I left Telltale a year and a half ago after an extended period where the Board of Directors and I had very different visions of Telltale’s future and how we might get there. That was one of the hardest times of my professional life, but in the end the company is controlled by its Board of Directors and I respected their decisions throughout.
As a co-founder, I take an enormous amount of pride that we were able to build the kind of games that I am immensely passionate about creating, exploring, evolving, and perfecting (if that’s even possible). We built a significant new brand, helped define a new genre, and thrived for more than a decade.
We pursued projects that no one else would consider. The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us, Batman, Minecraft, Puzzle Agent, Poker Night and Sam & Max are the kind of projects I personally loved and I poured my heart and soul into each one. Those are the kind of projects no other publisher or studio would touch. We chose to venture where others dared not go, and we found some success along the way. It took a lot of vision, luck, will power, teamwork, talent, and very long days and nights to get there, but it will forever have been worth it.
And we did it all while growing, attracting some of the most talented people I’ve ever known. We were equally passionate about making sure our employees always had a home. Prior to my leaving, we were able to avoid sweeping layoffs and (somehow) managed to ensure that we always had work for everyone. We worked hard and sometimes it seemed like we had more than we could handle but we stuck together and forged ahead.
Today, I’m mostly saddened for the people who are losing their jobs at a studio they love. And I’m also saddened at the loss of a studio that green-lit crazy ideas that no one else would consider. I’m comforted a bit knowing there are now more talented people and studios creating games in the evolving narrative genre. While I look forward to those games and new developments, and continuing to contribute, I will always find “A Telltale Game” to have been a unique offering.
I know that Telltale will be remembered fondly for what it has done best.
I suggest Telltale adds at least 5 more returning characters in The Final Season as they are not going to make any other Walking Dead game after The Final Season. So many unknown characters just left and WILL BE LEFT with no expectations of what happened to them
Do what you want man. Just don't get really disappointed in the near future. Because I know that as soon as they will postpone 3rd episode of TWD then it's going to be over.
Do what you want man. Just don't get really disappointed in the near future. Because I know that as soon as they will postpone 3rd episode of TWD then it's going to be over.
Damn it I really hoped that this was fake This is such a shame seeing that Telltale was really starting to step up their quality. Batman Season 2 was awesome and TWD TFS was off to such a great start. Hopefully this skeleton crew will be able to wrap up TFS in a strong manner which will no doubt be a very challenging task. I can't even imagine the stress that these people are going through right now... I just hope that all of the employees at Telltale will be able to land on their feet.
It doesn't matter what ending there will be. I also am completely sure that she will die, but I want to actually see it rather than get a 20$ refund after Episode 2.
E2 is already done, E3 is probably over half way done and E4 probably has it's foundations set. It depends on how the 25 developer squad manages to organize the rest of the season. Having 25 organized developers is better than having 250 unorganized developers. ANF is a proof of this.
Didn't they also develop TWD S1 and TFTB with a considerably small squad? Both ended up being great.
It doesn't matter what ending there will be. I also am completely sure that she will die, but I want to actually see it rather than get a 20$ refund after Episode 2.
It might be still be good.
E2 is already done, E3 is probably over half way done and E4 probably has it's foundations set. It depends on … morehow the 25 developer squad manages to organize the rest of the season. Having 25 organized developers is better than having 250 unorganized developers. ANF is a proof of this.
Didn't they also develop TWD S1 and TFTB with a considerably small squad? Both ended up being great.
It's unfortunate and saddening news, but to a degree not surprising. Hopefully all the employees are able to find work post telltale if they are shutting down.
If you look at the ex people in charge (the car guy) im not surprised ,these people didn't know what was popular and just second guessed everything, i heard a rumour there gonna do more mobile game things
Pretty much every freaking game their made was proper. Even Minecraft was quite popular and so many kids have bought this. How the hell could they get themselves in this posistion?!
TFTB 105 had a crew of 5-10 people and was an amazing episode. Not worried at all for the quality of "Take Us Back."
Thoughts and prayers to all the employees.
I wonder if The Final Season of TWD will be the swan song of Telltale, or Telltale will pull the plug before it's finished?
Don't get me wrong, I am more concerned about the employers being laid off and losing their income than I am over a video game.
Telltale closure.
Today is a very, very sad day.
I left Telltale a year and a half ago after an extended period where the Board of Directors and I had very different visions of Telltale’s future and how we might get there. That was one of the hardest times of my professional life, but in the end the company is controlled by its Board of Directors and I respected their decisions throughout.
As a co-founder, I take an enormous amount of pride that we were able to build the kind of games that I am immensely passionate about creating, exploring, evolving, and perfecting (if that’s even possible). We built a significant new brand, helped define a new genre, and thrived for more than a decade.
We pursued projects that no one else would consider. The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us, Batman, Minecraft, Puzzle Agent, Poker Night and Sam & Max are the kind of projects I personally loved and I poured my heart and soul into each one. Those are the kind of projects no other publisher or studio would touch. We chose to venture where others dared not go, and we found some success along the way. It took a lot of vision, luck, will power, teamwork, talent, and very long days and nights to get there, but it will forever have been worth it.
And we did it all while growing, attracting some of the most talented people I’ve ever known. We were equally passionate about making sure our employees always had a home. Prior to my leaving, we were able to avoid sweeping layoffs and (somehow) managed to ensure that we always had work for everyone. We worked hard and sometimes it seemed like we had more than we could handle but we stuck together and forged ahead.
Today, I’m mostly saddened for the people who are losing their jobs at a studio they love. And I’m also saddened at the loss of a studio that green-lit crazy ideas that no one else would consider. I’m comforted a bit knowing there are now more talented people and studios creating games in the evolving narrative genre. While I look forward to those games and new developments, and continuing to contribute, I will always find “A Telltale Game” to have been a unique offering.
I know that Telltale will be remembered fondly for what it has done best.
co-founder, Telltale Games.
I suggest Telltale adds at least 5 more returning characters in The Final Season as they are not going to make any other Walking Dead game after The Final Season. So many unknown characters just left and WILL BE LEFT with no expectations of what happened to them
So it ends where it all began.. with The Walking dead.
I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Freak out if you want to. I won’t.
Do what you want man. Just don't get really disappointed in the near future. Because I know that as soon as they will postpone 3rd episode of TWD then it's going to be over.
A fitting end to be honest.
I'd rather have Telltale end on a high note with TWD than some fucking Minecraft S3 or something.
Just...fuck... I know Telltale has had some troubles, but this still feels like it came outta nowhere.
But will it really end on a high note? I doubt that TFS will be any good anymore.
I already figured Clem would die at the end, so it’s hard to be dissapointed by anything other than that.
Damn it I really hoped that this was fake
This is such a shame seeing that Telltale was really starting to step up their quality. Batman Season 2 was awesome and TWD TFS was off to such a great start. Hopefully this skeleton crew will be able to wrap up TFS in a strong manner which will no doubt be a very challenging task. I can't even imagine the stress that these people are going through right now... I just hope that all of the employees at Telltale will be able to land on their feet.
Hey guys.. but weren't like the episodes already kinda done? And they were just polishing them?
I wonder how long this site will even stay up?
I just hope they can at least finish TFS honorably and with dignity
God DANG it...
It doesn't matter what ending there will be. I also am completely sure that she will die, but I want to actually see it rather than get a 20$ refund after Episode 2.
It might be still be good.
E2 is already done, E3 is probably over half way done and E4 probably has it's foundations set. It depends on how the 25 developer squad manages to organize the rest of the season. Having 25 organized developers is better than having 250 unorganized developers. ANF is a proof of this.
Didn't they also develop TWD S1 and TFTB with a considerably small squad? Both ended up being great.
I cant take this shit I just cant FUCK I dont know what to do fuck fuck djcmdusjk
I appreciate the optimism, and yes you might be right with the whole s1 thing.. Let's stay positive!
Me too buddy

It's unfortunate and saddening news, but to a degree not surprising. Hopefully all the employees are able to find work post telltale if they are shutting down.
What the fuck....
Damn my heart broke in a thousand pieces
This is such sad news. Now DONTNOD is going to be the only choice/story driven video game company around.
This is all a dream...this is all a dream...this is all a dream. Wake up...wake up...wake up
As long as they finish TFS first I honestly couldn't care less, not like they've made another proper game in ages anyways.
If you look at the ex people in charge (the car guy) im not surprised ,these people didn't know what was popular and just second guessed everything, i heard a rumour there gonna do more mobile game things
Oh my darling...oh my darling...oh my darling Clementine...you are lost...and gone forever...o my darling Clementine...
Arvo and Mike can go suck a cactus
I wonder if Skybound's own new studio has anything to do with this
Let's all stay together guys! And let's remember all the good times.
Pretty much every freaking game their made was proper. Even Minecraft was quite popular and so many kids have bought this. How the hell could they get themselves in this posistion?!
True, TWD is the only TT game I've played and it was coming to the end anyway so...
TTG did make Wolf Among Us but that was so long ago that I’m inclined to not care about future projects either.
My heart goes out to all the employees that were laid off. Hopefully they can find a job soon and support their families.
Episode 4’s quality will certainly drop so please don’t complain about it when it does. Only 25 people will be working on the rest of TFS.
...too many chiefs not enough indians