Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • I think Clem should be playable in Lego Dimensions.

  • edited January 2017

    Yeah, you're probably right.

    I guess what I meant was, it's more like you have the option to play him as a mary sue, being perfectly rational and calm while everyone else breaks down.
    Still, there are moments where I think he takes things in stride way too well regardless of your own choices (his own bite and clem going missing at the same time. You'd think think that would emotionally cripple him for at least a few minutes.)

    Also, he wasn't clumsy, he had a leg injury

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, I suppose I can see what you're getting at and I believe I did think the concept over with him in mind at one point. But here's the dist

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    "Well he was my dad too!"

    I don't personally see what's wrong with this line. The line itself? The delivery of it? It seems fine to me... but you know, that's just me.

  • Where was it even indicated that they had sex/were in a relationship?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I feel like Jane's baby was likely Troy's

  • I actually found all of those lines to be very realistic and humanizing. Clem and Kenny had so much emotion behind their respective lines and the other ones show that Javi's group is very flawed but ultimately still just some poor kids and a step mom.

    The most cringey ones had to be at Marianas funeral.... "You were just... so full of LIFE...."

  • edited January 2017

    "Well at least you don't have to walk around with bloody underwear" (perfectly encapsulates the struggles of living in the depressing world of the dead)

    You're a male right?

  • You help me and I'll help you. Troy saying she should take a bath first etc

    Where was it even indicated that they had sex/were in a relationship?

  • Gabe and Clem should try eachothers hats

  • edited January 2017

    Tripp is New Frontier and not Eleanor

  • During the escape, Troy comes out demanding to know what's going on and draws on Luke when he sees him reach for a gun, but lowers his weapon when Jane approaches him and reminds him that they had a deal of some sort that involved getting her out. When she suggests that he come with them, he seems to become uncharacteristically pacified and concerned after briefly thinking about it. This, along with the fact that he just assumed she wanted to get out of the pin, her false-encouragement that they "can leave--together," and his interrupted suggestion that she get a bath before they do something, suggests that she seduced him early on to get an ally on the inside with the intention of using his feeling for her to set up her escape when the opportunity presented itself.

    Another little piece of trivia that came from Troy's VA among other sources was that Troy was originally a far more threatening character, right up to being Carver himself at one point, who was a lot more aggressive to the point of there being a scene of him harassing Jane. For whatever reason, (most likely an attempt to make Carver and Jane seem more dangerous in comparison) many of those things were cut .

    Where was it even indicated that they had sex/were in a relationship?

  • "goofball"

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who found the constant use of that nickname to be a bit, for lack of a better word, cringeworthy.

  • ^^^This

    DabigRG posted: »

    During the escape, Troy comes out demanding to know what's going on and draws on Luke when he sees him reach for a gun, but lowers his weapo

  • Yeah it's always been a theme but this story especially seems like it will be about family which is very interesting.

    Jaku2011 posted: »

    I really like Javier as the protagonist and wish the story was more about him and his family as the first 20 or so minutes are the strongest

  • edited January 2017

    1 is dead and 1 was out of commission for basically 2 episodes maybe 3. I was more interested in the core group at the start then what we have now. Imagine if all 4 survived until the end and we got that shocking death after we got to know them better and their relation with each other. I'm quickly getting tired of this series shuffling the cast every episode.

    Yeah it's always been a theme but this story especially seems like it will be about family which is very interesting.

  • Lol, ThugLife!Clementine and TeamPlayer!Gabe! :grin:

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Gabe and Clem should try eachothers hats

  • Kenny is overhated

  • If you mean just on the forums, I agree.

    But he isn't hated much everywhere else.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Kenny is overhated

  • How does Luke save Clem? Seems I never took that path.

    I never really bought into Luke's charm and I found him to be a selfish coward most of the game. He disagrees about the shed decision but

  • If you go after him on the ice despite him begging you not to, both end up falling in for a bit. One of the walkers that fell through tries to attack Clementine but Luke grabs it and tosses it towards the floor. Unfortunately, the walker grabs his leg as it sinks and drags him down with it.

    rousseau posted: »

    How does Luke save Clem? Seems I never took that path.

  • This. Kill off the Ducks, Kennys, Carleys etc for dramatic effect. But ffs keep Lee and Clementine together! It should have been those two together to the end

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    Lee should be fucking alive and protagonist.

  • Yes

    If you mean just on the forums, I agree. But he isn't hated much everywhere else.

  • tl;dr

    rwnz posted: »

    I really don't think The New Frontier is that bad. Sure, the episodes aren't long enough and I'll definitely say that that isn't fair. If Ep

  • Ah, thanks. Never did that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    If you go after him on the ice despite him begging you not to, both end up falling in for a bit. One of the walkers that fell through tries

  • I would have beaten down Charles for telling Clementine that she was going to die.
    Whenever I post this on Youtube, I get, "NO, MAN. CHARLES KNEW WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT. YOU'RE BEING DUMB."
    Yeah. I don't care if he was being helpful. You don't talk to a small child in that manner.
    I would have beaten him down then, if I hadn't literally thrown him off the train during the beat down, I would have told him to stay away from Clem.

  • Here is another one that is possibly unpopular:
    Although Jesus comes across as cool AF in the comics (I don't watch the show) my douche detector goes off the charts for him when I see him in the game.
    His voice in itself would just say, "massive douche" to me.

  • Same. A bit too silvertongued, if that's the way to express it.

    IggyPopYo posted: »

    Here is another one that is possibly unpopular: Although Jesus comes across as cool AF in the comics (I don't watch the show) my douche det

  • edited January 2017


  • You knew what, I think that'd be the better twist.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Tripp is New Frontier and not Eleanor

  • I agree with the first and third things.

    NorthStars posted: »

    I liked Ben, I prefer s2 over s1, I prefer Clem being a kid, leaving with Kenny and not staying at wellignton is best ending.

  • And that right is both how he could've been interesting and why some things sucked where Clementine was involved.

    Carver would then be an antagonist to our allies and not us directly, which is not something that we see explored in media and literature.

  • Nate wasn't the masked bandit that attacked the old couple. He was coming from the opposite direction of the diner and he never would have pulled up and sat in front of a place that he had attacked and left the old couple in. He nearly got his head blown off, the only reason he didn't is because Walt was a terrible shot.

    Nate was a crazy bastard for sure, but he was not responsible for attacking the old couple initially.

  • edited January 2017

    Fucking Double Post

  • I actually enjoyed Survival Instinct. I don't get the hate of it. Yeah, the A.I. of that game was stupid but it had a lot of replay value. I would just say it was a decent game.

  • It was Chuck?

    IggyPopYo posted: »

    I would have beaten down Charles for telling Clementine that she was going to die. Whenever I post this on Youtube, I get, "NO, MAN. CHARLE

  • Name's Chuck, Charles if you're fancy

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    It was Chuck?

  • If I'm just basing my opinion off how I felt after the first two episodes of each season, I vastly prefer the new characters introduced in S2 to S3, and find most of S3s horribly cliche.

  • find most of S3s horribly cliche.

    That's pretty popular opinion.

    If I'm just basing my opinion off how I felt after the first two episodes of each season, I vastly prefer the new characters introduced in S2 to S3, and find most of S3s horribly cliche.

  • I feel like I've seen it said alot about Gabe, but not so much about the other done to death character types.

    fallandir posted: »

    find most of S3s horribly cliche. That's pretty popular opinion.

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