The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited October 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Here's one of my Halloween contest entries. Hope you guys like it!

    love it
  • edited October 2010
    I posted this already in the Halloween contest thread, but just in case some of you don't look at that, here's my entry.




  • edited October 2010
    I posted this already in the Halloween contest thread, but just in case some of you don't look at that, here's my entry.


    why did you carve a pineapple
  • edited October 2010
    Because I have an absurdist sense of humor. Also, why not carve a pineapple?
  • edited October 2010
    Because I have an absurdist sense of humor. Also, why not carve a pineapple?

    Why not indeed? Spongebob did it.
  • edited October 2010
    I gotta say, it's something Max would totally do, and it seriously got a giggle out of me.
  • edited October 2010
    I posted this already in the Halloween contest thread, but just in case some of you don't look at that, here's my entry.





    Did you empty out the pineapple first like a pumpkin?
  • edited October 2010
    Yes, yes I did. When I did a test run a few months ago (since I already had the idea and just applied Sam & Max to it for the contest), I cheated and cut off both the top and bottom and hollowed it with a knife. This time, I used a melon baller. HUGE pain in the ass, especially getting the core out, but it was worth it. I just wish I could've saved the fruit, but the good stuff got all mixed with the core and some of the skin, so it was best to just throw it out.

    Also, pineapple skin is pretty flexible once hollowed, but it's still tough to cut through, so carving it was pretty difficult as well. I started carving in the details on Max, but I gave up when it proved impossible to cut a small enough piece for his eye, so I just went with silhouettes.

    I'm sort of starting to regret not using a decent picture of Sam with his mouth closed, like the one on the season 1 DVD cover. I have two more pumpkins, but I don't think I want to do it over.
  • edited October 2010
    I give up, I cant use the toon shader... so I tried again using regular Blinns

    if anyone can tell me what the frik is wrong with his tie, I'd appreciate it...

  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    if anyone can tell me what the frik is wrong with his tie, I'd appreciate it...
    It's the wrong color, his tie has blue/black stripes :D

    Regarding the rendering error, I'd assume the front and back faces of the tie are too close together. Try moving them apart a bit (or delete the back faces if it's just for rendering... you won't see them anyway).
  • edited October 2010
    I felt like trying to draw my version of human Sam and Max as kids, not much else to say I guess.

    Well, only two things.

    -I hope it does look like Sam's ice cream is melting, it's the first time I try to do that >.>
    -I thought it be cute if Max was trying to set bugs or grass on fire with a magnifying lense. Oh yeah, and he's wearing bunny feet slippers.

    I should really get to finishing my Halloween entry after this if I want to finish it on time...
  • edited October 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I guess this applies here .... its Max stealing candy from a little trick or treater who is dressed as Guybrush.

    I like this one. It characterizes Max at what he is, a sadistic, evil, wicked, cute bunny. The genius of bringing these two dualities together in one characterisation is untopped.
  • edited October 2010
    I like the Murray dressed as skull :D
  • edited October 2010
    My comic...
    is not yet finished (I still have two pages to go), but I've started photographing it in higher quality. Here are the first two pages!

    HQ Originals

    LQ Smaller files

  • edited October 2010
    You are NOT helping me have any more confidence about my entry XD

    Speaking of which here's what I've been able to finish so far

    Is the "What the Fudgey Freeze" line alright or should I change it?
  • edited October 2010
    Pff I was not sure if I could finish it in time, but I think it just about is. I may have to fix a few things but for about three days' work in Paint, I'm pretty satisfied. Though I'm conflicted about something. I'm not sure if I want it like this:


    Or this:


    I like the first one better. Less cluttered...But I'm still not sure.
  • edited October 2010
    Max, why are you trampling that kid dressed as Darkwing? Shame on you!

    Loving these other entries so far! Mine's a slow process, painting is hard!
  • edited October 2010
    MalkyTop wrote: »
    Pff I was not sure if I could finish it in time, but I think it just about is. I may have to fix a few things but for about three days' work in Paint, I'm pretty satisfied. Though I'm conflicted about something. I'm not sure if I want it like this:

    Or this:

    I like the first one better. Less cluttered...But I'm still not sure.

    Solution: Send both =P
  • edited October 2010
    Pffeeh, of course. It's so simple. I don't know why I didn't see it before.

    In any case, it probably won't win anything, but it certainly was fun to draw.
  • edited October 2010
    Bryko614 wrote: »
    I made this in like an hour for the Halloween contest due to boredom. Also my first drawing of Max, and I'm not terribly proud of it.

    Max is dressed as himself?

    Anyway, I got a Sam and Max comic that makes fun of Left 4 Dead...
  • edited October 2010

    My extremely late entry for the Telltale Halloween contest.

    Inspired by the book series "Scary stories to tell in the dark"

    By the way, that "TTB" logo in the corner stands for Telltale Books.
  • edited October 2010
    Aww geez, my computer died on me and I wont be able to finish my entry on time :(
  • edited October 2010
    My comic... is done and sent to TellTale.

    I had to cut out a number of pages in order for it to be done on time, I'll make them at a later date and stick them in the right spots. (there were supposed to be a few more pages after the Puzzle Agent one, and one more after the last page, then I dropped it to being one page per TellTale game I'd played, and finally, cut out the Sam and Max end page I was intending, with Max throwing Sam's hat at his head, changing it to this more condensed one.

    Sam and Max were always supposed to be dressed as each other, just look at the way their personalities were portrayed throughout!).

    Page 1- Sam and Max
    Page 2- ToMI
    Page 3- W&G
    Page 4- SBCG4AP
    Page 5- Puzzle Agent
    Page 6- Sam and Max

    And, as an added bonus, I got to introduce Sam and Max to my university here in Tokyo!
  • edited October 2010
    ...The first page makes so much more sense now XD
  • edited October 2010
    Here's the cover of the upcoming game Sam & Max Season 2 for the 3ds
  • edited October 2010
    It would've been more believable (if only slightly) if you hadn't stretched the artwork ;)
  • edited October 2010
    Whooof, this took a long while! Big thanks to one of my buds for helping me figure out just how the heck to paint in Photoshop.

  • edited October 2010
    Very nice. I love it.
  • edited October 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    I can see it now:


    The epic battle between the two gigantic abominations of nature!
  • edited October 2010
    my comic



    I'm not very talented but I put alot of love into these two pages, haven't slept yet. :D
  • edited October 2010
    Well, I finally finished my contest entry.
    (First page)

    (Second page)
    My entry for Telltale Game's 2010 Sort-Of-Halloween Arts and Crafts Contest entry page 2.

    If you've checked my scrapbook then chances are that you've already seen the sketch I did for this a while ago, it's still pretty much the same but in 2 pages.

    Dear lord, this took way more hours than it should have. I?m sure there must be something wrong with it but I just wanted to get it done int time @___@

    Anyways, so ends my silly Halloween contest idea that honestly the only thing Halloween related thing it has is the setting :XD:

    EDIT: GAH! I juste realized that I messed up the speech bubbles in the first panel big time D:

    Sam's the one that gets two speech bubbles and Max's is the one in the middle. *bangs head against wall*

    EDIT 2: There, that should be fixed now, good thing I sent a link and not the image itself ^_^;
  • edited October 2010
    Cheri wrote: »

    Holy S*** that is awesome. I love it.
  • edited October 2010
    Here's the cover of the upcoming game Sam & Max Season 2 for the 3ds

    looks like you forgot to put a back on that cover, so it is obviously fake
  • edited October 2010
    Gosh I hope I'm not too late! It's still 10/26 where I live.
    This is a random panel from a comic I've been working on, I figured it goes along with the Halloween theme. There's a lot more to this story, but it needs major cleanup among other things.
    Blah blah blah. I hope you all like :)


    And sorry about the whole watermark and label thing. My friend INSISTED that I put those in. She even put the little gohaku boxes in there. It's not like I plan to sell this. But I do have some original characters on other panels. Whatever :p
  • edited October 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Gosh I hope I'm not too late! It's still 10/26 where I live.

    Well the halloween telltale blog says that the dead line of the contest is 26/10, but it also says that it is at 2:00 pm pasific time. So maybe your late, but good look any way ^^.
  • edited October 2010
    From the time he posted, he was almost 8 hours late =/

    Still, I like the comic and would like to see the rest.
  • edited October 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Holy S*** that is awesome. I love it.

    Seconded, with maybe an F***** or two added. Cheri, it's fantastic!
  • edited October 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    From the time he posted, he was almost 8 hours late =/

    Still, I like the comic and would like to see the rest.
    lol, i was just traing to make the insinuation with out been rude, but yes, i think hes late, and is a nice comic :). I alredy send my fanart, 9 hours before, but i never had an answer ;-; so im worried about that.
  • edited October 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    lol, i was just traing to make the insinuation with out been rude, but yes, i think hes late, and is a nice comic :). I alredy send my fanart, 9 hours before, but i never had an answer ;-; so im worried about that.
    Originally Posted by SunnyGuy
    From the time he posted, he was almost 8 hours late =/

    Still, I like the comic and would like to see the rest.

    Aw man! Well we'll see what happens eh? Anyway, I'm glad you guys like it! SunnyGuy, you've got some pretty cool looking stuff yourself. And Cheri's monsters are just friggin awesome!
    This whole thread is filled with amazing artists!
    I'll continue working on the comic whenever I get free time. The story is a little on the long side =/ I've still got to master drawing certain characters too.
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