They added in so many extra stuff in this game. So many features and cool artistic things. But the writers couldn't pull their weight and bother to brush up on dialogue sloppiness and dialogue choices.
I just feel Clem should have been determinant. Its weird the ending is always happy. It doesn't really feel like I earned this happy ending … morebecause Im just going to get it anyway. They could have gone all out with determinant deaths seeing as they will never return again, but instead just did a bait and switch and give everyone the same core ending. The bait and switch just feels cheap, either go through with it or dont do it at all.
They should have just done more endings, preferable an AJ dies, Clem Dies, both live, so there would be the ending we got, then 2 bad endings, that way it would feel like the ending you get it because of your choices and how you got there, instead of what we ended up getting.
I'm making a thread to the people who didn't like the ending, because I want them to give me all the arguments possible, I wanna understand,… more I kinda agree with you on that but I feel like Telltale wanted to make an ending that would appeal to the most people, they didn't want anybody left out especially since It's THE END
But I feel like yeah, maybe they could have made alternate endings.
Bow mechanism. Walker fights. New-camera. Story generator. Previously. Collectibles. Cool art design after an episode. Insane set piece with the ranch.
Bow mechanism. Walker fights. New-camera. Story generator. Previously. Collectibles. Cool art design after an episode. Insane set piece with the ranch.
Giving someone a stern talking to and making them feel bad is an insufficient punishment for someone who did the things Lilly did. The only punishment that would suffice for her is death. (Why I killed her in episode 3)
Minerva dies happy if Tenn dies with her on the bridge. Her whole goal was to have Tenn join her and she gets what she wants if Tenn is the one who dies.
Clem has the dialogue options to make Lilly seriously doubt her actions. The Delta is now at risk of falling and Lilly is broken.
Minerva gets her way? She dies in agony...
It was a dumb, sappy and rushed episode but fuck it I enjoyed it the walking dead is so miserable sometimes it was nice for everything to just work out
Fuck man… I feel so underwhelmed... On one hand I am very happy we got an ending at all but on the other side I can't help but feel like the ending was very unsatisfying.
The fact they didn't have the guts to continue with the "Clem is dead" story bothers me, but as poogs said, if they decided to kill her it just feels… wrong. Things that lead to Clem being bit are quite stupid so her death would feel very undeserved.
I'm a bit conflicted but I don't think it was a good episode, certainly considered it is a farewell to a great series, it just lacks something and it makes you feel that in the end, it all didn't matter.
Even though I loved the ending I wish they put her as determinat, they but 2 happy endings it would have been nice if they let her get killed off I mean really not even a sad ending which I had a feeling I tried to belive they would have made her determinat but nope she has plot armor.
Honestly, despite the lackluster episode we got, I'm still extremely glad of the ending Clementine received.
"Killing" Clem actually made me more angry than upset. Throughout the whole thing I was just screaming to amputate the goddamn leg, and it just wasn't happening. It even got to a point where I was criticising the "lazy writing" because of how similar it was to Lee's death.
Then 'Take us Back' started playing later on and I bawled like a b***h. I'd finally come to the realisation that Clem was gone. The same way that Lee had gone.
But that was nothing compared to what I felt when Clem reappeared on crutches. It took a good few seconds to process that this wasn't actually a dream and that yes, she was still alive.
The sheer exhiliration I felt when seeing her was more than enough to make up for the lack of quality in the episode.
All in all, it was a great sendoff to the series and seeing Clem and AJ getting a happy ending brought a smile to my face.
Thanks, Skybound and Team StillNotBitten. You almost traumatised me for life and had me almost waking up the neighbours with cheers in the same night. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Honestly, despite the lackluster episode we got, I'm still extremely glad of the ending Clementine received.
"Killing" Clem actually made… more me more angry than upset. Throughout the whole thing I was just screaming to amputate the goddamn leg, and it just wasn't happening. It even got to a point where I was criticising the "lazy writing" because of how similar it was to Lee's death.
Then 'Take us Back' started playing later on and I bawled like a b***h. I'd finally come to the realisation that Clem was gone. The same way that Lee had gone.
But that was nothing compared to what I felt when Clem reappeared on crutches. It took a good few seconds to process that this wasn't actually a dream and that yes, she was still alive.
The sheer exhiliration I felt when seeing her was more than enough to make up for the lack of quality in the episode.
All in all, it was a great sendoff to the series and seeing Clem and AJ getting a happy ending… [view original content]
You know, I think it's to fair to say I've been done with this series for a while now. And as the seasons went by, even hating Tangerine and actively wanting to be over just kinda...went away.
Like, I wasn't kidding when I said it felt like the finale and its trailer snuck up on me--I stopped caring on a narm or even a fed up level around Broken Toys. And boy, was that just kinda the place to be with this episode.
This episode was odd in just how underwhelming I assume a number of people likely felt, yet wasn't exactly baaad...? Question mark? It's like they were just checkin off a list and sometimes not even that, as well as not really rushing, if that makes any sense? Like, the episode is just under 105 minutes(with the credits) according the walkthrough I watched, so it's not that long and yet doesn't feel short. It's almost feels average length except that I know that's not the case, from when I remember about the other games. Idk.
I'll try to give some credit to the ending...? Like, it's a bait n switch and most debatably a copout, but it's one that just kinda sneaks up on ya and I was like(and I quote), "The FUCK?!
They actually took it! That’s…wow. I’m… surprisingly happy to see that."
It's also rather scary how they hit on a few criticisms and points made about stuff in previous episodes--some of which we JUST recently talked about. Granted, it's not much and there's one in particular at the beginning that just ends up being there in how they botched it from the way in, but it was so surreal. Especially if you saw some of my recent Failed Aspirations, most of which were in development hell for since the season started.
With that said, the cast overall is pretty damn--nay--just straight up squandered. Like no joke, Clementeen and AJ are the only characters that get much focus in this, with James as the closest to a (determinate?) third.
Oh and move over, Sullene and maybe even Brody--the position of Most Wasted Character in this episode and the entire season, respectively, has been usurped in seconds. Cheese and Rice, I really don't wanna be yet another one of THOSE guys right now and/or recognize that it's in poor form to call names in this tense. But I swear to goodness:, at least one influential person on the newer writing staff CLEARLY hated Tennessee as a character/concept.
Good Lord, I know I said TFS's story was a watered version of Season's from the getgo, but it's pretty close to being Sarah all over again!
The ending we got in this Episode should be called the "Clem Lives" ending.
It's a damn shame there wasn't any other endings, because there SHOULD have been determinant endings, including AJ Dies/Lives, Clem Dies/Lives and they both live or die.
Imagine AJ running in and saving both Louis/Violet and Tenn and sacrificing himself in return if you trusted him in the cave and you brought him up as empathetic and non-violent.
Clem Lives and Dies endings would play out the same as they do now. If she lives, she ends up on the crutches because AJ cut off her leg (due to her trust of AJ). If she doesn't (because she didn't trust AJ to make his own decisions), she either dies or gets left behind and we get an aftermath of the characters reacting to that.
If they would both live (which would be arguably the best ending) obviously AJ wouldn't be able to sacrifice himself, so if you brought him up as more survival based, he'd shoot Tenn. Either way, no matter whether you trusted him or not, that would lead to the barn, which in turn would save Clem.
If they both die, AJ simply stays close to Clem whilst she's dying, fighting off the walkers until he inevitably dies. That would also depend on the trust/brought up factor.
Once again, remember, these would all be determined on the trust PLUS on how you brought him up.
Finally, insert some padding in between the events to give a bit more interaction with the characters and show aftermaths of each choice. Now THAT would be a great episode!
Instead, we get one ending (granted, it was a welcome ending) with underwhelming determinant deaths and no interaction with characters whatsoever. Meh.
You know, I think it's to fair to say I've been done with this series for a while now. And as the seasons went by, even hating Tangerine and… more actively wanting to be over just kinda...went away.
Like, I wasn't kidding when I said it felt like the finale and its trailer snuck up on me--I stopped caring on a narm or even a fed up level around Broken Toys. And boy, was that just kinda the place to be with this episode.
This episode was odd in just how underwhelming I assume a number of people likely felt, yet wasn't exactly baaad...? Question mark? It's like they were just checkin off a list and sometimes not even that, as well as not really rushing, if that makes any sense? Like, the episode is just under 105 minutes(with the credits) according the walkthrough I watched, so it's not that long and yet doesn't feel short. It's almost feels average length except that I know that's not the case, from when I remember about the other games. Idk.
… [view original content]
The ending we got in this Episode should be called the "Clem Lives" ending.
It's a damn shame there wasn't any other endings, because the… morere SHOULD have been determinant endings, including AJ Dies/Lives, Clem Dies/Lives and they both live or die.
Imagine AJ running in and saving both Louis/Violet and Tenn and sacrificing himself in return if you trusted him in the cave and you brought him up as empathetic and non-violent.
Clem Lives and Dies endings would play out the same as they do now. If she lives, she ends up on the crutches because AJ cut off her leg (due to her trust of AJ). If she doesn't (because she didn't trust AJ to make his own decisions), she either dies or gets left behind and we get an aftermath of the characters reacting to that.
If they would both live (which would be arguably the best ending) obviously AJ wouldn't be able to sacrifice himself, so if you brought him up as more survival based, he'd shoot Tenn. Eith… [view original content]
I like to listen to Hard Rock / Metal to let off steam. My favourite band is Halestorm and I think they may support this crucial period of time in 'The Walking Dead' history.
I think my main issue is just it feels like its missing that "this is the end" feeling. The Clem fake out was also predictable after they just wouldnt cut off her leg or even say anything about maybe cutting it off. (And if you tell AJ to leave you behind its beyond obvious he cut her leg off)
Just overall I dont think the ending should have been 100% the happy ending. Feels like we didnt need to work for it, its just given to us. For example Id be way more satisfying if after I turned off the game with the "best ending" where Clem lives, I would feel accomplished as hell if it was a completely determinant ending and seeing that not everyone managed to get this ending. Im all for this happy ending, I mean hell I even like it and I like that Clem lives a happy life now, but I really feel there should have been more endings. It for one adds replay value and two like I keep saying, makes the ending more satisfying especially if you were to get the ending where the main cast all live.
Fuck man… I feel so underwhelmed... On one hand I am very happy we got an ending at all but on the other side I can't help but feel like the… more ending was very unsatisfying.
The fact they didn't have the guts to continue with the "Clem is dead" story bothers me, but as poogs said, if they decided to kill her it just feels… wrong. Things that lead to Clem being bit are quite stupid so her death would feel very undeserved.
I'm a bit conflicted but I don't think it was a good episode, certainly considered it is a farewell to a great series, it just lacks something and it makes you feel that in the end, it all didn't matter.
Yup, I dont know why they didnt do multiple endings. Like for one its waaay more satisfying if say we got this ending, then you go online and see you got the best possible ending based on your choices. That makes the "Happy ending" feel so satisfying because it feels like you earned it. You earned Clem and AJ's happy life, but instead we are just given it.
The ending we got in this Episode should be called the "Clem Lives" ending.
It's a damn shame there wasn't any other endings, because the… morere SHOULD have been determinant endings, including AJ Dies/Lives, Clem Dies/Lives and they both live or die.
Imagine AJ running in and saving both Louis/Violet and Tenn and sacrificing himself in return if you trusted him in the cave and you brought him up as empathetic and non-violent.
Clem Lives and Dies endings would play out the same as they do now. If she lives, she ends up on the crutches because AJ cut off her leg (due to her trust of AJ). If she doesn't (because she didn't trust AJ to make his own decisions), she either dies or gets left behind and we get an aftermath of the characters reacting to that.
If they would both live (which would be arguably the best ending) obviously AJ wouldn't be able to sacrifice himself, so if you brought him up as more survival based, he'd shoot Tenn. Eith… [view original content]
Yup, I dont know why they didnt do multiple endings. Like for one its waaay more satisfying if say we got this ending, then you go online an… mored see you got the best possible ending based on your choices. That makes the "Happy ending" feel so satisfying because it feels like you earned it. You earned Clem and AJ's happy life, but instead we are just given it.
Honestly, yeah, probably.
Lilith is the biggest advocate for that, but Joan had her entire character flipped and was supposed to have a choice where you decide her sentence anyway.
@joshua00819 But it's still better than Joan randomly disappearing on us like a Ghost.
I really can't tell if that's better or worse.
Also it's fucked up to Christa that we didn't meet her fate. Annoys the shit out of me.
Now that you mention it, I'm a little surprised they didn't just throw her in there as the nanny.
They should have split the finale in two parts. Part 1 of what we got and then Part 2 we fight The Delta. They're still out there.
Dude, it was obvious once they Joan'd Lilith that they weren't gonna follow up on that, as that more importantly would've involved meeting the Other side of the War.
That didn't exactly work out well for Telltale when they tried to hand-wave away the one month delay for New Frontier as "we split the premiere into two parts", which resulted in endless forum complaints (even though they literally never did that and they only renamed the original episode 2 into "ep 1 part 2" - awkward marketing from Kevin Bruner).
Yeah, seriously.
And by awkward, I'm sure you mean dumb.
Not quite "42 Different Clementines" dumb, but clearly not a wise thing to declare.
@Clementine795 I noticed that too about the ranch. there was no explanation for what happened just that she rescued him. there was no explanation for what happened to tenn either.
Do we even see any attacker besides maybe the second Badger lookalike?
Minnie tanking two/three walker bites, an arrow to the chest, other injuries, fatigue, and a horde of zombies was fucking stupid. And she was able to fight, sing, and talk while in a horde of zombies without getting eaten. This is some Shonen-Anime level of plot armor.
I was more pissed than sad when Clem died because it was exactly like Lee's death, facial emotes and everything. I wish she was determinant or they just killed her. The cop-out felt cheap. Roughly the same amount of time passed when Lee got his arm bit and could have gotten it chopped off and when Clem got bit and her leg chopped, and she only loses a foot. Which as AJ said they could probably get her a prosthetic. That's my head cannon for the future at least.
Few things:
Minnie tanking two/three walker bites, an arrow to the chest, other injuries, fatigue, and a horde of zombies was fucking st… moreupid. And she was able to fight, sing, and talk while in a horde of zombies without getting eaten. This is some Shonen-Anime level of plot armor.
I was more pissed than sad when Clem died because it was exactly like Lee's death, facial emotes and everything. I wish she was determinant or they just killed her. The cop-out felt cheap. Roughly the same amount of time passed when Lee got his arm bit and could have gotten it chopped off and when Clem got bit and her leg chopped, and she only loses a foot. Which as AJ said they could probably get her a prosthetic. That's my head cannon for the future at least.
Welp, AMC and Telltale really didn't have the balls to kill the beloved protagonists. Clem gets alive and happy, even without a leg and Rick Grimes is just getting his own movie trilogy just before his real conclusion.
Welp, AMC and Telltale really didn't have the balls to kill the beloved protagonists. Clem gets alive and happy, even without a leg and Rick Grimes is just getting his own movie trilogy just before his real conclusion.
While it wasn't a great conclussion by any means, I think some people may be overreacting in calling this a disaster. As a sugestion, I would say try playing the episode again, or rewatch some scenes on youtube. I immediately found myself enjoying the game more the second time since my emotions weren't getting in the way too much.
Sure there are some things I was let down with. Lilly's conclussion sucks if you spare her. James scene was a little better, but I also expected more of his character. I was expecting a WAY better "death" scene for Clem if she were to die. My biggest fear was she dying the same way Lee did. I was very pissed off too, but when she appeared alive it saved the whole episode. I still think it could've been a lot better, but it's a nice little ending. Leaving her dead would be SOOOOO much worse in my eyes.
Overall, the problems of this episode were in terms of story and narrative with wasted potential on some characters and the structure of the whole thing felt shallow and uneventful. What does this episode have to redem itself you may ask? It's powerful. The conduction and directing of the scenes is amazing. Just like it has been throughout this entire season. The voice acting and the dialogs were top notch. Even if you don't like the direction certain things went (myself included) you just can't deny the real emotion that was being presented on screen. The flashback on the ranch was a beautiful directed sequence with a new view of how young humans perceive that horrible situation. When Clem took AJ out of that closet and he shouted in despair, I almost started crying too. Whether this is a meaningful thing to you or not it's up to you but I'm fully conviced this is not something easy to pull off and there aren't many games out there that have that. They actually managed to make me care a lot about AJ when I initially though I wouldn't. That's writting virtue right there and while the writters fucked up a lot, they also deserve props for that.
I was somewhat disappointed too, but you know what? Fuck it. The episode was still intense with nice heartfelt moments and other that were REALLY powerful emotionally. I'm very glad to have been able to experience this and I just have to thank telltale and skybound for this amazing journey.
Goodbye Clem and AJ
See you both on the other side!
Honestly, despite the lackluster episode we got, I'm still extremely glad of the ending Clementine received.
"Killing" Clem actually made… more me more angry than upset. Throughout the whole thing I was just screaming to amputate the goddamn leg, and it just wasn't happening. It even got to a point where I was criticising the "lazy writing" because of how similar it was to Lee's death.
Then 'Take us Back' started playing later on and I bawled like a b***h. I'd finally come to the realisation that Clem was gone. The same way that Lee had gone.
But that was nothing compared to what I felt when Clem reappeared on crutches. It took a good few seconds to process that this wasn't actually a dream and that yes, she was still alive.
The sheer exhiliration I felt when seeing her was more than enough to make up for the lack of quality in the episode.
All in all, it was a great sendoff to the series and seeing Clem and AJ getting a happy ending… [view original content]
Such as?
Yeah no kidding remember when everyone got hyped about all the different endings and achievements
What about Clementine returning home?
don't, there are already 2 threads to hate on TFS lol
Mine is especially informative. xo
Bow mechanism. Walker fights. New-camera. Story generator. Previously. Collectibles. Cool art design after an episode. Insane set piece with the ranch.
Never believed it. There's no point.
More basura that does not elevate the narrative, nor characters in any way.
Giving someone a stern talking to and making them feel bad is an insufficient punishment for someone who did the things Lilly did. The only punishment that would suffice for her is death. (Why I killed her in episode 3)
Minerva dies happy if Tenn dies with her on the bridge. Her whole goal was to have Tenn join her and she gets what she wants if Tenn is the one who dies.
The voice actors did a fantastic job in this last episode tho.
It was the same voice actor from 400 Days.
Yes, for a split second. Lool!
It was a dumb, sappy and rushed episode but fuck it I enjoyed it the walking dead is so miserable sometimes it was nice for everything to just work out
Fuck man… I feel so underwhelmed... On one hand I am very happy we got an ending at all but on the other side I can't help but feel like the ending was very unsatisfying.
The fact they didn't have the guts to continue with the "Clem is dead" story bothers me, but as poogs said, if they decided to kill her it just feels… wrong. Things that lead to Clem being bit are quite stupid so her death would feel very undeserved.
I'm a bit conflicted but I don't think it was a good episode, certainly considered it is a farewell to a great series, it just lacks something and it makes you feel that in the end, it all didn't matter.
Even though I loved the ending I wish they put her as determinat, they but 2 happy endings it would have been nice if they let her get killed off I mean really not even a sad ending which I had a feeling I tried to belive they would have made her determinat but nope she has plot armor.
Honestly, despite the lackluster episode we got, I'm still extremely glad of the ending Clementine received.
"Killing" Clem actually made me more angry than upset. Throughout the whole thing I was just screaming to amputate the goddamn leg, and it just wasn't happening. It even got to a point where I was criticising the "lazy writing" because of how similar it was to Lee's death.
Then 'Take us Back' started playing later on and I bawled like a b***h. I'd finally come to the realisation that Clem was gone. The same way that Lee had gone.
But that was nothing compared to what I felt when Clem reappeared on crutches. It took a good few seconds to process that this wasn't actually a dream and that yes, she was still alive.
The sheer exhiliration I felt when seeing her was more than enough to make up for the lack of quality in the episode.
All in all, it was a great sendoff to the series and seeing Clem and AJ getting a happy ending brought a smile to my face.
Thanks, Skybound and Team StillNotBitten. You almost traumatised me for life and had me almost waking up the neighbours with cheers in the same night. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
So long, Clem. It's been a hell of a ride.
They took the Hershel route. Let us hope Clementine's head does not get chopped off by Michonne's katana sword soon, lool.
You know, I think it's to fair to say I've been done with this series for a while now. And as the seasons went by, even hating Tangerine and actively wanting to be over just kinda...went away.
Like, I wasn't kidding when I said it felt like the finale and its trailer snuck up on me--I stopped caring on a narm or even a fed up level around Broken Toys. And boy, was that just kinda the place to be with this episode.
This episode was odd in just how underwhelming I assume a number of people likely felt, yet wasn't exactly baaad...? Question mark? It's like they were just checkin off a list and sometimes not even that, as well as not really rushing, if that makes any sense? Like, the episode is just under 105 minutes(with the credits) according the walkthrough I watched, so it's not that long and yet doesn't feel short. It's almost feels average length except that I know that's not the case, from when I remember about the other games. Idk.
I'll try to give some credit to the ending...? Like, it's a bait n switch and most debatably a copout, but it's one that just kinda sneaks up on ya and I was like(and I quote), "The FUCK?!
They actually took it! That’s…wow. I’m… surprisingly happy to see that."
It's also rather scary how they hit on a few criticisms and points made about stuff in previous episodes--some of which we JUST recently talked about. Granted, it's not much and there's one in particular at the beginning that just ends up being there in how they botched it from the way in, but it was so surreal. Especially if you saw some of my recent Failed Aspirations, most of which were in development hell for since the season started.
With that said, the cast overall is pretty damn--nay--just straight up squandered. Like no joke, Clementeen and AJ are the only characters that get much focus in this, with James as the closest to a (determinate?) third.
Oh and move over, Sullene and maybe even Brody--the position of Most Wasted Character in this episode and the entire season, respectively, has been usurped in seconds. Cheese and Rice, I really don't wanna be yet another one of THOSE guys right now and/or recognize that it's in poor form to call names in this tense. But I swear to goodness:, at least one influential person on the newer writing staff CLEARLY hated Tennessee as a character/concept.
Good Lord, I know I said TFS's story was a watered version of Season's from the getgo, but it's pretty close to being Sarah all over again!
The ending we got in this Episode should be called the "Clem Lives" ending.
It's a damn shame there wasn't any other endings, because there SHOULD have been determinant endings, including AJ Dies/Lives, Clem Dies/Lives and they both live or die.
Imagine AJ running in and saving both Louis/Violet and Tenn and sacrificing himself in return if you trusted him in the cave and you brought him up as empathetic and non-violent.
Clem Lives and Dies endings would play out the same as they do now. If she lives, she ends up on the crutches because AJ cut off her leg (due to her trust of AJ). If she doesn't (because she didn't trust AJ to make his own decisions), she either dies or gets left behind and we get an aftermath of the characters reacting to that.
If they would both live (which would be arguably the best ending) obviously AJ wouldn't be able to sacrifice himself, so if you brought him up as more survival based, he'd shoot Tenn. Either way, no matter whether you trusted him or not, that would lead to the barn, which in turn would save Clem.
If they both die, AJ simply stays close to Clem whilst she's dying, fighting off the walkers until he inevitably dies. That would also depend on the trust/brought up factor.
Once again, remember, these would all be determined on the trust PLUS on how you brought him up.
Finally, insert some padding in between the events to give a bit more interaction with the characters and show aftermaths of each choice. Now THAT would be a great episode!
Instead, we get one ending (granted, it was a welcome ending) with underwhelming determinant deaths and no interaction with characters whatsoever. Meh.
So in other words: gracias that it is over (for good)?
BigBadPaul was not impressed with this season's finale.
Biggest annoyance is the fact that there was just so much potential that got lazily thrown away...

I like to listen to Hard Rock / Metal to let off steam. My favourite band is Halestorm and I think they may support this crucial period of time in 'The Walking Dead' history.
I think my main issue is just it feels like its missing that "this is the end" feeling. The Clem fake out was also predictable after they just wouldnt cut off her leg or even say anything about maybe cutting it off. (And if you tell AJ to leave you behind its beyond obvious he cut her leg off)
Just overall I dont think the ending should have been 100% the happy ending. Feels like we didnt need to work for it, its just given to us. For example Id be way more satisfying if after I turned off the game with the "best ending" where Clem lives, I would feel accomplished as hell if it was a completely determinant ending and seeing that not everyone managed to get this ending. Im all for this happy ending, I mean hell I even like it and I like that Clem lives a happy life now, but I really feel there should have been more endings. It for one adds replay value and two like I keep saying, makes the ending more satisfying especially if you were to get the ending where the main cast all live.
Yup, I dont know why they didnt do multiple endings. Like for one its waaay more satisfying if say we got this ending, then you go online and see you got the best possible ending based on your choices. That makes the "Happy ending" feel so satisfying because it feels like you earned it. You earned Clem and AJ's happy life, but instead we are just given it.
I wanted to say that they've ran out of budget but... they've said they already had a plan set out.
I dunno.
Well, the 'plan' went out the window, according to Tripp.
You are v. welcome.
Honestly, yeah, probably.
Lilith is the biggest advocate for that, but Joan had her entire character flipped and was supposed to have a choice where you decide her sentence anyway.
I really can't tell if that's better or worse.
Now that you mention it, I'm a little surprised they didn't just throw her in there as the nanny.
Dude, it was obvious once they Joan'd Lilith that they weren't gonna follow up on that, as that more importantly would've involved meeting the Other side of the War.
Yeah, seriously.
And by awkward, I'm sure you mean dumb.
Not quite "42 Different Clementines" dumb, but clearly not a wise thing to declare.
Do we even see any attacker besides maybe the second Badger lookalike?
Few things:
Minnie tanking two/three walker bites, an arrow to the chest, other injuries, fatigue, and a horde of zombies was fucking stupid. And she was able to fight, sing, and talk while in a horde of zombies without getting eaten. This is some Shonen-Anime level of plot armor.
I was more pissed than sad when Clem died because it was exactly like Lee's death, facial emotes and everything. I wish she was determinant or they just killed her. The cop-out felt cheap. Roughly the same amount of time passed when Lee got his arm bit and could have gotten it chopped off and when Clem got bit and her leg chopped, and she only loses a foot. Which as AJ said they could probably get her a prosthetic. That's my head cannon for the future at least.
What a bloody piss take, amiright?
Welp, AMC and Telltale really didn't have the balls to kill the beloved protagonists. Clem gets alive and happy, even without a leg and Rick Grimes is just getting his own movie trilogy just before his real conclusion.
My Queen Michonne will not be present soon in the series and I am heartbroken.
Thank you for expressing my thoughts so well.
While it wasn't a great conclussion by any means, I think some people may be overreacting in calling this a disaster. As a sugestion, I would say try playing the episode again, or rewatch some scenes on youtube. I immediately found myself enjoying the game more the second time since my emotions weren't getting in the way too much.
Sure there are some things I was let down with. Lilly's conclussion sucks if you spare her. James scene was a little better, but I also expected more of his character. I was expecting a WAY better "death" scene for Clem if she were to die. My biggest fear was she dying the same way Lee did. I was very pissed off too, but when she appeared alive it saved the whole episode. I still think it could've been a lot better, but it's a nice little ending. Leaving her dead would be SOOOOO much worse in my eyes.
Overall, the problems of this episode were in terms of story and narrative with wasted potential on some characters and the structure of the whole thing felt shallow and uneventful. What does this episode have to redem itself you may ask? It's powerful. The conduction and directing of the scenes is amazing. Just like it has been throughout this entire season. The voice acting and the dialogs were top notch. Even if you don't like the direction certain things went (myself included) you just can't deny the real emotion that was being presented on screen. The flashback on the ranch was a beautiful directed sequence with a new view of how young humans perceive that horrible situation. When Clem took AJ out of that closet and he shouted in despair, I almost started crying too. Whether this is a meaningful thing to you or not it's up to you but I'm fully conviced this is not something easy to pull off and there aren't many games out there that have that. They actually managed to make me care a lot about AJ when I initially though I wouldn't. That's writting virtue right there and while the writters fucked up a lot, they also deserve props for that.
I was somewhat disappointed too, but you know what? Fuck it. The episode was still intense with nice heartfelt moments and other that were REALLY powerful emotionally. I'm very glad to have been able to experience this and I just have to thank telltale and skybound for this amazing journey.
Goodbye Clem and AJ
See you both on the other side!
They really should have never continued it. Season 6 Episode 9 felt like a great conclusion. Survivors vs the Walkers was a perfect way to end it.
Season Nine is good though.
Yeah but it felt too late to just keep doing it. It already lost a lot of viewers because of Season 7 and 8.