He had guards with him and placed my group in a cargo truck. There was this other guy who was there before him, trying to take over as well, but the bearded man showed up right after. We stayed at a church and had no problems until they arrived. Fuckers killed my sister and another member of the group. I was able to run away and hide, I killed one of his guards and went back to check on the group, but when I arrived it was too late. I followed them with my sisters bicycle and they led me to this place. I just want some revenge and to get my friends back." She told us.

    "What's your name? How many in your group?" WtW asked her.

    "It's Azlyn. There are eight left, if he hasn't killed any others. He also took that psycho from before with him, but I couldn't care less as to what happens to him." She told us.

    "Can you shoot?" Pro asked her.

    "Well... no. But I can stab people..." She replied.

    "Yeah... clearly you're ready for this..." He said.

    "Well I have to try something. Who are you guys looking for?" She asked us.

    "Just two people. Look, we're not here to help you, and you're not here to help us, but we can't have you jeopardizing our rescue attempt." Salt told her.

    "She can stay beside me. I'll look after her." WtW told him.

    "That's not part of the plan. We're here for Joe and Sardines. We can't put Azlyn's life in danger. She can't even shoot a gun." Pro told her.

    "I know how to sneak around, I'll stay quiet. I promise! I just need to make sure my group is safe." She told us.

    "I don't know about this..." Fan said.

    "Yeah, too risky." Clayton spoke up.

    "Here's the thing, though. How are we going to get in? How do we do this?" I asked them.

    "Two ways. We can try and sneak inside, or go in there and start shooting everything." Clayton said.

    "Heh, we'll see." Salt said.

    "Whatever you guys decide, we'll think of something to get in there." Pro told us. Hmm, so we had two options. Try to sneak in, or go in with a bang. If we're careful, either way could work, but now we have this girl with us, and she wants to find her own group members as well...

    1) Try to sneak in.

    2) Go out there guns blazing.


    PAP had snuck into the security room."You can't stay here too long. If they find out... we're both screwed." I told him.

    "I know, Tali. I'm just here for the walkie-talkie, and then I'll go check on Rafoli."

    "Okay, here." I said to him while handing over the walkie-talkie."I'll hold on to the other one. I can't have them noticing that too many are missing. I'll only give you one, but don't get caught with it. If you snitch on me, I swear to God, PAP." I said to him.

    "Don't worry about it. We'll be careful." PAP told me.

    "Alright, good. You can leave now, PAP."

    "Hold on, I want to check what I can see through these security cameras first. Hmm, maybe I can find something." He said to me.

    "I don't know, man. I don't want to get caught." I told him.

    "It'll only be for a minute, Tali." He said to me. I checked the security cameras and everything seemed clear. I thought about it...

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    2) Alright, you can stay. But only for a minute.


  • edited July 2014

    1) Stay outside and walk around.

    More exciting if you reject Tobi I fear the consequences but that's why I want to see it :D

    Go put on your Spongebob pajamas, and get ready for bed

    lol love it XD

    Alt text ^

    2) Go out there guns blazing.

    HELL YEAH pop a cap get me :D

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Bertmen must live better safe then sorry

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    Go put on your Spongebob pajamas, and get ready for bed."

    I cant stop laughing..bwahaha xD.

    2) Go back inside.

    2) Go out there guns blazing.

    2) Alright, you can stay. But only for a minute.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i


    CiD: 1) Stay outside and walk around.

    Pass: 1) Try to sneak in.

    Tali: 1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • 1) Stay outside and walk around.

    2) Go out there guns blazing

    1) go check on rafoli

    Well everyone, looks like the great gary oak is getting tortured. It was nice knowing you all. Bah, Emu is just jealous of my pokemon master-ness! I'll be fine. I think.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    1) Stay outside and walk around

    1) try to sneak in

    1) no. You need to get out of here, and go check on rafoli

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    2) Go inside.

    2) Sneak in. I'll probably die if they go in all guns and blazing, so I vote for my own safety.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Gustav come out of nowhere and saw what was going on."Tobi..."

    "What the fuck do you want, Gustav?! Don't you see I'm in the middle of something?!" Tobi replied.

    "Just checking up on you... making sure if you need anything."

    "For fucks sake! I don't like to be bothered... just wait outside until I'm done." Tobi told him.

    "You got it. Just one thing though."

    "What, Gustav?"

    "Do you really have to torture the females? Look at 'em. They're scared, Tobi."

    "What? Are you getting soft on me, Gustav?! What is this bullshit?!"

    "I uh... never mind. Just forget it. Ain't mean nothing by it." He said and then looked at Sardines."I'll be outside the door."

    "Good. Get the fuck out of my sight." Tobi told him. He looked back down at Guilty and punched him in the face. He stood up and walked over to his table. Tobi grabbed a chainsaw."Now... who's next?" He said...

    GUSTAVDINES CORFIRMED? JOKE. Also... I seem to be getting soft... Soft like SOFTICE...? SOFTICE CONFIRMED FOR CHAPTER 4.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    "What? Are you getting soft on me, Gustav?! What is this bullshit?!"

    "I uh... never mind. Just forget it. Ain't mean nothing by it." He said and then looked at Sardines."I'll be outside the door."


    I'm probably gonna die though, so there's that. ( Nooooo, I never got to meet Joseph ;_; )

    "I have a grenade." Fan said.

    I laughed...

    2) Go inside.

    1) Sneak in. I changed my vote AGAIN because of peer pressure, now I'm probably going to die :D

    2) Alright, you can stay. But only for a minute.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    Go put on your Spongebob pajamas, and get ready for bed.

    Lol x)

    2) Go back inside.

    Damn, Tobi, you are going crazy.
    Gustav and Sardines, seems like something is going on between them :P

    1) Try to sneak in.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • You want me to die?

    Now that ain't very nice.

    sardines posted: »

    "What? Are you getting soft on me, Gustav?! What is this bullshit?!" "I uh... never mind. Just forget it. Ain't mean nothing by it."

  • when did i say that? :P

    You want me to die? Now that ain't very nice.

  • Indirectly when you said that they should give us hell.

    sardines posted: »

    when did i say that? :P

  • 2) Go back inside.

    In case he is killed by Pro's group when they try to infiltrate. He may be able to help some of the people inside.

    1) Try to sneak in.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Rafoli might need some help.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    1) Stay outside and walk around.

    2) Try to sneak in.

    2) Alright, you can stay. But only for a minute.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • 2) Go back inside.

    2) Go out there guns blazing.

    2) Alright, you can stay. But only for a minute.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    xD the spongebob pajamas killed me! Lmao

    1) Stay outside and walk around.

    1) Try to sneak in.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Seriously pro?! A freaken chainsaw? Good lord help whatever person is up next.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    I think it's me... :P

    xD the spongebob pajamas killed me! Lmao 1) Stay outside and walk around. 1) Try to sneak in. 1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli. Seriously pro?! A freaken chainsaw? Good lord help whatever person is up next.

  • Noooo! ;_;

    sardines posted: »

    I think it's me... :P

  • She's right... It's probably her...

    Noooo! ;_;

  • edited July 2014

    And that's how Gustavdines ends.

    She's right... It's probably her...

  • Like Brazil in the world cup?

    Alt text

    I had to dude, I had to.

    Rafoli posted: »

    And that's how Gustavdines ends.

  • Alt text

    Like Brazil in the world cup? I had to dude, I had to.

  • edited July 2014

    I read this yesterday but didn't vote right away, I was tired and went to sleep instead.

    7 of you already voted for the "guns blazing" option...I'm actually quite disappointed on that one...You guys want MY character, a tactical genius, to propose the "loud and dumb" option ?!!

    Anyway, i'll get back to that choices in a minute, let me get the other choices out of the way first.

    Ok, so we have the choice to let CiD stay outside or go inside, while my group is planning an attack on Tobi's community. I think CiD had enough of Tobi's bullshit, but since the votes are swinging the way of the "guns blazing" option, it might be safer for him to go inside instead.

    I don't want him to be a casualty, he's obviously against Tobi and deserves a better place to live, he might become an ally, plus it would be funny to have him escape in a SpongeBob pajama. XD

    Edit : since the votes are now swinging the way of "sneaking in" I decided to change my vote to enlist CiD's help.

    1) Stay outside and walk around.

    Now.. the option that I thought would be obvious to everyone, but apparently not...The "loud and dumb" option is very rarely the good option people !! You guys vote for the worst option sometimes, without thinking about the consequences, just because said option seems attractive, doesn't mean you have to vote for it.

    I for one, won't vote for my character to propose such a stupid option...I'll get blamed for it and people will die !! Maybe even those who opposed Tobi but didn't know what they were in for and died as a result of our attack...I'm not about to chose that in a million years !!

    1) Try to sneak in.

    I'm voting for the smart and safest option. I don't want blood on my hands for choosing a risky option that might endanger EVERYONE. I don't want a war, I want Tobi dead, but not his people. They're slowly turning against him and deserve freedom. They're being led by a maniac, doesn't mean that they agree with him.

    Last choices then.

    Tali has the option to tell PAP to check on Rafoli or tell him to stay a bit longer. Those guys are planning an escape, but how would they react to complete strangers trying to break in ? That is IF they spot us, I have a plan to avoid the cameras, I simply need to know their patterns...

    Checking on Rafoli might not be wise...he has a scalpel after all...and is ready to attack the first guards that comes by...I'd like to think that he wouldn't injure his friend PAP by mistake...Which he probably won't if you think about it.

    The question is, what would PAP's presence into the security room change ? If Tali were to stay by himself, what would be the consequences ? We don't know how they would react and that is the most worrying in this case...

    Rafoli needs help though, and maybe PAP could steal some water for the poor guy on his way to his bed.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    I feel like that might actually stop Rafoli from doing something stupid...lashing at the guards at the first occasion with a scalpel isn't the best option...Not with everything that is at stake right now.

    I just wish we won't be too late to save him and the others..

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    It didn't post at the right place...but i'll take this as an opportunity to warn everyone about the consequences of their votes.

    Vote wisely people...I know some options seem tempting, but it doesn't mean that you have to vote for said option...

    Most of you voted for me to say "Lets go guns blazing", but that is simply not me, I thought people would vote for the safest option, but it looks like I was wrong...

    I'm not asking you to change your vote, but there's always consequences to our votes, I didn't think my character would have to be held responsible...looks like I was wrong once again...I'm actually disappointed in this one, the last thing I want is my character to make the stupidest decision ever, which would endanger EVERYONE and cause death and suffering on both sides.

    Minimal casualties is all i'm asking for, but your votes jeopardized that....Brace yourself for whatever is coming then...

    Its on you, not on me.

    I also want to point out that I might be wrong, but from experience, the "loud and dumb" options never works...

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    You took my pinkie? Pah! That's but a mere flesh wound for the guilty king! I have been through worse!

    Alt text

    Seriously, though, I got quite a beating there, and now Tobi pulls out the chainsaw? That guy is nuts! He better keeps his hands off Valky!

    That said, this is quite the tough choice here.

    The first one depends on whether we will let Pro's group run in guns blazing or sneak inside. Both options have their pros and cons, though. Considering the first choice, if CiD stays up there while Pro's group is sneaking, he might notice them and help them, seeing as he is about to deflect from Tobi. However, if they run in guns blazing, he might get mistaken for an enemy and will most likely end up being shot.

    The second option is the key factor here. It defines if the other two choices are wise or not simply by its outcome. Generally, it would be bad to give up their element of surprise with their sneak in plan, but if they won't, they will not create a distraction for Tobi who is about to get creative with that chainsaw of his (which will surely kill whoever he decides to torture next)

    The last option is also somewhat tricky. If Pro's group is sneaky, PAP and Tali might notice them and use that knowledge to their advantage. However, if he is spotted both he and Tali will be in trouble. If Pro's group is aggressive, they will most likely not gain anything by staying there and stand a higher chance at being discovered since someone is bound to storm in and ask what the heck is going on.

    Either way, no matter what will happen, I am pretty sure my I am too fucked up to actually escape, making me an almost certain death in all of this. At least it's not looking very good for me.

    CiD: Go back inside. - The overall trend of the votes will suggest that Pro's group will rambo their way through, thus making him an easy target. He should get into safety.

    Password: Sneak in - I don't believe this will get chosen, but might as well keep things interesting by voting something else than the rest

    Tali: No, you need to get out - Since Pro's group will storm the fort, he would be better off giving Rafoli a hand during the chaos that is bound to occur.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • I love you.

    It didn't post at the right place...but i'll take this as an opportunity to warn everyone about the consequences of their votes. Vote wis

  • I voted for 'sneak in' first but I changed my vote because if you sneak in, I'm probably dead. I'm up next and Tobi's got a chainsaw. I think time is of the essence here, and going for the slow, safe option might not be best.

    It didn't post at the right place...but i'll take this as an opportunity to warn everyone about the consequences of their votes. Vote wis

  • But fine, if you're going to be a baby about it, I'll change my vote :P This better not kill me Pass. >_<

    It didn't post at the right place...but i'll take this as an opportunity to warn everyone about the consequences of their votes. Vote wis

  • 1) Stay outside and walk around.

    2) Go out there guns blazing.
    Let's make dis a party.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • MY LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT. O_O hahaha just kidding...... I strongly recommend sneak in though.......

    sardines posted: »

    I voted for 'sneak in' first but I changed my vote because if you sneak in, I'm probably dead. I'm up next and Tobi's got a chainsaw. I think time is of the essence here, and going for the slow, safe option might not be best.

  • edited July 2014

    How am I being a baby...

    I never asked anyone to change their votes and even said so in this post.

    All I ask is people to vote wisely, simple.

    It might just be a game to you, but for me, voting for "guns blazing" kinda ruins my character and the story itself...

    It basically ruins my character pretty much...I don't want him to chose THE dumbest option just because "its fun"...

    If he's me, that simply wouldn't work for the narrative.

    sardines posted: »

    But fine, if you're going to be a baby about it, I'll change my vote :P This better not kill me Pass. >_<

  • edited July 2014

    it was just a joke Matt, like I said in the skype chat :P the 'baby' thing i mean.

    It doesn't matter what your character should or should not do, when it's up to a vote what happens happens, it's majority rules. in another story I was in, my character had a voting option and the vote went to me betraying my friends and turning evil. I was upset, because I would never do that, but its how the vote turned out. Nothing I could do about it.

    I understand why you'd be frustrated, but sometimes you have to deal with it because that's just how other people want to vote. :P

    Anyway, I never said I was choosing it because "its fun" either. I said:

    if you sneak in, I'm probably dead. I'm up next and Tobi's got a chainsaw. I think time is of the essence here, and going for the slow, safe option might not be best.

    But I changed my vote and heeded what you wanted people to vote for (even if you didn't outright tell anyone to change their votes), so why are you still angry at me anyway? ;_;

    How am I being a baby... I never asked anyone to change their votes and even said so in this post. All I ask is people to vote wisely,

  • I find it funny how we nearly posted at the same time with pretty much the same reasoning.

    It didn't post at the right place...but i'll take this as an opportunity to warn everyone about the consequences of their votes. Vote wis

  • ...why do you keep implying that i'm angry or that I hate you ?!

    Anyway, i don't think you're going to die, we're coming to rescue you and i feel like if any female is picked by Tobi in the next vote, Gustav will oppose him and might die as a result...

    Gary is also being dragged to the torture room, so he might be in the next choices...Although i don't want Azlyn to lose her friend, its still a better option than 4 women and a kid...

    sardines posted: »

    it was just a joke Matt, like I said in the skype chat :P the 'baby' thing i mean. It doesn't matter what your character should or should

  • the 'hate' part is just the same joke people are doing in Skype... i only went along with it because I thought that's what it was, a joke :P

    but i did think you were angry at me, no implication there, I outright asked you. xP i tend to assume the worst, i guess (i hope) you weren't angry after all

    and Gustav is outside the door now? i thought he left, i thought he was done with the argument.

    I also think I'll be up before Gary gets here.

    ...why do you keep implying that i'm angry or that I hate you ?! Anyway, i don't think you're going to die, we're coming to rescue you an


    1) Stay outside and walk around.

    1) Try to sneak in.

    1) No. You need to get out of here, and go check on Rafoli.

    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • edited July 2014

    Indeed, kudos on your brilliant reasoning as well.

    I'm actually surprised that most people voted for the "guns blazing" option. For me, voting for the "sneak in" option was a complete no-brainer, since its what i would do in such a situation and makes complete sense given the situation.

    I thought i was the only one who made long paragraphs explaining my choices haha !!

    Concerning your character, if the rescue attempt is successful, we will do our best to save you and carry you to safety. At least i hope so, who knows with Tobi...a bloody chainsaw...hopefully i'll put a bullet through his thick skull...although i have the feeling that he might escape like the gorvernor in the TV series...

    we'll see...

    I find it funny how we nearly posted at the same time with pretty much the same reasoning.

  • I'm NEVER angry at you, or anyone else, i don't hate anyone either. That's Tali and Rafoli's running gag i suppose...

    You're too harsh on yourself sometimes :P

    Also, yes, Gustav is waiting right outside the door. He's guarding the torture chamber.

    sardines posted: »

    the 'hate' part is just the same joke people are doing in Skype... i only went along with it because I thought that's what it was, a joke :P

  • I don't think I'll intervene, because my character is plain ol' Evil (and Funny), so the fingers pointing in those ways should all be cut off.

    I'm NEVER angry at you, or anyone else, i don't hate anyone either. That's Tali and Rafoli's running gag i suppose... You're too harsh on

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