If EP5 taught us anything, is that Rhys earned "Ultimately Superior Badass" rank in Borderlands that no one ever earned before.
(?) Cool moves, Rhys. Cool moves.
* He killed 12.000 people on Helios while destroying the power core. And according to an unused audio file, he was going to vent 1112 toddlers into space. (Determinant/Random outcome) (?) Definetly better at killing people.
* Did you see that guy's gun skills while finger gunning everyone on Helios?! A FATHERF---ING VAULT HUNTER RIGHT THERE!
* For destroying AI HJ, he destroyed his own robotic arm and eye.
* Even though it was the one thing he ever wanted to be, he rejected being Hyperion's president. (Determinant)
* Rhys is the F---KING MASS MURDERER in BL universe even Handsome Jack's AI agreed he's way better at killing people than he was.
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So while analyzing VERY carefully with the most precise of tools, I've concluded that Rhys and Fiona must have slept through each other's stories in the night of Episode 3 and possibly some of Episode 4. If you break down a part, such as the determinant flower scene, in Episode 5 Fiona confronts Rhys at the vault and mentions how SASHA told her about it, as if she hadn't heard Rhys when he described his part.
This could also explain why Fiona made no objections while Rhys told a few parts about him being romantic to her sister. And don't you think Rhys, knowing him, would try to say "No! I would never do that!" determinantly when Jack slapped Sasha on da booty? Even if he knew about it or not, I would object such a thing, too.
So while analyzing VERY carefully with the most precise of tools, I've concluded that Rhys and Fiona must have slept through each other's st… moreories in the night of Episode 3 and possibly some of Episode 4. If you break down a part, such as the determinant flower scene, in Episode 5 Fiona confronts Rhys at the vault and mentions how SASHA told her about it, as if she hadn't heard Rhys when he described his part.
This could also explain why Fiona made no objections while Rhys told a few parts about him being romantic to her sister. And don't you think Rhys, knowing him, would try to say "No! I would never do that!" determinantly when Jack slapped Sasha on da booty? Even if he knew about it or not, I would object such a thing, too.
Well, this is just unused audio, but there was audio of Fiona's reason for being mad at Rhys because he "was making googly eyes at Sasha."
I guess Telltale realized that would be just stupid
Well, this is just unused audio, but there was audio of Fiona's reason for being mad at Rhys because he "was making googly eyes at Sasha."
I guess Telltale realized that would be just stupid
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I just noticed this on another play through.
In episode one, when Fiona and Vaughn are approached by the guard at the bandit race he calls them Glasses Face and Hat Lady...when they reunite it episode 5 they greet each other the same way.
You can actually hire BL2 Vault Hunters in TFTBL if you have BL2 save file which allows you to choose more than 3 team members. And if you h… moreave extra Vault Hunter DLC's in your save file, there will be 2 extra seats in Gortys for Gaige and Krieg. That's my team. It's good, right?
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I just noticed this on another play through.
In episode one, when Fiona and Vaughn are… more approached by the guard at the bandit race he calls them Glasses Face and Hat Lady...when they reunite it episode 5 they greet each other the same way.
I thought that was cute
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I just noticed this on another play through.
In episode one, when Fiona and Vaughn are… more approached by the guard at the bandit race he calls them Glasses Face and Hat Lady...when they reunite it episode 5 they greet each other the same way.
I thought that was cute
One of the writers of Episode 5, Zack Keller, is one of the main writers and directors for the popular animated web comedy series Dick Figures. He also provides the voice of Blue in the series.
I just noticed this going through Ep5 the second time.
When Kroger shows up in the present with Vaughn, if you choose to mock Finch being dead, saying you remember what happened to him, Kroger will respond "Remember while you can." while inadvertently waving his gun around towards the top of the screen.
I laughed harder than I should of when I first caught this.
Don't know if it was already said, but if you shock Yvette with the stun baton, you don't have the option to free her from the cell, she has a brief chat with Rhys in which he says "good luck having an awful life" at the end and leaves her behind
Also, when Gortys gets activated for the second time, you can hear a part of "the Galatarium" song from EP2
Oh in my mind Rhys has always been rocking the Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) look, with the slicked back hair, shirt with the white collar and red tie. Oh and the tiny business cards reference earlier in seemed to be a nod to that film too.... Obviously he's a bit more sane though!!
You know what's beyond funny for me? Since day 1, I always thought Rhys reminded me of Flynn Rider from Disney's Tangled, if he worked with… more the bad guy's. Well take a good long look at what they referenced when Sasha is "dying". Rhys mentions hoping that his tears will somehow heal Sasha and she will be fine, and she responds by telling him this ain't that type of story. Take a wild guess what THAT was a reference to.
ACTUALLY... if you do not reveal you are Rhys when in the office with her you can let her out. It's only if you say "Helloooooo Yvette..." with Rhys' voice it doesn't give you an option to let her out
If you choose to walk away with the "You've made your choice option", his final words to her are something like "Have fun, with being a terrible person." which isn't the best parting line. I feel like he thought that sounded a lot cooler in his head.
If you choose to walk away with the "You've made your choice option", his final words to her are something like "Have fun, with being a terrible person." which isn't the best parting line. I feel like he thought that sounded a lot cooler in his head.
Not really a missed detail, more of a personal thing, but who else gets goosebumps when hearing the "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story.." line from Jack?
I done a few playthroughs now and when vaughn as the "bandit boss" gets the the children of helios to point the laser pointers, sometimes its just one pointer on the "stranger", sometimes there are two pointers, one on rhys and one on fiona (with no target on the stranger) and most of the time its three pointers rhys, fiona and the stranger being targeted, it all ends the same with vaughn making his hand gun and the stranger looking down to see one, two or three laser dots on his chest before dropping his gun.
I have no idea what is causing this difference but there you go :P
That's pretty interesting, I only found 2 versions on youtube by an accident- the one with all the lasers on the Stranger and the one with only one laser on Stranger. Thought it was a bug but you confirmed that it isn't. Nice find.
It may not be an exact reference but I like that the Children of Helios took a page from Doug from the Walking Dead's book by using laser pointers as a weapon.
That was one of my favourite quotes of the game the original "Hay look it's glasses face and hat lady." Was so pleased they referenced it at the end, made me laugh out loud. I needed that as I was getting very stressed in the final episode!
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I just noticed this on another play through.
In episode one, when Fiona and Vaughn are… more approached by the guard at the bandit race he calls them Glasses Face and Hat Lady...when they reunite it episode 5 they greet each other the same way.
I thought that was cute
XD dude... I thought Fiona's finger was a penis!
What gives me great glee: all of these facts could lead up to Rhys having a towering reputation. Like, massive. Intimidating as all hell.
And then you meet the guy and he's still the kind of dork who thinks that running away in a zig-zag pattern is a genius idea.
So while analyzing VERY carefully with the most precise of tools, I've concluded that Rhys and Fiona must have slept through each other's stories in the night of Episode 3 and possibly some of Episode 4. If you break down a part, such as the determinant flower scene, in Episode 5 Fiona confronts Rhys at the vault and mentions how SASHA told her about it, as if she hadn't heard Rhys when he described his part.
This could also explain why Fiona made no objections while Rhys told a few parts about him being romantic to her sister. And don't you think Rhys, knowing him, would try to say "No! I would never do that!" determinantly when Jack slapped Sasha on da booty? Even if he knew about it or not, I would object such a thing, too.
But... how could anyone deny him?!
Well, this is just unused audio, but there was audio of Fiona's reason for being mad at Rhys because he "was making googly eyes at Sasha."
I guess Telltale realized that would be just stupid
That was used in game as well. At least I got that.
Fiona can say the reason she's mad at Rhys is because Sasha?
me rn
She adds it to her reasons.
I had that in my game as well, I thought it was funny.
Everyone probably noticed this already, but Vaughn has different text color in Episode 5.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I just noticed this on another play through.
In episode one, when Fiona and Vaughn are approached by the guard at the bandit race he calls them Glasses Face and Hat Lady...when they reunite it episode 5 they greet each other the same way.
I thought that was cute
why play with our emotions like this brah?!? I want this to be real so bad
Whoever is doing the silent treatment / inaction approach...

It has been mentioned before (by me actually), but it's still a neat little detail. Also, it only happens if you bro-fist Vaughn.
If you do the same in Episode 2, it'll say :
Again? Seriously? A lot of people worked hard on that!!
He was ALSO that child of helios that said "We gotta fire now!"
I didn't realize that was a reference to that scene back in Episode 1. Huh, that's cool.
One of the writers of Episode 5, Zack Keller, is one of the main writers and directors for the popular animated web comedy series Dick Figures. He also provides the voice of Blue in the series.
Brick and mordecai taking Athena to Lilith for borderlands the pre sequal. I think...
Vallory said Lilith and the Crimson lance want to question her
There's a limit though...
I just noticed this going through Ep5 the second time.
When Kroger shows up in the present with Vaughn, if you choose to mock Finch being dead, saying you remember what happened to him, Kroger will respond "Remember while you can." while inadvertently waving his gun around towards the top of the screen.
I laughed harder than I should of when I first caught this.
enter link description here
Don't know if it was already said, but if you shock Yvette with the stun baton, you don't have the option to free her from the cell, she has a brief chat with Rhys in which he says "good luck having an awful life" at the end and leaves her behind
Also, when Gortys gets activated for the second time, you can hear a part of "the Galatarium" song from EP2
Oh in my mind Rhys has always been rocking the Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) look, with the slicked back hair, shirt with the white collar and red tie. Oh and the tiny business cards reference earlier in seemed to be a nod to that film too.... Obviously he's a bit more sane though!!
ACTUALLY... if you do not reveal you are Rhys when in the office with her you can let her out. It's only if you say "Helloooooo Yvette..." with Rhys' voice it doesn't give you an option to let her out
If you choose to walk away with the "You've made your choice option", his final words to her are something like "Have fun, with being a terrible person." which isn't the best parting line. I feel like he thought that sounded a lot cooler in his head.
It's actually "Have a great life being an awful person. K, bye!" . Definitely one of my favorite quotes from the game..
Not really a missed detail, more of a personal thing, but who else gets goosebumps when hearing the "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story.." line from Jack?
Limit to what?
I done a few playthroughs now and when vaughn as the "bandit boss" gets the the children of helios to point the laser pointers, sometimes its just one pointer on the "stranger", sometimes there are two pointers, one on rhys and one on fiona (with no target on the stranger) and most of the time its three pointers rhys, fiona and the stranger being targeted, it all ends the same with vaughn making his hand gun and the stranger looking down to see one, two or three laser dots on his chest before dropping his gun.
I have no idea what is causing this difference but there you go :P
That's pretty interesting, I only found 2 versions on youtube by an accident- the one with all the lasers on the Stranger and the one with only one laser on Stranger. Thought it was a bug but you confirmed that it isn't. Nice find.
I got a version where Fiona and the Stranger got targeted, but Rhys didn't. It makes it funnier when Rhys say "Looks like I hit murder bingo!"
It may not be an exact reference but I like that the Children of Helios took a page from Doug from the Walking Dead's book by using laser pointers as a weapon.
When I started playing Arkham Knight I was like oh wow this is just like Tales!
Did Dumpy do anything in Episode 5?
That was one of my favourite quotes of the game the original "Hay look it's glasses face and hat lady." Was so pleased they referenced it at the end, made me laugh out loud. I needed that as I was getting very stressed in the final episode!
He dies like a real mvp
Only if you reject Hyperion.
I know, but Dumpy was the real mvp.
He gave his little yelling soul up for Rhys. He will be missed.