Yeah I hate how Clem cant remember anything after 3 years, but can remember Lee perfectly after 7 years only knowing him for 4 months. Yeah thats why she doesnt talk about anyone shes been with even longer and more recently. Understandable.
No, I just don’t agree. It would be so out of place to have any more than they had. It’s already a stretch that Clem has the same hat that m… moreany years on - I love that she does but it’s not a world where people can hoard possessions. The world of The Walking Desd is a more grounded world than I think you feel it is. People move on quickly because they have to and it’s pretty rare that the past needs to be brought up. How many times will a 16 year old kid bring up people and events that happened when they were 8-14 to people again and again? Not all that many. Not any more than we already got.
It’s not a greatest hits. There is no need for it and it wouldn’t be true to the writing. It would be writing at the audience, not for the characters.
Your sarcasm is beneath you. Lee was her first guardian in the apocalypse. He was the person with her when pretty much every ‘first’ of her apocalypse experience happened. So it does make sense that he comes up more than most. Honestly though, if anything this would only make a case for her talking about Lee less, not talking about everyone else more. People don’t just go around summing up their life. It would be poor writing. It would be only for the audience and would not be true to the characters and situations, like a goofy wink to camera. That’s why it didn’t happen.
Yeah I hate how Clem cant remember anything after 3 years, but can remember Lee perfectly after 7 years only knowing him for 4 months. Yeah thats why she doesnt talk about anyone shes been with even longer and more recently. Understandable.
I dont know man, didnt you just say its unrealistic for someone to remember anything that long in a world like this? What happened to the realism!
Its almost like theres a weird bias going on here idk
Because sorry, no one just "forgets" or "stops talking about" things they were close to. If they are already going down that route with Lee, it makes it more jarring she ignores the last 6 years of her life. Not to mention Lee is just as pandering if not way more pandering than what Im asking for. Like the Lee dream goes too far and starts to ruin how Lee is dead. Shit Im asking for is not a Lee dream sequence levels of "writing for the audience" which you seem to think is poor writing. And if thats how you feel then all the Lee stuff is also bad writing, you cant be picking and choosing because its biased otherwise.
Your sarcasm is beneath you. Lee was her first guardian in the apocalypse. He was the person with her when pretty much every ‘first’ of her … moreapocalypse experience happened. So it does make sense that he comes up more than most. Honestly though, if anything this would only make a case for her talking about Lee less, not talking about everyone else more. People don’t just go around summing up their life. It would be poor writing. It would be only for the audience and would not be true to the characters and situations, like a goofy wink to camera. That’s why it didn’t happen.
Oh really? Did I say it was unrealistic for someone to remember anything?
At this point, you are having an argument with imagined words. I get it. I get what you want. I happen to disagree and I’m content that the writers felt so too. That’s really it.
I dont know man, didnt you just say its unrealistic for someone to remember anything that long in a world like this? What happened to the re… morealism!
Its almost like theres a weird bias going on here idk
Because sorry, no one just "forgets" or "stops talking about" things they were close to. If they are already going down that route with Lee, it makes it more jarring she ignores the last 6 years of her life. Not to mention Lee is just as pandering if not way more pandering than what Im asking for. Like the Lee dream goes too far and starts to ruin how Lee is dead. Shit Im asking for is not a Lee dream sequence levels of "writing for the audience" which you seem to think is poor writing. And if thats how you feel then all the Lee stuff is also bad writing, you cant be picking and choosing because its biased otherwise.
Criticize TFS’s flaws all you want, but Endgame is just as, I’d argue even more, flawed from a narrative standpoint.
Yes, because Lilly is a much better character than Thanos when not over ten minutes in finale, her ending is basically just walking away like nothing happened and getting away with what she has done if you spared her ass.
Thor Ragnork is a perfect example of mindless garbage that ruined a classic MCU character but the fans fucking ate it up because it was “funny”.
You think the first Thor was much better because it was darker? This is fucking Marvel, not DC. That's no one's favorite superhero movie, not even top 5. Even most people consider Dark World to be the worst MCU movie. No one loved Thor in this franchise until Ragnarok so I don't know what your point is.
it sure is better then 90% of the marvel movies
Yes, it is better than MCU when there is barely development for every single kid from the school, when a main villain doesn't know what to do with her new recruits (Either train them or torture them), when there are barely callbacks from the previous seasons, when Clementine looked like she was dying but still saved and when it ends with playing as someone who was never someone until the final season.
What does death even mean in the MCU if you can just come back? Even Gamora, who wasn’t killed from the snap, comes back.
Did you even watch the movie or you're just acting like you're the smarter here? Also, SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're spoiling Endgame in a Walking Dead forum. Anyway, from what I remember,
After Tony snapped his fingers, Gamora was nowhere to be seen at the end, she was still dead. Vision, Loki and Black Widow were still dead as well. So it was not a happy ending for everyone.
But saying a majority these films, or more specifically Endgame, have “better” writing then TFS is pretty fucking absurd.
That doesn't take away the fact that Telltale screwed themselves with shit decisions they have made and Marvel knew exactly what they were doing with their stories and characters.
A troll reading I would say
Or I just didn’t care much about grammar and spelling in a comment that I knew people like you would jus… moret disregard anyway so you can continue to gang rape TFS. I understand constructive criticisms, but you and many others on these forums have taken it to a point that’s quite frankly pretty ridiculous. Criticize TFS’s flaws all you want, but Endgame is just as, I’d argue even more, flawed from a narrative standpoint.
How did they fuck up? Captain Marvel is the only thing that upsetted the fans and that's it. Her character didn't even ruin Endgame.
It’s pretty hard to upset a Marvel fan lol. Thor Ragnork is a perfect example of mindless garbage that ruined a classic MCU character but the fans fucking ate it up because it was “funny”. Black Panther was also a fine example, a good movie but definitely not as fucking good as they praise it to be.
That doesn't matter. You just called us "Disn… [view original content]
Yeah I hate how Clem cant remember anything after 3 years, but can remember Lee perfectly after 7 years only knowing him for 4 months. Yeah thats why she doesnt talk about anyone shes been with even longer and more recently. Understandable.
Your sarcasm is beneath you. Lee was her first guardian in the apocalypse. He was the person with her when pretty much every ‘first’ of her apocalypse experience happened. So it does make sense that he comes up more than most. Honestly though, if anything this would only make a case for her talking about Lee less, not talking about everyone else more. People don’t just go around summing up their life. It would be poor writing. It would be only for the audience and would not be true to the characters and situations, like a goofy wink to camera. That’s why it didn’t happen.
I dont know man, didnt you just say its unrealistic for someone to remember anything that long in a world like this? What happened to the realism!
Its almost like theres a weird bias going on here idk
Because sorry, no one just "forgets" or "stops talking about" things they were close to. If they are already going down that route with Lee, it makes it more jarring she ignores the last 6 years of her life. Not to mention Lee is just as pandering if not way more pandering than what Im asking for. Like the Lee dream goes too far and starts to ruin how Lee is dead. Shit Im asking for is not a Lee dream sequence levels of "writing for the audience" which you seem to think is poor writing. And if thats how you feel then all the Lee stuff is also bad writing, you cant be picking and choosing because its biased otherwise.
Oh really? Did I say it was unrealistic for someone to remember anything?
At this point, you are having an argument with imagined words. I get it. I get what you want. I happen to disagree and I’m content that the writers felt so too. That’s really it.
Yes, because Lilly is a much better character than Thanos when not over ten minutes in finale, her ending is basically just walking away like nothing happened and getting away with what she has done if you spared her ass.
You think the first Thor was much better because it was darker? This is fucking Marvel, not DC. That's no one's favorite superhero movie, not even top 5. Even most people consider Dark World to be the worst MCU movie. No one loved Thor in this franchise until Ragnarok so I don't know what your point is.
Yes, it is better than MCU when there is barely development for every single kid from the school, when a main villain doesn't know what to do with her new recruits (Either train them or torture them), when there are barely callbacks from the previous seasons, when Clementine looked like she was dying but still saved and when it ends with playing as someone who was never someone until the final season.
Did you even watch the movie or you're just acting like you're the smarter here? Also, SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're spoiling Endgame in a Walking Dead forum. Anyway, from what I remember,
After Tony snapped his fingers, Gamora was nowhere to be seen at the end, she was still dead. Vision, Loki and Black Widow were still dead as well. So it was not a happy ending for everyone.
That doesn't take away the fact that Telltale screwed themselves with shit decisions they have made and Marvel knew exactly what they were doing with their stories and characters.
Ya'll also gettin distracted, just to let you know.
Ohhh, I miss the misery!
This comment genuinely made my day for some reason ? thank you
So here's an interesting question: wasn't it said that an old writer came back to help conceive the story? What exactly did they work on?
Gary Whitta came back, but I think it was just as a consultant. Not entirely sure what he contributed to Season 4.