The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited June 2012
  • edited June 2012
    Oh, do let us know whether it's worth it or not (general consensus is 'not at that price').

    Last bought a newspaper for me and some Rich Tea biscuits for my mother, who's got a migraine.
  • edited June 2012
    Minecraft (Xbox 360)

    Its... excellent.
    Great fun with friends co-op! :D
    Only thing is, the nether portals keep messing up for me, causing a full crash everytime I go in one now.
    (Best friend attacked pig men for lols, tried to reset their behaviour by setting to peaceful then back to normal, but now the portals crash now...)

    Waiting eagerly for next update. Hoping it will fix this so I can work on my teleportation system! :D
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2012
    Impulse buy... still not sure whether this is weird or awesome.

    Attachment not found.

    Either way, I now have a tree in my living room (it was a bastard to carry home). I'm thinking of maybe painting it with a muted green undercoat, then doing antique bronze crackle paint over the top.

    Even if I totally screw it up, it was only $25. Kind of a bargain little project.
  • edited June 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Impulse buy... still not sure whether this is weird or awesome.

    Attachment not found.

    Either way, I now have a tree in my living room (it was a bastard to carry home). I'm thinking of maybe painting it with a muted green undercoat, then doing antique bronze crackle paint over the top.

    Even if I totally screw it up, it was only $25. Kind of a bargain little project.

    Be sure to put up pics when it's all done!
  • edited June 2012

  • edited June 2012
    £45 worth of tools. I own ALL the screwdrivers now!
  • edited June 2012
    JedExodus wrote: »
    £45 worth of tools. I own ALL the screwdrivers now!

    So if someone says screw you, you can say no thanks I have them all!
  • edited June 2012
    An engagement ring.
  • A Ruger Bearcat single-action revolver. Eager to use it, too!
  • edited June 2012
    An engagement ring.

    Best of luck to you.
  • edited June 2012
    An engagement ring.

    Oh shit! Good luck Fawful! BEST LUCK FAWFUL.
  • edited June 2012
    An engagement ring.

    Woo! Go Fawful!

    Just double check to make sure there's no voodoo curses on it. I've heard that accidentally turning your soon-to-be fiance into a solid gold statue tends to be a less than desirable move.
  • edited June 2012
    Exciting!! You're a braver man than i'll ever be Fawful. Do you know yet how you're gonna pop the question?
  • edited June 2012
    Just double check to make sure there's no voodoo curses on it. I've heard that accidentally turning your soon-to-be fiance into a solid gold statue tends to be a less than desirable move.

    Yeah, never ends well.
  • edited June 2012
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Exciting!! You're a braver man than i'll ever be Fawful. Do you know yet how you're gonna pop the question?

    No, but she'll probably say yes. She picked out the ring.
  • edited June 2012
  • edited June 2012
    No, but she'll probably say yes. She picked out the ring.
    What? But... that's like you seeing her in her dress before the wedding! YOU DON'T DO THAT!

    Kudos though. Best wishes and all that.

    Last bought some rolls, some Chipsticks and some Frazzles. Then I put the Chipsticks and Frazzles inside the rolls and ate them. BEST. LUNCH. EVER.
  • edited June 2012
    What? But... that's like you seeing her in her dress before the wedding! YOU DON'T DO THAT!

    I had her pick out the ring also.

    My wife and I went to a jewelry store in town, and she made a decision about what kind of ring she was looking for. It was a good thing for her too, because she originally said she only wanted a solitaire diamond engagement ring with a plain wedding ring, but when we went to the store, she decided she did want a wedding ring with a row of diamonds in it rather than just plain.

    She didn't, however, know how much it cost.

    My wedding ring has a hammered look with no diamonds. Guys don't need diamonds.
  • edited June 2012
    Throwing my hat in the ring, here. Comrade Mortis and I are going shopping for our wedding rings together, when we can. So there's that.
  • edited June 2012
    Man, you gals take all the mystery out of it.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah, but tradition often causes disappointment on all sides in cases like these. I want my girl to have what she wants.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah, but tradition often causes disappointment on all sides in cases like these. I want my girl to have what she wants.


    Only one thing left to ask you now!

    Is your body ready?
  • edited June 2012

    Only one thing left to ask you now!

    Is your body ready?

  • edited June 2012
  • edited June 2012
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Best of luck to you.

    Don't give me that bullshit. It's thanks to you Dashing won't talk to me anymore. And you wish me luck. Hah!
  • edited June 2012
    He and I had gone out to the town all day seeing sights and whatnot. When we got back, we talked about feelings and personal things. By the time the hangout came around, He was both physically and mentally tired. The hangout came up and I asked if he wanted to be a part of it. He told me that he wanted to try to rest, which was reasonable, but he didn't mind if I had joined without him.

    So as far as I knew, he was asleep so I didn't really want to wake him. Then literally less than a minute into the call you tell me to strangle him with cling wrap. Joke or not, the subject of death, especially then and there was not exactly tasteful and you know this. I asked you to stop. You continued anyways so I did what I do when someone keeps doing something I don't like. I got out. Call me a coward or a killjoy, I just don't really like being in situations that make me feel uncomfortable or unhappy.

    I look over and I realize that he was awake the entire time. You kept trying to message me after that to continue to "troll". I just wanted to you to back off but you wouldn't do that. I got a bit abrasive, yes, and I apologize for that. I was emotionally on edge but I shouldn't have taken that out on you.

    Eventually I stopped paying attention to the chat window partially because I didn't really want a part of it anymore but mainly to make sure everything was okay outside of the computer.

    I'm sorry that he isn't talking to you, but I hardly see why it's my fault. Had you known he was there, would you have said the same thing to him? Would it still be my fault? When does it stop being my fault?

    If you want to put blame on me, I suppose there really nothing I can do about it. However, I legitimately wish you the best of luck on your brave endeavors. I do hope for a long and happy life for you two.
  • edited June 2012
    I don't troll. You NEVER asked me to stop. You just left without expressing one thing. As far as him not talking to me being your fault, it's your fault because you expressly did everything you could to convince him that I want him dead. Over a stupid joke. Like it or not, you have no sense of humor. Since when is it weird for me to make psychotic jokes or express psychotic humor? SINCE WHEN? But no, you had to take it as "I want him dead. I want you to actually kill him."

    Yes. Yes I would have made the same joke had he been listening. I would have made the same joke had you been there or not. I'm sick of you and your bullshit, and I'm sick of you playing the victim all the time. And above all, I'm sick of people who have nothing to say to me but what a shit I am. From this day forth, as long as you're on this forum, I won't be.

    Oh, and on a last note: Who's to say I'll stop making inappropriately psychotic jokes someday, or change and be less offensive and less mean-spirited or harsh. But as soon as you said "Fuck you." you forfeited any right to ever know about it.
  • edited June 2012
    As far as him not talking to me being your fault, it's your fault because you expressly did everything you could to convince him that I want him dead.

    Actually, I did the opposite of that. I tried convincing him that you didn't and it was all a joke. An unfunny joke, but a joke nonetheless. I'm not sure how you're getting this idea that I created this conspiracy to keep him away from you. According to him, he hasn't talked to you because you haven't tried to talk to him.

    As for asking you to stop, I did ask. Specifically: "No! Stop! Just stop." With a response of: "Oh come on, just a little bit? All you gotta do is just wrap it tight around his head."

    When I quit, the first thing you messaged me wasn't: "Oh hey, it was just a joke." It was: "lol u mad?" So if it wasn't trolling, it sure seemed like it. I apologize for believing it as such.

    It's honestly a shame because I've always liked you. With that, you're free to hate me as much as you'd like. And if me being around this forum makes you not want to be here, then I'll step off. You're free to be here and I'll go. It's your call.
  • edited June 2012
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Actually, I did the opposite of that. I tried convincing him that you didn't and it was all a joke. An unfunny joke, but a joke nonetheless. I'm not sure how you're getting this idea that I created this conspiracy to keep him away from you. According to him, he hasn't talked to you because you haven't tried to talk to him.

    As for asking you to stop, I did ask. Specifically: "No! Stop! Just stop." With a response of: "Oh come on, just a little bit? All you gotta do is just wrap it tight around his head."

    When I quit, the first thing you messaged me wasn't: "Oh hey, it was just a joke." It was: "lol u mad?" So if it wasn't trolling, it sure seemed like it. I apologize for believing it as such.

    It's honestly a shame because I've always liked you. With that, you're free to hate me as much as you'd like. And if me being around this forum makes you not want to be here, then I'll step off. You're free to be here and I'll go. It's your call.
    The conversation went specifically as such.

    You: Dashing is sleeping right now actually.
    Me: You should put a bag on his head.
    You: Why?
    Me: Because he'd breathe like a fish out of water and it'd look funny.
    You: [drop]
    Me (messaging): You mad bro?
    You: Fuck you. You don't tell me to kill my best friend.

    Yeah, unfunny, but don't add in shit that wasn't there. Also, people don't die from having a bag on their head. I put a bag on my own head in a hangout once and pretended I was dead. I do this sort of thing all the time. I don't expect people to laugh at it, I do it because I'm nuts and I have no filter to prevent me from doing what comes to my head. Icedhope was there- I'm pretty sure he can vouch you just left and what you put didn't occur. He doesn't lie. If he remembers what you do, then I'm at fault. I'm not posting this to convince you- I'm just unable to not correct you. I don't expect to ever be able to defend myself because it was a joke in poor taste and this isn't the first time you've just outright blown up at me. And as far as talking to Dashing, he'll never ever ever believe me. Ever. Because he never believed I was his friend. Ever. If he did, he wouldn't have believed I was serious and wanted him dead. He never believed I was his friend. I'm just a little shit to him to pass the time. And at the first offensive thing I say, he drops me like everyone else does after they decide I'm a piece of shit. I don't care about making up anymore. I've blown just another good thing, and all that matters to me is retaining a shred of dignity and keeping myself as far away from you and others who hate me as possible.

    Don't try to lie to me and say you tried to convince him I didn't want him dead when you even believed it yourself. I dunno, in the end logically it's my fault for being me. I'm just not going to be me around you anymore.
  • edited June 2012
    As serious as all this sounds, surely there must be a better place for it than a public forum?
  • edited June 2012
    Great. I managed to screw up again. Thanks for pointing out another Fawful blunder. Want a cookie? Want a prize? You get to be ultra-popular with everyone now.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey Fawful.

  • edited June 2012
    Not to be rude, but...


    Anyway, I bought Chinese food!

    That being said, I hope you all work this out. Each of you are pretty fun to talk to and I hate it when swirling vortexes of hate and misery divide my friends.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey Fawful.


    You win. I'll calm down and back off now.
  • edited June 2012
    You win. I'll calm down and back off now.
    I don't know how I can avoid someone who doesn't say Hi.

    Did I miss something?

    I'm sorry if I did. I've been on vacation for a week and a half. Right now, I'm in my Uncle's basement on an inflatable mattress. His daughter(and, obviously, my cousin) got married today. I'm in Baltimore until my flight leaves at 6 PM EST tomorrow, after which I think I'll have a bit of a travel break.

    To be ENTIRELY FAIR, no I didn't actively initiate conversation with you because I thought I was being a horrible BURDEN. It's entirely possible my emotional reaction was by all rational measures unreasonable, but I still think "not initiating conversation" and "avoiding conversation" are different things, and if you need to talk to me about something you can just say Hi.

    Also, I bought a book.

  • edited June 2012
    I'm going to completely ignore everything above and instead tell you that I bought this:


    ...thus completing my Assassin's Creed collection (well, except the PSP games. And the comic, I guess. And the book of the first game... OK fine, I guess my collection has a ways to go).
  • edited June 2012
    I bought a small chunk of amethyst. It has no meaning except for what meaning I've (mostly) arbitrarily chosen to attach to it.
  • edited June 2012
    I'm going to completely ignore everything above and instead tell you that I bought this:


    I smell a review coming.
  • edited June 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I smell a review coming.
    No, I just REALLY like the Assassin's Creed series and I saw the DVD going cheap. Not everything I buy is review fodder, my little German friend.

    I am overdue a review though. Hmm. I'll have to get on that.

    Last bought: some fake moustaches. I may or may not use them in a video. Am still undecided.
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