Nope he stays with Finch and Kroger, you get a bit of different dialog about the bomb psycho. When Finch blows up Vasquez they force Vaughn to help pick up the body parts. Vaughn then stays with Valley on the ground when they head to space.
This fact comes from @puzzlebox after i mentioned Rhys's impression of Vasquez in this thread.
Fun fact: after we got the first takes of Troy's Vasquez impression into the game, we actually had to go back and ask him to do it again... because it was TOO GOOD. We couldn't tell the difference between actual Vasquez and Rhys trying to imitate Vasquez, so he had to deliberately make it worse. Dammit, that man can act!
Nope he stays with Finch and Kroger, you get a bit of different dialog about the bomb psycho. When Finch blows up Vasquez they force Vaughn to help pick up the body parts. Vaughn then stays with Valley on the ground when they head to space.
there was a derp moment in the finger gun fight, at the moment Rhys realize he has no "ammo"
that face was too funny XD
I wonder if anyone else saw it.
God's bodily fluids, though?
People want to smell those?
Look, I'm not religious, but jeez, stuff's gotten a lot more intense since my compulsory scripture classes in primary school...
You only get Step Three as an option if Scooter tells you that making out with Fiona is Step Three (I asked what Step Two was and he mentioned Step Three).
You only get Step Three as an option if Scooter tells you that making out with Fiona is Step Three (I asked what Step Two was and he mentioned Step Three).
I don't know why it took me this long to finally realize it, but before you try to stabilize the rocket on the ship, Scooter yells out "No!" and mentions how it'll clamp down hard
I finally realized that that's him getting his hand stuck
Pretty sure someone already mentioned this, but the pistol Finch has is either the Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold (aka the most OP pistol… more in BL2), or the 88 Fragnum (basically the weaker, TPS version of the Harold). It's more likely than not the UH in this timeline though, since I'm assuming the UH is the new(er) and improved version of the 88 Fragnum.
/BL2 obsessive rant
This fact comes from @puzzlebox after i mentioned Rhys's impression of Vasquez in this thread.
Fun fact: after we got the first takes … moreof Troy's Vasquez impression into the game, we actually had to go back and ask him to do it again... because it was TOO GOOD. We couldn't tell the difference between actual Vasquez and Rhys trying to imitate Vasquez, so he had to deliberately make it worse. Dammit, that man can act!
Yes but (as much as i hate to be that guy) i think we both know she wasn't talking about wounded.
Woah :O So If you don't have the hat then you've got the kiss option?
Jack was God there. Trust me, people want to know how God smells like.
What happens with Vaughn if You tell him to stay with Vallory? Does he still ran off in Old Haven?
No you get a handshake option. Step Three in that photo is the kiss.
Nope he stays with Finch and Kroger, you get a bit of different dialog about the bomb psycho. When Finch blows up Vasquez they force Vaughn to help pick up the body parts. Vaughn then stays with Valley on the ground when they head to space.
This fact comes from @puzzlebox after i mentioned Rhys's impression of Vasquez in this thread.
Thanks for answer
Could You tell me what does he say to Rhysquez when he call him before the shootout?
God's bodily fluids, though?
People want to smell those?
Look, I'm not religious, but jeez, stuff's gotten a lot more intense since my compulsory scripture classes in primary school...
there was a derp moment in the finger gun fight, at the moment Rhys realize he has no "ammo"
that face was too funny XD
I wonder if anyone else saw it.
what is this conversation
''Jack's sex chair''
Hm..I didn't have a step three option. I had these ones:
You only get Step Three as an option if Scooter tells you that making out with Fiona is Step Three (I asked what Step Two was and he mentioned Step Three).
Also, playing as Nisha in TPS will never feel the same from now on...
never feel the same...
Aah okay, now I get it
Fiona, selling Vintage Scooter's Hat, minimum price - 20 refined.
That is a cute gesture, I really wish I still had my Fiona's hat now.
The image's lovely, isn't it?
Try to imagine that next time you play as Nisha in TPS.
Oh geesh, I forgot Vasquez said that at the end of episode one, this continuity.
If you stay silent during the part when Gortys says Hi Rhys in front of the guard Fiona comes up with a story that Gortys says that for everything.
That's clever
Why, just why did you say that... oh god.
You can actually get through all encounters with Yvette without even saying a single word.
When she threatens to take you to security, you just give her a menacing stare in which she gets frightened. It's hilarious.
I put a spoiler tag on it - I warned you it was gross - you clicked on it!
(but I am sooooo sorry, this entire thread is just... it's just the worst.)
I don't know why it took me this long to finally realize it, but before you try to stabilize the rocket on the ship, Scooter yells out "No!" and mentions how it'll clamp down hard
I finally realized that that's him getting his hand stuck
Facking Gr8
I am not entirely sure, but when Rhys-quez put on his "game face", doesn't the face depend on what kind of game face you choose back in episode 1?
Nah, it's cool man it's just... I'm not sure what to do with that information.
Wonder how much 20 refined metal would be worth in the Borderlands universe?
That's really impressive. Even having heard that, I still thought his impression was very passable for the actual Vasquez.
Where all does Dumpy show up in Episode 4 if you trusted Jack in Episode 2?
I was watching some alternate endings and I noticed this I don't know what would make Sasha change clothes.
I think it does, my first playthrough Rhys-quez fake smiled but on my 2nd playthrough he didin't
Aye, I watched a lets-play in Youtube and I notices that the face is remarkably different from my playthrough.
It can stun Yvette, that should be all.
You can attack Yvette with Dumpy, you can also use him to scout Old Haven.
how do you get this dialogue ?