The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited October 2010
    pheeph wrote: »
    Sam likes fudge-sicles, but has to fight someone over this one...

    Heh heh.
  • edited October 2010
    Meh, I've seen much, MUCH worse.

    Yup, what's been posted here pales in comparison to the true horrors that exist somewhere else in the internet.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    And.... the entry of the halloween contest. Still time to do more stuff though ^^!

    Yeah, I'm SO not getting 1st place on the contest no matter how lucky I get if stuff like this gets submitted XD
  • edited October 2010

    There was some background information on this meme, but the post's long enough without it. Anyway, I hope that those of you who aren't traumatized have enjoyed this!
  • edited October 2010
    Oh dear lord @ 11, just what have you done?! D:

    Anyways...*grabs some brain bleach*

    ...where was I? Oh, right. Well, here's what I'll be submitting for the Halloween contest, or at least a sketch of it. Opinions on it would be nice.

    A sketch for what I'm planning to submit to the Telltale Game's Sort-of-Halloween contest. This one was made to plan out how I'll do the actual submission, so it's not necesarily how it'll look in the end but it should be close. Also, yes, the first panel is supposed to be just like the Batman TAS intro.

    For the ones that can't read the text for some reason:

    Panel 2:
    -Hey, just what is going on here?!

    Panel 3:
    -When we agreed to be Batman and Robin this year I expected you to be Robin, not Batman.
    -Why would I be Robin? You're the sidekick.
    -What?! I'm no sidekick!

    Panel 4
    -Well, why is my head on the S&M signal then?

    Panel 6
    -I need to have a "chat" with the comissioner about this...

    I got the idea while watching Hit the Road's opening >.>
  • edited October 2010
    [traumatizing images removed]
    There was some background information on this meme, but the post's long enough without it. Anyway, I hope that those of you who aren't traumatized have enjoyed this!

    4,6,8, and 11 were thoroughly [MEMORY DELETED] and [MEMORY DELETED].

    But, great meme (even though I can't remember most of it due to post traumatic memory loss :p)!
  • edited October 2010
    How sad that, so often in life, the best things require immediate erasing from our memories. (Nice meme, though.)
  • edited October 2010


    There was some background information on this meme, but the post's long enough without it. Anyway, I hope that those of you who aren't traumatized have enjoyed this!

    It's things like this that make me grateful for my dissapointly faulty memory.
  • edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010
    I want a keychain like that D:

    A quick sketch of Sam I did with a sharpie. During a school-bus ride back home. It was really bumpy. Way bumpier than usual >__>

    This should probably be in my scraps folder, but I really like how it came out despite the relative lack of effort so what the hell. There's another one of Max that I'll upload later, but THAT one really should stay in my scraps.

    You know guys, I would appreciate some sort of feedback on the Halloween sketch >_>
  • edited October 2010
    Very nice, an experimental look.

    Did one myself with pastels the other day just to know the medium, it was... interesting :D

    Checking Surfing the Highway, is anyone under the impression Steve is drawing Sam skinnier in the last years? Max too, but since he wasn't that chunky in the first place, with Sam is quite more noticeable.
  • edited October 2010
    Honestly I get the impression that Sam got both skinnier and younger going from comics/cartoon to the Telltale games. Really noticeable with Max too, but that was monstly during the course of the comics than comics->games.

    And thanks, I'd like to see that experiment of yours tbh XD
  • edited October 2010
    Now, while I finish coloring something, have a quick doodle inspired by The Highway's post in page 68 XD


    ...please post so I don't have to triple post later >.>
  • edited October 2010
    Is it wrong I'm kinda curious now about seeing Sam on a leash? >.>
    @SunnyGuy: My first thought was: "Sam's turning into the Old Spice Guy!"
    Hello, Ladies!

    Look at your dogs. Now back to me. Now back at your dogs. Now back to me.

    Sadly, they don't act like me. But, if they stopped chewing rubber bones and started chewing the REAL bones from criminals' legs, they could seem like me.

    Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're in a DeSoto! With the dog your dogs could seem like.

    What's that in your hand? Back to me. I have it. It's a Big Gun from that game you like. Look again. The Big Gun is now a Luger. Anything is possible when you're a 6 foot tall anthropomorphic dog and not a wuss. I'm on a Lagomorph.
    (background reads: Act like a dog, dog)
    (doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo)


    Ok, so, back when I posted the Sam fanservice picture, a guy over at the Telltale forums posted that with the "Hello ladies" it reminded him of the Old Spice man (this guy , monocle smile is from this video in specific), and then another guy wrote a parody of it with Sam instead of him. After that, how could I NOT do something like this :laughing:

    Also, HOLY ****ING **** a background with some actual effort on it! D:
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »

    This is worth quoting.

    And now....Monocle Smile! :D
  • edited October 2010

    An experiment with pastels. It was just a quick thing, since I'm just horsing around with the sticks. Never used them in my life.

    Whatever Sam and Max are looking at, it must be terrifying, because these guys don't scare easily.

    Tempted to make a comic using this for the Halloween contest... if I can whip up the time. (unlikely)
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Is it wrong I'm kinda curious now about seeing Sam on a leash? >.>

    "Too bad you don't wear collars, Sam. According to this article, they're coming back in style."

    EDIT: (Cuz I don't feel like making two posts in a row) I sincerely hope that I won't be shunned for saying something like this, but I really like those pictures of human!Sam and Max that people have been'd really like to see more...hint hint.
  • edited October 2010
    human.... geez, I totally shouldn't :p
  • edited October 2010
    I love that picture, CRFH. :D
  • edited October 2010
    crfh wrote: »

    An experiment with pastels. It was just a quick thing, since I'm just horsing around with the sticks. Never used them in my life.

    Whatever Sam and Max are looking at, it must be terrifying, because these guys don't scare easily.

    Tempted to make a comic using this for the Halloween contest... if I can whip up the time. (unlikely)

    Your experiment is 1000 times better than my experiment XD
    Player_2 wrote: »
    "Too bad you don't wear collars, Sam. According to this article, they're coming back in style."

    EDIT: (Cuz I don't feel like making two posts in a row) I sincerely hope that I won't be shunned for saying something like this, but I really like those pictures of human!Sam and Max that people have been'd really like to see more...hint hint.

    Eh, I'll se if I can do something about that.
  • edited October 2010
    I was bored and drew this on my nephew's chalkboard today. Took me forever, too.
  • edited October 2010
    Due to my frustration at being totally incapable of drawing things in proportion, (which is why all my 'art' so far has been crappy MS Paint doodles) I decided to exaggerate my own flaws.
  • edited October 2010
    Well, that's an interesting way of doing things XD

    Sam looks good, but good god Max just looks kinda creepy D:
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I was bored and drew this on my nephew's chalkboard today. Took me forever, too.

    Looks nice, but I think Max's head feels small.
  • edited October 2010
    Teeth wrote: »
    Due to my frustration at being totally incapable of drawing things in proportion, (which is why all my 'art' so far has been crappy MS Paint doodles) I decided to exaggerate my own flaws.

    (good thing i suck at drawing) you where brilliant by comparison
  • edited October 2010
    Teeth wrote: »
    Due to my frustration at being totally incapable of drawing things in proportion, (which is why all my 'art' so far has been crappy MS Paint doodles) I decided to exaggerate my own flaws.

    The sam makes me laugh, but the obese bobblehead max is frightening.
  • edited October 2010
    So yeah, in between some VERY frustrating coding sessions, I made this.

    Real Sam and Max have always looked really weird to me. It's very hard to translate their most distinctive features, because they're animal features.

    Anyway I have always thought that Max would be a fan of boots. Jeans and a fuzzy sweater.

    They look sort of scary o.O

  • edited October 2010
    Wow, nice. I actually think they're adorable and portrayed well.
  • edited October 2010
    Hey, totally not dead, I swear. I had my school's festival and then I've been working like a=mad on my entry for the halloween contest. I'm going to give you guys a sneak peek at the first five pages, because anything after that point will ruin the overarching joke I'm trying to set up. ^___^

    Cover, nothin' special, right?
    Page 1- 95% complete
    Page 2- 90% complete, and yes, Guybrush and Elaine are dressed as Trishia and Hoenheim. It fits, okay?
    Page 3 - 10% complete, because I'm still working out the kinks of drawing in the Wallace and Grommit style. You can at least see a not-yet-costumed Jimmy Two Teeth with a fork and knife pulling a "Death From Above", though. And Sam on a unicycle.
    Page 4- 40% complete- the sketch is pretty much finished, need to start inking.
    Page 5- 70% complete- Even including the pages past this point, this is probably my favorite one.
  • edited October 2010
    Hey, totally not dead, I swear. I had my school's festival and then I've been working like a=mad on my entry for the halloween contest. I'm going to give you guys a sneak peek at the first five pages, because anything after that point will ruin the overarching joke I'm trying to set up. ^___^
    (awesome Comics)

    That looks cool. FINISH IT.
  • edited October 2010
    Gotta go with Strongbrush here. Those look really amazing and I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole thing when it's done. :D
  • edited October 2010
    Hey, totally not dead, I swear. I had my school's festival and then I've been working like a=mad on my entry for the halloween contest. I'm going to give you guys a sneak peek at the first five pages, because anything after that point will ruin the overarching joke I'm trying to set up. ^___^

    Oh man, that looks so awesome. I'll be honest, I want you to finish it to see it complete, but there's a part of me that doesn't want to because if you did that'd give me even less of a chance than I already do XD

    Which reminds me, I really need to start the final sketch of mine.
  • edited October 2010
    Well. I guess I should just give up on mine...
  • edited October 2010
    Here's one of my Halloween contest entries. Hope you guys like it!
  • edited October 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Here's one of my Halloween contest entries. Hope you guys like it!
    Halloween.png the greatest crossover ever made. (Unless someone does an MGS/Sam & Max crossover.)
  • edited October 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    MGS/Sam & Max crossover
    Tempting... but maybe some other time :D
  • edited October 2010
    Nice work on all the Halloween contest entries!

    Speaking of which, hypothetically, if I were to draw Sam as a dalmatian, should I change how his ears are drawn?

    And, by "hypothetically", I mean, "What do you think of this?":

    Dalmatian Sam

    (Sneak peek at my Halloween entry. The astute observer might be able to guess where I'm going with this.)

  • edited October 2010
    Looks ok I guess, don't really like how the black spots look though. Hmm, is it gonna be 101 Sams (doubt it, I still like that random idea though)? XD
    pheeph wrote: »

    I lol'd at the second one.
  • edited October 2010
    crfh wrote: »

    Human Sam with a Mullet, really works and suits him!
  • edited October 2010
    Tremble at the horror that I created!

    I swear it looked better at one point! I'm _not_ good with the shading tool... :(
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