You are right I thought August said Sasha had to change but I went and watched more of that video and they didn't have to make her change clothes you are correct so those are just some pictures.
So there was a choice branch I think Job teased for Episode 3. There were 4 main branches at the far right. I think this means the end of episode 3 you have 4 different branches: Trusting Jack-Working with Jack; Trusting Jack-Refusing Jack; Trusting Fiona-Working with Jack; Trusting Fiona-Refusing Jack.
Do you guys think a certain combo could change episode 4 a bit, maybe even alter the ending? o.o
So there was a choice branch I think Job teased for Episode 3. There were 4 main branches at the far right. I think this means the end of ep… moreisode 3 you have 4 different branches: Trusting Jack-Working with Jack; Trusting Jack-Refusing Jack; Trusting Fiona-Working with Jack; Trusting Fiona-Refusing Jack.
Do you guys think a certain combo could change episode 4 a bit, maybe even alter the ending? o.o
ahem.. so.. anybody, I dunno.. maybe some of the TT staff, could answer that?
You stay silent when they ask you about Jack. I think. Unless that's after this. Or it's before.
Finch's robotic arm is on the same side as Lee's bite in TWD

Doesn't that all depend on whether or not you got her a new outfit back on Pandora before they launch?
Any ideas what this map is all about?
Lee reborn!
Oh you moved it.
It's the same map you see in a Borderlands 2 sidequest, so it's just reused, although it looks sort of ripped.
Omg, I was wondering why was it different!
If you fail to get the name tag off of Gortys in time, Rhys will make a joke about how Fiona just sat and listened to Sasha's remarks to Gortys!
I think if you don't tell them about Jack.
Yeah I have screenshots about that there's actually two gameover sequence.
For me, as I remember he just pulled his hand away, looked at it and said "Ew"
Thanks! I think this is... It's genius
You are right I thought August said Sasha had to change but I went and watched more of that video and they didn't have to make her change clothes you are correct so those are just some pictures.
When you pick the dialogue Option that's not telling them about HJ, being silent or the Memory one.
So there was a choice branch I think Job teased for Episode 3. There were 4 main branches at the far right. I think this means the end of episode 3 you have 4 different branches: Trusting Jack-Working with Jack; Trusting Jack-Refusing Jack; Trusting Fiona-Working with Jack; Trusting Fiona-Refusing Jack.
Do you guys think a certain combo could change episode 4 a bit, maybe even alter the ending? o.o
Money Area: You can pickpocket a Hyperion Bigshot in The Hub of Herosim. Probs around $500.
So far there are three original characters from Tales that have cybernetics: Rhys (arm and ECHO-eye), Vasquez (pinky finger), and Finch (robo-arm).
Félix may have an artificial eye, not entirely sure, and Kroger has some weird, metallic red dot on his chin (not sure of that counts).
if you call Gortys stupid (I know, I'm a horrible person),
Rhys will apologize,
Wait you can have Vaughn in this episode? I thought he disappeared in the last one. How do you get him to be there!?!
If you try to kill Cassius in episode 3, instead of helping Vaughn he delivers him to Vallory in exchange for living peacefully.
I think it's $800 actually.
I got this to happen... Jack doesn't use any sarcasm....
Don't tell them about Jack and pick the "Don't worry I'm good" option when the girls ask if you're 100%
Didn't want it to be in TWDS1 spoilers.
Jack apologizing? Especially about him talking too much? Must be Photoshopped dialogue....
To elaborate on what Dojo said, it's a map of the Caustic Caverns.
This furthermore proves that these 3 decisions are probably going to cause different endings.
Someone tell me when you find Handsome Jack's collection of Taylor Swift CDs. I know they're in there.
I still love Rhys' absolutely stunned reaction to this
He's like "Wait a minute Jack, are you actually developing positive character traits?"
Lol, but its not though
Well, at least someone finally asked.
It's for a sidequest that has ties to the first game, and has a sweet reward and equally nice loot.
OOC Is Serious Business.
He also stuns the Psycho you trip over (as opposed to Rhys punching him).
Who asks this? Kroger or August? I can't remember which colour text is which.
August. I got this on my second playthrough and was like... wow man...really?
Was hilarious tho.
This coming from the guy who seemed to think me telling him about Vasquez's diarrhoea was TMI!
Dude, personal...
I always forget that that's actually a canon thing...
What a time to be alive.