The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yep, I'm also very excited for it!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Someone earlier asked what upcoming game I was looking forward to, and I wasn't thinking at the moment, so didn't reply, but here it is. Th

  • Marvel Studios really did their research into asian culture with Shang-Chi. Growing up he had a bowl haircut and his dad was/is disappointed with him for not following in the family business.

    It's like he's me.

  • edited April 2021

    Today I got hot oil splashed onto me while cooking, giving me a few nice blisters and while pushing trash down the garbage chute a bit of my thumb nail got ripped off and it's bleeding.

    What a horrible day to be right handed.

  • Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition is now free to claim until May 14th. Get downloading that now. (I already own it, but it's one of my backlog games. I've heard lots of good things about it.)

    You also have until April 22nd at 8pm PT to claim the other 9 indie titles.

    Plus, the Funimation extended trial is available to claim until then, too. If you live in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia, congrats, you get 3 bonus months of anime when you open a new premium account.

  • edited April 2021

    and his dad was/is disappointed with him for not following in the family business.

    "Why can't you be more like Doctor Strange? He has an MD."

    I'm seeing a lot of buzz about the representation in this film, seeing you happy like this is cool.

    For something completely different: I've been hearing that Infinity Train got cancelled because CN didn't believe that it could be successful if it wasn't a kids' show...

    Have they been living under a rock? YA shows exist. Adult shows exist. They're a growing, lucrative market. And Infinity Train can still be pretty kid-friendly, there's just an edge of horror every now and then.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Marvel Studios really did their research into asian culture with Shang-Chi. Growing up he had a bowl haircut and his dad was/is disappointed with him for not following in the family business. It's like he's me.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited April 2021

    Yeah, the fifth Book for Infinity Train (which was meant to be a movie), was not picked up because "There was no child entry point".

    AChicken posted: »

    and his dad was/is disappointed with him for not following in the family business. "Why can't you be more like Doctor Strange? He ha

  • "There was no child entry point".

    Jeez. How the hell does a decades-old cartoon-dedicated studio not understand that Cartoons don't need to be all kid-friendly?! And we've largely moved past that point in media already! Plenty of kids shows have that edge or adult-oriented references in them.
    Pixar's Soul was a pretty mentally heavy movie, but there were still plenty of child entry points into that! I've been reading a lot about how it connected with kids in a deep way, too.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah, the fifth Book for Infinity Train (which was meant to be a movie), was not picked up because "There was no child entry point".

  • ...

    AChicken posted: »

    "There was no child entry point". Jeez. How the hell does a decades-old cartoon-dedicated studio not understand that Cartoons don't

  • I'm seeing a lot of buzz about the representation in this film, seeing you happy like this is cool.

    Still a bit too early to tell if they do it right but I like what I see. Seems like there's a lot of inspiration from Chinese Wuxia and Hong Kong films. If it ends up actually being good I hope that it gets a similar level of love that Black Panther did.

    AChicken posted: »

    and his dad was/is disappointed with him for not following in the family business. "Why can't you be more like Doctor Strange? He ha

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator


  • Welp, today was a good day.

    My theatre class performed a 3 1/2-hour performance of various plays for our final project of Year 2, Semester 1.

    We’re doing a cut version of The Marriage of Figaro (the play,) a cut version of An African Cargo and a devised piece that we’ve worked on for the past month and a half!

    It went mostly well, with a few hiccups during the scene transitions.
    We've got one more performance on Friday, so hopefully we'll have ironed out the kinks then. (Especially since that'll be recorded/streamed for friends and family, then kept on the internet for a full week.)

    Luckily we were allowed to do this in-person (and no one got in contact with any Covid for the past few months) so that's awesome. Way better than the Zoom performance we did back in the Winter.

    (In my case for a mistake today: I forgot to say a cue line in Act 1 of Figaro that made someone else leave the scene, so they just stood there for a bit; But with some quick thinking I inserted that cue into a different line just a few seconds later, saving it, and I think it still made sense to the audience.)

  • So, Capcom finally decided to pay for those Sherlock rights.

    That's pretty cool, especially since it'll be both games in one. (I wonder if this was motivated by the ongoing GAA2 fan-port)

    The "Auto Story" mode looks... Odd but neat if you just want to experience a trial without mental strain.

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited April 2021

    So, Capcom finally decided to pay for those Sherlock rights.

    They changed his name to Herlock Sholmes, lmao.

    AChicken posted: »

    So, Capcom finally decided to pay for those Sherlock rights. That's pretty cool, especially since it'll be both games in one. (I wonder i

  • edited April 2021

    LOL that's one way to get around copyright then.

    I wonder why they've been so against it up until now.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So, Capcom finally decided to pay for those Sherlock rights. They changed his name to Herlock Sholmes, lmao.

  • The Conan Doyle estate right now.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So, Capcom finally decided to pay for those Sherlock rights. They changed his name to Herlock Sholmes, lmao.

  • So... How bout that general chat page, huh?

  • Someone just discovered how to make new threads and got too excited.

    AChicken posted: »

    So... How bout that general chat page, huh?

  • I have aged again. I can feel my life force being sucked away into the aether by the cruel vacuum of time and space.

  • me when the flow of time continues, amirit? B) B) B)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I have aged again. I can feel my life force being sucked away into the aether by the cruel vacuum of time and space.

  • Hey Dylan! It's my first year of graphic design. I've been enjoying it, when I don't stress myself out about dumb shit lol. I think I'd like to continue on next year, but I still haven't 100% made my mind up yet.

    Oh, that's really cool! Wow, so do you want to get into a field that involves supporting people and such?

    Haha, no worries! I didn't think your comment was long. I tend to write a lot as well.

    Hey there! It's been a long minute, I'm happy to see you pop in What has graphic design been like for you? How long have you been studying

  • Oh, hey, you know about Oddworld?! That's sick! Wait, maybe we talked about it before and I forgot? Shit. Yeah, so Oddworld: Soulstorm came out a few weeks ago and it's really good! I've been enjoying it a lot! And I haven't finished New 'n' Tasty either admittedly lol

    Hey, I'm really glad to hear you're doing good! It's good to see you again.

    Yeah, I definitely want to play TWAU and finish it! I hear a lot of good things about it. I just gotta get around to doing it, haha.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Oh hey I didn’t know a new oddworld game came out. I still need to finish new & tasty. Nice to hear you’re doing good. Life’s been go

  • Is that like some cryptic way of saying you had a birthday?

    Also, hey Lupin!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I have aged again. I can feel my life force being sucked away into the aether by the cruel vacuum of time and space.

  • Lol yep.

    Also welcome back!

    Is that like some cryptic way of saying you had a birthday? Also, hey Lupin!

  • Time is a horrible thing. Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings. Watch it countdown to the end of the day, the clock ticks life away.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    me when the flow of time continues, amirit?

  • Lol yep.

    Happy birthday.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Lol yep. Also welcome back!

  • Thanks!

    Lol yep. Happy birthday.

  • edited April 2021

    Happy birthday.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I have aged again. I can feel my life force being sucked away into the aether by the cruel vacuum of time and space.

  • Thanks!

    iFoRias posted: »

    Happy birthday.

  • My first Oddworld game was Munch’s odysee when I was a kid. I don’t remember it much but I’ve heard it’s not as good as the other games I think. I remember watching Caddicarus review the first two games and that’s when I got new n tasty

    Btw I’m curious what you thought of The Last Of Us 2? The thread of the game here went crazy because of it lol

    Oh, hey, you know about Oddworld?! That's sick! Wait, maybe we talked about it before and I forgot? Shit. Yeah, so Oddworld: Soulstorm came

  • edited April 2021

    Okay, so, later today is my final presentation for Semester 1, Year 2 in theatre.

    I'm excited! It's all in-person, respecting social distancing guidelines as best we can. It's about 3 hours, and it's cool. (Definitely better than a Zoom presentation we did back in the Winter months.)
    Wish me luck!

    (And hopefully all goes well and there's no hiccups, since it's being recorded/streamed for friends and family, which will stay up for the following week. Oh boy.)
    Wednesday's was fine, but today is the real last chance at it. Let's gooooo

  • edited April 2021

    phone glitch I think

    Oh, hey, you know about Oddworld?! That's sick! Wait, maybe we talked about it before and I forgot? Shit. Yeah, so Oddworld: Soulstorm came

  • I wish I could do graphic design, but I'm not that great at drawing due to a condition I have called dyspraxia, it affects both my fine and gross motor skills, although my motor skills aren't very severe as I used to do a lot of athletics back in the day, so I improved it.

    I used to worry about college assignments but at this point, I'm not fussed, I think worrying just cases so much of a hindrance that distracts me from doing my work, so I have adopted a bit of a laid back attitude, but it's a thin line you don't want to be totally carefree and lose interest in the course.

    I picked social studies mainly for the psychology part as the mind always intrigued me, my mental health has been low for years, but I had people that helped me, some even on these Forums, but I'm not out of the woods yet. But, moral of the story, I wanted to help people like others helped me.

    My interest in the course has died down a bit because of working from home, I'm still interested in psychology, I think a change of scenery would be welcomed. I'm thinking of trying out writing, as I feel I have a decent writing ability but I feel like I have something I just haven't tapped into fully, though I've shown glimpses through the years. I'm very creative minded, so I'd like to be able to create a story.

    Hey Dylan! It's my first year of graphic design. I've been enjoying it, when I don't stress myself out about dumb shit lol. I think I'd like

  • Happy birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day man and don't let our harsh reality suck the joy out of your day :joy:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I have aged again. I can feel my life force being sucked away into the aether by the cruel vacuum of time and space.

  • Good luck lad you'll ace it! Don't overthink anything just go with the motion of it all, and be confident, don't even acknowledge the camera, just treat it like it's you in that moment. I hope this is somewhat helpful or encouraging for you

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay, so, later today is my final presentation for Semester 1, Year 2 in theatre. I'm excited! It's all in-person, respecting social dist

  • Just in case there's someone reading this message who wants a specific Telltale game and does not already own it, GOG is having a pretty good sale on them this weekend. Check out:

  • Yay, thanks!! Today went pretty well! I'd say overall that was our best performance yet.
    The runthrough of Figaro was really solid, though in my opinion, my own performance on the second play was a bit rough.

    Ah well. It's done now. Just got to watch the other group's performance tomorrow, hand in a final project and then I've got 2 weeks off! Woop woop

    Good luck lad you'll ace it! Don't overthink anything just go with the motion of it all, and be confident, don't even acknowledge the camera, just treat it like it's you in that moment. I hope this is somewhat helpful or encouraging for you

  • Lol thanks :grimace:

    Happy birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day man and don't let our harsh reality suck the joy out of your day

  • edited April 2021

    Humble Bundle will be replacing the sliders that allow you to choose the amount of money to split between the charities, publishers and Humble themselves during your purchase, with prefixed settings which limit the amount that you can give to charities to between 5% (default) to 15% (maximum) of your total purchase. A majority of the purchase will instead go to the publishers with the remaining going to Humble.

    Humble should probably consider changing their name if they seriously plan to stick with this change.

  • edited April 2021

    Yikes, that's not good. I almost always use the sliders to give a little more to the charity or devs depending on what the bundle is.

    Edit: TIL Humble was bought out by IGN a little while ago. Hrmph.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Humble Bundle will be replacing the sliders that allow you to choose the amount of money to split between the charities, publishers and Humb

  • I wish I could do graphic design, but I'm not that great at drawing due to a condition I have called dyspraxia, it affects both my fine and gross motor skills

    I have dyspraxia as well, although it was something I was not aware I even had until my late teens due to a lack of awareness about it. Grew up thinking I was just clumsy and had no support for it. Was actually pretty good at drawing as a kid, but when I got older my skills couldn't develop any further and I couldn't draw anything too complex or detailed.
    Are you from the UK by any chance? That's where I've seen most awareness for it.

    I wish I could do graphic design, but I'm not that great at drawing due to a condition I have called dyspraxia, it affects both my fine and

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