Game of Thrones Season 2 Announced (Future news will be found at the new Pre-Season news thread)

Game of Thrones: Season 2 Announced!
Update March 15th 2016:
Check out the Pre-Season News thread for more updates as they come!
[This was formerly the Season 2 Waiting Thread, but now it's for general discussion.]
This thread is now just a general discussion thread for the announcement of Season 2 instead of a waiting thread. This thread is still open, but now, you guys can just discuss the game in general. Since this is not a waiting thread, you guys are more than welcome (and encouraged) to make your own threads for news updates until we make a waiting thread for Season 2 Episode 1. Future news updates will be posted in the Pre-Season news thread.
November 20th 2015
November 19th 2015
- Tweet from Job: A lot of questions from Telltale fans this week, incl. one very specific one about a current series. .@kevbru should have answers in the AM!
November 18th 2015:
Tweet from Job: Away from Twitter all day in some insanely exciting meetings about... secret stuff! .@Minecraft Ep 3 is nearly here. News/trailer tomorrow!
Tweet from Job: Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Michonne Mini-Series info also coming. Our 2016 lineup is a lot like a TV schedule!
Thread: O shit! AMAZING GoT news from TTG/JOBJ
Just click the damn link
Dayum. That was fast. But I guess it will just be the announcement of Season 2, which, quiet honestly, everyone expected. They also probably won't give a release window yet, that would be waaay too soon.
That told us nothing.
They just said "Hey, there's going to be news eventually."
So the news are that we're going to have news
Wow....that was quick.....But awesome. GOT fan forever
I am the excite!
Which means something is up. They wouldn't have mentioned game of Thrones if they didn't have anything planned. I'm betting on a Season 2 announcement, but I guess DLC could be a thing.
Well tbh they signed a multiple years contract with HBO so it was expected for a second season to come. :P
Thread: Major news on GOT coming VERY soon.
Job posted this on Twitter. I havent seen this in the Waiting Thread, that is the reason i make this new.
I hope i could see GOT again. I like the episode too much, but i hate the ending. I like open finales and cliffhanger, but EP6 was too much.
What do you think of this news?
"There will be an epilogue to wrap-up the plot. Also we were kidding, Mira isn't determinant, you can shut the hell up now"
If only...
How soon is very soon?
They'll probably just announce that there will be a Season 2. Which was already fairly obvious, given the ending to ep 6. Hopefully, it will premiere next year.
Considering that this is Telltale, most likely 3-4 months
...So, Game of Thrones Season 2 and/or mini series semi-confirmed? I can't see what else they would have to announce outside of a DLC Episode, but a single DLC episode would be small.
I hope this means a season 2 as well. I mean, shoot, if TWD gets 3 seasons, I don't see why GoT can't get a second season.
I'm guessing it's probably going to be a DLC, that would be awesome.
At this risk of trotting out an old cliché....
This is definitely a S2 announcement.
Or a DLC. Or both!
Either way, this gif always gives me a smile, even if it is old. Thanks.
Secret stuff is Wolf season 2 for sure
Right guys? ;-;
These lips are sealed...?
No, it's TFTBL S2, right?
Thread: I can't wait the major news
Is season 2 coming in 2016? Is it possible? Job says major news about got is coming soon.
I believe they'll be releasing The Walking Dead: Season Three alongside Game of Thrones: Season Two together in 2016.
Minecraft is already at its third episode so.. yeah, 2016 sounds possible.
I hope so
Don't forget about the Super Show,that's also coming.
Game of Thrones Pinball.
Game of Thrones action figures.
Game of Thrones coloring book... Oh wait.
Mmmm... roasted wight.
I can't wait for a season 2 but 2016 seems too soon. I'm thinking it's a dlc announcement.
Yeah... Coming soon.. I've heard that before but can't possibly remember where... Seriously don't forget it's "Telltale VERY soon" although i imagine since it is VERY soon it will be probably less then 4 months...
This are fricking fantastic news.
Don't want to sound like a dick, but we already know they are doing a season 2. Meanwhile games that deserve a season 2 like Tales and Wolf get nothing.
They will give a general release date. Like 2016 or 2017
And before episode 5 all the wolf fans hate the game and wanted telltale to drop the project i mean yes tales start very slow but the end was perfect. Im just thinking out load.
Coming soon, huh? More like Telltale soon... oh well, I just hope at the very least they do announce a DLC if not a Season 2... I need a Season 2 so badly... how will I go on without a Telltale game to give my life meaning - both Tales and GoT are now over...
I'd be down for that, if they were better than Lee and Clementine.