The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited December 2011
    Completely missed this game first time round

    Also bought Sanitarium from GOG
  • edited December 2011
    The Humble Indie Bundle 4.
  • edited December 2011

    Also, the 4th Humble Indie Bundle. Cave Story + for teh win.
  • edited December 2011
    Double-post, sorry.


    Stop having great deals, people! I can't sodding afford it!
  • edited December 2011
    Isn't that kind of the idea of a sale? So it's in a price range where you can afford it?
    Now I can see the complication if they do it for a long time. :p

    Last thing I bought was, 2 milk, 1 bread, 3 rice deserts, 1 yoghurt, 5 vegetable pies and 2 bags of Maltersers.
  • edited December 2011
    I've spent so much over the last few days it's not even funny. Two indie bundles, Three brand new games, Two blu-ray films and a game on Steam. That's around £50 I literally didn't have. God, roll on payday...
  • edited December 2011
    Double-post, sorry.


    Stop having great deals, people! I can't sodding afford it!
    Haha. I bought Alice the other week from thehut when it first dropped to £11. It's still sealed...

    I REALLY need to stop buying cheap games. They just pile up.
  • edited December 2011
    A bunch of games from, specifically: Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition, The Last Express, Return to Zork, Zork: Nemesis, Zork: Grand Inquisitor and Fallout Tactics
  • edited December 2011
    A bunch of games from, specifically: Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition, The Last Express, Return to Zork, Zork: Nemesis, Zork: Grand Inquisitor and Fallout Tactics
    All solid choices, except the ones that are mediocre!
  • edited December 2011
    All solid choices, except the ones that are mediocre!

    Then they're solidly mediocre!

  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    All solid choices, except the ones that are mediocre!

    Well your opinion on the Last Express is well knows, and I would guess that Fallout Tactics would fall into the mediocre category for you, as for the rest I'm not sure but regardless I'm happy with the purchases I've made, especially at the current prices. Could have bought twice as many games at GOG but managed to restrict myself to not spending more than $20 (which was about £13 I think).
  • edited December 2011
    The Humble Indie Bundle 4, new slippers, and a set of ramekins for a Christmas gift.
  • edited December 2011
    The Humble Indie Bundle 4, new slippers, and a set of ramekins for a Christmas gift.

    I heartily approve, Christmas is a time for new slippers and to dwell on the fond memories of the old ones. Then chuck em.
  • edited December 2011
    Psh. Slippers...

  • edited December 2011
    A lot of books. I'm the guy who always gives his family books for Christmas, Although I did help in a way for getting my father the newest version of Reason.
  • edited December 2011
    Psh. Slippers...


    Eff that noise, I got MOCCASINS!
  • edited December 2011
    Psh. Slippers...


    I herd u lyke mukluks
  • edited December 2011
    The next item I'm likely to purchase: a kitchen torch. Related to the ramekins. Can anyone guess what dessert my friend is going to be making this winter?
  • edited December 2011
    The next item I'm likely to purchase: a kitchen torch. Related to the ramekins. Can anyone guess what dessert my friend is going to be making this winter?

    Banana split?
  • edited December 2011
    The next item I'm likely to purchase: a kitchen torch. Related to the ramekins. Can anyone guess what dessert my friend is going to be making this winter?

    Oooh I do love a nice crème brûlée (Googled that just to get the accents right!)
  • edited December 2011
    You Googled for the accents on "crème brûlée" (copied and pasted from yours), but not to find out what ramekins are? Impressive.

    Yeah, I was going to get her the Lego Diagon Alley, but she's been talking about how she wants things for the new house she's trying to get, and she keeps bringing up how she'd like to make crème brûlée, so it seemed like a good gift. The ramekins are her Christmas present, and the kitchen torch is her birthday present three days later.
  • edited December 2011
    Are ramekins particularly obscure?
  • edited December 2011
    In my experience, most people won't know what they are unless either they watch a lot of Food Network or you call them "crème brûlée cups". They're one of those things that everyone knows what they are but nobody knows the name for them.
  • edited December 2011
    Are ramekins particularly obscure?

    We call them 'wee bowls'.
  • edited December 2011
    Ah, that makes sense.

    EDIT: I was referring to Guru's post, but yes, they do look like tiny bowls. =P
  • edited December 2011
    In my experience, most people won't know what they are unless either they watch a lot of Food Network or you call them "crème brûlée cups". They're one of those things that everyone knows what they are but nobody knows the name for them.

    I knew the name of them but didn't know they were used for crème brûlée. I use them to make little pumpkin custard things or as bowls for Ice Cream.
  • edited December 2011
    You Googled for the accents on "crème brûlée" (copied and pasted from yours), but not to find out what ramekins are? Impressive.

    Yeah, I was going to get her the Lego Diagon Alley, but she's been talking about how she wants things for the new house she's trying to get, and she keeps bringing up how she'd like to make crème brûlée, so it seemed like a good gift. The ramekins are her Christmas present, and the kitchen torch is her birthday present three days later.

    Heh, try having a little brother who's birthday is Christmas Day! XD

    We have to do loads of shopping for him!
    Though, he's much easier to shop for. He literally makes a list of what he wants.
    So I got him 2 3DS games. Ridge Racer 3D, and Sonic Generations
    eh, at least I can play them too once he gets bored and vice versa.

    (Hopefully we'll build up a nice library between us)

    Did an exchange today if that counts.
    Managed to go back to the store to switch the red 3DS we already got him for a blue one. (He REALLY wants a blue one. The sneaky git saw the red one, and has been dropping very unsubtle hints that he'd rather prefer it in blue. GAH! Such a pain... :/)
  • edited December 2011
    Currently buying The Effigy Mound and Age of S&M.
  • edited December 2011
    Heh, try having a little brother who's birthday is Christmas Day! XD
    Try BEING a BIG brother WHOSE birthday is two days BEFORE Christmas Day!
  • edited December 2011
    Try BEING a BIG brother WHOSE birthday is two days BEFORE Christmas Day!

    That's odd, you have the same birthday as my mom.
  • edited December 2011
    You Googled for the accents on "crème brûlée" (copied and pasted from yours), but not to find out what ramekins are? Impressive.

    Well my parents used to own a restaurant (and I worked there briefly) so I have some knowledge of stuff like that. Plus I own some ramekins myself. Also, my mother makes a good crème brûlée.

    Also, I feel a bit better with my brother's birthday being a massive 9 days before Christmas after reading the last few posts.
  • edited December 2011
    Try BEING a BIG brother WHOSE birthday is two days BEFORE Christmas Day!

    Try being a middle child whos birthday is two days after Christmas and shares it with his aunt... s'alright.
  • edited December 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Try being a middle child whos birthday is two days after Christmas and shares it with his aunt... s'alright.
    I share MY birthday with an aunt!

    ...can't trump being a middle child, though.
  • edited December 2011
    I share MY birthday with an aunt!

    ...can't trump being a middle child, though.

    I'm a middle child. Also, have you ever been so annoyed by an avatar that you create an AdBlock instance just for that one avatar? I did and I won't tell anyone who it was for fear I'd get banned. Fuck it, you can Skype it out of me.
  • edited December 2011
    I share MY birthday with an aunt!

    ...can't trump being a middle child, though.

    That's odd as sin, you're like the bizzarro transatlantic me.
    I'm a middle child. Also, have you ever been so annoyed by an avatar that you create an AdBlock instance just for that one avatar? I did and I won't tell anyone who it was for fear I'd get banned. Fuck it, you can Skype it out of me.

    And you just have the same name as my brother, christian and surname. What's next? Jake Rodkin was everyones father and we all grew up at the same orphanage but somehow we all forgot?
  • edited December 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    And you just have the same name as my brother, christian and surname. What's next? Jake Rodkin was everyones father and we all grew up at the same orphanage but forgot?

    That's a lot more likely than a lot of the gubbins I've seen occur around this forum. For example, my once infamously long signature has been truncated. BEHOLD IT!
  • edited December 2011
    Limbo on Steam. Knowing my luck, it'll end up in an Indie Bundle before long, but meh. I've spent more on less.

    Also, will people stop letting me have the highest bid for a day on eBay only to appear out of nowhere and outbid me 30 seconds before I win it? It's happened twice now and it does nothing but piss me the fuck off. I do have a limit to what I'll pay, people! Stop leaving it to the last second to find out what it is! Gah!
  • edited December 2011
    Limbo on Steam. Knowing my luck, it'll end up in an Indie Bundle before long, but meh. I've spent more on less.

    Also, will people stop letting me have the highest bid for a day on eBay only to appear out of nowhere and outbid me 30 seconds before I win it? It's happened twice now and it does nothing but piss me the fuck off. I do have a limit to what I'll pay, people! Stop leaving it to the last second to find out what it is! Gah!

    Heh. You just don't seem to have much strategy.

    My advice dude. Never bid on an item till the last 30 or so seconds.
    (Unless you can't watch it to the end, then you may get lucky)

    Just add it to the watch list, and watch it when it gets near the end.

    You have to be a shark on ebay. And don't be afraid to haggle on a buy it now.
    (though most of the time, people just have unrealistic expectations on the value of the stuff they sell...)

    Its either that, or do a buffer bid at the last minuite or so.
    Anticipate what your opponents will bid, and bid a few moves ahead.
    (I've gotten some good stuff that way, countering those last seconders! XD)
  • edited December 2011
    Ah, but if I try that, the price always goes above my limit. I just can't win either way!
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