The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited November 2010
    I wish I was japanese. I heard from my art teacher (Who worked in japan for a time) told me that there is a higher standard for learning, which I could get behind with all of the people who named continents instead of countries in a history class when asked "What COUNTRY started X".

    Also, I've found that Asians look better than Americans.
    Hell, At this point anyone looks better than an American, but to me Japanese pwn all.

    And I think of gone rambly. Nice drawings, I do this to my notebooks too, but they don't look nearly as awesome. Why is everyone better at drawing than me?

    I am learning Japanese, or at least trying to. I need some sort of way to learn that isn't Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone did not work well for me.
  • edited November 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    I'm Sam. He's Max.

    Too awesome.
    ^ That, my friend is epic.

    (otherwise known as drawing on my textbooks)

    Kids, don't try this at home unless you own the books you're writing on. Your teachers won't be happy otherwise!

    My notebook:
    If you can read Japanese, YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE.

    And something Max would do if he got ahold of my textbooks.
    BAM! ...And then he was mucilage.

    Ah yes, drawing in books, one of my favorite pasttimes:D

    And no, I can't tell where you live because my kanji knowledge sucks, but now I think I now your name 8U

    Oh and "yo" back to you Max :p
  • edited November 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I wish I was japanese. I heard from my art teacher (Who worked in japan for a time) told me that there is a higher standard for learning, which I could get behind with all of the people who named continents instead of countries in a history class when asked "What COUNTRY started X".

    Also, I've found that Asians look better than Americans.
    Hell, At this point anyone looks better than an American, but to me Japanese pwn all.

    And I think of gone rambly. Nice drawings, I do this to my notebooks too, but they don't look nearly as awesome. Why is everyone better at drawing than me?

    I am learning Japanese, or at least trying to. I need some sort of way to learn that isn't Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone did not work well for me.

    (If you have any questions/problems, please let me know. Of course I'd love to help out a Sam and Max fan.)

    Maybe I should make a "How to Speak Japanese the Sam and Max way" comic short, teaching youngsters important words like perp (犯人, han'nin) or "None of your damn business" (お前に関係ないんだぜ。Omae ni kanke nain da ze)

    I knida want to dub a scene from the games into Japanese now, actually.
  • edited November 2010
    Arigato Divisionten-san. (I got that right, right? That is the correct Romanized form, right?) You know, now I would love to see a Learn To Speak Japanese with Sam and Max. You have now taught me my most important phrase when dealing with nosy people.
  • edited November 2010
    You'll get a swift slap to the face if you actually use that phrase on someone. It's really rude ^_^
  • edited November 2010
    But isn't that the point? =P

    Sam and Max Japanese lessons could be useful, my Japanese is ****ing rusty as hell XD
  • edited November 2010
    Wait what? I don't want to be rude? I don't understand japanese Watashi wa nihongo ga wakari masen. I don't even know if I wrote that out right.
  • edited November 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Wait what? I don't want to be rude? I don't understand japanese Watashi wa nihongo ga wakari masen. I don't even know if I wrote that out right.

    If you want to say "that's none of your business" in a polite way, it would be something more like "Sumimasen ga, hoka no hito no kankei janain desu."

    The other phrase took Max's rudeness and use of damn into account.

    In summation:
    お前に関係ないんだぜ。(Omae ni kankei nain da ze)
    is "None of your damn business.

    すみませんが、他の人の関係じゃないんです。(Sumimasen ga, hoka no hito no kankei janain desu.)
    is, "Sorry, but this is none of your business."

    See the difference in tone? And yes, your Japanese responses have all been correct.
  • edited November 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    I'm Sam. He's Max.

    love it 0w0.
  • edited November 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    I'm Sam. He's Max.

    That is awesome. Top notch work. I really like the black and white line work. Really gives it that comic feel to it.
  • edited November 2010
    ace147900 wrote:
    The animation looks nice, and is quite promising. Keep at it! I'd like to see where you'd go on from here!



    crfh], that's a megacool drawing! :)

    And, regarding myself, I'll just give again the link to YouTube and copy the description...
    Today I've added several possible tilts (down and up) for Max's head, improved the eyes (plus added the possibility of blinking), and modified ears and mouth for each head position accordingly.
  • edited November 2010
    @crfh: Yay! I'm glad you did that one first. It's very well done. Now for the rest... please..?
  • edited November 2010
    Thanks a bunch, guys. I'm gonna do another, probably the next weekend :D Which one?
  • edited November 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    A pic of Sam using Max as a sword

    This is my next vote! :p
  • edited November 2010
    I'm with Jeeno here, I wan't a MAx sword
  • edited November 2010
  • edited November 2010
    Heeey remember that sculpter I said I'd do and get done by last sunday? No? Well etherway it's still not done but here is a current work in progress.

  • edited November 2010
    Wow, very nice!
  • edited November 2010
    Wow, you did a really good job with that hand that's grabbing the Max figure!

    OK, the Max figure looks promising, too. :rolleyes:
  • edited November 2010
    Looks like the figure is coming along nicely :)

    Just got done with this:
    I'll be honest, I don't get tired of drawing him. It's not like I've drawn him properly in a long time though.

    Anyways, this was supposed to be a relatively quick drawing and end at the scanning and fixing some big things here and there, but then I had to clean it up, and then I had to "ink" it, and then...yeah I couldn't stop.

    I'm sure there must be SOMETHING wrong with it, either the shading or I made his right side too small. One of the two..or both. Oh well.
  • edited November 2010
    Can't get tired of Noir Sam as well :D good job!
  • edited November 2010
    Thanks :D

    I updated it to move the eyes around because their position was REALLY bothering me btw.
  • edited November 2010
    Hey Cheri you should stop playing Fallout: New Vegas because it results in stuff like this.
  • edited November 2010
    That is both bizarre and awesome. I love how even with all that armor, Sam still doesn't wear shoes, and a cyborg Max is both crazy awesome and incredibly terrifying.
  • edited November 2010
    Dude, that's epic. Cheri, you never cease to amaze me with your creativity.

    Here's a sneak peek at my current piece.


    And now it's done. Bet you weren't expecting I go in this direction, right?

  • edited November 2010
    Yay Cheri art! :D Great job with the shading divisionten :D

    Okay, so I finished it a little early. Man I suck at cross-hatching, but I think it looked rather stark without it.

    So yeah, Sam using Max as a sword.
  • edited November 2010
    Gee guys, you're only making me feel totally outclassed in this page XD

    Man I really need to convince my parents to buy me a tablet. I guess I should say that it'd be pretty helpful for my career (which is true).
  • edited November 2010
    @ crfh: Nicely done! I suppose I should let someone else pick the next image for you to ink since I chose the last two...

    ... but if I were to choose, I would go for a pic of Max going "raiiiiinbow" in that fluttery finger fashion coined by the immortal Hugh Bliss.
  • edited November 2010
    Ok, fair enough. Here's the list for the rest of you guys.

    Done: A "badass", back-to-back sam and max pose, a pic of Sam using Max as a sword

    Not Done:
    A Calvin-Hobbenesque pic, radio flyer included
    A pic of Sam making Max "fly"
    A pic of Max going "raiiiiinbow" in that fluttery finger fashion coined by the immortal Hugh Bliss.
    Max jumping over Sam to get to the phone and crushes his hat.
    Addendum: I found another where Sam just slaps Max out of the way. Wheee!
  • edited November 2010
    Long time no see~

    ... gah, I've missed out on amazing artworks here, I love them guys!! ;A;

    And now for something depressing... have a nice day. XD

  • edited November 2010
    Holy crap.
  • edited November 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Heeey remember that sculpter I said I'd do and get done by last sunday? No? Well etherway it's still not done but here is a current work in progress.


    Oh my god, you have those super mario magnets aswell :)

    oh crap page 80?!?! wow i seem stupid right now
  • edited November 2010
    It came free in magizine. I sorta had to plaster them tastlessly all over the fridge XD
  • edited November 2010
    here's one I drew that involved high-powered firearms... (okay maybe Max's gun is not high-powered)
  • edited November 2010
    I said I was going to do it...



    SAMU to MAKUSU wa jibun no ofisu o souji suru toki, JESHI JEMUSU no te wa MAKUSU no kubi o shimete shimaimashita. SAMU wa warawasemashita.

    When Sam and Max were cleaning their office, Jessie James' hand strangled Max. Sam laughed [at Max's pain].

    The grammar:
    ~時 (~toki)
    MEANING: When ~ happens/happened (during the time of ~)

    EX: サムとマクスは子供の時、いつも一緒にいました。
    SAMU to MAKUSU wa kodomo no toki, itsumo issho ni imashita.
    When Sam and Max were children, they were always together.

    〜てしまう/〜てしまった (~te shimau/ ~te shimaimashita) A verb ending in ~te followed by any form of shimau (shimaimasu/ shimatta/ shimaimashita etc)
    MEANING: Something that is/was unfortunate is occurring/has occurred. Like Jessie James' severed hand strangling Max.

    "ZAA SHITI ZATTO DEAZU NOTTO SURIIPU" to iu geemu de, MAKUSU wa bakuhashite, shinde shimaimashita.
    In the game "The City that Dares Not Sleep", Max
    blows up and dies

    EX: 「グレイズド・ミックガッフィンもう売ってしまった!」
    "GUREIZUDO MAKKUGAFFIN mou utte shimatta!"
    "[They're] all sold out of Glazed McGuffins!"

    ~あせる (aseru)
    Doing something at someone else (laughing at someone, etc.) that you normally wouldn't want done to you. Unfortunately, I can't think of any good sentences at the moment.
  • edited November 2010
    I love it! Keep 'em coming. Question: in the sentence 「グレイズド・ミックガッフィンもう売ってしまった!」 don't you need some kind of negative to make it sold out instead of still selling? Is that somehow implied by the combination of mou and shimatta?
  • edited November 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    I love it! Keep 'em coming. Question: in the sentence 「グレイズド・ミックガッフィンもう売ってしまった!」 don't you need some kind of negative to make it sold out instead of still selling? Is that somehow implied by the combination of mou and shimatta?

    You can't use a negative verb with shimau (~nakute shimau - can't be done).

    There's a separate verb for "to sell out of something" (売り捌く, urisabaku) which can take ~shimau because it doesn't need to be conjugated in the negative. (売り場いてしまう, urisabaite shimau).

    So, while 「グレイズド・ミックガッフィンもう売ってしまった!」 is something Max would probably have said in the "Glazed McGuffin Affair" had it been dubbed in Japanese, technically, it should be 「グレイズド・ミックガッフィンもう売り場いてしまった!」

    I just wanted to provide a simple example, but, hey, you've got a good eye. How long have you been studying Japanese?
  • edited November 2010
    Oh I haven't been studying it formally, more of a hobbyistic interest.I think it's about 5 years ago I first started, using Slime Forest Adventure to memorize kana and some kanji meanings. A combination of that knowledge, basic grammar and Rikaichan goes a long way for understanding Japanese sentences online.
  • edited November 2010
  • edited November 2010
    pheeph wrote: »

    That is SOOOOOOO creepy. It's like, just bordering on the edge of the Rule that I daren't speak of... In fact,... AAAAGGHH!
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