“Give your family a story they can be proud of. As I hope to do for mine.”
- Mira Forrester
Season Two may (forever) be on the horizon, but let's not forget what we've already got. The finale of Season One turns a year old today! :O
“Give your family a story they can be proud of. As I hope to do for mine.”
- Mira Forrester
Season Two may (forever) be on the horizon, but let's not forget what we've already got. The finale of Season One turns a year old today! :O
“Give your family a story they can be proud of. As I hope to do for mine.”
- Mira Forrester
Season Two may (forever) be on the horizon, but let's not forget what we've already got. The finale of Season One turns a year old today! :O
Huh, one year anniversary of the confirmation and nothing.
I think it's quite strange that they announced it so soon but haven't followed up on it. I wonder if they want to wait until the show does something, because now it looks like they won't be having Season 2 done or even started before Season 7 wraps around. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not? I know I want to see something like, the Battle of the Bastards, in the game. No hints still, nothing.
I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and say that if it does premiere it won't be until late 2017, perhaps even early 2018.
I think they announced it early to do some sort of damage controll, since the Reviews for the episode weren't as positiv as Telltale would've liked them to be. Many reviews stated, that the ending didn't felt as conclusive as it should be and no one knew for certain, if there is going to be a seconds season.
Huh, one year anniversary of the confirmation and nothing.
I think it's quite strange that they announced it so soon but haven't followed… more up on it. I wonder if they want to wait until the show does something, because now it looks like they won't be having Season 2 done or even started before Season 7 wraps around. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not? I know I want to see something like, the Battle of the Bastards, in the game. No hints still, nothing.
I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and say that if it does premiere it won't be until late 2017, perhaps even early 2018.
I don't think that was the reason - I think they announced it just out of obligation due to the fact that it had not one but several major cliffhangers.
I think they announced it early to do some sort of damage controll, since the Reviews for the episode weren't as positiv as Telltale would'v… moree liked them to be. Many reviews stated, that the ending didn't felt as conclusive as it should be and no one knew for certain, if there is going to be a seconds season.
At least that's what I think.
Huh, one year anniversary of the confirmation and nothing.
I think it's quite strange that they announced it so soon but haven't followed… more up on it. I wonder if they want to wait until the show does something, because now it looks like they won't be having Season 2 done or even started before Season 7 wraps around. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not? I know I want to see something like, the Battle of the Bastards, in the game. No hints still, nothing.
I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and say that if it does premiere it won't be until late 2017, perhaps even early 2018.
I'm extremely excited for season 2. I'll be honest, I found season 1 to be a hard pill to swallow a lot of the time in how painful the collapse of the family house was, seemingly no matter the effort to stop it. But I really think all the frusteration and heartache will pay off in season 2 with the reclaimation of the North alongside Jon Snow (I'm assuming it'll go that route).
I think having it be so painful allows as to understand and really empathize with the Forresters. And it really allows us to understand how the Starks must be feeling when they lost their seat and power too.
Steam Award nominations are live! Go to a game's store page to nominate it. And don't forget to write in your own category, bro. pic.twitter.com/Evif95BxuJ
I think it's fair to say at this stage Season 2 will be the last season of the game. I'd kind of hoped there'd be 3 seasons, with the last one dedicated to the North's inevitable battle with the White Walkers. The delay is more likely due to lack of public/critical enthusiasm (something which generally comes quite easy to TT), but if they only ever planned 2 seasons the delay to late 2017 would make sense as well, seeing as the TV show ends in 2018.
I personally feel that there might be three Seasons overall.
Season 1: taking place between S3 and S4 of the show.
Season 2: taking place between S5 and S6 of the show.
Season 3: taking place between S7 and S8 of the show.
Sorry for the repetition, but I needed to make my point clear.
I think it's fair to say at this stage Season 2 will be the last season of the game. I'd kind of hoped there'd be 3 seasons, with the last o… morene dedicated to the North's inevitable battle with the White Walkers. The delay is more likely due to lack of public/critical enthusiasm (something which generally comes quite easy to TT), but if they only ever planned 2 seasons the delay to late 2017 would make sense as well, seeing as the TV show ends in 2018.
I think it's fair to say at this stage Season 2 will be the last season of the game. I'd kind of hoped there'd be 3 seasons, with the last o… morene dedicated to the North's inevitable battle with the White Walkers. The delay is more likely due to lack of public/critical enthusiasm (something which generally comes quite easy to TT), but if they only ever planned 2 seasons the delay to late 2017 would make sense as well, seeing as the TV show ends in 2018.
It doesn't hurt to think about it.. I'd love some little notes on S2 at TGA.. even just after they talk about TWD they say "And we'll be having some more information on our upcoming Marvel series and Game of Thrones to premiere in 2017."
I hope to god we get some news, I need to take back Ironrath.
We can only hope...I really hope we get some news. Would be damn amazing we see a brief teaser trailer or a poster that confirms it is coming.
If not, we will keep our vigil and keep waiting as painful as it is.
So, Telltale didn't announce Game Of Thrones Season 2 but "Guardians of the Galaxy"... A little bit disappointed I must say. I'll play it because I'm playing every Telltale Game but still..
A year without any news after the game was announced, and TTG pretending the game never existed instead. Thanks for nothing, TTG! Seems to me they just wanted to keep people around so they could throw other games at them and hopefully squeeze out a few more sales. It's... insulting, to say the least.
[claps hands together]
Welp, it's never coming.
A year without any news after the game was announced, and TTG pretending the game neve… morer existed instead. Thanks for nothing, TTG! Seems to me they just wanted to keep people around so they could throw other games at them and hopefully squeeze out a few more sales. It's... insulting, to say the least.
I honestly think Telltale's stretching itself a little too far. Maybe I'm biased since I never liked the GotG movie to begin with, but I have sub-zero interest in playing any game based on it. Then again, I despised TWD and GoT, but Telltale still managed to win me over.
So, Telltale didn't announce Game Of Thrones Season 2 but "Guardians of the Galaxy"... A little bit disappointed I must say. I'll play it because I'm playing every Telltale Game but still..
To be fair though, most people who played the game despise the game. If they do mention it coming out, I bet not many of them will play it and hate that it will be mentioned. Mostly the fans that like the GoT Telltale game will get it. But I can see why they hate the game so much. The graphics, the plot armor of Ramsay Snow, the ending, the choices (then again it's better then choices from TWD or TWAU), Mira's character killed off, etc. I think what one of the problems of this game was though is that it was pretty obvious that the choices didn't mean much. In TWD and TWAU, Telltale covered up the effectiveness of choices pretty well. But in this game I don't think Telltale managed to cover up the effectiveness of our choices that much. For example the traitor scene. It was really poorly written and that the fans found it stupid and easy to know that no matter who you pick as Sentinel, the other would be the traitor. Again to be fair, some of Telltale's choices were overrated when it comes to effectiveness. They definitely didn't matter enough.
Anyways I still liked the game despite all of it's flaws. But because of it's flaws I definitely wouldn't put it as the greatest Telltale game of all time or Game of the Year.
[claps hands together]
Welp, it's never coming.
A year without any news after the game was announced, and TTG pretending the game neve… morer existed instead. Thanks for nothing, TTG! Seems to me they just wanted to keep people around so they could throw other games at them and hopefully squeeze out a few more sales. It's... insulting, to say the least.
People looked in the game files and found that the Maester was originally supposed to be the traitor. I guess they revised that plot point due to them wanting to "pull one over" on fans who (at that point) accurately predicted the Maester being the traitor, which I honestly think is kinda tacky if true. That would not be the first time they made such as major change due to fan feedback - they also made ****** be the Stranger in Episode 5 of Tales, since people liked that character in earlier episodes even though they were not originally the Stranger.
People otherwise liked the series up until the Traitor twist. As a mod, I distinctly remember an abrupt change in the atmosphere of the Thrones forum (and general reception of that game from fans) right around the time of that twist.
To be fair though, most people who played the game despise the game. If they do mention it coming out, I bet not many of them will play it a… morend hate that it will be mentioned. Mostly the fans that like the GoT Telltale game will get it. But I can see why they hate the game so much. The graphics, the plot armor of Ramsay Snow, the ending, the choices (then again it's better then choices from TWD or TWAU), Mira's character killed off, etc. I think what one of the problems of this game was though is that it was pretty obvious that the choices didn't mean much. In TWD and TWAU, Telltale covered up the effectiveness of choices pretty well. But in this game I don't think Telltale managed to cover up the effectiveness of our choices that much. For example the traitor scene. It was really poorly written and that the fans found it stupid and easy to know that no matter who you pick as Sentinel, the other would be the traitor. Again to be fair, some of … [view original content]
Such a lovely banner! So beautiful!
It kind of looks as if Rodrik is about to behead Mira. But it is a great banner. This year really sped by for me for some reason.
What do they mean by Exclusive?
It was a news article exclusive to that site.
Oh man I forgot. Man i really miss game of thrones, it was a real treat from someone who didn't give a shit about the show or read the books.
Huh, one year anniversary of the confirmation and nothing.
I think it's quite strange that they announced it so soon but haven't followed up on it. I wonder if they want to wait until the show does something, because now it looks like they won't be having Season 2 done or even started before Season 7 wraps around. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not? I know I want to see something like, the Battle of the Bastards, in the game. No hints still, nothing.
I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and say that if it does premiere it won't be until late 2017, perhaps even early 2018.
I think they announced it early to do some sort of damage controll, since the Reviews for the episode weren't as positiv as Telltale would've liked them to be. Many reviews stated, that the ending didn't felt as conclusive as it should be and no one knew for certain, if there is going to be a seconds season.
At least that's what I think.
I don't think that was the reason - I think they announced it just out of obligation due to the fact that it had not one but several major cliffhangers.
I should replay this again after thanksgiving vacation.
Well with the many possibilities that happened in S1 a late 2017 release date seemed very likely to me from the start.
Telltale will most likely want Season 2 finished before the TV Show ends in Summer 2018.
If we don't get anything at the VGA's next week, I think we can safely say it won't premiere until late 2017 at the earliest
I'm extremely excited for season 2. I'll be honest, I found season 1 to be a hard pill to swallow a lot of the time in how painful the collapse of the family house was, seemingly no matter the effort to stop it. But I really think all the frusteration and heartache will pay off in season 2 with the reclaimation of the North alongside Jon Snow (I'm assuming it'll go that route).
I think having it be so painful allows as to understand and really empathize with the Forresters. And it really allows us to understand how the Starks must be feeling when they lost their seat and power too.
I lost faith to see Season 2 released at all... what do you think ?
why exactly? it is confirmed and they are officially working on it, we just don't have the info, but we will get it after Batman end I think
They already have batman and TWD 3 to work on. I expect they will work on it once batman episode 5 is complete
They have already announced it. Unless they decide to say that they have cancelled the game, we will be getting it eventually.
the production of Batman and TWD doesn't affect the progress on GoT when u people will understand how Telltale is making their games?
When will season 2 come??
Because I have the impression that they want us to completely forget this game. Recent example with this tweet :
All the recent games are mentioned except Game Of Thrones...
I've got a bad feeling that they will cancel it indeed....or, at least, delay it for a far far far future date (like 2018 or 2019).
Hope I'm wrong...
I think it's fair to say at this stage Season 2 will be the last season of the game. I'd kind of hoped there'd be 3 seasons, with the last one dedicated to the North's inevitable battle with the White Walkers. The delay is more likely due to lack of public/critical enthusiasm (something which generally comes quite easy to TT), but if they only ever planned 2 seasons the delay to late 2017 would make sense as well, seeing as the TV show ends in 2018.
I personally feel that there might be three Seasons overall.
Season 1: taking place between S3 and S4 of the show.
Season 2: taking place between S5 and S6 of the show.
Season 3: taking place between S7 and S8 of the show.
Sorry for the repetition, but I needed to make my point clear.
Awesome GOT is my favourite telltale game and I am excited for a 2017 fall release or at-least a 2018 release
Well the game awards are tomorrow, my friends. I think if we don't get news tomorrow we won't get any for a very long time.
We can only hope...I really hope we get some news. Would be damn amazing we see a brief teaser trailer or a poster that confirms it is coming.
If not, we will keep our vigil and keep waiting as painful as it is.
I'd be so happy to see a tease of Season 2 at the awards. I doubt we will, but... y'know, it doesn't hurt to dream.
Are you saying there's NO difference between the studio developing and focusing on a single game as opposed to, say four?
Hurry up! I need to take back Ironrath!
It doesn't hurt to think about it.. I'd love some little notes on S2 at TGA.. even just after they talk about TWD they say "And we'll be having some more information on our upcoming Marvel series and Game of Thrones to premiere in 2017."
I hope to god we get some news, I need to take back Ironrath.
Iron From Ice.
I'm emotionally scarred, it was all I wanted tonight : (
Hang in there, brother.
So, Telltale didn't announce Game Of Thrones Season 2 but "Guardians of the Galaxy"... A little bit disappointed I must say. I'll play it because I'm playing every Telltale Game but still..
[claps hands together]
Welp, it's never coming.
A year without any news after the game was announced, and TTG pretending the game never existed instead. Thanks for nothing, TTG! Seems to me they just wanted to keep people around so they could throw other games at them and hopefully squeeze out a few more sales. It's... insulting, to say the least.
TTG: don't mention GoT when expected to
Most TTGoT fans: Oh
well I'm sure it'll come out eventually.
Jakest123, every single time:

I honestly think Telltale's stretching itself a little too far. Maybe I'm biased since I never liked the GotG movie to begin with, but I have sub-zero interest in playing any game based on it. Then again, I despised TWD and GoT, but Telltale still managed to win me over.
To be fair though, most people who played the game despise the game. If they do mention it coming out, I bet not many of them will play it and hate that it will be mentioned. Mostly the fans that like the GoT Telltale game will get it. But I can see why they hate the game so much. The graphics, the plot armor of Ramsay Snow, the ending, the choices (then again it's better then choices from TWD or TWAU), Mira's character killed off, etc. I think what one of the problems of this game was though is that it was pretty obvious that the choices didn't mean much. In TWD and TWAU, Telltale covered up the effectiveness of choices pretty well. But in this game I don't think Telltale managed to cover up the effectiveness of our choices that much. For example the traitor scene. It was really poorly written and that the fans found it stupid and easy to know that no matter who you pick as Sentinel, the other would be the traitor. Again to be fair, some of Telltale's choices were overrated when it comes to effectiveness. They definitely didn't matter enough.
Anyways I still liked the game despite all of it's flaws. But because of it's flaws I definitely wouldn't put it as the greatest Telltale game of all time or Game of the Year.
People looked in the game files and found that the Maester was originally supposed to be the traitor. I guess they revised that plot point due to them wanting to "pull one over" on fans who (at that point) accurately predicted the Maester being the traitor, which I honestly think is kinda tacky if true. That would not be the first time they made such as major change due to fan feedback - they also made ****** be the Stranger in Episode 5 of Tales, since people liked that character in earlier episodes even though they were not originally the Stranger.
People otherwise liked the series up until the Traitor twist. As a mod, I distinctly remember an abrupt change in the atmosphere of the Thrones forum (and general reception of that game from fans) right around the time of that twist.