Asher/Rodrik recives a Wound (cut) To the Forehead without reason. While fighting Harys, He has none. He gets it, when Harys stabs ASher/Rodrik in the stomach.
(he did not get the cut with that knee in the face)
But just because Gregor had brown hair that doesn't mean his ancestors is house forrester ALL did.And so it'd only be 'traditional' in terms of how much they look like one person who led the house, which is bizarre.
Lord Gregor is a Forrester, he had the traditional Forrester look. Elissa is not a Forrester but she married Gregor. Half the kids inherited… more the traditional Forrester look from their father and half inherited their mother's looks (not Forrester looks).
Why were the previous lords of Ironrath probably dark haired? Gregor's father could have been blond and his mother dark haired. It's just a pointless way to describe it.
The blonde hair comes from the Branfield side of the family (Elissa), the dark hair from the Forrester side (Gregor). The previous Lords of Ironrath were probably dark-haired aswell, I think that's what he meant with traditional Forrester look.
I watched VERY closely. and Nope. After Asher/Rodrik getting saved, (Elissa, Bowen) They are getting Impaled. and THEN it practicly appears on their foreheads.
I watched VERY closely. and Nope. After Asher/Rodrik getting saved, (Elissa, Bowen) They are getting Impaled. and THEN it practicly appears on their foreheads.
Asher/Rodrik recives a Wound (cut) To the Forehead without reason. While fighting Harys, He has none. He gets it, when Harys stabs ASher/Rodrik in the stomach.
(he did not get the cut with that knee in the face)
It used to be W and S when the episode came out, but they later changed it to just Q and E for some reason. It really bugged me for a while but I got used to it in the end.
Doubtful he'd trust many people to do that, though, especially during such a time. Not to mention most people would be dead before even making it past the Wall. xD
It would have been Gared's fault if he intentionally attack the Whitehills soldiers who was just passing by. But he found them attacking his farm, killed his father and sister and if he didn't immediately attack them, the soldiers would still attack Gared and Gared killed two of them in self-defense. It was the Whitehills who started this whole mess, so the fault is entirely on their shoulders
Gared called Rodrik --> Rodrik got distracted, got hit on the leg then got the horse on his body.
Lord Gregor looked at Gared with burning passion in his eyes--> Lord Gregor got hit by the arrow.
If Gared had been killed along side with Bowen, or if Gared hadn't been sent to take the wine, then Rodrik wouldn't have suffered the injuries, Lord Gregor would have lived.
Gared called Rodrik --> Rodrik got distracted, got hit on the leg then got the horse on his body.
Lord Gregor looked at Gared with bur… morening passion in his eyes--> Lord Gregor got hit by the arrow.
If Gared had been killed along side with Bowen, or if Gared hadn't been sent to take the wine, then Rodrik wouldn't have suffered the injuries, Lord Gregor would have lived.
Gared called Rodrik --> Rodrik got distracted, got hit on the leg then got the horse on his body.
Lord Gregor looked at Gared with bur… morening passion in his eyes--> Lord Gregor got hit by the arrow.
If Gared had been killed along side with Bowen, or if Gared hadn't been sent to take the wine, then Rodrik wouldn't have suffered the injuries, Lord Gregor would have lived.
You sure that it is not just blood splatted on their faces? Both brothers got practically bathed in blood during the siege.
Nope, The upper one on the forehead. you can really say it is a cut
But just because Gregor had brown hair that doesn't mean his ancestors is house forrester ALL did.And so it'd only be 'traditional' in terms of how much they look like one person who led the house, which is bizarre.
Why were the previous lords of Ironrath probably dark haired? Gregor's father could have been blond and his mother dark haired. It's just a pointless way to describe it.
Maybe they got the cut when Harys smacked them in the face?
I watched VERY closely. and Nope. After Asher/Rodrik getting saved, (Elissa, Bowen) They are getting Impaled. and THEN it practicly appears on their foreheads.
Yeah, I can confirm it, it was a cut.
Elissa doesn't seem concerned or even mention Malcolm when Asher/Rodrik returns.
My thoughts exactly! I thought of that right when she hugged Rodrik (in my playtrough). Malcolm is your brother! Why are you not concerned!?
Malcolm sent a raven to Ironrath after Asher left on the ship, surely he would've mentioned that he won't be coming with him.
"I'll send a raven to Ironrath, to let Rodrik you'll be sailing to Ironrath with er-- sellswords"
I thought he knees Asher/Rodrik in the face.
A new glitch from ep 2:
This one fooled me more than once.
It used to be W and S when the episode came out, but they later changed it to just Q and E for some reason. It really bugged me for a while but I got used to it in the end.
in Asher last stand when the sentinel saves him he get a dialogue options but Rodrik doesn't.
Has anyone tried not to have Elaena around?
wait you can get rid I tried telling her to go but she stayed
The Forresters and the Whitehills would never have been at war if Gared had died at the twins.
Or if the Whitehills + Bolton soldiers haven't killed Gared's family and attacked their farm in the first place.
How about never sleeping with her in episode 5?
I think the Whitehills would have still searched for another excuse to start a war. They were already attacking farms in order to provoke a response.
And if Gared had died at the Twins the North Grove would be forever lost
Not entirely...
Rodrik still knew about it
I doubt Rodrik would search for it, though.
He could send a replacement Gared
Doubtful he'd trust many people to do that, though, especially during such a time. Not to mention most people would be dead before even making it past the Wall. xD
It would have been Gared's fault if he intentionally attack the Whitehills soldiers who was just passing by. But he found them attacking his farm, killed his father and sister and if he didn't immediately attack them, the soldiers would still attack Gared and Gared killed two of them in self-defense. It was the Whitehills who started this whole mess, so the fault is entirely on their shoulders
Don't be that guy.
Well, Ben did things he didn't HAVE to do to. Gared just defended himself.
Also, totally forgot Ben existed until now.
Look, this isn't Gared's fault. It, can't be- his fault... It- Isn't- Aww, it's all his fault isn't it?
Nah, nah, it can't be- his, fault.
Poor Gared.
Yeah, when I first saw the name Ben, I was like who the hell?
Sorry, bruh, but I'm going to be that guy. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
You have to straight up say "You don't belong here" to get her to leave.
Gared called Rodrik --> Rodrik got distracted, got hit on the leg then got the horse on his body.
Lord Gregor looked at Gared with burning passion in his eyes--> Lord Gregor got hit by the arrow.
If Gared had been killed along side with Bowen, or if Gared hadn't been sent to take the wine, then Rodrik wouldn't have suffered the injuries, Lord Gregor would have lived.
And everyone would be fine if Gared wasn't so damn good looking! Rodrik and Gregor couldn't stop themselves from admiring him.
If only people didn't stop and stare at him during the middle of a massive battle. xD
Ludd and Gryff seem cunty enough to find something to fight over.