Oh come on guy, face it, Telltale's pretty much done for. Who's left, a CEO and some executives? The company is literally down to 0 employees. There's nothing there Pete or anyone can really salvage.
Something I'd like to point out is that Kirkman won't need to do anything based on story because, not only is it not his actual story (and I'm not very fond of his narrative but it's still good) but TFS is already complete in terms of story. It just needs to be converted into comic-book form and of course there will be variations, think anime - manga. But heck, if it comes to that, it'll be strange if since the story will not be in Telltale format/no choices. The fact that the story revolves around choices and plot moves forward because of it (Bman S2) makes it wierd.
Again, it will likely never come to that point, but just sayin'.
This pretty much sums it up. Everyone needs to keep in mind that Kirkman 100% knows what's going on, after all it's his property. Saying he … morehad said too much was lowkey a way of telling us that the game is most likely safe. And he brought up finishing it as a comic book, so even if the game doesn't get complete, we will likely get a solid conclusion to the story, just maybe not in the format we had hoped for.
Honestly, as I listened to my niece get excited when she saw a new Minecraft game in the game store and my brother explaining to her that it wasn't like the Minecraft she played, I couldn't help but wonder how many kids and parents who didn't know any better ended up contributing to how well it sold? Considering how the second season performed, it's success seems more like slapping a band aid on a gunshot wound rather than actually being a legitimate success.
The game itself wasn't bad but we never asked for it. The only reason it existed was for Telltale to make money, a cash grab. Just because M… moreinecraft was a game without a story and characters, doesn't mean it deserved one and I don't care if it's one of the best selling games of all time. What's next? Tetris: Story Mode?
What are you saying though, fact is Minecraft earns money and it requires less effort for story and Mojang does a lot of the visuals. Still, they milked minecraft. Now that it has no more 'milk', they decided to halt the series and continue with projects that would hopefully gain more traction and hype because of the fond moments behind them. And good timing too, little kids probably wouldn't even notice Minecraft Season 3 since their interests would lie more in games like Fortnite. Not saying Minecraft SM is for little kids, I enjoyed it myself, but the story appeals to them more, so more of them will buy it.
They tried to make a story mode out of a game with no characters.
What sort of inept and out of touch manager at telltale chose to backseat popular and successful series like the wolf among us for minecraft… more though. Fucking minecraft. They tried to make a story mode out of a game with no characters. Minecraft Steve isnt even a character, its a fucking skin. What else did they discuss? Making a story mode for fucking grass simulator? OH YEAH TELLTALE I'D LOVE TO KNOW THE LIFE STORY OF A BLADE OF GRASS.
Talented former Telltale employees have been well and truely shafted.
New engine man. I feel like when Telltale upgraded, some dark magic was secretly cast upon it. Let's not forget the horrible side-effects, like no Rewind or Chapter Select, or the shitty Netflix-menus.
None of these things mattered the slightest in their downfall and could've been easily re-implemented, since it was still the same engine, just with some advanced - if barely working - technology.
The reason why they didn't implement those features back is probably so you have to play the whole episode again resulting in more playtime by a lot of people, which they could use to make investors happy or get the attention of new investors.
New engine man. I feel like when Telltale upgraded, some dark magic was secretly cast upon it. Let's not forget the horrible side-effects, like no Rewind or Chapter Select, or the shitty Netflix-menus.
New engine man. I feel like when Telltale upgraded, some dark magic was secretly cast upon it. Let's not forget the horrible side-effects, like no Rewind or Chapter Select, or the shitty Netflix-menus.
None of these things mattered the slightest in their downfall and could've been easily re-implemented, since it was still the same engine, j… moreust with some advanced - if barely working - technology.
The reason why they didn't implement those features back is probably so you have to play the whole episode again resulting in more playtime by a lot of people, which they could use to make investors happy or get the attention of new investors.
Just imagine how great Borderlands would've become if it was made in the veins of TFS. The possibilities...
No, because otherwise there would've been unecessary swearing, not-funny jokes, and run-of-the-mill characters who'd be sprinkled in.
''Oh, only 5 characters for a Boarding School doesn't make sense!''
''Okay then, sir, I need you to send emergency dispatch to deploy Mitch, Omar and Willy, and a few more.''
''By reading their summaries I feel they're kinda lackluster, no?''
''It's fine, I'm sure the majority's attention will be diverted to our elaborate romance''
''What about the intelluctual forum members who'd find them distasteful?''
TFS kinda proved that they should've changed things up much sooner.
I hear a lot about the Telltale-fatigue from a lot of people and they… more do have a point. There were still beloved games, like Borderlands, but they were beloved DESPITE using the same formula and engine, not because of it.
Just imagine how great Borderlands would've become if it was made in the veins of TFS. The possibilities...
I think he means stuff liking forcing you to clean his bandages and stuff, especially when Clem can't say ''I'm not doing this for you, ya know'' yet she can now spit on Marlon's grave.
Just imagine how great Borderlands would've become if it was made in the veins of TFS. The possibilities...
No, because otherwise th… moreere would've been unecessary swearing, not-funny jokes, and run-of-the-mill characters who'd be sprinkled in.
''Oh, only 5 characters for a Boarding School doesn't make sense!''
''Okay then, sir, I need you to send emergency dispatch to deploy Mitch, Omar and Willy, and a few more.''
''By reading their summaries I feel they're kinda lackluster, no?''
''It's fine, I'm sure the majority's attention will be diverted to our elaborate romance''
''What about the intelluctual forum members who'd find them distasteful?''
Just imagine how great Borderlands would've become if it was made in the veins of TFS. The possibilities...
No, because otherwise th… moreere would've been unecessary swearing, not-funny jokes, and run-of-the-mill characters who'd be sprinkled in.
''Oh, only 5 characters for a Boarding School doesn't make sense!''
''Okay then, sir, I need you to send emergency dispatch to deploy Mitch, Omar and Willy, and a few more.''
''By reading their summaries I feel they're kinda lackluster, no?''
''It's fine, I'm sure the majority's attention will be diverted to our elaborate romance''
''What about the intelluctual forum members who'd find them distasteful?''
I forgot to write that it wasn't meant to be taken 100% seriously but these are some of my tiny peeves with TFS. If you don't agree with them, that's okay. It's not 100% related to what you said but it was just on my mind at the time.
I forgot to write that it wasn't meant to be taken 100% seriously but these are some of my tiny peeves with TFS. If you don't agree with them, that's okay. It's not 100% related to what you said but it was just on my mind at the time.
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
This tweet seems to be misunderstood. She doesn't hate TWD. She hates the fact that more thought has been put into solutions on how to finish the game instead of how to pay the devs.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Yes, but it's the wrong time. Despite everything she's had to go through, it comes off as a bit, idk the word for this, but toxic and lightly-agressive.
''TWD may be finished!''
'' The nightmare is never ending. Just let it die.. let the darkness flow within you..''
Why doesn't Caroline still come on the forums? She just doesn't care or she's found another job? Would've been nice to have her hang around until she finds a new job, but when this happens, you really start to question their loyalty. Like everyone only does things for money.
Sorry if this comes off as strange. It's just that with almost all updates it's shrouded with mystery and not enough information. We don't know as much as we imply we do. I just really want Pete to at least tell us the story of Telltale's downfall in a less brief way. Like why he didn't increase the game's price by a little.
Yes, but it's the wrong time. Despite everything she's had to go through, it comes off as a bit, idk the word for this, but toxic and lightl… morey-agressive.
''TWD may be finished!''
'' The nightmare is never ending. Just let it die.. let the darkness flow within you..''
Why doesn't Caroline still come on the forums? She just doesn't care or she's found another job? Would've been nice to have her hang around until she finds a new job, but when this happens, you really start to question their loyalty. Like everyone only does things for money.
Sorry if this comes off as strange. It's just that with almost all updates it's shrouded with mystery and not enough information. We don't know as much as we imply we do. I just really want Pete to at least tell us the story of Telltale's downfall in a less brief way. Like why he didn't increase the game's price by a little.
While I certainly can understand why she feels so angry, it's also very spiteful in a way. I'm not even going to try and say that we as fans lost just as much if not more than the employees, but shouldn't the fans also at least get what we paid for, and wouldn't she want to see all the work and dedication the team put into the game come to fruition at least in some form.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Maybe because there isn't any money left to pay the developers and they'll try to use what money they can get out of selling the rights, along with an inevitable bankruptcy claim, to try and pay the employees at least in some form.
This tweet seems to be misunderstood. She doesn't hate TWD. She hates the fact that more thought has been put into solutions on how to finish the game instead of how to pay the devs.
skybound isnt really part of telltale but it makes sense that they try and pick it up and finish the last couple episode i think its their writers anyways that does most the ground work for the games at least they have for a couple episodes so IF anyone gonna pitch in and try and finish it off it would be these guys.
Agreed. She has every right to feel betrayed and hurt but to make a tweet like that just comes across like she never gave a shit about, well, any of it. She could have expressed her feelings in a way that doesn't invalidate the fans who got screwed over too.
It's a difficult time for everyone, we shouldn't be attacking each other and trying to say one side is more deserving of compensation. The employees should get paid, and we should get the rest of the game that we paid for. Period.
While I certainly can understand why she feels so angry, it's also very spiteful in a way. I'm not even going to try and say that we as fans… more lost just as much if not more than the employees, but shouldn't the fans also at least get what we paid for, and wouldn't she want to see all the work and dedication the team put into the game come to fruition at least in some form.
Well, this is not how the business works. Money comes first. It sucks I know but it’s reality. Unless Telltale is legally forced to pay them, they won’t get their severances. What they are obligated to do is to fulfill the season pass. Its not like Telltale is playing a role of good samaritan when they are trying to get a deal with another company to finish.
This tweet seems to be misunderstood. She doesn't hate TWD. She hates the fact that more thought has been put into solutions on how to finish the game instead of how to pay the devs.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Last thing that I want to see is members of the community and ex-Telltale employees sending hate to each other.
We don't need that kind of situation right now (or ever tbh), and would only make things worse.
Seems kinda disrespectful to assume she doesn't care about the fans or Clem considering the emotional whiplash, confusion and rollercoaster she and her co-workers have been through. Clem and TFS is Telltale's baby and having to watch some other company take it to the finish line is definitely a humiliating experience. Staff put way more blood, sweat and tears into Clem's story than we did, even the PR; they deserve to express stronger feelings on the direction it's going.
Also empathy has not been the community's collective strong suit if the reaction to the lawsuit is to be taken.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
https://twitter.com/carolin… moreeliddick/status/1047949126154014720
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
Wrong. There are tons of different, more appropriate ways how to express what she tweeted so that no one would feel odd after reading that. I understand their situation, most of us here on forums do, but they seem not to understand our side of the story. Granted, it’s their baby, but we are Clem’s peers who grew up with her. Plus, allegedly, the partner conpany is trying to hire former staff so whoever wants to has chance to do it. We have to stop blaming Telltale for this, nobodz wanted this, just there was this series of very unfortunate events that caused it...
Seems kinda disrespectful to assume she doesn't care about the fans or Clem considering the emotional whiplash, confusion and rollercoaster … moreshe and her co-workers have been through. Clem and TFS is Telltale's baby and having to watch some other company take it to the finish line is definitely a humiliating experience. Staff put way more blood, sweat and tears into Clem's story than we did, even the PR; they deserve to express stronger feelings on the direction it's going.
Also empathy has not been the community's collective strong suit if the reaction to the lawsuit is to be taken.
Imagine walking down their offices with no-one there. Sad. Telltale give Ghetsis one of your PCs! Don't be greedy and sell them all off
Something I'd like to point out is that Kirkman won't need to do anything based on story because, not only is it not his actual story (and I'm not very fond of his narrative but it's still good) but TFS is already complete in terms of story. It just needs to be converted into comic-book form and of course there will be variations, think anime - manga. But heck, if it comes to that, it'll be strange if since the story will not be in Telltale format/no choices. The fact that the story revolves around choices and plot moves forward because of it (Bman S2) makes it wierd.
Again, it will likely never come to that point, but just sayin'.
Honestly, as I listened to my niece get excited when she saw a new Minecraft game in the game store and my brother explaining to her that it wasn't like the Minecraft she played, I couldn't help but wonder how many kids and parents who didn't know any better ended up contributing to how well it sold? Considering how the second season performed, it's success seems more like slapping a band aid on a gunshot wound rather than actually being a legitimate success.
What are you saying though, fact is Minecraft earns money and it requires less effort for story and Mojang does a lot of the visuals. Still, they milked minecraft. Now that it has no more 'milk', they decided to halt the series and continue with projects that would hopefully gain more traction and hype because of the fond moments behind them. And good timing too, little kids probably wouldn't even notice Minecraft Season 3 since their interests would lie more in games like Fortnite. Not saying Minecraft SM is for little kids, I enjoyed it myself, but the story appeals to them more, so more of them will buy it.
... Seriously?
New engine man. I feel like when Telltale upgraded, some dark magic was secretly cast upon it. Let's not forget the horrible side-effects, like no Rewind or Chapter Select, or the shitty Netflix-menus.
None of these things mattered the slightest in their downfall and could've been easily re-implemented, since it was still the same engine, just with some advanced - if barely working - technology.
The reason why they didn't implement those features back is probably so you have to play the whole episode again resulting in more playtime by a lot of people, which they could use to make investors happy or get the attention of new investors.
No they were still working on the old engine. They weren't going to start using a new engine until after TFS was finished.
Well I was obviously joking I was just remarking on something interesting innit?
No, because otherwise there would've been unecessary swearing, not-funny jokes, and run-of-the-mill characters who'd be sprinkled in.
''Oh, only 5 characters for a Boarding School doesn't make sense!''
''Okay then, sir, I need you to send emergency dispatch to deploy Mitch, Omar and Willy, and a few more.''
''By reading their summaries I feel they're kinda lackluster, no?''
''It's fine, I'm sure the majority's attention will be diverted to our elaborate romance''
''What about the intelluctual forum members who'd find them distasteful?''
I think he means stuff liking forcing you to clean his bandages and stuff, especially when Clem can't say ''I'm not doing this for you, ya know'' yet she can now spit on Marlon's grave.
I know that, I just mean the newer version of the Telltale Tool, d'uh!! Should be pretty obvious. But sorry for me phrasing that wrongly.
Dude, just stop. None of what you wrote makes any sense.
I forgot to write that it wasn't meant to be taken 100% seriously but these are some of my tiny peeves with TFS. If you don't agree with them, that's okay. It's not 100% related to what you said but it was just on my mind at the time.
Oh, ok. No problem.
Looks like Caroline aka mostlypoptarts never cared about fans nor Clem after all...didn't see that one coming
I know its pointless to share that, but still struck my heart when I saw it from her...I know they are pissed about losing their jobs, but we fans also lost something. The empathy should flow from both directions.
I don't know how to feel about this..
Nothing to really say here.
She's obviously still pretty hurt by the lay-offs.

Mr, fury...I don’t feel so good...
I think we should all be asking why Caroline feels this way.
Because she and all her coworkers were laid off suddenly and without severance? Just a hunch.
This tweet seems to be misunderstood. She doesn't hate TWD. She hates the fact that more thought has been put into solutions on how to finish the game instead of how to pay the devs.
@mostlypoptarts was a woman?!
Yes, but it's the wrong time. Despite everything she's had to go through, it comes off as a bit, idk the word for this, but toxic and lightly-agressive.
''TWD may be finished!''
'' The nightmare is never ending. Just let it die.. let the darkness flow within you..''
Why doesn't Caroline still come on the forums? She just doesn't care or she's found another job? Would've been nice to have her hang around until she finds a new job, but when this happens, you really start to question their loyalty. Like everyone only does things for money.
Sorry if this comes off as strange. It's just that with almost all updates it's shrouded with mystery and not enough information. We don't know as much as we imply we do. I just really want Pete to at least tell us the story of Telltale's downfall in a less brief way. Like why he didn't increase the game's price by a little.
Yoda nooooo! It’s gonna get better, I promise, young padawan
I agree, the toxicity and negativity is unbecoming of her and unnecessary at this dark time for fans and ex staff alike
And therefore she doesn't want the possibility of devs getting their jobs back to finish TWD?
While I certainly can understand why she feels so angry, it's also very spiteful in a way. I'm not even going to try and say that we as fans lost just as much if not more than the employees, but shouldn't the fans also at least get what we paid for, and wouldn't she want to see all the work and dedication the team put into the game come to fruition at least in some form.
She's was a community manager so she wouldn't need to be rehired for anything, which probably contributed to her spiteful attitude
Maybe because there isn't any money left to pay the developers and they'll try to use what money they can get out of selling the rights, along with an inevitable bankruptcy claim, to try and pay the employees at least in some form.
Ah, now that i did not actually know.
skybound isnt really part of telltale but it makes sense that they try and pick it up and finish the last couple episode i think its their writers anyways that does most the ground work for the games at least they have for a couple episodes so IF anyone gonna pitch in and try and finish it off it would be these guys.
Agreed. She has every right to feel betrayed and hurt but to make a tweet like that just comes across like she never gave a shit about, well, any of it. She could have expressed her feelings in a way that doesn't invalidate the fans who got screwed over too.
It's a difficult time for everyone, we shouldn't be attacking each other and trying to say one side is more deserving of compensation. The employees should get paid, and we should get the rest of the game that we paid for. Period.
Well, this is not how the business works. Money comes first. It sucks I know but it’s reality. Unless Telltale is legally forced to pay them, they won’t get their severances. What they are obligated to do is to fulfill the season pass. Its not like Telltale is playing a role of good samaritan when they are trying to get a deal with another company to finish.
Is she the one who posted a gofund me for her bfs dog or smtn? Needs operation! Only smtn ridiculous like 24 g...
Last thing that I want to see is members of the community and ex-Telltale employees sending hate to each other.
We don't need that kind of situation right now (or ever tbh), and would only make things worse.
Seems kinda disrespectful to assume she doesn't care about the fans or Clem considering the emotional whiplash, confusion and rollercoaster she and her co-workers have been through. Clem and TFS is Telltale's baby and having to watch some other company take it to the finish line is definitely a humiliating experience. Staff put way more blood, sweat and tears into Clem's story than we did, even the PR; they deserve to express stronger feelings on the direction it's going.
Also empathy has not been the community's collective strong suit if the reaction to the lawsuit is to be taken.
Wrong. There are tons of different, more appropriate ways how to express what she tweeted so that no one would feel odd after reading that. I understand their situation, most of us here on forums do, but they seem not to understand our side of the story. Granted, it’s their baby, but we are Clem’s peers who grew up with her. Plus, allegedly, the partner conpany is trying to hire former staff so whoever wants to has chance to do it. We have to stop blaming Telltale for this, nobodz wanted this, just there was this series of very unfortunate events that caused it...
I tweeted at her and said employees and fans should be compensated and she said "if you read my original tweet, you'll note I dont disagree with you."
So just a poor choice of words I guess. I'm not sure what she means by "let it die" then.
I'm on mobile so I cant post pictures but she just clarified everything if someone wants to post that. She cares about the game a lot, its clear.