Really stupid theories



  • I don't remember that in the comic XD

    xWally posted: »

    Luke be like

  • Carver's actually Alive, Kenny just killed his stunt man.

  • Clementine was actually, literally a clementine this whole time and the virus spread from those Clementine fruits. So next time you see a clementine, dispose of it quickly!

  • "Hi! I'm Bob the tomato!"

    "And I'm Larry. I'm a cucumber, which is like a pickle but not."


  • I'm pretty sure he once said something along those lines. I haven't seen that show in 7 years, but I still remember the Rumor Weed song and most of story lines.

  • Arvo is the main character of Season 3.

  • After the death of Lee, Clementine found Christa and Omid, then the three of them hid in a store.
    Suddenly, the TARDIS came out of nowhere and the three of them met The 11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory. The Doctor wouldn't take them because he was scared they would be infected, but Amy could tell Christa was pregnant.

    Later, after Omid's death, Christa had a baby and named her Melody. Amy and Rory found out and made The Doctor land the TARDIS while Christa and Clem were asleep. Amy took the baby to replace her baby Melody. They left, then Christa's baby Melody was mistaken for River and was taken away by Madame Kovarian while Omid turned into a Headless Monk.

    I watch WAY too much Doctor Who.

  • Father is actually Kenny's Carver.

  • The 400 Days characters except for Bonnie actually never existed. They were all figments of our, and Clementine's imagination.

  • But I thought Carver was Father's Kenny?

    Father is actually Kenny's Carver.

  • Sarah was Jamie( Jane's sister) in disguise

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    Luke and Jane were actually on a top secret mission to save the world and find a cure but the government couldnt have anyone but the two knowing so they had to play it off as sex when Clem walked in on them. The reason Luke says thats the most human hes felt in a long time is because they made a breakthrough and the virus was slowly leaving the pairs bodies

  • edited July 2014

    Clem backwards is Melc, and who else's name starts with M? Maybelle. This can only mean that Clementine is secretly Maybelle. But wait, who else's name starts with M? Molly. So this can only mean that Maybelle/Clementine is actually Molly. So we know that three people are actually the same person. What has three sides? Illuminati.

    Clementine = Illuminati confirmed.

  • Half-Life 3 confirmed.

    Lolzkittiez posted: »

    Clem backwards is Melc, and who else's name starts with M? Maybelle. This can only mean that Clementine is secretly Maybelle. But wait, who

  • edited July 2014

    After Lee chopped off his arm, Kenny decided to kill ben, but Lee declined that dumb idea, leading them into a dance off, Lee began Screaming at Kenny, while making a rainbow with his arm on his chest and jumping in circles. Kenny was amazed at his beautiful movements. He knew that was hard to compete with.. But He also knew that he had to try. He then tried to do a back flip with his pants off (Underwear on of course), but his efforts made him flip into the room packed with zombies behind him, he tried to run away, but his underwear was stuck to the doorknob. Kenny dies leaving Lee and Ben enough time to climb there way to freedom. They managed to escape, but ben being a big bitch baby, kept talking about how he was the cause of everything.Lee was tired of trying to cool him down, so he got his gun and shot Ben with his final bullet (guess where that came from :D) and traveled his way to find the crazy kidnapper, but it wasn't just any kidnapper....IT WAS LEE's MAMA! Mama Lee said "if you want this child you" ll have to go through me." Lee was prepare to take action. He charged at mama Lee, but was shocked to find his one true weakness...Daddy's cane!(his Daddy use to beat his ass with that cane, gave this guy nightmares.. Still to this day) She started swinging that thing at Lee until finally, he was down on the ground. She was about to make her final Blow, but Morgan Freeman A.K.A Clementine, grabbed a Refrigerator(A built little Girl :3) and began attacking Mama Lee. She died. Morgan freeman ran to Lee with tears. Lee got up in anger."Bitch where have you been!" "I...I" she sobbed. " I killed my best friend, got bitten and my arm got chopped off just to save you(Hell yeah Lee! BTW)...and your telling me you was at my mama's this Entire time!" Lee with anger pounded on his Chest like a Gorilla. He took a deep breath to hold in his diarrhea. He Began walking around the apartment and until he found super glue.then he put some on Morgan Freeman and glued her/him(Idk anymore about the gender) back to back. they Walked outside of Mama's Lee Apartment leading them to --------------..To be continued. Should I stop? (lol) im enjoying this.

  • edited July 2014

    sorry, didnt mean to post this.

  • ?

    AnimMike posted: »

    After Lee chopped off his arm, Kenny decided to kill ben, but Lee declined that dumb idea, leading them into a dance off, Lee began Screamin

  • lol its OK if you did, I wouldn't understand my post. I'm lost just reading it now.

    sorry, didnt mean to post this.

  • To be fair, the 400 days characters popping out of the bushes to help you is rather feasible seeing as they're bound to show up again soon :P

    Blinx posted: »

    Alright...if we're gonna go fully stupid..then here i go: Kenny is dead. The "Kenny" in the group is just a crazy old guy that thinks he

  • My brain turned to mush confirmed.

    Lolzkittiez posted: »

    Clem backwards is Melc, and who else's name starts with M? Maybelle. This can only mean that Clementine is secretly Maybelle. But wait, who

  • Carver didn't mean to kill Reggie. He had laid out a mattress for him to fall on, after pushing him off the roof, but Troy had moved it to sleep with Jane.

  • Kenny will live.

  • Jane was actually Molly in disguise.

  • Cluke ship.

  • The Carley we saw die was actually just a clone and the real Carley is still alive.

  • Jane is not Molly

  • Christas baby is Rebecca

  • We all know how similar Maybelle and Rebecca are. They both act like cow's in atleast one episode, Maybelle in S1 episode 2 and Rebecca in S2 episode 1. They were both pregnant and both of the babies dad's are dead. They were both unsure who the real father was, for Rebecca it was either Alvin or Carver and I'm guessing Maybelles the kinda cow who sleeps around. So with all this evidence I've come to the conclusion that Rebecca was actually Maybelle in disguise or Maybelle was originally meant to return as a main character in season 2 but for some reason she was replaced with Rebecca.

  • the apocalypse started because someone farted on a grave

  • Alt text


    thejade posted: »

    the apocalypse started because someone farted on a grave

  • edited July 2014



  • Lee never died. He finally found Clementine again after pretending to be Mike.

  • The S.S. cluke was a good ship.

  • Omid's cat is secretly a doge.

  • Oh, you mean Carvers Kenny was Clems mother and Lee was Arvos Mike in law. Got it.

    Father is actually Kenny's Carver.


    DoubleJump posted: »

    Luke and Carver are the same person. It explains why they are never in the same scene together. They have the same characteristics, being le

  • No Sam is doge

    Omid's cat is secretly a doge.

  • In S2E1 it was actually Nick who shot all these men at the river, because he panicked.

  • In Episode 5 of Season 2, it's revealed that Arvo is actually the ghost of Ben, and he screws up and kills everyone except Kenny.

    Then in Season 3, you play as Kenny as he becomes a ghostbuster to defeat Ben.

  • That's already true though ;)

    Puncake32 posted: »

    Greg Miller is god

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