Why Save Sarah?



  • Yeah, I never liked Jane either. I don't "hate" her, but disliking her, yes. Like you said, I understand where Jane was coming from, she was all about survival and wanted Clem to become like her so Clem could survive. For Sarah however, I never said she wasn't innocent, I just stated that she got characters killed (unintentionally of course). She never harmed anybody on purpose, and never had any intentions to. The hate comes from her not being likable (IMO), and being much worse than Ben in terms of getting nothing done and helping nobody. At least Ben actually helped out a bit. I'm not asshole or anything, I'm nice about this and I respect everybody's opinions because like I mentioned, it doesn't feel very good when you are hated for your opinion, or something that is out of your control like a specific interest of yours for example.

    In fact, yesterday I was called an asshole by a user just for something I had an interest in. I won't mention any names, but it's users like them that I just can't get along with. No respecting opinions. Being extremely sensitive to just about everything to the point where you can be disgusted with somebody just because you disagree with them.

    Unlike some, you're not an asshole about it. Or at least I haven't seen you be one. Which is why I have respect for you. It's mainly beca

  • I'll protect you :P

    I was thinking about this thread earlier and it made me really sad because I have the same problems Sarah has (probably not as severe) and t

  • Sarah was worth protecting...

    Until she inhibited absolutely no traits worth saving. She just sulked in a corner the whole episode and wished death upon herself.

    Fine then, people with no usefulness no longer get to remain alive simply because they're "good."

    They get fed to the slaughter.

  • edited October 2014

    For me, it's not about being desensitized. Looking back on season 2, I feel sorrow for all the vast amount of people who have died (except Carver maybe). It still tears my heart whenever I think of Nick tangled in the fence, or Sarah being chomped, Luke freezing and drowning, and even the 400 days characters who may or may not have been killed during the fall of Howe's. When I'm with them, I desperately want to watch out for them, and make sure they're okay. But knowing what the formula for both seasons is (big group, gets whittled down to little group, gets whittled further into a few people), now, whenever I see a new character, I'm inclined to think "how long is he/she going to last?". It hurts me greatly, knowing they'll die soon, no matter what you do. Whenever I watch an old walking dead scene on YouTube, I can't bear to look at most characters straight in the face for very long, it just hurts too much. That's my problem with death that I have in the game.

    Death in itself isn't the problem, least not for me. I can still replay Season 1, which I've played over a dozen times now, and still feel a

  • The world needs people like you.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Exactly. Throughout all of my playthroughs, I have always sided with the weak, or hopeless. I saved Doug, because he praised me, I couldn

  • edited October 2014

    Clementine and Carver are very alike. Both are very strong characters. Yet there is a crucial difference that sets them worlds apart. Clementine uses her strength to help people in need, while Carver uses his to put them down.

    Y'know... This thread reminds me of something... I'm not entirely sure what... Oh yeah, that's right! "Killing one in order to save many

  • She didn't wish death on herself, she was mourning.

    Sarah was worth protecting... Until she inhibited absolutely no traits worth saving. She just sulked in a corner the whole episode and wi

  • edited October 2014

    Didn't Kenny wish death on himself? Talking about how peaceful it felt being beaten to death and how we wished Carver finished him off?

    She didn't wish death on herself, she was mourning.

  • i saved her because unlike characters like Jane and Carver, she has characteristics of a HUMAN

  • Well then... yeah, I don't think S3 is going to kick that trend, especially since not even S1 avoided death and it's the real stand out piece of the otherwise mediocre TWD Franchise. Sorry to hear that much death gets you down so much.

    squadsenser posted: »

    For me, it's not about being desensitized. Looking back on season 2, I feel sorrow for all the vast amount of people who have died (except C

  • Why, thank you!

    On this subject, I will do anything to protect A.J, for he is one of the few beacons of hope in this shitty world.

    squadsenser posted: »

    The world needs people like you.

  • thank

    I'll protect you :P

  • Whoa whoa... She wasn't responsible for reggies death. carver did that. if she had done a good job, who is to say that carver wouldn't have killed him anyway? We won't know the answer to that because carver was a two dimensional character that didn't actually have a motivation for bring bad. He just was. But given that he killed a lot of people for no reason and Reggie was handicapped. He was an obvious target.

    Therefore Sarah not responsible.

  • Except your logic breaks down for Kenny. Kenny is like the short bus carver. He is retarded and when he gets mad, there is no talking any sense into him. In other words Kenny was a monster or at the very least an animal. Jane may have been slightly misguided, but she was a badass and knew that Kenny was a cold blooded killer, a psycho and probably a child molester. i wish I could've just shot Kenny when he best the crap out of that Russian kid. The whole thing could've been avoided.

    colgato posted: »

    i saved her because unlike characters like Jane and Carver, she has characteristics of a HUMAN

  • She was sitting in a room that was about to be a walker rave and didn't even try to move until Clementine smacked her.

    Call it what you will, she wanted to die.

    She didn't wish death on herself, she was mourning.


    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Why, thank you! On this subject, I will do anything to protect A.J, for he is one of the few beacons of hope in this shitty world.

  • me too, i wont let you die random stranger :P


  • "a child molester"... Dafuq. I will agree that Kenny has an enormous temper, and he makes wrong decisions sometimes. But raping children? what the fuck is wrong with you? when did anyone even imply that he was a child molester. Fuckin creep

    Hangman posted: »

    Except your logic breaks down for Kenny. Kenny is like the short bus carver. He is retarded and when he gets mad, there is no talking an

  • a child molester

    It all makes sense now!

    Hangman posted: »

    Except your logic breaks down for Kenny. Kenny is like the short bus carver. He is retarded and when he gets mad, there is no talking an

  • Yes but we aren't talking about Kenny.

    Didn't Kenny wish death on himself? Talking about how peaceful it felt being beaten to death and how we wished Carver finished him off?

  • She was broken after watching her dad die, for the first time she was lost and had no body sheltering her. In both of her deaths she screams out for help before any walkers get to her.

    She was sitting in a room that was about to be a walker rave and didn't even try to move until Clementine smacked her. Call it what you will, she wanted to die.

  • She was broken after watching her dad die

    I know this. And she, of course, had every reason to be sad. What she didn't have the right to be was indecisive. The whole scene was her in a catatonic daze, not reacting to any of our advances to get her moving. If you leave her, she starts crying and hollering.

    So, what? Is she Cameron or something? Thinks she is severely depressed or just lazy writing to make us feel protective over a character that hasn't shown any actual development? I prefer to think the first one, It's more comedic...

    Alt text

    She was broken after watching her dad die, for the first time she was lost and had no body sheltering her. In both of her deaths she screams out for help before any walkers get to her.

  • She had PTSD, she was too much in deep shock to comprehend what was happening around her. The moment she was brought back at the last minute if you chose not to save her, she was screaming for someone to help her.

    She was sitting in a room that was about to be a walker rave and didn't even try to move until Clementine smacked her. Call it what you will, she wanted to die.

  • Yeah but why aren't we? Sitting in a corner waiting for death? Why do these conversations always gravitate towards Sarah when Kenny does the exact same things. =P

    Yes but we aren't talking about Kenny.

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand-yard_stare

    Just because she can't cope as of yet doesn't mean she wishes death upon herself. Everything we see points to the direct opposite.

    She was sitting in a room that was about to be a walker rave and didn't even try to move until Clementine smacked her. Call it what you will, she wanted to die.

  • Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirectly put others at risk with their low survival odds.

    You know what's sad too? Carver was trying to help Sarah acclimate to difficult situations like losing someone close by toughing her up a bit. If we stayed in Carver's camp, Sarah would be alive and kicking.

    And as for me feeling bad for Sarah, I can't. She went through some shit, couldn't deal, and got burned for it. It sucks, but her death isn't on anyone but her.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand-yard_stare Just because she can't cope as of yet doesn't mean she wishes death upon herself. Everything we see points to the direct opposite.

  • Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirectly put others at risk with their low survival odds.

    Clementine? Should have shot that useless shit when we first found her. Would have saved a lot of pain and heartache.

    You know what's sad too? Carver was trying to help Sarah acclimate to difficult situations like losing someone close by toughing her up a bit. If we stayed in Carver's camp, Sarah would be alive and kicking.

    You sure? Reggie got his arm chomped by working as Carver's slave. They go outside the wall and face the walkers on a daily basis so that Carver and his cronies can sit safe in their makeshift palace. That isn't safe. Having her dad smack her might be understandable, but the reasoning was not founded. He isn't a God, he is a man with an ego. Talking over him is not grounds for retaliation. Well, not even talking over him... whispering while he was talking.

    And as for me feeling bad for Sarah, I can't. She went through some shit, couldn't deal, and got burned for it. It sucks, but her death isn't on anyone but her.

    Clementine? She couldn't deal and froze in the road with Ben. Should have let her die there. Wouldn't have been on anyone but her for not moving her feet.

    Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirec

  • Kenny was one of the more human characters in the series, i have no clue what youre even saying, the ENTIRE season his main goal is focused around protecting others. Carver killed those he thought was useless and Jane let anyone she thought was a liability die. Kenny did in fact get pissed and sometimes go a bit too far, but he still acted like a human

    Hangman posted: »

    Except your logic breaks down for Kenny. Kenny is like the short bus carver. He is retarded and when he gets mad, there is no talking an

  • edited October 2014

    Not once did Sarah ever get anyone in trouble to begin with, especially with her PTSD.

    Reggie was going to die no matter what Sarah or Clementine did in the greenhouse, even Reggie himself knew that. Even if Reggie did manage to have both Sarah and Clementine pick the berries before Carver arrived, Carver would have still bided his time until he found a chance and an excuse to kill Reggie for being 'weak', he just happened to find one in the greenhouse.

    Sarita dying had nothing to do with Sarah, she choose to go after the girls after Carlos got shot. Both of her death scenarios happen either because Clementine chose to chop her infected arm off, or because Kenny refused to do so in a safer location later on and prolonged her illness during his grieving phase until it was too late to save her.

    As for Carver, he didn't give a damn about anyone but himself, he lusted for power and authority. His forcing Carlos to slap his daughter for a petty crime is just another way to assert his control over his slaves, especially since he had followers backing him up with guns on hand should Carlos refuse. He didn't believe in sharing, he wanted people to serve him, and him only. That's why the cabin group wanted to get away from him in the first place. Once they were captured again, Luke wanted to leave when the herd was gone, but Kenny and the others weren't having any of it. That's what caused the downfall of the group, their impatience.

    And blaming people's own death for their PTSD is also a low blow, especially when they're surrounded by people who lack the common sense to handle someone mourning for a loved one who was brutally torn apart in front of them.

    Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirec

  • Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirectly put others at risk with their low survival odds.

    Do you know anything about PTSD? Obviously not. To make such moronic statements makes you look like a complete fool. Sarah saved Clementine's life, i understand you obviously don't appreciate people helping you, you probably feel like your owed help.

    Someone saves my life, i won't forget it.

    Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirec

  • Kenny was a cold blooded killer, a psycho and probably a child molester.

    First Nate...

    NOW KENNY....

    Alt text

    Hangman posted: »

    Except your logic breaks down for Kenny. Kenny is like the short bus carver. He is retarded and when he gets mad, there is no talking an

  • She is depressed...SHE HAS PTSD! She was broken, grieving, still thinking her father was alive but knowing he wasn't. She wants to live but she has clouded judgment. You think it's comedic for a troubled young girl to be eaten alive and screaming for help after her dad died right in front of her?

    She was broken after watching her dad die I know this. And she, of course, had every reason to be sad. What she didn't have the righ

  • It's because Everyone'sClemInTime decided to hope on Sarah for that. I'm defending Sarah, bring this up with the other guy.

    Yeah but why aren't we? Sitting in a corner waiting for death? Why do these conversations always gravitate towards Sarah when Kenny does the exact same things. =P

  • probably a child molester

    Alt text

    Hangman posted: »

    Except your logic breaks down for Kenny. Kenny is like the short bus carver. He is retarded and when he gets mad, there is no talking an

  • edited October 2014

    Yeah I know all that, I was trying to be rhetorical with those questions. I guess it didn't stick. =/

    It's because Everyone'sClemInTime decided to hope on Sarah for that. I'm defending Sarah, bring this up with the other guy.

  • Should have shot that useless shit when we first found her. Would have saved a lot of pain and heartache.

    Hey man, if that's your solution. More power to you.

    Clementine? She couldn't deal and froze in the road with Ben. Should have let her die there. Wouldn't have been on anyone but her for not moving her feet.

    Freezing up and lingering in a seemingly catatonic state while a bunch of walkers are smashing down a door two feet away are two different things.

    Clem froze up, Sarah actively sat and sulked at a time when everyone were very vulnerable to the scenario (Luke, Jane, and Clementine had zero chance against the herd).

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirec

  • Someone saves my life, i won't forget it.

    If you were in a TellTale game, you wouldn't get the chance to remember.

    You'd be dead two scene's later.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Her PTSD almost got Clementine and many others killed. Now, her death was very bitter. Sure. But I have no tolerance for people that indirec

  • edited October 2014

    Hey man, if that's your solution. More power to you.

    No, that's your opinion. I'm just being fair in applying it to all the characters it should apply to.

    Freezing up and lingering in a seemingly catatonic state while a bunch of walkers are smashing down a door two feet away are two different things.

    Clem froze up, Sarah actively sat and sulked at a time when everyone were very vulnerable to the scenario (Luke, Jane, and Clementine had zero chance against the herd).

    Not different in a sense the reaction to them should be different. Both were short term effects to something the mind was not prepared to cope with. You seem to be thinking Sarah's situation was by choice or more easily overcome. She had as much power in moving herself as Clementine did on that road. I truly hope that this isn't your belief because if it is then it's an extremely ignorant stance.

    Should have shot that useless shit when we first found her. Would have saved a lot of pain and heartache. Hey man, if that's your so

  • For comments like this i am regretting of shoting Kenny

    Sarah was worth protecting... Until she inhibited absolutely no traits worth saving. She just sulked in a corner the whole episode and wi

  • No, that's your opinion

    No, it's not. You're misconstruing my points and assuming things. You'd probably be surprised to know I tried saving her throughout the episode. I even made a thread about how broken up I felt after her death.


    I was terribly sad. But, simply relieving all consequence from a person because they have "this or that" is absurd. Several people almost died in that trailer because we were trying to help "save" Sarah. If she did have PTSD, what makes people think that she'd be able to bounce back? PTSD seems like something that would never fade from a person. And couple that with her already low survival odds, it seem she was dead (in a way) the moment her dad died.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Hey man, if that's your solution. More power to you. No, that's your opinion. I'm just being fair in applying it to all the characte

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