The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited September 2010
    I always imagine a human sam as an awesome looking black man. I even tried drawing it once and it didn't work since I suck at drawing
  • edited September 2010
    Since you asked so nicely...


    I apologize sincerely for the fact that I am legally blind and this probably sucks hardcore. But I wanted to do something way out of my element, so I hope you enjoy.

    Here's a link to the fullsize version-

    You're legally blind? For real?! I feel hopelessly inadequate.
  • edited September 2010
    Another quick thing. Noir Sam. Cuz he's awesomesauce.

    The line is by Sam in one of the cartoons.

  • edited September 2010
    Yessss NoirSam I missed you flooding this thread.
  • edited September 2010
    You're legally blind? For real?! I feel hopelessly inadequate.

    Yeah, I was born with oculocutaneous albinism. And, for the record, I'm a woman, which is what really threw off the doctors. It's rare to begin with, but since it is on the X chromosome, it even more rare for women (since they they to have two infected Xs to have the disease).

    And don't feel inadequate, I was originally an art major- before I said "screw it!" and moved to Japan to study Japanese history- so I've had quite a bit of training. Except, my concentration was in sculpture, so I'm not really used to drawing. I work on really big sheets of paper then scale down my stuff. I can see color just fine, so...
  • edited September 2010
    Well here's something I made years ago. Oh and pretend the guy in the corner is Flint, there's just no way in hell I could do that part.
  • edited September 2010
    That's awesome! But now I've got that dang song in my head again XD
  • edited September 2010
    crfh wrote: »

    "I think I can help with that Sam".

    And now, a real Shameless Plug:

  • edited September 2010

    Long hair instead of dog ears? I must say that's a nice idea.
    crfh wrote: »
    Another quick thing. Noir Sam. Cuz he's awesomesauce.

    The line is by Sam in one of the cartoons.

    XD I love this one.
    Mr Nutt wrote: »
    Well here's something I made years ago. Oh and pretend the guy in the corner is Flint, there's just no way in hell I could do that part.

    Simple yet effective XD

    Anyways, as I mentioned in another thread for some reason I have a lot of trouble drawing Max right, does anyone have a guide or advice or something?
  • edited September 2010

    Ta-dah! Straight from Mr. Purcell himself.
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Anyways, as I mentioned in another thread for some reason I have a lot of trouble drawing Max right, does anyone have a guide or advice or something?

    I left some advice in the other thread :P
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks, both of you :)

    @Cheri: Just what I was looking for actually, is that from Surfing the Highway or where?
  • edited September 2010
    I think it's from one of the sketchbooks that's out of print. I found the scans ages ago and I can't remember from where.
  • edited September 2010
    I find it funny that in the cartoons, when Max is in profile his mouth is HUGE. The Steve Purcell version looks well, more naturally proportioned. :D
  • edited September 2010
    Mr Nutt wrote: »
    Well here's something I made years ago. Oh and pretend the guy in the corner is Flint, there's just no way in hell I could do that part.

    hey, it's your Gaia signature.

    I love that thing, although I barely get it
  • edited September 2010
    Aw nuts, I'm getting no feedback with my last two drawing, how sad D:
    Oh well, I guess I have to try harder! So here's my latest drawing:
    And this is why I'm not sad about the death of Max "Prime". I'm sure he is having a ball XD
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    (Max Sketchbook awesomeness)

    That's cool.
  • edited September 2010
    Hahah Captain, he'll take over in no time!
  • edited September 2010
    Aw nuts, I'm getting no feedback with my last two drawing, how sad D:

    You would have gotten feedback from me, but I couldn't think of anything witty to say.
  • edited September 2010
    Aw nuts, I'm getting no feedback with my last two drawing, how sad D:
    Oh well, I guess I have to try harder! So here's my latest drawing:
    And this is why I'm not sad about the death of Max "Prime". I'm sure he is having a ball XD

    Doh! I try to comment on everything, dunno why I missed you .__.

    Anyways, that is totally awesome, he's gonna make hell even more hellish for sure XD
  • edited September 2010
    Aw nuts, I'm getting no feedback with my last two drawing, how sad D:
    Oh well, I guess I have to try harder! So here's my latest drawing:
    And this is why I'm not sad about the death of Max "Prime". I'm sure he is having a ball XD

    Wouldn't be surprised if Max was running the place by Episode 401! He'd probably think of the most awesome punishments for people.
    Which makes me wonder, where'd Sal go?
  • edited September 2010
    Just the drawings I've been doing these past 2 days to practice drawing Sam, and also a little commentary on some. Most of the first half I copied from this tutorial (URL=]link[/URL) for practice and reference, I made the rest of them by myself though...I'm sure it shows XD

    I really need to practice the surprised expression more, and I need much much more practice on poses other than just standing >_>

    Now to practice Max...
  • edited September 2010
    I heart you for using my tutorial <3 They look Great!
  • edited September 2010
    The "Sam Wright" was awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks you two :)

    What do you guys think of the "Sam Wright" selections anyway? I thought (most) of them fit, but I still have no ****ing clue who'd make a good Edgeworth.
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Thanks you two :)

    What do you guys think of the "Sam Wright" selections anyway? I thought (most) of them fit, but I still have no ****ing clue who'd make a good Edgeworth.

    Probably either Superball, Paperwaite, or Jurgen. The series really has no "Edgeworth"-like characters.

    Also, Sal as Gumshoe.
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »

    Ta-dah! Straight from Mr. Purcell himself.
    love it, 0.0 this will help me a lot for drawing hem better, amazing were did you faind it :) .
  • edited September 2010
    The Chinese zodiac has 12 animals, much like the Wester zodiac has 12 signs. However, the Chinese zodiac actually moves in a cycle of 60 years- there are five different types of each kind of animal (Water, Fire, Wood, Earth, and Metal/Gold). This means if someone tells you their full zodiac (the animal and element) it is easy to figure out in what year they were born.

    I plan on making a Zodiac 60-year calendar. It will be a great way to test and view my progress in drawing, seeing a how I'm getting myself back into it and I really want to get to what I was doing back when I studied in art school, since I've been so out of practice. I started with my own year, the Fire Rabbit, which will probably be the worst out of the lot, but that means that when I am done, I can make it again.

    Each of the zodiac animals will be a character from Sam and Max, and each of them will have a different attribute for each of the five versions. The theme for Rabbit is TOYS- fire is a fiery paddleball, water will be a squirt gun, earth a toy digger, metal a remote-controlled UFO, and wood will be a wooden rolling pullstring toy, with all of them using Max. I've thought up nine of the twelve animals of the zodiac so far, but I still need to figure out Tiger, Horse and Sheep.

    Rat- Jimmy Two-Teeth (Freelance Police: Stolen Office Supplies): Fire (1996)- Boxing Glove, Water (1972)- Watercooler, Wood (1984)- Max's Desk, Earth (1948, 2008)- Phone, Metal (1960, 2020)- Ripped-up Maimtron Head

    Cow- Bosco (Store/ Selling Stuff): Fire (1997)- Hot Weenie, Water (1973)-Vodka, Wood (1985)-Sword from 105, Earth (1949, 2009)- Satellite Remote, Gold (1961)- Sitting on stacks of Cash

    Tiger- ?????

    Rabbit- Max (Toys): Fire (1987)- fiery paddleball, Water (1963)- squirt gun, Wood (1975)- wooden rolling pullstring toy, Earth (1999) - toy digger, Metal (1951, 2011)- remote-controlled UFO

    Dragon- Girl Stinky (Food): Fire (1976)- A literal Chocolate Volcano, Water (1952, 2012)- Soup of some Kind, Wood (1964)- Weird looking Salad, Earth (1988)- Granite Sandwich, Gold (2000)- Stinky and the Jukebox

    Snake- Papierweite and Norrington (Necromancy Spells): Fire (1977)- Fire Spell, Water (1953, 2013)- Water Spell, Wood (1965)- Vine Spell, Earth (1989)- Rock-Moving Spell, Gold (2001)- Metal Spike Spell

    Horse- ????

    Sheep- ?????

    Monkey- Skun'ka'pe (no specialty thought up yet)

    Rooster- Philo Pennysworth (Spotlights): Fire (1957, 2017)- Red Spotlight, Water (1993)- Blue Spotlight, Wood (1945, 2005)- Green Spotlight, Earth (1969)- Orange Spotlight, Gold (1981)- Yellow Spotlight

    Dog- Sam (Weapons): Fire (1946, 2006)- Flamethrower, Water (1982)- Heavy-duty Super Soaker, Wood (1994)- Sword from 105, Earth (1958, 2018)- A giant rock held over the head all angry-like, Gold (1970)- Bazooka

    Pig- Harry Moleman (Tickets): Fire (1947, 2007)- Hell Ticket, Water (1983) - Rapa Nui Ticket, Wood (1995)- Stuttgart Ticket, Earth (1959, 2019)- Ticket to the Center of the Earth, Gold (1971)- Moleman Processing Ticket

    Here's Fire Rabbit-


    and the link to the fullsize image (which also has better color quality):

    I'm open to suggestions for the missing three animals (Tiger, Horse, and Sheep) as well as what the theme for Monkey should be. Also, if you want me to do your year, tell me when you were born and I'll do it earlier for you. Otherwise, I'm doing them at random.

    Wish me luck!
  • edited September 2010
    Also, if you want me to do your year, tell me when you were born and I'll do it earlier for yo. Otherwise, I'm doing them at random.

    Wish me luck!

    I was born on the 30th july, 1996. Please draw the zodiac for that, thanks!
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    I was born on the 30th july, 1996. Please draw the zodiac for that, thanks!

    You're a Fire Rat. I'll do that one next... but I need to figure out a good theme for the Rat line.
  • edited September 2010
    You're a Fire Rat. I'll do that one next... but I need to figure out a good theme for the Rat line.

    How about Jimmy Two-Teeth with the boxing glove for fire, and Jimmy with Sam & Max's phone for another one?
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    How about Jimmy Two-Teeth with the boxing glove for fire, and Jimmy with Sam & Max's phone for another one?

    You're brilliant. I Made the Rat line as stuff often used and/or stolen by Jimmy.
  • edited September 2010
    That Chinese Zodiac project sounds pretty ambitious, but I can't wait to see it come to fruition.

    Why not use Sybil as a tiger? She has a tiger clock that roars all the time. You could use her office for the elements: Fire would be Sybil's flaming curtains, water could be her inkblot tests, wood could be a thorny rose tattoo, eart could be Sybil scanning a rock with her carbon dater, and metal could be her playing with the Newton pendulum.

    Also, I think Sal would make a pretty good sheep: Cooking in Stinky's kitchen would be fire, the warehouse by the wharf could be water, guarding Sammun-Mak's gift vault would be earth, inspecting the dinosaur and plants exhibit would be wood, and maintaining the cloning chamber could be metal.

    I got nothing for the year of the horse, though, despite being born in that year. I hope this helped!
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    hey, it's your Gaia signature.

    I love that thing, although I barely get it

    Well you see the second half of it is something Flint Paper says in Chariots of the Dogs.
  • edited September 2010
    New request time! A while ago, I asked for a Noir Max pic, and a couple of people granted my humble if no one minds me requesting something yet again, what about one of Sameth and Maximus and the Diabolical Box?

    Yeah...I'll go in my corner now...
  • edited September 2010
    Request renewal time, eh? (Egads, I just heard 302 Amelia Earheart in my head there! :S) *attempts to enter a deeper monotone* I'd be ecstatic if someone did some art of Superball. *smiles*
  • edited September 2010
    If we're gonna start making requests, can someone draw Max using the mind reading cards while dressed like Psycho Mantis from MGS?
  • edited September 2010
    I like that zodiac idea. Yeah, it's pretty ambitious, but you won't get anywhere without ambition!
    Player_2 wrote: »
    New request time! A while ago, I asked for a Noir Max pic, and a couple of people granted my humble if no one minds me requesting something yet again, what about one of Sameth and Maximus and the Diabolical Box?

    Yeah...I'll go in my corner now...

    I so want to do that though I don't know if I can...

    Another pic of my version of monster Sam, IN (crappy) COLOR. I've had this done for over half a month actually, I just never felt like submitting it >.>

    PS: It says -pencils- in the title because I was also doing a PC colored version but it's taken way much more time than it should for more than a couple of reasons. That and it won't let me use "(_____)" so I had to do "-_____-"
    PPS: Ignore the crappy incomplete background that I should've just erased but was too lazy to do it.
    PPPS: Yeah, I accidentally colored too much black in his left eye.
  • edited September 2010
    Yo sup, ma rabbity thangs

    Uh, I mean dawgs.

  • edited September 2010
    Has anyone done art of Sybil and Abe's baby yet?
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