Why Save Sarah?

MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
edited October 2014 in The Walking Dead

So after I finished playing Ep4 i was shocked to see the majority of players actually saved Sarah.

Taken from the wiki:
Pragmatism: Left Sarah at the trailer park?

Saved Sarah - 71.3%
Left Sarah behind - 28.7%

She was my most hated character across the two seasons. She did literally nothing for the group or the story except just sitting and crying like a little bitch. She's 15 years old but acts like Duck ( atleast Duck is useful ), even 8 year old Clem is more mature and aware than her.

And by her acting like a little crybaby bitch and doing nothing she got people killed in the process

List of Sarah's victims

  • Reggie
  • Nick (Derterminant)
  • Sarita

Reggie:If Sarah actually did her work instead of once again sitting there being a crybaby bitch over something her dad was forced to do to her, Reggie would still be alive.

Sarita and Nick:If Sarah didn't scream like a dumbass causing a panic in the group Sarita would've been alive and Kenny wouldn't have fallen in depression v2. Nick would've also been alive if Sarah didn't just shut the fuck up and stick with plan, by her running away and screaming Nick and Luke were forced to go after her with Nick getting shot in the process, causing his death. Even 8 year old Clem was smart enough to not start screaming and freaking out like a dumbass when she saw her parent's dead.

In conclusion, Sarah was the biggest liability and the most useless sack of shit in the game. I left her as soon as the option was given to me. My only gripe is that I wasn't able to slap her before leaving her.

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  • I though she would have made killed some people . so i left her there .

    Sarah was the biggest liability and the most useless sack of shit in the game

    damn right


    Except for those 71.3% that saved her.

  • It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller.

    Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

  • edited October 2014

    im wondering why didn't carlos teach her anything about guns ,etc.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller. Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

  • some people just want to watch the world burn

  • Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

    Yep 100%

    Also, did everyone forget that Clementine got people killed too? People bring that up about Sarah and hate for it but Clem did the same thing.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller. Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

  • Eh...there were two ways you could handle having a kid in the ZA.

    One you can teach them how to survive, shoot a gun, awareness, etc (Clem, Carl)

    Two, you can attempt to shelter them from all of it. Carlos didn't think Sarah would be able to handle it. That's how the dudes who wrote Ep. 4 made it anyway.

    im wondering why didn't carlos teach her anything about guns ,etc.

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited October 2014

    Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

    And....? Dosen't change the fact she's completely useless.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller. Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

  • She's a child, it's not her fault that she's like that.

    Sarita would've been alive and Kenny wouldn't have fallen in depression v2

    She didn't cause Sarita to die, Sarita's own failure to be aware of her environment led to her causing her own death, and I don't care if Kenny goes into depression V2 Sarita would have died sooner or later, and he would do the same thing every time, there's no win situation for Kenny ever.

  • It means you would be Carvers bro.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive. And....? Dosen't change the fact she's completely useless.

  • Well, thats a horrible way to look at it. I for one loved Sarah, she seemed like a new Clementine, however this time as a sister or best friend relationship. I will miss Sarah and I think she deserved better than what she got.

  • Awesome. I kinda liked Carver as a character anyway.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It means you would be Carvers bro.

  • edited October 2014

    She's a child, it's not her fault that she's like that

    Nop , its not her fault . but Carlos one!

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    PS: i dont like carlos . no hate

    Green613 posted: »

    She's a child, it's not her fault that she's like that. Sarita would've been alive and Kenny wouldn't have fallen in depression v2

  • So? Dosen't excuse her. Clementine was 9 and was basically in the same situation as Sarah and didn't freak out because it would be stupid and get both her and Lee killed.

    Green613 posted: »

    She's a child, it's not her fault that she's like that. Sarita would've been alive and Kenny wouldn't have fallen in depression v2

  • Good. Have fun with your world of heartless assholes.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Awesome. I kinda liked Carver as a character anyway.

  • I left Sarah because I didn't care at all about her. But I still bad afterwards. But I guesse it was for the best because if you do she just kinda sits in a corner and then dies an hour later.

  • Okay. And you have fun with your world of liabilities that will get people killed.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Good. Have fun with your world of heartless assholes.

  • And by her acting like a little crybaby bitch and doing nothing she got people killed in the process

    So did Clementine, here's a list

    • Lee Everett
    • Nick (Determinant)
    • Omid
    • Luke (Determinant)
    • Alvin (Determinant)
    • Reggie (Determinant)

    Do you hate Clementine?

  • I dont care. At least i died staying true to myself.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Okay. And you have fun with your world of liabilities that will get people killed.

  • Yeah, but Clem had Lee who taught her those things, Carlos didn't teach her, he sheltered her too much, if it's anyones fault it's Carlos' not Sarah's.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    So? Dosen't excuse her. Clementine was 9 and was basically in the same situation as Sarah and didn't freak out because it would be stupid and get both her and Lee killed.

  • And at least I survived staying true to myself :)

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I dont care. At least i died staying true to myself.

  • So you're judging someone over their opinion on a video game character?

    Good logic there friend.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller. Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

  • Then Sarah should have learned how to do those things herself and be more aware of the world around her. But nope, just wanted to act like a stupid kid and pretend everything was okay and her daddy would protect her all the time so she wouldn't have to do anything herself.

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah, but Clem had Lee who taught her those things, Carlos didn't teach her, he sheltered her too much, if it's anyones fault it's Carlos' not Sarah's.

  • edited October 2014

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    Your post is more about insulting the character, than actually bringing up valid points.

    It's not Sarah's fault that Luke and Nick have enough humanity to go and save her.

    Reggie:If Sarah actually did her work instead of once again sitting there being a crybaby bitch over something her dad was forced to do to her, Reggie would still be alive.

    Actually, Carver was looking for any kind of excuse to eliminate Reggie. How can you not see that? Instead of hating on a character with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), why don't you empathize with her character? She's a 15 year old sheltered girl who literally saw her dad be ripped apart in front of her, of course she'll be shit scared and scream out in terror. Didn't Kenny do the exact same thing when he saw Sarita being bitten/saw the bite on her hand? He screamed out her name and started RUNNING to her.

    Your post is utterly disgusting.

  • I agree with that list, except for Reggie. clementine determinant stop her work to help sarah, because sarah wasnt doing your work. regardless of your clem decision, sarah indirect causes reggie death anyway. ( I agree with save sarah no matter what, she is just a kid. i saved her in the trailer park, i just disagree with the last point of your list)

    And by her acting like a little crybaby bitch and doing nothing she got people killed in the process So did Clementine, here's a lis

  • Then Sarah should have learned how to do those things herself and be more aware of the world around her.

    What kind of statement is that? Literally the first words you hear Carlos say to Sarah in episode 1 is "Sarah, what'd I say get inside" Carlos wouldn't let her.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Then Sarah should have learned how to do those things herself and be more aware of the world around her. But nope, just wanted to act like a

  • I blame it on both of them, Sarah didn't do her work in the first place but if Clementine doesn't do her's its technically her fault. But I see what you mean, its up for debate really.

    igormp posted: »

    I agree with that list, except for Reggie. clementine determinant stop her work to help sarah, because sarah wasnt doing your work. regardl

  • The only reason I didn't save her was because I didn't think she would get up and go anyway, I'm a cold person but not to kid's as afterwards I felt awful and wanted to replay and save her :(

  • Reggie:If Sarah actually did her work instead of once again sitting there being a crybaby bitch over something her dad was forced to do to her, Reggie would still be alive.

    No, if Carver wasn't a murderous psychopath who was clearly gunning for Reggie and flat out said it wasn't either of the girls' fault for Reggie's failures, Reggie would still be alive.

    Sarita and Nick:If Sarah didn't scream like a dumbass causing a panic in the group Sarita would've been alive and Kenny wouldn't have fallen in depression v2. Nick would've also been alive if Sarah didn't just shut the fuck up and stick with plan, by her running away and screaming Nick and Luke were forced to go after her with Nick getting shot in the process, causing his death. Even 8 year old Clem was smart enough to not start screaming and freaking out like a dumbass when she saw her parent's dead.

    And if Lee had fucked up and gotten noticed and immediately got dogpiled by walkers, what do you think Clementine would do? That's right. Her. Father. Was. Eaten. In. Front. Of. Her. If you can't see why this would cause a young girl who also suffers from developmental issues and something akin to PTSD (confirmed by Telltale) to freak out, then you're a complete idiot.

    And once again, pushing aside the blame of the one who's actually responsible, in the case of Nick. Nick would have been just fine regardless of Sarah running off if someone up on the roof hadn't shot him.

    I like how the people who say this never seem to expect the rest of the group to just shut up and go on with the plan. Sarah is expected to stay silent when her father gets torn apart in front of her eyes, but the rest of the group freaking out over Sarah is just fine, when it would have apparently been smarter for them to just keep going and leaving Sarah behind. But then, that would make the group responsible for their own fates, when it's much easier to blame the girl who screamed because of something horrifying and traumatizing occurring right in front of her.

  • Ah, nice. Good to see another Sarah hater in this community. I hated being one of the only few. Ignore all the hate you get, they can't respect an opinion. It's bullshit, I know. I learn to ignore them because they aren't worth my time however. It really does suck when you're hated for having an opinion, it's not a good feeling. I mean, I know this is the internet and all and it's a well known fact that opinions are always looked down upon regardless of what they are, but it doesn't give others a reason to hate on that individual for even having an opinion in the first place. I mean, it's called an Opinion for a reason. I once said I hated Sarah on another thread (I was being nice and giving my honest opinion) then somebody just goes out and says what I did was "rude". I still don't understand to this day how it was rude, but whatever. I wish I understood what goes through their minds sometimes. It still pisses me off however when somebody calls somebody else "evil" or "heartless" just for having an opinion. They're no better than the one who is giving the opinion -_-

  • Clementine can also fuck with the bars in the pen and get Reggie yelled at it and blame Reggie for Sarah's failure. If people are blaming anyone other than Carver for Reggie's death, I say Clem can be just as responsible depending on choices made.

    I blame it on both of them, Sarah didn't do her work in the first place but if Clementine doesn't do her's its technically her fault. But I see what you mean, its up for debate really.

  • This is happening again? Anyway it's your opinion. Just going to say I strongly disagree. I won't argue though because God knows how much damage that did.

  • edited October 2014

    Yeah! I hear ya! And fuck that worthless little bitch Clementine too! Complains about using a gun and even cutting her hair. Your mom's dead moron she doesn't give a fuck about your hair anymore! Lee's trying to save your worthless ass. Bitch sees walkers coming and she just sits there crying like a baby. Fucking Ben of all people know you fucking RUN when that happens. Way to murder Chuck chicken shit! Then she betrays the entire group to talk to a weirdo over the radio, lies about it, then, even after everyone tells her not to keeping talking to him, she runs off into the arms off an obvious kidnapper because she misses her obviously long dead mommy and daddy. Grow the fuck up you stupid shit! Way to fuck over the entire group you selfish brat! Lee protected your ass for FUCKING MONTHS and you believe a weirdo on the radio over him? Because of you Vernon got the boat, Lee got bitten, Ben determinately dies, Kenny nearly dies. If anyone had any common sense they would left her worthless ass behind and just got the boat out to sea.

    Come S2 she immediately got Omid killed due to her sheer fucking stupidity. I don't know why Christa dragged her worthless ass along for sixteen months, she should have just ditched her. She chopped off Sarita's arm in the middle of the herd! What the fuck did you think was going to happen dumb ass? Half the time she starts a shoot out while surrounded by people with guns. Good thing Russians are more incompetent then she is or everyone would be dead. She's completely fucking worthless during the shoutout too, other than as baby retrieval, another useless character. Nearly gets Luke killed because she can't cover fire worth a shit.

    Then she falls into a frozen lake, and Jane actually bothers to fish her out for some incomprehensible reason. Then she sees everyone stealing the truck, and she fucking aims her gun at Mike instead of Arvo, the guy with the gun. I was glad he shot her for her sheer stupidity alone. She fucking crashes a damn truck, fucks everything up, and is such a worthless imbecile she never thinks to pull a gun on Jane and Kenny until Kenny is half-way done with murdering Jane. Your little pea brain forget how the trigger work? Know what a warning shot is moron? Then, if she's fucking stupid enough to get the only marginally useful characters killed, she goes off alone into a herd of zombies with a baby in her arms. The fuck? Second that kid cries you're fucking dead. Wish they hadn't cut off her before we saw the inevitable result.

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    Bout fucking time. Try not to miss Clementine!

    I'm with you man, fuck these stupid kids. Dumbest thing Sarah ever did was giving Clementine that antiseptic. She hadn't done that we would have been rid of Clem when her infected arm killed her. =)

  • Thank you! It seems whenever you voice any sort of hatred towards a character that's not the usual typical bad guy (Arvo, Carver, Mike etc.), you get an armada of angry forum members at your throat. Apparently i've caused someone to further lose their faith in humanity and have been called an idiot for voicing my opinion of a fictional character LOL. Thanks for being one of the more kind and reasonable people on this forum.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Ah, nice. Good to see another Sarah hater in this community. I hated being one of the only few. Ignore all the hate you get, they can't resp

  • Best Comment Ever

    Yeah! I hear ya! And fuck that worthless little bitch Clementine too! Complains about using a gun and even cutting her hair. Your mom's dead

  • People really need to ease off Greg Miller... I think he's completely misunderstood. He never spoke of Sarah in a vicious manner, everyone decided to blow his words out of proportion.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It's people like you that make me question my faith in humanity. I bet you would get along really well with that prick Greg Miller. Sarah was essentially what Clementine would have been had Chuck not told Lee to teach her how to survive.

  • LOL

  • Sarah's a child who's nothing but nice to people, gets Clem medicine despite her father's wishes, and shows signs of wanting to learn about how to survive despite her sheltered demeanor.

    People proceed to blame her for Carver being a total psychopath, and the unpredictable chaos that comes with walking through a horde of walkers under heavy gunfire. Makes sense.

  • The weirdest part of that herd thing. A hysterical Sarah somehow sprints through an entire god damn herd while screaming, AND DOESN'T GET BITTEN! How the fuck did she manage that? And according to Luke at the trailer park, she ran for HOURS and apparently was faster than him to boot. For someone who's suppose to be a shut-in, she's wicked athletic. Did she spend all her free time doing wind sprints when no one was looking?

    Mikejames posted: »

    Sarah's a child who's nothing but nice to people, gets Clem medicine despite her father's wishes, and shows signs of wanting to learn about

  • D: You... don't really mean any of that, do you?

    Yeah! I hear ya! And fuck that worthless little bitch Clementine too! Complains about using a gun and even cutting her hair. Your mom's dead

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