The forgotten: Interactive story.
Welcome to another interactive story, made by Mr. Quality.
A small town football game in Ohio between two bitter rivals, The kind of thing that brings a community together... Or rips it apart.
People begin to disappear off the streets without a trace, and that's where our story begins.
Character Submission
It's so easy, even Mr. Quality can do it. Just simply follow the link below...
Also, just wanted to let you know, by submitting a character you hereby recognize that they are liable to die at any time and/ or may be major or minor characters.
Alive:, Julia Carter,Alina Zabek,Callista Everet,Tyler Mason, Gilligan (Gale) Anderson., Dana Grey, Kasey Grey "kas", Bastet di Randagio, Michael Carter,Adam Becker, Kiera Peppers
Dead or unknown: , Chad Sparks
Waiting to be introduced:
I submitted. I hope he works.
Thanks Hope! It's a great character! I can see him working into the story very well.
Thanks a lot! It's a great character!
So. I guess it's time for a little preview/ Prologue thingy. I suck at the beginning, so hang on to your seats.... It's going to be one bumpy ride.
Gilligan Anderson, Wilmington high school
Texas. Definitely Texas, that will be my first stop when I get the hell out of this place.
Gilligan looked over the map in his book as he pictured his perfect tour across the country, and away from Ohio.
"Gilligan." A voice called, Gilligan ignored it as he tried to find his next stop. "Gilligan. Would you care to join us?" The voice said as his book disappeared. The teacher now standing right in front of him.
"Yeah, I'm with you." He said. He heard a few contained laughs from the class.
"Now, since your obviously so interested in our lecture, would you care to tell us when and where General George Custard died?" The teacher asked. Gilligan sighed.
"He died at the Battle of Little Bighorn around June 20 something 1876." He responded.
"June 25th to be exact. Now, that's it for today. But remember that your essays are due Monday, That means if you aren't finished with it yet you better hurry. I'm looking at you Gilligan." The teacher said.
"You know, I try miss H." Gilligan said.
"I'm sure you do. But trying and doing are two different things. Now, have a good weekend class and I'll see you all this time Monday." Miss H said. The bell shortly afterwards rung and the class was dismissed. Gilligan picked up his stuff and left the class walking towards his locker.
"Nice save Gale." A kid next to him sneered as he walked past. Gilligan shrugged it off as he approached his locker and threw it open. He never locked it, it was just a waste of time. He picked up his backpack, threw his junk in and slammed the locker shut as he walked off down the hallway. But just as he reached the door a man stepped in front of him.
"Hey Coach. What's happening?" Gilligan asked.
"Ben took a spill last night, he can't climb the ladder to the scoreboard tonight." Coach said.
"And you want me to take his place?" Gilligan assumed.
"Yes. I do. You're the only one I can count on." Coach said. "I mean, if it's no problem to you."
"No. I mean, I'm not doing anything tonight. I'll be there, don't worry." Gilligan said.
"Thank you Gilligan, I knew I could count on you." Coach said. Gilligan nodded as he walked through the door into the parking lot. As he walked he accidentally walked straight into a man wearing a black suit.
"Aw Shi- Crap... Sorry man. I did not see you there." Gilligan said. The man smiled slyly.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine." He said. Gilligan nodded to him and walked away. He swore he heard the man chuckle. He pulled out his car keys and walked towards where he parked his car.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Gilligan said as he stood in the now empty parking spot where his car used to be. "Fuck!"
Micheal Carter, Columbus Ohio
"Yeah, I know." Micheal said.
"I don't think your listening to me." The man said.
"No, I don't think you're listening to me. Not interested." Micheal said.
"Were offering the chance of a lifetime, to play for the San Francisco 49ers, and you want to turn it down?" The agent asked.
"It's not the right move for me right now, I have my sister to look after." Micheal said.
"Uh-huh. I see. Well, the offer still stands mister Carter. We can always use a man of your talents." The agent said.
"Thank you for coming out." Micheal said. The Agent stood up and walked out of the room leaving Micheal alone, that is until the door opened again and someone walked in. Micheal couldn't be bothered to turn around so he just stared out the window.
"So, how'd it go?" A woman's voice asked.
"I turned it down." Micheal said.
"What? You turned it down? Why would you do that Micheal?" She asked.
"Because of you Julia, I could never forgive myself if I left and something happened to you." Micheal said.
"I can take care of myself Micheal. And you know that, so don't try and pin this on me. So just tell me, What is going on?" Julia asked. Micheal sighed as he looked out upon the bustling city below him.
"I don't think I can do it." He finally said. Julia didn't say anything at first but then she took a seat next to Micheal and looked out the window.
"I was the same way at first. When they came to me and asked if I would newscast for them." Julia said.
"Wait, they came to you?" Micheal asked.
"Yes! I got the job!" Julia said. Micheal smiled as he hugged his sister.
"I am so proud of you." Micheal said. Julia pulled away and picked up something off the glass coffee table, handing it to Micheal.
"Call that agent back here, and tell him you'll take the offer." Julia said.
"But I can't just leave you." Micheal said.
"You're acting like we'll never see each other again. I think it's time you start doing things for you, and not for me. Just this once." Julia said.
"I think you right... If that's what you want." Micheal said.
"Tell you what. You work things out with that agent then swing by my place. There's going to be a big hometown rivalry game between Wilmington and Xenia. It's bound to be a good one." Julia said.
"We'll see about it." Micheal said as he looked at the phone and began dialing. Julia stood up and walked away.
"I'll see you at the game." She said as she walked out of the hotel room.
"Hi, This is Micheal Carter, the guy you just spoke with. I think I might have changed my mind." Micheal said.
"Really? Well that's good news because I'm still in the building. I'll be up in a few minutes." The Agent said, then hung up. Micheal placed the phone back on the glass table and stood up, leaning against the window. Things were about to change.
So, that's the first round of prologue/ Introduction things. Hope you like it.
I honestly loved it. It flowed surprisingly well! If this is a good picture of what's to come, I'm definitly excited for more!
Thank you!
That was a great prologue! Your writing is amazing as always and I am already intrigued how the story will continue. I'm looking forward for the next parts!
Thanks Liquid!!
Chad Sparks, Wilmington High School
"You going to the game tonight?" Damon asked.
"I don't know. Maybe." Chad said.
"Oh, come on. It's not like you're doing anything else tonight." Damon said.
"You're probably right. I have no where to be tonight." Chad said.
"I'm always right. Tell you what, I'll even pay for you damn ticket." Damon said.
"Fine, alright. I'll go." Chad said. "What, you want to pay for my food to?"
"No way, you eat like a horse." Damon said.
"I need the calories." Chad said.
"Of course." Damon said. "You should ask Amy to come to." He said.
"You still hitting on her? Dude, just get it through your head that she's not interested." Chad said.
"You could still get her to come. For a friend?" Damon said.
[Call Amy] [No.]
Gilligan Anderson, Still Wilmington High School
"Hey Ben!" Gilligan called as he chased after the nerdy kid in a cast.
"Hey Gale, whats up?" Ben asked.
"Hey, uh. My car got jacked. Do you think your mom would give me a ride?" Gilligan asked.
"Man, we live like two streets away. Of course she can take you." Ben said. "I'd drive myself. But, Kinda broke my leg." He said, motioning towards the cast on his leg.
"Thanks man. I just still can't believe my car got stolen." Gilligan said.
"Did you call the police?" Ben asked.
"Of course. They said they'll keep an eye out for it. Blah, blah, blah." Gilligan said.
"Nice." Ben said as a minivan pulled up to the sidewalk. "That would be for us." Ben said as he opened the door and got in. "Mom, Gilligan's car got stolen so he's coming home with us." Ben said. Gilligan got in to and shut the door.
"Your car got stolen Gilligan?" Ben's mom asked.
"Yeah. Its crazy, right?" Gilligan said.
"Sure is." She said.
"Thanks again for the ride." Gilligan said as he got out.
"Any time." Ben's mom said.
"see ya later Gale." Ben said.
"Bye Ben." Gilligan said as he closed the door and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. He opened it and walked in, throwing his backpack onto the floor and collapsing into the couch.
"You left your car doors unlocked didn't you?" His mom asked.
"No. I didn't." Gilligan said.
"Well, cars don't just disappear. It'll turn up somewhere." His mom said.
"I'm going to need a ride to the game tonight. They got me working the board." Gilligan said.
"I thought it was Ben tonight." His mom said.
"He broke his leg and can't climb up the ladder." Gilligan said.
"Well... It's fine we weren't doing anything tonight." She said.
"Good, because it's not like you had a choice." Gilligan laughed.
"What time does it start?" She asked.
"Like, 6:00." Gilligan said.
"And what will you do until then?" She asked.
"Take a guess." Gilligan said a she turned on the play station.
"I don't think so. Your teacher told me all about that essay. Due on Monday. Said you hadn't even started it?" She said.
"Yeah, I got until Monday." Gilligan said.
"And when will you start it, Sunday night?" She asked.
"No, I'll wait until Monday morning." Gilligan said.
"I don't think so. Get to your room and start working on it right now." She said.
"You know, I don't really feel like it right now." Gilligan said.
"I don't care." She said.
"Don't even try to argue with him, mom. It doesn't work." A new voice said.
"Shut up Sal. No one asked. for your opinion." Gilligan said.
"That's enough. Gilligan, get to work." She said. Gilligan sighed as he stood up and walked off down the hallway into his bedroom and shut the door. He turned on his laptop and began typing. It was so easy, It wouldn't take him long at all. Or at least, that was until he got distracted with a new game he put on his laptop...
[Call Amy]
[Call Amy]
[Call Amy]
[Call Amy]
Voting Is closed!
Chad will call Amy, bring another person into the story.
I can't really tell you when the next part will be up though. I'm kinda just at the stage of wondering what I want to do with this from here.
Also, I don't think I mentioned this, but you can submit characters at any time.
I'll submit when I get back on my computer which might take a while, if that's alright.
yeah! It's perfectly fine since it might be a while before I get back to this.
Chad Sparks, Wilmington High school
"Alright, fine. I'll call her." Chad said as he dug in his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out and pressed a few buttons, looking for the right number.
"You still have a flip phone? You seriously need to join the modern age." Damon said.
"Do you want me to call her or not?" Chad asked. After this Damon was quiet. "That's what I thought." Chad said as he pressed the call button. After a few moments a voice came through the other end of the phone.
"Hello?" She asked.
"Hi, It's Chad. I'm going to the game tonight with a few friends and wanted to know if you want to tag along, maybe?" Chad asked. There was a brief silence before she answered.
"You know, I was already going tonight anyways. So, yeah. I'll just meet you there." She said. Chad smiled.
"Yeah, sure thing." He said.
"Bye." She said.
"Bye." chad responded as he heard the other end hang up. He flipped his phone shut and stuffed it back in his pocket.
"What'd she say?" Damon asked.
"She said you're a creep and she doesn't want to be near you." Chad joked.
"Ouch. But seriously, what did she say?" Damon asked.
"She'll be there." Chad said.
"Yes!" Damon said with a smile forming on his face.
"Dude, calm down." Chad said. "What's with your obsession with her anyways?" He asked.
"Man, she's totally in love with me." Damon said.
"Oh yeah?" Chad asked.
"Yeah. She just doesn't know it yet." Damon said. Chad forced back a laugh and shook his head.
"Whatever man. I'll see you later tonight." Chad said as he stood up.
"Yeah. See ya." Damon said. Chad pulled out his keys and walked off towards the parking lot. By now it was mostly empty since nobody sticks around after school on a Friday, unless they have to. Chad approached his car, a grey 1990's Honda Civic. Not the best car in the world, but it got him where he needed to be. He unlocked the door and got in, throwing his backpack into the back seat. He started his car and drove out of the parking lot, taking a quick left onto the street. As he drove he noticed a green sedan on the side of the road with the door open and no one around. Someone must have forgotten to close the door.
Gilligan Anderson, Wilmington football field
"Thanks for bringing me." Gilligan said as he got out of the car.
"You're welcome. Have fun." She said.
"I will mom." Gilligan said as he closed the door and walked away. He rolled his eyes. How much fun could he have when stuck at the top of a scoreboard with the only way down being a rickety ass ladder? One day, that thing is going to fall.
"Gilligan, right on time. You know the drill." Coach's voice said. Gilligan turned to his left and saw coach standing there.
"Yeah, I got it. It's not like I've been doing this all season or anything." Gilligan said.
"This game's gonna be a good one, I'm telling you. Xenia versus Wilmington. It's hard to tell who will win." coach said.
"Xenia doesn't have anything on us." Gilligan said.
"That's the spirit. Now get on up there." Coach said. Gilligan nodded and walked off to the scoreboard, placing his hand on the lower run of the ladder. He sighed when he felt it move.
"Hey, when are we going to get one of those digital scoreboard like Xenia?" Gilligan asked.
"When we get rich." Coach answered. Gilligan shook his head and sighed as he began climbing the ladder to the top.
Julia Carter, half an hour later, Wilmington football field.
"...And now, give a big welcome to our rivals, The Xenia Buccaneers!" The announcer called through the microphone. The crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and boo's as the players took the field. After a few moments, it turned out that Wilmington would start with the ball. Julia watched as Xenia kicked the ball to the other end of the field, only to be caught by a player who took off running, although he didn't make it far. He was brought down around the thirty yard line. After awhile Julia zoned out and just began to blackly stare at the field. But soon enough the cheering of the crowd jarred her back to reality. Xenia had just intercepted the ball, and ran it in for a touchdown.
"Sure is an exiting game so far." A man next to her said.
"That it is. Not looking good for my team though." Julia said as she looked at the man.
"So you're from around here?" He asked. Julia eyed him up.
"Why do you care?" She asked.
"Sorry, just a question." He said, then seemed to catch himself. "Where are my manners. My name is Leland Frye, I play football with your brother." He said, extending his hand. Julia took it and shook.
"So you're Leland? I've heard a lot about you from my brother." Julia said.
"I hope it was good stuff." Leland said.
"Mostly." Julia smiled.
"Your brother's a good player. It's sad to see him go, but when you get an opportunity like that it's hard to let it pass by. I'm glad for him." Leland said.
"You know what, Where even is my brother?" Julia asked looking around.
"Last I saw him, he was walking out to the parking lot with some Spanish looking girl." Leland said. "But that was back at the end of the first quarter." He said. Julia made a confused face and looked at the board. It was almost half time. Had she zoned out that long? The score was looking ruff, Xenia was ahead by almost three touchdowns.
"It's been that long?" Julia asked.
"What do you mean?" Leland asked. Then narrowed his eyes. "You look lost. Are you alright?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine. Just, tired is all." Julia said defensively. .
"I can see why. I heard about the new job." Leland said.
"Really? Micheal told you already?" She asked him. He nodded. "The only reason I came here tonight is because I wanted to spend some time with him before he left to California. But now he's ditched me and ran off with some girl." She said.
"Typical Micheal. Just can't seem to help himself around women." Leland said. "He's a good guy and he only has your best interest in heart. He probably didn't go far, I'll stay here and wait with you if you want." Leland said.
[Stay and wait for Micheal to return]
[Call it a night and go home.]
[Stay and wait for Micheal to return]
Awesome part! I'm already deeply intrigued by this story
[Stay and wait for Michael to return]
[Stay and wait for Micheal to return] I'm hooked! Awesome stuff bro. By the way, did you get my character? Its been a while since I submitted.
Yeah, Callista Everett? I just forgot to put her on. And sorry that she hasn't showed up yet, But take to heart I have plans. Great plans...
Thank you!
[Call it a night and go home.]
[Stay and wait for Michael to return]
Hey, are you still planning on submitting a character still?
Indeed I am, I forgot to submit when I got back, I'm sorry
Don't worry, its fine.
Just checked her out. It's a great Character! I really like her. Also...
Awww.... Thanks
So, I'm just going to close voting now.
Julia Will stick around, hoping Micheal will return
Assuming Micheal does show back up at the game, He's going to have hell to pay with Julia... Just saying.
Also, I wanted to ask you guys if you thought I was closing voting to quickly.
It's true
Super excited for this story
Thank you
Nope, the timing was okay.
Julia Carter
"He has to show his face sometime." Julia said. "I guess I'll just stick around." She said. Leland smiled.
"Hopefully the halftime show turns out better than the game." Leland said.
"We are getting our asses kicked out there." Julia said.
"Who said I was rooting for Wilmington?" Leland asked. Julia raised an eyebrow.
"You better be on my side." She said, Leland laughed.
Gilligan Anderson
"Hey Gilligan!" A voice called from below. Gilligan looked down to see his friend Denny.
"What's up?" Gilligan asked.
"Not much." Denny said. "This game sucks." He said.
"Yeah. But it just makes it easier for me." Gilligan said.
"I bet.” Denny said. “Hey, I heard you lost your car.”
“Some asshole stole it straight from the parking lot.” Gilligan answered.
“My dad said he found the guy, they have him in custody right now.” Denny said.
“And my car?” Gilligan asked.
“It’s at the impound lot. They found it on the side of the road with the door wide open.” Denny said.
“It’s pretty good to have a friend whose dad is deputy sheriff.” Gilligan said.
“Yeah, just don’t get on my bad side. I’ll have you locked up for a life time.” Denny joked.
“I’ll Keep that in mind.” Gilligan said.
“Yeah, I got to run. See you on Monday I guess.” Denny said.
“Yeah, See ya.” Gilligan said. “Hey, get me a hotdog!” Gillian called down to his friend as he walked away. Denny flashed him a thumbs up. That probably meant he wasn’t getting his hotdog. Gilligan sighed as he leaned against the railing and looked down upon the football field. What was it, Like three minutes until halftime? He pushed himself off the railing and walked to the other side of the platform, where he took a seat on a box that had been put up here to serve as a chair. He pulled out his phone and put his headphones on, pressing the play button. He kept a close eye on the field though, just in case someone scored a touchdown. But right now, it seemed like that wasn’t going to happen.
Chad Sparks
“You’re late.” Amy said. Chad threw up his hands in defeat.
“I was at work.” Chad said.
“No you weren’t.” Amy said, seeing directly through his lie.
“Alright, I forgot.” Chad said.
“You left me here alone.” She said. “With Damon.” She added.
“I’m sorry.” Chad said, trying to find something to say.
“What’s his problem anyways? Doesn’t he get the fact that I’m not interested?” She asked.
“He doesn’t know you’re dating the quarterback. I was just going to let him have his fun.” Chad said.
“Yeah well, If he doesn’t stop hitting on me, Brain’s going to kick his ass.” She said.
“Maybe you should just tell him?” Chad suggested.
“I probably should. It would probably be best for his health.” She said. “And mine.”
“Huh?” Chad asked.
“Oh, Nothing. Nothing. Let’s just go find Damon so I can break him the news.” She said as she spun around in a whirl of brown hair. Chad followed close behind her.
“It’s about to be halftime.” Chad said, as he looked at the play clock.
“Yeah. So?” Amy asked.
“I really showed up late.” Chad said.
“You sure as hell did.” She said. “Now, Where is he?” She asked.
“I don’t know. I just got here.” Chad said.
“Well, I told him to meet me in the stands after he got my food.” She said.
“You sent him to get food?” Chad asked.
“I needed to get away.” She said.
“Hey, there he is.” Chad said as he spotted Damon sitting in the stands alone, holding a package of tin foil. Amy quickly walked towards him with Chad right behind her.
“Amy! Over here! I got your hamburger!” Damon called as if they hadn’t seen him. “Chad, you’re finally here.” Damon noted.
“Traffic.” Chad lied. Damon shook his head and Amy elbowed him.
“Sure dude, whatever.” Damon said. “here you go.” Damon said as he handed to tin foil to Amy. She unwrapped it to reveal the soggy high school hamburger inside.
“Thanks” Amy said as she looked to the ground.
“What’s wrong?” Damon asked. Amy forced a smile and Chad stood back awkwardly, folding his arms across his chest.
“We should go somewhere more private.” She said. “Like, the parking lot.” She said.
“Okay, sure.” Damon said wearily. “What’s this about?” He asked.
“I’ll tell you when we get there.” She said. “Chad, you should come to.”
“Yeah, Uh, Sure.” Chad stuttered, as he re-entered the living world breaking away from his trance. Amy began to walk away and Chad followed with Damon next to him.
“What’s this about?” Damon asked.
[Tell him]
[Let Amy tell him herself.]
Oh, Julia better stay away from that Leland guy. I know exactly where this is heading. First thing that's happening is, he's acting all nice and friendly, up to the point where I like him, next thing that's happening is, he's going to murder her in the most horrible way ever. I don't trust this guy, not one bit. He gives me Denver vibes and if I learned one thing, then it is not to trust anyone who gives me Denver vibes. Julia shall not end up like Katie!
[Tell him]
I'm all for having a bit of fun on Damon's expense, but I also really pity the poor guy. Amy had her fun and it was nice, but now it's getting cruel.
[Tell him] I've said it before and been totally in the wrong but what could go wrong?
[Tell him] Everything will be okay... Hopefully... Maybe... I don't know
So you're going to reference another one of my stories? You are smart. Very smart. Or are you?
Nothing could ever go wrong when Mr. Quality is at the helm of an interactive story. Nothing.
My life.