Heroes: The Captives COMPLETE!
**strong text***(Pardon my grammar...)*
Greetings, Telltale Community, I am MasterStone.
I decided to start my own interactive story after viewing some of the other interesting stories on this site. Hopefully it will turn out great because I'm planing on putting a lot of work into this to make characters as accurate as possible. Characters.., we will get to that shortly. Let me explain what this is about.
This story, is based on the television program called, 'Heroes' an American science fiction television drama series created by Tim Kring that appeared on NBC for four seasons from September 25, 2006 through February 8, 2010. The series tells the stories of ordinary people who discover superhuman abilities, and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives. (Some of you who watched the series may already know the series are coming back sometime this year, hopefully.)
This story will be similar, including some elements of the show but not the characters. Here, we will create our OWN characters and tell the story of how they adapt to this world. Hearts will be broken, feelings will be crushed and alliances will formed.
The Story
This story will be set in the year 2015, on an isolated Island in the Northern Pacific. People with superhuman abilities are being rounded up and brought to the island for unknown purposes to a giant Facility. Adult male and females, including children are being brought in regardless of their age. If they have a ability they will be hunted and they WILL be captured and brought here. Some had attempted to escape this hell, and all who tried perished. There was one man who came incredibly close to freedom, he was never heard from again and his fate remained unknown to this very day..
Once you submit a character and they're used in the story then will soon or later be introduced once I find a fitting place for them. The characters place within the story is limited to my imagination, but as it is I'm taking introduction quite slow, so it could be awhile before some characters are introduced, but some may enter the story before others, but you will have to bare with me. Again, I will try to make your characters as accurate as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Now for the fun part.....
Submissions CLOSED
Created as many you want, however be warned. To be fair I want everyone to have at least their first character introduced before adding their secondaries. And it's easier on me.
Occupation/Job before being captured:
Country of Origin:
Superhuman Ability(Limited to one):
List of superhuman abilities if you're having a hard time choosing: http://heroeswiki.com/List_of_abilities
Fate of the heroes
Alive: Yolanda Viviana Jasso, Valerie Eccleston,
Riley McClean,
Donnie Howl,
Jake Andros,
Conor Moss,
Andrew Locke,
Priscilla Flores,
Yolanda Viviana Jasso,
Daphne Eccleston,
Garrett Riggs,
Ryan Newman,
Asita Kaur,
Jacob Olsson,
Brian Davidson,
Roboute Guilliman,
,Gwen Bowen,
Lebter Kasys,
Jackson Wayne,
Hector Silva
Santiago Jose Jasso,
Alvaro Rodrigo Jasso
Unknown: ,Selene Kate, Jason Ulfred & Vi,
Dead: Soul, Orville "Sarge" Snorkel,Leon Bauer,John Donson, Dr. Mufasan,Inquisitor Hadrax Ishmael Ignacio Jacobim IV, George Radkey, Arkan Haraz
- Act I: Round 'em up, boys. (Status: Complete) Starts on page 4 ends on page 7
- Act II: Welcome to Hell(Status: Complete Starts on page 7 ends on 8
- Act III: The Colosseum(Status: Complete) Starts on page 8 & ends on Page 9
- Act IV: YOU HAVE NO WHERE TO RUN(Status:COMPLETE) (Starts on page 9 & ends on page 10)
- Act V: Dawn(Status: ONGOING, Starts on Page 10 and ends on page 11)
That sounds very interesting and I will submit a character for sure! One question though: Can we already submit two characters, or do you prefer if I submit one at first and a second one after the first one has been introduced?
I will submit, just give me some time.
You can submit as many here. It's just your first character will show early, while your secondaries show up later.
Name: Valerie Eccleston
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Waitress
Country of Origin: Britain , but lives in Detrot since she was 2.
Backstory: She was born in a poor family. She has an older half-sister called Daphne who doesn´t have powers and Valerie hates for steling her boyfriend. Durring childhood her father Joel was abusive towards her because Sally (Joel´s wife and Valerie´s mom) died in birth and she always blamed her for that. She abused of her pyshically and verbally. She never had many friends in school and only one boyfriend (who Daphne stole from Valerie). Joel was owner of a shop and when he died in a car accident (Valerie tried to warn him) he left his house and all his place to Daphne. Valerie had to live on her own. She tried to study medicine , but she failed even when she tried to change somehting that would happen (she knew it because of her power). She also had to leave because of money. After a long of work in the dinner she works in , she was raped outside her apartament. The police didn´t cath the guy who did it and it left Valerie bad. She is pregnant because of it.
Appearance: red short curly hair , fair skin , green eyes , 1,95 meters tall , 89 KG. She usually wears a white t-shirt , black pants , white slippers , grey socks and a red jacket. She has a long scar throw his left arm and a birthmark below her neck.
Personality: Jealous , Pragmatic , Distrustful , Kind , Pensative , Smart , Agressive , Blunt , Quite.
Superhuman Ability(Limited to one): Can know what will happen in a 10 minutes space in the future.
Name: George Radkey
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation/Job before being captured: Detective
Country of Origin: America
Backstory: Was born and raised in a dysfunctional family with abusive parents, and worked at a metalwork factory because his dad forced him to. Also his brother died when he was 6
Appearance: Straight, black hair, green eyes and tall, around 6' 12', and was strong.
Personality: Smart, confident, strong, cocky, Sarcastic
Superhuman Ability: Superspeed.
Interesting, and I believe the name of that power is called precognition.
Name: Riley McClean
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Occupation/job before being captured: Flight attendant
Country of origin: Puerto Rico
Back story: Riley never knew her real parents, since she was adopted. She was told her parents were killed in a crash. Her adoptive parents were poor, but they had just enough to get by. Riley worked hard at everything she ever did, never taking the easy way. She always had a dream to travel the world, and thus she became a flight attendant.
Appearance: Tan skin, curly dirty-blonde hair, brown eyes, average height, wears a light jacket with dark blue jeans.
Personality: reserved, shy, hardworking, dependable, get entangled in the project at hand and forget everything else, puts others first.
Superhuman ability: control over liquids.
Here's a list of superhuman abilities if you're having a hard time coming up with one
I prefer Valerie to have "Precognitive dreaming" instead. Precognition is throw paintings :P
FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I LOVE HEROES. Hell some of my best characters for these fics are based on Sylar (pre season 4 ofcourse)
I will 100% join so just let me think of a character
Oh my mistake. I had those two mixed up.
Don´t Worry. It´s okay
Hell yeah a Puerto Rican character i never thought i would see one from my country here thanks ^-^
Is there a character limit?
No limit, but your first character will make their debut earlier than your others.
Yay Friends of mine might recognise this guy
Name: Lebter Kasys (for the third time)
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Occupation/Job before being captured: Psychology Proffesor
Country of origin: German but moved 16 years ago to the United States.
Backstory: Lebter became a psychology proffesor due to his ease in reading human emotions. Many belive he may have used his powers to alter people even before he was captured. His legal records seem VERY clean (too much to be true) and many people he hated have gotten mental dissorders or gotten depressed and commited suicide. Some belive he has commited actual murder directly.
Appearence: Black Red eyes, Average height, Caucasian, Brown hair and Beard.
Personality: Lebter is highly unpredictable to people. His moral state is very questionable. He is very notable for his intelect. Most especially his ability to tell a persons emotions (its kinda scary when he outright TELLS you what you're feeling). He is also highly studious making sure to know all data know about the demons. Lebter is sometimes very sadistic towards people. He hates it when things don't go according to plan. He normaly does what he wants to.
Superhuman ability : Personality alteration (can change how people think about someone or something and their behavior) by physical touch (though can sometimes transmit it through vibrations)
WAIT isnt BLOOD a liquid?
Name: Donnie Howl.
Age: 16.
Gender: Male.
Occupation/Job before being captured: He befriended an old man by the name of "Eddie" who ran a small town convince store where he worked part-time while staying in the Arizona town.
Country of Origin: America.
Backstory: Donald or Donnie as he goes by nowadays lived a uneventful life that he considered boring and almost meaningless. That is until he learned of is powerful ability, with it he searched for a meaning to it. He ran away, traveling to a Arizona desert after first learning of his power - where he had shattered the glass windows of an office building - he knew of it's devastating capabilities and took extra steps to leave populated areas to test his power without fear of hurting or even killing someone. There he would walk out into the desert from a nearby town where he slept and ate, but in the desert he learned of many things about his abilities and found them almost perfected. But while still in the town that he called home, he was taken away and brought to a facility.
Appearance: Short somewhat matted mahogany colored hair and hazel eyes. Relatively handsome face but accompanied by an awkward expression. Along with somewhat thick stubble. In great shape, but not muscular, though he's a fast runner. He usually found himself wearing a white dress shirt, grey jeans and a pair of sneakers. On a occasion he wears a baseball cap.
Personality: Donnie is a kind and considerate person, but has trouble expressing his emotions to anyone, usually keeping to himself and staying silent. Though he likes to stay out of the heat and avoid trouble he's more then willing to stick his head out for someone.
Superhuman Ability: Without needing to utter a single word nor move whatsoever - Donnie can use his ability to silently send out shock waves of sound that can knock people out, bust eardrums, stop hearts, cause annoying sounds that can literally drive people insane. All without anyone else knowing what's happening and having no harm done to them, only the target(s) of his powers will be effected by it.
Cool Character
Thank you
Its true ^-^. Hopefully one of my guys dosen't have to die to save him later :P
I didn't even know you were Puerto Rican, but your welcome.
Hahaha.... Yes....
Yep born and raised. But i speak perfect english and know everything about the Us and we are 'technically' part of it.
Name: Jake Andros
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Occupation/Job before being captured: College student
Place of origin: Eastern part of Europe
Backstory: Jake lived a normal teenage life. He finished high schooland went on to college where he was studying becoming a cop. One day he saw some people who were doing things that normal humans shouldn't be able to do he yelled to them "STOP!" and jumped on the one who was running around like a madman faster than any human being could. The man quickly pushed him off but Jake noticed that he could keep up with him. He grabbed the one who could jump around abnormal heights and he noticed that he became a lot slower but now he could jump as high as the guy he was holding. This power was great for him but he needed to find other people who have powers for it to be useful.
Appearance: Green eyes, dark hair, orange hoodie, light blue jeans.
Personality: Jake is a very intelligent person and him being captured was.... highly unlikelly but one small mistake made him slip up. He is a pretty tough guy. He doesn't take shit from nobody though if you insult him or annoy him, He. Will. Break. You
Superhuman ability: Power replication (through skin contact)
Original where I post https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/1856053/#Comment_1856053.
Name: Human name Jason Ulfred IV and The Demon/Spirit name is ' ʐ'əȵoƧû ɐɔunuuɐΛ ' but hes called My Fallen Angel and usual 'Vĺ' you can say normal Vi :P
Gender: Jason is male and The Demon/Spirit is femele
Age: Jason have 22 year but Demon/Spirit say she is younger than him.
Superhuman Ability: I don't know if is count as two ability maybe because they are two characters :P, 'Vĺ' can summon weapon from veil/void and Jason transform in Vi.
Weaknesses: 'Vĺ' can not control host for ever, usual she come when is in danger or emotion are very strong.
Personality: Jason is adventurous and playful while the 'Vĺ' is Cool and Calm with a sense of pride and can count on her combat skills to pull them through a tough situation if need be.
Height: Jason have Height: 164 cm Weight: 58 kg and 'Vĺ' have 172 cm Bust: 83 cm (J) Waist: 56 cm Hip: 86 cm Weight: 56 kg
Clothing: 'Vĺ' have some kind of wooden and silver body and Jason usual wear shirt and jeans.
Favoured weapon: 'Vĺ' use sword and shield as main and rarely use shotgun and uses two guns to the entity from far away.
Facial features: Jason look like this main protagonist from far cry 3 Jason http://farcry.wikia.com/wiki/Jason_Brody
Country of Origin: Jason is from Romania and Vĺ is from Veil/Void it self.
Skin tone: Jason look like this main protagonist from far cry 3 Jason http://farcry.wikia.com/wiki/Jason_Brody
Accent: Jason have american accent but 'Vĺ' is like Marzia lower voice in echo.
Occupation/Job before being captured: Jason was a doctor, more a scientist .
History with demons: Jason girl firend is in coma, usual pray to gods to all of them but one day he heard a crying voice that was like his girl friend he try to reach it when he touch snap of light got him then he pass out when he awake was not alone anymore, a strange 'friend' voice was spoke.
Other info:
Jason is come from rich family that say are heirs of Vlad The Impaler or related to him, when all his family die long time ago he was just little scary boy, at adolescence in middle of winter from his mansion/castle he look through windows and see alone red hooded girl in snow he run to help she after a few day he feel in love with girl but soon she got into a coma and never wake up, after that day he create and underground facility and trying to find way to bring she back he also praying in his sanctuary after 'Vĺ' reach to him he use it self at test subject thinking after life is key for saving his red hooded girl.
'Vĺ' look like this:

she doesn't understand what good and evil mean but is well aware that she must leave the body as two souls In one single body can't stand for much longer, she usually teaches and tells her opinion, when 'Vĺ' reach out he can't control his body anymore.
If him doesn't suit you don't add...
Interesting a dual character, I can make it work.
Can I add a anti-hero, I mean a superhuman that have a personality alignment to evil?
You can.
I forgot :P
Perfect song for Vi
Music: Christian Linke
Singer: Nicki Taylor
She's such a misfit, always ready to brawl
It's like her business, roughing up your friends as the law
There is no difference if you believe you're strong
She's a bulldozer making sure you're flat on the ground
She's like a boomerang, who never gives up
She flies in circles till she hits you and you're biting the dust
So just remember this, when she's chasing you down
Face first you'll be thrown onto the Proving Grounds
She'll knock you out.
Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy?
Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the roof?
Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force and style combine well?
I guess now's time to shine cause finally she's here.
Here comes Vi!
And as a matter of fact,
the best bet one has is to quickly react
to the first attack
that's aiming for the bones cause she'll never pull back
and just risk it.
Song for Jason
Name: Hes real name was long forgotten if he had one, he call it self Soul
Gender: Soul is male.
Age: Soul have 23 year
Superhuman type: Space-time manipulation: The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time, and moving instantaneously through space.
Weaknesses: Hes insanity.
Personality: Soul is a serial killer that has have a brilliant mind, amusing personality, he is obsessed with the process of death and dying, he is curious in death trying to understand it by observing other people's death, and make up a virtual experience, so that's why he became a murderer, he was usual aims to murder young women and children, mainly because they're are easy targets, the more people he killed, the more he understood about the lives he took, while searching for different, more "amusing" ways to commit murder, he force their victims to fight until their soul leave the body, he also help his victim to fight against him giving various of weapons for his maximum enjoyment.
Height: Soul have Height: 171 cm Weight: 65 kg.
Clothing: Soul usual wear shirt and jeans.
Favoured weapon: Soul like them all.
Facial features: He has two piercing, and a big hole on right... god I can't describe this http://lavafeed.com/Media/Default/ContentMedia/2014/6/063014_1327_23yearoldto1.jpg
Country of Origin: Soul is from Sweden.
Skin tone: http://lavafeed.com/Media/Default/ContentMedia/2014/6/063014_1327_23yearoldto1.jpg
Accent: Soul have Sweden accent.
Occupation/Job before being captured: Worked in multiple jobs in short hours, small pay, but allowing for greater free time.
Other info: He leads a fairly normal life aside from his murders.
Is not perfect but...
Name: Conor Moss
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Occupation/Job before being captured: Student. Also delivered pizzas for his uncle.
Country of Origin: England
Backstory: His parents were murdered when he was still in the womb. He survived and lived with his uncle and lead a decent life until he discovered that he had the ability to shape-shift into any animal. He used this ability to deal with bullies and deliver his uncle's homemade pizzas quicker. He most favoured animals to turn into are: the panther, the wolf, the eagle and the bat. One time he got a bit cocky when dealing with bullies as his wolf form and the bullies attacked him, they were horrified when he reverted back to his human form. He was overwhelmed with rage and transformed into a tiger form and the bullies were never seen again.
Appearance: 5 feet tall, dark blonde bedraggled hair, dark grey eyes that turn yellow when his beast instincts take over, wears whatever he finds comfortable.
Personality: Sarcastic, witty, caring but he can be very unpredictable when his beast instincts take over.
Superhuman Ability(Limited to one): Can shape-shift into any animal when he feels an adrenaline rush. He usually keeps adrenaline drugs with him in case he gets in trouble.
So, here's my character. I'm going to submit a second character later
Name: Andrew Locke
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Occupation/Job before being captured: None/Son&Heir
Country of Origin: USA
Backstory: Andrew is the only son of Thomas Locke, a wealthy businessman. From a very young age, Andrew learned that he was his father's designated heir, which shaped his personality to a certain degree. He never even bothered with being good at school, despite being naturally intelligent and he never even bothered to find a job after finishing school. Due to his charisma, he was always very popular and had many friends, often spending his nights partying, never caring for anything or anyone except himself. This changed when he took a liking to a young woman he met at a party. Her name was Sarah and despite Andrew trying his best to charm her, she managed to resist him, calling him shallow and arrogant. This slightly hit Andrew and he decided to prove himself to her. He started to actively work on becoming a better person, although not for the sake of becoming a better person, but simply because he tried his best to convince Sarah that he is a good person. He succeeded with this and started dating her. To his shock he even started to fall in love with her, despite trying his best to prevent it. And it was an even bigger shock to him that he actually started becoming a better person when he was with her, just as she started to actually enjoy his lavish and self-centred lifestyle. Their relationship was cut short when Andrew took her home after a party, despite being horribly drunken. Naturally, he got into a car accident, killing Sarah and injuring a teenage boy to the point where he fell into a coma, while only receiving a severely broken knee himself. This accident cause his superhuman ability to surface and at first he was shocked by this and decided to hide it as good as he can. Sarah's death sent Andrew into a severe emotional trauma and he vowed to become the man she wanted him to be. Thanks to his fathers wealth, he wasn't persecuted, but decided to take full responsibility for what he did regardless. He started to use his fathers money for good causes, mainly to support the boy he sent into a coma with his actions. Unfortunately, old habits die hard and he still has a very hard time not behaving completely self-centred and carefree.
Appearance: Andrew is 6'2 tall and physically fit. He is handsome, has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He is always neatly dressed and clean-shaven and tries his best to remain so regardless of what happens. His left knee is slightly damaged from a car accident and even though he can move it without problems and can even run very well, he suffers from chronic pain.
Personality: At first, Andrew appears to be charming, but arrogant and very convinced that he is the best at everything he attempts to do. He is charismatic and a smooth talker, able to tell very convincing lies. On top of that, he is very good at manipulating people, but also very good at noticing when he gets manipulated. He is also very intelligent, but doesn't make much out of his intelligence. When people meet him first, they usually only see a very charming man, but he gradually reveals his arrogance and cockiness. Usually, he is found shamelessly flirting with attractive women and appears to be carefree, enjoying a hedonistic and lavish lifestyle, hating responsibility and from time to time, he might even appear to be shallow. This is only partially true, however. He is indeed quite self-centred, but fully aware of his flaws and actively trying to become a better person. Since he has no experience in caring for others and admitting any feelings, he tried to hide this positive part of his personality behind a mask of arrogance and selfishness. He is quick to care for other people though and would never turn his back on anyone in need. Of course, he would never admit to this, despite to close friends. Speaking of friends, he is fiercely loyal towards anyone he sees as a friends and would never betray them. He can also be genuinely friendly and generous. Should anything happen to people he cares for, he directly blames himself, even if he wasn't at fault. He has a soft spot for people in need and tries his best to help where he can, but he tries to do it in secret, so that people don't notice that he is more than simply a sweet-talking and arrogant rich boy.
Superhuman Ability: Andrew is able to lower the temperature of things around him, up to the point where he can freeze objects or persons. He himself is completely immune to the effects of low temperature. His ability is quite powerful and with a bit of concentration he is able to freeze whole rooms, though he mainly applies this ability to make sure that his drinks stay cold and that he is always surrounded by comfortable temperatures even when he is in the middle of a desert. In secret, he tries to train with his ability, hoping to use it to do something good.
Sad story for him... if I had to guess,I say it is a 'douchebag'
Evil Laughs
Hm, the more you know.
Name: Priscilla Flores
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Interior Designer
Country of Origin: American, although she is a Latina
Backstory: Priscilla was raised in a dirty town and had to suffer through her mother yo-yoing out of prison. Her father had abandoned them not long after she was born. He felt he was under too much pressure having to care for Priscilla and her older sister, Gloria who became Priscilla's guardian during the time their mother was in jail. Gloria took on many jobs and when she managed to save enough money, she sent Priscilla to college, to do Interior Designing. Priscilla was always thankful and feels guilty towards her sister has Priscilla now has everything: a husband, children and a well-paid job.
Appearance: Priscilla is fairly tall, around 5'10 and has an admirable figure, complimenting her body. She has Latina skin and dark caramel hair, matching with her golden eyes. She has luscious lips and a beauty spot under her right eye. She has expensive clothes and accessories.
Personality: Although having a lot of money, Priscilla is very genuine and down-to-earth, respecting everyone and caring about everyone. She even managed to mellow her snobby husband, Julio. Priscilla is fiercely protective over her two daughters, Sofia and Cecelia. She is independent, unlike she was as a child and can take care of herself.
Superhuman Ability(Limited to one): Teleportation through portals (like Blink's from X-Men)
Hope everything is okay with her!