It's an incredible shame. I hope there are a lot of companies willing to snatch up the talent that's emerged at TellTale. It's not just a lo… moress of possibilities for the great stories the fans all still want even now, but of livelihood for the staff. It's the end of a chapter for all involved.
I had so looked forward to Wolf Among Us, and whatever lied next with Batman. I loved chatting with the people here, even the times things got out of hand. Ironically, now the forum is the walking dead. It's a matter of time.
My day was bad enough so this wasn't the news I wanted to wake up to. Smh, I feel like I grew up with Telltale and in many ways, it helped me and to see it go when they had such big plans for the new year saddens me even deeper than I already was. All I can really say is thank you Telltale for everything. I can't really put much more thought than that.
You have to realise that this a broad statement meant for commercial retailers, partners, press and not just general fans. It's obviously just as personal to them, even if the statement doesn't reflect that.
You have to realise that this a broad statement meant for commercial retailers, partners, press and not just general fans. It's obviously just as personal to them, even if the statement doesn't reflect that.
Truly a tragic news. It's a shame for any future games that they had in plans but especially it's a shame for all those people who just lost their jobs. I wish them the best of luck in the future and hopefully someone will recognize them and give them a position.
I have deep concerns if TWD s4 will ever finish. I think after ep 2 releases, episodes 3 and 4 could never see the light of day. 25 employees is too tough to finish a product like this, so unless they have it all mostly done, I don't think we will see the end to this game.
I have deep concerns if TWD s4 will ever finish. I think after ep 2 releases, episodes 3 and 4 could never see the light of day. 25 employee… mores is too tough to finish a product like this, so unless they have it all mostly done, I don't think we will see the end to this game.
I have deep concerns if TWD s4 will ever finish. I think after ep 2 releases, episodes 3 and 4 could never see the light of day. 25 employee… mores is too tough to finish a product like this, so unless they have it all mostly done, I don't think we will see the end to this game.
Thanks a lot!
This is pretty much the last nail in the coffin for the Wellington scar fix...
There is already a discord
removed go to the officila
There is already a discord
April fools? No???

Let's go to MrGraffio's one!
Well... if Clementine dies guess we won’t be able to burn down Telltale HQ... because it won’t exist....
There's no guarantee they're goin' to shut down the forum though
So... @Dex-Starr.. about being a future mod... erm.....
Can't they just pass the projects?
The site won't stay up without maintenance, particularly funding the server costs. No Telltale, no-one to pay for the site
And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye singing this’ll be the day that I die...
Yeahh about that...
Welp guess we need to kidnap Melissa Hutchinson and make the next season ourselves anybody got good idea's?
is the statement out?
One can only hope those 25 people aren't including the cast.
Ideas on how to kidnap her or ideas for season 5?
thats it? what a fucking joke
My day was bad enough so this wasn't the news I wanted to wake up to. Smh, I feel like I grew up with Telltale and in many ways, it helped me and to see it go when they had such big plans for the new year saddens me even deeper than I already was. All I can really say is thank you Telltale for everything. I can't really put much more thought than that.
I think it's time to kms......
Why is it 25?
"to fulfill the company's obligations to its board and partners" Like they ever cared about their playerbase... Fuck em.
That's plenty, remember they started small too.
You have to realise that this a broad statement meant for commercial retailers, partners, press and not just general fans. It's obviously just as personal to them, even if the statement doesn't reflect that.
Yup, should've remembered the reason they were in business in the first place... fans
There's probably more people working to finish TFS than there are people working on Battlefront 2 right now.
"Grumbles like an old man"
Truly a tragic news. It's a shame for any future games that they had in plans but especially it's a shame for all those people who just lost their jobs. I wish them the best of luck in the future and hopefully someone will recognize them and give them a position.
I wonder if mostlypoptarts is ok?
this tweet didnt age well
I have deep concerns if TWD s4 will ever finish. I think after ep 2 releases, episodes 3 and 4 could never see the light of day. 25 employees is too tough to finish a product like this, so unless they have it all mostly done, I don't think we will see the end to this game.
I'm pretty sure Skybound wouldn't let this game be unfinished
was looking forward to The Game of thrones season 2 and the new stranger things game but looks like that is not happening
They'd owe us if they didn't release the last two episodes.
I agree WTF!!!
I hope you're right, but I have my doubts.