Why Save Sarah?



  • Seems you have double standards. You'd abandon Sarah, but not Clem despite the fact she's racked up quite the killcount and continues to take victims?

    No, that's your opinion No, it's not. You're misconstruing my points and assuming things. You'd probably be surprised to know I trie

  • edited October 2014

    No, it's not. You're misconstruing my points and assuming things. You'd probably be surprised to know I tried saving her throughout the episode. I even made a thread about how broken up I felt after her death.

    Then perhaps saying things like "But I have no tolerance for people that indirectly put others at risk with their low survival odds," and "Sarah was worth protecting... (until)" and "Fine then, people with no usefulness no longer get to remain alive simply because they're good. They get fed to the slaughter," isn't in your positions best interest? I'm not sure how I could misconstrue those from their intended meaning. They seem fairly straight forward. If I assume anything it's in direct consequence of your post. I'm not sure how you can coin her as "not worth saving" and that you wouldn't "tolerate" her without direct implication that she is "not worth saving" and "intolerable."

    I was terribly sad. But, simply relieving all consequence from a person because they have "this or that" is absurd.

    So are you saying it would have been better to abandon her? Because your previous posts push this point.

    Several people almost died in that trailer because we were trying to help "save" Sarah.

    Several people did die trying to help "save" Clementine. So are you saying it would have been better to abandon her? Because applying the insinuations from your previous posts this should be the case.

    If she did have PTSD, what makes people think that she'd be able to bounce back? PTSD seems like something that would never fade from a person.

    Most learn to cope with the disease. It's often never truly cured and gone, but fixed enough to allow for proper function. It often results in manifestations like anger issues and detachment. Two things that wouldn't normally get you killed unless taken to an extreme level.

    And couple that with her already low survival odds, it seem she was dead (in a way) the moment her dad died.

    Not really, at all.

    No, that's your opinion No, it's not. You're misconstruing my points and assuming things. You'd probably be surprised to know I trie

  • The idea that she was dead the moment her father died and her PTSD was holding her back is ridiculous. She died because she was left to die in two scenarios, both where she could have easily been saved had it not been for lack of effort and empathy.

    She dies in the trailer because one adult doesn't know how to treat a person suffering from a breakdown and thinks shouting at her and pushing her 'trigger' buttons to calm her down is an excellent idea, which helps attract the walkers in the first place. Another adult takes one look at her and immediately declares her a last cause because of 'JAIME'. And finally the choice to help Sarah depends on a child younger than Sarah, and has the final word due to being the protagonist.

    As soon as she is saved, she doesn't stick around the area and follows the group. Sure she hasn't completely gotten over the PTSD attack, but she's trying to mend herself somehow since she still follows the group instead of just sitting by the trees in defeat. For someone who have just lost her dad to the walkers in a span of a few hours, that's an accomplishment for someone who's already got problems herself.

    And as for the conservatory scene, Sarah dies because the adults (aside from Kenny and Rebecca) clearly didn't want to make an effort and wanted to sacrifice a little girl to save their own skins.

    Mike who can carry two water jugs all by himself doesn't jump down to drag Sarah out. Bonnie who has ammunition in her AK-47 shoots down two walkers and then stares blankly into the distance for the rest of the scene. Luke likely had enough of wanting to be a hero, in spite of being the hero archetype, and decided that Jane (and sex) was more important than Sarah. Jane, the person who didn't want to save her in the first place, had to be convinced to help save Sarah. Her stubbornness and an unlucky fall of the plank that hits her head is what sealed Sarah's fate.

    Sarah had a chance to survive and become a survivor, but that chance was taken from her because everyone assumed she was a lost cause without giving her a chance. That mind-set is what killed Sarah, not her PTSD.

    No, that's your opinion No, it's not. You're misconstruing my points and assuming things. You'd probably be surprised to know I trie

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited October 2014

    If you were in a TellTale game, you wouldn't get the chance to remember.

    Your probably right. TellTale writing of S2 does support your way of thinking. They kill off every character or give them the determinant death sentence other than Clementine.

    Everybody DIES except Clementine!

    Someone saves my life, i won't forget it. If you were in a TellTale game, you wouldn't get the chance to remember. You'd be dead two scene's later.

  • So when he abandoned lee in episode 5 of season one he had lee's best interests in mind? When he was aggressive towards Luke before he knew anything about him, he had everyone's best interests in mind? When he tried to take on carver alone at the ski resort... And carver killed Walter.... That was for everyone's best interest? When he beat carver to death with a crowbar when carver had been shot in the knees... Was disabled and surrounded by the dead.... That was the human thing to do?
    When he nearly beat Arvo to death, That was human? When he blamed Clem for sarita's death, That was pure Kenny. What a pie of work he turned out to be.

    Nope. Kenny did nothing but fix the truck this season, And a fat lot of good that did them. They drove it to the middle of nowhere.

    What did Jane do? Came back for Clem, and saved the group in the gunfight. She at least tried to save Sarah, Who WAS a lost cause. And Sarah was kind to Clem, didn't blame her for any of her own BS. Jane wasn't a saint. But she was trying to be a good person. Kenny didn't even remember what being a good person was. That was clear, when he killed Jane before even questioning what had happened. He just assumed that she had tossed AJ to some walkers. I will admit that Jane let him think that. But it was to clearly illustrate the point that Kenny was a madman. And Kenny proved her right. Killing Jane wasn't about AJ. It was about Kenny.

    colgato posted: »

    Kenny was one of the more human characters in the series, i have no clue what youre even saying, the ENTIRE season his main goal is focused

  • sorry dude, your hero is a child molester.

    "a child molester"... Dafuq. I will agree that Kenny has an enormous temper, and he makes wrong decisions sometimes. But raping children? what the fuck is wrong with you? when did anyone even imply that he was a child molester. Fuckin creep

  • If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive. If Sarah can't even pick berries and cut dead branches how is she useful at all?

    Carver gave Reggie a chance to redeem himself but thanks to Sarah Reggie is dead.

    Sarah panicked walking through zombie horde got Carlos killed.

    Sarah took a picture of herself and just left it lying around for Carver to find. (giving away their positions)

    Sarah had a mental breakdown about her dad dying putting Luke, Clementine, and Jane in danger.

    Sarah fell putting Jane in danger.

    Yeah its not her fault.

    Hangman posted: »

    Whoa whoa... She wasn't responsible for reggies death. carver did that. if she had done a good job, who is to say that carver wouldn't h

  • If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive.

    Reggie had one arm. Carver had him in his sights. Reggie was fucking dead unless he mustered the guts to leave, which was never going to happen.

    Carver gave Reggie a chance to redeem himself but thanks to Sarah Reggie is dead.

    He said that to make himself look good. It's fucking propaganda, and piss poor propaganda at that.

    Sarah panicked walking through zombie horde got Carlos killed.

    Wait... what? Seriously?...... The bullet in his neck had nothing to do with that? At all?

    Sarah took a picture of herself and just left it lying around for Carver to find.

    That was one of the few moments in this game that didn't feel like a fucking plot point. She took a picture. What are the chances the one man they were afraid of would find this one cabin in the middle of no where only when no one was around? Sarah did nothing wrong by trying to make friends with Clementine. Had the writing been better, they could have made an incredible story together.

    Sarah had a mental breakdown about her dad dying putting Luke, Clementine, and Jane in danger.

    And Clementine left to be with a stranger. Actually leading to the deaths of many of the S1 characters.

    Sarah fell putting Jane in danger.

    Damn Sarah! Oops, typo. Damn gravity!

    Yeah its not her fault.

    Least you got that part right.

    Ehkay posted: »

    If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive. If Sarah can't even pick berries and cut dead branches how is she useful at all?

  • I find it quite tiresome that people keep spurting their "respect all opinions" drivel. No. Some opinions are not worth respecting. Easy as that.

    Hazzer posted: »

    Well, I've certainly listened to it. I'm not going to respect any old opinion though. Sometimes lines have to be drawn, and as far as I'm co

  • edited October 2014

    He abandoned lee based off of the PLAYERS interactions with him, as in you.
    Luke thing i do find dumb of Kenny.
    Ski lodge was in order to protect everyone.
    I would have done the same thing to Carver, he deserved what he got, sure it was a little over the top but its a human characteristic to want revenge.
    He shouldnt have beaten arvo, i agree with that.
    He eventually apoligized for being mean towards clem, though i also think he was just mad and needed someone to blame, which is wrong. But he still wanted to make it up to her and really felt sorry for blaming her.
    If you actually stick with kenny it turns out there was a wellington so the truck was a good thing.
    Jane only cared about clem, no one else, maybe luke a little but thats it. She didnt give a shit if the others died. Sure Kenny seemed to only care about Clem and Sarita but he still wanted to help the ENTIRE group when it came down to it.

    .... and to be completely fair, after the way Jane acted towards the baby the entire episode, i would have thought she deliberately killed him too

    Hangman posted: »

    So when he abandoned lee in episode 5 of season one he had lee's best interests in mind? When he was aggressive towards Luke before he kn

  • If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive. If Sarah can't even pick berries and cut dead branches how is she useful at all?

    Yeah because Carver wasn't a psycho who was going to kill him anyway...No, let's blame it on Sarah, why not Clem too then?

    Carver gave Reggie a chance to redeem himself but thanks to Sarah Reggie is dead.

    You think Carver was telling the truth. XD

    Sarah panicked walking through zombie horde got Carlos killed

    You know because Carlos totally didn't die before she freaked out...LOGIC!

    Sarah took a picture of herself and just left it lying around for Carver to find. (giving away their positions)

    Carver already knew they were there...Carlos shouldn't leave his shirts laying everywhere. It's totally Sarah's fault for trying to have a little fun and accidently forget a small photo upstairs...What were the chances Carver would find it.

    Sarah had a mental breakdown about her dad dying putting Luke, Clementine, and Jane in danger.

    Sarah was grieving, Luke was yelling...If anything Luke put everyone in danger by yelling. Apparently people can't mourn...

    Sarah fell putting Jane in danger.

    Totally her fault...Yeah Jane was in danger...You know the actual able bodied person not crushed by a deck....Logic people...is it that hard?

    Yeah its not her fault.

    Not her fault.

    Ehkay posted: »

    If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive. If Sarah can't even pick berries and cut dead branches how is she useful at all?

  • edited October 2014

    Reggie had one arm. Carver had him in his sights. Reggie was fucking dead unless he mustered the guts to leave, which was never going to happen.

    a) Reggie shouldn't have got bit. Carver was nice enough to let him stick around having only one arm and all.

    b) Carver was only watching him closely, wouldn't you if someone was helping random people leave, Rebecca had Clementine in her sights and she didn't want to let Clementine go she'd rather kill her.

    He said that to make himself look good. It's fucking propaganda, and piss poor propaganda at that.

    Carver was nice enough to let Reggie make up for what he did, but one of his "employee's" were too busy crying and daydreaming to do anything (that being Sarah). Not propaganda.

    Wait... what? Seriously?...... The bullet in his neck had nothing to do with that? At all?

    Sarah was drawing all the attention to herself with all that whining and Carlos had to slow down and keep telling her to shut up.

    That was one of the few moments in this game that didn't feel like a fucking plot point. She took a picture. What are the chances the one man they were afraid of would find this one cabin in the middle of no where only when no one was around? Sarah did nothing wrong by trying to make friends with Clementine. Had the writing been better, they could have made an incredible story together.

    They knew he was out looking for them so they knew eventually he'd show up. It is a cabin in the middle of the woods a perfect spot to hide they didn't think that Carver knows this? Especially when Pete said "we are lit up like a goddamn beacon in the middle of the woods", which is easy to see at night. They already knew he was extremely smart so he would know these things already.

    And Clementine left to be with a stranger. Actually leading to the deaths of many of the S1 characters.

    Which she shouldn't have done. In my opinion Clementine shouldn't have left or Lee should not have went after her.

    Damn Sarah! Oops, typo. Damn gravity!

    She was too weak to lift a couple of boards.

    Least you got that part right.

    It was sarcasm but thanks.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive. Reggie had one arm. Carver had him in his sights. Reggie was fucking dead un

  • edited October 2014

    a) Reggie shouldn't have got bit. Carver was nice enough to let him stick around having only one arm and all.

    Wasn't he bit because he was forced to work outside the wall by Carver himself? (IIRC). Yeah, how nice of Carver.

    b) Carver was only watching him closely, wouldn't you if someone was helping random people leave, Rebecca had Clementine in her sights and she didn't want to let Clementine go she'd rather kill her.

    He was looking for a reason to get rid of him. He had new slaves to do his bidding. Why feed one person with one arm when you can feed one person with two arms? Carver had his name, and he knew where he lived. To think otherwise is quite laughable.

    Carver was nice enough to let Reggie make up for what he did, but one of his "employee's" were too busy crying and daydreaming to do anything (that being Sarah). Not propaganda.

    Yeah, no.

    Sarah was drawing all the attention to herself with all that whining and Carlos had to slow down and keep telling her to shut up.

    So it was her fault a stray bullet hit her father? Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds, or?........

    They knew he was out looking for them so they knew eventually he'd show up.

    No. If they knew he was going to find them there they would have left. They knew he was looking, not that they would be found. (Or, at the very least, they somebody besides two very young teenage girls would be around if he did.)

    It is a cabin in the middle of the woods a perfect spot to hide they didn't think that Carver knows this?

    Is that supposed to be rhetorical? Because in this case I feel you may actually need an answer. You're pretty much saying that any time someone hides they are hiding in the wrong spot because it's a good place to hide and the person looking will know they are trying to hide. That took a bit to type. So where exactly should they hide, if hiding in a "perfect spot" is predictable. Should they hide in a field? Or on a bridge? Better yet, why not right outside Howe's front door. It's so unpredictable they'll never find them hiding there!

    Especially when Pete said "we are lit up like a goddamn beacon in the middle of the woods", which is easy to see at night.

    And then they turned the lights off to stay hidden. What is your argument here?

    They already knew he was extremely smart so he would know these things already.

    They should have just shot themselves. He's just too smart to get away from.

    Which she shouldn't have done. In my opinion Clementine shouldn't have left or Lee should not have went after her.

    Well, at least you are consistent. I'll be completely honest, you're the first person I've heard say that Lee should have left her. I'm not sure if that is commendable or horrible.

    She was too weak to lift a couple of boards.

    That was a huge chunk of wood. Probably bordering on 150-200 pounds. She couldn't lift them directly up because she was at an awkward angle. Jane could hardly move them from a good position, and she's more muscular than Sarah by multitudes.

    It was sarcasm but thanks.

    You sure? Worked better when it wasn't.

    Ehkay posted: »

    Reggie had one arm. Carver had him in his sights. Reggie was fucking dead unless he mustered the guts to leave, which was never going to hap

  • That, as well as the heavy surge of adrenaline and presence of "fight or flight" response due to trauma of the situation, I suppose.

    The weirdest part of that herd thing. A hysterical Sarah somehow sprints through an entire god damn herd while screaming, AND DOESN'T GET BI

  • Well actually if you look at these sentences, they seem to suggest that it happened before we met her:

    It can occur in the wake of exposure to a terrifying event, and Sarah had experienced her fair share of that in the undead apocalypse. Sufferers often try to shut out or avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma they experienced; Sarah's father, Carlos, was well aware of this. As players saw, he was incredibly protective of his daughter, and tried to put her inside a bubble.

    This suggests that Carlos knew she had PTSD, which is why when we first encounter him, he's trying to keep people away from her.

    That was after Carlos died, that she gained PTSD. Before that, Carlos said she would 'cease to function' if she knew what the world was really like.

  • Yup, that was how I hate him so much, and I realize that he has never taught her how to use those things. Also, I felt bad for her, when she fell, and it was hard for me chose to. :(


    She's a child, it's not her fault that she's like that Nop , its not her fault . but Carlos one! BURN HIM PS: i dont like carlos . no hate

  • I honestly think they're just back pedaling to cover their asses as this point. Judging from how Clementine acts, these people really didn't know how to write for young girls. Sarah was probably suppose to be a mostly ordinary girl who gets scared easily with an overprotective father who underestimates her and the writing staff did such a bad job everyone assumes she suffers from some kind of disorder.

    If she really was suppose to be suffering from PTSD the whole time then I'd say Luke is also suppose to be bipolar. Just in his opening scene we see him go from being cheery, to pissed off, to misty eyed with every new piece of information he gets. And apparently people suffering from a bipolar disorder "Often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences."
    That sounds like Luke. Hmm, well, actually, that sounds like almost the entire S2 cast. Maybe everyone was bipolar? Or just poorly written. =P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well actually if you look at these sentences, they seem to suggest that it happened before we met her: It can occur in the wake of exp

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited October 2014

    I just wished that we had been able to learn this information in the game. Because everyone who plays it just thinks she's just some kind of really weird person. Because it might have added some kind of emotional impact. Since Telltale themselves said this, Sarah's PTSD is now canon.

    I honestly think they're just back pedaling to cover their asses as this point. Judging from how Clementine acts, these people really didn't

  • "Often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences."

    That's Kenny.

    From the very beginning I knew Sarah had something, I know disorders when I see them. I have anxiety and depression, I know friends who are bipolar and retarded and even people with PTSD. Sarah fit well into the PTSD and anxiety departments. It's a shame how people think she's just "Sheltered" because that makes it seem like she is just a crybaby and not the actual person with understandable problems she is.

    I honestly think they're just back pedaling to cover their asses as this point. Judging from how Clementine acts, these people really didn't

  • Alright then. How would you "save" Sarah in that situation? I find it funny people can so easily say they'd "help someone" but never give any insight into their points.

    She doesn't react or move to any of your increasingly drastic advances to get her going, there are enough walkers on the other side of a door that's two feet away to easily overwhelm and tear you limb from limb...

    How would you get her moving? And don't cheat and say "the same way Clementine did." You have to think through the situation realistically.

    Since you seem to be a hero, I'd like to know how'd your heroics would accompany that particular situation.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    No, it's not. You're misconstruing my points and assuming things. You'd probably be surprised to know I tried saving her throughout the epis

  • Am I missing a relevant part of this conversation? How is doing what Clementine did unrealistic? How is that cheating?

    Alright then. How would you "save" Sarah in that situation? I find it funny people can so easily say they'd "help someone" but never give an

  • Your name fits your comment perfectly. :)

    I'll protect you :P

  • Well that's me...Save lives because I can.

    squadsenser posted: »

    Your name fits your comment perfectly.

  • It's a shame how people think she's just "Sheltered" because that makes it seem like she is just a crybaby and not the actual person with understandable problems she is.

    Hold up, are you saying if she was only sheltered, and not suffering from PTSD or a disorder, she IS a crybaby for getting upset at seeing such heinous horrible things? Cause that's fucked up. If Carlos really was successfully keeping the outside world from Sarah and she was thrown into these horrible situations all at once, her reactions actually seem fairly normal to me. If anything it bothers me people think Sarah is weird for actually caring when horrible things happen and getting upset when people die. If anything, the rest of the cast come off as weirdos to me for not reacting to these things. Luke has supposedly known Nick since childhood and I'm not even sure if he even notices when Nick dies.

    Really, Sarah was probably intended to just be a repeat of S1 Clem and the sheltered thing an excuse to how she's gone so long into the ZA without seeing anything horrible, that way when she does see something terrible people will understand why she reacts to it like S1 Clem reacted to seeing horrible things. She even has Clem's old subtitle color. And them giving us the information only now seems like a patch job for their writing being so inconsistent. Seriously, what does Luke suffer from? His behavior is fucking bafflingly. He'll spend hours trying to save Sarah, but if she dies because he wasn't on watch, he's only upset about being called on his booty call. =P

    "Often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences." That's Kenny. From the very beginning I knew Sa

  • Until someone else says something else is canon. I'm a lifetime Star Wars fan. Canon is just a word for do-over to me. =P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just wished that we had been able to learn this information in the game. Because everyone who plays it just thinks she's just some kind of

  • I do not mean that, sorry if it did. I have stated multiple times in this thread and others that I think Sarah is a Clem of S2 but more of a sister or best friend than daughter. I'm on your side so don't go off on me please. :P

    It's a shame how people think she's just "Sheltered" because that makes it seem like she is just a crybaby and not the actual person with un

  • edited October 2014

    Yeah the inconsistency for characters threw me way off. I wasn't sure what to expect ffrom each character from scene to scene. One they like me, the next they don't. And it's hardly applicable to Clementine alone. They are inconsistent with each other and with the environment as well. I'm not sure they weren't completely different people with the same voice.

    It's a shame how people think she's just "Sheltered" because that makes it seem like she is just a crybaby and not the actual person with un

  • edited October 2014

    It's cool. Sorry if it sounded like I was coming after you. Like I said in another thread, I think Nick and Sarah are popular with some people because they actually act human and react to terrible things happening around them where as most of the other characters don't seem to notice.

    People try to pull the "desensitized" angle as an excuse, but they don't seem to care about their own goals either. Howe's was apparently so terrible that Alvin killed a guy just so they could escape. Yet when they get back they don't seem all that worried really, which just makes me wonder why they escaped in the first place. And Carlos doesn't seem all that angry about being forced to beat the same daughter he's supposedly been trying to keep safe from the horrors of the world for two fucking years. Yet just last episode he was spitting in Carver's eye and screaming for someone to shoot at him.

    I just think it's weird people want to know "What's wrong with Sarah?" for getting upset at bad things happening. I was wondering what the fuck was wrong with everyone else. O_o

    I do not mean that, sorry if it did. I have stated multiple times in this thread and others that I think Sarah is a Clem of S2 but more of a sister or best friend than daughter. I'm on your side so don't go off on me please. :P

  • Yeah, there's something more to Sarah's immaturity than just PTSD. 13 year old girls really don't act like her, unless they've literally been trapped in their homes their entire lives.

    CLEMENTINE has PTSD. So does Kenny. And Jane.

    I honestly think they're just back pedaling to cover their asses as this point. Judging from how Clementine acts, these people really didn't

  • If she was Clementine 2.0, there are unpleasant implications to how dismissively the writer and lead designer for Amid The Ruins considered her character. Did they also hate the original Clementine for being 'naive', leading them to break her into a blank slate?

    It's a shame how people think she's just "Sheltered" because that makes it seem like she is just a crybaby and not the actual person with un

  • edited October 2014

    Yeah I know, just making sure so we don't argue when we are on the same side. XD

    Yeah, They writing this season seemed off, multiple times. So much that people create threads like this about characters that have disabilities and say it's good they are dead. People wishing death on a baby and starting wars over two characters that did bad actions.

    It's cool. Sorry if it sounded like I was coming after you. Like I said in another thread, I think Nick and Sarah are popular with some peop

  • I figured she was homeschooled. Carlos is overprotective and she has anxiety so it seems like a natural fit. Lack of interaction with peers would likely stunt her maturity and that would also explain the loneliness and not realizing Clem was a good bit younger than her. That or the writing staff decided she was this season's equivalent to last season's Clementine, and then just made her act exactly like a nine year old because they didn't think the age difference should affect her behavior all that much. =P

    Bokor posted: »

    Yeah, there's something more to Sarah's immaturity than just PTSD. 13 year old girls really don't act like her, unless they've literally been trapped in their homes their entire lives. CLEMENTINE has PTSD. So does Kenny. And Jane.

  • Sarah took a picture of herself and just left it lying around for Carver to find. (giving away their positions)

    How does someone even blame her for that? Seriously, who would have thought that Carver would find the cabin.

    If Sarah had done her work Reggie would still be alive. If Sarah can't even pick berries and cut dead branches how is she useful at all?

  • edited October 2014

    I was actually watching some of those model swap videos and was wondering has anyone done one where eleven-year Clem is swapped with Sarah and Sarah is swapped with nine-year old Clem? Because I was imagining people might feel differently if they saw nine-year old Clem in Sarah's place in these situations. Seeing Sarah trapped under that deck made me think about Clem nearly getting eaten in the jewelry store, but I'd be interested to see it done literally, with nine year old Clem wriggling helplessly and Jane refusing to save her.

    Bokor posted: »

    If she was Clementine 2.0, there are unpleasant implications to how dismissively the writer and lead designer for Amid The Ruins considered

  • edited October 2014

    I'm asking you what you'd do in that situation. It's a simple question.

    We all know what "selfish evil" me would do.

    Alt text

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Am I missing a relevant part of this conversation? How is doing what Clementine did unrealistic? How is that cheating?

  • edited October 2014

    Or swapping Lee with Jane, perhaps.

    I was actually watching some of those model swap videos and was wondering has anyone done one where eleven-year Clem is swapped with Sarah a

  • Wouldn't be the first time. I remember that Season 1 made precocious little Clementine seem retarded when they had a 8 year old girl say she was still in "first grade." If anything, her age would place her in 4th grade.

    I figured she was homeschooled. Carlos is overprotective and she has anxiety so it seems like a natural fit. Lack of interaction with peers

  • edited October 2014

    A lot of character changes happen off-screen. This is particularly apparent with Carlos. Aside from him being oddly sanctimonious towards Kenny in the truck, we're supposed to assume that him initially being separated from his group to 'tend to the wounded' also allowed for Carver to threaten his daughter.

    That would explain why he feels so emasculated when forced to hurt her - the slap was just another way to exert power over Carlos, rather than a well-intentioned lesson towards Sarah. Carver likely explained to Carlos beforehand that if he tried to resist, Sarah's welfare would be on the line. There's also the creepy implications that we talked about before with Troy's treatment of girls.

    "Otherwise Troy here will [hit] her for ya. I don't think you want that. He can be...overzealous. Is that the word?"

    Nevertheless, these off-screen character arcs really do a lot to sabotage our empathy towards characters. It's likely one reason why Luke in Amid The Ruins felt so bizarre and erratic - much more screentime was devoted towards Kenny's angst compared to his.

    It's cool. Sorry if it sounded like I was coming after you. Like I said in another thread, I think Nick and Sarah are popular with some peop

  • A psychic. :P

    Sarah took a picture of herself and just left it lying around for Carver to find. (giving away their positions) How does someone even blame her for that? Seriously, who would have thought that Carver would find the cabin.

  • Carlos should have taken her with the group when scouting outside because protecting her in this way only makes things worse

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