I also really enjoyed the episode. I was a bit disappointed by the length at first before taking into account that depending on your choices you can get two completely different opening and ending scenes. I know this whole season will play amazingly once completed.
I (evidently) am in the minority, but I really liked the fourth episode. As others said, I found the short length a bit meh, but that's abou… moret the extent of if. I didn't really find a whole lot of John's transition to be as ham-fisted as some described, and I even actually became somewhat attached and empathetic to John whereas I felt that earlier episodes tried too hard to play up the angle of John trying to befriend Bruce.
I didn't have problems with how the Agency caused John to snap either, whereas some are saying that they found it to be forced.
I really liked the episode, and I only felt that the second episode of Enemy Within fell a bit short of expectations set by the first episode. The rest of the episodes in the Season, episode 4 included, have really stood out to me. I'm really excited and looking forward to seeing how the Season ends.
I think that Episode 3 and 4 were simply amazing. The choices, the dialogue, it was all so complex and we have a lot more actions and consequences that aren't as obvious as we think they are.
We may make a decision and then much later find out the grave consequences of it. And it makes you want to thread much more carefully, and think much harder.
My brain was fried after each episode and I LOVED IT.
Now that we await the finale I would like to thank telltales for another great season, and hope we get at least a third to make this a trilogy. And on that note, please... Let this episode be at least 2 hours long...
Maybe he will be in S3 of batman. The Joker is a big villain in the comics so I find it hard to believe that they will kill him in ep5. If they plan on doing a season 3 (and they haven't said they will do, it does depend on sales) I think that the Joker will be in full force in it and hopefully they bring back Harvey Dent. ^_^ I would love to see John/Joker team up with other villians to take out Batman (an example of this is Arkham Origins when he hirer people to kill batman.)
You got a problem with me buddy!? U think I can't catch indirects!? IS THAT AN ALLUSION? WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING!? Cuz ur messing with the wrong cowboy, partner.
I'm betting 1-3 months.
Guardians was ahead of schedule, so much so that we got the finale in a 1-month period, and that had quite a lot of branching attached to it. But we don't know how the development of this game is going so far, so I'll expect late March-April at the latest.
Fingers crossed for late February, early March..
I am glad they did not end it on a massive cliffhanger like in episode three. It relives the waiting process, at least for me.
Mid or end of March sounds quite reasonable... I would predict 27 March.
All season it has been so hard for me to wait for the next episode, and now that we're to the last episode I've finally learned patience and can happily wait for Same Stitch I think. But it will probably start all over again if/when they do a next season haha.
I think the episode will be out in March. The previous episodes came out in intervals of 2-3 months, so its either by the end of February, or middle of March.
Yeah but game of thrones had the same schedule of this series but then the last episode required way more than the others (4 freaking months). But on the other hand with the past season of Batman the episode 5 came out less than a month later episode 4 so I don't know... I just hope it will be end of february or early/middle march.
I think the episode will be out in March. The previous episodes came out in intervals of 2-3 months, so its either by the end of February, or middle of March.
Yeah but game of thrones had the same schedule of this series but then the last episode required way more than the others (4 freaking months… more). But on the other hand with the past season of Batman the episode 5 came out less than a month later episode 4 so I don't know... I just hope it will be end of february or early/middle march.
Episode 5 should be every long considering all the things that need a conclusion: Tiffany and Avesta's future, Alfred's illness, Waller's plans, Catwoman, Gordon, Harley and John... I don't really know how they will be able to include all these things in one episode. Anyway I went for the joker (villain) ending so I can't wait for the final showdown between the Dark Knight and the Clown prince of crime! I also hope that Selina and Bruce's relationship will be as relevant as episode 3 and not almost absent like in episode 4.
I have to say, I'm also a little concerned with how they are going to fit everything into one last episode. I'll be honest, I love John so the more of him in this finale the better, yet I also do want to see a conclusion to all the other side stories they have going on. I almost feel like they need another 3 episodes to conclude everything this season.
I also really enjoyed the episode. I was a bit disappointed by the length at first before taking into account that depending on your choices you can get two completely different opening and ending scenes. I know this whole season will play amazingly once completed.
I think that Episode 3 and 4 were simply amazing. The choices, the dialogue, it was all so complex and we have a lot more actions and consequences that aren't as obvious as we think they are.
We may make a decision and then much later find out the grave consequences of it. And it makes you want to thread much more carefully, and think much harder.
My brain was fried after each episode and I LOVED IT.
MRW I'm sad about Batman ending but remember the next Telltale season we will get is TWD
I need news GODDAMN IT

It's been like a week lol youre gonna drive yourself crazy
wait what... JUST A WEEK!?

Now that we await the finale I would like to thank telltales for another great season, and hope we get at least a third to make this a trilogy. And on that note, please... Let this episode be at least 2 hours long...
Do you guys think we'll be able to mend things with Waller if we sided with John?
I heard its going to be released in February but I don't think thats true
I think it will be released by late March
Who told you that ?
I think it was a youtube comment but I'm not sure
Giving that the previous episodes were in 2-3 month intervals, it's pretty safe to assume it's gonna be out by March.
I doubt so; Telltale as of late has been aiming for more of a monthly/bi-monthly release interval between episodes. I would probably bet on February.
I hope so boi, I need that episode fix you kno what I'm sayin'.
I assume early-mid March. If it's this month, it'll be the 27th. I highly doubt it though.
Maybe he will be in S3 of batman. The Joker is a big villain in the comics so I find it hard to believe that they will kill him in ep5. If they plan on doing a season 3 (and they haven't said they will do, it does depend on sales) I think that the Joker will be in full force in it and hopefully they bring back Harvey Dent. ^_^ I would love to see John/Joker team up with other villians to take out Batman (an example of this is Arkham Origins when he hirer people to kill batman.)
Maybe even showing Enchantress? Maybe??? that would be awesome ^_^
I see this thread has died so far
Like Bruce parents
Seems the meme thread is very lively though. (except for when there's a meme war. then it's just... ugh.)
You got a problem with me buddy!? U think I can't catch indirects!? IS THAT AN ALLUSION? WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING!? Cuz ur messing with the wrong cowboy, partner.
WHOA WHOA WAHOA WHOA W. HO A S I R aRE you sAYing our mEMes aRe not wOrthy of YoUR admIraTIOn?!??!? U bettER WATch OuT becAUSe we aRe OUT OF CONTROL!
The day that memes die will be a day when the internet dies (to quote lines in a song by a famous American song writer).
sniffs air, did someone say memes?
Yes ma'am, may I suggest you pass by our beloved meme thread and upvote laugh at some memes?
What if they are going to make us wait four months like for game of thrones finale? I might die if that will be the case ?
I'm betting 1-3 months.
Guardians was ahead of schedule, so much so that we got the finale in a 1-month period, and that had quite a lot of branching attached to it. But we don't know how the development of this game is going so far, so I'll expect late March-April at the latest.
Fingers crossed for late February, early March..
i know its only been a couple weeks since the release of ep 4 but i am losing it. i need ep 5 quick.
I am glad they did not end it on a massive cliffhanger like in episode three. It relives the waiting process, at least for me.
Mid or end of March sounds quite reasonable... I would predict 27 March.
All season it has been so hard for me to wait for the next episode, and now that we're to the last episode I've finally learned patience and can happily wait for Same Stitch I think. But it will probably start all over again if/when they do a next season haha.
I think the episode will be out in March. The previous episodes came out in intervals of 2-3 months, so its either by the end of February, or middle of March.
Yeah but game of thrones had the same schedule of this series but then the last episode required way more than the others (4 freaking months). But on the other hand with the past season of Batman the episode 5 came out less than a month later episode 4 so I don't know... I just hope it will be end of february or early/middle march.
Mid march if Telltale stick to their usual release schedule.
I'm thinking early-mid March now.
" if Telltale stick to **their usual ** release schedule. "
that made me laugh for "some" reason lol
Thus far in the case of TEW they have. 1.5 month between each release.
Telltale released the fight choreography video between Batman and Riddler on their YouTube channel
Episode 5 should be every long considering all the things that need a conclusion: Tiffany and Avesta's future, Alfred's illness, Waller's plans, Catwoman, Gordon, Harley and John... I don't really know how they will be able to include all these things in one episode. Anyway I went for the joker (villain) ending so I can't wait for the final showdown between the Dark Knight and the Clown prince of crime! I also hope that Selina and Bruce's relationship will be as relevant as episode 3 and not almost absent like in episode 4.
I have to say, I'm also a little concerned with how they are going to fit everything into one last episode. I'll be honest, I love John so the more of him in this finale the better, yet I also do want to see a conclusion to all the other side stories they have going on. I almost feel like they need another 3 episodes to conclude everything this season.