Yesterday and today I had my first rounds of a form of chemo since getting over swine flu.
This? Made my miserable day today so much better. Though I may have wanted to throw the computer across the room when I came across the third bug, I would totally rather have a game with a few bugs that are fixed by reloading the program than not have it.
I loved it. And I'm ready for season two already. (I don't believe for a moment there won't be a season two, given the after-credits-bit. Though, I admit, I was shocked after playing the first two Bone games to discover there wouldn't (apparently) be any more. Still, this is Monkey Island, and I live in hope.)
Thank you, Tell Tale. It was imperfect, as all games are, and the fact that I love it so with the imperfections is the greatest compliment I can give you.
hate to admit it but I am underwhelmed. I just think TT need more time (and perhaps money) to create more environments to give an adventure game more, well, adventure. It's the same with Sam n Max's finales, we only have a couple of new places while the rest is jumping back and forth through recycled locations. I want the next series (and SnM season 3) to have the maximum of one revisited location. I like branching out into new unexplored places, not in short circles.
I honestly hate to say it, but I agree with Marty. I'm not so much bothered about the rather restricted locations, but the game definitely felt undercooked.
The biggest problem was clearly the number of bugs. I got that stuck page after the sword fight with Morgan, in the fight with LeChuck (you can get stuck here by picking up the broken door and then just chatting to Elaine. All of a sudden the door is suspended in midair, and since Guybrush has neither dropped it nor placed it correctly, it stays there and LeChuck never shows up) and had several minor blips, including Guybrish not running, but simply walking faster when you press the run button.
The sponge's diet puzzle feels altogether too easy as well. Out of 6 items you need, 4 are just lying around. And though I'm glad we got a happy ending, it did feel very 'snap of fingers and everything's hunky-dory again'. Generally, I think TTG ran out of time by a fairly considerable way.
It's also a little frustrating if you care about the characters. The Voodoo Lady's motivations are never resolved - was she manipulating them all? Was she ever? Is she still? Elaine's behaviour is extremely bizarre throughout. And for the love of Dave Jones WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POOR HYPNOTIZED MONKEYS??
I know I'm whinging, and there was a lot to enjoy. It's wonderfully atmospheric and genuinely funny in places. The series has been amazing in general and I dearly hope there's more. It's just so frustrating that a series which has been so consistently and thoroughly strong ended on a flawed episode.
Just finished. Am I the only one a bit disappointed? I was expecting a story less predictable. Lechuck the pirate god, lechuck wanted guybrush take the esponja for him to became much powerfull. It's only me or it was a little predictable? Then, much of the question aren't answered, considered the call to a season two.. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I wished a real final chapter, not a door to others 5-6 chapters... and the finale was too fast. Anyway, the rest was excellent. Great puzzles, great scenarios, but my favourite (with shock reveals and so on) remains the fourth
I agree with you, fourth episode felt epic in comparison to this finale. I was hoping for some major revelations, especially concerning the Voodoo lady. But alas, I had fun.
I agree with you, fourth episode felt epic in comparison to this finale. I was hoping for some major revelations, especially concerning the Voodoo lady. But alas, I had fun.
But, thinking of it... elaine give the ring to guybrush, because she "knew everything from the beginning and had a master plan". Ok, but how she knew that in the underworld the ring could help guybrush to get out in that way?
And, if morgan can't escape from the underworld, where were she in the last cutscene? Was the voodoo lady in the underworld, then? The entire story about voodoo lady makes me crazy, it's all more confusing then before. is possibile that morgan was a traitor and worked all the time with voodoo lady? I don't want to think of it. I already hate when her betrays guybrush at the end of the third chapter.
Too bad that de singe hadn't space in this chapter. Was the land of death, after all, and I love de singe. I can't axcept yet a death so cruel
brought Morgan's spirit back via some ritual involving her corpse. Who else would have taken it?
There's a little thing that I missed.
What was the real motif because morgan can't pass the rip? I'm sure that gabel told us, but I didn't catch it. I'm not english, and maybe I miss an important line.
What was the real motif because morgan can't pass the rip? I'm sure that gabel told us, but I didn't catch it. I'm not english, and maybe I miss an important line.
The spell presumably only works for the person who cast it. After all, it requires a sacrifice in a specific person's name, so it makes sense that only that person can go through.
The spell presumably only works for the person who cast it. After all, it requires a sacrifice in a specific person's name, so it makes sense that only that person can go through.
Now I ask myself how can lechuck escape from the underworld, alone, with this spell. Or maybe he wasn't alone. And obviously I want to know who was his friend. I want to know all, to know much more
Ps: I don't think the spell works for one person. Infact, lechuck in the end pass often trough the rip.
LeChuck was supercharged with voodoo magic at that point. The Cutlass of Kuflu was supposed to obliterate him with one swing, but he had the power to shrug it off. Same principle?
LeChuck was supercharged with voodoo magic at that point. The Cutlass of Kuflu was supposed to obliterate him with one swing, but he had the power to shrug it off. Same principle?
lechuck is so powerfull he can do anything he want? I don't know, but is possible. Remains to clarify the whole story around the monkeys of gelato. Are they the spell of the living world to enter in the underworld? But why? I know that those are small and less important questions, but I think that to much things in the story were left to our imagination. I repeat: on many points, I am more confused then before.
Very pleased over all with this last episode, with a few caveats. I thought there WAS a bit too much hopping around between locations, and after the feast for the senses was my least favourite of the Ch. 4 puzzles (because it sort of grinds all the plot development to a halt while it's going on) I was less than thrilled about having to do the opposite spell in this version. Aside from those little things, though, very satisfying ending. You folks keep on working on ways to improve the pacing of your episodes and I'm sure the next one will be even better. Bravo.
None of the puzzles were particularly challenging/engaging, but I've come to accept that TellTale makes games with a more casual take than the adventure games of yore.
The story was considerably better written than one might first assume on a single play through of the episodes. Where first I saw plot holes I now see planning for a second season and where I thought I saw inconsistencies I can now see explanations that are either subtle or so straight forward I'm surprised I missed it the first time.
My only complaint about this series is that there is a considerable amount of back and forth that was not very enjoyable as well as a few spots of recycled content that not only stood out, but were confusing (just changing accessories does not make a model appear like a new character, the human mind is good at recognizing faces... changing the nose would be enough if need be, it would also make them more memorable). I feel a lot of this could have been solved by just making this a full title instead of an episodic game, which would have better suited the story as well.
Overall though I'm happy and very glad I bought it. I'm very much looking forward to more.
I LOVED this episode! never mind the occasional graphics glitch and the backtracking. I especially appreciate that all the shoutouts to the first (and second) MI games were really for the closure aspect, moreso than just 'hey lookit! a MI reference!'.
The Diet of the Senses puzzle did feel a little short, since I realized I had most of the ingredients by the time I found it. When I was told reverse the Feast of the Senses spell, I expected it to be called the Fast of the Senses. Anybody else think that?
Also, was the whole thing with Anemone and Winslow a giant red herring, or was there more than one way to solve the locket puzzle?
But, thinking of it... elaine give the ring to guybrush, because she "knew everything from the beginning and had a master plan". Ok, but how she knew that in the underworld the ring could help guybrush to get out in that way?
Maybe a second playthrough will clear things up for me, but I couldn't figure it out either. I'm not even sure how that worked, since it brought Guybrush back for real. Elaine's been cited under Xanatos Speed Chess on the Monkey Island page in tvtropes for that one.
What was the real motif because morgan can't pass the rip? I'm sure that gabel told us, but I didn't catch it. I'm not english, and maybe I miss an important line.
Huh, so Guybrush isn't the only clueless one. Morgan was lying about that thing being her Reputation, just watch her face. She was giving up her Shred of Life. She just didn't want Guybrush to feel bad about her sacrifice, but she wanted to redeem herself for the betrayal. Either way, she gave up her last connection to the physical world, so she couldn't go back.
I was kind of annoyed about the travel aspect, too. Couldn't they have put the rips in places closer to the docks? At least with the Sword Mastery rip, it's visible from the dock, so you can doubleclick on it right after you get off the boat and Guybrush will auto run there. It's getting down afterward that's more of a problem.
All in all, it was still as great an ending for Monkey Island that I could have hoped for. I'm hoping next season doesn't ruin the closure we got out of this one - I didn't manage to make out what was in the jar, but now that I know, I don't want the obvious to happen. Of course, Telltale is anything but obvious with regard to their writing, so I'm optimistic that the next one will be even better!
My friend and I just finished playing it and I want to throw out a huge congratulations to everyone involved with this game.
I've always been impressed with how Telltale can pack so much into just a few simple screens, but this one takes the cake. All the animation, the cut-scenes, the clever puzzles, and the attention to detail (especially how Guybrush's voice doesn't slip up when he's ailing at the end and I'm inspecting inventory for kicks.)
And the writing - it's just BRILLIANT. If I look at all 5 episodes as one game, it's probably the first Monkey Island game that has taken some real risks with it's story and characters and come out shining on the other end. Heck, it's probably even the first Monkey Island since the first to have real heart. I'm going to say with all sincerity, that to me, Telltale is to video games what Pixar is to movies. You guys are good at what you do, and you just keep getting better.
Oh, and did anyone notice that the Voodoo lady took the form of a swarm of crabs? Remind anyone of anything, say an oddly similar Voodoo lady from another piraty franchise?
very few puzzles throughout the whole game (maybe a couple), were difficult to solve.
I am thinking they had to downgrade the level of the puzzles in order to make TMI a game for all users and not only to adventure game experienced customers. TMI is a lot easier even compared to other telltalegames such as Sam&Max.
Just finished it at 10:20 AM wow is all I can say.
It looks like the voodoo lady is up to no good with Morgan as a Ghost Pirate Hunter and LeChuck is in a jar? o80
Season 2 will defo be here in a year or so.
Right at the end you see a Pirate flag with Sam&Max 2010, so Telltale may do the same with other Telltale Games when Monkey Island season 2 is ready for release.
Now I need to finish EMI and LCR I still have not finished them 2 yet, hoping Lucasarts bring out LCR SE?
Rise of the Pirate God was just F*****G brilliant, the puzzles were not that easy, but when you have been playing Monkey Island from the first one back in 1990 you develop a way of thinking in the games.
Here’s to season 2 : ) :cheers: :pirate: :banana: :bow: :violin:
What was the real motif because morgan can't pass the rip? I'm sure that gabel told us, but I didn't catch it. I'm not english, and maybe I miss an important line.
Actually the Voodoo Lady explained it, saying that Guybrush only could pass through because he had his Shred of Life on him.
Although obviously we can't quite believe anything she says off the bat anymore.
Great job, all of the chapters!
I really loved ToMI, especially the more mature tension in Guybrushs and Elainey / Morgans relationship. I'm begging you and surely I cannot be alone to continue in Monkey business... best entertainment for long
As just an overall judgement on the series:
Well done! Despite the episodic nature of the series you guys did a great job of making the story both epic and relevant to the series if you love MI you can't overlook this game at all. That said, the game had some great dramatic moments that I felt fell flat. If in the future somebody remakes these games with better graphic that would help a lot, but the main deal here is both the lack of blood and the lack of dramatic music...
Overall, it's a 9/10 set of games, but if only it had better direction in areas...
Ok, it was a wonderful tie-up, it was marvelously referential (and reverential?) to the classic series and it was fun.
But (you knew there was a but, right?) - as others have said, it was waay too easy. I expect to have to put the game down occasionally, sleep on it and wait for a threepwoody-inspiration. I don't expect to sit down and play from start to finish in a few hours without once struggling for inspiration.
Ah well, at least the
Voodoo Lady/Morgan epilogue
hints that Telltale aren't done with the franchise yet. Here's hoping!
hey good job guys. i guess it was kinda worth the wait. i somehow feel the puzzles were a bit too easy but i was really impressed with the graphics and the environment. it was really kick ass especially le chuck's ship and the boat. im a little disappointed that murray wasn't there in this episode, hope they bring him back in future episodes. ne way thanks for bringing back monkey island and also i appologise for my earlier comments. i guess it wasn't so bad after all.
I enjoyed this chapter very much - though the puzzles were extended by the old run back and forth over the world kludge.
Pyrite mites
is sure to become a running gag.
I sort of feel sorry for Mo. I hope she gets a happy ending at some point.
Anyway, mad speculation - Season 2 - playing as Elaine in the parts of the story that were 'off screen' for Guybrush? That would get us closure on the monkeys.
Guybrush would be stuck in the center of the crossroads? Eventually, the credits would roll over top of the screen and you would hear Guybrush scream "Help!", "Hello?"
I don't have a sick mind and I am all for a sequel - it's just that I spent a few good minutes there; finally thinking, "Is this it?" and I started laughing about the idea.
I figure that since we already know why "The Secret of Monkey Island" is called so, from playing this last chapter
- it's a perfect finale! Plus, I don't care for Elaine anymore.
This? Made my miserable day today so much better. Though I may have wanted to throw the computer across the room when I came across the third bug, I would totally rather have a game with a few bugs that are fixed by reloading the program than not have it.
I loved it. And I'm ready for season two already. (I don't believe for a moment there won't be a season two, given the after-credits-bit. Though, I admit, I was shocked after playing the first two Bone games to discover there wouldn't (apparently) be any more. Still, this is Monkey Island, and I live in hope.)
Thank you, Tell Tale. It was imperfect, as all games are, and the fact that I love it so with the imperfections is the greatest compliment I can give you.
The sponge's diet puzzle feels altogether too easy as well. Out of 6 items you need, 4 are just lying around. And though I'm glad we got a happy ending, it did feel very 'snap of fingers and everything's hunky-dory again'. Generally, I think TTG ran out of time by a fairly considerable way.
It's also a little frustrating if you care about the characters. The Voodoo Lady's motivations are never resolved - was she manipulating them all? Was she ever? Is she still? Elaine's behaviour is extremely bizarre throughout. And for the love of Dave Jones WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POOR HYPNOTIZED MONKEYS??
I know I'm whinging, and there was a lot to enjoy. It's wonderfully atmospheric and genuinely funny in places. The series has been amazing in general and I dearly hope there's more. It's just so frustrating that a series which has been so consistently and thoroughly strong ended on a flawed episode.
Sorry for the rant.
But, thinking of it... elaine give the ring to guybrush, because she "knew everything from the beginning and had a master plan". Ok, but how she knew that in the underworld the ring could help guybrush to get out in that way?
And, if morgan can't escape from the underworld, where were she in the last cutscene? Was the voodoo lady in the underworld, then? The entire story about voodoo lady makes me crazy, it's all more confusing then before. is possibile that morgan was a traitor and worked all the time with voodoo lady? I don't want to think of it. I already hate when her betrays guybrush at the end of the third chapter.
Too bad that de singe hadn't space in this chapter. Was the land of death, after all, and I love de singe. I can't axcept yet a death so cruel
There's a little thing that I missed.
What was the real motif because morgan can't pass the rip? I'm sure that gabel told us, but I didn't catch it. I'm not english, and maybe I miss an important line.
many said it's lechuck. Me too missed what was in the jar, anyway
The spell presumably only works for the person who cast it. After all, it requires a sacrifice in a specific person's name, so it makes sense that only that person can go through.
Swirling green voodoo with LeChuck's belt buckle in the middle. It was screaming with LeChuck's voice, so it's safe to assume it's LeChuck's essence.
Now I ask myself how can lechuck escape from the underworld, alone, with this spell. Or maybe he wasn't alone. And obviously I want to know who was his friend. I want to know all, to know much more
Ps: I don't think the spell works for one person. Infact, lechuck in the end pass often trough the rip.
lechuck is so powerfull he can do anything he want? I don't know, but is possible. Remains to clarify the whole story around the monkeys of gelato. Are they the spell of the living world to enter in the underworld? But why? I know that those are small and less important questions, but I think that to much things in the story were left to our imagination. I repeat: on many points, I am more confused then before.
None of the puzzles were particularly challenging/engaging, but I've come to accept that TellTale makes games with a more casual take than the adventure games of yore.
The story was considerably better written than one might first assume on a single play through of the episodes. Where first I saw plot holes I now see planning for a second season and where I thought I saw inconsistencies I can now see explanations that are either subtle or so straight forward I'm surprised I missed it the first time.
My only complaint about this series is that there is a considerable amount of back and forth that was not very enjoyable as well as a few spots of recycled content that not only stood out, but were confusing (just changing accessories does not make a model appear like a new character, the human mind is good at recognizing faces... changing the nose would be enough if need be, it would also make them more memorable). I feel a lot of this could have been solved by just making this a full title instead of an episodic game, which would have better suited the story as well.
Overall though I'm happy and very glad I bought it. I'm very much looking forward to more.
The Diet of the Senses puzzle did feel a little short, since I realized I had most of the ingredients by the time I found it. When I was told reverse the Feast of the Senses spell, I expected it to be called the Fast of the Senses. Anybody else think that?
Also, was the whole thing with Anemone and Winslow a giant red herring, or was there more than one way to solve the locket puzzle?
Maybe a second playthrough will clear things up for me, but I couldn't figure it out either. I'm not even sure how that worked, since it brought Guybrush back for real. Elaine's been cited under Xanatos Speed Chess on the Monkey Island page in tvtropes for that one.
Huh, so Guybrush isn't the only clueless one. Morgan was lying about that thing being her Reputation, just watch her face. She was giving up her Shred of Life. She just didn't want Guybrush to feel bad about her sacrifice, but she wanted to redeem herself for the betrayal. Either way, she gave up her last connection to the physical world, so she couldn't go back.
I was kind of annoyed about the travel aspect, too. Couldn't they have put the rips in places closer to the docks? At least with the Sword Mastery rip, it's visible from the dock, so you can doubleclick on it right after you get off the boat and Guybrush will auto run there. It's getting down afterward that's more of a problem.
All in all, it was still as great an ending for Monkey Island that I could have hoped for. I'm hoping next season doesn't ruin the closure we got out of this one - I didn't manage to make out what was in the jar, but now that I know, I don't want the obvious to happen. Of course, Telltale is anything but obvious with regard to their writing, so I'm optimistic that the next one will be even better!
I've always been impressed with how Telltale can pack so much into just a few simple screens, but this one takes the cake. All the animation, the cut-scenes, the clever puzzles, and the attention to detail (especially how Guybrush's voice doesn't slip up when he's ailing at the end and I'm inspecting inventory for kicks.)
And the writing - it's just BRILLIANT. If I look at all 5 episodes as one game, it's probably the first Monkey Island game that has taken some real risks with it's story and characters and come out shining on the other end. Heck, it's probably even the first Monkey Island since the first to have real heart. I'm going to say with all sincerity, that to me, Telltale is to video games what Pixar is to movies. You guys are good at what you do, and you just keep getting better.
Keep up the fantastic work.
Recursive influence for the win
very few puzzles throughout the whole game (maybe a couple), were difficult to solve.
I am thinking they had to downgrade the level of the puzzles in order to make TMI a game for all users and not only to adventure game experienced customers. TMI is a lot easier even compared to other telltalegames such as Sam&Max.
Season 2 will defo be here in a year or so.
Now I need to finish EMI and LCR I still have not finished them 2 yet, hoping Lucasarts bring out LCR SE?
Rise of the Pirate God was just F*****G brilliant, the puzzles were not that easy, but when you have been playing Monkey Island from the first one back in 1990 you develop a way of thinking in the games.
Here’s to season 2 : ) :cheers: :pirate: :banana: :bow: :violin:
Incorrect, I must say. Besides the ship scene, all puzzles were fairly easy. I'm kinda disappointed about it.
Actually the Voodoo Lady explained it, saying that Guybrush only could pass through because he had his Shred of Life on him.
Although obviously we can't quite believe anything she says off the bat anymore.
I really loved ToMI, especially the more mature tension in Guybrushs and Elainey / Morgans relationship. I'm begging you and surely I cannot be alone to continue in Monkey business... best entertainment for long
Great Picture MightyPirate
Why can't we all do some from Rise of the Pirate God, it would look good seeing what other member's come up with.
That's so true.
Well done! Despite the episodic nature of the series you guys did a great job of making the story both epic and relevant to the series if you love MI you can't overlook this game at all. That said, the game had some great dramatic moments that I felt fell flat. If in the future somebody remakes these games with better graphic that would help a lot, but the main deal here is both the lack of blood and the lack of dramatic music...
Overall, it's a 9/10 set of games, but if only it had better direction in areas...
But (you knew there was a but, right?) - as others have said, it was waay too easy. I expect to have to put the game down occasionally, sleep on it and wait for a threepwoody-inspiration. I don't expect to sit down and play from start to finish in a few hours without once struggling for inspiration.
Ah well, at least the
I enjoyed this chapter very much - though the puzzles were extended by the old run back and forth over the world kludge.
I sort of feel sorry for Mo. I hope she gets a happy ending at some point.
Anyway, mad speculation - Season 2 - playing as Elaine in the parts of the story that were 'off screen' for Guybrush? That would get us closure on the monkeys.