The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - "Thicker Than Water" - AMA



  • edited April 2017

    That answer was previously addressed with them saying that it isn't forgotten about, so you will probably see it soon..

    ReTaLiN posted: »

    Can you make AJ wear kenny's hat in episode 5? we were able to take it in the wellington ending but never seen it appear again.

  • Or rewind?

    protocol115 posted: »

    Why is there no restart chapter option. And why when wanting to restart episodes leads to losing all your data from previous episodes.

  • To your question of playable clementine I'm pretty sure we'll never get that again. The series has moved into a different direction with Javier as the lead and Gabe as a possible co-lead. I could be wrong which is entirely possible, but I think that is the case with clementine.

    Alright, I enjoyed Episode 4 a lot more than Ep1-3 (which were awful). Clementine felt like Clementine, every Clem scene was well written (i

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    For rewind, I believe it's been mentioned that statistics showed hardly anyone used them.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Or rewind?

  • Yeah I don't know what they mean by that. They said the same thing on the previous AMA.

    That sounds like a choice for Clem to make. ... but I want to control her ...

  • And yet everyone is complaining that they got rid of it.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    For rewind, I believe it's been mentioned that statistics showed hardly anyone used them.

  • Almost half the cast of episode 4 became determinant so maybe everyone is determinant by the end

    How many characters will survive this season? That's up to you. ...Interesting.

  • Clint betrayed David.

    mutafow posted: »

    * How did you come up with the idea of killing the person you chose to save? * Why David chases Clint at the end of the episode, when clear

  • All I have seen is Christa cared about Clem. She was worried about Clem not being able to make a fire on her own. And she told the bandits she was alone and told Clem to run away from the bandits...
    All over season 2 Clem can talk about Christa.
    But very strange in season 3 she doesn't exist anymore in Clem's heart.

    Question 1 How is Clem able to read and spell the meds in Episode 3, with a first grade education? Question 2 Is the New Frontier C

  • I don't know if I'm too late, I just wanted to say...

    Telltale, episode 4 was AMAZING. You really made me feel so attached to all the characters. And also what happened after the Ava/Tripp choice was brilliant.
    I'm one of the few people that loved that scene were Gabe exposed my darkest secret, it was awesome.

    Also, it's amazing how far Conrad as a determinant character has gone, I hope he can tough it out just a little longer.

  • I don't like optional romances, so please let Clem decides herself.
    Canon to the walking dead universe...

    Alyssa_TTG posted: »

    * Season finales are terrifying and hard and complicated and full of pressure for meeting, exceeding, and exploding expectations. Like all

  • No. I think this depends on Clementine's own choices, not ours.
    This might be canon in the walking dead universe.

    AronDracula posted: »

    That sounds like a choice for Clem to make. So does this mean it depends on my choices from the previous seasons?

  • That sounds like a choice for Clem to make.

    Gabentine haters:

    enter image description here

    Gabentine supporters/people who really think the choice belongs to Clem:

    enter image description here

    Alyssa_TTG posted: »

    * Season finales are terrifying and hard and complicated and full of pressure for meeting, exceeding, and exploding expectations. Like all

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you!

    And we definitely have been listening to your feedback about wanting hubs, and doing our best to get hubs into the episodes where they make sense for the gameplay. You can see that Chris took that challenge seriously in Ep 4; kudos to him and the team for that.

    Loved Episode 4. Loved the period piece...ahh memories, any way...I have a couple of questions. Are you guys thinking about a season 4? A

  • I will sell my second born child to get rewind back

    HiroVoid posted: »

    For rewind, I believe it's been mentioned that statistics showed hardly anyone used them.

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    David feels that the NF leadership has let him, his family, and the town of Richmond down. He's a person that sees the world in black and white; as soon as he found the loot from Prescott and other towns, his first reaction was to try to do the right thing , which to him was to expose Joan. He was extremely disappointed by the response he got to that attempt (and in some branches, he let his feelings get away from him.)

    Poptarts posted: »

    Will Eleanor have more screen time in Episode 5? Why does David have the same feelings toward Clint that he does for Joan? ( If this ques

  • ...Dude you gave me a heart attack. Because your avatar matches Alyssa's, for a split second I thought you were an official telltale employee.

    No offense to you, but I do hope you are completely wrong. The hatred for Gabe and love for Clementine is so strong, it would be INSANE they switched roles and made Gabe co-lead.

    Chibikid posted: »

    To your question of playable clementine I'm pretty sure we'll never get that again. The series has moved into a different direction with Jav

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    I'm sorry to say that if Joan shot Tripp, due to the chaos that broke out in the square just after, there really wasn't the chance for any rapid medical response/rescue efforts. Tripp definitely dies.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Oookaaaay let's see what we have here... This one is kinda stupid but is there a chance Tripp can survive? I saw him roll over believing he

  • Sorry, it's going to have to be your first born or no deal.

    I will sell my second born child to get rewind back

  • Ah.....sorry for the unfortunate disappointment. I've been hoping all season I was wrong on clementine, but I've unfortunately been right so far. After hearing telltale state Javier is the main character and this is Javier's story it automatically killed any hope I had of present clementine playable. I really hope I'm completely wrong on this.

    alliebee posted: »

    ...Dude you gave me a heart attack. Because your avatar matches Alyssa's, for a split second I thought you were an official telltale employe

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    Thanks on all fronts!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I don't know if I'm too late, I just wanted to say... Telltale, episode 4 was AMAZING. You really made me feel so attached to all the cha

  • Come on, can somebody answer the first question I had? My saves keep getting corrupted so I can't test it myself.

    Hello, I have two questions. First, if you let the timer run out on the kill Dr. Lingard decision, Clementine can decide to kill Lingard or

  • i hope they at least change his attitude in retrospect

    AronDracula posted: »

    I wouldn't care if Gabe dies

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    Shades Chick is a friend of David, was surprised to hear the news of what Javi/David found in the factory (and how the leadership reacted to it.) She went to talk to other Richmonders about what she heard in that confrontation.

    Our incredible art team, led by Art Director Tara Rueping and Lead Character Artist Donald Anderson, created the characters.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What happened with "Shades Chick?" Who created each character? What are the ages and heights of characters introduced in Above the Law?

  • Maybe you should stop assuming things and take it for what it is

    "He's been out of it since I got here" is her exact quote when he runs in on Clem rummaging through shelves, so it's assumed that she's been

  • Okay, first off, Episode 4 was great. You guys really showed people that you can make choices matter in your games, where we now have 7 possible determinant characters in total in episode 4. Ooh boy. Also I'd like to add, that bait-and-switch choice you did was evil... but I congratulate you on making that move. I was actually thinking to myself earlier in the episode if you would ever use that tactic for a choice in a future series. "It would really raise the stakes", I said. Guess I spoke too soon haha.

    But, I digress. Question time!
    Would you ever want to make a Walking Dead story in the future, but have the conflict be more from the Walkers than actual humans? Season 1 had this, but we haven't seen that real threat in a while. Evil humans like Carver and Joan are good, intense antagonists; But having hordes of walking infectious corpses whom you can't negotiate with can be stressful.

    Although, I may have spoken too soon once again. Seems like Richmond is going to have that same problem soon enough, what with all those walkers pouring in through the walls...

  • Because TWD at its core is about clem

    Chibikid posted: »

    Can any telltale staff explain why Clementine is in this episode/series and why we still have flashbacks? It came off as shoehorned fanservice to have Clementine and the flashbacks in general.

  • This season really hasn't been about clementine. It's about Javier's story and his family with clementine coming and going along the way. Half the time she's gone and reappears for no reason and she's just there for the sake of being there.

    Because TWD at its core is about clem

  • Alyssa_TTGAlyssa_TTG Former Telltale Staff

    Great question. I think she'll definitely wear that coat in the winter; it gets cold.

  • Stupid? Check.

    Maybe you should stop assuming things and take it for what it is

  • Probably means they'll write in the decision for her character whether she wants to or not

    Chibikid posted: »

    Yeah I don't know what they mean by that. They said the same thing on the previous AMA.

  • Not a question but as others have said the way you guys handled clems writing and character development so far is really good. Especially in this ep

  • Glad you knew who I was talking about. :lol: Guess that explains the look she gave Javier when Joan ordered them in.

    Thank you very much!

    Alyssa_TTG posted: »

    Shades Chick is a friend of David, was surprised to hear the news of what Javi/David found in the factory (and how the leadership reacted to

  • Where is Christa's search party in season 2?

    Bonbon80 posted: »

    All I have seen is Christa cared about Clem. She was worried about Clem not being able to make a fire on her own. And she told the bandits s

  • Confirmation bias is not restricted to the sciences. Statistics can be manipulated to "provide" evidence.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    For rewind, I believe it's been mentioned that statistics showed hardly anyone used them.

  • LOVED the flashbacks this episode, this quality time is what we wanted back on ep1. too bad we cant erase those but moving forward this is what the fans appreciate, a quality time with characters we chose to love more than others. S2 endings meant a lot to us. this episode made those choices matter.

    Alyssa_TTG posted: »

    Adam Miller is the flashback master for Episode 4. He focused entirely on the Kenny/Jane/Ava scenes, and boy did he deliver. Chris Schro

  • I have a question with how the writing process at Telltale works...

    So, how long does it usually take to write an episode? Is it only once you're done writing the whole episode that the computer work begins on it? Or do the developers work on it while you write? And after you're finished an episode, do you immediately move onto the next?

    Thank you.

  • Props to Adam Miller. The flashbacks in E4 were a highlight of the episode for me personally, and I know for many people here. Chris Schroyer - they looked amazing.

    Alyssa_TTG posted: »

    Adam Miller is the flashback master for Episode 4. He focused entirely on the Kenny/Jane/Ava scenes, and boy did he deliver. Chris Schro

  • Thanks for the reply Alyssa. He's one of the most complex characters, and I was having trouble with that one. ( He's also one of my favorites, hot head that he is. Kudos to the team for developing someone as difficult as David. )

  • I can already tell you the answers: No, no, no.

    Menotog posted: »

    * Will we be able to play as Clem during the present time in Episode 5? * Will Episode 5 be emotional? * Are you planning on make a Season 3 of TWD?

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