Episode 4 Waiting Thread - Releasing April 25th, Trailer Out Now



  • Guys, I just realized one thing! In the trailer, it seems Clem is alone with Dr.Lingard, sooooo maybe we will get to play as her after all :D Not only in flashbacks!!!!!!!!
    Bottoms up

  • enter image description here

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Yeah it is, bring it on!

  • Uhhh just watched the trailer....things are not looking good nor do I like it
    Rip many charecters

  • I hope so too! Hopefully we can see inside Wellington and learn more about Edith :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    If that happens then i hope we get to see more on Wellington in the stay in Wellington flashback.

  • Wonder if there's going to be at least one hub in this episode? Last episode, if i remember correctly didn't have a SINGLE hub. Not even a half-assed hub with little dialogue options.......

  • Could still be a flashback

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Guys, I just realized one thing! In the trailer, it seems Clem is alone with Dr.Lingard, sooooo maybe we will get to play as her after all Not only in flashbacks!!!!!!!! Bottoms up

  • Two graves... Holy shit?

  • I went back to save him because I heard he played a good role in episode 3. Those people were not wrong. Also managed to keep him alive in that one aswell

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Its because most of the players killed him off in Ties that Bind

  • hypehypehype

    ReTaLiN posted: »

    The trailer got leaked or something.

  • When Clementine bashes that walkers face in with a rock, that's the alone flashback in the tralier. Can't wait to see Kenny/Jane/Edith, flashbacks! I hope we can walk around Wellington and meet more survivors. Maybe we get to play as Clementine twice in this episode?! More even present time!

  • That last line from Clem: "We're all monsters now."

    Potentially a callback to when she yelled "You monsters!" to The New Frontier in Episode 3. In which case who could she be saying this to? David would make most sense in relation to who screwed her over. Lingard possibly. Joan possibly. Maybe just some New Frontier dude she's beating on.

    Either way, she puts herself on their level.

    And I'm pretty sure "I'll do anything to get AJ back." doesn't bode well...

    Maybe she screws over Javier for AJ?

    Yeah, Clem's going to do something awful this episode.

  • Y'know what?Everyone in zombie apocallypse is a MONSTER except Clem and Lee

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Stranger (season 1): "Do you think I'm a monster?" Lee (season 1): "We all are". Clementine (ep 4 trailer): "We're all monsters now." Intentional?

  • edited April 2017

    Telltale slogan 2017
    enter image description here

  • Never!!

    enter image description here

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Telltale slogan 2017

  • I doubt it. Telltale owe it to us.

    hesif posted: »

    Could still be a flashback

  • edited April 2017

    And by the looks of it they're doing the one thing I didn't want...they're making David a villain. For fuck's sake, Kate is the villain here. I could see this drama coming ever since Ties That Bind ended.

    Other than that, everything else looks good!

  • Shots fired mate
    enter image description here


  • Well damn, that was mighty quick.

  • That seems dependant on your choices. He might be your best friend if you back him up and have Max. But the betrayal line probably comes if you help Kate escape. So that's a really good impact in a way.

    And by the looks of it they're doing the one thing I didn't want...they're making David a villain. For fuck's sake, Kate is the villain here

  • If that's the case, then I would be very happy with that. If he gets mad at you and you have to confront him no matter what however, well then that will suck.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    That seems dependant on your choices. He might be your best friend if you back him up and have Max. But the betrayal line probably comes if you help Kate escape. So that's a really good impact in a way.

  • We might even see in Jane's flashback, where Randy, Patricia and Gill stole the supplies from Howes and maybe we could possibly get a hub, which would be very nice!

  • Oh god I hope Kenny, Jane and Edith have their models fixed.

  • enter image description here

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Shots fired mate

  • Looks like Telltale already uploaded trailer, but its still locked.

  • Everyone in zombie apocallypse is a MONSTER except Clem and Lee

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    And that is far from all. No one still alive at this point is innocent.

    Zack040 posted: »

    Y'know what?Everyone in zombie apocallypse is a MONSTER except Clem and Lee

  • "We're all monsters now." Is it only me who think it sounds like Hutchinson's S2 Clem-voice? That should mean that it is an older flashback then ep. 2-3. And judging by that ugly jacket, it definitely is older. Last couple of episodes might've been 'A New 'Stache'. But this episode will likely be 'Return of the 'Stache'.


  • Maybe she screws over Javier for AJ?

    God, I hope so. Fuck Javier.

    Davissons posted: »

    That last line from Clem: "We're all monsters now." Potentially a callback to when she yelled "You monsters!" to The New Frontier in Epis

  • I swear to god, if they bring back Kenny/Jane just to show their fate as walkers in the alone/Wellington endings, I'm gonna freak out, since that'd mean they'd be entirely wiped from the canon with no hope left. It'd be the final nail in the coffin for me. Telltale really wants to destroy us.

  • Breathe, breaaaaathe!

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Looks like Telltale already uploaded trailer, but its still locked.

  • edited April 2017

    How is Kate a bad person for wanting to get away from her husband that she obviously is uncomfortable being around. Also this group of people shot her and killed her step daughter

    And by the looks of it they're doing the one thing I didn't want...they're making David a villain. For fuck's sake, Kate is the villain here

  • Hopefully she is saying this to Gabe.

    Davissons posted: »

    That last line from Clem: "We're all monsters now." Potentially a callback to when she yelled "You monsters!" to The New Frontier in Epis

  • Totally agree. I'm team David for sure.

    If that's the case, then I would be very happy with that. If he gets mad at you and you have to confront him no matter what however, well then that will suck.

  • In regards to picture 1:

    Killing a man in self defence after he kidnapped your adopted daughter does not make you a monster.

    Everyone in zombie apocallypse is a MONSTER except Clem and Lee And that is far from all. No one still alive at this point is innocent.

  • "We're all monsters now"

    enter image description here


  • edited April 2017

    Trailer has officially been released

  • So... What are your thoughts? I have mixed feelings about this trailer...

  • God I hope during that zombie break in they don't pull a Sarita with Elenaor. I'm worried telltale us going to be lazy and unoriginal, have her get bitten, Tripp freaks out and blam Javier.

  • David wants justice for his daughter and put a stop to Joan from ever hurting any more communities again and actually fix Richmond. Kate is literally trying to convince Javi to let his brother die just because her marriage didn't work out. Talk about selfish.

    How is Kate a bad person for wanting to get away from her husband that she obviously is uncomfortable being around. Also this group of people shot her and killed her step daughter

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