The Voice Actor Discussion Thread



  • edited November 2010

    You are comparing the voice of AJ with a much older voice of MJ. Fox.
    Also Marty McFly wasn't M.J. Fox's speaking voice 50% of the time. He made it sound squeeky and breaking sometime.

    If you want to hear non-screaming Marty lines from AJ play the Bejeweled Blitz game. He sounds just like Marty
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Do we know for sure that Biff is actually going to be in the game?

    More than one, I'm sure of that. Also, recent pictures from the BTTF facebook game suggest that the "original" Biff is to return.
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    He doesn't specifically say that he was never contacted, just that he isn't involved in any way. I'm also having trouble telling whether he's being sarcastic (or at least joking around) or not, honestly.

    I feel the same thing. It's a bit of an enigmatic answer from Tom. If he's not joking, he does sound rather sad that he doesn't return as Biff. If he's joking, however...

    ...I don't get the joke. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    Origami wrote: »

    You are comparing the voice of AJ with a much older voice of MJ. Fox.
    Also Marty McFly wasn't M.J. Fox's speaking voice 50% of the time. He made it sound squeeky and breaking sometime.

    If you want to hear non-screaming Marty lines from AJ play the Bejeweled Blitz game. He sounds just like Marty
    Exactly. AJ is doing Marty McFly's voice very specifically from the first Back to the Future movie (even by BTTF II, MJF's voice had changed, gotten lower). Just for kicks, the other day I played non-screaming Marty dialogue scenes from the movie back-to-back with AJ's non-screaming dialogue, and it's virtually identical.
  • edited November 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Really don't see how Aj sounds like MJ O_o ...
    As you know its AJ now, maybe thats why.
  • edited November 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Just for kicks, the other day I played non-screaming Marty dialogue scenes from the movie back-to-back with AJ's non-screaming dialogue, and it's virtually identical.

    Care to post a comparison video on youtube? :p
  • edited November 2010
    Care to post a comparison video on youtube? :p
    I would, but the AJ audio I used is private stuff for Insider Forum members only. :cool:
  • edited November 2010
    Not for you guys. Hehehehe :rolleyes:
  • edited November 2010
    Care to post a comparison video on youtube? :p
    Pre-order then you'll get it....... $25 is peanuts imo, well, to me anyway as I pay in pounds.... If only we changed to dollars.......
  • edited November 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    The only rational reason I can think of for Telltale not to approach Tom Wilson at all is that their budget only allowed them to get one original cast member, and they chose Christopher Lloyd (and, quite honestly, if it came down to a choice between Lloyd and Wilson, I would have chosen Lloyd, too). However, if that's not the reason, then the real reason better be a damn good one. And the new Biff voice better be damn good as well. Like, AJ LoCascio good.

    Its also possible that Telltale contacted Tom's agent and the agent didn't forward the request to Tom. Such as either the voice work offer was very low or he knew Tom would have said no and didn't want to piss off his client.
  • edited November 2010
    Tom Wilson is doing the voice. I am calling it!
  • edited November 2010
    Give A.J.'s new voice acting demo reel a listen. It's pretty amazing!

    The guy's joker impression is a little off, but is good enough considering that Mark Hamil have gone onto record saying that he'll retire the joker's voice after doing the sequel of that Batman game.

    Would be cool if the WB hire this guy to replace Hamil
  • edited November 2010
    Bloody hell! A.J. does some amazing impressions. I didn't realise he did anyone other than Marty McFly.

    I was blown away nearly all the voices in that demo reel. Particularly Ewan McGregor, Harrison Ford & Stan Lee. Lucasarts really should hire him and not the Clone Wars cartoon actor for any future Star Wars games.
  • edited November 2010
    PedsterUK wrote: »
    Pre-order then you'll get it....... $25 is peanuts imo, well, to me anyway as I pay in pounds.... If only we changed to dollars.......

    I did pre-order, but I don't want to go to the trouble of extracting the lines from the films and placing them side by side etc.
  • edited November 2010
    tarasis wrote: »
    Bloody hell! A.J. does some amazing impressions. I didn't realise he did anyone other than Marty McFly.

    I was blown away nearly all the voices in that demo reel. Particularly Ewan McGregor, Harrison Ford & Stan Lee. Lucasarts really should hire him and not the Clone Wars cartoon actor for any future Star Wars games.

    Just for the novelty of mentioning it, I'll note that the actor who plays Obi-wan in the Clone Wars cartoon and games is... James Arnold Taylor. Seriously these two need to have a duel
  • edited November 2010
    Just for the novelty of mentioning it, I'll note that the actor who plays Obi-wan in the Clone Wars cartoon and games is... James Arnold Taylor. Seriously these two need to have a duel

    Well he already lost to AJ for the Marty part, since he had auditionned for Marty before getting the role of young Doc.
  • edited November 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Well he already lost to AJ for the Marty part, since he had auditionned for Marty before getting the role of young Doc.

    I know, that's why I think it's interesting to see him brought up again seemingly by coincidence. They both do an excellent Marty McFly, they've both gotten work imitating Jack Sparrow and they both do an impressive Obi-wan Kenobi, makes me wonder how many other voices they have in common, and makes me really want to see (hear) them go head-to-head. It would be quite entertaining in my estimation
  • edited November 2010
    Oooh, a duel between AJ and James would be awesome!

    (Plays "Duel of the Fates" while they voice act)
  • edited November 2010
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Just for the novelty of mentioning it, I'll note that the actor who plays Obi-wan in the Clone Wars cartoon and games is... James Arnold Taylor. Seriously these two need to have a duel

    Really? Whoa didn't realise. Small world.
  • edited December 2010
    does anyone know who does the voice of George Mcfly in the trailer, it sounds a lot like Crispen Glover.
  • edited December 2010
    I very much doubt it was Glover, or his likeness would've been used more fully.

    It might have been one of the Telltale regulars, like Andrew Chaikin (I think I can hear some of his accent in there) or Jared Emerson Johnson even (sounds vaguely similar to the leader of the COPS in Sam & Max). could be someone completely new!
  • edited December 2010
    So if you copy Crispen Glover's voice too closely will he sue TTG?
  • edited December 2010
    I have to say they pulled it off with George McFly. Although he doesn't look exactly like him he still really looks like him. Lol..hard to grasp?
    Maybe it's the clothes and the use of colour, hair delivery of lines...I dunno...but my worries about George McFly have been taken away completely.
    The first nano-second the model for him appeared in the trailer it screamed 'Density'
  • edited December 2010
    does anyone know who does the voice of George Mcfly in the trailer, it sounds a lot like Crispen Glover.
    I very much doubt it was Glover, or his likeness would've been used more fully.
    Just more of that Telltale voice casting magic. Raises my hopes even higher for the voice of Biff.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Just more of that Telltale voice casting magic. Raises my hopes even higher for the voice of Biff.
    I'm sure Tom Wilson would happily do Biff again, after all:
  • edited December 2010
    Can someone link me to the trailer? I thought I'd seen it, but I guess not if I missed this much.
  • edited December 2010
    OK, I'm going to look like a complete butthead here, but a little self-deprecating humor never hurt anyone, so... I did not know until this moment that Crispin Glover had been replaced in the BTTF movies. My mind is blown, my inner-child feels violated, and I will never be able to look at the BTTF movies the same again. I guess Crispin Glover has a reason to be ticked off, because at least one person (me) was completely fooled into thinking he was in all 3 movies!
  • edited December 2010
    Doc Brown wrote: »
    I'm sure Tom Wilson would happily do Biff again, after all:

    Yeah well, on comments he sounds more like he's angry about Telltale not contacting him about the game. Which makes me kinda sad, really.
  • edited December 2010
    Can someone link me to the trailer? I thought I'd seen it, but I guess not if I missed this much.
    Here is that Back to the Future trailer you wanted.
  • edited December 2010
    thanks mate
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Yeah well, on comments he sounds more like he's angry about Telltale not contacting him about the game. Which makes me kinda sad, really.

    Well according to comments he doesn't want to be involved in any BTTF products. I guess we can forget about Tom Wilson voicing Biff then?
  • edited December 2010
    Nothing has been confirmed yet. Who knows? Maybe it's all a stunt and they want to keep Tom Wilson as Biff a secret.

    It's very hard...wait let me rephrase. I am 100% sure that TellTale at least tried to approach him about the project. Why wouldn't they? They can always do a shot in the dark. I mean look at what lengths they took to stay so true to the franchise.

    But someone already proposed the idea that his manager might not have given Tom the heads-up of this gig when he got contacted.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    But someone already proposed the idea that his manager might not have given Tom the heads-up of this gig when he got contacted.

    He could just not reply on that comment, instead of totally lying. But still, he's Biff. You can never know or trust...
  • edited December 2010
    Knowing Tom Wilson he's likely to joke with it.
    But we'll see....

    Young Biff probably won't even be in the game. It will be the older one and a gangster version who is likely to be Biff's father or uncle.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    He could just not reply on that comment, instead of totally lying. But still, he's Biff. You can never know or trust...

    Biff as a character is untrustworthy. Tom Wilson is apparently a very nice guy.

    As for Biff...honestly, I hope not. That was one of the things that got wearily boring in the animated series was the "Tannen of the week".
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    It's very hard...wait let me rephrase. I am 100% sure that TellTale at least tried to approach him about the project. Why wouldn't they? They can always do a shot in the dark. I mean look at what lengths they took to stay so true to the franchise.

    I don't work for Telltale and could very well be wrong, but I believe that, given how Telltale's dealt almost exclusively with licensed games and tries to be true to the spirit of these licenses, they always make an effort to get the original actors when possible. Sometimes they succeed (the entire cast of Homestar Runner, the cast of CSI, Guybrush, Elaine, and later LeChuck, The Heavy in Poker Night, Doc Brown), and sometimes they don't (Sam and Max, Wallace, Stan, the Voodoo Lady, and at first LeChuck, Marty McFly), but they probably always at least try.

    I'm guessing that when casting BttF, Telltale tried getting as many cast members from the movies as possible to return. We know they asked Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox, but they probably also asked Tom Wilson, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover...hell, I bet they spent a lot of time trying to find the number of the guy who played Strickland too. How much of the original cast they succeeded in grabbing, however, remains to be seen. (That said, even if none of the other actors could be obtained, I'm pretty happy just with Christopher Lloyd as Doc.)
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I was arguing what someone here said about that Tom Wilson is mad at TellTale because they didn't contact him. Which I don't believe for reasons you mentioned too.
  • edited December 2010
    (the entire cast of Homestar Runner,...)

    Well... they are only three people anyway.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Well... they are only three people anyway.

    Yeah, but returning voices are returning voices.

    Also, can you imagine what Matt had to do for with SBCG4AP? With video games (especially point-and-click adventures, which are dialogue-heavy by nature), you have to record dialogue for any possible situation. Matt had to do (almost) every character in the game. He must have been exhausted.
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