Game running slow



  • I know mine sucks


  • For some reason my steam won't show Batman the telltale series

  • I prefer City, but they're both good games tbh

    amoore12321 posted: »

    What's better Batman Arkham Asylum or Batman Arkham city

  • Maybe by the time the whole game comes out, the game will run better?

    I dunno, I don't really have this game.

  • What's tbh

    I prefer City, but they're both good games tbh

  • To be honest

    amoore12321 posted: »

    What's tbh

  • I preferred the story in Asylum, mainly because I thought it was more focused, but as to what is the better game, definitely City.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    What's better Batman Arkham Asylum or Batman Arkham city

  • Also which one has no scary stuff in it i get scared easily

    I preferred the story in Asylum, mainly because I thought it was more focused, but as to what is the better game, definitely City.

  • thats good news, hopefully the pc version gets patched soon

    oski165 posted: »

    Console versions are fine.

  • edited August 2016

    Asylum was scarier, with the Scarecrow and Killer Croc parts...

    amoore12321 posted: »

    Also which one has no scary stuff in it i get scared easily

  • why is it scarier

    Asylum was scarier, with the Scarecrow and Killer Croc parts...

  • You'll see.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    why is it scarier

  • i not getting it if its scary

    You'll see.

  • is arkham city hard?

    amoore12321 posted: »

    i not getting it if its scary

  • The only scary parts are the ones with, as I said, Scarecrow and Killer Croc, and there are only 4 parts of those. Other than that, you should be fine.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    i not getting it if its scary

  • If you don't pay attention, it is.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    is arkham city hard?

  • what does this mean?

    ****If you are experiencing performance issues, you may need to update the graphics card drivers to the latest available. If you are using a laptop, please use your dedicated graphics and not intel integrated graphics.*****

  • im using laptop

    amoore12321 posted: »

    what does this mean? ****If you are experiencing performance issues, you may need to update the graphics card drivers to the latest available. If you are using a laptop, please use your dedicated graphics and not intel integrated graphics.*****

  • I finished Asylum a few months ago, now I'm doing City.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    Who will just play batman Arkham asylum while waiting for bug fix I will


  • Usually when I see framerate complaints, I see PC specs. That's important when giving feedback :P

    CPU: AMD Athlon x4 750k 4-core @3.89GHz
    GPU: MSI Nvidia GTX 760 4GB : Driver Version: 368.81
    RAM: 16GB
    OS: Win 10

    Generally the game runs 60FPS, but has noticeable frame drops to the 40s and so on. I'll get to monitoring vRAM and CPU consumption at some point. The performance really bothered me at some moments... Some sort of optimization patch would be lovely.

  • heres mine

    Processor: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics
    Graphics card: AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics
    RAM 3.45 GB
    windows 10

  • They're m for mature games, sorry.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    i not getting it if its scary

  • No its fine i can play them :) but i hate scary stuff

    papai46 posted: »

    They're m for mature games, sorry.

  • I see.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    No its fine i can play them but i hate scary stuff

  • see what

    papai46 posted: »

    I see.

  • Fine here's mine

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
    Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 840M
    RAM: 12 GB
    Windows 8.1

    I meet the requirements.

  • Neither of them are scary.

    amoore12321 posted: »

    Also which one has no scary stuff in it i get scared easily

  • Is this gonna be like Arkham Knight?

    Where PC gamers can't play it because of all the bugs and frame rate drops?

  • Yup, my copy of the game is also running slow. The graphics are noticibly choppy and the mouse is moving slowly. I really hope Telltale puts out a patch in the very near future. I've previously been able to play their earlier releases like Fables and Borderlands without difficulty so I'm not sure why the game is working so poorly this time around.

  • Oh wow an update from Telltale I wonder what it says

    "****If you are experiencing performance issues, you may need to update the graphics card drivers to the latest available. If you are using a laptop, please use your dedicated graphics and not intel integrated graphics.*****".

    Oh the same shit I've been doing for the past 10 hours. They aren't going to fucking patch the game.

  • I think they're still trying to figure it out.

    Oh wow an update from Telltale I wonder what it says "****If you are experiencing performance issues, you may need to update the graphics

  • They really should add some actual graphic options like their other games. Just having anti-aliasing is a fucking joke.

    J-Master posted: »

    I think they're still trying to figure it out.

  • edited August 2016

    I think that is part of the issue on why performance is a bit bad right now with certain people.

    Without the other type of graphic setting such as ability to lower texture, remove shine, and etc the game may be setting itself in Ultra Graphic setting by default in graphics.

    This can cause issues for players who don't have high stat type computers. If Telltale can add into the game the ability to adjust texture setting between low, medium, high, and ultra into this game, like they did with their past games, then this may fix the slow performance issue due to the game being set in Ultra by default.

  • edited August 2016

    Telltale presents! Arkham Knight: A Telltale Games Series!

  • edited August 2016

    Batman just had a 10mb update on steam. I doubt that a 10mb update is enough to fix a broken game ( although I was able to finish the episode without any problems..) but its worth checking out for those who are having technical issues.

    EDIT: I think I found out what the update was about. It just added a drivers warning when opening the game.
    enter image description here

  • Hmmm, could that explain the somewhat inconsistent frame rate with the PS4 version I have right now where it's mostly a somewhat choppy 30fps and suddenly jumps to 60fps and vice versa?

    EdwinL posted: »

    I think that is part of the issue on why performance is a bit bad right now with certain people. Without the other type of graphic settin

  • edited August 2016

    Oh shit they added graphic options! Please actually do shit.

    It didn't do shit...Also full screen is still broken.

    Tolispro posted: »

    Batman just had a 10mb update on steam. I doubt that a 10mb update is enough to fix a broken game ( although I was able to finish the episod

  • Ye. Has to be really frustrating for those who cant play the game. Whats even worse is that the game is even bugged on steam, lol. It doesn't show up on your profile.

    Oh shit they added graphic options! Please actually do shit. It didn't do shit...Also full screen is still broken.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They added details about the patch to this support article.

    We have now released a PC patch that should resolve performance and other gameplay issues. This patch includes:

    • Automatically select Max Performance mode on nVidia Optimus laptops to ensure dedicated graphics card usage.

    • Added graphics settings for selecting Higher Performance Textures or Higher Quality Textures.

    • Codex viewing fixes.

    If you have the Steam version of the game, Steam should automatically install this patch. If you are not receiving it automatically, please close your Steam client, then restart it.

    If you have the Telltale version or GOG version, we anticipate the patch will be available for these versions very soon. We will update this article when we have verified these versions also have the patch.

    Tolispro posted: »

    Batman just had a 10mb update on steam. I doubt that a 10mb update is enough to fix a broken game ( although I was able to finish the episod

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