Poker Night at the Inventory (some sort of crossover game?..)



  • edited August 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I agree with everyone else that it's probably a card game. I can't see Strong Bad or especially Max playing it right, though.

    There's so much humor to be gained from this.

    MAX: "Is this the part where I break someone's spine with a crowbar? I'm kind of new to this."
    STRONG BAD: "I hope you're ready for the Naked Flamethrower Sudden Death Explosion Round I read about. The Internet never lies, man."
  • edited August 2010
    Because people *ahem* like *ahem* them so much, here are more excerpts:

    Tycho: So, Exactly Who are you?
    Heavy: I am Heavy Weapons Guy. But my teammates call me Heavy.
    Tycho: They got that right.

    Strong Bad: So, Max, what's your favorite game?
    Max: I like the one where I pick up random pedestrians and drive recklessly through the city and drop them off at God knows where.
    Strong Bad: You mean Taxi Driver? That's a cool video game, man!
    Max: Whoa, who said anything about video games?

    Tycho: Don't you ever put on clothes, Max?
    Max: I'm a wild animal. I'm supposed to be naked. It's expected of me.
    Tycho: Is that a no?
    Max: Not really.

    Heavy: Where does little bunny keep his gun?
    Max: That's none of your damn business. And don't call me a bunny!
    Heavy: Aw, he's so cute when he's mad.
    Max: Grrr...
  • edited August 2010
    Steve2000 wrote: »
    I am going on record as saying it is NOT Telltale Texas Holdem' 2. The only purpose to making the original texas holdem game was to test out the Telltale Tool. It was basically a demo of the technology they were planning on using for Bone and eventually all their adventure games.

    It's probably a "Portal was a test bed. Portal 2 is a game" situation. It can happen.
  • edited August 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    It's probably a "Portal was a test bed. Portal 2 is a game" situation. It can happen.

    Except that Portal was CRAZY popular and sold a gazillion copies. Some people bought the Orange Box just for Portal. Telltale Texas Holdem was... not quite as popular.

    But I see your point. It is a possibility.
  • edited August 2010
    Steve2000 wrote: »
    Except that Portal was CRAZY popular and sold a gazillion copies. Some people bought the Orange Box just for Portal. Telltale Texas Holdem was... not quite as popular.

    But I see your point. It is a possibility.

    Also, Valve was ultra famous when they made portal, and Telltale was just born when TTTH'E was made.
  • edited August 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Also, Valve was ultra famous when they made portal, and Telltale was just born when TTTH'E was made.

    And, if my memory works correctly (Maybe I have to double check) I read somewhere the original Texas Holdem was done for make an exercise with their tool and not for sell it. Then someone told them, they should sell it. And they did!
  • edited August 2010
    So Max is in it WITHOUT his pal Sam? How could you? They can't really survive that long without another...maybe Sam gets a cameo as bartender?
  • edited August 2010
    MarkoH01 wrote: »
    So Max is in it WITHOUT his pal Sam? How could you? They can't really survive that long without another...maybe Sam gets a cameo as bartender?

    I think Sam will be in it as well. They just wanted to put four different franchises in this teaser.
  • edited August 2010
    I was just thinking of opening cutscenes for the diffrent characters:

    Sam and Max are relaxing in the office (I.e. trying to shoot a fly) when...
    I got it! I got it!
    (Sam shoves max out the window)
    Sam: Yeah? Uh'uh? Maybe? It's for you Max.
    (Sam hands the phone to Max who's hanging out the window.)
    Max: Yes? Right... With a flamethrower... I'm there.
    Sam: Who was it? The Comisioner?
    Max: Better. I've been invited to an interdimensional poker tournemt!
    Sam: Why? You don't have any money.
    Max: I don't but there's all that gold in fort knox just going to waste.
    Sam: Gambling our nations financial security on games of chance, the greatest American tradition!
  • edited August 2010
    Tycho's Opening
    (Phone Rings)
    Gabe: Hello? Tycho, dude, it's for you.
    Tycho: Yes? Yes? Yes? Hell No! Oh, alright. (he hangs up)
    Gabe: Who was it?
    Tycho: Some dude invited me to a poker tournament.
    Gabe: Who's playing?
    Tycho: A sociopathic rabbit, a Russian Soldier, and some kind of wrestleman.
    Gabe: All right, have fun. You poor bastard.
    Tycho: What?
    Gabe: Nothing.
  • edited August 2010
    Engineer: We just recived order that one of us has to attend a Texas hold 'em poker tornement.
    Scout: How 'bout Spy. He plays cards.
    Spy: Non! I play Baccharach, not your stupid "Look at me maintain a straight face for 5 hours" game.
    Scout: How about the Pyro. He/she/it has an incredible poker face.
    Engineer: Don't you remember what happened the last time we tried "Go Fish" with him?
    Scout: Oh yeah... got it mixed up with an ouigi board and somehow managed to channel the spirit of Thomas Jefferson.
    Engineer: The rest of that night is something that still haunts my dreams.
    (Heavy enters)
    Heavy: What are you talking about?
    Engineer: Poker tornument.
    Heavy: Will there be sandviches?
    Scout: I guess...
    Heavy: COUNT ME IN!
  • edited August 2010
    Strong Bad: Hello? Yes? Okay, Count me in.
    Strong Sad: Who was it?
    Strong Bad: Some idiot invited me to a poker tournament.
    Strong Sad: Are you going?
    Strong Bad: I don't know. What else is there to do?
    Strong Sad: I could read you some of the poetry I've written.
    Strong Bad: Okay, I'm going.
  • edited August 2010
    Now, I actually would be fine with a poker game, if the interactions are as funny as this thread expects.
  • edited August 2010
    Roosterteeth mentioned the game in this week's AHWU. My guess is that they didn't realise that it is just going to be a stupid poker game. Congrats on the coverage I suppose.
  • edited August 2010
    Now now, some people do like card games, believe it or not.
  • edited August 2010
    The upside of having a new poker game is that, due to the fact that they are computer controlled, they CAN'T READ MY, CAN'T READ MY, NO THEY CAN'T READ MY POKERFACE.
  • edited August 2010
    nodoctors wrote: »
    Hey now...A card game I'll actually be interested in.

  • edited August 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    The upside of having a new poker game is that, due to the fact that they are computer controlled, they CAN'T READ MY, CAN'T READ MY, NO THEY CAN'T READ MY POKERFACE.

  • edited August 2010
    Hey, at least I didn't quote Ke$ha.
  • edited August 2010
    I think they're throwing us for a loop. It's not going to be Telltale Texas Hold'Em 2, it's going to be Telltale Hearts!!
  • edited August 2010
    bobhobbit wrote: »
    I think they're throwing us for a loop. It's not going to be Telltale Texas Hold'Em 2, it's going to be Telltale Hearts!!

    You mean like Kingdom Hearts or just regular hearts?
  • edited August 2010
    This game will be amazing if someone asks Tycho "why he's so bald".
  • edited August 2010
    Moejoe122 wrote: »
    This game will be amazing if someone asks Tycho "why he's so bald".

    But he's not bald in the comic. At least I hope not.
  • edited August 2010
    But he's not bald in the comic. At least I hope not.

    is he
  • edited August 2010
    But he's not bald in the comic. At least I hope not.

    No, I was just talking about one of my favorite memes.
  • edited August 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    is he

  • edited August 2010
    I know this was talked about ages ago in the thread (like back when the page numbers where in single digits) but I'm relatively surprised that Guybrish isn't in that lineup. Maybe LucasArts made it too complicated for them... and by complicated I mean expensive.

    However without the game even being officially announced I suppose we can't jump to any definite conclusions, only that the star (or anyone) from Telltales most popular game to date isn't in the main lineup of their newly teased crossover game.
  • edited August 2010
    Hm, maybe the authors of those characters got together to make a new game together :o

    I hope it's a new Monkey Island though.
  • edited August 2010
    Maybe they're all defendants in an episodic courtroom drama series! Yeah, maybe not...
  • edited August 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    Maybe they're all defendants in an episodic courtroom drama series! Yeah, maybe not...

    A new Ace Attorney game starring an all-star cast.
  • edited September 2010
    I hope it's the story of how
    Max gets the help of three other awesome characters
    to reunite with Sam and old/new Max

    I'm really exited for a cross over, although I doubt it's an adventure (which would be crazy amazing), I'll be plennnty happy with a card game. It'll help subdue my lagomorph cravings, at least untill Sam and Max Season 4, of course. ;)

    I also would like a musical number pretty please.
  • edited September 2010
    Mooshiiii wrote: »
    I also would like a musical number pretty please.

    In a card game? That's kinda... awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    A new Ace Attorney game starring an all-star cast.

    And what? Sam will claim to be a defence attorney and then just uses his blue suit as "proof" (and since the justice system is so screwed up they believe him) and the silhouetted characters are some of his clients?... Wait I can't tell if that's stupid or awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    Mr Nutt wrote: »
    And what? Sam will claim to be a defence attorney and then just uses his blue suit as "proof" (and since the justice system is so screwed up they believe him) and the silhouetted characters are some of his clients?... Wait I can't tell if that's stupid or awesome.

    Starring Strong Bad as a prosecutor. The Heavy as the judge? And Tycho as his co-council! Then, they must defend various characters from the Telltale games and... and... yeah... it's probably not gonna happen but I still think it would be awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    If it's a card game I will be dissapointed.
  • edited September 2010
    If it's a card game I will be dissapointed.

    if most of us are right, prepare to be dissapointed then.
  • edited September 2010
    Ok, it's September 2nd. Tell me what game this is, I have waited long enough!
  • edited September 2010
    You've waited what, four days since the teaser was shown?

    It's 4pm on the 1st of September in Telltaleland so you have a little while longer to wait yet.
  • edited September 2010
    i thought PAX ended. how are they announcing this at PAX?
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