Tbh I liked it more than amid the ruins. I loved having the option to keep beating on badger none stop and nearly every character got further character development.
Well it certainly was better than eps1 and 2 but for me it still wasn't great.
Glad you enjoyed it though. Sadly nothing they do will make me like their games again. Not unless they recreate how they made season 1
Not really, it's actually incredibly lazy. They took Kenny and Luke's poses from episode three, instead of making new pictures for them both. It's also incredibly misleading making it seem like it was going to be Kenny vs Luke, when that turned out not to be true.
At least everyone in this banner now is new, and not taken from previous episodes and the stuff on it might actually happen.
Regardless of whether or not they photoshopped them in it, it still looked great. Why? Because of the balance. Clem is in the center and you… more have Luke and Kenny on both of her sides and with a background.
Then you have this abomination where you slap the logo on the middle and then scatter every character around it.
Well, many are worried about Clem's 'hips size' and her 'fat' appearance. I guess it is just an illusion due to hurried work of the artist. … moreClem is turning back and looking at the cam, the brown area below is not her waist but actually her back side. And talking about her 'hips', well... Whats the name of the episode again? Lmao i didnt say shit, sorry xD
That final tralier was on the phone while they where vaction i mean like when there about to drive off like clem says goodbye and gives a hug and kiss to her parents before they leave and drive off on vaction
Hold up. WHAT?! Actually, you know what? Fuck it. I'm not watching the trailer and I'm going in the game blind in the dark
Edit: too late I already did
Kate so does not care about her husband at all lol.
That's weird, at the start of episode 1 all she seemed to care about was getting… more laid and judging by the Ep 4 poster art David seems pretty well hung.
Get it...cuz he's y'know...in a noose? Fuck it.
Tbh I liked it more than amid the ruins. I loved having the option to keep beating on badger none stop and nearly every character got further character development.
When will the trailer be out?
Tbh I liked it more than amid the ruins. I loved having the option to keep beating on badger none stop and nearly every character got further character development.
They said it will come out today.
Wow that was way sooner than I expected .
Whats with David getting hanged ?
You know.. hanging around..
He chose the Jane ending
Later today, I'd say look for it between 7am-10am PST.
Not really, it's actually incredibly lazy. They took Kenny and Luke's poses from episode three, instead of making new pictures for them both. It's also incredibly misleading making it seem like it was going to be Kenny vs Luke, when that turned out not to be true.
At least everyone in this banner now is new, and not taken from previous episodes and the stuff on it might actually happen.
lol thats gold
[Warning for headphone users]
Fuck this
Around 8:30pm IST
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"
The womb
That final tralier was on the phone while they where vaction i mean like when there about to drive off like clem says goodbye and gives a hug and kiss to her parents before they leave and drive off on vaction
The trailer got leaked or something.
Hold up. WHAT?! Actually, you know what? Fuck it. I'm not watching the trailer and I'm going in the game blind in the dark
Edit: too late I already did
Wasn't it supposed to come out today?
Kate so does not care about her husband at all lol.
Stranger (season 1): "Do you think I'm a monster?"
Lee (season 1): "We all are".
Clementine (ep 4 trailer): "We're all monsters now."
It was but that youtuber broke the release embargo as Telltale hasn't released the trailer yet.
O my godddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's weird, at the start of episode 1 all she seemed to care about was getting laid and judging by the Ep 4 poster art David seems pretty well hung.
Get it...cuz he's y'know...in a noose? Fuck it.
Looks like the ugly ski jacket is back
Oh, I hope that one scene with David is determinant. I may also have to amend my best fighters list, wtf Clem? Lol
Yeah, I'm flat-out impressed
I don't see Conrad in this trailer, whereas he was in the Ep 3 trailer even though he is determinant.
You want to talk about grammar? Try adding a question mark at the end of your question pal.
I think we're getting a flashback from before Jane/Kenny died!!!!!! That's why Clem is in the classic jacket
I remember them saying something about possibly bringing back Jane, Kenny and Wellington in flashbacks.
They did? How so?
Its because most of the players killed him off in Ties that Bind
If that happens then i hope we get to see more on Wellington in the stay in Wellington flashback.
People in the comments are positive as always -__-
Yeah it is, bring it on!

Come oooon anyone can bash the brains out of a slow ass pile of bones with a rock.
My bet is the trailer will probably come around 10:00 am pst which is when the news fans yesterday.