Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story
Just like Winter, the Game of Thrones fanfictions are finally here! And nobody will be able to stop them!
Greetings, my name is Liquid! I am a longtime reader of many wonderful Interactive Fanfictions that can be found here on this forum. For a very long time I wanted to write one myself. One evening in late December 2014, I simply started to do so and I haven't really stopped writing ever since. The result of my writing is the story you are reading right now, Forum of Thrones, which is an Interactive Fanfiction set in the same world the books, the show and the game take place.
But wait... "What is an Interactive Fanfiction?", I hear some of you say. Well, an Interactive Fanfiction is like a regular fanfiction, with the gimmick that you will be able to create characters that will appear in it and, on certain points in the story, you will be able to influence how it continues by voting for one of several potential actions. Your choices can drastically alter the course of the story.
Now that you know what an Interactive Fanfiction is, I would be honoured if you decide to join the fun, by reading the story, by creating a character for it and by voting on how it should continue. Everyone is welcome, so don't be shy. I am always happy to welcome a new reader.
You can submit your characters here:
You do not need to have knowledge of the books or show. While it certainly helps to have it, I will try my best to explain everything for newcomers. If you have a question, just ask.
Your character can be from any place in Westeros or the neigbouring continent of Essos, they can have any occupation you can think of and their backstory and personality is yours to choose. Be creative!
You also shouldn't be discouraged by the large amount of characters that are already submitted. I usually introduce characters when they fit the story the best, which means that your character could be introduced earlier.
That being said, due to the notable amount of submitted characters, I would prefer to be informed via PM when you plan to submit larger numbers of characters, so that I can plan ahead to find a place for them in the story.
Now, let me tell you something about the story:
The story is set in Westeros, roughly 300 years before the story of the books, show and game start, shortly before Aegon Targaryen launches his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. As such, it features mostly original characters, most of them created by the readers, but a few characters that are mentioned in the Ice and Fire books will appear as well. It stays mostly canonical to the events that are detailed in the history of Westeros, which still leaves me with enough room to write my own story around it.
During the time of this story, there was no united kingdom that spanned all over Westeros, but rather a multitude of independent kingdoms. The main story of this fanfiction's first book will take place in some of these kingdoms, but it will mainly deal with the future of House Raylan of Raylansfair, a once powerful noble House in the Kingdom of Reach, that has fallen upon hard times lately.
The old Lord Raylan, the last of his line, is dying and has not yet named a successor. Many people have hopes, regarding the future of the house. Some might want to take over the House and the considerable wealth it possesses. Some might want to extend the influence of other kingdoms into the heart of the Reach, by taking Raylansfair in the name of another king. And some might want to seize the opportunity and win the favour of the future Lord Raylan. Every king in Westeros looks at Raylansfair these days and even some people from outside of Westeros take an interest in these events.
The story is divided into three Books, each consisting of three acts and three chapters. Currently, I am writing Book 2.
Book Status:
Book 1: [FINISHED]
Prologue: Below him, the City
Act 1: A Fate Uncertain
Chapter 1: Dark Wings, Dark Words
Chapter 2: Broken Vows
Chapter 3: We Write History
Act 2: Shattered and Broken
Chapter 4: Butterfly
Chapter 5: The Iron Price
Chapter 6: Masquerade
Act 3: Wildfire
Chapter 7: Valar Morghulis
Chapter 8: What Is Dead May Never Die
Chapter 9: Valar Dohaeris
Epilogue: The King's Landing
Interlude: Seven Letters [FINISHED]
Read it on Google Docs here!
Book 2: [ONGOING]
Prologue: The Black Dread [Finished]
Act 1: The Calm Before [Ongoing]
Chapter 1: Fires Far [Finished]
Read it on Google Docs here!
Chapter 2: Thorns [Finished]
Read it on Google Docs here!
Chapter 3: Ours is the Fury [Ongoing]
Act 2: With Chains of Iron
Chapter 4: The Lamb
Chapter 5: Song of the Warrior
Chapter 6: River Crossing
Chapter 7: Riptide
Act 3: Rainfall
Chapter 8: From Ashes
Chapter 9: The Fangs of Winter
Chapter 10: All for our Pride
Are you a new reader? Then you can either follow the links below the chapter titles to read the parts without skimming through the pages of this thread, or you can read the summary for a more general overview, which you can find by following the link below!
You might also want to check out Forum of Thrones on!
Character list: Characters in bold are Point-of-View characters
Introduced characters:
In Raylansfair: Jenna Harking, Rosalie Mettel, Wolfius Woodbark, Philip Loren, Carma Strad, Farrel Strad, Mickaela Strad, Arthur Nathamer, Alan Harking, Nora Recton, Ser Darren Tallwood, Aylard Kawl, Sawyer Kawl, Kyette, Gunel, Audrey Marigold, Megur Marigold, Daisy Vega, Mathea, Kreep, Aditha Nathamer, Saerya Waters, Ser Ian Shortwood, Edefilec Magabaz, Hal Recton, Vaasrand of Lys, Torold Stratford, Axell Snow, Valarr Roux, Aldus Ermo, Helenys Bellward, Aren Charlton, Daemion Stratford, Ryler Grimthorn, Davith Lanser, Lord Petyr Vyrwel, Ser Maron Mullendore, The Tom, The Moggy, The Sphynx, Connor Frostborn, Ser Hugo Farnham, Edith Flowers, Lord Devrin Oakheart, Ser Kasyn Luck, Berrick Rivers, Malien Shire, Maester Eddard, Vali Flowers, Lucia Grimthorn, Wildor Goodbrook, Lord Donnel Selwyn, Lady Selyse Selwyn, Ser Dustran Selwyn, Derik Selwyn, Vanesha Selwyn, Valeris Selwyn, Maester Gylbert, Maester Lucifer, Ser Dunaver Flowers, The Fang
In Oldtown: Archmaester Quent, Samuel Puffer, Farris Flowers, The High Septon, Taria Templeton, Ser Arryk Bulwer, Lord Manfred Hightower, Roach, Erik Inchfield, Lanford, Ayden Blackwell, Joshawa, Donna Flowers, Keat the Trickster, Thorrin Bannister, Hishi, Seresa Stassohr, Nalia, Adian, Rose, Kersea Catelins, Ser Leonard Constantine, Magnus Silverstone, Bennett, Vitihho, Vivielia Sand, Ursa Sand, Glorianna Sand
In Highgarden: King Mern Gardener, Prince Edmund Gardener, Prince Garlan Gardener, Lord Harlen Tyrell, Elias Tyrell
In Southshield: Samantha Ducard, Sasha, Robert Beesbury
In the Reach: Lord Hobert Lowther, Malkolm Sternhelm, Nymeria Aspys, Elias, Ilish Granver, Lawsen
In Harrenhal: King Harren Hoare, Prince Harmund Hoare, Prince Harlan Hoare, Prince Harndon Hoare, Prince Harrick Hoare, Holt Torv, Gabin Strad, Lord Captain Damon Greyjoy, Simon Vessels, Adrew Frey, Velmont Redloon, Alerah Blacktyde, Dorran Blacktyde, Lord Reymand Orkwood, Harden Murphey, Haragard Murphey, Darla Vega, Durren Stallhart, Lord Arrec Mallister, Princess Elaena Hoare, Lady Ribel Orkwood, Lord Quellon Codd, Dagon Saltcliffe, Lord Whalen Wynch, Rell Vessels, Kyra Greyjoy, Gravven Drumm, Drevyn Pyke
In Raventree Hall: Garthon Breaker, Hjalgar Holgarsson, Christian Thomas, Gavin the Tall, Lord Petyr Blackwood, Lady Evelyne Blackwood, Ethan Blackwood, Raymon Blackwood, Marian Blackwood, Ser Torvin Hale, Maurice Mad-Eye, Marie Redloon, Lord Elmont Piper, Mariya Piper, Lucas Lolliston
In the Riverlands: Lord Edmyn Tully, Dayna Tully, Lord Tytos Bracken, Lord Brandon Frey, Dacey Longbow, Jon the Harper, Jared Hunter, Woody Lincoln, Alynne Hollard, Ser Edrick, Leo York, Dante Karstark, Darreth Kailen, Ser Alphyn Frostborn, Jorid Wolfborne, Reymond Mormont, Gawayne Schaffrot, Ser Rickard Fowler, Normund Tavorch, Viveka Codd, Sylvi Codd, Deywn the Fiddler, Hobb, Edric Rivers, Lord Harald Degore, Aryana Tavner, Barnell Nednock, Neil Nednock, Maya Iresons, Gregar Balvind, Irving Todd, Ser Aldrik Wolver, Taenora, Ulaf, Irnas mo Akk, Melylea, Nila, Edric, Erwin, Gilbar Cale, Sophey
In Dragonstone: King Aegon Targaryen, Balerion, Queen Rhaenys Targaryen, Meraxes, Queen Visenya Targaryen, Vhagar, Lord Regis Rosby, Ser Quenton Qoherys, Laevon Raelgaeron, Lord Daemon Velaryon, Ser Iwan Bar Emmon, Ser Orys Baratheon, Ser Gordar Celtigar, Ser Rahaerys Velaryon, Ser Daghan Oxus, Archmaester Wulvren, Ellena Terys, Noelle Mield, Robin Darklyn, Dana Darke, Visedar Solus, Hemys Raelgaeron, Cassandra Oxus, Ser Quingar Qoherys, Ser Vahaegor Caentaris, Asher Velaryon, Gregor Harlaw, Wimp, Serysha Nahatis
In the Crownlands: Simon Stokeworth, Lord Crispian Celtigar, Lord Damon Darklyn, Lord Jon Mooton, Amerei Mooton
In Castamere: Lady Mileena Reyne, Alanna Reyne, Tinnet Reyne, Lea Paladin, Sadie Wade, Leonard Hill, Wylie, Rhogarn Snow, Aklen Pentas, Two-Face, Tythan Lannister, Gyles Gomblinger, Blane Banefort, Nilanne, Sanyse Gomblinger, Edward Lancaster, William Gering, Melanie Wade
In the Rock: King Loren Lannister, Lucion Lannister, Lord Darren Reyne, Lord Quentyn Crakehall, Lord Stevron Marbrand, Damion Lannister, Tyson Turnberry, Lord Bognard Swyft, Jaro, Willfred Reyne, Jack Holmes, Audrey Crakehall
In Storm's End: King Argilac Durrandon, Princess Argella Durrandon, Ser Baron Schodek, Ser Landry Swann, Ser Dickon Morrigen, Ser Beric Storm, Maester Qoherys, Garen, Tariel, Ser Malcolm Mertyns
In the Stormlands: Drent Golton, Ser Emphryus Dresfel, Torrence Bernile, Edonia Bernile, Bernard Buckler, Jonathan Errol, Warrick Fell, Lord Benedict Buckler
In the Eyrie: Queen Regent Sharra Arryn, King Ronnel Arryn, Prince Jonos Arryn, Helen Arryn, Rhonda Upcliff, Ryman Redfort, Myranda Moore, Meredith Moore
In Gulltown: The Hawk, Bartmer Tidewater, Jaqiros Nestoris, Montoya the Duelist, Hazar the Weak, Timos the Hammer, Mirandra the Sweet, Sharako the Orphan Mother, Hadrax, The Pig, Jorario the Beast, Maldar the Quiver, Agar the Cold, The Rat, Vii the Innocent, Vogo the Axe, Vhassah the Shield, Lord Zeth Arryn, Octavia Shett, Lord Torgold Tollet
In the Vale of Arryn: Lord Orson Royce, Eudoxia Tournebulle, Ser Lachlan Keding, Remi Royce, Lord Kyle Coldwater, Valydyn, Ser Osborn Royce, Redmond Royce, Viera Coldwater, Ames Howard, Ser Sterling Shett, Otho Wayland
In Winterfell: King Torrhen Stark, Queen Lysa Stark, Prince Beren Stark, Princess Lyra Stark, Lord Brogar Karstark, Brandon Snow, Myles Cerwyn
In the North: Lord Barroth Boleyn, Norren Snow, Arthries the Fierce, Lord Lionel Frostborn, Lady Elizabeth Frostborn, Evelyn Frostborn, Lucien Frostborn, Darko Mogfield, Jeffrey Snow, Lord Roffe Umber, Nea Umber, Runa Umber, Kari Umber, Johannes Challender
In Sunspear: Princess Meria Martell, Prince Nymor Martell, Princess Deria Martell, Cira, Allaryn, Elia Aspys, Sarina Manwoody, Landon Jordayne, Ser Lyonel Sand, Maester Cliff, Razek um Daar, Myriah Watermont, Absidee of Lys
In Dorne: Ysilla Sand, Theodan Allyrion, Jenelyne, Allar, Lord Alester Allyrion, Lady Belandra Allyrion, Ashara Allyrion, Yandry Allyrion, Edward Anturion, Alisa Karstark, Jadith Linster, Ser Yoreen Flowers, Ser Theon Toyne, The Iron Viper, Roseandre
In Merman's Rest: Alys Boleyn, Carvin Granver, Wilbur, Bear, Morgrem Dermont, Sargasso Saan, Warmond Manderly, Melvan Tiren, King Aeron Blacksails
The Wall and Beyond:
The Wall: Raenna Minsworth, Briar Catelins, Jorn Mormont, Eon Dustin, Harrold Hornwood, Malina Karstark, Gared Snow, Ser Dag Umber, Erik Flowers, Mace Crowl, Lord Commander Harrigon Hoare, Maester Coracinus
Beyond the Wall: Myrla, Markus Treearms
In Volantis: Ser Jaron the Bastard, Samuel Harrington, John Gutten, Temari Keys, Arryn Blackwell, Aidan Storm, Lysara Rogare, Gill, Kovaggo Rednar, Beopin, Zixun
In Lys: Talea
In the Disputed Lands: Abbas al-Yunkari, Bakr al-Astapori, Janae, Behara Keys, Harpy, Ryder Harrington, Goranero Sanys, Dreck Rat, Vanis zo Narrn, Salazar Redwind, Semsi the Slicer, Rowan Crios, Brair, Khar Shun
In Qarth: Irae Caleris, Moros Qo Malxis, Naela Orlatis, Kareq Orlatis, Garath Garraman, Vator Thrice-Born, Estos Ezzara, Xhoros Qar Xhon, Agaz Darkeye, Deja, The Mask
In the Dothraki Sea: Khal Rhavarro, The Blood Witch
Deceased or Unknown: Lord Robert Raylan, Maester Eaton, Ser Ilhan Lagoon, Lord Trymon Brune, Halla Peddle, Cass, Robb, 'Butterfly', Lunett Kawl, Dairon, Alexander Botwerys, George, Septon Corbin, Dimitri the Wise, Himani Sand, Keira, Jarek, Jaylon Gordus, Martin Wilshere, Than, Rayden, Roman, Otis Shiff, The Burned Man, Terroma, Marak, Jarow, Urid Strad, Lyria Mettel, Harris Flowers, Alysanne Waters, Lenrianda, I'lian, Ser Rodrik Stone, Lord Clint Volmark, Federico Snow, Ando Pyre, Clayton Teryl, Hackor Nathamer, Ser Jax Montclair, Torvin Breaker, Baelor Bloodbane, Dan Ornon, Sherryl, Lucas Flowers, Lord Bryen Darklyn, Lord Grenn Mooton, Tedyn Bullister, Richard Harking, Herman Irons, Kory Umber, Drake Ironshield, Vashord Tallian, Prins, Ser Roger Hill, Haar
Characters waiting to be introduced: Ai'sha al-Meereeni, Jeyne Redwyne, Carth Nerisial, Ozerog Pilaj, Worland Mormont, Arleigh Mormont, Dervon Mormont, Jarcka Snow, Covarro Rednar, Ser Northland Uller, Hareld Pyke, Dariel Lagoon, Oberyn Lagoon, Jahaer Lagoon, Dagar Manwoody, Mogor Manwoody, Mariana Manwoody, Jors Manwoody, Osomor Deraka, Thomas Karland, Laryl Callace, Dagon Hake, Marcus Whitehead, Celestial Sunder, Joran Norridge, Walder Blackwood, Lyra Bracken, Sebastian Sand, Esso, Nymeros, Lupin Frostborn, Darrok Yronwood, Aenar, Peter Bulwer, Lilly Evergreen, Ser Devan Lannister, Xha, Kabur Algashar, Laina Snow, Darrok Krey, Reina Krey, Paxtan, Leonard Storm, Alice Stone, Flynn Herschrof, The Lynx, Adelayne Camberlyng, Symond Brownwell, Carac Thaon, Ryia Thaon, Girgar Son of Lagar, The Heretic's Bane, Ryman, Daenos, Fawn Borrell, Leliana Fawnbare, Leon Fawnbare, Maxwell Wolfraven, Lady Lydia Oakheart, Edwin Oakheart, Alicia Oakheart, Kaya, Kieran Drox, James Carpenter, Aegorn Sarsfield, Rody Hunt, Lanard Tarly, Jaxar Rivers, Jaerelos Hartys, Ragnar, Harlik Blacktyde, Lord Lanard Reed, Logyn Clist, Nicola Sand, Ser Arron Estermont, Thomas Khan, Elizabeth Khan, Melany Stratford, Kitana, Wesley the Worried, Lord Waylar Manderly, Wyllem Manderly, Jane, Thane Rutherford, Naelys Qaranor, Lazaaros Fyllaar, Aren, Konrad Blacktyde, Darkshade, Bariq, Nain Anturion, Axell Farnham, Aeron Longstar, Ser Dalver Hammet, Blackclaw, Felix Storm, Gaige Bellwyck, Tyrion Rugen, Vyria Aspys, Doran Aspys, Aron Aspys, Ilia Sand, Juran, Zevrion Greywolf, Gakharhi, Shanna, Hernan Gaythorn, Sai, Liam Lannister, Wyndroar, Cregan Stone, Yusuf Hillsider, Gerald Inchfield, Lord Ascar Bloodboar, Lord Robert Tavner, Tym Flumble, Adrien Vega, Grulk, Masaewi Noor, Gross Mole, Valdis Ubel, Anders Hill, Lord Felir Catsby, Efram Forrester, The Rabid Fox, Ser Birold Blurson, Ellaria Forrester, Lord Esbern Forrester, The Shadowcat, Lorrna Marrowbone, Chett Bolton, Rickard Bolton, Raymar Bolton, Jeyne, Patrek Bolton, Merris Bolton, Hayla Direstone, Bryce, Leeohn the Liar, Kusul, Ser Connor Higbee, Ira Lordslayer, Gunther Bladehand, Vogero Forios, Oknis, Jacob Da-Ibn-Lynch, Lyxor the Shadow, Pandora, Lanchang Whitecross, Aquilina Stone, The Swan, Ruban, Ghordon Khanos, Stephen Snow, Luceus Floro, Nagan Taranyon, Garesso Foryl, Armand Vonliss, Dennis, The Gray Prince, Bazaeya Braesendys, Aentihys, Varan Velaenor, Clarent Mad, The Unknown One, Arstan Kalloway, Kathleen Drinozzi, Edyn Greenhill, Kaeth, Borcas son of Bodger, Bea, Daigon Allocen, Tzina, Stephas Naller, Grin, Olira Morrass, Lord Chrass Serry, Melvard Purcell, Aryl Purcell, Alwin Redwyne, Cale Nullgard, Kalin Brud, Asdrubal Knippschild, Nina Solari, Soryan, Ser Russel Roxton, Tyler Prester, Lady Margo Serry, Katherin, Waryn Rhoyne, Ser Powle Symond, Jarrod Estermont, Melissa Farman, Amelyn Menard, Balthazar Eldisari, Alessander Norcross, Reynard Florent, Ser Gerold Grimm, Selwyn Vypren, Ser Benedar Bettley, Claudia Vance, Moriah Dayne, Marianne Estermont, Aatron, Roderick Ironsmith, Zhoe Ironsmith, Garikha Pushul, Tybolt Rowan, Lawrence Steadmon, Burcey, Arnold James, Henry James, Joy, Markus Redwreck, Alanna Waterman, Ser Jeffory Bridges, Ser Edgar Grafton, Herman Hastwyck, Ser Edrick Norridge, Jon Bigglestone, Ryan James, Eraenys Solus, Aena Solus, Mador Solus, Rhaella Larryl, Ser Logan Lydden, Ser Myke Meadows, Cedrik Dondarrion, Serena Swann, Ser Roland Caron, Jeyne Swann, Zobrie Qilony, Marilyn Melcolm, Ser Lucan Lynderly, Ser Bedwyr Belmore, Ser Drystan Templeton, Giselle Goodbrother, Farrah Farwynd, Lord Goren Goodbrother, Molha, Santal, Harrion Harlaw, Vinicus Flowers, Serendine Myros, Matt Pole, Joe Pole, Wendy Wyl, Ser Gerald Grandison, Heleri Hewett, Allicent Ladybright, Valaena Vaith, Ser Garibald Chester, Ser Alan Tarbeck, Lord Morgan Osgrey, Kyle Footly, Ser Addison Hill, Garris Oparo, Ser Kevan Westerling, Jodie Hill, Ser Raymun Horpe, Jasper Dayne, Joffrey Dayne, Miceh Sand, Trystem Dayne, Trystane Dayne, Adian Goldstreak, The Corvus, Gareth, Alfred Waynwood, Ser Garret Fowler, Farlo the Fat, Joselyn Shade, Lya, Naidal Serry, Holgar the Red, Ser Martyn Haigh, Vania, Marin Goldstreak, Maester Selvin, Emerson Tollet, Ser Owen Peake, Luke Glover, Guthor Glover, Henrik Glover, Eryka Glover, Gwyn Glover, Lord Karyl Banefort, Lyria of Saltpans, Ser Sigfryd Saltcliffe, Roberta Vance, Ser Gilfer Lothston, Orys Maltheon, Ser Garmund Greenfield, Arianna Hewett, Mida, Jin, Bennarion Codd, Torvald Pyke, Dextran Thraller, Hossi, Annitho, Khal Addro, Lady Aliandra Qorgyle, Qhoren Qorgyle, Ser Indra Sand, Lord Goram Gargalen, Kisara Sand, Marya Sand, Sajro, Zindez na Pizahl, Greasy Tick, Trashy Spider, Marcyl, Andrew Egen, Leslyn Egen, Ser Kyle Egen, Waymar Egen, Nella Egen, Vargo Wull, Ser Brocken, Cerlina Sand, Lord Maladon Merlyn, Jarvas Wars, Rass, Barret Vass, Koryn Trapp, Bartholomew Cockshaw, Solomon Cockshaw, Ulyvid Graves, Ynivild Graves, Nakan the Guilty, Ser Patrek Yronwood, Jeremy, Lord Justin Parren, Flinch, Urrigon Uller, Ayla Rivers, Husbon Moore, Darahamir Sand, Gawen Corbray, Amrella Snay, Agmund Icebeard, Qyllon Beesbury, Irrario Paenys, Alaela Paenys, Laena Celtigar, Ser Jon Waters, Lord Yuris Yronwood, Ser Tybalt Lannister, Yiia the Red, Lord Damon Blackmont, Byran Blackmont, Myrah Blackmont, Rhea, Darick Slynt, Ragnar Smyte, Dagon Darkeyes, Ozana Maisenheart, Retorn Maisenheart, Alvarus Orkwood, Robben Flint, Lord Sylvester Stackspear, Ser Lucantine Strong, Robbet Whitehill, Ethan Whitehill, Ramsay Whitehill, Beth Whitehill, Mors Harclay, Hlizzo, Rog the Red, Tun the Thunder, Ser Davos Drinkwater, Stykmar, Olivar Slynt, Sandor Hill, Samwell Stormbringer, Prirdehl mo Noaq, Aryana Krey, Ser Tyland Hetherspoon, Jade, Isyger, Zyre Boatwright, Augur Nako
Are you interested in how the characters look? Check out these awesome drawings created by @foxbrg2 and @WildlingKing:
That's it from me for now! If you want to join, don't be shy. I always look forward to hear from you. And remember, when you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die...
Valar Morghulis!
First, there are a few people I need to thank:
@InKennyWeTrust and @Domingez, for writing the two best stories on this forum. You two got me hooked on the forum a few months ago and without your amazing stories I would never have written one myself.
@TheKingOfWalkers, for being the first person who really made me consider writing my own Fanfiction
@Gustav_Kenny and @Raging_Blades, for writing the first Game of Thrones fanfiction on this forum. While I don't know if mine will be as great as yours, you sure managed to inspire me
And finally @You, for reading this and hopefully reading the story too
Can you say some careers that women aren't allowed to have? Would be useful for the occupation section.
E.g. can they be Maesters? Soldiers? Blacksmiths?
This sounds really interesting... :0
I'll create a character.
Oh, Liquid is doing a fanfic? About Game of Thrones? Well, sign me up!
Now I just need to come up with a character, hehe. I'm really looking forward to this!
I assume women can do most things men can do, albeit it will be incredibly rare and looked down upon. Although, I believe women cannot be Maeseters. Soldiers? I don't think so. A blacksmith? Possibly.
There're female soldiers in the tv show so I'll make one or two.
According to the books, women can't become Maesters and while I'm not exactly sure about soldiers, I would allow it. Every other job is available for women as well, even though they might be looked down upon by some men. The Dornish are an exception, since they treat woman as completely equal. Still, a clever woman like Cersei or Margaery can hold tremendous power
Made three characters, more to come.
And I got two great characters from you! Thank you, I'll definitely be able to work with these.
One question though: Is their last name Mattel or Mettel? With Lyria you wrote Mettel, with Rosalie you wrote Mattel
Sounds really promising! I've already come up with two characters, I'll submit them when I get a chance.
That was a lot of writing. I need to learn more about Game of Thrones lol.
it's Mettel, sorry!
And you should have got three characters from me? Or I may have forgotten to say Drent was mine.
Wait, Liquid's making a fanfiction?!
And it's about Game of Thrones?!
I have never needed something more in my life than I do now.
Is there any specific reason why they can't be maesters or just sexism? And if sexism, can they be maesters in Dorne?
Maesters are taught in Oldtown(which is in the Reach), so there would be no female Maesters specifically for Dorne.
This Article should help you Maesters
No real reason has ever been stated, so I assume it is sexism. And since the Maesters train at the Citadel in Oldtown/Reach, not even the dornish women can become Maester. However, one female dornish character from the books allegedly disguised herself as male and now trains at the Citadel, so if you want to create a female Maester it could be a girl who successfully disguised herself for a few years.
By the way, I received Drent too and like him very much
FYI I am determined to have near equal representation of women, so for almost all male characters I shall make a female one if necessary.
I won't if it equalises naturally obviously, but so far it's 7 men and 2 women and both women were written by me.
To those who disagree with this or think I'm crazy for it, you're entitled to your opinion but:
Empowerment yo. Don't want a discussion, just letting you know that yeah, this is happening.
I'll do my part lol.
Ah, thank you for the explanation.
And thanks about Drent! I realised after submission that gay marriage almost certainly isn't a thing in GoT and yet Drent had a fiance, but you can just make him a long term boyfriend.
Do as you want, I have no problem with that
In fact I'm looking forward for more great characters.
By the way, I could also use one or two characters from Essos. Without wanting to push anyone into anything
Oh don't worry about that, I'm going to be pushing racial diversity as much as sexual.
Expect a lot of characters in the next couple of hours ^^
Can i join? ;P
Of course you can
Are there any transexuals/transgendered people in Game of Thrones?
Is there something special for a character like a job/location you need or something like that?
I'm afraid not, sorry...
Just a suggestion, but maybe you might want to hold off a bit on your equality spree, since this hasn't really been up long enough to judge if it's going to stay like this.
Even if there aren't ones currently in the story told, there's literally no reason why they wouldn't exist.
Would it be okay if I wrote one?'s a world where swords are still used for combat.....horses are the main of transportation...
You are completely free to submit any character you want. Since the main location of Book 1 will be in the Reach, with the Riverlands as a confirmed secondary location I will probably have problems to introduce some job/location combinations, like a farmer from the Vale of Arryn or a common fisherman in Slaver's Bay. But feel free to submit any character you like. If you are not sure about a character, leave your name at the end of the form and I will contact you if there is a problem
From my past experience all forum written stuff has had about 75% males in it probably because lots of them fall into a common pitfall of writing: they self insert. Which is understandable but not ideal.
Even if the story ends up having more women than men because the women writers for some reason come later....would that be that much of an issue?
One fanfiction with more women than men wouldn't be the end of the world as we know it.
Right, but in the books people are perfectly fine with Brienne of Tarth picking up a sword and fighting alongside men.
The only difference would be for a character to ask people to call them 'him' not 'her'. That's literally all that's needed.
Transgendered people have been around for thousands of years on Earth. The Greek god, Dionysus, is transgendered for example. There's also a transgendered version of Aphrodite known as Aphroditus. Eunuchs were regarded as female despite being biologically male. Transexuals haven't been recently 'invented' like cars and electric toothbrushes.
Many north american tribes also had transgendered roles in their societies before any western contact at all.
Idk, my mindset was just that it's a lot of characters for one person to have submitted. I really could care less whether it has more men or women.
Not really my place to say anything though, so sorry.
Haha well he's said my characters are good and I really enjoy writing them, so I don't see the harm in it :P
I guess theoretically it is possible to create a character who identifies as the other gender, but this will be a rarity in the world of Westeros, since Transgender people aren't even mentioned in the books. I guess like homosexuality this is generally frowned upon by the public in Westeros. If you want to create a transgender character, I would advice to create a character from Essos. These people seem to be a bit more open-minded when it comes to people not behaving like it would be expected from their gender.
I look forward to learning about them then
Have a look at this link.
I sent in a character. I really don't know Game of Thrones that well so it may be inaccurate. You're going to do a great job, I know it!
Obviously it's a rarity. I'm sure women named 'Lyria' are a rarity, that doesn't mean we can't write someone named Lyria.
I was going to make the character be from Dorne.