Just searched The Walking Dead The Final Season and an article appeared just under an hour ago that says the same thing as the other article… mores
As this is the final season, Telltale is looking to really go all out with this one. The developer is promising many new features for players to enjoy as the sign-off to Clementine’s adventure. Included in the fourth season will be an over-the-shoulder camera perspective, unscripted combat (unknown if it will completely replace QTE combat), and some stellar, much needed improvements to the graphics with an amazing Graphic Black art style. The game will also be playable in a 4K resolution for compatible devices, so those with high-end PCs, an Xbox One X, or a PlayStation 4 Pro will be able to enjoy the finest quality graphics for the final chapter of the series.
The final season for Telltale’s The Walking Dead starts on August 14. Pre-orders for the game, however, are just around the corner,… [view original content]
A new IGN article got tweeted with a teaser trailer
I really don't think they are at this point, regardless of episode number.
At least fresh off of ANF, there was a sense of nebulousness and unresolved threads that could easily be picked up and worked into Clementine's journey to find AJ(which ANF likened to the underutilized theme of Motherhood) and whatever occurs & concludes after that.
But now, with an essentially confirmed timeskip and a similarly long overdue focus on meeting and interacting with other kids/youths with their own backstories and perspectives, little to none of the possible returns make any sense and could be at risk of being out of the way and/or theme now.
Only the Garcias really have any reason to appear vaguely significantly at this point and even that could change depending on the collective direction they ultimately take.
How the hell are they going to fit multiple returning characters like Javier and his family, other known Richmond characters, Joan or Clint … moreand lastly notable characters like Christa or maybe Lilly. They have only 4 Episodes, this looks bad for returning characters.
A new IGN article got tweeted with a teaser trailer
There isn't really any good reason to reduce what has been the norm for the series since 2012 and I find the argument of there needing to be a reduction in episodes in order for the game to be better in quality completely stupid. It worked for them with less employees and less money back for S1 6 years ago, what's the excuse now? The only reason I can see them doing this is if they wanted to go down the route Life is Strange did and release a 'farewell' type DLC or something.
So I bought the walking dead collection for $50 last week to replay and get ready for the final season. Then telltale comes out and says if I preorder season 4 for $20 I’ll get the collection for free. Welp there goes $50 down the drain.
Did you buy it digitally or physically? Because if you bought it on disc, you can sell that to a friend or something. Don't go to gamestop, they'll give you like $3 for it.
So I bought the walking dead collection for $50 last week to replay and get ready for the final season. Then telltale comes out and says if I preorder season 4 for $20 I’ll get the collection for free. Welp there goes $50 down the drain.
Seems TOO OBVIOUS to me Clementine's possible death. Why would they give that info to us just like that? I smell someone trying to troll us (PLEASE BE TRUE)
There isn't really any good reason to reduce what has been the norm for the series since 2012 and I find the argument of there needing to be… more a reduction in episodes in order for the game to be better in quality completely stupid. It worked for them with less employees and less money back for S1 6 years ago, what's the excuse now? The only reason I can see them doing this is if they wanted to go down the route Life is Strange did and release a 'farewell' type DLC or something.
I wouldn't call five episodes "norm for the series." Season 1 had six episodes if you count the 400 days DLC. We did a 3-episode Michonne mini-series.
I can understand being upset just comparing numbers to numbers, but I truly think the time and devotion dedicated to the story and gameplay will change your mind. You can see hints of these things so far (advanced lighting techniques we were never able to do before, better looking graphics, unscripted combat!) in our teaser trailer and press release.
But also know that we've also come off Batman: The Enemy Within, our branchiest episode of ANYTHING EVER, and have received great feedback from fans and are 100% taking that into consideration as we move forward with The Walking Dead.
I guess what I'm saying is... don't write us off just yet.
There isn't really any good reason to reduce what has been the norm for the series since 2012 and I find the argument of there needing to be… more a reduction in episodes in order for the game to be better in quality completely stupid. It worked for them with less employees and less money back for S1 6 years ago, what's the excuse now? The only reason I can see them doing this is if they wanted to go down the route Life is Strange did and release a 'farewell' type DLC or something.
Why is everyone assuming that 4 episodes equates to 4 usual TTG-style episodes? We don't even know how long these episodes will be. Game of Thrones had 6 episodes and that season wasn't really any longer than other TTG series aside from having more waiting periods. The TWD team could feel like breaking the overall story into 5 episodes ruins the pacing, so they've opted for 4 longer episodes (let me reiterate that this is just my speculation).
I truly believe that the old mindset of playing an episode in "one sitting" has gone out the window along with some of the Netflix-meets-TellTale concepts. From what I've gathered from TTG over the past several months, it looks as if they want to make their games actual games again. While I am cautiously optimistic, I'm still optimistic nonetheless. Let's see what E3 reveals first before we jump the gun here.
4 Episodes is completely fine with me if its truly better for the story.
Sometimes an episode in the series feels out of place. Its why sometimes an episode is so short and feels like filler, stuff like that. What I hope this means is Telltale has all of season 4 planned out right now, and know 4 episodes is the amount to go with. Im perfectly fine with 4 episodes if it means each episode is a decent length (hoping for atleast 2 hours) filled with content, and has a meaningful story with character development. Telltale said they want quality over quantity, so if that means 4 super quality episodes instead of 5 "ok" episodes, I would much rather have the 4 quality episodes.
I wouldn't call five episodes "norm for the series." Season 1 had six episodes if you count the 400 days DLC. We did a 3-episode Michonne mi… moreni-series.
I can understand being upset just comparing numbers to numbers, but I truly think the time and devotion dedicated to the story and gameplay will change your mind. You can see hints of these things so far (advanced lighting techniques we were never able to do before, better looking graphics, unscripted combat!) in our teaser trailer and press release.
But also know that we've also come off Batman: The Enemy Within, our branchiest episode of ANYTHING EVER, and have received great feedback from fans and are 100% taking that into consideration as we move forward with The Walking Dead.
I guess what I'm saying is... don't write us off just yet.
I'm going to hold you to that. I want to believe you, I really do, and what you guys did with Batman gives me a bit more confidence. But you must understand, I and others have taken other comments from Telltale at face value and trusted them, and it didn't come to be. We've been given stuff like this before, only to have it revealed not to be true or a huge exaggeration. I'm not trying to pick on you or others at Telltale, I'm just saying that we're a bit hesitant, at least when it comes to this series, in regards to that type of information. I want this season to be good, I want to believe everything you and others are saying, but based on previous experiences I had, I'm hesitant to do so.
I wouldn't call five episodes "norm for the series." Season 1 had six episodes if you count the 400 days DLC. We did a 3-episode Michonne mi… moreni-series.
I can understand being upset just comparing numbers to numbers, but I truly think the time and devotion dedicated to the story and gameplay will change your mind. You can see hints of these things so far (advanced lighting techniques we were never able to do before, better looking graphics, unscripted combat!) in our teaser trailer and press release.
But also know that we've also come off Batman: The Enemy Within, our branchiest episode of ANYTHING EVER, and have received great feedback from fans and are 100% taking that into consideration as we move forward with The Walking Dead.
I guess what I'm saying is... don't write us off just yet.
Well, if it makes you feel better, Telltale seems to be going in a better direction with Pete Hawley's leadership. They seem to be addressing feedback candidly, adding genuine gameplay innovation, prioritizing a unique presentation for each IP instead of making each game feel like TWD S1, etc. (See the new TWD S4 gameplay, the comments on the Wolf S2 delay, etc).
I'm going to hold you to that. I want to believe you, I really do, and what you guys did with Batman gives me a bit more confidence. But you… more must understand, I and others have taken other comments from Telltale at face value and trusted them, and it didn't come to be. We've been given stuff like this before, only to have it revealed not to be true or a huge exaggeration. I'm not trying to pick on you or others at Telltale, I'm just saying that we're a bit hesitant, at least when it comes to this series, in regards to that type of information. I want this season to be good, I want to believe everything you and others are saying, but based on previous experiences I had, I'm hesitant to do so.
I'm going to hold you to that. I want to believe you, I really do, and what you guys did with Batman gives me a bit more confidence. But you… more must understand, I and others have taken other comments from Telltale at face value and trusted them, and it didn't come to be. We've been given stuff like this before, only to have it revealed not to be true or a huge exaggeration. I'm not trying to pick on you or others at Telltale, I'm just saying that we're a bit hesitant, at least when it comes to this series, in regards to that type of information. I want this season to be good, I want to believe everything you and others are saying, but based on previous experiences I had, I'm hesitant to do so.
Well they DID make it official today and yes, it's only 4 episodes. I honestly don't care if it's just one episode, as long as they tell the story as good as they did in S1. And of course I'm pre-ordering this, I loved every single season up to this point, some less than other, but overall loved the series and I'm definitely pre-ordering.
I'm going to hold you to that. I want to believe you, I really do, and what you guys did with Batman gives me a bit more confidence. But you… more must understand, I and others have taken other comments from Telltale at face value and trusted them, and it didn't come to be. We've been given stuff like this before, only to have it revealed not to be true or a huge exaggeration. I'm not trying to pick on you or others at Telltale, I'm just saying that we're a bit hesitant, at least when it comes to this series, in regards to that type of information. I want this season to be good, I want to believe everything you and others are saying, but based on previous experiences I had, I'm hesitant to do so.
I wouldn't call five episodes "norm for the series." Season 1 had six episodes if you count the 400 days DLC. We did a 3-episode Michonne mi… moreni-series.
I can understand being upset just comparing numbers to numbers, but I truly think the time and devotion dedicated to the story and gameplay will change your mind. You can see hints of these things so far (advanced lighting techniques we were never able to do before, better looking graphics, unscripted combat!) in our teaser trailer and press release.
But also know that we've also come off Batman: The Enemy Within, our branchiest episode of ANYTHING EVER, and have received great feedback from fans and are 100% taking that into consideration as we move forward with The Walking Dead.
I guess what I'm saying is... don't write us off just yet.
There will be a story configurator similar to A New Frontier in The Final Season For players if they have lost their game or play on mobile or simply just want to start a new game.
I haven't wrote anything off, I'm simply saying that it's bizarre to change the formula for your mainline series (400 days had nothing to do with the main plotline and michonne suffered as a result of being 3 episodes) so it feels strange to suddenly change that here in what's supposed to be the final chapter of Clementine's story. If you can make the most of that in four episodes then that's great but at the same time it feels like we're losing what would be another episode worth of content for... no reason that we've been given. I hope you prove me wrong and I want nothing but for the final season to be fantastic but I've been on one too many hype trains that go off the rails to be overly optimistic.
I wouldn't call five episodes "norm for the series." Season 1 had six episodes if you count the 400 days DLC. We did a 3-episode Michonne mi… moreni-series.
I can understand being upset just comparing numbers to numbers, but I truly think the time and devotion dedicated to the story and gameplay will change your mind. You can see hints of these things so far (advanced lighting techniques we were never able to do before, better looking graphics, unscripted combat!) in our teaser trailer and press release.
But also know that we've also come off Batman: The Enemy Within, our branchiest episode of ANYTHING EVER, and have received great feedback from fans and are 100% taking that into consideration as we move forward with The Walking Dead.
I guess what I'm saying is... don't write us off just yet.
Yeah, it's hard because the best reason would be the content of the game, which isn't out until August. I can sit here and type whatever I want, but the game has to back that up. I think it will, which is why I'm taking the time to respond to you, and I hope we don't disappoint you.
I haven't wrote anything off, I'm simply saying that it's bizarre to change the formula for your mainline series (400 days had nothing to do… more with the main plotline and michonne suffered as a result of being 3 episodes) so it feels strange to suddenly change that here in what's supposed to be the final chapter of Clementine's story. If you can make the most of that in four episodes then that's great but at the same time it feels like we're losing what would be another episode worth of content for... no reason that we've been given. I hope you prove me wrong and I want nothing but for the final season to be fantastic but I've been on one too many hype trains that go off the rails to be overly optimistic.
If a story only takes 4 episodes to be told, forcing it on a 5 episode format is only bound to undermine it. That will lead to them stretching out the story, making each individual episode shallower in content and shorter. ANF was arguably a 3 episode story (or less really) forced onto a 5 episode format, and that's when you start getting a "premiere split in two", 1 hour episodes or episodes with 15 minutes overall of plot progression.
There isn't really any good reason to reduce what has been the norm for the series since 2012 and I find the argument of there needing to be… more a reduction in episodes in order for the game to be better in quality completely stupid. It worked for them with less employees and less money back for S1 6 years ago, what's the excuse now? The only reason I can see them doing this is if they wanted to go down the route Life is Strange did and release a 'farewell' type DLC or something.
Just quickly, I wanted to thank you for the increased transparency compared to what fans previously got from Telltale, and I wanted to encourage more of it going forward!
Also, an actual on-topic question - is the piano song featured in the teaser an original song, or was it an already existing song used for the trailer?
Yeah, it's hard because the best reason would be the content of the game, which isn't out until August. I can sit here and type whatever I w… moreant, but the game has to back that up. I think it will, which is why I'm taking the time to respond to you, and I hope we don't disappoint you.
Damn that’s a good deal, if it’s true I hope they include this bonus in the switch version
Ozzy I am not lying when you say this but you have made my week. Thank you so much for sharing it it truly does mean a lot to me
I really don't think they are at this point, regardless of episode number.
At least fresh off of ANF, there was a sense of nebulousness and unresolved threads that could easily be picked up and worked into Clementine's journey to find AJ(which ANF likened to the underutilized theme of Motherhood) and whatever occurs & concludes after that.
But now, with an essentially confirmed timeskip and a similarly long overdue focus on meeting and interacting with other kids/youths with their own backstories and perspectives, little to none of the possible returns make any sense and could be at risk of being out of the way and/or theme now.
Only the Garcias really have any reason to appear vaguely significantly at this point and even that could change depending on the collective direction they ultimately take.
Not gonna lie. What Clem said at the end, Scares me.
At least she's establishing worst case scenario measures.
Right there with you bud. Hopefully Telltale give her a "Happy" Ending
♪If anything should happen,
I guess I wish you well,
Mmm a little bit of heaven,
But a little bit of hell♩
There isn't really any good reason to reduce what has been the norm for the series since 2012 and I find the argument of there needing to be a reduction in episodes in order for the game to be better in quality completely stupid. It worked for them with less employees and less money back for S1 6 years ago, what's the excuse now? The only reason I can see them doing this is if they wanted to go down the route Life is Strange did and release a 'farewell' type DLC or something.
So I bought the walking dead collection for $50 last week to replay and get ready for the final season. Then telltale comes out and says if I preorder season 4 for $20 I’ll get the collection for free. Welp there goes $50 down the drain.
Did you buy it digitally or physically? Because if you bought it on disc, you can sell that to a friend or something. Don't go to gamestop, they'll give you like $3 for it.
Seems TOO OBVIOUS to me Clementine's possible death. Why would they give that info to us just like that? I smell someone trying to troll us (PLEASE BE TRUE)
Unfortunately there is no mobile release for the final season.
That's what I thought was gonna happen with ANF and look how that turned out.
I wouldn't call five episodes "norm for the series." Season 1 had six episodes if you count the 400 days DLC. We did a 3-episode Michonne mini-series.
I can understand being upset just comparing numbers to numbers, but I truly think the time and devotion dedicated to the story and gameplay will change your mind. You can see hints of these things so far (advanced lighting techniques we were never able to do before, better looking graphics, unscripted combat!) in our teaser trailer and press release.
But also know that we've also come off Batman: The Enemy Within, our branchiest episode of ANYTHING EVER, and have received great feedback from fans and are 100% taking that into consideration as we move forward with The Walking Dead.
I guess what I'm saying is... don't write us off just yet.
What if it's four longer episodes?
Why is everyone assuming that 4 episodes equates to 4 usual TTG-style episodes? We don't even know how long these episodes will be. Game of Thrones had 6 episodes and that season wasn't really any longer than other TTG series aside from having more waiting periods. The TWD team could feel like breaking the overall story into 5 episodes ruins the pacing, so they've opted for 4 longer episodes (let me reiterate that this is just my speculation).
I truly believe that the old mindset of playing an episode in "one sitting" has gone out the window along with some of the Netflix-meets-TellTale concepts. From what I've gathered from TTG over the past several months, it looks as if they want to make their games actual games again. While I am cautiously optimistic, I'm still optimistic nonetheless. Let's see what E3 reveals first before we jump the gun here.
4 Episodes is completely fine with me if its truly better for the story.
Sometimes an episode in the series feels out of place. Its why sometimes an episode is so short and feels like filler, stuff like that. What I hope this means is Telltale has all of season 4 planned out right now, and know 4 episodes is the amount to go with. Im perfectly fine with 4 episodes if it means each episode is a decent length (hoping for atleast 2 hours) filled with content, and has a meaningful story with character development. Telltale said they want quality over quantity, so if that means 4 super quality episodes instead of 5 "ok" episodes, I would much rather have the 4 quality episodes.
TT Jurassic Park had 4 Episodes as Well.
I'm going to hold you to that. I want to believe you, I really do, and what you guys did with Batman gives me a bit more confidence. But you must understand, I and others have taken other comments from Telltale at face value and trusted them, and it didn't come to be. We've been given stuff like this before, only to have it revealed not to be true or a huge exaggeration. I'm not trying to pick on you or others at Telltale, I'm just saying that we're a bit hesitant, at least when it comes to this series, in regards to that type of information. I want this season to be good, I want to believe everything you and others are saying, but based on previous experiences I had, I'm hesitant to do so.
2 things though:
Well, if it makes you feel better, Telltale seems to be going in a better direction with Pete Hawley's leadership. They seem to be addressing feedback candidly, adding genuine gameplay innovation, prioritizing a unique presentation for each IP instead of making each game feel like TWD S1, etc. (See the new TWD S4 gameplay, the comments on the Wolf S2 delay, etc).
Well atleast Batman being all hyped up everything was actually true, so that does give me a little more hope
@mostlypoptarts Hey fam lemmme gettt uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PAX East Demo video so we can all admire that gameplay thanks u
Well they DID make it official today and yes, it's only 4 episodes. I honestly don't care if it's just one episode, as long as they tell the story as good as they did in S1. And of course I'm pre-ordering this, I loved every single season up to this point, some less than other, but overall loved the series and I'm definitely pre-ordering.
I think feeling that way is totally understandable and justified. My hope is that we overdeliver for you with The Final Season!!
I'll see what I can do about that, but no promises, unfortunately.
Will we get more content for The Final Season at E3?
Understandable, have a nice day.
Keep this up and you might get socks.
Why must you lie to me poptarts?
So what your saying is that, the Episodes will be longer than the usual 1 and a half Episodes?
There will be a story configurator similar to A New Frontier in The Final Season
For players if they have lost their game or play on mobile or simply just want to start a new game.
I haven't wrote anything off, I'm simply saying that it's bizarre to change the formula for your mainline series (400 days had nothing to do with the main plotline and michonne suffered as a result of being 3 episodes) so it feels strange to suddenly change that here in what's supposed to be the final chapter of Clementine's story. If you can make the most of that in four episodes then that's great but at the same time it feels like we're losing what would be another episode worth of content for... no reason that we've been given. I hope you prove me wrong and I want nothing but for the final season to be fantastic but I've been on one too many hype trains that go off the rails to be overly optimistic.
Hence why i said "the series" and not "telltale game".
Yeah, it's hard because the best reason would be the content of the game, which isn't out until August. I can sit here and type whatever I want, but the game has to back that up. I think it will, which is why I'm taking the time to respond to you, and I hope we don't disappoint you.
If a story only takes 4 episodes to be told, forcing it on a 5 episode format is only bound to undermine it. That will lead to them stretching out the story, making each individual episode shallower in content and shorter. ANF was arguably a 3 episode story (or less really) forced onto a 5 episode format, and that's when you start getting a "premiere split in two", 1 hour episodes or episodes with 15 minutes overall of plot progression.
Just quickly, I wanted to thank you for the increased transparency compared to what fans previously got from Telltale, and I wanted to encourage more of it going forward!
Also, an actual on-topic question - is the piano song featured in the teaser an original song, or was it an already existing song used for the trailer?