Yes,she looks better.The nose is a little unrealistic since it's very small when she's older but pretty wide when she's younger but I am not complaining too much because I like how she looks.
Yeah, the new engine made the eyebrows a lot sharper for expressions, the hat is a lot more smoothed/detailed, and her hair is better than ever, much more can be said, but overall I love the new look.
But she's not orange though, I said that as an exaggerated example. But I guess it could be seen as that?
Also, I read your first comment as "obviously" and not "obliviously".
Gabe : Javi...we have to accept Clementine as family.
Javier : Why is that?
Gabe : She is carrying my child!
This is your nightmare...I am sure.
But I maintain that Gabe is just a friend. I am not sure Clementine is anywhere close to looking for a mate....hell she is not even looking for a I am sure she is safe this season.
You'd be surprised, my sister's first kiss was when she was 8. As long as they's both in the same age group, I think it's okay. Also, it's not common either have a little girl killing people, driving cars and shootig guns, and nobody is complaining about it.
You'd be surprised, my sister's first kiss was when she was 8. As long as they's both in the same age group, I think it's okay. Also, it's n… moreot common either have a little girl killing people, driving cars and shootig guns, and nobody is complaining about it.
Look, we don't want disgusting fan fiction type of stuff here, the Gabe stuff is bad enough. Lesbian Clem sounds awful, this is not the thread, not to mention it sounds pretty damn pedo tier to even want to see stuff like this. Clem is 13, Mariana is 10, for gods sake please no, it's pretty damn vile to even see your comment. Just think about it, Clem is just innocent (even thinks relationships are gross still) and basically is like a daughter to most of us, she shouldn't be sexualized in any way, not to mention you've fucking known her since 8 years old, it's disgusting either way.
You'd be surprised, my sister's first kiss was when she was 8. As long as they's both in the same age group, I think it's okay. Also, it's n… moreot common either have a little girl killing people, driving cars and shootig guns, and nobody is complaining about it.
There is nothing wrong with Clem being a lesbian...however she is 13 and Mariana is 10...while yes it does happen that are forgetting the pedestal a lot of us put her on. I would love for her to have a gay or strait relationship at some point...but not at 13...and not when she has a mission to find AJ.
I agree about your main point, but she isn't revolted by relationships. Clementine even says that it must be nice to have a partner if Javier mentions Kate.
Look, we don't want disgusting fan fiction type of stuff here, the Gabe stuff is bad enough. Lesbian Clem sounds awful, this is not the thre… moread, not to mention it sounds pretty damn pedo tier to even want to see stuff like this. Clem is 13, Mariana is 10, for gods sake please no, it's pretty damn vile to even see your comment. Just think about it, Clem is just innocent (even thinks relationships are gross still) and basically is like a daughter to most of us, she shouldn't be sexualized in any way, not to mention you've fucking known her since 8 years old, it's disgusting either way.
There is nothing wrong with Clem being a lesbian...however she is 13 and Mariana is 10...while yes it does happen that are forge… moretting the pedestal a lot of us put her on. I would love for her to have a gay or strait relationship at some point...but not at 13...and not when she has a mission to find AJ.
There is nothing wrong with Clem being a lesbian...
Please not another Tracer scenario, I doubt Clem will be lesbian and I hope they never consider it as an option. Please, just, no...
It would be out of character for Clem to just be like "oh yeah im gay btw", not to mention it would feel like forced view, just keep it straight if anything, shit's disgusting. Clem shall not be ruined by dumb fan fiction.
It would be out of character for Clem to just be like "oh yeah im gay btw", not to mention it would feel like forced view, just keep it straight if anything, shit's disgusting. Clem shall not be ruined by dumb fan fiction.
Look, we don't want disgusting fan fiction type of stuff here, the Gabe stuff is bad enough. Lesbian Clem sounds awful, this is not the thre… moread, not to mention it sounds pretty damn pedo tier to even want to see stuff like this. Clem is 13, Mariana is 10, for gods sake please no, it's pretty damn vile to even see your comment. Just think about it, Clem is just innocent (even thinks relationships are gross still) and basically is like a daughter to most of us, she shouldn't be sexualized in any way, not to mention you've fucking known her since 8 years old, it's disgusting either way.
It would be out of character for Clem to just be like "oh yeah im gay btw", not to mention it would feel like forced view, just keep it straight if anything, shit's disgusting. Clem shall not be ruined by dumb fan fiction.
It would be out of character for Clem to just be like "oh yeah im gay btw", not to mention it would feel like forced view, just keep it straight if anything, shit's disgusting. Clem shall not be ruined by dumb fan fiction.
Daymn. How long did it take you to make these comparisons? Awesome job btw.
That S02 smug face just kills me every.time.
Yes,she looks better.The nose is a little unrealistic since it's very small when she's older but pretty wide when she's younger but I am not complaining too much because I like how she looks.
But she's not orange though, I said that as an exaggerated example. But I guess it could be seen as that?
Also, I read your first comment as "obviously" and not "obliviously".
lol now that you said I see it
They grow up so fast.
Please for fucks sake, no, that's fucked up as hell.
Okay, I don't wanna be a dick but two underaged girls kissing is really creepy.
Uh... why? It's just a kiss, nothing like sex or that sick shit.
Sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with it.
Sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with it.
Mariana was ten years old.
I still don't see anything wrong.
Um, I don't think ten year olds kissing is something... common.
Gabe : Javi...we have to accept Clementine as family.
Javier : Why is that?
Gabe : She is carrying my child!
This is your nightmare...I am sure.
But I maintain that Gabe is just a friend. I am not sure Clementine is anywhere close to looking for a mate....hell she is not even looking for a I am sure she is safe this season.
You'd be surprised, my sister's first kiss was when she was 8. As long as they's both in the same age group, I think it's okay. Also, it's not common either have a little girl killing people, driving cars and shootig guns, and nobody is complaining about it.
Look, we don't want disgusting fan fiction type of stuff here, the Gabe stuff is bad enough. Lesbian Clem sounds awful, this is not the thread, not to mention it sounds pretty damn pedo tier to even want to see stuff like this. Clem is 13, Mariana is 10, for gods sake please no, it's pretty damn vile to even see your comment. Just think about it, Clem is just innocent (even thinks relationships are gross still) and basically is like a daughter to most of us, she shouldn't be sexualized in any way, not to mention you've fucking known her since 8 years old, it's disgusting either way.
what reality do you live in?
I would have loved for Clem to treat her like a kid sister.
Kate is thinking Fuck my do I always end up the bad parent?
There is nothing wrong with Clem being a lesbian...however she is 13 and Mariana is 10...while yes it does happen that are forgetting the pedestal a lot of us put her on. I would love for her to have a gay or strait relationship at some point...but not at 13...and not when she has a mission to find AJ.
I agree about your main point, but she isn't revolted by relationships. Clementine even says that it must be nice to have a partner if Javier mentions Kate.
I wonder what Lee would say if he could see his sweetpea today.
Depends on how old you are, I guess. I'd be extremely uncomfortable seeing that kind of stuff, doesn't matter in what context.
Please not another Tracer scenario, I doubt Clem will be lesbian and I hope they never consider it as an option. Please, just, no...
Oh noes the gays!!!
It would be out of character for Clem to just be like "oh yeah im gay btw", not to mention it would feel like forced view, just keep it straight if anything, shit's disgusting. Clem shall not be ruined by dumb fan fiction.
I am hoping for bi-sexual Clem with flannel jackets.
I am bi-sexual...really I don't wear flannel.
Well, your hopes won't go far for Clem, she's a god tier character as is right now, they won't murder it with some bi/gay agenda.
Dude, you're overreacting. It's just a kiss.
Oh, now I get why you're so angry, you're homophobic. I thought you were just being a typical overprotective parent.
What isn't cute about men crying? They're so sensible, so vulnerable, so cute
She already has a flannel.
Also, when Kenny got "real lucky" [not mine but it gives a pretty good explanation how he did get outta there lol]
You should probably state your own age again, to put some people's minds at ease here.
Oh god, you're one of those.
yikes yikes yikes
That GIF always makes my day whenever I see it.