The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited September 2010
    and now I should be gettin to...surprises.
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Is it taboo to request pictures from these amazingly talented artists? Cuz I'd love a picture of Noir Max. Long story.

    It's taboo to request to people who are absolute stuck-up *squeak*holes. Hopefully, no one on here is.
  • edited September 2010
    Wow, Falanca that picture is amazing! It looks like it's taken straight from disney :D
  • edited September 2010
    @ Falanca: Whoa, man, You make me slightly less hate her with that pic. Amazing!

    @ greenheadphones: love it as ever <3

    here's my new crappy masterpiece

    just getting to grips with drawr... gah, my eyes. @_@
  • edited September 2010
    @ Falanca: Whoa, man, You make me slightly less hate her with that pic. Amazing!

    @ greenheadphones: love it as ever <3

    here's my new crappy masterpiece

    just getting to grips with drawr... gah, my eyes. @_@

    Thanks AND
    GUH that's LEFT HANDED? I can't even use a mouse with my RIGHT hand!
  • edited September 2010
    Piping in a bit late on this, but it warmed me to see a bunch of artists contribute their takes on giant!electromagnetic!Sam so soon after 305 came out. That was awesome. :D
    Trica wrote: »
    [FLAME ON!]

    ... That is seriously one of the most badass things I've seen lately. Gah. <3
    Falanca wrote: »

    Aw, that's rather pretty! I especially love her hair.

    I've gotta admit, quality fluff like this wins me over every time. D'aww.
    and now I should be gettin to...surprises.

    Ohoho! Color me intrigued.

    You draw Sam's fedora better with a mouse than I do with my normal drawing hand?!

    ... You frighten me, lady. But in a good way.

    Sooo ... I saw a bit of discussion over here on how Sam may have lost his tail. A request for drawing Max biting it off came up.

    I took that idea in a, er, slightly different direction.

    Y'see, it all happened at a beach trip, around the time Sam & Max were getting ready to trade that soft, marketable baby-like pre-teen stage for the greener and even more socially-awkward pastures of adolescence.



    Max was preoccupied with picking bits of Sam's swim trunks out of his teeth and Sam was, erm, incapacitated, but they went after the little creep as soon as they felt like it. By then, however, it was too late! And they never saw Sam's wriggly puppy tail ever again the end.

    Full Disclosure: This was also inspired by a theory I'd seen floating around which involved Sam's tail being sold on the black market ... and based on a comment she left in the above-linked thread while I was writing this up, it looks like I was remembering Shwoo's thoughts on the matter (which now that I'm fully reminded of them I realize they're much more interesting than my own derp). So much of the credit goes to her!
  • edited September 2010
    @ light rises: That's a little disturbing. But it'll probably come back.
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »

    Not what I had in mind while making the picture, but hey, it works XD
    Falanca wrote: »

    A piece to show my anticipation to the subplot villainess of the 2 seasons. I hope producers will try to do the justice by portraying her and her previous actions better in the future, although she's... kinda... dead by now.

    She looks quite pretty in that pic :)
    and now I should be gettin to...surprises.

    As I said already on DA, it's quite cute :)
    just getting to grips with drawr... gah, my eyes. @_@

    THAT'S with your left hand? Please tell me you're ambidextrous or at least lefty @__@
    Sooo ... I saw a bit of discussion over here on how Sam may have lost his tail. A request for drawing Max biting it off came up.

    I took that idea in a, er, slightly different direction.

    Y'see, it all happened at a beach trip, around the time Sam & Max were getting ready to trade that soft, marketable baby-like pre-teen stage for the greener and even more socially-awkward pastures of adolescence.


    Max was preoccupied with picking bits of Sam's swim trunks out of his teeth and Sam was, erm, incapacitated, but they went after the little creep as soon as they felt like it. By then, however, it was too late! And they never saw Sam's wriggly puppy tail ever again the end.

    Full Disclosure: This was also inspired by a theory I'd seen floating around which involved Sam's tail being sold on the black market ... and based on a comment she left in the above-linked thread while I was writing this up, it looks like I was remembering Shwoo's thoughts on the matter (which now that I'm fully reminded of them I realize they're much more interesting than my own derp). So much of the credit goes to her!

    *opens mouth in an attempt to say something but then closes it because of lack of words*
  • edited September 2010
    Juuuust to be clear, the handsaw belonged to the rat. Max was just trying to get the rat the heck away from Sam before it could finish its dirty work, but he missed and it managed to run off with what it was looking for.

    ... Yeah, this ... was a different one for me. o_ô
  • edited September 2010
    I love that censor bar more than I should. I guess I like it when censor bars have quips like that.
  • edited September 2010
    [Epic picture of how Sam lost his tail]

    It was me who requested someone drawing Max biting off Sam's tail, thanks!
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Is it taboo to request pictures from these amazingly talented artists? Cuz I'd love a picture of Noir Max. Long story.

    Since you asked so nicely...


    I apologize sincerely for the fact that I am legally blind and this probably sucks hardcore. But I wanted to do something way out of my element, so I hope you enjoy.

    Here's a link to the fullsize version-
  • edited September 2010
    Sooo ... I saw a bit of discussion over here on how Sam may have lost his tail. A request for drawing Max biting it off came up.

    I took that idea in a, er, slightly different direction.

    Y'see, it all happened at a beach trip, around the time Sam & Max were getting ready to trade that soft, marketable baby-like pre-teen stage for the greener and even more socially-awkward pastures of adolescence.



    Max was preoccupied with picking bits of Sam's swim trunks out of his teeth and Sam was, erm, incapacitated, but they went after the little creep as soon as they felt like it. By then, however, it was too late! And they never saw Sam's wriggly puppy tail ever again the end.

    Full Disclosure: This was also inspired by a theory I'd seen floating around which involved Sam's tail being sold on the black market ... and based on a comment she left in the above-linked thread while I was writing this up, it looks like I was remembering Shwoo's thoughts on the matter (which now that I'm fully reminded of them I realize they're much more interesting than my own derp). So much of the credit goes to her!
    That's awesome! I really like the dialogue. And I like the situation better than what I came up with.

    Speaking of which, I finished the fanfic about it.
  • edited September 2010
    *how Sam lost his tail*

    Dude, you never cease to amaze me. Gruesome... but AMAZING! XD

    And I scare you?? *ahem* Well... it's not intentional.... but, thanks??!!! XDDDD

    And @ SunnyGuy, I suppose I'm half ambidextrous.. I've needed to learn to adapt.

    Also, that is one fine Noir!Max, divisionten. :)
  • edited September 2010
    @light_rises: Can you tell me how you did the balloons please????
  • edited September 2010
    So I did stuff.

    I'll have something nicer to post later. When I actually feel like drawing something fancy and colourful.
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri. Marry me. That's the best fanart of Cthulhu Max so far. I'm so digging it.

    BTW thanks for all the people commenting on my pic 8D
  • edited September 2010
    Since you asked so nicely...


    I apologize sincerely for the fact that I am legally blind and this probably sucks hardcore. But I wanted to do something way out of my element, so I hope you enjoy.

    Here's a link to the fullsize version-

    Oh, HELL YES! You are my hero! I LOVE YOU! (In a completely creepy way)
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    So I did stuff.

    I'll have something nicer to post later. When I actually feel like drawing something fancy and colourful.

    I love the Max...we need to decide on a name.
    Since you asked so nicely...

    I apologize sincerely for the fact that I am legally blind and this probably sucks hardcore. But I wanted to do something way out of my element, so I hope you enjoy.

    Here's a link to the fullsize version-

    This reminds me I should get to doing mine, great work :)
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    MAXAGEDDDOOOONNNN~!! Yaaay I love when you draw Max fo' serious.
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    I love the Max...we need to decide on a name.

    I call him Maxzilla.
  • edited September 2010
    :D HAHA! Loving the "dat ass" one!

  • edited September 2010
    Oh god DATASS Max XD
  • edited September 2010
    Dogglegangers: BUT YOU DON'T LIKE GIRLS MAX!

  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    I love that censor bar more than I should. I guess I like it when censor bars have quips like that.

    It's one of my favorite parts of the drawing, actually. And yeah, I couldn't resist making it anything except a normal censor bar.
    Hatley wrote: »
    It was me who requested someone drawing Max biting off Sam's tail, thanks!

    You're welcome! (Although I fear I might have mentally scarred a couple people in the process. o_o; )
    Shwoo wrote: »
    That's awesome! I really like the dialogue. And I like the situation better than what I came up with.

    Speaking of which, I finished the fanfic about it.

    Thank you! And pffft, mine's a non-sequitor, yours is a full story. Which isn't to say one form is superior over the other, but I like that there's more backstory in your version. I'm a backstory fiend.
    Dude, you never cease to amaze me. Gruesome... but AMAZING! XD

    And I scare you?? *ahem* Well... it's not intentional.... but, thanks??!!! XDDDD

    Haha, thanks! And you should take the "you scare me" thing as a compliment. You push yourself beyond what would be your normal methods of making art on a frequent basis. Circumstantial or not, I admire that a heckuva lot.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    @light_rises: Can you tell me how you did the balloons please????

    (aaannnnd here's where I sound like a walking advertisement for a couple paragraphs. please forgive me.)

    About 85% of this was done in Manga Studio EX4, from lineart to dialogue balloons. The program comes with a library of balloon types you can drag on top of whatever you've drawn, although so far that feature has kind of been a pain in the butt for me to implement. That's mostly down to EX4 having a steep learning curve, though. It's pretty powerful software, and I think it's even better for doing rough sketches and lineart than any of the other drawing programs I've tried. Digital painting, on the other hand, is still best left to Photoshop, Painter, ArtRage, OpenCanvas, GIMP, etc.

    That said, something like Comic Life also gets the job done (I know Lora Innes of The Dreamer uses it for her comic) and is pretty intuitive to boot. Not to mention a lot cheaper. You don't get the extensive drawing features or vector tools, but for laying down clean, sharp-looking panels and dialogue balloons on top of finished artwork, it's more than good enough.


    Also! A quick question for DA users: Do you guys think I need to put a "mature" warning on this one when I post it? I mean, the blood isn't red and there isn't a lot of it, but I know the site can be weird when it comes to this sort of stuff, especially with the whole "severed puppy tail" thing going on in this piece. Thoughts?

    Okay -- on to the awesome stuff posted here since I left!
    Since you asked so nicely...


    I apologize sincerely for the fact that I am legally blind and this probably sucks hardcore. But I wanted to do something way out of my element, so I hope you enjoy.

    Rendering something like this in colored pencil convincingly is always tough, so I think this turned out very well! Don't know why, but the bite mark in Max's hat is my favorite thing about it.
    Cheri wrote: »
    So I did stuff.

    Which you should keep on doing, because it rocks. I especially love levitating!Max, the top middle one, and the Maxthulhus. <3
    [Maxs Maxs everywhere!]

    Another one! And just as splendiferous! I could get used to this. :D
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Oh, HELL YES! You are my hero! I LOVE YOU! (In a completely creepy way)

    I love you too, hun. Send me more wild reuqests, I quite like it.

    Also, I only had 11 pencils and no sharpener. And no scanner. The pencils were half-used, left behind by my apartments previous owner. Need to go down to the sudent center and actually invest in some art materials. (I made the Max plush back in the states on summer break)

    The other drawing of Max having eaten Sam was done on the back of a paper menu and photographed with my phone.
  • edited September 2010

    Did this as an inking warm-up exercise, but it got kinda hard to stop :P

    Hard-boiled Max! Cuz his head is just like, an egg. :D
  • edited September 2010
    I've seriously been on a S&M kick lately (NO NOT THAT KIND.).

    Color got washed out when I made a JPG, but, oh well.\

    Link to original (please view as the color is MUCH better on this one):

    Here's the washed-out version, too:


    If anyone wants, I can upload it without the word bubbles filled in so you can write your own caption. Interested?

    Also, Sam is so much easier to draw than Max.
  • edited September 2010
    crfh wrote: »

    Did this as an inking warm-up exercise, but it got kinda hard to stop :P

    Hard-boiled Max! Cuz his head is just like, an egg. :D

    OH MY GOD.

    Okay, I love you too. (There's enough of me to go around, don't worry.)
  • edited September 2010
    So, did anyone ask for more Noir!Max?


    Yeah...I couldn't make a decent looking background so I settled for that >__<
    crfh wrote: »

    Did this as an inking warm-up exercise, but it got kinda hard to stop :P

    Hard-boiled Max! Cuz his head is just like, an egg. :D

    Ok, that's just awesome.
    I've seriously been on a S&M kick lately (NO NOT THAT KIND.).

    Color got washed out when I made a JPG, but, oh well.\

    Link to original (please view as the color is MUCH better on this one):

    Here's the washed-out version, too:

    If anyone wants, I can upload it without the word bubbles filled in so you can write your own caption. Interested?

    Also, Sam is so much easier to draw than Max.

    I find this one adorable XD
  • edited September 2010
    I find it amusing that all three Noir!Maxes are pantsless.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, Noir!Max is still Max, he has to be naked somehow XD
  • edited September 2010

    Seems that Max and his Super-Ego were able to make an agreement...
  • edited September 2010
    here's a little something I made on Garry's Mod, didn't spend too long on it so it ain't great. I do have more if you guys like this one.
  • edited September 2010
    "Let's settle this BRAINO EL BRAINO"


    If someone could color this to me, I'd be very very grateful.
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    I love the Max...we need to decide on a name.


    Also, love the art, everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • edited September 2010
    You lot missed Superball's birthday on the 6th! Shame on you!
  • edited September 2010
    Wait, Did someone say Birthday?

    *waits for mariachis*


  • samt.png
    [click for deviantart link]

    So, for a roleplay (Route 29 on Livejournal), I wanted to RP Sam from Sam and Max. But he needed to be human! What was a roleplayer/artist to to do...?

    Turn him human, of course (i-i was allowed to)! :D Did you know -- his skin was green when I coloured it? I had lost my flesh-coloured pencil. And why is the outline faded? Originally, I was going to place this onto a special background, and went kind-of nuts with the feathering. Oh well.

    So yeah.
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