I'd say don't be pushy and don't make it seem like you were waiting for her to break up to make a move, you'll just look desesperate and it can be a little creepy for girls. So, assuming you know her enough, just spend time with her, help her get her ideas off her previous relationship and when you feel the time is right start to lightly flirt a little to see how she reacts, then you go from here depending on her response.
Edit: We both posted at the same time so I figured I should edit out my question to avoid confusion.
@fallandir - Breaking Bad.
@Clemenem - Just take your time. Be a good friend to her for a while, and then ask her out on a date after that while.
Favorite Telltale game other than The Walking Dead?
Strangely, even though I have read many books and even though many of them are good, even great books (such as Lord of the Rings series, Harry Potter series and many others like that), I can't think of a favorite book.
If you found yourself all alone in the world, what would you do?
Thank you for asking. Here the three main reasons why I like The Wolf Among Us.
The Writing- Aside from the first episode of Back To The Future I haven't touched any of Telltale's classic titles released before The Walking Dead, so unless any old school Telltale fans speak up I'm making the case that The Wolf Among Us is the most well written title Telltale has ever produced. I can't recall a single flaw or plot hole (though I don't doubt that there are some nitpicks). Character motivations make sense no matter what you choose and the mystery is so masterfully set up. It constantly keeps you guessing and on your toes but when the truth is exposed it doesn't feel cheap or far fetched. It's the kind of reveal that makes you go, "Ah! It was so obvious! i should've known!" Brilliant writing all around.
The Artstyle-This game nails the comic book style. Character models are vibrant and the midnight purple color palette nicely complements the run down slums of New York.
Choices have impact- Of course, when I state this, I don't mean that the narrative is going to fly off in a wild direction based on your every decision, but TWAU does a great job on tailoring the narrative based on your choices. Scenes play out differently based on the order you investigate , how Fabletown feels towards Bigby changes based on how you handle conflict, and all determinant characters actually make it to the end alive.
"Lee Everett: What's that?
Duck: Daddy said it's called a salt lick.
Clementine: Yeah but don't lick it, it's gross.
Lee Everett: Did you lick it?
Clementine: I dunno."
Thank you for asking. Here the three main reasons why I like The Wolf Among Us.
The Writing- Aside from the first episode of Back To The… more Future I haven't touched any of Telltale's classic titles released before The Walking Dead, so unless any old school Telltale fans speak up I'm making the case that The Wolf Among Us is the most well written title Telltale has ever produced. I can't recall a single flaw or plot hole (though I don't doubt that there are some nitpicks). Character motivations make sense no matter what you choose and the mystery is so masterfully set up. It constantly keeps you guessing and on your toes but when the truth is exposed it doesn't feel cheap or far fetched. It's the kind of reveal that makes you go, "Ah! It was so obvious! i should've known!" Brilliant writing all around.
The Artstyle-This game nails the comic book style. Character models are vibrant and the midnight purple color palette nicely complements th… [view original content]
The ending left in a cliffhanger.... Not that it had the best story....
I don't know why I like it... I can't really think at the moment of any other single game that I've played...
If you had anyone's voice from any Telltale game... who's would you choose? (And why)
Since its my favorite, it would take a simultaneous shark jump within all 3 versions of it for me to even consider giving up on it. I know of the backlash its gotten lately, but if this series go down, I go with it.
I would do a whole bunch of illegal things, rob a bank, joy ride, make some meth, sell some drugs, break into some celebrity homes...but I wouldn't kill someone
Your E3 2017 prediction?
Something Death Stranding related, or maybe a TLOU 2 second trailer? Also, my guts tell me that Bethesda's gonna announce something big.
What are the best TV series you'd recommend?
We'll probably see RD3, TLOU 2 and Halo Wars 2
What's the best way to move in on a girl who just got out of a relationship?
I'd say don't be pushy and don't make it seem like you were waiting for her to break up to make a move, you'll just look desesperate and it can be a little creepy for girls. So, assuming you know her enough, just spend time with her, help her get her ideas off her previous relationship and when you feel the time is right start to lightly flirt a little to see how she reacts, then you go from here depending on her response.
Edit: We both posted at the same time so I figured I should edit out my question to avoid confusion.
@fallandir - Breaking Bad.
@Clemenem - Just take your time. Be a good friend to her for a while, and then ask her out on a date after that while.
Favorite Telltale game other than The Walking Dead?
The wolf among us
Wolf among us S2 or walking dead S4v
Wolf Among Us S2 no contest
How do you like your steak cooked?
Medium well.
Favorite restaurant.
Anything italian.
Ask Cocoa2736 what he likes about The Wolf Among Us.
Hey @Cocoa2736, what do you like about The Wolf Among Us?
Do you enjoy writing stories?
I immensely enjoy writing stories and when I play games or watch movies/tv shows/anime or whatever, I only do so for a good story and nothing else.
Do you think one true love thing actually exist somewhere in the world or do you think that's just a lie we tell ourselves to stay optimistic?
Nobody knows, since the future's full of surprises. But I guess it exists, as I've seen some couples that are really happy to be together.
Do you usually think about what's gonna happen to you in the future or do you keep looking at the present?
Future. Always the future.
What's your favourite book?
Strangely, even though I have read many books and even though many of them are good, even great books (such as Lord of the Rings series, Harry Potter series and many others like that), I can't think of a favorite book.
If you found yourself all alone in the world, what would you do?
Do whatever I want for a year, then try to find out if there's anyone else left, if I fail - suicide.
Mashed potatoes or rice?
Thank you for asking.
Here the three main reasons why I like The Wolf Among Us.
The Writing- Aside from the first episode of Back To The Future I haven't touched any of Telltale's classic titles released before The Walking Dead, so unless any old school Telltale fans speak up I'm making the case that The Wolf Among Us is the most well written title Telltale has ever produced. I can't recall a single flaw or plot hole (though I don't doubt that there are some nitpicks). Character motivations make sense no matter what you choose and the mystery is so masterfully set up. It constantly keeps you guessing and on your toes but when the truth is exposed it doesn't feel cheap or far fetched. It's the kind of reveal that makes you go, "Ah! It was so obvious! i should've known!" Brilliant writing all around.
The Artstyle-This game nails the comic book style. Character models are vibrant and the midnight purple color palette nicely complements the run down slums of New York.
Choices have impact- Of course, when I state this, I don't mean that the narrative is going to fly off in a wild direction based on your every decision, but TWAU does a great job on tailoring the narrative based on your choices. Scenes play out differently based on the order you investigate , how Fabletown feels towards Bigby changes based on how you handle conflict, and all determinant characters actually make it to the end alive.
Mashed potatoes for life!
What is your favorite Telltale game quote?
"Lee Everett: What's that?
Duck: Daddy said it's called a salt lick.
Clementine: Yeah but don't lick it, it's gross.
Lee Everett: Did you lick it?
Clementine: I dunno."
Song that's stuck in your head?
Who are the determinant characters again? I can only think of Tweedle Dum and The Crooked Man.
Going Under by Evanescence.
Favorite Telltale game made with the new engine?
Prince Lawrence as well.
A New Frontier
Do you every feel like your being oppressed by the government or not?
No, not at all.
What are your plans for this year in general?
Stay alive and try to enjoy it.
How many times did you die the first time you battled a Big Daddy in Bioshock?
None because I haven't played a bioshock
Favorite faction in Fallout 4?
Railroad ftw.
Most immersion breaking part in any game?
Loading screens.
Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
Freeze to death. Burning is WAY more painful.
Standalone game you wish had a sequel?
Final Fantasy...........
The ending left in a cliffhanger.... Not that it had the best story....
I don't know why I like it... I can't really think at the moment of any other single game that I've played...
If you had anyone's voice from any Telltale game... who's would you choose?
(And why)
Winston because: ''Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!
What character from the TWD series would you revive
What will make you give up on TWD series?
Since its my favorite, it would take a simultaneous shark jump within all 3 versions of it for me to even consider giving up on it. I know of the backlash its gotten lately, but if this series go down, I go with it.
Favorite song?
I guess anything from Evanescence.
First telltale game played?
What would you do if you found out that you have only a month to live?
oh no

Oh shit, why didn't I think of that?
I would do a whole bunch of illegal things, rob a bank, joy ride, make some meth, sell some drugs, break into some celebrity homes...but I wouldn't kill someone
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Sort of
Bad games that you love?
Should @Poogers555 get a Rhys sock?
Should @Poogers555 get 2 pairs of Rhys socks?