This game was made for PC originally. I hope they don't delay it, to code the consoles. Let them wait, I want to play the game now. Is this were a drug. I'd be having withdrawals. Come on Tell Tale we're counting on you.
Seeing that the console versions of the episodes have to be finished far earlier than the PC version - so Sony and Microsoft can take their two weeks' time for the certification process - I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Also... after the TWD headache... I really WANT Telltale to do simultaneous releases as much as possible.
TWaU is just around the corner. And no console will be able to stop it...
Is Sam and Max, Back to the Future, etc all on consoles. Reach TWD was because it was massive hit. Focus on PC date first then release the others when you figure out the coding. Why should we be delayed because other systems needed be rewritten.
This game was made for PC originally.
Really? Who said that?
Seeing that the console versions of the episodes have to be finished … morefar earlier than the PC version - so Sony and Microsoft can take their two weeks' time for the certification process - I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Also... after the TWD headache... I really WANT Telltale to do simultaneous releases as much as possible.
TWaU is just around the corner. And no console will be able to stop it...
This game was made for PC originally.
Really? Who said that?
Seeing that the console versions of the episodes have to be finished … morefar earlier than the PC version - so Sony and Microsoft can take their two weeks' time for the certification process - I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Also... after the TWD headache... I really WANT Telltale to do simultaneous releases as much as possible.
TWaU is just around the corner. And no console will be able to stop it...
Hey, dont be selfish, lol. Im playing on my console and want to get it the same time as you. Anyway, they are shooting for early October at the latest right, so we only have two, maybe three more weeks to wait if that pans out.
Is Sam and Max, Back to the Future, etc all on consoles. Reach TWD was because it was massive hit. Focus on PC date first then release the others when you figure out the coding. Why should we be delayed because other systems needed be rewritten.
I don't hate you. Its everyone for themselves. I need my fix soon and delaying it for coding on other systems just to release all at once. Is pointless. Let me play the game. If you're reading this tell tale. Can you send me the link to the demo please.
Hey, dont be selfish, lol. Im playing on my console and want to get it the same time as you. Anyway, they are shooting for early October at the latest right, so we only have two, maybe three more weeks to wait if that pans out.
Their not at point where theyy can release it exactly when PC one is complete. Why should we wait an extra weeek just for other systems. I don't mean sound greedy but they didn't release walking dead till after the PC.
Haven't there been articles saying that they are attempting simultaneous release this time?
No need for articles. They're trying very hard to deliver simultaneously ever since Jurassic Park, and they're getting better with each new game.
Seeing that the console versions of the episodes have to be finished far earlier than the PC version - so Sony and Microsoft can take their two weeks' time for the certification process - I wouldn't be so sure about that.
It's probably easier to downgrade than to upgrade. Meaning PC version first would work better.
This game was made for PC originally.
Really? Who said that?
Seeing that the console versions of the episodes have to be finished … morefar earlier than the PC version - so Sony and Microsoft can take their two weeks' time for the certification process - I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Also... after the TWD headache... I really WANT Telltale to do simultaneous releases as much as possible.
TWaU is just around the corner. And no console will be able to stop it...
It's probably easier to downgrade than to upgrade. Meaning PC version first would work better.
Hmmmm. Possibly, possibly. Then again, because of the certification process, the game has to be finished for consoles about two weeks earlier than the PC version, which can be worked on until the last hour before release. So, indeed, fusedmass eventually gets a brand new PC version 'hot off the presses' while the console owners get the episode which was "delayed" for two weeks after it was finished. "Delayed" in quotation marks, and "delayed" not by Telltale, but by Sony and Microsoft of course.
Don't get too worked up about this, it is like it is and simultaneous releases were always the final destination. I'm not looking forward to the complaints of PS3 owners in Europe, because that was about the only really significant platform release lag during The Walking Dead. Actually, I could do without any schedule complaints at all...
Regardless who does the delay. Those two weeks, is time I could be spending playing the game. I cannot understand why I must suffer through this horrible extended wait period just make sure other consoles get it at the same time. I mean I wanted to play the game last week, its like being told. "We're sorry we know you want play and its ready but...we're going delay it..."
Its not required, just give it to us as soon as it comes out. Please
It's probably easier to downgrade than to upgrade. Meaning PC version first would work better.
Hmmmm. Possibly, possibly. Then again, … morebecause of the certification process, the game has to be finished for consoles about two weeks earlier than the PC version, which can be worked on until the last hour before release. So, indeed, fusedmass eventually gets a brand new PC version 'hot off the presses' while the console owners get the episode which was "delayed" for two weeks after it was finished. "Delayed" in quotation marks, and "delayed" not by Telltale, but by Sony and Microsoft of course.
Don't get too worked up about this, it is like it is and simultaneous releases were always the final destination. I'm not looking forward to the complaints of PS3 owners in Europe, because that was about the only really significant platform release lag during The Walking Dead. Actually, I could do without any schedule complaints at all...
Their not at point where theyy can release it exactly when PC one is complete. Why should we wait an extra weeek just for other systems. I don't mean sound greedy but they didn't release walking dead till after the PC.
That's not true. The first episode of The Walking Dead was released on the same day as the PlayStation 3 release. Simultaneous (or as near as they can get due to the restrictions of the various distribution outlets) release is best for everyone. That way the opportunity for spoilers and such can be minimized as much as possible.
Their not at point where theyy can release it exactly when PC one is complete. Why should we wait an extra weeek just for other systems. I don't mean sound greedy but they didn't release walking dead till after the PC.
That way the opportunity for spoilers and such can be minimized as much as possible.
Exactly. It was bad enough in TWD. Not sure how we're doing this in the new forum. I'm not convinced the 'story discussion forum' was a particularly good idea. We don't have spoiler tags any more, a post is either all spoiler or not. Then again, we can make entire threads 'all spoiler' and even detail the episode in question. That gives us interesting opportunities. For all the faults the new forum has, I'm interested in seeing how this function works out.
fusedmass wrote:
Their not at point where theyy can release it exactly when PC one is complete. Why should we wait an extra… more weeek just for other systems. I don't mean sound greedy but they didn't release walking dead till after the PC.
That's not true. The first episode of The Walking Dead was released on the same day as the PlayStation 3 release. Simultaneous (or as near as they can get due to the restrictions of the various distribution outlets) release is best for everyone. That way the opportunity for spoilers and such can be minimized as much as possible.
@Vainamoinen: because of the certification process, the game has to be finished for consoles about two weeks earlier than the PC version, which can be worked on until the last hour before release.
Vain's pretty much got it. Consoles have a lead time for submissions, so we usually finish up those versions first, get the submissions in, and then continue polishing up the PC version (often right up until the day of release). It's not like we have a finished PC version locked up in the closet for weeks while we wait for consoles... we really do develop live and it all comes in hot!
@Vainamoinen: We don't have spoiler tags any more, a post is either all spoiler or not. Then again, we can make entire threads 'all spoiler' and even detail the episode in question. That gives us interesting opportunities.
There is indeed something more in mind for spoiler management. Eventually we may look to integrate games more closely with the community hub and automatically hide episode-specific spoilers from people who haven't yet reached that point, which means we'll even be able to avoid spoilery thread titles. It's all a work in progress, but there's now a structure in place that could make some interesting things possible.
@Vainamoinen: because of the certification process, the game has to be finished for consoles about two weeks earlier than the PC version, whic… moreh can be worked on until the last hour before release.
Vain's pretty much got it. Consoles have a lead time for submissions, so we usually finish up those versions first, get the submissions in, and then continue polishing up the PC version (often right up until the day of release). It's not like we have a finished PC version locked up in the closet for weeks while we wait for consoles... we really do develop live and it all comes in hot!
@Vainamoinen: We don't have spoiler tags any more, a post is either all spoiler or not. Then again, we can make entire threads 'all spoiler' and even detail the episode in question. That gives us interesting opportunities.
There is indeed something more in mind for spoiler management. Eventually we may look to integrate games more closely with the com… [view original content]
Telltale Games
.@Kyle_Levey Answer: We are expecting to announce an October date for the season premiere of #TheWolfAmongUs very soon. Stay tuned!
I don't think so, the spoiler tagging probably still is community and moderator work! Indeed, we'll have to train everyone from scratch. It's worth it though. These games are so abundantly rich in terrifying spoilers, the extra care is worth it. If ubb supplies no function of this special kind, these features are the single most convincing reason for the new forum I have heard as of yet.
an automatic censor ship of spoilers
I don't think so, the spoiler tagging probably still is community and moderator work! Indeed, we'… morell have to train everyone from scratch. It's worth it though. These games are so abundantly rich in terrifying spoilers, the extra care is worth it. If ubb supplies no function of this special kind, these features are the single most convincing reason for the new forum I have heard as of yet.
These games are so abundantly rich in terrifying spoilers, the extra care is worth it.
Indeed. Even for the press tour (where we showed journalists the first hour or so of the game), we asked them to avoid spoiling several specific things in their write-ups. Discovering that stuff organically is just such a huge part of the player experience that we wouldn't want to take it away from anyone.
It seems like every week, a new gaming magazine has come out with an article about this game. Even in the FAQ section of this game. Its nearly impossible to not see spoilers as they are written in the article detailing this game. It would be great to play this game I think. However I fear it won't be till maybe the second week of Oct, that its actually released.
I followed this game closely. Followed the tweets and read the article. We are nearly less then a week away from the ending of this month but no closer to the release date I fear. Taken into account we have wait 2 weeks for them code other consoles after game is already done. Even if game is done tomorrow. It won't be released till Mid October I would guess.
Next time. I hope they don't hype up a game unless the first episode is at least complete.
That would mean not hyping it until one or two weeks before release. What kind of bad PR would that be?
Also, all the new article STILL draw on the PAX showing of the game, which only was the first hour of the game AND journalists were explicitly asked some of the big surprises of even this first hour. Hardly spoilery, I'd think. Apart from general mechanics of the game and about the first encounter of Bigby, I believe nothing was spoiled here.
It seems like every week, a new gaming magazine has come out with an article about this game. Even in the FAQ section of this game. Its nearly… more impossible to not see spoilers as they are written in the article detailing this game. It would be great to play this game I think. However I fear it won't be till maybe the second week of Oct, that its actually released.
I followed this game closely. Followed the tweets and read the article. We are nearly less then a week away from the ending of this month but no closer to the release date I fear. Taken into account we have wait 2 weeks for them code other consoles after game is already done. Even if game is done tomorrow. It won't be released till Mid October I would guess.
Next time. I hope they don't hype up a game unless the first episode is at least complete.
Its not hyping for a week or two. Its for over a month. Since the time the comic was mentioned numerous company's have outlined their spoilers etc. I rather find discovery not in reading about whats in the next series, but playing through it and finding myself. I am now convinced this is major hype in order to get stronger ordering numbers.
I mean just look at the thread in general, numerous threads about people asking when it will come out sincerely confused. All I'm saying is this is over a month of dozens of articles when the average gamer hasn't played one hour. I do not base what games I reviews. I base them off their previous games.
That would mean not hyping it until one or two weeks before release. What kind of bad PR would that be?
Also, all the new article STILL dra… morew on the PAX showing of the game, which only was the first hour of the game AND journalists were explicitly asked some of the big surprises of even this first hour. Hardly spoilery, I'd think. Apart from general mechanics of the game and about the first encounter of Bigby, I believe nothing was spoiled here.
Its not hyping for a week or two. Its for over a month.
I see the problem, I really do. But every single one of those articles which have been coming out for almost four weeks right now still stems from information of that single one PAX booth in August. Had the journalists been faster in working through their PAX backlog, all those articles would have been out September the 5th at the latest with the very same information in it. There's no 'major hype' - the gaming magazines just pick up the topic whenever they feel like it, trying to get info about the 'important' games out faster, leading to a coverage that's stretched thin. In fact, I find the actual marketing campaign to be thoroughly lacking in real substance.
The journalists, all having seen only the first hour or so, and very few actually 'hands on', all report the same stuff over and over again! Again, you're not really getting spoiled by that. Jake had promised a real marketing campaign in the "disappointed by the coverage" thread (and in fact anticipated complaints like yours), but I just haven't seen it yet.
come to think of it the only hype i have ever seen was for the walking dead. all the other titles i just bought when i came on and discovered they were already released. although back then i wasn't as involved with the forums as much as i am now though. i have never been disappointed in any game they made so i know its going to be good game like all the others where. still waiting on the back to the future season 2. waiting patiently.
As puzzle box mentioned they are all prepared to go on early Oct. I am just guessing it will be sometime next week, weekend at latest. From the way he spoke. He sounded confident that everything was finished. I am eagerly awaiting for it to come out. The first day, I am going to buy it. I just wonder with the walking dead season 2 coming out.
If the next episode of the wolf among us is going be a few weeks, or maybe a month. It can't be too long because they plan to release season 2 of the walking dead before the year ends. Anyone else hyped up about the upcoming launch of the wolf among us
As puzzle box mentioned they are all prepared to go on early Oct. I am just guessing it will be sometime next week, weekend at latest. From the way he spoke. He sounded confident that everything was finished.
As puzzle box mentioned they are all prepared to go on early Oct. I am just guessing it will be sometime next week, weekend at latest. From the way he spoke. He sounded confident that everything was finished.
If the next episode of the wolf among us is going be a few weeks, or maybe a month. It can't be too long because they plan to release season 2 of the walking dead before the year ends.
I don't have much faith that The Walking Dead will come by the end of the year. Remember that the Wolf Among Us was supposed to come during the summer. At one point I think it was supposed to come out in 2012. Telltale is not good at projecting release dates.
As puzzle box mentioned they are all prepared to go on early Oct. I am just guessing it will be sometime next week, weekend at latest. From th… moree way he spoke. He sounded confident that everything was finished. I am eagerly awaiting for it to come out. The first day, I am going to buy it. I just wonder with the walking dead season 2 coming out.
If the next episode of the wolf among us is going be a few weeks, or maybe a month. It can't be too long because they plan to release season 2 of the walking dead before the year ends. Anyone else hyped up about the upcoming launch of the wolf among us
The thing I like about Telltale is that they announce the release date of the game very close to the RELEASE date.
Same thing will probably happen to Season 2 of TWD.
I am exploding with excitement over here. I really am hoping next week. The first week of Oct, they roll out the game. I heard its ready to go. I hope the company finds the courage and the strength to push the launch button. It seems like everything is complete. I sincerely hope to be playing this game the first week of Oct. If not, I will be very discouraged if this pushed even to middle of Oct, since the company claimed in itself. That it would Early Oct.
C'mon, you all still have almost six hours left in September in the Pacific Time Zone! You can make one final push to get it out just in time! Why, look at Congress, doing the same thing!
They did say Late last month or early this month. I feel a tad bad though. I honestly thought it would come out either late last month or early next month. A release date isn't even yet. Meaning it would be likely a few days after today. They would secure a release date. More then likely we're looking at the middle of this month.
I feel I got my hopes up, then it crashed and burned.
We're still working with our partners to finalise release dates for the season premiere. I'll let you know right here as soon as I know them myself! Thanks for your patience, guys... we're not far off now.
This game was made for PC originally. I hope they don't delay it, to code the consoles. Let them wait, I want to play the game now. Is this were a drug. I'd be having withdrawals. Come on Tell Tale we're counting on you.
Really? Who said that?
Seeing that the console versions of the episodes have to be finished far earlier than the PC version - so Sony and Microsoft can take their two weeks' time for the certification process - I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Also... after the TWD headache... I really WANT Telltale to do simultaneous releases as much as possible.
TWaU is just around the corner. And no console will be able to stop it...
Is Sam and Max, Back to the Future, etc all on consoles. Reach TWD was because it was massive hit. Focus on PC date first then release the others when you figure out the coding. Why should we be delayed because other systems needed be rewritten.
Haven't there been articles saying that they are attempting simultaneous release this time?
Hey, dont be selfish, lol. Im playing on my console and want to get it the same time as you. Anyway, they are shooting for early October at the latest right, so we only have two, maybe three more weeks to wait if that pans out.
No need for articles. They're trying very hard to deliver simultaneously ever since Jurassic Park, and they're getting better with each new game.
I don't hate you. Its everyone for themselves. I need my fix soon and delaying it for coding on other systems just to release all at once. Is pointless. Let me play the game. If you're reading this tell tale. Can you send me the link to the demo please.
Their not at point where theyy can release it exactly when PC one is complete. Why should we wait an extra weeek just for other systems. I don't mean sound greedy but they didn't release walking dead till after the PC.
i think simultaneous release on all platforms should be the norm, it is the best way to do it
It's probably easier to downgrade than to upgrade. Meaning PC version first would work better.
I respectfully disagree. I should wait an extra two weeks for a month. Just because people won't get it at exact time that I did.
Hmmmm. Possibly, possibly. Then again, because of the certification process, the game has to be finished for consoles about two weeks earlier than the PC version, which can be worked on until the last hour before release. So, indeed, fusedmass eventually gets a brand new PC version 'hot off the presses' while the console owners get the episode which was "delayed" for two weeks after it was finished. "Delayed" in quotation marks, and "delayed" not by Telltale, but by Sony and Microsoft of course.
Don't get too worked up about this, it is like it is and simultaneous releases were always the final destination. I'm not looking forward to the complaints of PS3 owners in Europe, because that was about the only really significant platform release lag during The Walking Dead. Actually, I could do without any schedule complaints at all...
Regardless who does the delay. Those two weeks, is time I could be spending playing the game. I cannot understand why I must suffer through this horrible extended wait period just make sure other consoles get it at the same time. I mean I wanted to play the game last week, its like being told. "We're sorry we know you want play and its ready but...we're going delay it..."
Its not required, just give it to us as soon as it comes out. Please
That's not true. The first episode of The Walking Dead was released on the same day as the PlayStation 3 release. Simultaneous (or as near as they can get due to the restrictions of the various distribution outlets) release is best for everyone. That way the opportunity for spoilers and such can be minimized as much as possible.
Exactly. It was bad enough in TWD. Not sure how we're doing this in the new forum. I'm not convinced the 'story discussion forum' was a particularly good idea. We don't have spoiler tags any more, a post is either all spoiler or not. Then again, we can make entire threads 'all spoiler' and even detail the episode in question. That gives us interesting opportunities. For all the faults the new forum has, I'm interested in seeing how this function works out.
Vain's pretty much got it. Consoles have a lead time for submissions, so we usually finish up those versions first, get the submissions in, and then continue polishing up the PC version (often right up until the day of release). It's not like we have a finished PC version locked up in the closet for weeks while we wait for consoles... we really do develop live and it all comes in hot!
There is indeed something more in mind for spoiler management. Eventually we may look to integrate games more closely with the community hub and automatically hide episode-specific spoilers from people who haven't yet reached that point, which means we'll even be able to avoid spoilery thread titles. It's all a work in progress, but there's now a structure in place that could make some interesting things possible.
that's nice feature to have
an automatic censor ship of spoilers but it sounds like a lot of work :P
Telltale Games
.@Kyle_Levey Answer: We are expecting to announce an October date for the season premiere of #TheWolfAmongUs very soon. Stay tuned!
I don't think so, the spoiler tagging probably still is community and moderator work! Indeed, we'll have to train everyone from scratch. It's worth it though. These games are so abundantly rich in terrifying spoilers, the extra care is worth it. If ubb supplies no function of this special kind, these features are the single most convincing reason for the new forum I have heard as of yet.
By auto i mean't if the forums some how track our game progress and thus only hides stuff we haven't experienced yet 'as puzzle box said
Indeed. Even for the press tour (where we showed journalists the first hour or so of the game), we asked them to avoid spoiling several specific things in their write-ups. Discovering that stuff organically is just such a huge part of the player experience that we wouldn't want to take it away from anyone.
if only kotaku (sorry about the swear) would also show some discipline instead of constantly spoiling gta v..
it's like every hour they are posting something new about it..
It seems like every week, a new gaming magazine has come out with an article about this game. Even in the FAQ section of this game. Its nearly impossible to not see spoilers as they are written in the article detailing this game. It would be great to play this game I think. However I fear it won't be till maybe the second week of Oct, that its actually released.
I followed this game closely. Followed the tweets and read the article. We are nearly less then a week away from the ending of this month but no closer to the release date I fear. Taken into account we have wait 2 weeks for them code other consoles after game is already done. Even if game is done tomorrow. It won't be released till Mid October I would guess.
Next time. I hope they don't hype up a game unless the first episode is at least complete.
That would mean not hyping it until one or two weeks before release. What kind of bad PR would that be?
Also, all the new article STILL draw on the PAX showing of the game, which only was the first hour of the game AND journalists were explicitly asked some of the big surprises of even this first hour. Hardly spoilery, I'd think. Apart from general mechanics of the game and about the first encounter of Bigby, I believe nothing was spoiled here.
Its not hyping for a week or two. Its for over a month. Since the time the comic was mentioned numerous company's have outlined their spoilers etc. I rather find discovery not in reading about whats in the next series, but playing through it and finding myself. I am now convinced this is major hype in order to get stronger ordering numbers.
I mean just look at the thread in general, numerous threads about people asking when it will come out sincerely confused. All I'm saying is this is over a month of dozens of articles when the average gamer hasn't played one hour. I do not base what games I reviews. I base them off their previous games.
I see the problem, I really do. But every single one of those articles which have been coming out for almost four weeks right now still stems from information of that single one PAX booth in August. Had the journalists been faster in working through their PAX backlog, all those articles would have been out September the 5th at the latest with the very same information in it. There's no 'major hype' - the gaming magazines just pick up the topic whenever they feel like it, trying to get info about the 'important' games out faster, leading to a coverage that's stretched thin. In fact, I find the actual marketing campaign to be thoroughly lacking in real substance.
The journalists, all having seen only the first hour or so, and very few actually 'hands on', all report the same stuff over and over again! Again, you're not really getting spoiled by that. Jake had promised a real marketing campaign in the "disappointed by the coverage" thread (and in fact anticipated complaints like yours), but I just haven't seen it yet.
come to think of it the only hype i have ever seen was for the walking dead. all the other titles i just bought when i came on and discovered they were already released. although back then i wasn't as involved with the forums as much as i am now though. i have never been disappointed in any game they made so i know its going to be good game like all the others where. still waiting on the back to the future season 2. waiting patiently.
As puzzle box mentioned they are all prepared to go on early Oct. I am just guessing it will be sometime next week, weekend at latest. From the way he spoke. He sounded confident that everything was finished. I am eagerly awaiting for it to come out. The first day, I am going to buy it. I just wonder with the walking dead season 2 coming out.
If the next episode of the wolf among us is going be a few weeks, or maybe a month. It can't be too long because they plan to release season 2 of the walking dead before the year ends. Anyone else hyped up about the upcoming launch of the wolf among us
Puzzle box is a woman, ah my mistake then.
I don't have much faith that The Walking Dead will come by the end of the year. Remember that the Wolf Among Us was supposed to come during the summer. At one point I think it was supposed to come out in 2012. Telltale is not good at projecting release dates.
The thing I like about Telltale is that they announce the release date of the game very close to the RELEASE date.
Same thing will probably happen to Season 2 of TWD.
I am exploding with excitement over here. I really am hoping next week. The first week of Oct, they roll out the game. I heard its ready to go. I hope the company finds the courage and the strength to push the launch button. It seems like everything is complete. I sincerely hope to be playing this game the first week of Oct. If not, I will be very discouraged if this pushed even to middle of Oct, since the company claimed in itself. That it would Early Oct.
You guys... I bet they will release it in October and not September!
That is an AMAZINGLY good guess!
C'mon, you all still have almost six hours left in September in the Pacific Time Zone! You can make one final push to get it out just in time! Why, look at Congress, doing the same thing!
OK, so maybe they're not such a good role model.
I'm guessing we get a release date tomorrow.
fingers crossed
I was going to start betting money on the release date.
They did say Late last month or early this month. I feel a tad bad though. I honestly thought it would come out either late last month or early next month. A release date isn't even yet. Meaning it would be likely a few days after today. They would secure a release date. More then likely we're looking at the middle of this month.
I feel I got my hopes up, then it crashed and burned.
We're still working with our partners to finalise release dates for the season premiere. I'll let you know right here as soon as I know them myself! Thanks for your patience, guys... we're not far off now.