The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited September 2010
    No, your advice still helps in this case.
  • edited September 2010
    Glad to be of service then.

    *Warning, this post contains naked dogs and large, clothed lagomorphs. You have been warned*
    Sam: "Get ready ladies becuase here comes this cute puppy."
    Max: "But Sam, you don't even like girls."
    Sam: "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that."
    Max: "You crack me up little buddy."

    I'm sure there must be an alternate dimension where Sam is an hyperkinetic short naked dog, while Max is a 5 or 6 foot tall rabbity thing that wears a suit.

    Notes on Sam:
    -Drawn with the anatomy of a Ken doll (just like Max) for the safety of OUR eyes, mind and sanity.
    -His top teeth are showing to make him look more childish.
    -Those lines between his legs are supposed to be his tail. Before any of you say "but Sunny! Sam doesn't have a tail!" well, remember that it's supposed to be an alternate dimension, that and it's my drawing I can do whatever I want >_>
    -Has Max's personality.

    Notes on Max:
    -I hope it's just me , but, THAT HEAD D: It just feels wrong to me AND I DREW IT. If I made it smaller it'd feel like his head was tiny. Max just wasn't made for a normal size I guess >_>
    -You can't see it, but he has no tail.
    -Has Sam's personality.

    I swear this idea was better in my head than what I ended up drawing.
  • edited September 2010
    Woah... creepy.
  • edited September 2010
    Can't say I really disagree with that XD
  • edited September 2010
    Oh god put the Samulacra pants on Sam.

    It's just not right!
  • edited September 2010
    Oh sure, Max doesn't need any pants but Sam does. Where's the equality in this world? D:<

    Putting pants on him would defeat the purpose of him being just like the normal Max anyways >_>

    Eh, I guess I could change it to the version where he's fat enough for his belly to cover everything but I thought it looked awkward.
  • edited September 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Just saying "Flint Paper" will win any argument. Flint Paper knows no boundaries; the boundaries know him. He's never won a single fight, because that implies some sort of competition or chance that he could lose. In America, Flint Paper is badass, but in Soviet Russia, badass is Flint Paper.

    Superball, on the other hand? He once swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills, and it just made him blink. Superball can stare at the sun all day and make the sun blink. If you stare at the American flag long enough, you can see a 3D image of Agent Superball. Superball wears sunglasses because no one can survive direct eye contact with him.

    If you're asking which one, exactly, is more of a badass, it's a tough decision.

    This is my roundabout way of agreeing that yes, we need to see that fight.

    Guys, screw the Chuck Norris quotes, we need a thread dedicated to these Flint Paper and Superball-isms!! :D
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    at least i stoped the fight with strongbrush1 and player 2

    Fool! You did nothing of the sort! I just had to get off the computer because I was hungry, and then I got distracted by something shiny.

    (Okay, fine, whatever. It's impossible for me to stay mad at people, so maybe there's a chance that any pretend forum argument we may have been in has long since faded from our memories.)

    And I agree with the Flint Paper and Superball-ism's thread. I'm doing that right now. :D
  • edited September 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I think sillybeans1073 has the hots for you.

    that never happen, i don't date older girls since i dated Jennie Tallarico's daughter who blasted me with pepper spray
  • edited September 2010
    @Siebert and Player 2

    Not meaning to sound rude, but can we get the discussion AWAY from these love Parallelograms or whatever, and get back to the fanart?
  • edited September 2010
    plz remove
  • edited September 2010
    Maaan I drew some soft, marketable versions of Sam and Max and then I lost them, I can't find my sketch :(
  • edited September 2010
    how do you post fanart
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    how do you post fan-art

    I'm excited.
  • edited September 2010
    Now, now, no need for sarcasm. Unless you're genuinely excited. In which case, good for you.
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, here's what's gonna go down: I'm going to put up fanart. You are going to look at the fanart. Other people are going to put up fanart. None of us are ever going to talk about this love parallelogram ever again. Got it? Good.


    Presenting Kinutchluk and his deer tick companion Paco, from Max's gripping, Inuit, coming-of-age novel. Also, huge thanks to SunnyGuy for helping me submit my art!
  • edited September 2010
    Right click image, copy image url or something like that.

    Anyways, to make up for that last pic I'm making something that I think at least the ladies will like >.>
  • edited September 2010
    Well, I found them. Too bad I don't have enough time to make it better.

    Anyway, I figure that when Sam and Max were kiddies, anytime they knew there would be pics taken they'd make horrible faces. So the only way to take decent photos of them would be to surprise them!

    (background music: that tune from "The Wonder Years")

  • edited September 2010
    Ok, that's just extremely adorable:D
  • edited October 2010
    Gracias, mano :D
  • edited October 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    Well, I found them. Too bad I don't have enough time to make it better.

    Anyway, I figure that when Sam and Max were kiddies, anytime they knew there would be pics taken they'd make horrible faces. So the only way to take decent photos of them would be to surprise them!

    (background music: that tune from "The Wonder Years")


    So. Much. Cute. <3
  • edited October 2010
    D'awwwwww. That was sweet. :p I love seeing their soft marketable baby versions.
  • edited October 2010
    In case anyone was wondering (which I doubt was anyone), here's what I mentioned last page.

    Yes, that's a fanservicy Sam XD

    I drew this for mostly two reasons
    1- I wanted to see if I could do something like this properly. Personally I think I did fine. I didn't think I'd like how the expression would come out, but I did.
    2-To make up for the last pic with something that's more pleasing to the eyes even if just because of the lack of that giant Max :laughing:

    Originally I wasn't gonna color it, but then the original scanned version looked like it could really use a cleaning in GIMP (I really need to get Photoshop). I thought it'd be easier to just select the outline, copy paste it, and then put it against a white background, so I did that. Then I thought "oh well, why not color it while I'm at it?" and so I did. I may do shading later...someday...maybe...if I get better at it.

    Btw, about soft and marketable Sam, any tips to make him look softer and marketable? Mostly his head, last time I draw him (Max doodles) it just looked to me like normal Sam's head copy pasted to a shorter body >_>
  • edited October 2010
    Horaay, beef cake! :D

    From what I have seen, kiddie Sam has shorter ears and snout, and he's generally more rounded, as in, his face is less triangular, limbs are short and stocky, and his adorable little belly is rounder too
  • edited October 2010
    Hmm, yeah, I think the shorter ears and snout are what I've been missing after the first time I drew him which was like this
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, like that!!
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Btw, about soft and marketable Sam, any tips to make him look softer and marketable? Mostly his head, last time I draw him (Max doodles) it just looked to me like normal Sam's head copy pasted to a shorter body >_>
    Maybe you're just going for a slightly different age, but it seems to me the heads are too small relative to the bodies. Compare this reference shot from Terror on the Tanbark.
  • edited October 2010
    Hello all, new to the forums, thanks for getting Me into sam and max and tales of monkey island telltale I've missed puzzle games for a longtime and downloaded sam and max on a whim earlier this year, keep up the good work :) .

    Here's My max art

    sam_and_max_by_cobra10-d2zvlb2.jpgFirst attempt at drawing max in pencil, time 50 mins, hope it's not too bad &

    Max in colour.

    Traced and coloured max on artweaver, time 1 hour, 45 mins.
    Hope he looks a bit better this time around.

    Hope I got his mannerisms alright.
  • edited October 2010
    Hello all, new to the forums

    welcome to the forums, double ohoh chipmink
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    welcome to the forums, double ohoh chipmink

    Thanks :).
  • edited October 2010
    how do you post fanart
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    how do you post fanart

    You can only post fanart after you've unlocked the secret episode 306.
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    how do you post fanart

    Right click properties on your pic, copy the address of the jpeg in properties, go to insert image and paste the link in there to post the pic.
  • edited October 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    You can only post fanart after you've unlocked the secret episode 306.

    there is no 306, i did not believe those tricks since i thought that there was an ep.6 of tomi
  • edited October 2010
    WARNING: Contains spoilers for Episode 306 of "Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse"


    You guys all remember Junior's Demonic Tea Party that totally happened in 306 (And what happened when you stole his tiara), right? And when Stinky finds out she's actually a cake and, of course, THE RETURN OF THE DIRECTOR! Good times, good times.
  • edited October 2010
    Wow, excellent depiction of that scene there! One of the most epic scenes to be sure, still my favorite part was Max's lightsaber duel against Shambling Corporate Presence.
  • edited October 2010
    how do you get it if it was real
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    how do you get it if it was real

    If I told you that it wouldn't be a secret now would it?
  • edited October 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    If I told you that it wouldn't be a secret now would it?

    then you don't have proof it is real
  • edited October 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    Maybe you're just going for a slightly different age, but it seems to me the heads are too small relative to the bodies. Compare this reference shot from Terror on the Tanbark.

    Indeed, they look a lot younger there. Of course, I only got my Surfing the Highway book yesterday, and I was working from memory and without any reference, just from the vague memory of their cuddly pre-teen selves in Chariots of the Dogs.

    Still, they look kind of kid-like, don't they? :)
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