What a great chapter, it's so good this is back! Jake intrigues me, I mean I am really not sure how to put that guy. He helped Marcus and the others escaping in the hospital, but he also killed people on the ship. Hopefully Alice is alright. Though my worry for Sammy is now officially beyond measure. Her situation is already bad enough without the implied helicopter crash.
Marcus Bishop
"We're going. If there's a chance, I want to take it. Thomas, I understand if you want to stay here. You have family, and I… more respect that." Marcus said.
"I... I don't want to leave them here. Alone." Thomas said.
"I understand. Keep them safe." Marcus said. Thomas looked to the floor.
"Thank you." He said.
"Alright. We need to hurry. Marcus, use the stairs and head to the roof. I'll meet you there." Richards said.
"But what about..." Marcus began.
"I got it handled. Just get to the roof." Richards said.
The view was amazing from the roof. He could see for miles in every direction. He admired the setting sun for a moment before the silence was broken.
"Shit, hurry up. The group wasn't to happy with my decision." Richards said as he burst into the scene with Jay. They were pushing someone on a gurney. Samantha. She was covered in a blanket and only her face was visible. She looked horrible. Her… [view original content]
What a great chapter, it's so good this is back! Jake intrigues me, I mean I am really not sure how to put that guy. He helped Marcus and th… moree others escaping in the hospital, but he also killed people on the ship. Hopefully Alice is alright. Though my worry for Sammy is now officially beyond measure. Her situation is already bad enough without the implied helicopter crash.
Well, I wasn't sure if Richard maybe managed to land it safely instead of crashing. Damn it Samantha, I hope she makes it somehow, though my hope keeps dwindling. I'm very worried for the next chapter
Yeah, the helicopter crash is more than implied. I guess I didn't state that good enough...
And I don't even know what to think of Jake. He is literally a wild card when I'm writing.
Well, I wasn't sure if Richard maybe managed to land it safely instead of crashing. Damn it Samantha, I hope she makes it somehow, though my hope keeps dwindling. I'm very worried for the next chapter
Awesome chapter! I hope my favorites survived the helicopter crash. Hopefully at least Samantha and maybe Jay. BTW do you still need characters for the mainland?
Marcus Bishop
"We're going. If there's a chance, I want to take it. Thomas, I understand if you want to stay here. You have family, and I… more respect that." Marcus said.
"I... I don't want to leave them here. Alone." Thomas said.
"I understand. Keep them safe." Marcus said. Thomas looked to the floor.
"Thank you." He said.
"Alright. We need to hurry. Marcus, use the stairs and head to the roof. I'll meet you there." Richards said.
"But what about..." Marcus began.
"I got it handled. Just get to the roof." Richards said.
The view was amazing from the roof. He could see for miles in every direction. He admired the setting sun for a moment before the silence was broken.
"Shit, hurry up. The group wasn't to happy with my decision." Richards said as he burst into the scene with Jay. They were pushing someone on a gurney. Samantha. She was covered in a blanket and only her face was visible. She looked horrible. Her… [view original content]
Awesome chapter! I hope my favorites survived the helicopter crash. Hopefully at least Samantha and maybe Jay. BTW do you still need characters for the mainland?
Appearance: He isnt very tall but he is in good shape for his age. He has short grey hair and brown eyes. He walks with a limp
Back story: He was a professional baseball player in his twenties but he got into a car accident that shattered his knee and ended his career at an early age. To make some money he became a biology teacher at a local high school and while he is a very popular teacher he also misses his former career. He also raised his nephew Dylan after he was orphaned.
Likes: Helping other people, teaching other people, baseball,
Job and skills: He is a biology teacher and good at talking to people. He is also very fit and strong for his age but he cant run very good because of his injury
Relations to others: He has a nephew, Dylan Oswald. He cares a lot for him and wants to raise him into a good man. He is also very kind and friendly towards other people.
Other info: He is a very moral man and believes that everyone is good and deserves second chances. He also tries to pass his values on to his nephew but is frustrated by Dylans careless attitude
Name: Dylan Oswald
Age: 22
Class: Off Boat
Appearance: He is tall and good-looking. He has short brown hair, brown eyes and a short stubble
Back story: His parents were killed by a robber when he was ten years old and he was raised by his uncle instead, who was his idol. Because of his uncles career-ending injury he always wanted to help other sportsmen to recover from similar injuries and started to study sports medicine at a university.
Likes: Impressing his uncle, flirting, exercising
Dislikes: Strict people, humorless people, too much responsibility
Job and skills: He studies sports medicine at university and works as a pizza delivery guy in his free time. He does a lot of sports in his free time and is a good runner and cyclist
Relations to others: He has a uncle, Peter Oswald. He idolizes him and wants to live up to his expectations. When meeting other people he tries to treat them like his uncle would do and tries to be kind and helpful but he can sometimes come off as rude and thoughtless when talking with others even though he never means to be.
Other info: While he tries his best to live up to his uncles expectations he is far more careless and easy-going and does not like having too much responsibility
Ok here are two characters!
Name: Peter Oswald
Age: 52
Class: Off Boat
Appearance: He isnt very tall but he is in good shape for… more his age. He has short grey hair and brown eyes. He walks with a limp
Back story: He was a professional baseball player in his twenties but he got into a car accident that shattered his knee and ended his career at an early age. To make some money he became a biology teacher at a local high school and while he is a very popular teacher he also misses his former career. He also raised his nephew Dylan after he was orphaned.
Likes: Helping other people, teaching other people, baseball,
Dislikes: Violent behaviour, disrespectful people, lazy people,
Job and skills: He is a biology teacher and good at talking to people. He is also very fit and strong for his age but he cant run very good because of his injury
Relations to others: He has a nephew, Dylan Oswald. He cares a lot for him and wants t… [view original content]
"Uncle Peter, do you see this?" Dylan asked, bringing Peter back to the present.
"What?" He asked, as the sound of helicopter rotors filled his ears. "What the?" He asked as he looked up and saw a helicopter coming towards them.
"Who do you think they are?" Dylan asked.
"No clue. But we need to leave. That kind of noise is bound to attract infected." Peter said.
"But maybe they are friendly?" Dylan asked.
"As much as I hate to say it, we cant stay and watch the helicopter. They have themselves handled. Infected cant fly." Peter said... Hopefully infected couldn't fly.
"Uncle Peter... I don't think they have themselves under control." Dylan said, Peter adverted his eyes back to the helicopter. It was now trailing smoke and beginning to spiral downwards. The helicopter attempted to pull up at the last second, but smashed into the ground anyways, luckily not exploding or catching on fire. "We need to help them. They could still be alive." Dylan said.
"Its dangerous... Mariza, what do you think?" Peter asked. Mariza stepped forward and joined the group, brushing her long brown hair behind her ear.
"We shouldn't just leave them." She said.
"Then its settled. Keep your guard up, infected could be anywhere." Peter said. He sighed at the fact he was willingly going into an infected city to save some people he didn't know. But it was right. And he had to show Dylan what was right. He pulled his knife out, and the rest unsheathed their weapons, ready for attack. Together they slowly made their way down the hill and into the city.
"God, that's grouse." Mariza said as Peter pulled his knife out of a cripple infected skull. So far they had been lucky, this town must have been abandoned. But Peter refused to let his guard down, he knew danger could be anywhere. And that smoke column was a clear as day signal to any bandit within miles.
"Were getting close. What exactly are we going to do with the injured?" Dylan asked.
"I've been here once a while ago. There's a hospital not far from here, we can get a car and transport the wounded there." Peter said.
"What will we do if their already dead?" Dylan asked.
"We make sure they don't come back." Peter said. Mariza let out a small gasp because of the comment but opted to keep her mouth shut.
"I think it will be right around this corner on the next street." Dylan said. The trio continued walking and rounded the corner revealing a mangled wreckage of a helicopter at the far end of the street. It didn't look good, but it looked survivable. A small band of infected were prying at the doors trying to get to the tasty snack on the inside.
"There's five of them, three of us. Be smart, fight with your head." Peter said, and lead the group in.
He sank his knife deep into the first infected's head, drawing the attention of the others. Dylan followed his lead and offed the closest one to him as peter yanked his knife out. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Mariza hesitantly raising a knife and backing away from one of the infected. Peter plunged his knife into the second infecteds head as Dylan pushed the fourth one back before stabbing it in the skull.
"Ahhh! Help!" A shrill cry pleaded. Peter looked back to Mariza and saw her laying on her back with the infected pressing down on top of her, slowly closing in, trying to just get a little nip of her. Peter rushed to her aid and kicked the infected in it's side, forcing it to the ground. He readied his knife, but this one was faster than the others. It jumped up and latched onto Peter, catching him off guard. It tried to bite his neck but Peter came to his senses and pushed back. But the infected was strong, slowly gaining ground.
"Mariza! Help me!" Peter yelled to Mariza who was at that time just backing away in shock. "Damn it Mariza! Don't let me die!: He yelled, but she was frozen in place. The infected was only inches away from his neck when it stopped dead in its tracks and fell to the ground. Peter looked up and saw Dylan standing in front of him, pulling his knife out of the infected's skull.
"Couldn't let you get eaten, uncle Peter." He said as he wiped the blood off. Peter shot Mariza a look of pure disgust and she looked to the ground ashamed. Peter had the felling that if she didn't change, this wouldn't be the last time something like that happened.
"Lets get in the helicopter and get out of here. We've made to much noise." Peter said as he approached the helicopter door. He slowly opened it and the pilot tumbled out to the pavement, obviously dead. He had a piece of shrapnel in his chest, he wouldn't be coming back form that. In the co-pilots seat there sat a man who looked a lot like a doctor, he looked alive.
"Theres more in the back." Dylan said. "The door's jammed. Help me get it open." He said. Peter went and joined him, placing his hands on the door.
"On three. One... Two... Three." Peter grunted as he put all his force into the door, his power combined with Dylan's proved to be enough as the door gave way and fell to the ground, breaking free from the helicopter. Inside were two people. A very muscular man and a woman, laying on a stretcher.
"Are they alive?" Dylan asked.
"Let me check." Peter said, first checking the man's pulse, then the woman's. Although both of them were breathing, the woman's was very weak. "Yeah. They're alive." He concluded.
"We need to find a car." Dylan said. "Never mind, I found one." He said, pointing to a van parked on the side of the road, seemingly unshaved by the crash. Not Peters first choice of a car, but in this instance it will work. Dylan went to work hotwiring the car as Peter worked on getting the victims out of the helicopter. One by one he freed them and placed them outside the helicopter. Then came the woman. He freed the stretcher from the helicopter and wrangled her out and placed her on the ground. Probably not how a professional would do it, but hey, he got the job done.
"She's kinda cute." Mariza remarked, looking at the woman.
"What?" Peter asked, pretending he didn't just hear that.
"Nothing...." Mariza quickly countered. Peter had no problem with her sexuality, but now just wasn't the time to be hitting on a crash victim. Plus he was still pretty pissed off at her.
"Uncle Peter! I got it started!" Dylan yelled. Peter and Dylan then moved the three into the van and piled in, with Peter driving, Dylan shotgun, and Mariza in the back, still googling at the unconscious woman. Peter put the van into drive and started forward.
"What do you think?" Peter asked as he looked at the hospital. It looked to be occupied, since there was an armed solider standing at the front door.
"Looks like someone beat us to it." Dylan said.
"Maybe their friendly?" Mariza said.
"Maybe their not." Peter snapped back, being a little more rude than he meant.
"He's alone. Maybe we can take him." Dylan said.
"That's a solider. They would be out here alone. There's bound to be more." Peter said.
"So our options are A, kill him. B, try and talk to him. or C, leave, in which case it is definite that these people will die." Dylan announced. "This choice is yours, uncle Peter." Dylan said.
[Approach the solider with weapons drawn]~ They only have knifes, so you'll have to get in close.
[Approach the solider unarmed]~Maybe they're not bad
[Leave]~ Nope. Not taking the risk. If you wanted to live, you shouldn't have crashed your helicopter.
I'm always open for criticism! Also, I still need more characters for the mainland.
Whew, Sammy and Marcus are alive and Richards is alive too. That is wonderful! Jay's death is sad of course, but he won't be forgotten. I guess it was mainly thanks to him that the helicopter landed without exploding, meaning he probably saved three lives. I really like these new guys already, especially Peter is pretty cool. And I just got an idea for a character or two from the mainland, I'll try to submit him tomorrow. Would a soldier be okay? I guess they could be introduced easily. From a writing perspective this part was one of my favourites in the whole story, perhaps even my favourite. It was extremely well-written as always and I liked it a lot!
[Approach the solider unarmed]
Knifes against an armed soldier sounds like a bad idea. Even if they manage to take him out, this will cause huge problems with the other soldiers who are probably inside of the hospital. Soldiers in an apocalypse are rarely a good thing, but considering that Marcus, Richards and especially Sammy are in serious need of medical treatment they can't be choosy.
Peter Oswald
"Uncle Peter, do you see this?" Dylan asked, bringing Peter back to the present.
"What?" He asked, as the sound of helico… morepter rotors filled his ears. "What the?" He asked as he looked up and saw a helicopter coming towards them.
"Who do you think they are?" Dylan asked.
"No clue. But we need to leave. That kind of noise is bound to attract infected." Peter said.
"But maybe they are friendly?" Dylan asked.
"As much as I hate to say it, we cant stay and watch the helicopter. They have themselves handled. Infected cant fly." Peter said... Hopefully infected couldn't fly.
"Uncle Peter... I don't think they have themselves under control." Dylan said, Peter adverted his eyes back to the helicopter. It was now trailing smoke and beginning to spiral downwards. The helicopter attempted to pull up at the last second, but smashed into the ground anyways, luckily not exploding or catching on fire. "We need to help them. … [view original content]
Whew, Sammy and Marcus are alive and Richards is alive too. That is wonderful! Jay's death is sad of course, but he won't be forgotten. I gu… moreess it was mainly thanks to him that the helicopter landed without exploding, meaning he probably saved three lives. I really like these new guys already, especially Peter is pretty cool. And I just got an idea for a character or two from the mainland, I'll try to submit him tomorrow. Would a soldier be okay? I guess they could be introduced easily. From a writing perspective this part was one of my favourites in the whole story, perhaps even my favourite. It was extremely well-written as always and I liked it a lot!
[Approach the solider unarmed]
Knifes against an armed soldier sounds like a bad idea. Even if they manage to take him out, this will cause huge problems with the other soldiers who are probably inside of the hospital. Soldiers in an apocalypse are rarely a good thing, but considering t… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Uncle Peter, do you see this?" Dylan asked, bringing Peter back to the present.
"What?" He asked, as the sound of helico… morepter rotors filled his ears. "What the?" He asked as he looked up and saw a helicopter coming towards them.
"Who do you think they are?" Dylan asked.
"No clue. But we need to leave. That kind of noise is bound to attract infected." Peter said.
"But maybe they are friendly?" Dylan asked.
"As much as I hate to say it, we cant stay and watch the helicopter. They have themselves handled. Infected cant fly." Peter said... Hopefully infected couldn't fly.
"Uncle Peter... I don't think they have themselves under control." Dylan said, Peter adverted his eyes back to the helicopter. It was now trailing smoke and beginning to spiral downwards. The helicopter attempted to pull up at the last second, but smashed into the ground anyways, luckily not exploding or catching on fire. "We need to help them. … [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Uncle Peter, do you see this?" Dylan asked, bringing Peter back to the present.
"What?" He asked, as the sound of helico… morepter rotors filled his ears. "What the?" He asked as he looked up and saw a helicopter coming towards them.
"Who do you think they are?" Dylan asked.
"No clue. But we need to leave. That kind of noise is bound to attract infected." Peter said.
"But maybe they are friendly?" Dylan asked.
"As much as I hate to say it, we cant stay and watch the helicopter. They have themselves handled. Infected cant fly." Peter said... Hopefully infected couldn't fly.
"Uncle Peter... I don't think they have themselves under control." Dylan said, Peter adverted his eyes back to the helicopter. It was now trailing smoke and beginning to spiral downwards. The helicopter attempted to pull up at the last second, but smashed into the ground anyways, luckily not exploding or catching on fire. "We need to help them. … [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Uncle Peter, do you see this?" Dylan asked, bringing Peter back to the present.
"What?" He asked, as the sound of helico… morepter rotors filled his ears. "What the?" He asked as he looked up and saw a helicopter coming towards them.
"Who do you think they are?" Dylan asked.
"No clue. But we need to leave. That kind of noise is bound to attract infected." Peter said.
"But maybe they are friendly?" Dylan asked.
"As much as I hate to say it, we cant stay and watch the helicopter. They have themselves handled. Infected cant fly." Peter said... Hopefully infected couldn't fly.
"Uncle Peter... I don't think they have themselves under control." Dylan said, Peter adverted his eyes back to the helicopter. It was now trailing smoke and beginning to spiral downwards. The helicopter attempted to pull up at the last second, but smashed into the ground anyways, luckily not exploding or catching on fire. "We need to help them. … [view original content]
Well, here are two soldiers, I hope they are okay. Originally they were tied to sagigs soldier character, who appears to have been deleted now, but I think they work just fine on their own.
Name: Hank Carver
Age: 59
Class: Soldiers
Appearance: Hank is six feet tall and while he was very fit in his younger years, he has started to gain a bit of weight in the recent years. His hair is completely grey, but used to be brown in his youth. He also has a thick moustache. He has a very deep and booming voice.
Backstory: Hank comes from a family with a long and proud military tradition. He on the other hand never liked the military that much, seeing war as needlessly brutal. Due to pressure from his father, he joined the military regardless and started a successful career. In time, he started to accept his life as a soldier, using his position to help civilians in war zones. However, his strong moral code that put him at odds with his commanding officers more than once, nearly causing his dishonourable discharge several times. When the apocalypse started, he commanded his unit to protect the city from the infected, albeit he lost all of his men in the process. He narrowly managed to stay alive himself, finding shelter among another group of soldiers in the hospital. Hank soon started to make plans to win the soldiers for himself, since he sees the units commanding officer as unsuited to keep the city safe. Thanks to his resourcefulness and charisma, he was soon well-integrated into the unit and several feats of bravery, in which he saved civilians and fellow soldiers out of danger, lead to him becoming very popular.
Likes: Protecting people, Helping people, Leading people, Fairness, Bravery
Dislikes: Random violence, Hurting civilians, Following mad orders, People who oppose his ambitions
Job and skills: Hank is a high-ranking soldier and good at commanding people as well. He serves as his new commanding officers second-in-command, maybe even above him and certainly acts this way. Due to his advanced age he isn't very intimidating physically, but still a good shot, as well as a highly charismatic talker.
Relations to others: Hank is very popular with the other soldiers, especially with those who share his morals and uses his popularity to put himself into a position where he can oppose anyone else who tries to claim leadership over the soldiers. He has a very high opinion of Omar Taylor, who is one of his most loyal supporters and often assigns him to do very important tasks. He is friendly towards other people, but likes to boss them around.
Other info: Because of his fairness. bravery and sense of justice, he is very popular with the other soldiers despite not being their leader. He has plans to relieve the leader of the soldiers from his duty and to assume command himself, but wants to avoid bloodshed in his methods at all cost. In general he has a problem with following orders, since he is quite arrogant and sees himself as a far better leader than anyone else. His long-term goal is to unite a larger group of people under his command and to rebuild society, a goal he can get quite overzealous to achieve.
Name: Omar Taylor
Age: 30
Class: Soldiers
Appearance: Omar is a 6'2 tall african-american man. He is clean-shaven and wears his black hair extremely short. He is quite handsome and has a bright smile, but nowadays he often appears to be sullen, with dark rings under his eyes.
Backstory: Omar comes from a poor family and used to be beaten by his alcoholic father. He had a very troubled childhood and joined the military to escape his abusive parents. Since his time at the military was the first time he really experienced comradery and respect, he developed a strong liking for military and military traditions. He used to be friends with Marcus Bishop before Marcus left the military to care for his sister, something which destroyed their friendship. Only years later Omar started to understand why Marcus had to do it, when he started a family himself. He fell in love with a woman, married her and the couple had a young daughter. Unfortunately, his wife and daughter died in the very early days of the apocalypse, when infected killed them. The loss of his family hit him hard and caused him to get very dedicated to his work. In the recent weeks he got frustrated by his commanding officer not trying to reclaim the city from the infected, feeling that he does too little to protect civilians.
Likes: Maintaining Order, Protecting civilians, Patriotism, Family
Dislikes: Violence against civilians, Cowardice, Alcoholism, Tyranny
Job and skills: Omar is a soldier and has very good aim. He has exceptional eyesight and served as his units sniper. He has knowledge in first aid and is a very good runner. He also knows how to play the guitar and used to do it to raise the mood of his fellow soldiers.
Relations to others: Omar served together with Marcus Bishop years ago. The two men were good friends once, but a huge argument about Marcus leaving the army destroyed their friendship and they lost contact. Nonetheless, Omar still has a lot of respect for Marcus, even though he fears that their friendship will never be like it once was. Since Samantha was the reason Marcus left the military, Omar used to have a low opinion on her for years, despite never meeting her in person, but ever since he started his own family he understood how childish his thoughts have been and he stopped disliking her. He is good friends with Hank and supports him in his attempt to take command over the soldiers, since he thinks that his commanding officer does not do enough to keep the cities civilians safe. In general, Omar gets along well with brave and moral people, but gets quickly angry at cowards, or people who hurt innocents.
Other info: Ever since he lost his family, he suffers from severe nightmares. Some nights he doesn't find any sleep at all and pours himself into his work as a result. This leads to him being tired very often. He is also in slight denial over the fact that the order as he knows it technically ceased to function and still tries to uphold it. While usually very loyal to his commanding officer, he would oppose any order that goes against his morals. He carries a photograph of his wife and daughter with him, albeit he can't stand to look at it, suffering from severe guilt over their deaths. He is always tempted to start drinking, but because of his fathers severe alcoholism and the suffering it brought to him, he resists this temptation. His main goal is to keep other people safe, to make up for the family he couldn't save.
Well, here are two soldiers, I hope they are okay. Originally they were tied to sagigs soldier character, who appears to have been deleted n… moreow, but I think they work just fine on their own.
Name: Hank Carver
Age: 59
Class: Soldiers
Appearance: Hank is six feet tall and while he was very fit in his younger years, he has started to gain a bit of weight in the recent years. His hair is completely grey, but used to be brown in his youth. He also has a thick moustache. He has a very deep and booming voice.
Backstory: Hank comes from a family with a long and proud military tradition. He on the other hand never liked the military that much, seeing war as needlessly brutal. Due to pressure from his father, he joined the military regardless and started a successful career. In time, he started to accept his life as a soldier, using his position to help civilians in war zones. However, his strong moral code that put him at odds with his… [view original content]
"Stay here, for now. If anything happens, get the fuck out of here and stay safe." Peter said. He pulled his knife out and slapped it down on the dashboard. He opened the door and stepped out, lightly closing it behind him to not draw attention. It looked like the solider hadn't noticed them yet. Peter began walking towards the solider, or at least as calmly as possible when you could get shot dead at any moment. When Peter got close the solider looked up and saw him, he picked up his rifle and trained it on him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll fucking end you!" He called, Peter put his hands in the sky to signify he meant no harm.
"Hey man. We don't mean any harm." Peter said.
"Yeah? That's what the last guys said. What do you want?" He asked.
"We found some injured, and thought we could bring the here." Peter said.
"Nope. No room. Go back to where you came from." He said.
"But, th-" Peter began
"Didn't you fucking hear me? Are you deaf or something? No. Room. Go. Away." He said. Peter knew better to argue with an angry man with a gun so he let out a sigh and turned away.
"What's going on out here, Colston?" A new voice butted into the conversation.
"We got some dead-beats looking for a bed and breakfast. I told them to leave." the one named Colston said.
"Why are you here?" The new one asked.
"We have injured." Peter said.
"Bring them in." He decided after a small wait.
"What the fuck, Omar? What about the mission?" Colston asked.
"Our Mission is to protect the people. That means All the people." Omar said. "Where are your injured?" He asked.
"In the van over there." Peter said pointing.
"Lets go." Omar said and followed Peter to the van.
"Mariza, Dylan, These people agreed to help us." Peter called to the van, after a moment Dylan opened his door and stepped out. Mariza stayed inside for a moment before getting out.
"Colston, get the stretcher." Omar said to Colston, who huffed and ran off to get a stretcher. "What happened to them?" he asked.
"We watched their helicopter crash in the city, we were able to get in and save them." Peter said.
"Damn, they got lucky." Omar noted, as Colston showed up with the stretcher.
"Get the girl out first. She looks worst off." Omar said, and he helped Peter pick up the Woman and carry her to the stretcher.
"We can probably just carry the other two." Omar said. Peter pulled the doctor looking guy out and laid him next to the car, while Dylan worked on the other. Once Dylan had gotten him out, he turned back to Omar.
"What now?" He asked, but was given no response. He was standing there, staring at the man with an awestruck stare.
"How is this possible?" He said. "I thought he was gone... It never crossed my mind..."
"Do you know him?" Peter asked.
"You could say that... That's Marcus Bishop, one hell of a war machine... That girl was his sister, Samantha. I knew that face was familiar." He said. "I was kinda an ass to him awhile back... It was stupid. We need to get them inside, now." He said.
"Are you sure?" Peter asked.
"More than sure. This is a state of the art hospital, if they have any chance, its here. We have the best technology and best doctors. " Omar said as he looked over the three of them. His eyes stopped on Mariza. "Your bleeding. What happened?" He asked, Peter looked over and noticed it to. There was a gash on the neck, leaking blood. It didn't seem to deep, but it could get infected.
"I...Uh, got attacked by an infected earlier. It slashed my neck and knocked me down." She said.
"Shit. You were in contact with infected?" Omar said.
"Yes?" Mariza stated but it came out more as a question. Omar pulled something off his belt, a gun? He stepped forward and grabbed Mariza's arm as she tried to back away.
"I'm not infected! Don't kill me!" She yelled. Omar took the object that he took of his belt and jabbed it into Mariza's arm. "Ow!" She yelled in protest.
"Hold still damnit!" Omar yelled as he continued holding an iron grip on Mariza as she attempted to wriggle free. A green light flashed on the object and he let go of her arm. "Thank God. Your clear." He said, then turned his attention to Peter and Dylan. "I have to test you two too." he said. "There's a chance your carrying the virus." He said. “I cant let you in if you don’t take this test, its quick. Five seconds at max, and it doesn’t even hurt.”
“Speak for yourself.” Mariza said, rubbing her sore arm. Peter contemplated telling her to just shut up, but opted against it.
[Take the test]
[Deny the test]
Rodger Navy
“We’ll leave at first light.” Rodger decided… First light…
He didn’t remember falling asleep, but he did apparently. And when he woke up, it was too dark to see. Luckily he’s memorized the layout of the warehouse already. He got up and stumbled to the door. Opening it to be greeted by a blinding light. The first thing he noticed were the trees, there were no trees at the docks… Where was he? He looked back at the building he’d just came out of, it was a small wooden cabin. How did he get here?
“Rodger, come on man. Pick up the pace a little.” The voice of Italo spoke. Rodger looked up and saw him sitting at a campfire with the rest of the group, he walked over and joined them.
“How did I get here?” Rodger asked.
“We moved you while you were sleeping.” Italo said. Rodger heard a rustle in the bushes.
“What was that?” Rodger asked. Italo stared blankly at the bushes then back at Rodger.
“There back.” He said. And with that something burst out of the woods like a lightning bolt, it moved so fast he couldn’t see what was happening. But just as quickly as it came, it disappeared. He opened his eyes and saw nothing. No one was there.
“Italo? Mary? Anyone?” He asked the empty woods.
“I’m here.” An all too familiar voice spoke. Rodger reeled around and saw Alice, standing by the cabins front steps. Rodger rushed to meet her, but something held him back. A man.
“You got him, Greg?” A voice called from inside the cabin.
“Let me go you son of a bitch!” Rodger yelled as he tried to escape, but it was no use. A man appeared in the doorway of the cabin and strode down the steps to Alice.
“Yeah, he aint getting away from me, Yuri.” Greg said. But wait…
“You… Your dead…” Rodger said.
“Think again.” Yuri said, as he lunged forward and gripped Alice by her hair and put a knife to her throat. “Your little bitch, Katheryn was her name? Well, she forgot the fact I was wearing a bulletproof vest at the time. She got me good in the arm though. Anyways, I’ve come to repay the favor.” He said, he pressed the knife harder into Alice’s throat. Blood began seeping from the wound.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” Rodger yelled.
“In due time.” Yuri said, then Greg threw him to the ground. Yuri threw Alice to the ground like a ragdoll and knelled next to him. “But first, you need to get up.” He said. “Meet me in town, afterwards.” And with that he began walking away, pulling Alice along with him.
“Hey, get up.” A voice said. Rodger opened his eyes and saw Katheryn kneeling next to him with a hand on his shoulder. He was surprised to see her up, didn’t she recently get shot?
“What are you doing up?” He asked.
“I was feeling a lot better, so I got up. Then I heard you mumbling in your sleep and thrashing around so I came over here. Bad dream or something?” She asked, her hand hovered over where she’d been shot in the shoulder. It obviously hurt like hell but she’d never admit it. “You can trust me. I wont tell anyone, unless you want me to.”
Peter Oswald
"Stay here, for now. If anything happens, get the fuck out of here and stay safe." Peter said. He pulled his knife out and s… morelapped it down on the dashboard. He opened the door and stepped out, lightly closing it behind him to not draw attention. It looked like the solider hadn't noticed them yet. Peter began walking towards the solider, or at least as calmly as possible when you could get shot dead at any moment. When Peter got close the solider looked up and saw him, he picked up his rifle and trained it on him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll fucking end you!" He called, Peter put his hands in the sky to signify he meant no harm.
"Hey man. We don't mean any harm." Peter said.
"Yeah? That's what the last guys said. What do you want?" He asked.
"We found some injured, and thought we could bring the here." Peter said.
"Nope. No room. Go back to where you came from." He said.
"But, th-" Peter began
"Didn't yo… [view original content]
I guess if they are infected it's better to know. And if they aren't infected there's probably nothing to worry about. Anyway, five seconds and they might get access to the hospital, which sounds a lot safer than staying outside.
[Tell her about the dream]
That dream was creepy, though I'm pretty sure Yuri is gone for good, since Katheryn pretty much overkilled him. But it can't hurt to talk to a friend about that kind of nightmares, especially considering that the other bandits are still out there.
Peter Oswald
"Stay here, for now. If anything happens, get the fuck out of here and stay safe." Peter said. He pulled his knife out and s… morelapped it down on the dashboard. He opened the door and stepped out, lightly closing it behind him to not draw attention. It looked like the solider hadn't noticed them yet. Peter began walking towards the solider, or at least as calmly as possible when you could get shot dead at any moment. When Peter got close the solider looked up and saw him, he picked up his rifle and trained it on him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll fucking end you!" He called, Peter put his hands in the sky to signify he meant no harm.
"Hey man. We don't mean any harm." Peter said.
"Yeah? That's what the last guys said. What do you want?" He asked.
"We found some injured, and thought we could bring the here." Peter said.
"Nope. No room. Go back to where you came from." He said.
"But, th-" Peter began
"Didn't yo… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Stay here, for now. If anything happens, get the fuck out of here and stay safe." Peter said. He pulled his knife out and s… morelapped it down on the dashboard. He opened the door and stepped out, lightly closing it behind him to not draw attention. It looked like the solider hadn't noticed them yet. Peter began walking towards the solider, or at least as calmly as possible when you could get shot dead at any moment. When Peter got close the solider looked up and saw him, he picked up his rifle and trained it on him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll fucking end you!" He called, Peter put his hands in the sky to signify he meant no harm.
"Hey man. We don't mean any harm." Peter said.
"Yeah? That's what the last guys said. What do you want?" He asked.
"We found some injured, and thought we could bring the here." Peter said.
"Nope. No room. Go back to where you came from." He said.
"But, th-" Peter began
"Didn't yo… [view original content]
Appearance: She isnt very tall but she is stronger and faster than she looks like. She has pretty blue eyes and blond hair. She has a small scar on her cheek from a shrapnel
Back story: She was born in a rich family and her parents were busy and often ignored her when she was a child. Because of this, she doesnt like to talk to others about personal things. She joined the military against her parents will and served in a war. She was almost killed by a shrapnel that grazed her cheek a year ago. She returned home after getting wounded but continued to serve in the military. Her parents disowned her for joining the military and she hasnt talked to them in years.
Likes: Exercising, learning new things, helping other people, doing things on her own
Dislikes: Talking with other people, getting help, lazy people, cowards
Job and skills: She is a soldier and as a result of her hard training she is stronger and faster than she looks like
Relations to others: She dislikes socializing with others. She is not rude but tries to avoid conversation and does not like talking about personal things. Because of this, she doesnt know the other soldiers in her unit very well but she cares about them in her own way. Once she warms up to others she starts to talk a bit more with them
Other info: In her free time she mostly sticks to herself and trains to get into physical and mental top form. She likes to help others but is insecure how she should deal with people helping her. Because of this she does not like it when people help her with things even if she has problems doing them alone.
Name: Eva Tanner
Age: 25
Class: Soldier
Appearance: She isnt very tall but she is stronger and faster than she looks like. She has … morepretty blue eyes and blond hair. She has a small scar on her cheek from a shrapnel
Back story: She was born in a rich family and her parents were busy and often ignored her when she was a child. Because of this, she doesnt like to talk to others about personal things. She joined the military against her parents will and served in a war. She was almost killed by a shrapnel that grazed her cheek a year ago. She returned home after getting wounded but continued to serve in the military. Her parents disowned her for joining the military and she hasnt talked to them in years.
Likes: Exercising, learning new things, helping other people, doing things on her own
Dislikes: Talking with other people, getting help, lazy people, cowards
Job and skills: She is a soldier and as a result of her hard trainin… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Stay here, for now. If anything happens, get the fuck out of here and stay safe." Peter said. He pulled his knife out and s… morelapped it down on the dashboard. He opened the door and stepped out, lightly closing it behind him to not draw attention. It looked like the solider hadn't noticed them yet. Peter began walking towards the solider, or at least as calmly as possible when you could get shot dead at any moment. When Peter got close the solider looked up and saw him, he picked up his rifle and trained it on him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll fucking end you!" He called, Peter put his hands in the sky to signify he meant no harm.
"Hey man. We don't mean any harm." Peter said.
"Yeah? That's what the last guys said. What do you want?" He asked.
"We found some injured, and thought we could bring the here." Peter said.
"Nope. No room. Go back to where you came from." He said.
"But, th-" Peter began
"Didn't yo… [view original content]
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not to flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to force you people to stay. But I can tell you, its a hell of a lot better in here than it is out there. I mean, electricity, running water, a halfway decent food supply, and best of all, good people." Hank said.
"I don't know." Peter said.
"Then at least stay for the night. In the morning when your felling rested you can make this decision." A new voice butted in, female. Peter looked over and saw a woman with blonde hair standing next to Omar, damn her eyes were blue...
"Oh, and this is Eva. Eva this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza." Omar once again introduced everyone.
"Good to know." Eva said. "I got some stuff I need to take care of. Oh, and Omar, Bishop woke up. Just thought you might want to know." She said as she walked off.
"Yeah, I should probably check into that." Omar said as he started to slip away.
"Well, there goes the welcoming party. I know where a few empty rooms are... As long as you don't mind sleeping in a hospital bed." Hank said.
"No, that's fine. Beats sleeping on the floor of a run-down old bar that smell like piss and beer." Peter joked recalling the past few days.
"Sounds rough. But also sounds like a good time." Hank said.
"Not really, all the beer was gone. I think Mariza drank it all before we got there." Peter said.
"It was gone before I got there too... Most of it." Mariza admitted.
"Fair enough. Follow me, your rooms are this way." Hank said as he began leading the group out of the lobby and towards a flight of stairs. "I'm going to put you folks on the second floor if that's alright."
"Its fine." Peter said as he reached the second floor and opened the door. The hallway was mostly empty except a few patients and a guard or two walking around. Peter saw Eva for a split second before she disappeared behind a corner. A doctor was sitting on a bench in the hallway talking with a patient. He seemed to be explaining something due to extensive hand movement. The patient seemed to either not understand what the doctor was saying or not want to understand.
"Right this way." Hank said as they began walking down the hallway.
"Hey Hank, You wanna help me out?" A patient asked.
"What do you want this time Lawrence?" Hank asked.
"Well, I want some water." The patient named Lawrence answered.
"Sure thing." Hank said as they kept walking.
"Is he sick or something?" Mariza asked.
"He got shot by some intruders a few days ago." Hank answered.
"Some one giving you trouble?" Peter asked.
"Not anymore. I cant tell if we got all of them or if they're just backing off." Hank answered as he stopped. "Here we are. Peter, your there. Dylan, there. And Mariza, there." Hank said, pointing out separate doors.
"Thanks for all of this." Peter said.
"No problem. Its kind of why were here. I'll talk to you guys later, right now I got to get a cup of water." Hank said as he began walking off.
"See ya." Mariza said. Peter turned towards his door and opened it. Inside was a fully decorated hospital room, a window looked out towards the road and there was even a painting on the wall. Peter closed the door, flipping off the light plunging the room into complete darkness. If the clock on the table was right, it was almost midnight. Peter laid down into the hospital bed and pulled sheets over him. He closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep but as soon as he felt like he was slipping off he heard a knock on the door and the door opening.
"Who's there?" Peter demanded. Squinting into the darkness, he saw a figure standing in the doorway.
"It's me." Mariza's voice said. Peter let out a small huff.
"What do you want Mariza?" Peter asked, very annoyed about being woken up.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I froze up out there and almost got you killed." She said.
"You woke me up in the middle of the night to say that?" Peter grunted.
"Yeah... Kinda. It's the only time you aren't with Dylan." Mariza said.
"So? What's wrong with Dylan?" Peter asked.
"Nothing, nothing at all. I just wanted to talk to you." Mariza said. "Look, I know I screwed up out there. I'm not as good with that kind of stuff as you. I'm sorry, but. I don't want you to hate me. Do you forgive me?" She asked. Peter grumbled under his breath.
"If I say 'yes' will you go away?" Peter asked.
"No. I want the truth." Mariza asked.
[Yes, I forgive you]
[No, now go away]
Omar Taylor
Omar slowly opened the door and stepped inside the room. The stench of Disinfectant was very overpowering. That was one thing about hospitals, they always had to be kept clean. The doctors regularly clashed with the soldier because of the mess they made. Omar walked down the rows of beds in the ICU, each being separated by a curtain. Then he spotted Marcus. He was laying there with a bandage around his head and a cast on his arm. As soon as Marcus saw him his eyes widened.
"Omar, you old bastard. " He said.
"Marcus, you asshole. You never change do you?" Omar asked, as a smile pulled at the side of his lips.
"No. You should know this by now." Marcus said. Marcus happen to notice Omar was just staring at him. "Take a picture, it will last longer." Marcus laughed.
"I'm sorry, I just thought you were gone. I never thought I'd see you again." Omar said.
"Yeah, well that goes for the both of us. So, how you been? I mean, it been years." Marcus said.
"Well, after you left I stayed. But you knew that part. About a year later I was on leave, I... Met his girl. And well, I got married to her. We had a daughter." Omar began, before he could finish Marcus cut him off.
"Really? After all the trash you talked about me and my family you decided to start your own? Where are they? I have to see this." Marcus said.
"They... There dead. Infected got them in the first days of the outbreak. We were in Cleveland then. I met up with members of another small group in Nashville and we ended up here." Omar said, he pulled a picture out of his front pocket and showed it to Marcus. "That's them, she was only six years old when they got her. Six years old." He said.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that man." Marcus said.
"But through all the shit that's happened I realized how big of an asshole I've been to you. I guess, I'm sorry." Omar said.
"Omar, you don't need to apologize for that. Its happened years ago. I've moved on." Marcus said.
"Yeah, well I think you might have ended up here for a reason. Its time for me to make amends for what I've done. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know." Omar said, as he began to step away.
"Wait. How's my sister?" Marcus asked.
"Honestly, I don't know." Omar said.
"Could you find out?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'll go check." Omar said, this time actually walking away.
Rodger Navy
"We'll. I'd hate to tell you, but I'm pretty sure Yuri is dead. I mean, I killed him. I know he's dead, so that part shouldn't mean anything." Katheryn said, after Rodger was done regaling the accounts of his dream. "But there was one thing that stuck out, he told you to meet him in the town after you woke up, right?" She asked.
"Yes. Why?" Rodger asked.
"I know its stupid, but what if that's where Alice went? She took off in that direction." Katheryn said.
"Why would she do that? The town's overrun by infected." Rodger said.
"She didn't know that. No one ever told her." Katheryn said.
"So your telling me she walked right into a death trap?" Rodger asked.
"Not exactly. She could have survived." She said.
"So what do you think?" Rodger asked.
"It could be the truth, she could be hiding out in the town. But it could just be a dream, and mean nothing." Katheryn said.
"Where do you think we should look for her at?" Rodger asked.
"I don't know. The town sounds like a good start, but dangerous as hell. And theres a lot of other places we could check." Katheryn said. "Do you think we should put it to a vote? These people kid of look to you for answers now. So I guess, what you says goes." She said.
Peter Oswald
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not … moreto flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to forc… [view original content]
Awesome chapter! I really like the mainland people. Omar is great, but I especially like Peter. Looking forward for their storyline
"W… moreait. How's my sister?" Marcus asked.
Please be okay Sammy Even though she's a fighter and her chances could be worse considering her surroundings, I'm still nervous.
[Yes, I forgive you]
No need to keep being enemies. She seems to be sincere with her apology
[Check the town]
As far as I know Alice is currently trapped on a roof in the town, right?
Peter Oswald
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not … moreto flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to forc… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not … moreto flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to forc… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not … moreto flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to forc… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not … moreto flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to forc… [view original content]
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight." Mariza said. Moments later Peter hear the sound of his door opening and closing.
Daylight began to slip in through the curtains illuminating the room. Peter slowly opened his eyes staring at the ceiling. He sat up and slid out of the bed onto the tile floor. He quickly found his shoes and hastily tied them on. He then walked to the door and opened it, stepping out into the hallway.
"Rise and shine." A voice said. Peter looked to the left and saw Eva leaning against the wall looking at him. "Looks like we got a busy day ahead of us."
"What do you mean?" Peter asked. Eva looked around and leaned in closer.
"I cant tell you right now. But all able bodies are needed in the lobby." She whispered then backed away. Peter happened to notice a small scar on her cheek.
"What happened there?" He asked stupidly. Eva reached up and covered the scar with her hand.
"Doesn't matter. just go." Eva ordered as she walked straight past Peter.
"Whatever that was about." Peter mumbled under his breath.
Hank Carver
"You sure about this Omar?" Hank asked.
"As sure as I'll ever be. That intel is solid." Omar replied.
"Then why don't you tell them?" Hank asked.
"You the oldest. They'll more likely listen to you." Omar said. Hank grumbled and turned away, looking out into the assorted crowd. Doctors, patients, and civilians. He noticed the new guy, Peter walk into the lobby and stand next to his nephew and the woman, Mariza. He seemed to say something, but Mariza didn't look at him.
"How man is that?" Hank asked.
"Around twenty three." Omar said.
"Is this enough?" Hank asked.
"It will have to be. We can start when Eva gets back." Omar answered. Hank gazed out upon the crowd and began counting in his head.
"Twenty three. You were right." Hank said.
"I know. There's Eva." Omar said, pointing to a figure approaching them.
"Time to get this started?" Hank asked.
"Now's as good as ever." Omar said. Hank climbed up on a the table next to him and called for everyone's attention. The crowd abruptly hushed.
"Alright. Now, I guess your wondering why you've been gathered here." Hank began. "Last night, Omar Taylor received Intel on a rouge militant group camped out a mile west of here. According to this information, they are planning a full frontal assault on the hospital. We don't know when, we don't know where. But we do know it will happen. We are taking a few precautionary measures to make sure such an attack is not successful. One such measure is the mobilization of new ground units, such as yourselves. From here on out you will be part of a new schedule. You will be tasked with patrolling the perimeter of the building and reporting any irregularities. And if need be, which we pray will never happen, you will be tasked with defending this hospital and its people with your lives." He said, se seriously hoped he said that right. Judging by the conused expressions on the crowds faces, they did not understand what was happening. Hank jumped off the table and faced Omar.
"Your turn." Hanks said.
"What is this, tag team?" Omar said as he climbed onto the table.
"Alright, everyone listen up! each of you will be given various roles in this effort such as, but not limited to,..." Omar began but Hank tuned him out.
"Omar has solid Intel on this?" Eva asked.
"Yes. He does. Now we have to take a group of civilians and turn them into half-assed soldiers." Hank said.
"Sounds like fun." Eva said, sarcastically.
Rodger Navy
"Everyone grab what you can. Were leaving." Rodger said.
"Where are we going?" Eli asked.
"All of you are headed for the hospital Marcus headed to. Angelica, Katheryn, Molly and I are headed for the town to look for Alice." Rodger said.
"Whoa, when did I agree to go with you?" Molly asked.
"As of now. Your coming or your out. That's final." Rodger said. Molly mumbled something under her breath but Rodger let it slide.
"The dock is clear for now, but keep your guard up. You never know." Rodger commanded. He walked towards the loading door and grabbed the chain and began pulling it, slowly opening the door. Once it was open enough he walked through out into the parking lot and waited. He was soon joined by Katheryn, Angelica, and Molly. Both Katheryn and Angelica looked like shit, but they were the best he had right now. And as for Molly. He had his reasons. She hadn't done anything since she'd shown up, just sit around and complain. It was time for her to do something.
"How are you holding up Katheryn?" Rodger asked.
"My shoulder hurts like hell, but I'm capable. Don't count me out just yet." She said,
"Good to know your still in the game, Angelica?" He asked.
"I'm fine." She said quietly.
"Alright, Molly?" Rodger asked.
"Fuck you. Why couldn't we just take a car?" Molly asked.
"Because they make to much noise and the group will need the remaining vehicles to transport everything to the hospital. Its not like cars just appear there." Rodger said. He made a mental note, his group was alive, low in sprits, and pissed off. They needed a victory.
"How much time do you think she has?" Katheryn asked.
"Not a lot. She left without any supplies and only a pistol. And in this heat, she wont last long." Rodger said. How could he have been so stupid? He let her leave without taking anything.
"Then you better be right about this or she's fucked." Molly said.
"Lets pick up the pace." Angelica suggested.
"Will you slow down?" Molly whined as the four of them lightly jogged ahead. Rodger could see the outlines of a small town appearing in the distance. Rodger saw a sign welcoming them to the city, but that wasn't what caught his attention. The car was. He spotted a Cadillac. The same car Alice drove away in.
"She's here." Rodger proclaimed.
"How do you know?" Angelica asked.
"That car. It was hers." Rodger answered as he ran up to it and looked in through the window to be greeted by an unpleasant sight. Blood splattered the window and a dead body lay in the back seat. Rodger sank to the ground.
"What? What is it?" Katheryn asked. Rodger didn't answer. Katheryn approached and looked in through the window. She drew her gun and opened the car door.
"Rodger...." Katheryn said. "Rodger, its not her. It isn't Alice. This is someone else." She said. Suddenly Rodger felt stupid for over reacting like that and climbed to his feet and looked in the car. Katheryn was right, this Wasn't Alice. This was just some poor woman who ended up in here, and ended up ending her life by the looks of it. Rodger saw the pistol on the floor and the hole in her head.
"Should we, you know..." Molly asked.
"No. No, we should leave her." Rodger said.
"What about this?" Molly asked as she reached in the car and grabbed something, looking it over.
"What is that?" Rodger asked.
"Nothing. Nothing important." Molly said, as she shoved the piece of paper in her pocket.
"Lets keep moving." Rodger said.
"Yeah, lets just keep going." Molly said.
"When we get there, what should we do? Split up or stay together?" Katheryn asked. "We could cover more ground if we split up, but it would leave us venerable."
That was one of the hardest choices so far as I thought about it. At first, I wanted to pick the splitting option, since it means better chances for Alice, but then I remembered that there are still bandits out there, who might stumble upon them. Also, Katheryn and Angelica are still wounded and could get killed on their own. I guess they can't help her if they are captured or killed by bandits or the infected, but I might be a bit too overcautious here.
Peter Oswald
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
… more"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on t… [view original content]
Peter Oswald
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
… more"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on t… [view original content]
I have to agree with LiquidChicagoTed, they are very close to finding Alice, if they find, its better they be together in order to go before something bad happens.
I would like to know how each character's fate, I still do not quite know what happened to Angela.
Peter Oswald
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
… more"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on t… [view original content]
What a great chapter, it's so good this is back! Jake intrigues me, I mean I am really not sure how to put that guy. He helped Marcus and the others escaping in the hospital, but he also killed people on the ship. Hopefully Alice is alright. Though my worry for Sammy is now officially beyond measure. Her situation is already bad enough without the implied helicopter crash.
Yeah, the helicopter crash is more than implied. I guess I didn't state that good enough...
And I don't even know what to think of Jake. He is literally a wild card when I'm writing.
Well, I wasn't sure if Richard maybe managed to land it safely instead of crashing. Damn it Samantha, I hope she makes it somehow, though my hope keeps dwindling. I'm very worried for the next chapter
Yeah, I should've done a better job explaining that it did crash...
Awesome chapter! I hope my favorites survived the helicopter crash. Hopefully at least Samantha and maybe Jay. BTW do you still need characters for the mainland?
Oh, yes I do! I will take as many as I can get! Thank you!
Ok here are two characters!
Name: Peter Oswald
Age: 52
Class: Off Boat
Appearance: He isnt very tall but he is in good shape for his age. He has short grey hair and brown eyes. He walks with a limp
Back story: He was a professional baseball player in his twenties but he got into a car accident that shattered his knee and ended his career at an early age. To make some money he became a biology teacher at a local high school and while he is a very popular teacher he also misses his former career. He also raised his nephew Dylan after he was orphaned.
Likes: Helping other people, teaching other people, baseball,
Dislikes: Violent behaviour, disrespectful people, lazy people,
Job and skills: He is a biology teacher and good at talking to people. He is also very fit and strong for his age but he cant run very good because of his injury
Relations to others: He has a nephew, Dylan Oswald. He cares a lot for him and wants to raise him into a good man. He is also very kind and friendly towards other people.
Other info: He is a very moral man and believes that everyone is good and deserves second chances. He also tries to pass his values on to his nephew but is frustrated by Dylans careless attitude
Name: Dylan Oswald
Age: 22
Class: Off Boat
Appearance: He is tall and good-looking. He has short brown hair, brown eyes and a short stubble
Back story: His parents were killed by a robber when he was ten years old and he was raised by his uncle instead, who was his idol. Because of his uncles career-ending injury he always wanted to help other sportsmen to recover from similar injuries and started to study sports medicine at a university.
Likes: Impressing his uncle, flirting, exercising
Dislikes: Strict people, humorless people, too much responsibility
Job and skills: He studies sports medicine at university and works as a pizza delivery guy in his free time. He does a lot of sports in his free time and is a good runner and cyclist
Relations to others: He has a uncle, Peter Oswald. He idolizes him and wants to live up to his expectations. When meeting other people he tries to treat them like his uncle would do and tries to be kind and helpful but he can sometimes come off as rude and thoughtless when talking with others even though he never means to be.
Other info: While he tries his best to live up to his uncles expectations he is far more careless and easy-going and does not like having too much responsibility
Thank you so much! These two will definitely work into the story!
Peter Oswald
"Uncle Peter, do you see this?" Dylan asked, bringing Peter back to the present.
"What?" He asked, as the sound of helicopter rotors filled his ears. "What the?" He asked as he looked up and saw a helicopter coming towards them.
"Who do you think they are?" Dylan asked.
"No clue. But we need to leave. That kind of noise is bound to attract infected." Peter said.
"But maybe they are friendly?" Dylan asked.
"As much as I hate to say it, we cant stay and watch the helicopter. They have themselves handled. Infected cant fly." Peter said... Hopefully infected couldn't fly.
"Uncle Peter... I don't think they have themselves under control." Dylan said, Peter adverted his eyes back to the helicopter. It was now trailing smoke and beginning to spiral downwards. The helicopter attempted to pull up at the last second, but smashed into the ground anyways, luckily not exploding or catching on fire. "We need to help them. They could still be alive." Dylan said.
"Its dangerous... Mariza, what do you think?" Peter asked. Mariza stepped forward and joined the group, brushing her long brown hair behind her ear.
"We shouldn't just leave them." She said.
"Then its settled. Keep your guard up, infected could be anywhere." Peter said. He sighed at the fact he was willingly going into an infected city to save some people he didn't know. But it was right. And he had to show Dylan what was right. He pulled his knife out, and the rest unsheathed their weapons, ready for attack. Together they slowly made their way down the hill and into the city.
"God, that's grouse." Mariza said as Peter pulled his knife out of a cripple infected skull. So far they had been lucky, this town must have been abandoned. But Peter refused to let his guard down, he knew danger could be anywhere. And that smoke column was a clear as day signal to any bandit within miles.
"Were getting close. What exactly are we going to do with the injured?" Dylan asked.
"I've been here once a while ago. There's a hospital not far from here, we can get a car and transport the wounded there." Peter said.
"What will we do if their already dead?" Dylan asked.
"We make sure they don't come back." Peter said. Mariza let out a small gasp because of the comment but opted to keep her mouth shut.
"I think it will be right around this corner on the next street." Dylan said. The trio continued walking and rounded the corner revealing a mangled wreckage of a helicopter at the far end of the street. It didn't look good, but it looked survivable. A small band of infected were prying at the doors trying to get to the tasty snack on the inside.
"There's five of them, three of us. Be smart, fight with your head." Peter said, and lead the group in.
He sank his knife deep into the first infected's head, drawing the attention of the others. Dylan followed his lead and offed the closest one to him as peter yanked his knife out. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Mariza hesitantly raising a knife and backing away from one of the infected. Peter plunged his knife into the second infecteds head as Dylan pushed the fourth one back before stabbing it in the skull.
"Ahhh! Help!" A shrill cry pleaded. Peter looked back to Mariza and saw her laying on her back with the infected pressing down on top of her, slowly closing in, trying to just get a little nip of her. Peter rushed to her aid and kicked the infected in it's side, forcing it to the ground. He readied his knife, but this one was faster than the others. It jumped up and latched onto Peter, catching him off guard. It tried to bite his neck but Peter came to his senses and pushed back. But the infected was strong, slowly gaining ground.
"Mariza! Help me!" Peter yelled to Mariza who was at that time just backing away in shock. "Damn it Mariza! Don't let me die!: He yelled, but she was frozen in place. The infected was only inches away from his neck when it stopped dead in its tracks and fell to the ground. Peter looked up and saw Dylan standing in front of him, pulling his knife out of the infected's skull.
"Couldn't let you get eaten, uncle Peter." He said as he wiped the blood off. Peter shot Mariza a look of pure disgust and she looked to the ground ashamed. Peter had the felling that if she didn't change, this wouldn't be the last time something like that happened.
"Lets get in the helicopter and get out of here. We've made to much noise." Peter said as he approached the helicopter door. He slowly opened it and the pilot tumbled out to the pavement, obviously dead. He had a piece of shrapnel in his chest, he wouldn't be coming back form that. In the co-pilots seat there sat a man who looked a lot like a doctor, he looked alive.
"Theres more in the back." Dylan said. "The door's jammed. Help me get it open." He said. Peter went and joined him, placing his hands on the door.
"On three. One... Two... Three." Peter grunted as he put all his force into the door, his power combined with Dylan's proved to be enough as the door gave way and fell to the ground, breaking free from the helicopter. Inside were two people. A very muscular man and a woman, laying on a stretcher.
"Are they alive?" Dylan asked.
"Let me check." Peter said, first checking the man's pulse, then the woman's. Although both of them were breathing, the woman's was very weak. "Yeah. They're alive." He concluded.
"We need to find a car." Dylan said. "Never mind, I found one." He said, pointing to a van parked on the side of the road, seemingly unshaved by the crash. Not Peters first choice of a car, but in this instance it will work. Dylan went to work hotwiring the car as Peter worked on getting the victims out of the helicopter. One by one he freed them and placed them outside the helicopter. Then came the woman. He freed the stretcher from the helicopter and wrangled her out and placed her on the ground. Probably not how a professional would do it, but hey, he got the job done.
"She's kinda cute." Mariza remarked, looking at the woman.
"What?" Peter asked, pretending he didn't just hear that.
"Nothing...." Mariza quickly countered. Peter had no problem with her sexuality, but now just wasn't the time to be hitting on a crash victim. Plus he was still pretty pissed off at her.
"Uncle Peter! I got it started!" Dylan yelled. Peter and Dylan then moved the three into the van and piled in, with Peter driving, Dylan shotgun, and Mariza in the back, still googling at the unconscious woman. Peter put the van into drive and started forward.
"What do you think?" Peter asked as he looked at the hospital. It looked to be occupied, since there was an armed solider standing at the front door.
"Looks like someone beat us to it." Dylan said.
"Maybe their friendly?" Mariza said.
"Maybe their not." Peter snapped back, being a little more rude than he meant.
"He's alone. Maybe we can take him." Dylan said.
"That's a solider. They would be out here alone. There's bound to be more." Peter said.
"So our options are A, kill him. B, try and talk to him. or C, leave, in which case it is definite that these people will die." Dylan announced. "This choice is yours, uncle Peter." Dylan said.
[Approach the solider with weapons drawn]~ They only have knifes, so you'll have to get in close.
[Approach the solider unarmed]~Maybe they're not bad
[Leave]~ Nope. Not taking the risk. If you wanted to live, you shouldn't have crashed your helicopter.
I'm always open for criticism! Also, I still need more characters for the mainland.
Whew, Sammy and Marcus are alive and Richards is alive too. That is wonderful! Jay's death is sad of course, but he won't be forgotten. I guess it was mainly thanks to him that the helicopter landed without exploding, meaning he probably saved three lives. I really like these new guys already, especially Peter is pretty cool. And I just got an idea for a character or two from the mainland, I'll try to submit him tomorrow. Would a soldier be okay? I guess they could be introduced easily. From a writing perspective this part was one of my favourites in the whole story, perhaps even my favourite. It was extremely well-written as always and I liked it a lot!
[Approach the solider unarmed]
Knifes against an armed soldier sounds like a bad idea. Even if they manage to take him out, this will cause huge problems with the other soldiers who are probably inside of the hospital. Soldiers in an apocalypse are rarely a good thing, but considering that Marcus, Richards and especially Sammy are in serious need of medical treatment they can't be choosy.
Thanks! And yes, a solider would be great!
Leave why not
[Approach the solider unarmed] I dont think they have other options here.
Awesome chapter! Its cool to see Peter and Dylan in action
Approach the soldier unarmed
Well, here are two soldiers, I hope they are okay. Originally they were tied to sagigs soldier character, who appears to have been deleted now, but I think they work just fine on their own.
Name: Hank Carver
Age: 59
Class: Soldiers
Appearance: Hank is six feet tall and while he was very fit in his younger years, he has started to gain a bit of weight in the recent years. His hair is completely grey, but used to be brown in his youth. He also has a thick moustache. He has a very deep and booming voice.
Backstory: Hank comes from a family with a long and proud military tradition. He on the other hand never liked the military that much, seeing war as needlessly brutal. Due to pressure from his father, he joined the military regardless and started a successful career. In time, he started to accept his life as a soldier, using his position to help civilians in war zones. However, his strong moral code that put him at odds with his commanding officers more than once, nearly causing his dishonourable discharge several times. When the apocalypse started, he commanded his unit to protect the city from the infected, albeit he lost all of his men in the process. He narrowly managed to stay alive himself, finding shelter among another group of soldiers in the hospital. Hank soon started to make plans to win the soldiers for himself, since he sees the units commanding officer as unsuited to keep the city safe. Thanks to his resourcefulness and charisma, he was soon well-integrated into the unit and several feats of bravery, in which he saved civilians and fellow soldiers out of danger, lead to him becoming very popular.
Likes: Protecting people, Helping people, Leading people, Fairness, Bravery
Dislikes: Random violence, Hurting civilians, Following mad orders, People who oppose his ambitions
Job and skills: Hank is a high-ranking soldier and good at commanding people as well. He serves as his new commanding officers second-in-command, maybe even above him and certainly acts this way. Due to his advanced age he isn't very intimidating physically, but still a good shot, as well as a highly charismatic talker.
Relations to others: Hank is very popular with the other soldiers, especially with those who share his morals and uses his popularity to put himself into a position where he can oppose anyone else who tries to claim leadership over the soldiers. He has a very high opinion of Omar Taylor, who is one of his most loyal supporters and often assigns him to do very important tasks. He is friendly towards other people, but likes to boss them around.
Other info: Because of his fairness. bravery and sense of justice, he is very popular with the other soldiers despite not being their leader. He has plans to relieve the leader of the soldiers from his duty and to assume command himself, but wants to avoid bloodshed in his methods at all cost. In general he has a problem with following orders, since he is quite arrogant and sees himself as a far better leader than anyone else. His long-term goal is to unite a larger group of people under his command and to rebuild society, a goal he can get quite overzealous to achieve.
Name: Omar Taylor
Age: 30
Class: Soldiers
Appearance: Omar is a 6'2 tall african-american man. He is clean-shaven and wears his black hair extremely short. He is quite handsome and has a bright smile, but nowadays he often appears to be sullen, with dark rings under his eyes.
Backstory: Omar comes from a poor family and used to be beaten by his alcoholic father. He had a very troubled childhood and joined the military to escape his abusive parents. Since his time at the military was the first time he really experienced comradery and respect, he developed a strong liking for military and military traditions. He used to be friends with Marcus Bishop before Marcus left the military to care for his sister, something which destroyed their friendship. Only years later Omar started to understand why Marcus had to do it, when he started a family himself. He fell in love with a woman, married her and the couple had a young daughter. Unfortunately, his wife and daughter died in the very early days of the apocalypse, when infected killed them. The loss of his family hit him hard and caused him to get very dedicated to his work. In the recent weeks he got frustrated by his commanding officer not trying to reclaim the city from the infected, feeling that he does too little to protect civilians.
Likes: Maintaining Order, Protecting civilians, Patriotism, Family
Dislikes: Violence against civilians, Cowardice, Alcoholism, Tyranny
Job and skills: Omar is a soldier and has very good aim. He has exceptional eyesight and served as his units sniper. He has knowledge in first aid and is a very good runner. He also knows how to play the guitar and used to do it to raise the mood of his fellow soldiers.
Relations to others: Omar served together with Marcus Bishop years ago. The two men were good friends once, but a huge argument about Marcus leaving the army destroyed their friendship and they lost contact. Nonetheless, Omar still has a lot of respect for Marcus, even though he fears that their friendship will never be like it once was. Since Samantha was the reason Marcus left the military, Omar used to have a low opinion on her for years, despite never meeting her in person, but ever since he started his own family he understood how childish his thoughts have been and he stopped disliking her. He is good friends with Hank and supports him in his attempt to take command over the soldiers, since he thinks that his commanding officer does not do enough to keep the cities civilians safe. In general, Omar gets along well with brave and moral people, but gets quickly angry at cowards, or people who hurt innocents.
Other info: Ever since he lost his family, he suffers from severe nightmares. Some nights he doesn't find any sleep at all and pours himself into his work as a result. This leads to him being tired very often. He is also in slight denial over the fact that the order as he knows it technically ceased to function and still tries to uphold it. While usually very loyal to his commanding officer, he would oppose any order that goes against his morals. He carries a photograph of his wife and daughter with him, albeit he can't stand to look at it, suffering from severe guilt over their deaths. He is always tempted to start drinking, but because of his fathers severe alcoholism and the suffering it brought to him, he resists this temptation. His main goal is to keep other people safe, to make up for the family he couldn't save.
Peter Oswald
"Stay here, for now. If anything happens, get the fuck out of here and stay safe." Peter said. He pulled his knife out and slapped it down on the dashboard. He opened the door and stepped out, lightly closing it behind him to not draw attention. It looked like the solider hadn't noticed them yet. Peter began walking towards the solider, or at least as calmly as possible when you could get shot dead at any moment. When Peter got close the solider looked up and saw him, he picked up his rifle and trained it on him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll fucking end you!" He called, Peter put his hands in the sky to signify he meant no harm.
"Hey man. We don't mean any harm." Peter said.
"Yeah? That's what the last guys said. What do you want?" He asked.
"We found some injured, and thought we could bring the here." Peter said.
"Nope. No room. Go back to where you came from." He said.
"But, th-" Peter began
"Didn't you fucking hear me? Are you deaf or something? No. Room. Go. Away." He said. Peter knew better to argue with an angry man with a gun so he let out a sigh and turned away.
"What's going on out here, Colston?" A new voice butted into the conversation.
"We got some dead-beats looking for a bed and breakfast. I told them to leave." the one named Colston said.
"Why are you here?" The new one asked.
"We have injured." Peter said.
"Bring them in." He decided after a small wait.
"What the fuck, Omar? What about the mission?" Colston asked.
"Our Mission is to protect the people. That means All the people." Omar said. "Where are your injured?" He asked.
"In the van over there." Peter said pointing.
"Lets go." Omar said and followed Peter to the van.
"Mariza, Dylan, These people agreed to help us." Peter called to the van, after a moment Dylan opened his door and stepped out. Mariza stayed inside for a moment before getting out.
"Colston, get the stretcher." Omar said to Colston, who huffed and ran off to get a stretcher. "What happened to them?" he asked.
"We watched their helicopter crash in the city, we were able to get in and save them." Peter said.
"Damn, they got lucky." Omar noted, as Colston showed up with the stretcher.
"Get the girl out first. She looks worst off." Omar said, and he helped Peter pick up the Woman and carry her to the stretcher.
"We can probably just carry the other two." Omar said. Peter pulled the doctor looking guy out and laid him next to the car, while Dylan worked on the other. Once Dylan had gotten him out, he turned back to Omar.
"What now?" He asked, but was given no response. He was standing there, staring at the man with an awestruck stare.
"How is this possible?" He said. "I thought he was gone... It never crossed my mind..."
"Do you know him?" Peter asked.
"You could say that... That's Marcus Bishop, one hell of a war machine... That girl was his sister, Samantha. I knew that face was familiar." He said. "I was kinda an ass to him awhile back... It was stupid. We need to get them inside, now." He said.
"Are you sure?" Peter asked.
"More than sure. This is a state of the art hospital, if they have any chance, its here. We have the best technology and best doctors. " Omar said as he looked over the three of them. His eyes stopped on Mariza. "Your bleeding. What happened?" He asked, Peter looked over and noticed it to. There was a gash on the neck, leaking blood. It didn't seem to deep, but it could get infected.
"I...Uh, got attacked by an infected earlier. It slashed my neck and knocked me down." She said.
"Shit. You were in contact with infected?" Omar said.
"Yes?" Mariza stated but it came out more as a question. Omar pulled something off his belt, a gun? He stepped forward and grabbed Mariza's arm as she tried to back away.
"I'm not infected! Don't kill me!" She yelled. Omar took the object that he took of his belt and jabbed it into Mariza's arm. "Ow!" She yelled in protest.
"Hold still damnit!" Omar yelled as he continued holding an iron grip on Mariza as she attempted to wriggle free. A green light flashed on the object and he let go of her arm. "Thank God. Your clear." He said, then turned his attention to Peter and Dylan. "I have to test you two too." he said. "There's a chance your carrying the virus." He said. “I cant let you in if you don’t take this test, its quick. Five seconds at max, and it doesn’t even hurt.”
“Speak for yourself.” Mariza said, rubbing her sore arm. Peter contemplated telling her to just shut up, but opted against it.
[Take the test]
[Deny the test]
Rodger Navy
“We’ll leave at first light.” Rodger decided… First light…
He didn’t remember falling asleep, but he did apparently. And when he woke up, it was too dark to see. Luckily he’s memorized the layout of the warehouse already. He got up and stumbled to the door. Opening it to be greeted by a blinding light. The first thing he noticed were the trees, there were no trees at the docks… Where was he? He looked back at the building he’d just came out of, it was a small wooden cabin. How did he get here?
“Rodger, come on man. Pick up the pace a little.” The voice of Italo spoke. Rodger looked up and saw him sitting at a campfire with the rest of the group, he walked over and joined them.
“How did I get here?” Rodger asked.
“We moved you while you were sleeping.” Italo said. Rodger heard a rustle in the bushes.
“What was that?” Rodger asked. Italo stared blankly at the bushes then back at Rodger.
“There back.” He said. And with that something burst out of the woods like a lightning bolt, it moved so fast he couldn’t see what was happening. But just as quickly as it came, it disappeared. He opened his eyes and saw nothing. No one was there.
“Italo? Mary? Anyone?” He asked the empty woods.
“I’m here.” An all too familiar voice spoke. Rodger reeled around and saw Alice, standing by the cabins front steps. Rodger rushed to meet her, but something held him back. A man.
“You got him, Greg?” A voice called from inside the cabin.
“Let me go you son of a bitch!” Rodger yelled as he tried to escape, but it was no use. A man appeared in the doorway of the cabin and strode down the steps to Alice.
“Yeah, he aint getting away from me, Yuri.” Greg said. But wait…
“You… Your dead…” Rodger said.
“Think again.” Yuri said, as he lunged forward and gripped Alice by her hair and put a knife to her throat. “Your little bitch, Katheryn was her name? Well, she forgot the fact I was wearing a bulletproof vest at the time. She got me good in the arm though. Anyways, I’ve come to repay the favor.” He said, he pressed the knife harder into Alice’s throat. Blood began seeping from the wound.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” Rodger yelled.
“In due time.” Yuri said, then Greg threw him to the ground. Yuri threw Alice to the ground like a ragdoll and knelled next to him. “But first, you need to get up.” He said. “Meet me in town, afterwards.” And with that he began walking away, pulling Alice along with him.
“Hey, get up.” A voice said. Rodger opened his eyes and saw Katheryn kneeling next to him with a hand on his shoulder. He was surprised to see her up, didn’t she recently get shot?
“What are you doing up?” He asked.
“I was feeling a lot better, so I got up. Then I heard you mumbling in your sleep and thrashing around so I came over here. Bad dream or something?” She asked, her hand hovered over where she’d been shot in the shoulder. It obviously hurt like hell but she’d never admit it. “You can trust me. I wont tell anyone, unless you want me to.”
[Tell her about the dream]
[Say nothing]
[Deny the test] No tests for Peter
[Say nothing] Why should him
Awesome part!
[Take the test]
I guess if they are infected it's better to know. And if they aren't infected there's probably nothing to worry about. Anyway, five seconds and they might get access to the hospital, which sounds a lot safer than staying outside.
[Tell her about the dream]
That dream was creepy, though I'm pretty sure Yuri is gone for good, since Katheryn pretty much overkilled him. But it can't hurt to talk to a friend about that kind of nightmares, especially considering that the other bandits are still out there.
[Take the test]
[Tell her about the dream]
Awesome chapter! Do you still need soldier characters? I have an idea for one.
Thanks! And yes, it would be greatly appreciated. I still have no idea how many soldiers I will need.
Name: Eva Tanner
Age: 25
Class: Soldier
Appearance: She isnt very tall but she is stronger and faster than she looks like. She has pretty blue eyes and blond hair. She has a small scar on her cheek from a shrapnel
Back story: She was born in a rich family and her parents were busy and often ignored her when she was a child. Because of this, she doesnt like to talk to others about personal things. She joined the military against her parents will and served in a war. She was almost killed by a shrapnel that grazed her cheek a year ago. She returned home after getting wounded but continued to serve in the military. Her parents disowned her for joining the military and she hasnt talked to them in years.
Likes: Exercising, learning new things, helping other people, doing things on her own
Dislikes: Talking with other people, getting help, lazy people, cowards
Job and skills: She is a soldier and as a result of her hard training she is stronger and faster than she looks like
Relations to others: She dislikes socializing with others. She is not rude but tries to avoid conversation and does not like talking about personal things. Because of this, she doesnt know the other soldiers in her unit very well but she cares about them in her own way. Once she warms up to others she starts to talk a bit more with them
Other info: In her free time she mostly sticks to herself and trains to get into physical and mental top form. She likes to help others but is insecure how she should deal with people helping her. Because of this she does not like it when people help her with things even if she has problems doing them alone.
Thanks a lot!
[Take the test]
[Say nothing]
Peter Oswald
"Yeah, alright." Peter said as he held out his arm to Omar. Omar jabbed the needle into his arm, but Peter made a point not to flinch. After a few tense seconds the device flashed green and Omar went off to Dylan, who thankfully not infected.
"Good, none of you are infected. Now... I guess we need to find you people a place to stay." Omar said. Peter noticed another man walking up behind him.
"Hey Omar. You bring in some more roamers?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hank, this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza. Guys, this is Hank." Omar said, introducing everyone.
"Nice to see new faces around here. I hope you don't mind work though, since we have plenty of it. Dawn will be in a few hours. We'll start then. Until that time, feel free to look around and get acquainted with the other residents." Hank said.
"Wait, we never said we would be staying." Peter said.
"Oh, in that case. This just got awkward. Look, we aren't going to force you people to stay. But I can tell you, its a hell of a lot better in here than it is out there. I mean, electricity, running water, a halfway decent food supply, and best of all, good people." Hank said.
"I don't know." Peter said.
"Then at least stay for the night. In the morning when your felling rested you can make this decision." A new voice butted in, female. Peter looked over and saw a woman with blonde hair standing next to Omar, damn her eyes were blue...
"Oh, and this is Eva. Eva this is Peter, Dylan, and Mariza." Omar once again introduced everyone.
"Good to know." Eva said. "I got some stuff I need to take care of. Oh, and Omar, Bishop woke up. Just thought you might want to know." She said as she walked off.
"Yeah, I should probably check into that." Omar said as he started to slip away.
"Well, there goes the welcoming party. I know where a few empty rooms are... As long as you don't mind sleeping in a hospital bed." Hank said.
"No, that's fine. Beats sleeping on the floor of a run-down old bar that smell like piss and beer." Peter joked recalling the past few days.
"Sounds rough. But also sounds like a good time." Hank said.
"Not really, all the beer was gone. I think Mariza drank it all before we got there." Peter said.
"It was gone before I got there too... Most of it." Mariza admitted.
"Fair enough. Follow me, your rooms are this way." Hank said as he began leading the group out of the lobby and towards a flight of stairs. "I'm going to put you folks on the second floor if that's alright."
"Its fine." Peter said as he reached the second floor and opened the door. The hallway was mostly empty except a few patients and a guard or two walking around. Peter saw Eva for a split second before she disappeared behind a corner. A doctor was sitting on a bench in the hallway talking with a patient. He seemed to be explaining something due to extensive hand movement. The patient seemed to either not understand what the doctor was saying or not want to understand.
"Right this way." Hank said as they began walking down the hallway.
"Hey Hank, You wanna help me out?" A patient asked.
"What do you want this time Lawrence?" Hank asked.
"Well, I want some water." The patient named Lawrence answered.
"Sure thing." Hank said as they kept walking.
"Is he sick or something?" Mariza asked.
"He got shot by some intruders a few days ago." Hank answered.
"Some one giving you trouble?" Peter asked.
"Not anymore. I cant tell if we got all of them or if they're just backing off." Hank answered as he stopped. "Here we are. Peter, your there. Dylan, there. And Mariza, there." Hank said, pointing out separate doors.
"Thanks for all of this." Peter said.
"No problem. Its kind of why were here. I'll talk to you guys later, right now I got to get a cup of water." Hank said as he began walking off.
"See ya." Mariza said. Peter turned towards his door and opened it. Inside was a fully decorated hospital room, a window looked out towards the road and there was even a painting on the wall. Peter closed the door, flipping off the light plunging the room into complete darkness. If the clock on the table was right, it was almost midnight. Peter laid down into the hospital bed and pulled sheets over him. He closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep but as soon as he felt like he was slipping off he heard a knock on the door and the door opening.
"Who's there?" Peter demanded. Squinting into the darkness, he saw a figure standing in the doorway.
"It's me." Mariza's voice said. Peter let out a small huff.
"What do you want Mariza?" Peter asked, very annoyed about being woken up.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I froze up out there and almost got you killed." She said.
"You woke me up in the middle of the night to say that?" Peter grunted.
"Yeah... Kinda. It's the only time you aren't with Dylan." Mariza said.
"So? What's wrong with Dylan?" Peter asked.
"Nothing, nothing at all. I just wanted to talk to you." Mariza said. "Look, I know I screwed up out there. I'm not as good with that kind of stuff as you. I'm sorry, but. I don't want you to hate me. Do you forgive me?" She asked. Peter grumbled under his breath.
"If I say 'yes' will you go away?" Peter asked.
"No. I want the truth." Mariza asked.
[Yes, I forgive you]
[No, now go away]
Omar Taylor
Omar slowly opened the door and stepped inside the room. The stench of Disinfectant was very overpowering. That was one thing about hospitals, they always had to be kept clean. The doctors regularly clashed with the soldier because of the mess they made. Omar walked down the rows of beds in the ICU, each being separated by a curtain. Then he spotted Marcus. He was laying there with a bandage around his head and a cast on his arm. As soon as Marcus saw him his eyes widened.
"Omar, you old bastard. " He said.
"Marcus, you asshole. You never change do you?" Omar asked, as a smile pulled at the side of his lips.
"No. You should know this by now." Marcus said. Marcus happen to notice Omar was just staring at him. "Take a picture, it will last longer." Marcus laughed.
"I'm sorry, I just thought you were gone. I never thought I'd see you again." Omar said.
"Yeah, well that goes for the both of us. So, how you been? I mean, it been years." Marcus said.
"Well, after you left I stayed. But you knew that part. About a year later I was on leave, I... Met his girl. And well, I got married to her. We had a daughter." Omar began, before he could finish Marcus cut him off.
"Really? After all the trash you talked about me and my family you decided to start your own? Where are they? I have to see this." Marcus said.
"They... There dead. Infected got them in the first days of the outbreak. We were in Cleveland then. I met up with members of another small group in Nashville and we ended up here." Omar said, he pulled a picture out of his front pocket and showed it to Marcus. "That's them, she was only six years old when they got her. Six years old." He said.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that man." Marcus said.
"But through all the shit that's happened I realized how big of an asshole I've been to you. I guess, I'm sorry." Omar said.
"Omar, you don't need to apologize for that. Its happened years ago. I've moved on." Marcus said.
"Yeah, well I think you might have ended up here for a reason. Its time for me to make amends for what I've done. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know." Omar said, as he began to step away.
"Wait. How's my sister?" Marcus asked.
"Honestly, I don't know." Omar said.
"Could you find out?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'll go check." Omar said, this time actually walking away.
Rodger Navy
"We'll. I'd hate to tell you, but I'm pretty sure Yuri is dead. I mean, I killed him. I know he's dead, so that part shouldn't mean anything." Katheryn said, after Rodger was done regaling the accounts of his dream. "But there was one thing that stuck out, he told you to meet him in the town after you woke up, right?" She asked.
"Yes. Why?" Rodger asked.
"I know its stupid, but what if that's where Alice went? She took off in that direction." Katheryn said.
"Why would she do that? The town's overrun by infected." Rodger said.
"She didn't know that. No one ever told her." Katheryn said.
"So your telling me she walked right into a death trap?" Rodger asked.
"Not exactly. She could have survived." She said.
"So what do you think?" Rodger asked.
"It could be the truth, she could be hiding out in the town. But it could just be a dream, and mean nothing." Katheryn said.
"Where do you think we should look for her at?" Rodger asked.
"I don't know. The town sounds like a good start, but dangerous as hell. And theres a lot of other places we could check." Katheryn said. "Do you think we should put it to a vote? These people kid of look to you for answers now. So I guess, what you says goes." She said.
[Check the town]
[Look elsewhere]
Awesome chapter! I really like the mainland people. Omar is great, but I especially like Peter. Looking forward for their storyline
Please be okay Sammy
Even though she's a fighter and her chances could be worse considering her surroundings, I'm still nervous.
[Yes, I forgive you]
No need to keep being enemies. She seems to be sincere with her apology
[Check the town]
As far as I know Alice is currently trapped on a roof in the town, right?
She is trapped on A roof. That much is true, but it doesn't necessarily mean she is in the town...
[Yes, I forgive you]
[Check the town]
No go away
Look elsewhere
[Yes, I forgive you]
[Check the town]
[Yes, I forgive you]
[Check the town]
Peter Oswald
Mariza gleamed at Peter with half hopeful eyes. She casually diverted her gaze to the floor.
"Mariza." Peter started.
"Yes?" Mariza asked looking back up.
"I forgive you. What's happened has happened. We cant change the past, only shape our futures. Isn't that right?" Peter said.
"Thank you. So much." Mariza said. "I guess I should let you sleep now." she said as she turned towards the door.
"Wait." Peter called causing Mariza to turn back around. "If you ever pull anything like that again, I swear I will not hesitate to throw you out. I got not only myself to look after but also my nephew to keep safe. And if you interfere with that, your no better than the dead." Peter said.
"I-I understand." Mariza said. Peter could hear the hurt in her voice, and it pained him. He didn't want to be mean, it only seemed like it was the only way.
"Now, goodnight." Peter said in a softer tone as he laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight." Mariza said. Moments later Peter hear the sound of his door opening and closing.
Daylight began to slip in through the curtains illuminating the room. Peter slowly opened his eyes staring at the ceiling. He sat up and slid out of the bed onto the tile floor. He quickly found his shoes and hastily tied them on. He then walked to the door and opened it, stepping out into the hallway.
"Rise and shine." A voice said. Peter looked to the left and saw Eva leaning against the wall looking at him. "Looks like we got a busy day ahead of us."
"What do you mean?" Peter asked. Eva looked around and leaned in closer.
"I cant tell you right now. But all able bodies are needed in the lobby." She whispered then backed away. Peter happened to notice a small scar on her cheek.
"What happened there?" He asked stupidly. Eva reached up and covered the scar with her hand.
"Doesn't matter. just go." Eva ordered as she walked straight past Peter.
"Whatever that was about." Peter mumbled under his breath.
Hank Carver
"You sure about this Omar?" Hank asked.
"As sure as I'll ever be. That intel is solid." Omar replied.
"Then why don't you tell them?" Hank asked.
"You the oldest. They'll more likely listen to you." Omar said. Hank grumbled and turned away, looking out into the assorted crowd. Doctors, patients, and civilians. He noticed the new guy, Peter walk into the lobby and stand next to his nephew and the woman, Mariza. He seemed to say something, but Mariza didn't look at him.
"How man is that?" Hank asked.
"Around twenty three." Omar said.
"Is this enough?" Hank asked.
"It will have to be. We can start when Eva gets back." Omar answered. Hank gazed out upon the crowd and began counting in his head.
"Twenty three. You were right." Hank said.
"I know. There's Eva." Omar said, pointing to a figure approaching them.
"Time to get this started?" Hank asked.
"Now's as good as ever." Omar said. Hank climbed up on a the table next to him and called for everyone's attention. The crowd abruptly hushed.
"Alright. Now, I guess your wondering why you've been gathered here." Hank began. "Last night, Omar Taylor received Intel on a rouge militant group camped out a mile west of here. According to this information, they are planning a full frontal assault on the hospital. We don't know when, we don't know where. But we do know it will happen. We are taking a few precautionary measures to make sure such an attack is not successful. One such measure is the mobilization of new ground units, such as yourselves. From here on out you will be part of a new schedule. You will be tasked with patrolling the perimeter of the building and reporting any irregularities. And if need be, which we pray will never happen, you will be tasked with defending this hospital and its people with your lives." He said, se seriously hoped he said that right. Judging by the conused expressions on the crowds faces, they did not understand what was happening. Hank jumped off the table and faced Omar.
"Your turn." Hanks said.
"What is this, tag team?" Omar said as he climbed onto the table.
"Alright, everyone listen up! each of you will be given various roles in this effort such as, but not limited to,..." Omar began but Hank tuned him out.
"Omar has solid Intel on this?" Eva asked.
"Yes. He does. Now we have to take a group of civilians and turn them into half-assed soldiers." Hank said.
"Sounds like fun." Eva said, sarcastically.
Rodger Navy
"Everyone grab what you can. Were leaving." Rodger said.
"Where are we going?" Eli asked.
"All of you are headed for the hospital Marcus headed to. Angelica, Katheryn, Molly and I are headed for the town to look for Alice." Rodger said.
"Whoa, when did I agree to go with you?" Molly asked.
"As of now. Your coming or your out. That's final." Rodger said. Molly mumbled something under her breath but Rodger let it slide.
"The dock is clear for now, but keep your guard up. You never know." Rodger commanded. He walked towards the loading door and grabbed the chain and began pulling it, slowly opening the door. Once it was open enough he walked through out into the parking lot and waited. He was soon joined by Katheryn, Angelica, and Molly. Both Katheryn and Angelica looked like shit, but they were the best he had right now. And as for Molly. He had his reasons. She hadn't done anything since she'd shown up, just sit around and complain. It was time for her to do something.
"How are you holding up Katheryn?" Rodger asked.
"My shoulder hurts like hell, but I'm capable. Don't count me out just yet." She said,
"Good to know your still in the game, Angelica?" He asked.
"I'm fine." She said quietly.
"Alright, Molly?" Rodger asked.
"Fuck you. Why couldn't we just take a car?" Molly asked.
"Because they make to much noise and the group will need the remaining vehicles to transport everything to the hospital. Its not like cars just appear there." Rodger said. He made a mental note, his group was alive, low in sprits, and pissed off. They needed a victory.
"How much time do you think she has?" Katheryn asked.
"Not a lot. She left without any supplies and only a pistol. And in this heat, she wont last long." Rodger said. How could he have been so stupid? He let her leave without taking anything.
"Then you better be right about this or she's fucked." Molly said.
"Lets pick up the pace." Angelica suggested.
"Will you slow down?" Molly whined as the four of them lightly jogged ahead. Rodger could see the outlines of a small town appearing in the distance. Rodger saw a sign welcoming them to the city, but that wasn't what caught his attention. The car was. He spotted a Cadillac. The same car Alice drove away in.
"She's here." Rodger proclaimed.
"How do you know?" Angelica asked.
"That car. It was hers." Rodger answered as he ran up to it and looked in through the window to be greeted by an unpleasant sight. Blood splattered the window and a dead body lay in the back seat. Rodger sank to the ground.
"What? What is it?" Katheryn asked. Rodger didn't answer. Katheryn approached and looked in through the window. She drew her gun and opened the car door.
"Rodger...." Katheryn said. "Rodger, its not her. It isn't Alice. This is someone else." She said. Suddenly Rodger felt stupid for over reacting like that and climbed to his feet and looked in the car. Katheryn was right, this Wasn't Alice. This was just some poor woman who ended up in here, and ended up ending her life by the looks of it. Rodger saw the pistol on the floor and the hole in her head.
"Should we, you know..." Molly asked.
"No. No, we should leave her." Rodger said.
"What about this?" Molly asked as she reached in the car and grabbed something, looking it over.
"What is that?" Rodger asked.
"Nothing. Nothing important." Molly said, as she shoved the piece of paper in her pocket.
"Lets keep moving." Rodger said.
"Yeah, lets just keep going." Molly said.
"When we get there, what should we do? Split up or stay together?" Katheryn asked. "We could cover more ground if we split up, but it would leave us venerable."
[Split up]
[stay together]
[stay together]
That was one of the hardest choices so far as I thought about it. At first, I wanted to pick the splitting option, since it means better chances for Alice, but then I remembered that there are still bandits out there, who might stumble upon them. Also, Katheryn and Angelica are still wounded and could get killed on their own. I guess they can't help her if they are captured or killed by bandits or the infected, but I might be a bit too overcautious here.
[Split up]
[stay together]
I have to agree with LiquidChicagoTed, they are very close to finding Alice, if they find, its better they be together in order to go before something bad happens.
I would like to know how each character's fate, I still do not quite know what happened to Angela.