(Also -- kind of surprising -- it took 4 years after the release of Iron Man 1 to get to the original Avengers movie, released in 2012)
EDIT: I stand corrected. It's the first MCU movie (though that's what I meant), not the first "Marvel" movie. There were many before then. (Like the X-Men or Spider-Man trilogy!) Wikipedia list.
It was the first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe which is where the Avengers, Netflix heroes, Tom Holland's Spider-Man, Black Panther, Ant Man and the Guardians all reside. There were films before that but Iron Man was the first to kickstart the Marvel universe in film as we know it these days.
Watched the movie again and it still held up in my second viewing. Again, really loved it! Was made even better because I went with a whole bunch of people and got to see a bunch of different reactions.
Saw it last night. Amazing. My mouth was gaping for a lot of the last few minutes and then just slightly parsed so my lips got sticky to each other. I expected everyone to die, but they didn't. I am glad that I was not spoiled. Did not expect Spider-Man or Black Panther to disappear, I expected one of the original Avengers. Also, I thought Ant-Man and Hawkeye were going to be here. Oh well, I guess next movie. The Children of Thanos, despite looking like video game characters, were actually kind of cool, especially Ebony Maw and Proxima Midnight. I hope Ned, Wong, both Ant-Man and the Wasp, and some of the Marvel TV characters survived. I think this next movie, whatever they do (time travel?), will have a good opportunity for their incorporation seeing as the cast for this film that survived is smaller. I am sure most of everyone will return (at least, those with the snapped fingers? I think Loki, Heimdall, Gamora are all goners), whatever Doctor Strange has planned. Maybe even Baron Mordo could show up, that cool guy.
Favorite Moments:
Ebony Maw and Squidward
Nick Fury's last words
Thor and Rocket
Wakanda Battle
Snapping of Fingers
Loki's Last Trick
Thanos and Gamora
What I did not like/had issues with/wanted to see:
Sometimes too comedic in certain scenes.
I wish they showed Thanos getting the Power Stone with the Children on Xandar. It would have been awesome to see him fight without any Stones.
Where the hell was KORG? I mean, come on! Valkyrie too, but Korg! Even if they just killed him off in the end, please, Korg! Next movie Korg!
I'm sure Ant-Man and the Wasp will explain what they were doing during this film, but I really wish they were here. Same with Hawkeye, even if he was just brutally murdered. House arrest and all, but you know.
I wish they showed Thanos getting the Power Stone with the Children on Xandar. It would have been awesome to see him fight without any Stones.
Apparantly this was a deleted scene and will be included in the Blu Ray. It would have been cool to see but they probably cut it because the movie is already really long as is.
Where the hell was KORG? I mean, come on! Valkyrie too, but Korg! Even if they just killed him off in the end, please, Korg! Next movie Korg!
The Russo Bros. have confirmed that Valkyrie and a bunch of other Asgardians escaped before the start of the movie but they just didn't show it. Nothing confirmed about Korg and Miek tho
I'm sure Ant-Man and the Wasp will explain what they were doing during this film, but I really wish they were here. Same with Hawkeye, even if he was just brutally murdered. House arrest and all, but you know.
Hawkeye will apparantly have a big role in Avengers 4. People are theorising that either in an after credits scene in Ant-Man and The Wasp or in the opening of A4 that we'll see Hawkeyes family get dusted, forcing him to get involved.
you know i can deal with that. his final line was gut wrenching but we got homecoming 2 on the way so he's totally getting rezzed next movie. trust me i've seen my poor spidey brutally slaughtered by sony and brian michael bendis so many times, this is fine. what is abSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE WAS KILLIN MY MAN GROOT. HE WAS JUST A BABY BOOOOOOY!! WHY?! WHY RUSSOS WHYYYYYYY
The first MCU movie was Ironman, chronologically Captain America:The First Avenger. The first Marvel Movie they ever made was Captain America all the way back in 1944 by Republic Pictures.
No. this isn't a joke.
I like Fortnite (65% of the time), but this cross-promotion is... ugh. Really? Eh, maybe I'll like this mode.[No I won't I'm facing off against a Gauntlet-ready Thanos.]
Details on what this is below. Vague spoilers for movie.
“The “Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup” mode for Battle Royale will feel just like a standard slugfest — with one major difference: One hundred players will descend upon the map and fight until one player is left standing, as usual, but this time you’ll do so with the Infinity Gauntlet in play.
The artifact containing all six Infinity Stones — the same one Thanos used to cripple Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on the big screen — will appear on the map. Whomsoever finds and equips it will transform into Thanos himself, wielding all the power that comes with him.”
Guess I've got to master standing extremely still now. No one will see me.
Valkyrie was actually confirmed to be alive by one of the Russo's brothers, but they refused to answer the same question for Korg. Though if I had to guess, I'd say he's fine too.
Btw, you should probably edit the comment. The quotes aren't under the spoiler tag and they're pretty spoilery.
Finally, I am always seeing these video saying "Superheroes in Fortnite" or "Superhero challenge Fortnite" and it even has this fake Superhero Fortnite skin card on the thumbnail, when I click on the video and go to the end to make sure its real it isn't, its just a Fortnite skin that looks somewhat similar to the Superhero that it was supposed to be. Until now, I don't play Fortnite much at all but this is pretty cool, I have watched a couple of videos of the Thanos mashup and my friends have even played experienced playing as him. Sometimes when I look at gameplay of Thanos in Fortnite it looks like a "What if Infinity War video game" which is cool. All thoughts aside this is pretty cool.
No. this isn't a joke.
I like Fortnite (65% of the time), but this cross-… morepromotion is... ugh. Really? Eh, maybe I'll like this mode. [No I won't I'm facing off against a Gauntlet-ready Thanos.] Details on what this is below. Vague spoilers for movie.
guys it just dawned on me that peter probably freaked out before he even started fading because his spider-sense was going off the whole time. he knew he was dying before anyone else could figure it out and his head was constantly buzzing trying to warn him. what the FUCK
Yeah, I caught that detail later on reading it on Reddit I think. The Russos definitely have an amazing eye for detail. At first, I thought they were just dramatically playing it up by "coincidentally" having Peter's vanishing last longer than the other characters so that people would get sad over his last words to Tony. But, now that I know there was actually a reason for that - I'm really impressed at the attention to detail. I hope the Russos stick around with Marvel because they have some quality talent.
This is the same guy who made a 3 part, near 5 hour series of videos dismantling Star Wars The Last Jedi. So many of the points he make in this video are great, really adds a lot of perspective and depth to these characters that I never picked up on.
This is the same guy who made a 3 part, near 5 hour series of videos dismantling Star Wars The Last Jedi. So many of the points he make in this video are great, really adds a lot of perspective and depth to these characters that I never picked up on.
The Avengers Infinity War is aging like a fine wine to me. The more I think about it, the more I really love it and appreciate the story and the characters.
Basically the reverse of what I am feeling toward The Last Jedi.
MauLer is a really great content creator and I love his stuff, especially his response videos to Hbomberguy's Dark Souls II video. His buddy Rags is kind of a piece of shit (and like 1000000% less talented than him) and I kinda wish he'd stop associating with him, but MauLer himself deserves a lot of love for his content. Glad he made a video on this movie.
This is the same guy who made a 3 part, near 5 hour series of videos dismantling Star Wars The Last Jedi. So many of the points he make in this video are great, really adds a lot of perspective and depth to these characters that I never picked up on.
About to see Infinity War for a second time, I really enjoyed it the first time and that ending really got to me. I still prefer the Russos' other two MCU movies (Winter Soldier and Civil War) but Infinity War is still probably my favourite Avengers movie.
I'v never really been into AOS either, The only parts I liked from that show were The Hulk Easter Egg were we get to see a cage which Bruce Banner created in order to imprison The Hulk if he ever goes Rouge, we even got to see Hulk's fist imprinted in the cage which was also pretty cool.
So what was your MCU movie ranking? Doing it purely on gut instinct of movie vs movie this is what I got...
Thor: Ragnarok
Infinity War
Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Captain America: The First Avenger
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Avengers
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Iron Man
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Thor: The Dark World
Iron Man 2
I will stress I love all the Marvel movies and don't consider any outright bad. To be honest my bottom two are the only '...meh' ones in my opinion. I saw a review of Dark World lately which stated that the second half saves most of the first half, which I can respect. I also figured that Guardians 2 and Black Panther would be higher for me, but I guess not. But otherwise this list made sense.
So what was your MCU movie ranking? Doing it purely on gut instinct of movie vs movie this is what I… more got...
* Thor: Ragnarok
* Infinity War
* Captain America: Civil War
* Captain America: The Winter Soldier
* Spider-Man: Homecoming
* Captain America: The First Avenger
* Guardians of the Galaxy
* The Avengers
* Black Panther
* Ant-Man
* Doctor Strange
* Iron Man
* Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
* Thor
* The Incredible Hulk
* Iron Man 3
* Avengers: Age of Ultron
* Thor: The Dark World
* Iron Man 2
I will stress I love all the Marvel movies and don't consider any outright bad. To be honest my bottom two are the only '...meh' ones in my opinion. I saw a review of Dark World lately which stated that the second half saves most of the first half, which I can respect. I also figured that Guardians 2 and Black Panther would be higher for me, but I guess not. But otherwise this list made sense.
Not the first Marvel movie, but it was the first of the cinematic universe.
Thanos reminds me of my Grandpa if he were evil and now I can't take him seriously lol
Not the first Marvel movie but it was the first entry in the MCU.
And from that, 17+ other movies were made.
(Also -- kind of surprising -- it took 4 years after the release of Iron Man 1 to get to the original Avengers movie, released in 2012)
EDIT: I stand corrected. It's the first MCU movie (though that's what I meant), not the first "Marvel" movie. There were many before then. (Like the X-Men or Spider-Man trilogy!) Wikipedia list.
It was the first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe which is where the Avengers, Netflix heroes, Tom Holland's Spider-Man, Black Panther, Ant Man and the Guardians all reside. There were films before that but Iron Man was the first to kickstart the Marvel universe in film as we know it these days.
Watched the movie again and it still held up in my second viewing. Again, really loved it! Was made even better because I went with a whole bunch of people and got to see a bunch of different reactions.
Saw it last night. Amazing. My mouth was gaping for a lot of the last few minutes and then just slightly parsed so my lips got sticky to each other. I expected everyone to die, but they didn't. I am glad that I was not spoiled. Did not expect Spider-Man or Black Panther to disappear, I expected one of the original Avengers. Also, I thought Ant-Man and Hawkeye were going to be here. Oh well, I guess next movie. The Children of Thanos, despite looking like video game characters, were actually kind of cool, especially Ebony Maw and Proxima Midnight. I hope Ned, Wong, both Ant-Man and the Wasp, and some of the Marvel TV characters survived. I think this next movie, whatever they do (time travel?), will have a good opportunity for their incorporation seeing as the cast for this film that survived is smaller. I am sure most of everyone will return (at least, those with the snapped fingers? I think Loki, Heimdall, Gamora are all goners), whatever Doctor Strange has planned. Maybe even Baron Mordo could show up, that cool guy.
Favorite Moments:
What I did not like/had issues with/wanted to see:
Apparantly this was a deleted scene and will be included in the Blu Ray. It would have been cool to see but they probably cut it because the movie is already really long as is.
The Russo Bros. have confirmed that Valkyrie and a bunch of other Asgardians escaped before the start of the movie but they just didn't show it. Nothing confirmed about Korg and Miek tho
Hawkeye will apparantly have a big role in Avengers 4. People are theorising that either in an after credits scene in Ant-Man and The Wasp or in the opening of A4 that we'll see Hawkeyes family get dusted, forcing him to get involved.
guess who watched infinity war
Even Harold can't hide the pain of...
That ending scene with Spiderman
you know i can deal with that. his final line was gut wrenching but we got homecoming 2 on the way so he's totally getting rezzed next movie. trust me i've seen my poor spidey brutally slaughtered by sony and brian michael bendis so many times, this is fine. what is abSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE WAS KILLIN MY MAN GROOT. HE WAS JUST A BABY BOOOOOOY!! WHY?! WHY RUSSOS WHYYYYYYY
And that's the second time they've killed him!! How many times must the poor thing die?
The first MCU movie was Ironman, chronologically Captain America:The First Avenger. The first Marvel Movie they ever made was Captain America all the way back in 1944 by Republic Pictures.
Which is even more heartbreaking when you learn what Groot's last words to Rocket were.
Let's be real here though, the people who got snapped will definitely come back. The ones who actually stayed I'm more worried about.
Holy fuck, is that really what he said?
My heart just shattered...
Trailer for the second season of Luke Cage just came out.

Dammit Blind, don't cry... don't... cry...
No. this isn't a joke.
I like Fortnite (65% of the time), but this cross-promotion is... ugh. Really? Eh, maybe I'll like this mode. [No I won't I'm facing off against a Gauntlet-ready Thanos.]
Details on what this is below. Vague spoilers for movie.
“The “Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup” mode for Battle Royale will feel just like a standard slugfest — with one major difference: One hundred players will descend upon the map and fight until one player is left standing, as usual, but this time you’ll do so with the Infinity Gauntlet in play.
The artifact containing all six Infinity Stones — the same one Thanos used to cripple Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on the big screen — will appear on the map. Whomsoever finds and equips it will transform into Thanos himself, wielding all the power that comes with him.”
Guess I've got to master standing extremely still now. No one will see me.
i saw and i cried.
true but heimdal, loki, korg, valkyrie, gamora and vision are all totally fucked
Valkyrie was actually confirmed to be alive by one of the Russo's brothers, but they refused to answer the same question for Korg. Though if I had to guess, I'd say he's fine too.
Btw, you should probably edit the comment. The quotes aren't under the spoiler tag and they're pretty spoilery.
somebody else did, thankfully
Forget all that other stuff. This is by far the most tragic part of Infinity War
Joe Russo revealed in an interview that Galaga guy from the first Avengers movie got dusted.
Jesus, this movie really knows how to go for the gut punches
Just got back from seeing Infinity War, it was amazing! How can I possibly wait till next spring for the next one?
Finally, I am always seeing these video saying "Superheroes in Fortnite" or "Superhero challenge Fortnite" and it even has this fake Superhero Fortnite skin card on the thumbnail, when I click on the video and go to the end to make sure its real it isn't, its just a Fortnite skin that looks somewhat similar to the Superhero that it was supposed to be. Until now, I don't play Fortnite much at all but this is pretty cool, I have watched a couple of videos of the Thanos mashup and my friends have even played experienced playing as him. Sometimes when I look at gameplay of Thanos in Fortnite it looks like a "What if Infinity War video game" which is cool. All thoughts aside this is pretty cool.
guys it just dawned on me that peter probably freaked out before he even started fading because his spider-sense was going off the whole time. he knew he was dying before anyone else could figure it out and his head was constantly buzzing trying to warn him. what the FUCK
Yeah, I caught that detail later on reading it on Reddit I think. The Russos definitely have an amazing eye for detail. At first, I thought they were just dramatically playing it up by "coincidentally" having Peter's vanishing last longer than the other characters so that people would get sad over his last words to Tony. But, now that I know there was actually a reason for that - I'm really impressed at the attention to detail. I hope the Russos stick around with Marvel because they have some quality talent.
This is the same guy who made a 3 part, near 5 hour series of videos dismantling Star Wars The Last Jedi. So many of the points he make in this video are great, really adds a lot of perspective and depth to these characters that I never picked up on.
Neat video! I haven't finished it yet but it's so far a good articulation of why the movie is so awesome.
The Avengers Infinity War is aging like a fine wine to me. The more I think about it, the more I really love it and appreciate the story and the characters.
Basically the reverse of what I am feeling toward The Last Jedi.
MauLer is a really great content creator and I love his stuff, especially his response videos to Hbomberguy's Dark Souls II video. His buddy Rags is kind of a piece of shit (and like 1000000% less talented than him) and I kinda wish he'd stop associating with him, but MauLer himself deserves a lot of love for his content. Glad he made a video on this movie.
About to see Infinity War for a second time, I really enjoyed it the first time and that ending really got to me. I still prefer the Russos' other two MCU movies (Winter Soldier and Civil War) but Infinity War is still probably my favourite Avengers movie.
Deadpool 2 cums out in just 3 days!!
Can't wait.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the very cool, very enjoyable opening credits to the first film... mmmmmmhh

I wonder if we'll get any flashbacks with normal-faced Ryan Renolds in it, from before the incident...
Whee, Agents of SHIELD has been renewed for sixth season! Though from what I heard, it's gonna be a shorter season, but still...

I'v never really been into AOS either, The only parts I liked from that show were The Hulk Easter Egg were we get to see a cage which Bruce Banner created in order to imprison The Hulk if he ever goes Rouge, we even got to see Hulk's fist imprinted in the cage which was also pretty cool.
So what was your MCU movie ranking? Doing it purely on gut instinct of movie vs movie this is what I got...
I will stress I love all the Marvel movies and don't consider any outright bad. To be honest my bottom two are the only '...meh' ones in my opinion. I saw a review of Dark World lately which stated that the second half saves most of the first half, which I can respect. I also figured that Guardians 2 and Black Panther would be higher for me, but I guess not. But otherwise this list made sense.
Here's my list: